Part 2

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_____ leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives. - Laissez-faire - Transactional - Contingent reward - Transformational - Management-by-exception

- Transformational

Conscientious people prioritize - communion striving. - power striving. - accomplishment striving. - status striving. - curiosity.

- accomplishment striving.

How important to a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks is represented by - substitutability. - visibility. - discretion. - power. - centrality.

- centrality.

Expressions that create a sense of urgency and optimism are examples of communications that reflect which of the following processes?

motivating and confidence building

Which of the following is not one of the key perceiver characteristics that affect our perceptions of others

nonverbal cues

In a group, the member performing the role of the devil's advocate:

offers constructive challenges to the team's status quo.

George is described by his friends as curious and imaginative. He is probably high on the trait _________________

open to experience

in the big five taxonomy, the personality dimension __________ is more likely to be valuable in jobs that involve rapid changes in job demands

openness to experience

In the _____ stage of team development, members are comfortable working with their roles, and the team makes progress toward goals.


Which of the following levels of cross-training involves team members observing how other members perform their roles?

positional modeling

a dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation

positive affectivity

Ethics that is discussed in terms of how people ought to act is referred to ____ ethics


The phenomenon of a team delivering "less than the sum of its parts" can be explained by the term:

process loss

Tasks for which the contributions resulting from the abilities of every member are considered in total to determine team performance are called _____.

Additive Task

critical, selfish, and rude

Adjectives that describe opposite traits for agreeableness would include

Agreeable people prioritize _____. A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. attainment striving E. power striving

Agreeable people prioritize communion striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

________ is the tendency to rely too heavily on one trait or piece of information when making decisions.


Low assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution

Avoiding (lose-lose)

The Big Five personality dimension _____ is a key driver of what's referred to as typical performance, which reflects performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks. A. neuroticism B. conscientiousness C. extraversion D. openness to experience E. agreeableness


ch.9 - Melissa was reading her slam book from junior high, in which most of her friends described her as a dependable and realiable individual. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension________ best describes Melissa.


______ reflects the extent to which leaders create job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideas, and thoughtfulness of employee feelings


With a(n) _____ decision-making style, employees have a say in the decision-making process, but the ultimate authority still rests with the leader.


According to the RIASEC model, a(n) _____ person enjoys abstract, analytical, and theory-oriented tasks. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative

E. investigative

Which of the following has the propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong"? A. Ethnocentrism B. Neuroticism C. Extraversion D. Zero acquaintance E. Short-term orientation

Ethnocentrism has the propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong."

Which of the following is a suggested guideline for using expert power?

Explain the reasons for a request and why it's important (or) provide evidence that a proposal will be successful (or) dont make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements (or) don't exaggerate or misrepresent the facts (or) listen seriously to the person's concerns and suggestions (or) act confidently and decisively in a crisis

Of the Big Five, _____ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations.


The two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are:

Extraversion, and openness

_____ reflects the degree to which the leader effectively weights the recommendations of the members.

Hierarchical sensitivity

_____ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities.


Researchers have found that the style of attachment that a young child has with his parents predicts that kind of attachment he forms with romantic partners as an adult. This finding is most consistent with which psychodynamic concept?

Object relations theory

Integrity Tests (Honesty Tests)

Personality tests that focus specifically on a predisposition to engage in theft and other counterproductive behaviors


Sofia is driven to finish something once she starts it. This often means she stays at work later then other workers, stays more focused when she is at work, and takes shorter breaks than everyone else. Sofia is a(n) ______ striver.


Talkative, Sociable, Passionate, Assertive, Bold, and Dominant (zero acquaintance). (status striving)

Which of the following are teamwork processes?

Transition processes, action processes, and interpersonal process


Which of the following refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities?

Role Overload

Which of these is a work hindrance stressor?

The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is _____. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


People who are _____ have built in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments

accomplishment strivers

communion striving

agreeable employees prioritize ________ __________, a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality

__________ focus on "getting along" not necessarily "getting ahead"

agreeable people


are defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment (responsible, easygoing, polite, reserved).

Tina's psychology curriculum required her to study an individual's personality type using the process of interviewing. She selected Darren, her brother's roommate, as her test subject. The highlighted points of her research were that Darren is a law graduate, who is a musician in his spare time. He is an independent person who paid his own way through law school; his friends get annoyed with his impulsive behavior. According to the RIASEC model, Tina classified Darren under the _____ type of personality dimension.


The matrix structure gives each employee ________ chain(s) of command

at least two

Which of the following decision-making styles is characterized by the highest level of leader control?

autocratic style

Which of the following can never really resolve a conflict?


At Buddy's Bird Barn, every employee has to consult Buddy before completing any sale, and only Buddy can make decisions about purchasing and advertising. These rules represent ________ at Buddy's Bird Barn


Cary just announced to his employees that if they meet the sales goal for the month of August, they can have a paid four-day vacation. Which of the following styles of leadership is being used by Cary in this case?

contingent reward

gender egalitarianism

culture promotes gender equality and minimizes role differences between men and women

Neuroticism is linked to a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience. A. status striving factor B. locus of control C. positive affectivity D. differential reactivity E. accomplishment striving factor


nonprogrammed decisions

decisions made by employees when a problem is new, complex, or not recognized

Which of the following leader behaviors is characterized by low initiating structure and low consideration?


Which of the following decision-making styles is characterized by the highest level of follower control?

delegative style

According to the RIASEC model, a(n) _____ person enjoys abstract, analytical, and theory-oriented tasks. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative


Extraverted people tend to be high in: A. neuroticism. B. agreeableness. C. status striving. D. conflict avoidance. E. positive affectivity.


In the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creativity. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. conscientiousness E. openness to experience


The Big Five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with _____. A. extraversion B. openness to experience C. conscientiousness D. collectivism E. negative affectivity



enjoy practical, hands-on, real-word tasks

Traits are a function of your _____ and your _____. A. values; beliefs B. beliefs; environment C. environment; genes D. genes; perceptions E. none of these

environment; genes

Positive affectivity is a dispositional tendency to

experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation

Jason is married with two children and lives in New York. He has worked at Bubble Zone for 10 years. These are all __________ of the four layers of diversity.

external dimensions

institutional collectivism

formalized practices encourage collective action and collective distribution of resources

The term __________ identifies an invisible but absolute barrier that prevents women from advancing to higher-level positions.

glass ceiling

When team members have a shared vision and align with that vision, the team is said to have a high degree of ______ interdependence.


Systems monitoring

involves keeping track of things that the team needs to accomplish its work

Helping behavior

involves members going out of their way to help or back up other team members

Monitoring progress toward goals

involves recording accomplishments on a progress chart or something similar

Which of the following refers to the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement?


Which of the following is NOT a type of workplace stressor?

role enrichment Work complexity and time pressure are work-related challenge stressors. Role ambiguity and role conflict are work hindrance stressors. Role enrichment is not a type of workplace stressor.

_____ refers to a work hindrance stressor that occurs when the number of demanding roles a person holds is so high that the person simply cannot perform some or all of the roles very effectively.

role overload Role overload occurs when the number of demanding roles a person holds is so high that the person simply cannot perform some or all of the roles very effectively.

In a boundary-spanning process, the marketing team member who meets with an engineer to seek information about new materials is engaging in _____.

scout activities

Gordon works as a senior software engineer. He can work from home or in the office, and he can take off whenever he likes. He can add features to the programs he is working on and change them significantly without collaborating with anyone else. He can also decide which projects get most of his attention. Which of the following does Gordon's job definitely have?

self-determination Self-determination reflects a sense of choice in the initiation and continuation of work tasks. Employees with high levels of self-determination can choose what tasks to work on, how to structure those tasks, and how long to pursue those tasks.

the extent to which individuals base their behavior on cues from other people and the situation


____________ is the phenomenon occurring when members of a team exert less effort when working on team tasks than they would if they worked alone on those same tasks

social loafing

The "S" in the S.M.A.R.T. goals acronym stands for

specific The S.M.A.R.T. acronym stands for specific, measurable, achievable, results-based, and time-sensitive.

Burt, Ryan, and Heather are members of the marketing team at Model Industries, Inc. (MII), responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Burt has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Heather has the best record of making good recommendations to Jeremy, vice president of marketing. Ryan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Jeremy pays careful attention to what Heather has to say,but generally does not pay much attention to what Ryan proposes. In addition to Jeremy, Heather has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. The decision -making records of Heather and Ryan reflect which factor in effective decision making at MII?

staff validity

Which of the following refers to the degree to which members of the team make useful recommendations to the leader?

staff validity

The marketing team of A.T. International was asked to develop the marketing strategy for the European market. Members of the team were provided with all the information required to make good recommendations to the leader but failed to deliver due to their lack of insight and poor judgment. This indicates that the marketing team had low:

staff validity.

Extraverted people prioritize ______ striving.

status Extraverted people prioritize status striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality.

"Women have a harder time than men in being perceived as effective leaders." This statement is a(n)


Accomplishment striving describes a

strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality.

Leaders that control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence. This is associated with which of the following contingency factors?


Deep-level diversity has positive effects on team creativity when:

team members are instructed to take the perspective of their teammates.

Response time refers to the ability

that reflects how quickly an individual responds to signalling information after it occurs

projection bias

the faulty perception by decision makers that others think, feel, and act the same way as they do

- verbal ability (oral and written comprehension) - quantitative ability (number facility and mathematical reasoning) - reasoning ability (problem sensitivity, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, and originality) - spatial ability (orientation and visualization) - perceptual ability (speed and flexibility of closure & perceptual speed)

the five types and facets of cognitive ability


the removal of a consequence following an unwanted behavior


the tendency to rely too heavily, or "anchor," on one trait or piece of information when making decisions even when the anchor might be unreliable or irrelevant


the tendency to weigh recent events more than earlier events

According to the resource-based view of organizations, people are inimitable because ______.

they are expensive to hire

- team that is designed to be relatively permanent - purpose is to produce goods or provide services - generally require a full-time commitment from their members

work team

_____ power exists when someone has control over the resources another person wants.


_______ activities refer to things team members do to obtain information about technology, competitors, or the broader marketplace.

Scout activities

Zero Acquaintance

Situations in which two people have only just met.

_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality.

Status striving

The development of courses of action and contingency plans, and then adapting those plans in light of changes that occur in the teams environment refers to

Strategy formulation

Which of the following best describes the group development pattern known as punctuated equilibrium?

Teams that develop in a less linear fashion


The day before Jackson takes an important test in school, he shows a tendency to get nervous, moody, and insecure. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jackson.

Having a cell phone conversation during a rock concert is difficult because of:

The presence of noise

_____ psychological contracts are based on a narrow set of specific monetary obligations.


Which of the following represents the carrot-and stick approach to leadership?

Transactional leadership


_____ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities.

Which of the following refers to the propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong"? A. Ethnocentrism B. Neuroticism C. Extraversion D. Zero acquaintance E. Short-term orientation


Which of these given below asks applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty, the desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty? A. A clear purpose test B. Differential reactivity C. Positive affectivity D. A veiled purpose test E. A Big Five Inventory


extraversion and openness

According to longitudinal studies, the two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are

Which of the following scenarios demonstrates general cognitive ability?

Alice scored well above average on the verbal, quantitative, and reasoning segments of a test

Self determination

April delegates work tasks to her employees rather than micromanaging them and she trusts her employees to come up with their own approach to certain tasks. April is attempting to instill a sense of _____ in her employees.

Which of the following represents the three general categories into which abilities can be grouped?

Cognitive, emotional, and physical

The Chinese culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the member of a broadening group, and act loyal to it. In the context Hofstede's dimensions what is the personality dimension used to describe the Chinese culture


_______ reflects whether members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities.

Decision informity

Which of the following is a team task role?


Subcultures are more likely to exist in small companies.


Those with low scores on neuroticism are more likely to demonstrate Type A behavior patterns.


One of the taxonomies used to describe cultural values is the A. RIASEC Model B. Big Five Approach C. Myers-Briggs Types D. Hofstede Dimensions E. CANOE Acronym Classification

Hofstede Dimensions


Houston, a project manager at Universe Inc., was the man behind the company's shift to a new culture that focused on being assertive with its clients. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension ________ best describes Universe Inc.

