Parasitology Quiz Questions (good luck lmfao)

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Ascaris lumbricoides larvae penetrate into lymphatics and capillaries around intestines. is an intestinal roundworm. larvae migrate to the pharynx, get swallowed, and return to intestines to mature. spreads to humans by ingestion of Ascaris eggs in food. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Cryptococcosis can include septicemia. pulmonary infection. meningitis. bone infection. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Dermatophytoses are often time-consuming to eradicate completely. also called tineas. fungal infections of the skin, hair, and nails. also called ringworm. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Entamoeba histolytica is acquired by sexual contact. contaminated food. contaminated water. ingestion of cysts of the pathogen. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Schistosomiasis involves a blood fluke. cercariae which penetrate hair follicles and pass to the blood and then the liver. snails which enable development of the parasite into cercaria. a life cycle stage which continues when eggs from humans enter water and develop into miracidia. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Transmission of tineas include

All of the choices are correct.

Trichinellosis includes all the following, except the first symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, fever, and pain. humans are infected by ingesting encysted larvae. the larvae migrate from intestines to blood and various body tissues. infection is associated with ingestion of undercooked pork or bear meat. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following are likely to predispose patients to fungal infections? Malnutrition Cancer AIDS Tuberculosis All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Epstein-Barr Virus and Helicobacter PyloriCo‐Infection may lead to gastric cancer Chronic gastritis Burkitt's lymphoma Hodgkin lymphoma All of these

All of these

Neglected Tropical Diseases ______________ prevail in tropical and subtropical regions affect over billion people worldwide occur among populations living in poverty, lack of sanitization, and in close contact with vectors, livestock, and domestic animals all of these

All of these

Pneumocystisjirovecii is an obligateparasite. has protozoan andfungal characteristics. causes serious infection in the elderly, premature infants, and AIDS patients. lacks ergosterolin its plasma membrane. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Transmission of tineas include All of these choices are correct. soil to human. animal to human. fomites to human. human to human.

All of these choices are correct. soil to human.

The trematode/ fluke digestive system is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: An oral cavity that opens in the center of the oral sucker An anal opening, through which soluble waste is released A metabolically active body surface that can absorb nutrients A metabolically active body surface that can release soluble waste product

An anal opening, through which soluble waste is released

Amphotericin B, nystatin, and the imidazoles are all culture media supplements for fungi. fungal enzymes. antifungal drugs. mycotoxins. None of the choices are correct.

Antifungal drugs

Parasites may utilize _______________ to survive inside human host. Antigenic mimicry Antigenic variation Antigenic concealment Antigenic shedding

Antigenic mimicry Antigenic variation Antigenic concealment Antigenic shedding

A patient complain fever, pneumonitis, vomiting, and abdominal pain. If you find the following microorganisms in patient's loose stool sample, the patient suffer _____ infection. Ancylostoma duodenale Giardia lamblia Trichuris trichiura Ascaris lumbricoides

Ascaris lumbricoides

Which of the following parasites must be swallowed twice by the human host, first as an egg and later as a larva? Schistosoma mansoni Enterobius vermicularis Taenia saginata Necatur americanus Ascaris lumbricoides

Ascaris lumbricoides

You have flown to a sub-tropical climate on a medical mission to help treat parasitic infections in an area of poor sanitation. Many of the individuals have been infected by a helminth, capable of exiting the host through the nose, mouth and anus. You have identified the white creamy worms as: Ascaris lumbricoides Ancyclostoma duodenale Anisakis marina Ancylostoma canium

Ascaris lumbricoides

A mold is observed to have asexual conidia, sexual spores within a sac, and septate hyphae. It is most likely classified in the Basidiomycota. Ascomycota. Deuteromycota. Zygomycota. Fungi Imperfecti.


Decaying vegetation, such as piles of leaves and compost matter, allows growth and transmission of Candida. Aspergillus. Cryptococcus. Pneumocystis. Dermatophytes


Besides mucormycosis, fugal infection such as ___________________________ are also common among COVID patients. Staphylococcus epidermidis and Aspergillus Bartenella henselae and Yersinia enterocolitica E. coli and Candida Aspergillus and Candida

Aspergillus and Candida

This organism commonly contaminates grains, corn, and peanuts and produces a potent mycotoxin called aflatoxin: Fusarium species Geotrichum candidum Pneumocystis (carinii) jiroveci Aspergillus flavus Rhizopus species

Aspergillus flavus

If you discover following structure in blood smear, the patient may suffer ___ infection Babesia microti Plasmodium faciparum Trichomonas vaginalis Cyclospora cayetanensis

Babesia Microti

All of the following will kill Giardia, except filration trhough 1 micron filter chlorine in typical drinking water boiling ozone All methods listed will kill or remove it.

Chlorine in typical drinking water

The host in which the parasite reaches sexual or reproductive maturity is referred to as a(n) Definitive host Transport host Intermediate host Reservoir host

Definitive host

The sexually mature life cycle stage of helminths occurs in the intermediate host. definitive host. transport host. secondary host.

Definitive host

The following protozoan discovered in a patient's feces are______ Dientamoeba fragilis cysts Dientamoeba fragilis trophozoites Entamoeba hystolytica cysts Entamoeba hystolytica trophozoites

Dientamoeba fragilis trophozoites

If you find the following microorganisms in patient's loose stool sample, the patient suffer _____ infection. The image shows __. Balantidium coli, trophozoites Naegleria fowleri, cysts Dientamoeba fragilis, trophozoites Entamoeba histolytica, trophozoites

Dientamoeba fragilis, trophozotites

Fungi that grow as yeast at one temperature but will grow as mold at another temperature are called pseudohyphae. spores. dimorphic. saprobes. Fungi Imperfecti (Deuteromycota).


