Palmer and Colton Chapters 1-10

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The ancient Greek known as the father of history. His accounts of the wars between the Greeks and Persians are the first known examples of historical writing (425-485 BC)

Julius II

r(1503-1513) Pope - very militaristic. Tore down the old Saint Peter's Basilica and began work on the present structure in 1506. Sponsored Michaelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel. "Warrior Pope"


"Father of Humanism." studied classical Greek and Latin. introduced emotion in "Sonnets to Laura". He was an exile from Florence (July 20, 1304 - July 19, 1374)


In this year the French began crossing the Alps to increase their control on Italy, taking Milan and the Northern portions of Italy quite easily. With this action, Italy became a battleground for French and Spanish/Austrian (Habsburg) dominance in Europe

Petrine Supremacy

a doctrine based on the belief that the bishops of Rome occupied a preeminent position in the Church, was grounnded in Scripture


The Church's policy where all the income a bishop received in his first year went directly to Rome.

Alexander VI

Corrupted Pope and father of Cesare Borgia and Lucrezia Borgia (1431-1503)


Published 17 volumes of geography which was by far the most voluminous to date. He is the father of geography


(1313-1375) Poet who wrote the Decameron which tells about ambitious merchants, portrays a sensual, and worldly society.

Lorenzo Valla

(1406-1457) This man was the author of On Pleasure, and On the False Donation of Constantine, which challenged the authority of the papacy. Father of modern historical criticism through the study of language (mainly Latin) and ancient texts


(1466?-1536) Dutch Humanist and friend of Sir Thomas More. Perhaps the most intellectual man in Europe and widely respected. Believed the problems in the Catholic Church could be fixed; did not suport the idea of a Reformation. Wrote Praise of Folly, Handbook of a Christian Knight, and On Civility in Children. although his criticisms of the Church led to the Reformation, he opposed violence and condemned Martin Luther (1466-1536)


(Roman Catholic Church) the policy that the absolute authority of the church should be vested in the pope

Leonardo Bruni

1. First to use the term "humanism" 2. Among the most important of the civic humanists 3. Served as a chancellor in Florence 4. Wrote a history of Florence, perhaps the first modern history, and wrote a narrative using primary source 5. He pioneered the concept that authentic sources were necessary in research He also documents and the division of historical periods. He wrote "New Cicero" which has the idea that humanists believe that their studies of humanism should be put to the service of the state. (c. 1370 - March 9, 1444)

Concordat of Bologna

1516 - Treaty under which the French Crown recognized the supremacy of the pope over a council, but the King of France obtained the right to appoint all French bishops and abbots. This is the main reason that France had no united interest for the reformation- they already ruled the church


A government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class or nobility. It was employed in some Greek city-states

Despotism (similar to Tyranny)

A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.). It was employed in some Greek city-states

Benvenuto Cellini

A goldsmith and sculptor who wrote an autobiography, famous for its arrogance and immodest self-praise (3 November 1500 - 13 February 1571)


A philosophical and theological system, associated with Thomas Aquinas, devised to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy and Roman Catholic theology in the thirteenth century.


A political system governed by a few people. It was employed in some Greek city-states


A political system in which nobles (Lords) are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land. The serfs then work the Lords' lands in an agreement that was very similar to the one between the Lords and the King. It developed in the late 8th century, died out in Western Europe during the 14th and 15th centuries, but remained in a few East European regions well into the 18th century


A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. Founded in Athens Greece


A rambunctious Dominican, hawked indulgences in Germany for the building of St. Peter's with the slogan "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs." Luther was appalled, and at this site he began his crusade against anything int he Catholic church that could not be found in the bible

Natural Law

A rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society. This was the system by which law was conducted in the Roman empire due to the differing in customs between many people, especially merchants. The Romans mainly drew this from Greek philosophy, but their rulings always favoured the state or the majority. This connected the cultures of the Roman Empire on a fundamental judicial level

Three Field System

A system of farming developed in medieval Europe, in which farm land was divided into three fields of equal size and each of these was successively planted with a winter crop, planted with a spring crop, and left unplanted. This, along with the Horse Collar and the heavy plow, revolutionized agriculture during the 11th century in Europe and effectively killed any slavery that had remained from capturing invading barbarians


Alexandrian astronomer who proposed a geocentric system of astronomy that was undisputed until Copernicus. He lived 2nd century AD

Christine de Pisan

An educated, privelaged, humanistic woman who wrote poetry and "The Treasure of the City of Ladies."