The Big Five Taxonomy

Most adjectives are variations of 5 broad dimensions or "factors" that can be used to summarize our personalities 1. Conscientiousness 2. Agreeableness 3. Neuroticism 4. Oppeness to Experience 5. Extraversion

In the _____ stage of team development, members come to realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals, and consequently, they begin to cooperate with one another .


The Chinese culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the members of a broader in group and act loyal to it. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, what is the personality dimension that you will use to describe the Chinese culture?


_____ are defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment. A. Perceptions B. Values C. Short-term orientations D. Traits E. Beliefs


_____ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities. A. Values B. Beliefs C. Tests D. Interests E. Ethics


_____ do not reference dishonesty explicitly but instead assess more general personality traits that are associated with dishonest acts. A. Clear purpose tests B. Differential reactivity C. Positive affectivity D. Veiled purpose tests E. Aptitude inventories


stage where members are comfortable working within their roles, and the team makes progress toward goals a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing e. adjourning

d. performing

______ is the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others.


Conscientiousness has _____ effect continuance commitment. A. no B. a strong positive C. a weak negative D. a moderate positive E. a weak positive


When actions by individuals in an organization are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-interests, it is termed as _____.

organizational politics

While performing the boundary-spanning process, members who engage in ambassador activities typically communicate with:

people who are higher up in the organization

Kevin fidgets and taps on things, sighs often, squirms, constantly checks the time, and yells at people when they ask him how a project is going. The people who work with Kevin perceive him as uptight, mean, anxious, and rude. These perceptions are primarily formed by Kevin's cultural values. abilities. ethnocentrism. perception. personality.


positive reinforcement

positive outcome follows a desired behavior

Which of the following refer(s) to the degree to which members believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks?


- role ambiguity - role conflict - role overload

potential problems resulting from role differentiation


preferring clear and concrete facts and data


preferring hunches and speculations based on theory and imagination


preferring to have flexibility and spontaneity when performing tasks

Kristen attempts to address time pressure by working harder and seeking assistance in devising a strategy for accomplishing the work more efficiently. In the example, Kristen uses

problem-focused coping Problem-focused coping refers to behaviors and cognitions intended to manage the stressful situation itself. Behavioral coping involves the set of physical activities that are used to deal with a stressful situation.

Getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members is called:

process gain

getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members - synonymous with synergy

process gain

Phase 1: inertia causes equilibrium Phase 2: recognition of deadline pressure and fear of failure causes action and change

punctuated equilibrium theory

social identity theory

a theory that people identify themselves based on the various groups to which they belong and judge others based on the groups they associate with

stage where members orient themselves by trying to understand their boundaries in the team a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing e. adjourning

a. forming

Which type of network structure in communication has the least degree of centralization?

all channel

The following review was made of some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Isabelle. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. intuition D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


The principle of _____ suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues. A. situation awareness B. situational strength C. situational prevention D. situational ethics E. situation specificity


A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elations refers to _____. A. neuroticism B. agreeableness C. positive affectivity D. conflict avoidance E. status striving


Neurotic people tend to: A. strive for status. B. be communion strivers. C. hold an external locus of control. D. exhibit enthusiastic and upbeat mood patterns. E. be extroverts.


An example of a management team would be a

team that oversees the functioning of all the teams in an organization and coordinates activities among teams.


talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, and dominant

Having a cell phone conversation at a busy construction site is difficult because of

the presence of noise

project GLOBE

uses nine different cultural dimensions, many bearing similarity to hofstede's

The degree to which a job requires a number of different activities involving a number of different skills and talents is referred to as:


Do not reference dishonesty explicitly but instead assess more general personality traits that are associated with dishonest acts.

veiled purpose test

T/F: Agreeable people prioritize status striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality.


Apathetics tend to respond to negative events with _____ because they are low performers who lack marketable skills and who do not have a high enough level of organizational commitment needed to engage in acts of citizenship.



neurotic people tend to have an _________ locus of control

Calm, steady, relaxed, at ease, secure, contented are opposite traits of which dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


Emotional stability is the flip side of which of these Big Five dimension? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism


Daniel's team is working on a project to create an effective marketing campaign for a company that specializes in food processors. Daniel gathers all the necessary information to help his team understand the product and the desires and needs of the client. He then clearly explains the responsibilities of each member of the team. He is ensuring that his team has high :

decision informity

Ben, Tom, Ron, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is not able but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. Which of the following leadership behaviors should John adopt to deal with Tom's readiness?


Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful.

differential exposure

______ can be beneficial to teams if it stimulates conversations that result in the development and expression of new ideas


Monica is extremely high on the Orderly and Dutiful facets of the Big Five Factor, Conscientiousness. What would Sigmund Freud have said about Monica?

She has an overdeveloped superego

An outsider can fully grasp or understand the culture of an organization simply by looking at artifacts visible from outside the company.


Companies that focus on a differentiation strategy are more likely to take a mechanistic approach to organizational design.


cognition based trust

When trust is rooted in a rational assessment of the authority's trustworthiness, it is:

Sam and Ernie have been friends since high school. They both like designing landscapes and work well together. They also enjoy working with Larry, a man who is a bit older than them and the third member of their landscaping design team. Often, any one of them can be heard saying he could do landscape design with his friends forever. This team has

high viability

Mission Analysis

involves an analysis of the team's task, the challenges that face the team, and the resources available for completing the team's work.

4. performing

members are comfortable in their roles, and the team makes progress toward goals

5. adjourning

members experience anxiety and other emotions as they disengage and separate from the team

Brainstorming results in production blocking because:

members have to wait their turn to express their ideas.

comprehensive interdependence

members interact to a high degree to coordinate and perform tasks

A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called _____

negative affectivity

negative affectivity

neuroticism is synonymous with _________ _________, a dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness and annoyance

Extraverted people tend to be high in: A. neuroticism. B. agreeableness. C. status striving. D. conflict avoidance. E. positive affectivity.

positive affectivity


The Source, an engineering company, introduced a 360-degree feedback system. Lou, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as eager to learn and innovate. Isaac was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Gloria's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Gloria.

The principle of ________ suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues.

situational strength

Extraverted people prioritize ________ striving A. status B. communion C. value D. attainment E. accomplishment


refined, sophisticated, creative, curious, complex, imaginative

traits of OPENNESS?

Accomplishment Striving

which reflects a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality.

Communion Striving

which reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

While ______________ teams focus on the accomplishment of core operational-level production and service tasks, _____________ teams focus on integrating the activities of subunits across business functions.

work; management

_____ is broadly defined as the degree to which employees have the ability and the willingness to accomplish their specific tasks. - Readiness - Integration - Efficiency - Emergence - Effectiveness

- Readiness

Of the Big Five, _____ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations. - agreeableness - conscientiousness - neuroticism - openness to experience - extraversion

- extraversion

Discretion is the degree to which - favors, compliments, and friendly behavior can influence a situation. - people have alternatives in accessing resources. - a person's job has an impact on others. - others are aware a leader's power and position. - managers have the right to make decisions on their own.

- managers have the right to make decisions on their own.

A strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality is known as _____. A. status striving B. accomplishment striving C. value striving D. curiosity E. power striving

B. accomplishment striving

Which of the following is not a "dimension" of the big five taxonomy? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Locus of control D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism

C. Locus of control

Conscientious people prioritize: A. status striving. B. communion striving. C. accomplishment striving. D. curiosity. E. power striving.

C. accomplishment striving.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Extraversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving.

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ stresses on values such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations. A. individualism B. high power distance C. masculinity D. low uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, short-term orientation stresses on values such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations.

observable artifacts

________ are the manifestations of an organizational culture that everyone can see or talk about.

Critical, selfish, and rude are opposite traits for which dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


______ activities refer to communications that are intended to protect the team, persuade others to support the team, or obtain important resources for the team.

ambassador activities

Which style of conflict resolution is considered a lose-lose approach?


Agreeable people prioritize _____. A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. attainment striving E. power striving


Exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion is called _____. A. ethnocentrism B. faking C. neuroticism D. creativity E. negative affectivity


The Big Five personality dimension _____ is a key driver of what's referred to as typical performance, which reflects performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks. A. neuroticism B. conscientiousness C. extraversion D. openness to experience E. agreeableness


The most appropriate use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is: A. in the job satisfaction prediction context. B. in a team-building context. C. to gauge the commitment of employees across jobs. D. to predict the motivation of employees. E. to forecast the performance of employees across jobs.


A stressed employee who goes for a walk on a nature trail in the middle of the workday is using what type of coping mechanism?

behavioral Behavioral coping strategies are the set of physical activities that are used to deal with a stressful situation.

George is described by his friends as curious and imaginative. He is probably high on the trait of ________.

Openness to Experience

Personality is a collection of multiple _____. A. abilities B. traits C. aptitudes D. emotions E. capacities

Personality is a collection of multiple traits. Traits are defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment.

Personality traits are a function of both your: A. values and beliefs. B. beliefs and environment. C. environment and genes. D. genes and perceptions. E. culture and beliefs.

Personality traits are a function of both your genes and your environment. Traits are defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment.

environment and genes.

Personality traits are a function of both your:

Which of the following is the best summary of the current state of the person-situation debate?

Personality traits are useful for predicting a person's behavior on average, but not very useful for predicting behavior in a specific situation.

_____ focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead." A. Conscientious people B. Agreeable people C. Neurotic people D. Diligent people E. Extraverts

Agreeable people focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead." They are warm, kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, and courteous.

Which of these dimensions in the Big Five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm? Extraversion Openness Conscientiousness Neuroticism Agreeableness


Agreeable people prioritize _____. A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. attainment striving E. power striving

B. communion striving

_____ are defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment. A. Perceptions B. Values C. Short-term orientations D. Traits E. Beliefs

D. Traits

The Big Five dimension _____ is also called by its flip side: "Emotional Stability" or "Emotional Adjustment." A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

E. neuroticism

Neuroticism (Emotional Stability, or Emotional Adjustment)

Nervous, Moody, Emotional, Insecure, and Jealous (negative affectivity).


One who views his or her cultural values as "right" and values of other cultures as "wrong"

Of the following, which is a primary individual outcome according to the integrative model?

Organizational commitment

Maximum Performance

Reflects performance in brief, special circumstances that demand a person's best effort

Typical Performance

Reflects performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks

The behavior a person is expected to display in a given context is known as:


Noah, a services manager at the Feelwell Health Clinic, consulted an alternative medicine specialist to see if it is feasible to incorporate certain treatments as part of the clinic's services. Noah is performing a(n) ______ activity of the boundary spanning process



The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is


When Mathilda first walked into the glass-enclosed lobby of Data Mining Solutions' headquarters, she observed an enormous three-dimensional recreation of the company's logo—a bright red question mark—hanging from the ceiling. As she was taken on a tour of the building, the same red question mark appeared painted along the hallways, in decals placed on all street-facing windows, and as a screen saver on the company computers. Such corporate branding is an example of which type of observable artifact?


Which of the following is a dimension of the Big Five taxonomy?

conscientious people prioritize A. curiosity B. status striving C. power striving D. communion striving E. accomplishment striving

accomplishment striving

personality and integrity tests

among the most useful tools for hiring

Personality is a collection of multiple _____. A. abilities B. traits C. aptitudes D. emotions E. capacities


when team members have a shared vision of the team's goal and align their individual goals with that vision as a result a. task interdependence b. goal interdependence c. outcome interdependence

b. goal interdependence

______ involves the leader helping complete the task, providing required resources, or removing obstacles that make task completion difficult.