The ability of a fungus to grow as a yeast or a mold depending on its environmental temperature is called fungal virulence. dermatophytes. dimorphism. parasitism. opportunistic fungi.


Which of the following tapeworm infections is associated with vitamin B12 deficiency macrocytic anemia: Diphyllobothrium latum Taenia solium Hymenolepis nana Ascaris lumbricoides

Diphyllobothrium latum

The definitive host for Echinococcus granulosus is a: Cow Dog Sheep Human


The nematode infection that is acquired by ingesting a Cyclops (water flea) is: Dracunculus medinensis Enterobius vermicularis Trichinella spiralis Necator americanus

Dracunculus medinensis

Which parasite is carried by Cyclops, an arthropod commonly found in still water? Fasciola hepatica Toxoplasma gondii Taenia saginata Dracunculus medinesis Schistosoma mansoni

Dracunculus medinesis

In the Ascaris lumbricoides life cycle, after eggs are ingested, the next stage in the life cycle that must occur before a mature adult can live in the host's intestine is called the: Liver-lung migration Diagnostic stage Method of infection Infective stage

Liver-lung migration

Health care professionals report notifiable disease to ________________ CDC WHO State Health Department Local Health Department

Local Health Department

25 year old men returned from a trip to Africa one month agao. He recently had episodes of chills-fever-sweating (paroxysm), anemia, and enlarged spleen.The following microorganisms in patient's blood smear were discover, the patient suffers _______________. Babesiosis Malaria Chagas disease African sleeping sickness


Which of the following disease is transmitted via mosquito bites? cryptosporidiosis African sleeping sickness giardiasis malaria


Which is incorrect about malaria? Gametocytes enter the mosquito as she draws a blood meal from a human. Trophozoites develop in RBCs. Merozoites enter and multiply in liver cells. The mosquito inoculates human blood with sporozoites. None of the choices are correct.

Merozoites enter and multiply in liver cells.

The infective form in the Fasciola hepatica life cycle is the: Metacercaria Redia eggs Sporocyst


A 10-year-old boy with symptoms of meningitis and a history of swimming in his farm pond was brought to the hospital emergency department. Examination of his CSF revealed motile amoeba measuring 12 µm in diameter. The most likely parasite is: Acanthamoeba spp. trophozoites Naeglaria fowleri trophozoites Dientamoeba fragilis trophozoites Endolimax nana trophozoites

Naeglaria fowleri trophozoites

Chagas disease involves transmission of the pathogen by the hard-bodied tick. reduviid, "kissing," bug. phlebotomine (sand) fly. Anopheles mosquito. tsetse fly.

Reduviid, "kissing" bug

An animal that harbors a parasite that can also infect humans is referred to as a(n): Definitive host Transport host Intermediate host Reservoir host

Reservoir host

Ticks may transmit ________ disease Rocky mountain spotted fever elephatiasis Babesiosis Lyme disease

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Babesiosis Lyme disease

the form lacking free flagellum in the developmental stage of hemoflagellate is called the promastigote trypomastigote amastigote epimastigote None of the choices are correct


Human asymptomic carriers are common in amebiasis and trichomoniasis. trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis. elephantiasis. cryptosporidiosis and malaria. balantidiasis.

amebiasis and trichomoniasis.

Enterobius vermicularis is often fatal in heavy infestations. an intestinal worm that easily contaminates fingers and fomites. common only to the tropics and subtropics. a whipworm. All of the choices are correct.

an intestinal worm that easily contaminates fingers and fomites.

A 40-year-old female presents skin rash, fever, and pain during urination. Urinanalysis indicate the following microoaganism in her urine. The patient most likely suufer __________ infection. Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma haematobium Paragonimus westermani Echinococcus granulosis

Schistosoma haematobium

The adult forms of ____________ and ____________ can be found paired in blood vessels in liver sinuses Schistosoma haematobium is the only blood fluke found in the liver Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma japonicum

Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum

A patient is experiencing liver cirrhosis and bloody diarrhea. If you find the following microorganisms in patient's loose stool sample, the patient suffer _____ infection. The image shows __. Schistosoma haematobium, adult Giardia lamblia, cyst Schistosoma japonicum, larvae Schistosoma mansoni, egg

Schistosoma mansoni, egg

Which animals serve as intermediate hosts for human schistosomes? Humans Reduviid bugs Fish Mosquitoes Snails


All of the following are examples of asexual reproduction EXCEPT: Multiple Fission Sporogony Multiple Fission Schizogony


What do zygospores, ascospores, and basidiospores have in common? They are found only in molds. They are enclosed in a sac. They are sexual spores. They are types of conidia. All of these choices are correct.

They are sexual spores.

Which is mismatched?

Tinea capitis -ringworm of the beard

Anna recently learned that she is pregnant and is visiting her doctor for her first prenatal visit. Among the many pieces of advice offered to ensure a safe pregnancy, the doctor specifically told Anna to avoid eating any rare meats, including steaks and roast beef, and to avoid changing her cat's litter box. These words of caution were primarily directed at avoiding contact with E. coli O157:H7 Toxoplasma gondii Taenia saginata Cryptosporidium

Toxoplasma gondii

Which of the follow disease affects fetus development if pregnant women contract the disease for the first time during pregnancy? toxoplasmosis African sleeping sickness giardiasis malaria


which of the following causes serious congenital disease from transplacental transmission? Giardiasis Toxoplasmosis Balantidiasis Pinworm infection Trichomoniasis


If you see the following microorganisms in patient's skeletal muscle, the patient suffers __________ infection. Enterobius vermicularis Trichinella spiralis Trichuris trichuria Anisakis marina

Trichinella spiralis

Which of the following infections are not diagnosed by finding eggs or lava in fecal specimens: Necator spp. Ascaris lumbricoides Trichinella spiralis Trichuris trichiura

Trichinella spiralis

Which of the following parasitic diseases is a zoonosis: Ascaris lumbricoides Trichinella spiralis Dracunculus medinensis Strongyloides stercoralis

Trichinella spiralis

Amphotericin B, nystatin, and the imidazoles are all culture media supplements for fungi. fungal enzymes. antifungal drugs. mycotoxins. None of the choices are correct.