Arabian philosopher born in Spain. wrote detailed commentaries on Aristotle that were admired by European schoolmen (1126-1198)

Sic et Non

Assembled by Anselm, the Archbishop of Canterbury, this Latin work was a collections of statements made by the founders of the Roman Catholic Church, especially St. Augustine, that showed where the truth of Christian doctrine lay so that people could have reason behind the practices of the Church

Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges

Charles VII asserted French control over papacy and appointment of French bishops, depriving Pope of French money. Affirmed special rights of French church, consolidated French authority.


Economic alliance of trading cities and their guilds that dominated trade along the coast of Northern Europe in the later Middle Ages. It stretched from the Baltic to the North Sea and inland during the Late Middle Ages and early modern period (13th-17th centuries). Copies of this system were not done in other parts of Europe because only in the Baltic and Germanic regions were states small enough to encourage such unions. France, England, Holland, and the like thought that they would replace the emerging nations, and Italy fought with itself and France too much to unite as such

Wat Tyler's Rebellion

England faced this large scale uprising in 1381. Spokesman for theses movements asked "Why some should be rich and others poor." Government and the upper classes replied to this menace with ferocious repression. The peasants returned to their usual labors.


Followers of John Wycliffe, they were suppressed in England under Henry V. They followed an idea that the extravagances of the church were not necessary for salvation. In fact, Wycliffe thought that salvation may just be found through the Bible, which he translated into English. Wycliffe was deemed an heretic

Joan of Arc

French heroine and military leader inspired by religious visions to organize French resistance to the English and to have Charles VII crowned king. She was later tried for heresy and burned at the stake (1412-1431)


German house, a family banking institution, that paid correspondents in distant locations to report news back along commercial routes and even across the battle when necessary. They essentially owned many of the smaller nations-states in Germany


German painter of religious works (1465-1524). He was commissioned by Henry VIII to provide portraits of the English king's prospective brides (1497-1543)


Greek anatomist whose theories formed the basis of European medicine until the Renaissance (circa 130-200)

Pope Nicholas II

In 1059 this Pope declared popes would only be chosen by cardinals. This practice is still in use, although Cardinals have been swayed by outside influence many times since then

The Teutonic Order

In 1230, following the Golden Bull of Rimini, Grand Master Hermann von Salza and Duke Konrad I of Masovia launched the Prussian Crusade, a joint invasion of Prussia intended to Christianise the Baltic Old Prussians. The Order then created the independent Monastic State in the conquered territory, and subsequently conquered Livonia. The Kings of Poland accused the Order of holding lands rightfully theirs. The Order lost its main purpose in Europe with the Christianisation of Lithuania. The Order became involved in campaigns against its Christian neighbours, the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Novgorod Republic (after assimilating the Livonian Order). The Order had a strong economic base, hired mercenaries from throughout Europe to augment their feudal levies, and became a naval power in the Baltic Sea. In 1410, a Polish-Lithuanian army decisively defeated the Order and broke its military power at the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg). The Crusade by this Order, once completed, would control all of the Baltic, including what would become the very powerful state of Prussia

Council of Pisa

In 1408, a council with bishops representing both popes met and elected a new Pope hoping to end the Schism, deposing both of the popes they represented. Neither former pope, however, would accept this new rival. Thus, the problem was not solved and now three Popes claimed legitimacy

Holy Roman Empire

In 962 this Empire was proclaimed in Germany, eventually taking hold of parts of Italy. The Emperor was an elected position intended to spread Latin Christendom, but the empire was never recognized by the other major countries of Europe as religiously mightier, and the Emperor tried to control the Pope as the ever more corrupted Church as he grew in power


In medieval Europe, an association of men (rarely women), such as merchants, artisans, or professors, who worked in a particular trade and banded together to promote their economic and political interests, like setting prices. It usually promoted masters to take in apprentices that would become journeymen. By the end of their lives, journeymen would finally become masters. This system eventually was corrupted because masters refused to increase the number of masters with the population growth, so the industry slowly evolved outside of this originally universal society