Which style of conflict resolution is considered as a win-lose approach?


ch.9- Which of the following is not a "dimension" of the big five taxonomy?(whatever choice isn't one of these 5 )

conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness & extraversion ARE)

_____ is a key driver of typical performance, whereas an employee's _____ is a key driver of maximum performance. A. Neuroticism; openness B. Conscientiousness; ability C. Extraversion; neuroticism D. Uncertainty avoidance; short-term orientation E. Agreeableness; openness

conscientiousness; ability

humane orientation

culture encourages and rewards members for being generous, caring, kind, fair, and altruistic

In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is also called "inquisitiveness" or "intellectualness." A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


Together with cognitive ability, _____ is a key driver of creative thought, as smart and open people excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism



defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment

Expressions that create a sense of urgency and optimism are examples of communications that reflect which of the following processes?

encoding information into a message

Which stage of socialization begins on the day an employee starts work?



enjoy helping, serving, or assisting others

_________________ knowledge is information that is relatively easily communicated and a large part of what companies teach during training sessions


According to longitudinal studies, the two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are

extraversion and openness.

Motivating and confidence building, conflict management, and affect management are types of:

interpersonal processes

Up and Down pushes its employees to succeed, encouraging aggressive, hard work. If there are competitive aspects to your proposal, emphasize them because the employees love to win.


A group of friends decided to start their own venture capital firm with the resources and abilities they have. Jessie is really good at applying formulas to solve complex problems that involve numbers. Teddy excels at combining specific data into general conclusions. Ralph is able to study stock market data and predict how the market fluctuations will affect an industry. These employees believe that they can build a great future and they are working hard toward their goals. From the information given, it can be concluded that Jessie has high ability in the area of _____.

mathematical reasoning

If your roommate is nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, and jealous, he would fit which of these dimensions of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


locus of control

neuroticism is strongly related to _____ __ ______, which reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment

Britney, a manager in an advertising firm, was assigned a team and asked to come up with ideas for an advertising campaign. Britney briefed her team and outlined the purpose of the meeting clearly, after which she asked the members to individually generate ideas and bring their list to the next meeting. In the second meeting, the ideas were compiled, doubts clarified, and ideas built-on, after which the members were then asked to individually rank the ideas and submit the list to Britney, who tabulated the scores and created a list of the five highest rated ideas. Britney adopted _____ to generate the ideas.

nominal group technique

The Pulse, an HR company, introduced a 360-degree feedback system. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jack.

open to experience.

of the big five __________ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations

openness to experience

_____ teams take up one-time issues and exist only as long as the project takes to complete. - Project - Parallel - Action - Work - Management

- Project

_____ is the phenomenon occurring when members of a team exert less effort when working on team tasks than they would if they worked alone on those same tasks. - Framing effect - Self-serving bias - Social facilitation - Social loafing - Groupthink

- Social loafing

_____ striving reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. - Accomplishment - Communion - Status - Fellowship - Attainment

- Status

_____ is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. - Integrative bargaining - Discretion - Accommodation - Substitutability - Centrality

- Substitutability

_____ diversity refers to diversity regarding observable attributes such as race, ethnicity, sex, and age. - Additive - Disjunctive - Deep-level - Surface-level - Conjunctive

- Surface-level

_____ involves keeping track of things that the team needs to accomplish its work. - Helping behavior - Systems monitoring - Coordination - Goal specification - Strategy formulation

- Systems monitoring

_____ can be beneficial to teams if it stimulates conversations that result in the development and expression of new ideas. - Relationship conflict - Task conflict - Noise - Groupthink - Social loafing

- Task conflict

Which of the following is true of teams? - A team works interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose. - Interactions among members within teams are more personal and informal than interactions between people in groups. - Groups are formed with a specific purpose in mind, while teams do not have a specific goal. - A team consists of two or more people who work independently, with distinct goals and strategies. - The members of a team operate relatively independently of each other, and other members are not essential to their completion of goals.

- The members of a team operate relatively independently of each other, and other members are not essential to their completion of goals.

Cognitive abilities are related to the - capacity to manipulate and control objects. - appraisal and recognition of emotion in others. - degree to which people can harness emotions and use them to succeed. - acquisition and application of knowledge in problem solving. - ability to perceive colors and judge relative distances between things accurately.

- acquisition and application of knowledge in problem solving.

A musical group and a surgical team are examples of _____ teams. - management - project - parallel - work - action

- action

_____ focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead." - extraverts - agreeable people - conscientious people - diligent people - neurotic people

- agreeable people

In the performing stage of team development, members - are comfortable working within their roles, and the team makes progress toward goals, - realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals, and consequently, they begin to cooperate. - experience anxiety and other emotions as they disengage and ultimately separate from the team. - remain committed to ideas they bring with them to the team. - orient themselves by trying to understand their boundaries in the team.

- are comfortable working within their roles, and the team makes progress toward goals.

Strength refers to the - degree to which the body is capable of exerting force. - ability to exert oneself over a period of time. - ability of the lungs and circulatory system to work efficiently. - capacity to keep the arms and hands steady while doing precise work. - ability to synchronize the movements of the body, arms, and legs.

- degree to which the body is capable of exerting force.

According to the value in diversity problem-solving approach - diversity in teams is beneficial because it allows the individual team members to accept differences between people and work together. - deep-level diversity in teams is less likely to lead to productive outcomes than surface-level diversity is. - surface-level diversity is less likely to lead to team cohesion than deep-level diversity is. - diversity in teams is beneficial because it provides for a larger pool of knowledge from which a team can draw as it carries out its work. - diversity in teams is not beneficial if the problems to be solved are unfamiliar to the team members.

- diversity in teams is beneficial because it provides for a larger pool of knowledge from which a team can draw as it carries out its work.

The two types of personal power are _____ power. - reward and referent - expert and legitimate - reward and coercive - expert and referent - expert and coercive

- expert and referent

Which of the following represents the predictable sequence of stages in team development? - norming, forming, storming, performing, and adjourning - storming, norming, performing, forming, and adjourning - performing, forming, norming, storming, and adjourning - forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning - norming, forming, performing, storming, and adjourning

- forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning

The "g-factor" refers to - general cognitive ability. - gross body coordination. - general adaptation syndrome. - gross body equilibrium. - gross motor facilitation.

- general cognitive ability.

Which of the following are the strongest determinants of one's abilities? - training and skills - experience and attitude - knowledge and beliefs - values and attitudes - genes and the environment

- genes and the environment

What is the perfect size for a group?

- just enough to get the job done - usually 5 to 7 people

Which of the following styles represents avoidance of leadership altogether? - transformational leadership - contingent reward transactional leadership - passive management-by-exception - laissez-faire leadership - active management-by-exception

- laissez-faire leadership

Which of the following refers to how well people actually do in a leadership role? - leader perception - leader emergence - leader effectiveness - leader personality - leader characteristic

- leader effectiveness

The type of power sometimes referred to as "formal authority" is _____ power. - expert - political - reward - legitimate - structural

- legitimate

Major types of power can be grouped along two dimensions: - organizational and personal. - inner and outer. - organizational and political. - professional and organizational. - social and personal.

- organizational and personal.

In the leader-member exchange theory, the low-quality exchange dyad forms the leader's - outgroup. - obligations. - internal attributes. - ingroup. - levels of mutual trust.

- outgroup.

Which of the following competencies coordinates and synchronizes activities among team members? - collaborative problem solving - goal setting and performance management - planning and task coordination - conflict resolution - communications

- planning and task coordination

Unlike other types of teams, the purpose of work teams is to - complete managerial tasks. - provide recommendations to managers about important issues. - help the organization achieve its long-term goals. - take on "one-time" tasks that are generally complex. - produce goods or provide services.

- produce goods or provide services.

Emotional intelligence is an ability - that improves physical performance. - to avoid unpleasant settings. - to apply general rules to specific problems. - that affects social functioning. - to make sense of information and find patterns.

- that affects social functioning.

Hofstede's Dimensions of Cultural Values

1. Individualism vs. Collectivism (A culture of loosely knit social framework vs. tight social framework) 2. Power Distance (Low-Culture prefers power be distributed uniformly vs. High which culture accepts power distributed unequally) 3. Uncertainty Avoidance (Low-Culture tolerates uncertain situation and values unusual ideas vs. High which culture feel threatened by uncertain situations) 4. Masculinity vs. Femininity (Male Culture values males traits such as assertiveness vs. Feminine culture which values female traits such as caring for others and caring about quality of life) 5. Short-term vs. Long-term Orientation (Culture stresses values that are more past- and present oriented, such as respect for tradition vs. A culture that stresses values that are more future-oriented)

The scenario below is a review that some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Alex. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. introversion E. neuroticism

A. conscientiousness

Sam and Matilda are successful stock brokers working with Invest Right Broking. Before striking a deal with a company, Sam reviews the company's reports and past data. Matilda on the other hand buys stock based on speculation. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the _____ type best describes Sam and the _____ type best describes Matilda. A. sensing; intuition B. perceiving; judging C. short-term; long-term D. feeling; thinking E. extraversion; introversion

A. sensing; intuition

Tina's psychology curriculum required her to study an individual's personality type using the process of interviewing. She selected Darren, her brother's roommate, as her test subject. The highlighted points of her research were that Darren is a Law graduate, who is a musician in his spare time. He is an independent person who paid his way through Law school; his friends get annoyed with his impulsive behavior. According to the RIASEC model, Tina classified Darren under the _____ type of personality dimension. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative

According to the RIASEC model, artistic people enjoy entertaining and fascinating others using imagination. They tend to be original, independent, impulsive, and creative.

In the ______ stage of group development, members experience anxiety and other emotions as they disengage and ultimately separate from the team.


When a fight broke out between two workers at Leo Motors, James the manager, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes James


The scenario below is a review that some of the employees at the Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. -Jack who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Isabelle



Agreeable people are warm, kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, and courteous. -Prioritize communion striving Communion Striving: reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. -Focus on "getting along" not necessarily "getting ahead" -Have stronger customer service skills

_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. A. Status striving B. Attainment striving C. Accomplishment striving D. Communion striving E. Power striving

Agreeable people prioritize communion striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

ch.9- Critical, selfish, and rude are opposite traits for which personality dimension of the Big Five?


ch.9- Which of theses dimensions in the Big Five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm?


A person does not "have" or "not have" a personality trait but instead can possess varying amounts of it. This is because personality traits reflect ____________________ rather than distinct personality types. A. qualitative differences B. continuous distributions C. dimensionality D. stable characteristics

B. continuous distributions

A(n) _____ situation is an situation in which two people have only just met. A. differential exposure B. zero acquaintance C. locus of control D. ethnocentric E. uncertainty avoidance

B. zero acquaintance

Rebecca and her students from the drama class have been asked to conduct a play to raise funds for the school library. To make the play a success, Rebecca consults and enlists the help of the Headmaster and senior teachers, while her students meet a few theater artists. They also consult a costume designer and a dance choreographer who have agreed to help the team team with the play. Such activities involving individuals and groups who are not part of the team, are termed as :

Boundary spanning


Conscientiousness people are dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering. -Has biggest influence on job performance out of any of the big five Accomplishment Striving: reflects a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality. -Conscientiousness people make accomplishment striving a priority -Have a built-in desire to finish work tasks, channel a lot of effort toward those tasks, and work harder/longer on task assignments.

Ben just announced to his employees that if they meet the sales goal for the month of August, they can have a paid four-day vacation. Which of the following styles of leadership is being used by Ben in this case?

Contingent reward

Which of the following is one of the three types of organizational commitment that focuses on personal and family issues more than the other two commitment types?

Continuance commitment

_____ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment. A. Differential exposure B. Zero acquaintance C. Ethnocentrism D. Locus of control E. Differential reactivity

D. Locus of control

Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience. A. status striving factor B. locus of control C. positive affectivity D. differential reactivity E. accomplishment striving factor

D. differential reactivity

Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jack. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

D. openness to experience

Together with cognitive ability, _____ is a key driver of creative thought, as smart and open people excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

D. openness to experience


Dependable, Organized, Reliable, Ambitious, Hard Working, and Persevering (Accomplishment Striving).

James participated in a problem-solving quiz competition with his friends. As Mark was the most familiar with the types of problems on the quiz, the team's performance depended entirely on Mark's performance. This type of task is called a(n):

Disjunctive Task

Which of the following is a "veiled purpose" test item in an integrity test? A. Have you ever borrowed something from work without telling anyone? B. If you were sent an extra item with an order, would you send it back? C. Do you agree with the statement, "I don't feel I've had control over my life"? D. Do most employees take small items from work? E. What dollar value would a worker have to steal before you would fire them?