River blindness is caused by a blood fluke. transmitted by mosquito vector. caused by Wuchereria bancrofti. a disease in which worms can invade the eyes. All of the choices are correct.

a disease in which worms can invade the eyes.

The common name of Tinea Pedis is palmy feet. itchy foot. athlete's foot. sweaty feet.

athlete's foot

Mycetoma is a subcutaneousinfection that looks like a tumor. All of these choices are correct. caused by dermatophytes. only seen in theMidwest. also called athlete's foot.

a subcutaneousinfection that looks like a tumor.

All of the following pertain to Candida albicans, except infections often arise from an endogenous source. persistent moist skin influences infection. small numbers found in the mouth, intestines, genitalia, and skin. it has a large capsule. it is an opportunistic yeast.

it has a large capsule.

Concomitant infections of Plasmodium falciparum and Wuchereria bancrofti is common in endemic region due to the same vector- mosquitoes the same vector- ticks both acquired from consuming undercooked pork domesticated animals are the common reservoir

the same vector- mosquitoes

Aspergillosis includes all the following, except most cases are due to A. fumigatus. life-threatening infections in AIDS, leukemia, and transplant patients. there are no effective drugs to treat the infection. a pneumonia that disseminates to the brain.

there are no effective drugs to treat the infection.

Which of the following is not an effective way to minimize human contact with parasitic helminths? Proper sewage disposal Avoiding human feces as fertilizer Freezing foods Thoroughly cooking foods These are all effective ways.

these are all effective ways.

All of the following are correct about helminths except their eggs and larvae are vulnerable to heat. they generally make only a few eggs per day. they are not all parasites, although some are. as parasites, their reproductive organs are their most developed organs. tapeworms and pinworms are two examples.

they generally make only a few eggs per day.

Parasitic helminths have the following characteristics, except they include roundworms. they have a definitive host where the adult form lives. they include tapeworms. they have developmental forms that include cysts. they are multicellular animals.

they have developmental forms that include cysts.

All of the following are fungal allergies, except bark stripper'sdisease. farmer's lung. thrush. All of these choices are correct. teapicker'slung.


The large fully formed stage of hemoflagellate is called the amastigote epimastigote promastigote larva


Schistosoma and Plasmodium species both require two hosts to complete their life cycle and reproduce. direct sexual contact for transmission. transmission by insect vectors. immunocompromised hosts.

two hosts to complete their life cycle and reproduce.

Factors contributing mucormycosis among COVID 19 patients are___________________ usage of corticosteroids Increased T cells increased phagocytosis diabetes related hyperglycemia diabetic ketoacidosis hypoxia

usage of corticosteroids diabetes related hyperglycemia diabetic ketoacidosis hypoxia

Acanthamoeba differs from Naegleria fowleri in that only Acanthamoeba is the cause of primary amebic meningoencephalitis. is a free-living ameba of fresh waters. enters through the nasal mucosa. enters typically through broken skin or the conjunctiva. is acquired by swimming in contaminated water.

enters typically through broken skin or the conjunctiva.

schizogony is a type of sexual reproduction among protozoans true false


Mucormycoisis among COVID 19 patients are caused by_______ which are cmposed of ____________ cells fungi, eukaryotic fungi, prokaryotic bacteria, prokaryotic protozoan, eukaryotic

fungi, eukaryotic

Microsporum, Trichophyton, and Epidermophyton produce tissue—damaging mycotoxins. frequently causesepticemia. all causeathlete's foot. are dimorphic fungi. have reservoirs that include humans, animals, and soils.

have reservoirs are humans, animals, and soils.

Symptoms of cryptosporidiosis include a circular rash that appears on the trunk and spreads to the extremities. loss of hair. a red skin papule that spreads to a large ulcer. headache, sweating, vomiting, severe abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. None of the choices are correct.

headache, sweating, vomiting, severe abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.

Larvae and eggs are developmental forms of helminths. protozoa. fungi. algae.


which of the following is definitive host for Enterobius vernicularis cats human kissing bugs dogs


which of the following is the definitive host for Ascaris lumbricoides? cats ticks human pigs


Amebiasis is primarily a disease of the brain and meninges. intestines and often the liver. lung tissue. skin. conjunctiva of the eye.

intestines and often the liver.

Toxoplasmosis includes all the following, except immunocompromised patients often develop a fatal, disseminated infection. tachyzoites can cross the placenta. ingesting pseudocysts from contaminated raw or undercooked meat. intrauterine infectious are generally mild with very little damage to fetal tissues. ingesting or inhaling oocysts from infected cats or cat feces.

intrauterine infectious are generally mild with very little damage to fetal tissues

Toxoplasmosis includes all the following, except immunocompromised patients often develop a fatal, disseminated infection. intrauterine infectious are generally mild with very little damage to fetal tissues. ingesting or inhaling oocysts from infected cats or cat feces. ingesting pseudocysts from contaminated raw or undercooked meat. tachyzoites can cross the placenta.

intrauterine infectious are generally mild with very little damage to fetal tissues.

Chromoblastomycosis is caused bydimorphic fungi. is a systemicinfection. is a seriousrespiratory tract infection. is caused bysaprobes with dark-pigmented mycelia and spores. has a peak incidence in Alaska.

is caused bysaprobes with dark-pigmented mycelia and spores.