Cesare Borgia

Italian cardinal and military leader. He was the Florentine model of Machiavelli's "Prince"


Italian religious and political reformer. a Dominican friar in Florence who preached against sin and corruption and gained a large following; he expelled the Medici from Florence but was later excommunicated and executed for criticizing the Pope (1452-1498)

Richard II

King of England from 1377 to 1399. He suppressed the Peasant's Revolt in 1381 but his reign was marked by popular discontent and baronial opposition in Parliament and he was forced to abdicate in 1399 (1367-1400) indicating the power of Parliament at the end of the 14th century, but also the divisions in England

Hugh Capet

King of France elected in 987, founding the Capetian dynasty. He was elected to be king by the great Lords of France. Eventually this position, which held no power of the Lords, began to gain in influence. In France this took over 200 years. The Germans did the same in 911, but their king in 961 was crowned Emperor, founding the HRE

Coluccio Salutati

Leader of a group of humanists who began to collect ancient manuscripts and form libraries, so as to make accessible virtually all the surviving writings of Classical Latin Authors. Invited many Byzantine Scholars to Florence, and these scholars brought hundreds of manuscripts. He began being the Chancellor of Florence in 1375

Pope Urban II

Leader of the Roman Catholic Church who asked European Christians to take up arms against Muslims, starting the Crusades


Massive insurrections of peasants. France, the first and largest occurring in 1358 but many occurred through the 14th century. Rebellion of workers against price and wage controls imposed by govt. in wake of Black Death and labor shortages. "Jacque" was the somewhat derogatory term used to describe the French peasant.


Military brokers that provided mercenary armies to Italian despots. The Solders that came from these brokers were referred to by this name as well


Muslims in Spain who had converted to Christianity - 1501. Their conversion was often questioned. They were persecuted and often came before the Inquisition. Finally, Moriscos were expelled from Spain in 1609, wounding the economy of Spain.


Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543)

Star Chamber

Reign of Henry VII 1485-1509 used this royal council as a new court to deal with property disputes and infractions of the public peace. Operated without a jury. Popular at first - restored law and order - later denounced as an instrument of despotism.

The Valois

Ruled France for 250 years and played a crucial role in establishment as Major Europeon Power


Selling of forgiveness by the Catholic Church. It was common practice when the church needed to raise money, especially for the new Basilica of St. Peter's in Rome. The practice was widely opposed by those who found corruption in the Church and helped lead to the Reformation.


Spanish Jews who converted to Christianity rather than be expelled(1492). Their conversion was often questioned and they were tested-forced to eat pork, etc. They were often persecuted by Inquisition after the Jews who would not convert were expelled with the Muslims in 1492

Wars of the Roses

Struggle for the English throne (1450-1485) between the house of York (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose) ending with the accession of the Tudor monarch Henry VII


System in which the temporal ruler extends his own power to ecclesiastical and theological matters. Such emperors appointed bishops and the Eastern Patriarch, directed the development of liturgical practices, and even aided the recruitment of monks. The kings of the west were too numerous and the single pope too different from their culture for this to appear in the west as it had in the east, and in the Arab world it was law

Estates General, Cortes, and Diet

The "parliaments" of France, Spain, and Germany (in order) that were founded during the 13th century. Only in France (and Scandinavia) did the peasants have representation. Originally in England, only the great Lords were represented (by themselves)


The effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100s until 1492. It included conquering Portugal, Leon, Castile, Aragon, and Valencia by 1250, leaving much more powerful and better fortified Granada for 1492


The location of the castle in the high mountains of northern Italy where Emperor Henry IV of the HRE stood barefoot and dressed as a pilgrim for three days in the bitter cold waiting for Pope Gregory VII to revoke his excommunication

Babylonian Captivity

The period when all popes were French and resided in Avignon, France, starting with Clement V. This angered Italians and led to the Great Schism and two Popes both claiming to hold the keys of Peter. In this divide, the Papacy lost its overwhelming power-never to really regain it


The selling of Church offices


The striving for excellence and being a virtuous person. Humanistic aspect of Renaissance. Root of the word comes from a latin word meaning man

Finnish, Hungarian, and Basque

These three languages are the only modern languages to not be derived from the ancient Indo-European language. The latter actually survived every single invasion of Europe, the only one to have done so (the other two came in later invasions after written history had begun)