Do you agree with the statement, "I don't feel I've had control over my life"?

The Big Five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with _____. A. extraversion B. openness to experience C. conscientiousness D. collectivism E. negative affectivity

E. negative affectivity

The day before Jackson takes up an important quiz test in school, he shows a tendency to get annoyed easily. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jackson. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

E. neuroticism

Extraverted people tend to be high in: A. neuroticism. B. agreeableness. C. status striving. D. conflict avoidance. E. positive affectivity.

E. positive affectivity.

Define emotional abilities. Identify and describe the four abilities related to emotional intelligence

Emotional abilities refer to type of abilities that influence the degree to which people tend to be effective in social situations regardless of their level of other cognitive abilities. Emotional intelligence is defined in terms of four different but related abilities: Self-awareness refers to the ability of an individual to understand the types of emotions he or she is experiencing, the willingness to acknowledge them, and the capability to express them naturally. Other awareness refers to a person's ability to recognize and understand the emotions that other people are feeling. People who are high in this aspect of emotional intelligence are not only sensitive to the feelings of others, but can also anticipate the emotions that people will experience in different situations. Emotion regulation refers to being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences. Use of emotions reflects the degree to which people can harness emotions and employ them to improve their chances of being successful in whatever they are seeking to do.


Exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion is called _____.

Laura heads the administrative department in a hospital. Her job involves ensuring that work in the hospital runs smoothly, managing the staff, inventory management, and maintaining the requisite standard in hospital hygiene and patient care. As her work often involves situations that demand the use of coercive power, which of the following guidelines must Laura follow?

Explain rules and requirements and ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations (or) Respond to infractions promptly & without favoritism (or) Investigate to get facts before following through (or) provide ample warnings (or) use punishments that are legitimate, fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance

Myers-Briggs Type indicator evaluates individuals on the basis of all these types of preferences except:

Extraversion v. Introversion, Sensing v. Intuition, Thinking v. Feeling, and Judging v. Perceiving ARE THE TYPES of preferences, so pick the answer that is NOT on of these types.

Which of the following is not one of Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values?


A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elations refers to _____. A. neuroticism B. agreeableness C. positive affectivity D. conflict avoidance E. status striving

Extraverted employees tend to be high in what's called positive affectivity —a dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation.


Extraverted people are talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, and dominant. -Easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations- situations in which two people have only just met. -Prioritize status Striving Status Striving: reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. -Care a lot about being successful/influential and direct their work efforts toward "moving up" -High in positive affectivity- a dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods. -Tend to be happier with their jobs and have a higher general life satisfaction.

Extraverted people prioritize _____. A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. value striving E. attainment striving

Extraverted people prioritize status striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality.

Rita can be described as a hard working and ambitious individual. She joined Atlas Corporation as a junior recruiter and wants to climb the corporate ladder to become a team leader in the future. Having that goal in mind Rita works for long hours and takes up more than one project at a time. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Rita. A. neuroticism B. agreeableness C. extraversion D. callousness E. conflict-orientation

Extraverted people prioritize status striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality.

_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. A. Accomplishment striving B. Status striving C. Fellowship striving D. Attainment striving E. Communion striving

Extraverted people prioritize status striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality.

______, who are more energetic and outgoing, are perceived to be more "leader like"


______Who are more energetic and outgoing are perceived to be more likely "leader like"


twin studies have shown that genetics has the most effect on which of the big five personality traits


Unicoi Inc., a Brazilian sports manufacturer, is known as a company that focuses on improving its customer's quality of life. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension ______ best describes Unicoi Inc.



Herb's office is impeccably organized. Herb always shows up on time and can be counted to volunteer when someone is needed to go above and beyond usual duties. Herb says he will run the company someday, and he is willing to put in as many hours and as much suffering as it takes to get there. Herb exemplifies the personality trait of

Sam and Matilda are successful stock brokers working with Invest Right Broking. Before striking a deal with a company, Sam reviews the company's reports and past data. Matilda on the other hand buys stock based on speculation. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the _____ type best describes Sam and the _____ type best describes Matilda. A. sensing; intuition B. perceiving; judging C. short-term; long-term D. feeling; thinking E. extraversion; introversion

In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, sensing prefers clear and concrete facts and data and intuition prefers hunches and speculations based on theory and imagination.

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the culture high on _____ accepts the fact that authority is usually distributed unequally within organizations. A. collectivism B. uncertainty avoidance C. masculinity D. power distance E. short-term orientation

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the culture high on power distance accepts the fact that authority is usually distributed unequally within organizations.

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the culture low on _____ tolerates ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the culture low on uncertainty avoidance tolerates ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors.

The scenario below is a review that some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Alex. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. introversion E. neuroticism

In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, people who fall under the personality dimension conscientiousness are dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering.

The scenario below is a review that some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Isabelle. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, people who fall under the personality dimension extraversion are talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, and dominant.

The scenario below is a review that some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jack. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, people who fall under the personality dimension openness to experience are curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, and sophisticated.

In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creativity. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. conscientiousness E. openness to experience

In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension openness to experience is more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creativity. Open people are curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, and sophisticated.


In the time-driven model of leadership, which style is reserved for decisions that are significant and where the leader's expertise is high?

As the level of task interdependence ______, members must spend ______ amounts of time communicating and coordinating with other members to complete tasks.

Increases & increasing

_____ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities. A. Values B. Beliefs C. Tests D. Interests E. Ethics

Interests are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities. They reflect stable and enduring likes and dislikes that can explain why people are drawn toward some careers and away from others.


Interests can be summarize into 6 different personality types 1. Realistic: Enjoys hands on, real world tasks (Practical, Determined) 2. Investigative: Enjoys abstract, analytical tasks 3. Artistic: Enjoys entertainment and fascinating others using imagination 4. Social: Enjoys helping, serving, or assisting others (Helpful, inspiring, empathic) 5. Enterprising: Enjoys persuading, leading, and outperforming others (Energetic, sociable) 6. Conventional: Enjoys organizing, counting, or regulating people or things (Careful, conservative, self controlled)

Which of the following is an advantage of a strong culture?

It allows employees to identify themselves with the organization.

Which of the following statements is true regarding job satisfaction?

It has both rational and emotional components.

Which of the following is true about knowledge of results?

It reflects the extent to which employees know how well (or how poorly) they are doing.

Dallas, a project manager at Stars Inc., was the man behind the company's shift to a new culture that focused on being assertive with their clients. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension ______ best describes Stars Inc.


Dallas, a project manager at Stars INC.., was the man behind the company shift to a new culture that focused on being assertive with its clients. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _________ best describes Stars INC.


Of the following methods, which suggests that people hold firmly to some belief because some respected official, agency, or source has said it is so?

Method of authority

A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called _____.

Negative Affectivity Whereas extraversion is synonymous with positive affectivity, neuroticism is synonymous with negative affectivity—a dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance.

ch.9- The day before Jackson takes up an important quiz test in school, he shows a tendency to get annoyed easily. In context of the big five taxonomy, the personality dimension ______ best describes Jackson


the day before Jackson takes an important test in school, he shows a tendency to get nervous, moody and insecure. In the context of the big five taxonomy, the personality dimension_______ best describes Jackson


_____ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment. A. Differential exposure B. Zero acquaintance C. Ethnocentrism D. Locus of control E. Differential reactivity

Neuroticism is strongly related to locus of control, which reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment. Neurotic people tend to hold an external locus of control, meaning that they often believe that the events that occur around them are driven by luck, chance, or fate.

Which of the following statements is true of the stages of team development?

Not every team has to progress through the sequence of team development.

A(n) _____ situation is an situation in which two people have only just met. A. differential exposure B. zero acquaintance C. locus of control D. ethnocentric E. uncertainty avoidance

Of the Big Five, extraversion is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations—situations in which two people have only just met.


One of the "Big Five" dimensions of personality reflecting traits like being dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering.


One of the "Big Five" dimensions of personality reflecting traits like being kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous, and warm.


One of the "Big Five" dimensions of personality reflecting traits like being nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, jealous, and unstable


One of the "Big Five" dimensions of personality reflecting traits like being talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, and dominant.

Openness to Experience

Open people are curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, and sophisticated. -Has the most alternative names -Excel in learning/training programs b/c their curiosity gives them a built-in desire to learn.

What is meant by person-organization fit? What are its advantages?

Person-organization fit is the degree to which a person's personality and values match the culture of an organization. Employees judge fit by thinking about the values they prioritize the most, then judging whether the organization shares those values. Two recent meta-analyses illustrate the importance of person-organization fit to employees. When employees feel that their values and personality match those of the organization, they experience higher levels of job satisfaction and feel less stress about their day-to-day tasks. They also feel higher levels of trust toward their managers. When employees feel they fit with their organization's culture, they are much more likely to develop an emotional attachment to the company. The effects of fit on job performance are weaker, however. In general, person-organization fit is more related to citizenship behaviors than to task performance. Employees who sense a good fit are therefore more likely to help their colleagues and "go the extra mile" to benefit the company.

Just before the final football game of the season, the captain of the team made an emotional appeal to all his teammates to win the last game for their coach, who passed away recently. Which of the following influence tactics did the captain use?

Personal appeals

_____ refer(s) to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior.


_____ refer(s) to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. Personality Ethnocentrism Attributions Perception Cultural values


_____ refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. A. Personality B. Apophenia C. Ethnoburb D. Ethnocentrism E. Perception

Personality refers to the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. It creates a person's social reputation—the way they are perceived by friends, family, coworkers, and supervisors.


Peyton is a well-liked intern at Gary's Tri-State Metal Sales. Customers and co-workers describe Peyton as kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm. Peyton probably has a great deal of the Big Five Trait of

Which of the following examples, each occurring about midway through a project, demonstrates punctuated equilibrium?

Phyllis and her teammates realize they need to quit messing around and get busy to meet their deadline.

Describe the R1 and R2 stages of the life cycle theory of leadership, and identify the appropriate behaviors that should accompany each stage.

R1 refers to a group of employees who are working together for the first time and are eager to begin, but they lack the experience and confidence needed to perform their roles. Here the optimal combination of leader behaviors is telling—high initiating structure and low consideration—in which case the leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises performance. In the R2 stage, the members have begun working together and, as typically happens, are finding that their work is more difficult than they had anticipated. As eagerness turns to dissatisfaction, the optimal combination of leader behaviors is selling—high initiating structure and high consideration


Refers to the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior

Tim is working as the marketing head at Blue Chip Investments. His work requires him to travel extensively and meet clients in various countries. However, his role also requires him to mentor several marketing representatives who work under him and keep track of their progress. Because Tim stays away from his office most of the time, he finds it difficult to manage both types of work responsibilities. Tim faces which of the following challenges?

Role conflict

Of the five facets of value-percept theory, if job satisfaction had to increase to a large extent, which facet should be given high priority for improvement?

Satisfaction with the work itself

Member 1-> Member 2 -> Member 3-> Member 4-> Output * Which type of interdependence is represented by this diagram?


Michael wants to maintain the exact contract that Norio and Roger had established, while Norio is much more hesitant and wants to take time to get to know Michael before signing the contract. Their contrasting approaches represent differences on which cultural value?

Short-term vs. long-term orientation Short-term orientation is past- and present-oriented, with a respect for a tradition and fulfilling obligations. This is contrasted with long-term orientation, which emphasizes a focus on the future through persistence, prudence, and thrift. In this case, the established contract with Roger is a past obligation that has not been fulfilled and Michael is very focused on fulfilling it. On the other hand, however, Norio is exhibiting more persistence and caution (i.e., prudence) before signing the contract and wants to get to know Michael better so that he can trust him.