Characteristics of Histoplasma capsulatum include it is a dermatophyte. it grows in moist soil, rich in nitrogen from bird and bat guano. it is a yeast with a capsule. it grows in dry, arid soil. None of the choices are correct.

it grows in moist soil, rich in nitrogen from bird and bat guano.

Sheep liver rot disease is caused by: Clonorchis sinensis Faciola hepatica Paragonimus westernani Facioplopsis buski

Faciola hepatica

Amphotericin B is an over-the-counter drug to treat athlete's foot. True False


Boiling will not kill Giardia lamblia cysts in contaminated water True False


Chagas disease is treated with chloroquine True False


Chiropractic doctors are not required to report patients with malaria. Only primary care physicians do. True False


Plasmodium species are hemoflagellates. True False


There are more antibiotics available to treat eukaryotic parasite infection compare to that of bacteria infection because eukaryotic parasite belong to same domain as human. True False


Thermal dimorphism is associated with opportunistic fungi and never seen in true fungal pathogens. True False


Chitin is a chemical component of the cell walls of algae. fungi. bacteria. protozoa. All of these choices are correct.


While on a backpacking trip in Maine, Julie and her friends obtained their drinking water from several different pristine streams, adding one or two drops of bleach to ensure its safety. Several days later Julie began experiencing abdominal distress, specifically cramping, fatty diarrhea, and flatulence. When it didn't clear up within several days, Julie visited her doctor. Which of the following would be the most likely cause of Julie's symptoms? Entamoeba histolytica Giardia intestinalis Toxoplasma gondii Schistosoma mansoni E. coli O157:H7

Giardia intestinalis

The following image is ______________ which may be found in ___________ of patient. Giardia lamblia trophozoites, stomach Giardia lamblia cyst, small intestine Giardia lamblia trophozoite, small intestine Giardia lamblia cysts, liver

Giardia lamblia trophozoite, small intestine

Which of the following disease is transmitted via contaminated water? Chagas' disease Giardiasis African sleeping sickness Leishmaniasis


which of the following disease is transmitted via contaminated water? Chagas disease Giardiasis African sleeping sickness Leishmaniasis


Which antifungal drug inhibits cell division of the fungus? Amphotericin B Griseofulvin Ketoconazole (Nizoral) Fluconazole Terbinafine (Lamisil)


Male schistomsomas have a ventral groove called the __________________ in which females reside for maturation. Ventral sucker Gastrointestinal canal Gynecophoral canal Ventral canal

Gynecophoral canal

Serious mycoses treated with amphotericin B include all the following, except invasiveaspergillosis. histoplasmosis. coccidioidomycosis. Pneumocystispneumonia. zygomycosis.


Toxoplasma gondii can infect most mammals but can only sexually reproduce in: Pigs Cats Humans Cattle


Mucormycosis may be caused by _____________ infection Streptococcus mitis Influenza virus Absidia Rhizopus E. coli Mucor

Absidia Rhizopus Mucor

Zoonosis is a term used to describe humans' relationship with a(n): Accidental parasite Ectoparasite Endoparasite Facultative parasite

Accidental parasite

Which of the following disease is transmitted via tsetse fly bites? Chagas' disease Giardiasis African sleeping sickness Leishmaniasis

African sleeping sickness

50 year old male has been experiencing fever, malaise, loss of apetite, stiff neck, and loss of interest in daily activities. If you find the following microorganisms in patient's blood sample, the patient suffer _____ disease. The image shows __. Leishmaniasis, promastigotes Anaplasmosis, ticks African sleeping sickness, trypomastigotes Chagas disease, amastigotes

African sleeping sickness, trypomastigotes

Neglected Tropical Diseases are _____ infecting significant amount of people difficult to treat and prevent demonstrating severe symptom primarily in tropical areas all of above

All of the above

The following is TRUE regarding Dientoamoeba fragilis: No observable flagella but is classified as a flagellate The trophozoite has two nuclei connected by a division spindle filament Moves by means of pseudopodia when seen in feces All of the above are true

All of the above are true

Candidiasis includes All of these choices are correct. skin and nailinfections. oral cavity andesophageal infections. intertriginousinfection of skin sites. vulvovaginalinfection.

All of the choices are correct

Trichomonas vaginalis causes vaginitis with fould swelling discharge in females causes urethritis in males does not produce cysts has four flagella and an undulating membrane All of the choices are correct

All of the choices are correct

A 50-year-old woman checked in at the emergency department in a Maryland hospital in late August complaining of a high fever with chills and headaches for the past 5 days. She also mentioned a decrease in appetite, nausea with vomiting, and diarrhea. Her temperature was 104°F and scleral icterus was noted. Laboratory findings suggested possible hemolytic disease, and elevated liver enzymes and serum bilirubin were also found. When questioned about her recent travel history, she reported a trip to Spain and Portugal 5 months earlier. She acknowledged living in a rural area of the northeastern United States and mentioned that her husband was diagnosed with Lyme disease 1 year earlier. She did not recall recent tick or mosquito bites. Based on blood smear below, which microbial infection do you suspect? What is the vector? Ehrlichia spp.Ixodes dammini, tick Babesia microti, Ixodes dammini, tick Plasmodium falciparum, Anopheles spp., mosquito Trypanosoma brucei, Sand fly

Babesia microti, Ixodes dammini, tick

All of the following can be transmitted by drinking contaminated water, except Cryptosporidiosis. Babesiosis. Balantidiasis. Giardiasis. Cyclosporiasis.


The terms used for the four general types of fungal infection include the following, except bloodborne. subcutaneous. cutaneous. superficial. systemic.