These were the followers of John Hus, critized the pope and the Catholic Church. He was invited to the Council of Constance where he was burned at the stake, which Martin Luther later condemned as proof of the corrupt of the Church. This group was very much a religious cause against the church much like the followers of John Wycliffe, but Hus focused more on social issues like the suppression of the Serbs and Czechs by the Germans in the HRE and Austria

Pope Gregory VII

This Pope fought lay investiture by issuing a decree forbidding high-ranking clerics from receiving their investiture from laymen. His philosophical goal was to separate the church and the rest of the world. Therefore, all marriages, or any sexual affairs, by clergy must end


This culture had a very strong sense of community and kinship. Almost all men that were of age to bear arms were self-represented in the very small tribes that worked as sovereign beings during the dark ages. The only laws were the inflexible customs of the individual tribe. There was not a "state". Everyone was self sufficient or died

Magna Carta

This document (truly not that uncommon for its day), signed by King John of Endland in 1215, is the cornerstone of English justice and law. It declared that the king and government were bound by the same laws as other citizens of England. It contained concept by which the ideas of due process and the right to a fair and speedy trial were forced which are included in the protection offered by the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Classical Virtues

This is the fundamental idea behind all Greek ideals, and would shape much of the western world, especially Christianity. They believed in the golden mean: all things can be good in moderation. Order was critical, exemplified in their architecture


This man became The Philosopher: the one to whom all was to be referred to outside of religion once his writings were rediscovered by European from the Arabs

Pope Innocent III

This man was the Pope from 1198 to 1216 and led the papacy to its height of its power. He was a skilled diplomat and a great political leader. He believed that emperors and kings were servant of the church. He dominated almost all of Europe

Book of the Courtier

This was a book written by Castiglione in 1528. In it, he epitomized the main ideas of Italian humanism. It said a successful man was one who could integrate knowledge of ancient languages and history w/ athletic, musical, and military skillz, all while being polite and exhibiting a high moral character. It created an idea that only "civilized" people have any merit or value in the world. Manners were vital. This book also laid out firmly the idea that men were meant to be strong and firm while women were supposed to be weak and delicate. While something to this degree was already observed in Renaissance Europe, this book made it much more concrete.

Law of Merchant

This was a concept developed by merchants in the late middle ages in order to free themselves from the law of Kings, who usually viewed them as money pits. With an independent idea of law, merchants would soon define their own regions and city-states.

Donation of Constantine

This was a fraudulent Roman imperial edict which was supposedly written by Emperor Constantine. In this edict, the Pope was given the power of civil authority. Later on during the Renaissance period, this edict was proven to be fabricated by Lorenzo Valla because the Latin language, which had changed from Rome to the Renaissance, used in the edict did not match the Latin of Constantine's time

Moveable Type

This was used for printing, and meant that individual letters and words could be moved around to create a page of type. It helped the spread of humanism over the Alps as it meant that printing was much easier, cheaper, and more efficient. It also led to the famous printing of vernacular Bibles in 1450 by Gutenberg.

City of God

Title of a book written by St. Augustine of Hippo, in 5th century A.D., prompted the barbarian sack of Rome. It stated that fortune of Rome does not depend on individual souls, but rather on the grace of God. It was crucial in preventing any more Caesars to rise again in Europe, completely separating the world of religion to heaven, stating that the world that composed of earth was to be secular. No God kings.

Roman Law

To increase their influence, the Kings on the continent began implementing this kind of philosophy in law which would weak and eventually destroy the concept of "common law". The king would be the only determiner of the laws of the country for the good of King

Cur Deus Homo?

Written by Anselm, the Archbishop of Canterbury, this Latin work gave a reasoned explanation to show why God had taken human from to save sinful human beings; Jesus

Summa Theologica

Written by Thomas Aquinas, it is one of the most notable scholastic works of the medieval period. In this work Aquinas' work founded Christian belief on Aristotelian principles.