Leslie, a marketing manager at the Sunshine Spa, is consulting with Tess, a dermatologist at the spa, to explore the possibility of incorporating certain treatments as part of the spa's package schemes. Leslie is engaging in a(n) _______ activity of the boundary-spanning process

Task coordinator

Define teamwork process. Describe the three teamwork processes, giving an example of each

Teamwork processes refer to the interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the team's work but do not directly involve task accomplishment itself. Transition processes are teamwork activities that focus on preparation for future work. Examples: mission analysis, strategy formulation, and goal specification. Action processes are important as the taskwork is being accomplished. Examples: monitoring progress toward goals, systems monitoring, and helping behavior. Interpersonal processes are those whereby team members manage their relationships. Examples: motivating and confidence building, affect management, and conflict management

What is transformational leadership? Describe the "four I's" of transformational leadership.

The "four I's" are: Idealized influence involves behaving in ways that earn the admiration, trust and respect of followers, causing them to want to identify with and emulate the leader. Inspirational motivation involves behaving in ways that foster an enthusiasm for and commitment to a shared vision of the future. Intellectual stimulation involves behaving in ways that challenge followers to be innovative and creative by questioning assumptions and reframing old situations in new ways. Individualized consideration involves behaving in ways that help followers achieve their potential through coaching, development, and mentoring.


The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is _____.

The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is _____. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is conscientiousness. Conscientious employees prioritize accomplishment striving, which reflects a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality.

Which of the following has the characteristics of a team building role?

The Harmonizer, Encourager, Compromiser, Gatekeeper/ Expediter, Standard Setter,& Follower

The Chinese culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the members of a broader in-group and act loyal to it. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, what is the personality dimension that you will use to describe the Chinese culture? A. Collectivism B. Uncertainty avoidance C. Masculinity D. Low power distance E. Short-term orientation

The collectivistic culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the members of a broader in-group and act loyal to it.

Identify and briefly describe the five aspects of team composition

The five aspects of team composition are: Member roles—patterns of behavior that people are expected to display in a given context Member ability—relevant abilities of team members Member personality—personality traits that affect roles, norms, and overall functioning and performance Member diversity—differences among team members on deep- and surface-level characteristics Team size—the number of members of a team

espoused values

The published mission statement in any organization is an example of


The shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employees refers to organizational


The shared values, beliefs, motives, identities, and interpretations that result from common experiences of members of a society and are transmitted across generations


The structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. -Creates people's social reputations -What people ARE LIKE, collection of traits -Traits: recurring regularities/trends in people's responses to their environment. Makes up personality.

_____ are defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment. A. Perceptions B. Values C. Short-term orientations D. Traits E. Beliefs

Traits are defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment. Adjectives such as responsible, easy-going, polite, and reserved are examples of traits that can be used to summarize someone's personality.

_____ leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives


Conscientious people are dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering.


Team process training helps a team function and perform more effectively as an intact unit

True Team process training occurs in the context of a team experience that facilitates the team being able to function and perform more effectively as an intact unit

Miriam is known as a person who is talkative. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the extraversion personality dimension best describes Miriam

True extraverts are talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, and dominant

Connor, a trainer at T&R Inc., preaches the company's policy of prudence to all his new trainees. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural value followed in T&R Inc. is an example of _____. A. collectivism B. low power distance C. masculinity D. high uncertainty avoidance E. long-term orientation

When a Hofstede's culture stresses values such as persistence, prudence, and thrift, the culture is high on long-term orientation.


When a fight broke out between two workers at Fish HVAC, Tobias, a coworker, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Tobias.

Distributive justice

When employees evaluate outcomes such as pay, rewards, and promotions to determine whether they are allocated using proper norms, they are gauging which of the following?

Briefly describe creative behavior and decision-making taskwork processes, and give one example of each

When teams engage in creative behavior, their activities are focused on generating novel and useful ideas and solutions. The team environment must also be uniquely suited to fostering creative behavior. Creative behavior in teams can be fostered when members participate in a specific set of activities. Decision making involves multiple members gathering and considering information that is relevant to their area of specialization and then making recommendations to a team leader who is ultimately responsible for the final decision. An example of creative behavior would be a team in a marketing department that comes up with a campaign that uses graffiti artists to paint murals around a city to promote a new product. An example of decision-making taskwork would be assembly line workers who each suggest an efficiency improvement to a manager based on their particular task in the process of creating a finished product.


Which theory acknowledges that motivation does not just depend on your own beliefs and circumstances but also on what happens to other people?

work; management

While ________ teams focus on the accomplishment of core operational-level production and service tasks, ________ teams focus on integrating the activities of subunits across business functions.

While _____ teams focus on the accomplishment of core operational-level production and service tasks, _____ teams focus on integrating the activities of subunits across business functions.

Work & management

Communion striving

_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

Sam and Matilda are successful stock brokers working with Invest Right Broking. Before striking a deal with a company, Sam reviews the company's reports and past data. Matilda on the other hand buys stock based on speculation. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the _____ type best describes Sam and the _____ type best describes Matilda. A. sensing; intuition B. perceiving; judging C. short-term; long-term D. feeling; thinking E. extraversion; introversion


Solina is very uncomfortable because she received a larger bonus than other members of her work group. She is most likely from a ______ culture. A. collectivistic B. uncertain C. feminine D. short-term oriented E. global


The scenario below is a review that some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Alex. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. introversion E. neuroticism


_____ refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. A. Personality B. Apophenia C. Ethnoburb D. Ethnocentrism E. Perception


______ examines cultural dimensions such as gender egalitarianism, performance orientation, and humane orientation. A. Project GLOBE B. Project HOFSTEDE C. Myers-Briggs D. CANOE E. RIASEC


production blocking

a type of coordination loss resulting from team members having to wait on each other before completing their own part of the team task

Diane and Tia had two conflicting ideas regarding how to relaunch their restaurant to a new market. Tia favored a flashy, after-hours club atmosphere, whereas Diane proposed a more middle-class look and feel. At one point, the tension between them seemed about to escalate, but then Diane gave in and suggested that they go with Tia?s plan. Diane used the ______ style of conflict resolution


People who are _____ have a built-in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments. communion strivers value strivers power strivers status strivers accomplishment strivers

accomplishment strivers

People who are _____ have a built-in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments. A. accomplishment strivers B. attainment strivers C. status strivers D. effort strivers E. power strivers

accomplishment strivers

A strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality is known as: A. status striving. B. accomplishment striving. C. effort striving. D. attainment striving. E. power striving.

accomplishment striving

Conscientious people prioritize

accomplishment striving.

Based on her description of her strengths, Cynthia seemed to be more concerned with getting her work done and following rules the rules and procedures of a job than finding new ways to accomplish her work tasks.


Mrs. Aniston, who has recently shifted to the 5th block, describes her new neighbor, Mr. Logan as a very courteous and sympathetic man. Considering Mrs. Aniston's opinion, Mr. Logan would fit which dimension of the Big Five? A. Neuroticism B. Openness C. Agreeableness D. Extraversion E. Conscientiousness


When a fight broke out between two workers at Fish HVAC, Tobias, a coworker, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension of _____ best describes Tobias. openness to experience agreeableness conscientiousness extraversion neuroticism


If you say that the information richness of a communication process is high, it means that the

amount and depth of information getting transmitted in the communication process is high


are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities.

According to the job characteristics theory, the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, particularly people in the world at large, is known as:


Employees feel control over their work because Hot Topic allows

autonomy in employee decision making. A need for control is the need to be able to predict and control one's future. An example is autonomy.

Dawson is a famous carpenter in Oregon. Though rugged, Dawson is good at carpentry and electrical work. According to the RIASEC model, the _____ type of personality dimension best describes Dawson. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative


George is a stockbroker in a leading brokerage firm. Recently, he has been assigned several additional tasks. He begins to consume alcohol to cope with the increasing workload. George also becomes demanding and overly critical of his coworkers and his family. In this example, George is exhibiting _____.

behavioral strain

behaviors that benefit the individual at the expense of the team a. team task roles b. team-building roles c. individualistic roles

c. individualistic roles

Kwame, Rosalinda, and Sven work at Security First Trust and National Reserve, a medium-sized bank with 240 branches in eight states. Kwame works as a teller. Rosalinda works as one of five regional supervisors, each of whom is expected to supervise a team of tellers. Kwame recently received instructions from his supervisor that all tellers will be evaluated on the number of people they assist at their window per day. Serving more customers means higher performance effectiveness. However, Kwame is also expected to follow the bank's number-one goal of customer satisfaction. Rosalinda is facing her own challenges. Two of the regional supervisors suddenly left the bank for other opportunities, resulting in a significant increase in work responsibility and time pressure for Rosalinda and the remaining two supervisors. Just two days before the two regional supervisors quit, the bank hired Sven as a supervisor trainee. With the bank suddenly short-handed, Sven was asked to take up all the responsibilities of a regional supervisor. He has been given very few instructions or guidelines about how things are supposed to be done. Instead, the bank expects him to learn on the job. Rosalinda's stress is related to a

challenge stressor One type of work-related challenge stressor is time pressure—a strong sense that the amount of time you have to do a task is just not quite enough. When the two supervisors quit, the pressure on Rosalinda increases due to there being fewer people capable of handling the supervisory tasks. Hence, she is facing a work challenge stressor.

Which of these ask applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty, beliefs about the frequency of dishonesty, endorsements of common rationalizations for dishonesty, desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty? A. Clear purpose tests B. Differential reactivity C. Positive affectivity D. Veiled purpose tests E. Big Five Inventory

clear purpose tests

High assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?

collaborating (win-win)

A leader helps complete a task, provides required resources, or removes obstacles that make task completion difficult under the influence tactic known as


project GLOBE

collection of 170 researchers from 62 cultures who have studied 17,300 managers in 951 organizations since 1991

_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. A. Status striving B. Attainment striving C. Accomplishment striving D. Communion striving E. Power striving

communion striving

In a conflict situation, Pat attempts to get his needs met without any concern for the needs of the other party. He utilizes __________, a conflict resolution style


In a conflict situation, when John attempts to get his own goals met without concern for the other party, he is utilizing which of the following conflict resolution styles?


Which conflict resolution style is best used in situations in which the leader knows he or she is right and a quick decision needs to be made?


High assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution

competing (win-lose)

Which dimension of the Big Five has the biggest influence on job performance? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


Careless, negligent, and irresponsible are opposite traits for which dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


In his recommendation letter, Cynthia's prior supervisor indicated that she was a hardworking employee - she showed up to work early almost every day, helped out whenever necessary, and was generally very organized with how she conducted her work.


The Big Five personality dimension _____ is a key driver of what's referred to as typical performance, which reflects performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks. extraversion openness to experience agreeableness neuroticism conscientiousness


The Big Five personality dimension of _____ is a key driver of what's referred to as typical performance, which reflects performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks. openness to experience extraversion conscientiousness neuroticism agreeableness


The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is _________.


accomplishment striving

conscientiousness employees prioritize ________________ _____________, which reflects a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality

Joey, the manager of Tarts Inc., has always been supportive toward the employees and used to understand their feelings. In most occasions, he overlooked their mistakes and gave them opportunities to develop a friendly atmosphere in office. He often took their work in order to reduce their burden. Joey would score high on :


Alexandria, Brittney, Nicole, and Dolce are four managers at Polar Coat Manufacturing. Each in their department uses a different decision-making style and believes that their style is the best. Alexandria always presents the problem to her employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions and then makes the decision herself. Brittney gives her employees the responsibility for making the decision within a set of specified boundary conditions. Nicole makes the decision without asking her employees for their opinions/suggestions. Dolce presents the problem to her employees and seeks consensus with an emphasis that her opinion should only count as important as every other employees in her department. Alexandria is displaying _____style of decision making

consultative style

A person does not "have" or "not have" a personality trait but instead can possess varying amounts of it. This is because personality traits reflect ____________________ rather than distinct personality types.

continuous distributions

_____ are shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture. A. Cultural values B. Traits C. Locus of controls D. Perceptions E. Ethnocentrisms

cultural values

The shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employees refers to organizational


The shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employees refers to organizational:


performance orientation

culture encourages and rewards members for excellence and performance improvements

future orientation

culture engages in planning and investment in the future while delaying individual or collective gratification

openness to experience

curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined and sophisticated

The most widespread form of psychological withdrawal among white-collar employees is _____, using Internet, e-mail, and instant messaging access for their personal enjoyment rather than work duties.