Transmission of which organism(s) can occur by ingestion of undercooked meat? Trichuris trichuria Toxoplasma gondii Trichinella spiralis Both Trichinella spiralis and Toxoplasma gondii

Both Trichinella spiralis and Toxoplasma gondii

Which of the following regarding the structure/morphology of Trichomonas vaginalis is TRUE? Possesses a sucking disk concavity on the ventral side to assist with attachment to the mucosa. Often classified as a pseudocyst due to the fact that it possesses no observables flagella. The trophozoite has two nuclei connected by a division spindle filament. Can be identified by it's 4 anterior flagella and fifth flagellum that is incorporated within the undulating membrane.

Can be identified by it's 4 anterior flagella and fifth flagellum that is incorporated within the undulating membrane

All of the following are dimorphic, true fungal pathogens except Paracoccidioides. Blastomyces. Coccidioides. Candida. Histoplasma.


Oral thrush is caused by Candida albicans. Cryptococcus neoformans. Pneumocystis (carinii) jiroveci. Malassezia furfur. None of the choices are correct.

Candida albicans.

35 year old male in Arizona presented with fever, cough, and skin rash (erythema nodosum). His morning toutine includes running for one hour prior to work. Immunodiffusion test of his blood using protiens from Coccidioides immitis as antigen. He is patient 4 on the following image. This patient had _________________ infection. Candida albicans Coccidioides immitis SARS CoV 2 Cryptococcus neoformans

Coccidioides immitis

A 42-year-old male construction worker in southern Arizona developed a cold-like illness, experiencing a chronic cough, chest pain, headaches, and general fatigue. When the symptoms did not abate after several weeks, he visited his physician who ordered microscopic examination and culture of his sputum specimen. Direct microscopic exam demonstrated the presence of large spherule structures full of endsospores. The specimen was cultured at both 25 oC and 37 oC. The plate incubated at 25 oC grew tan colonies with a fluffy white center. Examination of these colonies microscopically showed branching septate hyphae. As the culture matured, the hyphae fragmented into arthrospores. What is the most likely diagnosis? Sporotrichosis Blastomycosis Candidiasis Histoplasmosis Coccidioidomycosis


Local city water supplies have been sources of parasitic infections. The most common organisms implicated in these events include: Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia Trypanosoma brucei gambience and Entamoeba histolytica Toxoplasma gondii and Entamoeba histolytica Giardia lamblia and Toxoplasma gondii

Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia

Outbreaks of diarrhea have been caused by a parasite that has been associated with raspberries, strawberries, herbs, and baby lettuces. The most likely parasite is: Cyclospora cayetanensis Cryptosporidium parvum Giardia lamblia Toxoplasma gondii

Cyclospora cayetanensis

All following pprotozoan infect cardiovascular, lymphatic systems EXCEPT Plasmodium species. Trypanosoma species Cyclospora species Leishmania species

Cyclospora species

Which apicomplexan has caused outbreak, associated with fecal-contaminated imported rasberries, and also fresh greens and drinking water?


Diagnosis of giardiasis involves checking _______________ in feces. cysts trophozoites eggs larva All of the choices are correct.


Which cells are more likely to be associated with destroying parasitic worm infection? neutrophils eosinophile macrophages basophils


Eating undercooked beef may increase risk of __________ infection E. coli Taenia saginata prion Salmonella enterica

E. coli prion Salmonella enterica

The highest incidence of histoplasmosis in the United States occurs in the Southwest. Rocky Mountains. East and Midwest. Northeast. Southeast.

East and Midwest

Which is mismatched? Taenia saginata - beef Echinococcus granulosus - poultry Diphyllobothrium latum - fish Taenia solium - pork Anisakis - fish

Echinococcus granulosus - poultry

Concomitant infection of whip worm and ascariais is due to the same vector the same food contamination Eggs of both worms need to be mature in the soil both adult worms may be found in contaminated water

Eggs of both worms need to be mature in the soil

The diagnosis of Enterobius vermicularis infection is accomplished by observing: Eggs in feces Eggs recovered from the perianal region Larva in feces Trophozoites in feces

Eggs recovered from the perianal region

The diagnosis of Enterobius vermicularis infection is accomplished by observing: Eggs in feces Eggs recovered from the perianal region Larva in feces Trophozoites in feces

Eggs recovered from the perianal region

Closed fecal sanitation systems had directly led to the reduction of all of the following nematode infections EXCEPT: Giadiasis Strongyloidiasis Ascariasis Elephantiasis


A mother brought her 2-year-old child to the pediatrician to examine a severe rash in the child's anal region. She reported that the child was observed scratching the area repeatedly. The physician performed a cellophane tape test and sent it to the laboratory for analysis. The laboratory scientist noted the parasitic form in the accompanying figure. The child was infected with ________ Enterobius vermicularis Ancylostoma duodenale Giardia lamblia Trichuris trichiura Ascaris lumbricoides

Enterobius vermicularis

HIV infected patients are more likely to have disseminated turberculosis due to The same portal of entry for HIV virus and Mycobacterium turberculosis The same vector for HIV virus and Mycobacterium turberculosis HIV virus weekend the host immune system to allow Mycobacterium turberculosis disseminate to other parts of body Vaccination is available for both HIV virus and Mycobacterium turberculosis

HIV virus weekend the host immune system to allow Mycobacterium turberculosis disseminate to other parts of body

A six-year-old boy living in Florida began complaining of a so-called tummy ache on his ride home from his regular day care center. He began having diarrhea shortly after arriving home. He had not eaten his lunch and said he was dizzy. The diarrhea continued intermittently for several hours, prompting his mother to take him to the doctor. His pediatrician ordered a stool culture and an Ova & Parasite examination. Results of the stool culture were negative for pathogenic bacteria, but several eggs were recovered as shown: What is the most likely diagnosis? Hymenolepis nana Schistosoma mansoni Fasciola hepatica Microbilharzia variglandis

Hymenolepis nana

An Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite may be identified by which of the following morphologic features? Ingested RBCs and a single nucleus with a central karyosome Ingested WBCs and two nucleoli with central karyosomes Ingested RBCs and a single nucleus with an eccentric karyosome Ingested RBCs, a single nucleus, and a large cytoplasmic glycogen vacuole

Ingested RBCs and a SINGLE nucleus with a central karyosome

The trypanosoma cruzi amastigote: Is the intracellular, dividing form that can be found in macrophages or heart muscle Is the non-dividing form found in the rejuviid bug Has a characteristic "C" shape None of the above

Is the intracellular, dividing form that can be found in macrophages or heart muscle

Which is incorrect about Sporothrix schenckii?