The Prince

Written by machiavelli, described that power is more important, "better to be feared than loved". This was the first triste on politics not based in part on theology. It was very much more secular than the works of Thomas Aquinas or Marsigilio

Pico della Mirandola

Wrote On the Dignity of Man which stated that man was made in the image of God before the fall and as Christ after the Resurrection. Man is placed in-between beasts and the angels. He also believed that there is no limits to what man can accomplish. In 1486, at the age of 23, he claimed that he could sum all of human knowledge in 900 thesis


a book by Sir Thomas More (1516) describing the perfect society on an imaginary island

Albigensian Crusade

a crusade begun by Innocent III against the Cathar heresy in southern France that began around 1250


a medieval country in northern Europe that included regions now parts of northern France and Belgium and southwestern Netherlands. It emerged as northern Europe's Venice with its wealthy woolen manufacturers during the high middle ages


an alchemist of German legend who sold his soul to Mephistopheles (aka Satin) in exchange for knowledge


an Italian poet from Florence famous for writing the Divine Comedy that describes a journey through hell and purgatory and paradise guided by Virgil and his idealized Beatrice (1265-1321)

The Praise of Folly

an essay written in 1509 by Desiderius Erasmus; considered one of the most influential works of literature in Western civilization and one of the catalysts of the Protestant Reformation. Erasmus' most famous book; ridiculed ignorance, superstition, and vice among christians. It also exposed much of the corruption in the Roman Catholic Church


aristocratic Italian family of powerful merchants and bankers who ruled Florence in the 15th century. They gained power after Goivanni gained power as a Merchant and banker in Florence. His son Cosimo de' eventually took the unofficial rule of the city.

The Black Death

by 1348, this disease ravaged from Italy, Spain, and France to the rest of Europe; transmitted by fleas on rats; considered an epidemic; one in three people died; spread from Asia to middle east; people turned to witchcraft for cures; some beat themselves because they considered the disease God's punishment; Christians blamed Jews; production declined; higher wages and inflation were produced. Since the plague was erratic, nothing could be planned or expected with a great deal of accuracy. Trade and agriculture suffered tremendously

Corporate Liberties

liberties won by towns; rights owned by whole towns, not by individuals. Such rights included that no townsfolk would be serfs. Serfs that had been fugitives for a year were usually freed. However, liberties of free trade, especially for essential locally produced items like food, were almost never granted. No liberties were given that could harm commerce


literary work by Boccaccio which was composed of 100 vulgar tales told by three men and seven women in a country retreat from the plague that ravaged Florence in 1348; both a stringing social commentary (sexual/economic misconduct) and a sympathetic look at human behavior


the Roman Catholic doctrine that the whole substance of the bread and the wine changes into the substance of the body and blood of Christ when consecrated in the Eucharist


the act of lending money at illegal rates of interest; forbidden in christianity, until the church began to practice it, so people went to jews and the jews became the major bankers in Europe

Vanishing Point

the appearance of a point on the horizon at which parallel lines converge

Council of Constance

the council in 1414-1418 that succeeded in ending the Great Schism in the Roman Catholic Church. The Church moved back to Roman and an Italian, Martin V, was declared the only true pope. The other three finally resigned. The power of this Council gave many the hope that the Papacy's power would not lie solely with the Pope. Even so, the Pope was able to retain all of his power in the coming years


the doctrine of the High Anglican Church that after the consecration of the Eucharist the substance of the body and blood of Christ coexists with the substance of the consecrated bread and wine

Leo X

the pope who excommunicated Martin Luther and who in 1521 bestowed on Henry VIII the title of Defender of the Faith (1475-1521)

Hundred Years' War

the series of wars between England and France, 1337-1453, in which England lost all its possessions in France except Calais.

Pope Boniface VIII

this Pope prohibited the taxation of clergy by the civil leaders, especially Philip of France and Edward I of England. In 1302, he issued the famous bull, Unam Sanctam. The French king Philip the Fair of France retorted by sending soldiers to arrest him, and he soon died. Since he was in hostile hands when he died, the Cardinals were convinced enough to elect a French puppet as a Pope, who quickly moved the Papacy to Avignon

Order of Flagellants

~ its members went through the streets, two by two, beating each other up with chains and whips. It was at this time that the great witch craft delusion, which was to reach its height in which the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, first became important. Its rise led to the rise in anti-semitism across northern Europe during the 15th century. This order and bothers like it cleared exhibited the faith lost in the Catholic church to provide passage to Heaven

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