A culture high on _____ feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation


A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called _____. A. zero acquaintance B. status striving C. accomplishment striving D. negative affectivity E. differential reactivity


Hofstede's research found that a culture high on _____ accepts the fact that authority is usually distributed unequally within organizations. A. collectivism B. uncertainty avoidance C. masculinity D. power distance E. short-term orientation


In Hofstede's dimensions, a culture low on _____ tolerates ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation


This scenario describes a review that some of the employees at The Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jack. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


_____ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment. A. Differential exposure B. Zero acquaintance C. Ethnocentrism D. Locus of control E. Differential reactivity


Burt, Ryan, and Heather are members of the marketing team at Model Industries, Inc. (MII), responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Burt has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Heather has the best record of making good recommendations to Jeremy, vice president of marketing. Ryan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Jeremy pays careful attention to what Heather has to say,but generally does not pay much attention to what Ryan proposes. In addition to Jeremy, Heather has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. Burt's action would contribute to which factor in effective decision making at MII?

decision informity

Silas, Jerome, and Sasha are members of the marketing team at Widget Innovations, Inc. (WII), and are responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Silas has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Sasha has the best record of making good recommendations to Alvaro, the vice president of marketing. Jerome can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Alvaro pays careful attention to what Sasha has to say, but he generally does not pay much attention to what Jerome proposes. In addition to Alvaro, Sasha has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. Silas's action would contribute to which factor in effective decision making at WII?

decision informity

Which three specific factors have been found to account for a team's ability to make effective decisions?

decision informity, staff validity, hierarchical sensitivity

A leader's _____ reflects the process that the leader uses to generate and choose from a set of alternatives to solve a problem.

decision making style

Which of the following factors is included in the time-driven model of leadership?

decision significance/ leader expertise/ likelihood of commitment/ shared objectives/ employee expertise / teamwork skills/ importance of commitment

diversity with respect to attributes that are less easy to observe initially but that can be inferred after more direct experience surface-level diversity vs. deep-level diversity

deep-level diversity

cultural values

defined as shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture, influence the development of a person's personality trait

Alexandria, Brittney, Nicole, and Dolce are four managers at Polar Coat Manufacturing. Each in their department uses a different decision-making style and believes that their style is the best. Alexandria always presents the problem to her employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions and then makes the decision herself. Brittney gives her employees the responsibility for making the decision within a set of specified boundary conditions. Nicole makes the decision without asking her employees for their opinions/suggestions. Dolce presents the problem to her employees and seeks consensus with an emphasis that her opinion should only count as important as every other employees in her department. Identify the decision making style that Britney is using:

delegative style

Robert has been newly appointed as the CEO of Textronics Inc. He is still learning how various departments function in the organization. In such a situation, he relies on the suggestions and opinions of his team members and lets them do the things the way they are used to, till the time he is able to gain sufficient knowledge and can suggest some more feasible changes. He does not generally interfere in the decisions made by the employees but at times shares his past experiences with the employees. It can be said that Robert had adopted a(n) ______ style of decision-making

delegative style

Which of the following is the style of decision making where the leader plays no role in deliberations unless asked?

delegative style

Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful. A. agreeableness B. extraversion C. differential exposure D. openness E. locus of control

differential exposure

Neuroticism is associated with a(n) ______ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are most likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful.

differential exposure

Neuroticism is linked to a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience. positive affectivity differential reactivity accomplishment striving factor status striving factor locus of control

differential reactivity

stage where members experience anxiety and other emotions as they disengage and ultimately separate from the team a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing e. adjourning

e. adjourning

Alisha and Carolina work at the Flash-Frozen Vegetables factory. The company is short-staffed, and the employees are finding it difficult to meet the daily production requirements. Both Alisha and Carolina are facing time pressures in their respective departments. Alisha decides to work longer hours to meet the deadline, whereas Carolina tries to distance herself from her problems at work by thinking about the positive things in her life. Which of these coping strategies is Carolina utilizing?

emotion-focused cognitive coping Emotion-focused coping refers to the various ways in which people manage their own emotional reactions to stressful demands. Cognitive coping refers to the thoughts that are involved in trying to deal with a stressful situation.

Communications that reflect incompatibilities with respect to personal values or preferences refer to:

emotions and emotional intelligence

Alex manages a team of several professionals. He is cognizant that he needs to be aware of how stress might be present in his workforce. Alex should be on the lookout for

employees that experience headaches, back discomfort, and migraines. Aside from the psychological workplace implications of stress, there are some important physiological issues that both employers and employees should be aware of. Research has shown that stress in the workplace can lead to high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and even gastrointestinal problems. And stress is not pain-free either. Stress can cause tension headaches and back discomfort for employees. As a manager, imagine how productive your stressed-out employee would be with a migraine and back pain!


enjoy organizing, counting, or regulating people or things, tends to be careful, conservative, self-controlled and structured


enjoy persuading, leading, or outperforming others

The managers at Telstar, a public relations firm, have noticed that the employees are not team players and are primarily focused on achieving individual goals. Management wants to change this attitude and works to create a reward system in which all group members would receive exactly the same outcome, regardless of their individual productivity levels, to promote their ability to work effectively in groups. Which of the following allocation norms would you recommend for this purpose?

equality norm

The president of a country has dedicated the bulk of the country's military power to an invasion of a neighboring country. For a time, the war seems to be going his way. Then the enemy begins to take the offensive, conducting massive encircling movements, taking tens of thousands of prisoners, and forcing whole divisions into retreat. Still the president presses on, ordering more troops to the front, in spite of protests from his generals. This is known as

escalation of commitment

myers-brigss type indicator

evaluates individuals on the basis of four types of preferences: extraversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling, judging vs. perceiving

Positive affectivity is a dispositional tendency to A. accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality B. experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation. C. obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. D. obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. E. experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance.

experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation

Alejandro hires Leona as a new sales coordinator at Rainproof Outdoor Gear after the previous coordinator quit unexpectedly. After she completes orientation, Alejandro needs Leona to quickly plan an upcoming sales meeting for all of the company's field sales representatives, who will be gathering at the office in a week to go over the new product line. Despite the fact that her predecessor did little planning for the meeting before she left, Leona wants to make a good impression and begins to prepare the meeting even though she has never planned one before. Three days before the meeting, Alejandro observes Leona in a conference room pacing back and forth and wearing a slightly dazed expression as she shuffles papers around on the table. It is obvious to Alejandro that she is trying to block out meeting rooms for each sales representative group, determine the duration of each presentation, and figure out what kinds of audio-visual equipment will be needed in each room. When he asks if she needs help, Leona smiles and says, "Nope! I've got it all under control." However, Alejandro can tell she is struggling to get things right. Based on what you know about the different types of work hindrance stressors, what should Alejandro do?

explain to Leona the basic requirements for the meetings and provide her with the expected times and locations needed for each group presentation Leona suffers from the work hindrance stressor role ambiguity, which refers to a lack of information about what needs to be done in a role, as well as unpredictability regarding the consequences of performance in that role. Employees are sometimes asked to work on projects for which they are given very few instructions or guidelines about how things are supposed to be done.

When someone from another company is referred to as the "comparison other," one is involved in a(n)

external comparison Occupational equity is an example of external comparisons. Occupational equity is to compare with others doing essentially the same job in other organizations.

Abby flunked the midterm and tells everyone it is the teacher's fault. She did not study because she knew it would just be a waste of time. After all, she knew the "teacher had it in for her." Abby demonstrates a(n)

external local of control Individuals with an external locus of control often believe that events are driven by luck, chance, fate, or other external factors outside of their control.

Getting ready to graduate with a degree in Management, Ramona has been heard as saying, "Getting a good job depends mainly on being at the right place at the right time". Ramona can be described as having a(n) A. differential exposure. B. Type B behavior pattern. C. external locus of control. D. enthusiastic and upbeat mood pattern. E. zero acquaintance.

external locus of control

Neurotic people tend to hold a(n) A. status striving. B. type B behavior pattern. C. external locus of control. D. enthusiastic and upbeat mood pattern. E. zero acquaintance.

external locus of control

Riley flunked the midterm and tells everyone its the teachers fault. He didn't study because he knew it was just a waste of time. After all, he knew the teacher had it out for him. Riley demonstrates a(n) _____________

external locus of control

Based on your interactions with Cynthia in the interview, you think she might be a good leader of the sales team one day. In particular, when she explained some of her successes on projects, she indicated that she "took initiative" and "took control of the situation."


Candace can be described as an ambitious individual. She joined Boulder Distributors as a junior recruiter and wants to climb the corporate ladder to become a team leader in the future. Candace works hard to build up her reputation, makes time to interact with not only her manager but other managers as well, and lets everyone know how passionate she is about working at Boulder. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension ________ best describes Candace.


Luke is at a leadership conference where he has just met Jasmine for the first time. In this situation, he will most easily be able to judge if Jasmine has the personality trait of A. conscientiousness B. agreeableness C. neuroticism D. extraversion E. openness


Of the Big Five, _____ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations. A. openness B. conscientiousness C. agreeableness D. neuroticism E. extraversion


The Source, an engineering company, introduced a 360-degree feedback system. Lou, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as eager to learn and innovate. Isaac was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Gloria's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Gloria.

extraversion In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, people who fall under the personality dimension extraversion are talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, and dominant.

Which of the following is a dimension of the Big Five taxonomy?

extraversion The Big Five personality dimensions include conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience, and extraversion.

According to longitudinal studies, the two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are

extraversion and openness

Which two Big Five dimensions are most dependent on genes? A. Conscientiousness and extraversion B. Extraversion and openness C. Agreeableness and openness D. Openness and conscientiousness E. Neuroticism and agreeableness

extraversion and openness

Which of these is not one of Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values? A. Power distance B. Masculinity-femininity C. Individualism-collectivism D. Uncertainty avoidance E. Extraversion-introversion


which of the following is not one of Hofstede's dimensions of cultural value


Paul, a B-school graduate, has written inhibited and submissiveness as his weaknesses, in his resume. If Paul works on his weaknesses constructively, he will become a(n) _____ person. A. conscientious B. agreeable C. extraverted D. neurotic E. intellectual


Regina cares a lot about being successful and influential and always directs her work efforts towards "moving up" and developing a strong reputation. Regina can be described as which of these, according to the Big Five? A. Neurotic B. Agreeable C. Extraverted D. Conscientious E. Conflict-oriented


zero acquaintance

extraverted people are easiest to jude in _____ ________ situations, in which two people have only just met

status striving

extraverted people prioritize _____ _____, which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality

positive affectivity

extraverted people tend to be high in _____ _______, a dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation

The highest level of information richness is achieved when messages are transmitted through

face-to-face channels

In the time-driven model of leadership, which style is reserved in which employees have strong teamwork skills are not likely to just commit to whatever decision the leader makes?


Tarquin is a quality control manager at Olympia Sporting Goods. Any time a problem arises and a decision needs to be made, he believes in getting his people involved. He presents the problem to his employees and seek consensus on a solution. He insists in these problem-solving meetings that his opinion and suggestions carry no more weight than anyone else's. Which of the following is the decision-making style that Tarquin is displaying?


Alexandria, Brittney, Nicole, and Dolce are four managers at Polar Coat Manufacturing. Each in their department uses a different decision-making style and believes that their style is the best. Alexandria always presents the problem to her employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions and then makes the decision herself. Brittney gives her employees the responsibility for making the decision within a set of specified boundary conditions. Nicole makes the decision without asking her employees for their opinions/suggestions. Dolce presents the problem to her employees and seeks consensus with an emphasis that her opinion should only count as important as every other employees in her department. Dolce is displaying ______ decision making style

facilitative style

Exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion is called A. ethnocentrism. B. faking. C. neuroticism. D. creativity. E. negative affectivity.


Exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion is called _____. ethnocentrism faking creativity negative affectivity neuroticism


If you are exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion, you are


A company's chain of control determines how many employees report to each manager.


In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, a submissive person is said to be an extravert.