It causes a superficial cutaneous infection.

What specific challenge does Trypanosoma brucei present to the immune system? It specifically attacks B lymphocytes preventing activation and antibody production. It specifically attacks T lymphocytes preventing their activation and crippling the cell-mediated immune response. It frequently changes its antigens, staying one step ahead of the host's antibody response. Its antigens are not recognized by B and T lymphocytes so these host defense cells don't respond to the infection.

It frequently changes its antigens, staying one step ahead of the host's antibody response.

Which is incorrect about tinea versicolor? It is asuperficial mycosis. It is caused bythe yeast Malassezia furfur. It occasionally causes systemicinfections in compromised patients. It causesdisruption of skin pigmentation resulting in a mottled appearance. It is oftentransmitted by fomites.

It is oftentransmitted by fomites.

Visceral leishmaniasis is caused by

Leishmania donovani

Visceral leishmaniasis is caused by: Trypanosoma brucei gambience Leishmania donovani Trypanosoma cruzi Leishmania braziliensis Leishmania braziliensis

Leishmania donovani

A middle-aged man from East Africa, who had immigrated to the United States 3 years ago, had an intermittent fever for 2 weeks, which progressed to a daily fever with chills. He had also experienced severe weight loss during the previous 6 months. He had traveled to Southeast Asia while living outside the United States, and his past medical history revealed he had contracted malaria twice. A CT scan revealed that he had an enlarged spleen and liver. A needle biopsy of the spleen was sent to the laboratory for analysis. The stained preparation is shown below. Which microbial infection do you suspect? What is the vector? Trypanosoma cruiz, tsetse fly (Glossina spp.) Trypanosoma brucei, mosquitos Giardia lamblia, Transfer of the infective form into an open wound Leishmania donovani, sandfly (Phlebotomus spp.)

Leishmania donovani, sandfly (Phlebotomus spp.)

A 10-year-old boy was brought to the hospital emergency department and had a history of swimming in his farm pond. He had high fever, headache, vomiting, convulsion, and stiff neck. Spinal tap was performed. After trichome staining examination of his CSF revealed the following microorganisms with 12um in size. The microorganism associated with this infection most likely is______________ Entamoeba histolytica Dientamoeba fragilis Naegleria fowleri treptococcus pneumoniae

Naegleria fowleri

The free-living amoeba associated with meningitis is: Entamoeba coli Dientamoeba fragilis Entamoeba histolytica Naegleria fowleri

Naegleria fowleri

Which of the following is acquired when amoebas are forced into human nasal passages during swimming? Naegleria fowleri Giardia lamblia Toxoplasma gondii Entamoeba histolytica Balantidium coli

Naegleria fowleri

Your patient is experiencing abdominal discomfort approximately 4 weeks after returning from a vacation to the sub-tropics. You obtain a specimen to be examined in the laboratory and discover what appears to be a protozoan parasite with ingested red blood cells within the cytoplasm. It is likely that your patient has been infected by: The aggressive hemoflagellate, Plasmodium falciparum which will ingests old and immature red blood cells. A hookworm, which will puncture small capillaries and feed on blood. Cysts of Entoamoeba histolytica which voraciously feed on red blood cells. None of the above are correct

None of the above are correct.

Which is not correct about trichinellosis? The first symptoms mimic influenza. Numerous cases occur each year in the U.S. It can be transmitted by eating undercooked pork. A cure is not available once the larvae have encysted in muscles. It can be transmitted by eating bear meat.

Numerous cases occur each year in the U.S.

Which of the following parasitic diseases can cause blindness: Brugia malayi Onchocerca volvulus Giardia lamblia Wuchereria bancrofti

Onchocerca volvulus

A 17-year-old American foreign exchange student returned home to the United States after finishing his school year in Japan. He complained to his mother that he had been coughing a lot and that his sputum was reddish. His mother noted a fever and took him to the doctor. The physician ordered cultures for routine bacteriology and tuberculosis. When the report indicated "normal flora" and no acid-fast bacteria were noted, the doctor questioned the young man further and found out that he had enjoyed eating unusual Japanese foods. His favorite was crayfish because they "tasted like shrimp" and were not "weird like sushi." The physician then ordered a new examination of his sputum for eggs and parasites. The laboratory found the parasite form shown in the accompanying figure. What is the most likely diagnosis? Paragonimus westermani Echinococcus granulosus Tania solium Clonorchis sinensis

Paragonimus Westermani

For which of the following is sputum useful in the diagnosis of parasitic infection: Paragonimus westermani Schistosoma mansoni Clonorchis sinensis Fasciola hepatica

Paragonimus westermani

Which is mismatched? Leishmania- transmitted via sandfly Trichinella- transmoitted undercooked meat Trichomonas - sexually transmitted Plasmodium - causes Chaga's disease Giardia - transmitted by feces in drinking water

Plasmodium - causes Chagas disease

If you discover following structure in blood smear, the patient may suffer ___ infection Babesia microti Plasmodium faciparum Trichomonas vaginalis Cyclospora cayetanensis

Plasmodium faciparum

Which of the following is the cause of malaria?