Inductive reasoning refers to the ability to examine and compare numbers, letters, and objects quickly.


As a new manager, Gina wants to make sure that she is a good steward of her employees, knowing that stress can cause her division to miss their bottom line at the end of the year. When Gina is considering the physiological implications for her workforce, which of the following is she NOT considering?

family leave Research has shown that stress has many physiological implications for the workforce. Other than a possible decrease in job satisfaction and motivation, employees can suffer emotional exhaustion, burnout and absenteeism. For employers, this may lead to reduced productivity and an increase in turnover. Family leave may be related to stress, but most likely is not a physiological implication.

Amber is responsible for creating a master emergency preparedness plan for the chemical facility in which she works. Her supervisor, Whitney, has examined all of her materials and updated Amber on which parts of the plan are satisfactory and which parts need more work. Whitney has provided Amber with

feedback Feedback consists of updates on employee progress toward goal attainment. Feedback is one of the variables that specify when assigned goals will have stronger or weaker effects on task performance.

If a culture values aspects such as caring for others and about quality of life, according to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, it would be classified as high on which of these? A. Collectivism B. Uncertainty avoidance C. Femininity D. Power distance E. Short-term orientation


Volkwear ltd, a german clothing manufacturer, is known as a company that focuses on improving its customers' quality of life. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural values dimension of ________________ best describes Volkwear ltd


In the _____ stage of group development, members typically try to get a feel for what is expected of them, what types of behaviors are out of bounds, and who's in charge.


Petunia, Daisy, Constance, and Anna are four friends working at four different organizations. In Petunia's firm, Social Network Development, employees are both distant and disconnected from one another, whereas in Daisy's company, Solar Singularity, it is quite the opposite—employees are friendly, and they all think alike. Constance works for Credit Protection Services, where employees think alike but are not friendly to one another. Finally, Anna is employed at Living Trust Wealth Management, where employees are friendly, but they think differently and do their own thing Petunia's firm, Social Network Development, can be described as having which of the following culture types?


process loss

getting less from the team than you would expect based on the capabilities of its individual members

process gain

getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members. Also called synergy

For about five years, Lucy and Betty have been working for Bright Fires at the same level of management and doing similar kinds of work. Lucy has been focusing on setting specific and difficult goals for herself and believes that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance in her job. On the other hand, Betty compares herself to different managers, such as Meg, who works for the competitor in a similar work position. Betty feels disheartened when she finds out that she is significantly underrewarded at Bright Fires. Lucy's focus on concepts such as difficulty and specificity is a key aspect of

goal setting The goal setting theory argues that assigning employees specific and difficult goals will result in higher levels of performance than assigning no goals, easy goals, or "do-your-best" goals.

communities of practice

groups of employees who learn from one another through collaboration over an extended period of time

In highly cohesive teams, when members try to maintain harmony by striving toward consensus on issues without ever offering, seeking, or seriously considering alternative viewpoints and perspectives, his is:


Talia is the northeast regional sales rep for Mountain Bike Tires 4 Less (MBT4L). Her territory includes a number of large chain stores and smaller bike shops that carry her company's bike tires. She has good personal relationships with many of the smaller shops, but she has been hearing from many of them that they are having trouble competing with the larger chains on price. In order to keep the smaller retailers happy, she offers extended payment terms on large orders. She told Bob of Bob's Bikes that he could take 120 days to pay on his latest order. Bertram works in the credit department at the MBT4L headquarters and is in charge of monitoring shipments and payments to the customers in Talia's region. When he sees that Bob's Bikes has not paid for their most recent order, he places their account on credit hold pending the receipt of payment. When Bob is unable to place a new order, he calls to complain to Talia who then calls and yells at Bertram for holding up one of her customers' orders. Bertram explains that Bob's Bikes' account is past due. Talia tells him that it is not past due because she offered extended terms. Bertram tells Talia that he had no knowledge of these special terms. The conflict between Talia and Bertram causes mistrust and resentment, and Bob's Bikes is caught in the middle. Eventually, Miguel, the VP of sales and marketing, is forced to intervene. Keeping the benefits of cross-training in mind, which approach should Miguel use to achieve improved communication and reduced friction between Talia and Bertram?

having Talia sit in Bertram's cubicle for half a day observing the demands of his job

Shawn, Thu, Rei, and Heather are managers working at PureDrop, a bottled water manufacturing company. They each supervise groups of employees who are very different from each other. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Shawn's group is able but unwilling, Thu's unit is both able and willing, Rei's is neither able nor willing, and Heather's is not able but highly willing to take on the responsibilities Rei's optimal behavior to deal with her group's readiness should be characterized by _____ initiating structure and _____ consideration

high; high

hofstede's five dimensions

individualism-collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity, short-term vs. long-term orientation

Which of the following reflects the extent to which the leader defines and structures the roles of employees in pursuit of goal attainment?

initiating structure

Two years ago, Tanaka Technologies, an international manufacturer of smart appliances, opened a location in Springville and created a huge amount of jobs in the area. Glenn works at Tanaka in the accounting department. Overall, he likes his job, even though the benefits could be better, and he thinks the company could be more diverse than it is. Moreover, the management is not very invested in its corporate social responsibility—in fact, within the first year, it was hit with a number of fines for violating local environmental regulations. Following this, the company did rectify the situation by installing a compliance team, but Glenn and other people in Springville feel the company is neglecting its citizenship responsibilities. What could Tanaka do in order to improve its corporate social responsibility in this area?

institute volunteer initiatives to work with local charities

Milo has assembled a diverse team of leaders to carry out major initiatives within his company. Milo has quickly noticed that the wide variety of viewpoints shared by team members has made it hard for the team to reach any goals. How can Milo address this problem?

instruct the team to reflect on its goals and progress

Which of these refers to the help people receive that addresses the stressful demand directly?

instrumental support One type of social support is called instrumental support, which refers to the help people receive that can be used to address the stressful demand directly. For example, if a person is overloaded with work, a coworker could provide instrumental support by taking over some of the work or offering suggestions about how to do the work more efficiently.

_____ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities. A. Values B. Beliefs C. Tests D. Interests E. Ethics


________ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities A. beliefs B. tests C. interests D. ethics E. values


________ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities A. beliefs B. tests C. interests D. ethics E. values


_____ reflects a shift in both the behaviors and the attitudes of employees. For a leader, this is the best outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do.


Gunther is a very private person. He gets energized by private time and reflection opportunities. Gunther can be described as having a(n) _____ preference, according to the MBTI taxonomy. A. perceiving B. sensing C. introversion D. feeling E. long-term orientation


According to the RIASEC model, a(n) _____ person enjoys abstract, analytical, and theory-oriented tasks.


According to the RIASEC model, if you enjoy abstract, analytical, and theory-oriented tasks, you can be described as having which of these personality types? A. Enterprising B. Realistic C. Artistic D. Conventional E. Investigative


goal specification

involves the development and prioritization of goals related to the team's mission and strategy.

The degree to which the leader's actions result in the achievement of the unit's goals, the continued commitment of the unit's employees, and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader-member dyads refers to :

leader effectiveness

_____ refers to the notion of who becomes a leader rather than how well people do in a leadership role.

leader emergence

_____ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment.

locus of control Neuroticism is strongly related to locus of control, which reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment. Neurotic people tend to hold an external locus of control, meaning that they often believe that the events that occur around them are driven by luck, chance, or fate.

Jamarcus, a manager at the corporate headquarters of Shurway Shipping & Packing Supply, has just received a complaint about Wanda, a receptionist, having been rude to a customer who called the office. After apologizing to the caller, Jamarcus asks Wanda to report to his office. Confronted with the situation, she says that she has been having a bad day and the caller was extremely rude to her. She apologizes and says she will not do it again. Jamarcus, knowing that Wanda has never had any negative interactions with clients in her 10 years with the company, is inclined to believe that this particular caller was indeed rude, and he therefore takes no further action. This is an example of ________ attribution by Jamarcus.

low consistency resulting in an external

With Roger being reassigned, Michael was given the PopWear account and does not really know anything about the company or have any clarity on the professional relationship with and expectations of Norio. This, however, does not bother Michael and he eagerly jumps right into trying to close the deal because the United States is _____ on _____.

low; uncertainty avoidance Low uncertainty avoidance means that a culture tolerates uncertain and ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors. The United States is known to be low on the uncertainty avoidance scale. Here, Michael eagerly jumps into an uncertain situation with a new client before doing enough research on cultural differences.

Tom, Dan, and Philip work in different teams at Leo Motors. Tom's team ensures that all the raw materials, machinery, tools and other production equipment are available for the employees round the clock. Any procurement needs have to be addressed to Tom, who also takes a call on the strategic decisions regarding the number of units to be produced, exported, etc. Dan works in a team of eight members who concentrate on the day-to-day production. They also ensure the quality checks are done and inspect each other's work. Philip is the operation manager, who works for five hours in the production department and then heads off to assist the management. His feedback is very crucial in improving the production process. Tom is part of a(n) _______ team


Which of the following is not one of the recommendations to managers about reducing stereotypes?

managers should actively ignore stereotypes

According to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, if a culture values aspects such as assertiveness and the acquisition of money and things, it would be classified as high on which of the following? A. Collectivism B. Uncertainty avoidance C. Masculinity D. Power distance E. Short-term orientation


Dallas, a project manager at Stars Inc., was the man behind the company's shift to a new culture that focused on being assertive with its clients. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ best describes Stars Inc.


Houston, a project manager at Universe Inc., was the man behind the company's shift to a new culture that focused on being assertive with its clients. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension ________ best describes Universe Inc.


Houston, a project manager at Universe Inc., was the man behind the company's shift to a new culture that focused on being assertive with its clients. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ best describes Universe Inc.

masculinity Masculine cultures value stereotypical male traits such as assertiveness and the acquisition of money and things.

Actuaries for major insurance companies have to choose and apply formulas to solve problems related to risk and the premiums. Which of the following abilities is required?

mathematical reasoning

Write Pro has accepted a special project creating marketing materials for an event next weekend at the local expo center. In order to meet the deadline, they will need to produce writing at double the usual pace. In this special circumstance, Write Pro's employees will need to have A. maximum performance B. motivational strength C. typical performance D. situational strength E. trait activation

maximum performance

five aspects of team composition

member roles, member ability, member personality, team diversity, team size

A special surveillance and rescue team is being deployed to counter the menace of pirates in the Indian Ocean. Nick, Sid, Leah, and Kevin are the core members of the team. Nick was elected as the leader of the team. Sid is responsible for monitoring the team's progress toward its goals. Kevin took on the role of motivator and confidence builder for the team. This team has worked together before and has developed a high level of common understanding regarding the team and its mission. Members also strongly believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks. As a standard practice, before deployment, the team members observe how other members perform their roles by shadowing and going through simulations. The team's high level of common understanding refers to which of the following?

mental models

A special surveillance and rescue team is being deployed to counter the menace of pirates in the Indian Ocean. Nick, Sid, and Kevin are the core members of the team. Nick was elected as the leader of the team. Sid is responsible for monitoring the team's progress toward its goals. Kevin took on the role of motivator and confidence builder for the team. This team has worked together before and has developed a high level of common understanding regarding the team and its mission. Members also strongly believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks. As a standard practice, before deployment, the team members observe how other members perform their roles by shadowing and going through simulations. The team's high level of common understanding refers to which of the following?

mental models

The personality dimension of neuroticism is associated with the traits of being A. organized and ambitious B. moody and emotional C. complex and creative D. warm and courteous E. bold and assertive

moody and emotional

________ is defined as the degree to which people see themselves as moral.

moral identity

openness to experience

more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creative performance

Mark,David, Tia, and Ashley are team members in a computer programming class. They have been assigned the task of creating a computerized payroll system. Mark and Tia worked very hard and created programs that worked well. David and Ashley, however, did not work as hard as they could and created programs with numerous errors. This resulted in a payroll system which could not be implemented. The team's poor performance that was a result of David and Ashley not doing their best can be termed as :

motivational loss

Sunshine Foods, Inc., has a human resources policy that does not allow its newly hired employees to work on committee projects or get involved in union meetings. This is done to ensure that the new employees can concentrate on their work without getting distracted. Which of the following allocation norms has Sunshine Foods adopted?

need norm

A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called: A. zero acquaintance. B. status striving. C. accomplishment striving. D. negative affectivity. E. differential reactivity.

negative affectivity

The Big Five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with

negative affectivity

The Big Five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with _____.

negative affectivity

the big five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with ______________

negative affectivity


nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, and jealous

If conscientiousness is the most important of the Big Five from the perspective of job performance, _____ is the second most important. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. collectivism


Some of the notes you took were more about Cynthia's demeanor in the interview than the words she spoke. In particular, you noted that she seemed a bit more nervous than necessary and was fidgeting a lot during the interview. When you asked about topics that she didn't seem to like - such as coworker relationships - her mood seemed to change rather drastically.