Plasmodium faciparum

You may find ____________ inside human red blood cells and _________ outside human red blood cells Wuchereria adults, Plasmodium merozoites, Wuchereria microfilariae, Plasmodium cysts, Plasmodium merozoites, Wuchereria microfilariae Wuchereria microfilariae, Plasmodium merozoites,

Plasmodium merozoites, Wuchereria microfilariae

A 69 years old female checked in at the emergency department complaining of a high fever with chills, cough, and shortness of breath for the past 5 days. She had ben taking Methotrexate to treat lupus for the last 3 years. The sputum sample revealed the following microorganism. Which microorganism do you suspect? Mycobacterium tuberculosis Streptococcus pneumoniae Pneumocystis carinii Babesia microti

Pneumocystis carinii

This opportunist is the most frequent cause of life-threatening pneumonia in AIDS patients. Cryptococcus neoformans Malassezia furfur Candida albicans Pneumocystis jirovecii. None of the choices are correct.

Pneumocystis jirovecii.

A 49-year-old male transplant patient being treated with steroids came to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain and has lower respiratory symptoms suggesting pneumonia. He was febrile with a temperature of 102°F. Other history includes that he was born in Panama and became a U.S. citizen at age 25 after graduating from college in Texas. Laboratory results revealed positive blood cultures: E. coli was identified. The white blood cell count (WBC) was 18,000/µL with 80% neutrophils, 5% bands, 5% lymphs, and 10% monocytes. The fecal exam revealed the presence of numerous threadlike worms with a short buccal capsule and a large genital primordium. This parasite is_____________. Ascaris lumbricoides Strongyloides stercoralis Giardia lamblia Necator americanus

Strongyloides sterocoralis

Which of the following relationships is mismatched? Black flies and Onchocera volvulus T. brucei gambiense and Gambian sleeping sickness Tsetse fly and African Sleeping sickness T.brucei rhodesiense and West African sleeping sickness Teania solium and swine

T.brucei rhodesiense and West African sleeping sickness

Consumption of raw or undercooked beef is associated with Taenia saginata Taenia solium Diphyllidium carninum Trichinella spiralis

Taenia saginata

During the general life cycle of hermaphroditic flukes, the larval stage leaving the snail intermediate host is: The miracidium The sporocyst The cercaria The metacercaria

The cercaria

Ground itch is caused by: Hemoflagellates in the bloodstream which induce a hypersensitivity reaction The larvae of hookworms in the epidermis that may die when too large The release of Plasmodium sporozoites by the Anopheles mosquito at the bite site None of the above

The larvae of hookworms in the epidermis that may die when too large

The first stage of the clinical course of Trypanosoma brucei is characterized by: Migration of the parasite along olfactory nerves leading to inflammation and infection of the brain Lung invasion as a result of erosion of liver abscesses Migration of the parasite along olfactory nerves leading to inflammation and infection of the brain The presence of the parasite in peripheral circulation, but not yet in the central nervous system (CNS)

The presence of the parasite in peripheral circulation, but not yet in the central nervous system (CNS)

The primary portal of entry for fungal infections is The nervous system. The urinary tract. The digestive system. The respiratory tract. Through skin.

The respiratory tract

Which of the following is not an effective way to minimize human contact with parasitic helminths? Proper sewage disposal Avoiding human feces as fertilizer Freezing foods Thoroughly cooking foods These are all effective ways.

These are all effective ways.

A 22-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency department at 3 a.m. complaining of burning during urination and severe vaginal itching. The physician ordered a routine urinalysis and a vaginal swab for microscopic examination. The technologist observed many motile organisms measuring approximately 12μm in diameter in both the urine microscopic wet mount and the vaginal wet-mount preparation. Naegleria fowleri Trichomonas vaginalis Trypanosoma brucei Balantidium coli

Trichomonas vaginalis

Which of the following parasitic organisms is considered to be a sexually transmitted disease: Trypanosoma cruzi Dientamoeba fragilis Trichomonas vaginalis Leishmania braziliensis

Trichomonas vaginalis

60-year-old male has been taking Methotrexate to manage rheumatoid arthritis for a year. He recently suffers bloody diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, colitis, and rectal prolapse. If you find the following microorganisms in patient's loose stool sample, the patient most likely has _____ infection. Cryptosporidium parvum Ascaris lumbricoides Trichuris trichiura Trichinella spiralis

Trichuris trichiura

A person carrying one gene for sickle-cell hemoglobin will be resistant to Plasmodium infection. True False


All fungi are heterotrophic and can break their substrates down by secreting enzymes. True False


Dermatophyte spores can survive for years on fomites.


Fungal spores are common allergens that cause hypersensitivities. True False


Hookworms and threadworms usually enter the body by penetrating into the skin. True False


In temperate zones, pinworms are the most common helminth infection. True False


African sleeping sickness is caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Trypanosoma brucei. Leishmania brasiliensis. Trypanosoma cruzi. Isospora belli.

Trypanosoma brucei

Which of the following causes Chagas Disease? Trypanosoma brucei gambience Leishmania donovani Trypanosoma cruzi Leishmania braziliensis

Trypanosoma cruzi (kissing bug)

All of the following are helminths except flukes. pinworms. tapeworms. trypanosomes. roundworms.


Elephantiasis is a clinical symptom associated with: Loa loa Wuchereria bancrofti Onchocerca volvulus Strongyloides stercoralis

Wuchereria bancrofti

During a visit to her doctor, a woman pointed out a red rash that occurred just under her breasts. The doctor collected a scraping of the affected area, suspended the scrapings in potassium hydroxide, and then examined it microscopically. Upon viewing, she detected budding yeast cells and pseudohyphae. What is the most likely diagnosis? Subcutaneous mycosis Dermatophyte infection Yeast infection - cryptococcosis Yeast infection - candidiasis

Yeast infection - candidiasis

The large intestines of pigs are the primary reservoir of the pathogen that causes balantidiasis. cryptosporidiosis and cyclosporiasis. amebiasis and trichomoniasis. trypanosomiasis leishmaniasis. amebic meningoencephalitis.


A 42-year-old Cameroonian woman with history of invasive ductal mammary carcinoma status post right mastectomy presented with a 1-cm right peri-scapular lesion. Position emission tomography scan showed a corresponding subcutaneous mildly fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-avid (standardized uptake value = 3.8) lesion, suspicious for metastasis. Histologic examination of a skin biopsy revealed helminths consistent with Onchocerca volvulus. How did this woman acquire this infection? deer flies black flies kissing bugs mosquitoes

black flies

Amebiasis symptoms include fever, swollen lymph nodes, and joint pain. chills, fever, and sweating. sore throat, low-grade fever, and swollen lymph nodes. bloody, mucus-filled stools, fever, diarrhea, and weight loss. urinary frequency and pain, and vaginal discharge.

bloody, mucus-filled stools, fever, diarrhea, and weight loss.

Strongyloides stercoralis rarely causes chronic infection. is ingested with food and does not migrate out of the intestine. is a tapeworm. can cause a fatal disseminated disease in immunosuppressed patients. All of the choices are correct

can cause a fatal disseminated disease in immunosuppressed patients.

Blastomyces dermatitidis causes Gilchrist's disease and Chicago's disease. All of these choices are correct. is adermatophyte. is transmitted byskin contact with fomites. usually entersthrough the gastrointestinal tract

causes Gilchrist's disease and Chicago's disease.

Giardia cysts are able to withstand _______________ treatment of water boiling chemical disinfection such as chlorination filtration ozone

chemical disinfection such as chlorination

The larval forms of certain Taenia species, which typically infest muscles of mammalian intermediate hosts are also called proglottids. amastigotes. merozoites. eggs. cysticerci.


what is the infective form for Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia intestinalis? cysts merozoites trophozoites sporozoites


the larva stage of helminths occurs in the intermediate host accidental host transport host definitive host

definitive host

Ben, a 17-year-old wrestler, developed a lesion on his upper back. The lesion was relatively round and consisted of a pink scaly rough center and raised edge. While it wasn't painful, the itching was bothersome to the young man. His coach advised him to see his doctor about the lesion. Upon visiting his physician, a scraping of the affected area was collected and placed in a drop of KOH, then examined under the microscope, revealing slender fungal hyphae. A culture was inoculated, which grew a spreading flat fuzzy colony after 10 days of incubation at 30°C. Microscopic examination of the culture demonstrated the presence of both macroconidia and microconidia. What is the most likely diagnosis? tinea versicolor candidiasis dermatophytosis cutaneous blastomycosis sporotrichosis


Trypansoma and Leishmania species are transmitted by insect vectors direct person to person contact contaminated food or water contaminated needles and syringes

direct person-to-person contact.

Cryptococcus neoformans has the following characteristics, except it is an encapsulated yeast. it primarily infects patients with AIDS, cancer, and diabetes. it is commonly found in the human mouth, intestines, and genitalia. it usually enters body by inhalation. it can be found in high numbers in soil containing pigeon droppings.

it is commonly found in the human mouth, intestines, and genitalia.

Infective stage for Nector americanus is ____________. cysts larva eggs amastigotes


What is the infective stage for ascaris lumbricoides? cysts larva eggs trophozoites


Fasciola hepatica is a lung fluke. liver fluke. roundworm. blood fluke. filarial worm.

liver fluke

hermaphrodites contain both ___________ in one individual

male and female sex organs

which is the definitive host for plasmodium faciparum? humans mosquitos ticks tsetse flys


Concomitant infection refers to______ chronic infection involve more than one organs infection with latent satge infection treated with more than one antibiotics one individual infected with more than one pathogens during the same time period

one individual infected with more than one pathogens during the same time period

All of the following pertain to tapeworms, except the one proglottid segment will have either female or male reproductive organs. scolex is the attachment organ. strobila is made up of proglottids. cysticerci are young infective larvae ingested in undercooked meat. proglottids are reproductive segments.

one proglottid segment will have either female or male reproductive organs.

The routes of entry for most fungi into the body are urinary and reproductive. respiratory andcutaneous. blood and wounds. digestive andrespiratory. None of the choices are correct.

respiratory andcutaneous

Trichinella spiralis is a/an ________ that invades the ________. tapeworm, lungs roundworm, intestine and muscle flagellate, large intestine ameba, intestine flatworm, heart

roundworm, intestine and muscle

Chiropractic doctors may help patients by identifying _______ stage of river blindness and prevent losing eyeslight. lymphytic eye skin blood


Most patients with toxoplasmosis that are not immunocompromised experience urinary frequency and pain, and vaginal discharge. chills, fever, and sweating. bloody, mucus-filled stools, fever, diarrhea, and weight loss. fever, swollen lymph nodes, and joint pain. sore throat, low grade fever, and swollen lymph nodes.

sore throat, low grade fever, and swollen lymph nodes

the initial infective stage of the malarial parasite in human is plasmodyite sporozoite schizont merozoite


Elephantiasis includes all the following, except larval infestation causes blockage of main lymphatic channels. the parasitic helminth is transmitted by black fly vectors. microfilariae are in the blood. it is caused by filarial nematodes. severe edema occurs in the extremities and scrotum.

the parasitic helminth is transmitted by black fly vectors.

All of the following pertain to coccidioidomycosis , except the pathogen growsbest in soil with bird and bat guano. it is also called valley fever. it often hassymptoms of fever, chest pain, cough, headache, malaise. it is transmittedby inhalation of arthrospores. fungomas occur in the lungs of those infected.

the pathogen growsbest in soil with bird and bat guano.

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