The day before Jackson takes an important test in school, he shows a tendency to get nervous, moody, and insecure. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jackson.


Ryan and Heather are members of the marketing team at Model Industries, Inc. (MII), responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Burt has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Heather has the best record of making good recommendations to Jeremy, vice president of marketing. Ryan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Jeremy pays careful attention to what Heather has to say, but generally does not pay much attention to what Ryan proposes. In addition to Jeremy, Heather has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. According to research, the best way for Burt, Ryan, and Heather to improve their team hierarchical sensitivity would be to implement _____.

nominal group technique Nominal group technique can be used to improve their team hierarchical sensitivity. Similar to a traditional brainstorming session, this process starts off by bringing the team together and outlining the purpose of the meeting. The next step takes place on an individual level, however, as members have a set period of time to write down their own ideas on a piece of paper. The subsequent step goes back into the team setting as members share their ideas with the team in a round-robin fashion. After the ideas are recorded, members have a discussion intended to clarify the ideas and build on the ideas of others. After this, it's back to an individual environment; members rank order ideas on a card that they submit to a facilitator. A facilitator then tabulates the scores to determine the highest rated idea.

Wren and Zola are on a team that has been assigned to cut production costs in an electronic component production facility. For several months, they have argued and made no progress. This morning, their supervisor told them that she expected the team to have a viable plan within three weeks. Wren and Zola realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals, and consequently, they begin to cooperate with one another. Wren and Zola are in the _____ stage of team development.


Employees may be afraid to use programs like compressed workweeks or job sharing because managers may assume they are

not committed to the company Managers sometimes attribute employees' use of these types of practices to low organizational commitment, and when this happens, employees are less likely to receive pay raises and promotions.


one of the "Big Five" personality reflecting traits like being curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, and sophisticated

The scenario below is a review that some of the employees at the Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. -Jack who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jack


Inquisitiveness and intellectualness are alternative labels for which of these Big Five dimension? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism

openness to experience

Randy was recently given the following comment by his best friend. "You are uninquisitive, conforming, and quite inartistic. You need to work on these aspects." Randy needs to work on which dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism

openness to experience

The Source, an engineering company, introduced a 360-degree feedback system. Lou, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as eager to learn and innovate. Isaac was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Gloria's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension of _____ best describes Lou. intuition neuroticism conscientiousness agreeableness openness to experience

openness to experience

Together with cognitive ability, _____ is a key driver of creative thought, as smart and open people excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity. openness to experience neuroticism agreeableness conscientiousness extraversion

openness to experience

Together with cognitive ability, _____ is a key driver of creative thought, as smart and open people excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

openness to experience

Which of the Big Five dimension is more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creativity? A. Neuroticism B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Conscientiousness E. Openness to experience

openness to experience

Together with cognitive ability, _____ is a key driver of creative thought, as people with this trait excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity.

openness to experience Together with cognitive ability, openness to experience is a key driver of creative thought, as smart and open people excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity. Openness to experience is also more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creative performance, where job holders need to be able to generate novel and useful ideas and solutions.

Homely Furniture is a custom manufacturer of hand-crafted furniture. The company has 94 locations throughout the country and relies on decentralized decision making to meet the needs of the dynamic environment and customer needs. Which of the following approaches to organizational design is likely to be appropriate for Homely Furniture?


Sally believes that if there are no actions needed until she receives complaints about someone's performance. Which of the following styles of leadership is Sally folllowing ?

passive management-by-exception

Corinne is looking forward to starting her new job at Flash Forward, a social-networking platform. Everything she has read suggests the company promotes a healthy work/life balance and supports causes that are important to her, such as sustainability and combating climate change. Walking to her desk on her first day, she sees posters in the hallway outlining the company values of "people over profit" and "work to live, not live to work." She smiles because that is how she feels about things, too. After a week on the job she finds herself eager to get to work each day and tackle new challenges, something she has never felt about a job before. Her co-workers are friendly and supportive, the management team seems genuinely concerned about morale and job satisfaction, and she learns the company gives all employees one week off per year with pay to perform charitable work of their choosing. All this makes Corinne proud to be a Flash Forward employee. Corinne is experiencing a high degree of

person-organization fit

___________ refers to the structures and propesities inside a person that explain his or her chacteristic patterns of throught emotion and behavior


_____________ refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion and behavior


Kevin fidgets and taps on things, sighs often, squirms, constantly checks the time, and yells at people when they ask him how a project is going. The people who work with Kevin perceive him as uptight, mean, anxious, and rude. These perceptions are primarily formed by Kevin's

personality Personality refers to the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. It creates people's social reputation—the way they are perceived by friends, family, coworkers, and supervisors.

Due to time pressure and heavy workload, Dan has developed high blood pressure and has started to show forgetfulness at work and home. These are examples of ________ strains.

physiological and psychological Physiological strains that result from stressors occur in at least four systems of the human body. Psychological strains that result from stressors include depression, anxiety, anger, hostility, reduced self-confidence, irritability, inability to think clearly, forgetfulness, lack of creativity, memory loss, and a loss of sense of humor.

A special surveillance and rescue team is being deployed to counter the menace of pirates in the Indian Ocean. Nick, Sid, Leah, and Kevin are the core members of the team. Nick was elected as the leader of the team. Sid is responsible for monitoring the team's progress toward its goals. Kevin took on the role of motivator and confidence builder for the team. This team has worked together before and has developed a high level of common understanding regarding the team and its mission. Members also strongly believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks. As a standard practice, before deployment, the team members observe how other members perform their roles by shadowing and going through simulations. The standard pre-deployment practice of the team represents which aspect of cross-training?

positional modeling

Whereas extraversion is synonymous with _____, neuroticism is synonymous with _____. A. individualism; collectivism B. agreeableness; conflict avoidance C. individualism; agreeableness D. conflict avoidance; agreeableness E. positive affectivity; negative affectivity

positive affectivity; negative affectivity

Soon after becoming the new manager of operations at the Cooper Motors, a local car dealership, Finn discovers that employees are coming in late to work, taking long breaks, and behaving unprofessionally while on the job. After considering the situation, he introduces a new set of guidelines, along with contingencies of reinforcement. Those who show up on time, do not exceed their allotted break schedules, and show themselves behaving professionally at all times while on duty during the next month will enjoy a steak dinner, courtesy of management. Those who fail to meet the requirements, on the other hand, will be invited to stay late for three nights in a row and attend an unpaid training session. The contingencies Finn is planning to implement—the steak dinner on the one hand and the unpaid training sessions on the other—are, respectively,

positive reinforcement and punishment

A culture high on _____ accepts the fact that power is usually distributed unequally within organizations. A. collectivism B. uncertainty avoidance C. masculinity D. power distance E. short-term orientation

power distance

The CEO at South End is in the same size office as all other employees at the company. Everyone works together and anyone can walk up to the CEO and give him a complaint or suggestion. Stay informal and don't be afraid to speak up.

power distance

project GLOBE

power distance, uncertainty avoidance, institutional collectivism, in-group collectivism, gender egalitarianism, assertiveness, future orientation, performance orientation, humane orientation, ethnocentrism

stages of cognitive moral development

preconventional, conventional, principled

Manuela and Noor were incensed when their company decided to get rid of its onsite childcare center and expand its gym and sports facilities instead. They find it outrageous that the company did not factor its employees' wants and needs into its decision, especially given the fact that 47 percent of its employees have children still living at home. Manuela and Noor feel that ________ justice was not served.


When Mia performs day-to-day tasks needed to keep her team moving forward, she is performing the role of a(n)


In organizational behavior, the phenomenon of a team delivering "less than the sum of their parts" can be explained by the term:

process loss

getting less from the team than you would expect based on the capabilities of its individual members

process loss

A firm has diversified to the point that the products it sells are very different and managing them has become overwhelming. Which of the following structures would help this firm?


A team of highly skilled and qualified members of an organization failed to perform the team objective assigned to them. When the reason for this lack of performance was investigated, it was clear that, although the team members worked hard, they had to wait for their mates to complete a particular task before they could start their own. Which of the following explains the reason for process loss in this case?

production blocking


propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong"

The advertising agency Positive Impressions lands a large new corporate client. The accounts manager, Julie, assembles a team of 12 people from across the company's many departments to assess and plan how best to serve the client's needs. This group has worked together before with much success. The team is comfortable with each other and feel free to propose any kind of wild, crazy idea that comes to mind as everyone will listen without judgment. In fact, those 'crazy' ideas have led to some great advertising campaigns. If there are any disagreements, the group usually talks through the issue until it is resolved. Everyone is even-tempered and there are rarely disagreements but two members, Josephine and Eric, are butting heads about one small production issue. Both strongly believe their way is the more effective, efficient way but they have not taken the issue before the group yet because they are still trying to convince each other. At the most recent discussion, they traded some journal articles between them supporting their positions. Julie is aware there is a conflict between Josephine and Eric but they still appear friendly and even continue to eat lunch together. Keeping the concepts of interpersonal processes in mind, what actions should Julie take?

refrain from interfering, but monitor Josephine and Eric's working relationship for any conflict escalation

Alvin is the leader of a team of counselors at a camp for recovering addicts. He and his team have been asked to implement a new program, which on the surface looks much more difficult than what they have been doing. Before the program begins, Alvin feels he needs to give his team a speech to help motivate them for the upcoming challenge. What is the first thing Alvin should do in his speech?

remind the team of how they worked hard to successfully overcome challenges in the past When employees consider efficacy levels for a given task, they first consider their past accomplishments—the degree to which they have succeeded or failed in similar sorts of tasks in the past. Most pregame speeches offered by coaches before the big game include references to past victories (past accomplishments), pep talks about how good the team can be (verbal persuasion), and cheers to rally the troops (emotional cues).

Elis and Phoebe work at United Insurance, a medium-sized insurance company with 240 branches in eight states. Elis works as a teller. Phoebe works as one of five regional supervisors, each of whom is expected to supervise a team of tellers. Elis recently received instructions from her supervisor that all tellers will be evaluated on the number of people they assist at their window per day. Serving more customers means higher performance effectiveness. However, Elis is also expected to follow the bank's number-one goal of customer satisfaction. Phoebe on the other hand is facing a difficult situation. Two of the regional supervisors left the bank for other opportunities resulting in significant increase in the work responsibility and time pressure for Phoebe and the remaining two supervisors.

role conflict

Kwame, Rosalinda, and Sven work at Security First Trust and National Reserve, a medium-sized bank with 240 branches in eight states. Kwame works as a teller. Rosalinda works as one of five regional supervisors, each of whom is expected to supervise a team of tellers. Kwame recently received instructions from his supervisor that all tellers will be evaluated on the number of people they assist at their window per day. Serving more customers means higher performance effectiveness. However, Kwame is also expected to follow the bank's number-one goal of customer satisfaction. Rosalinda is facing her own challenges. Two of the regional supervisors suddenly left the bank for other opportunities, resulting in a significant increase in work responsibility and time pressure for Rosalinda and the remaining two supervisors. Just two days before the two regional supervisors quit, the bank hired Sven as a supervisor trainee. With the bank suddenly short-handed, Sven was asked to take up all the responsibilities of a regional supervisor. He has been given very few instructions or guidelines about how things are supposed to be done. Instead, the bank expects him to learn on the job. Kwame, unable to meet both types of expectations associated with his role, is facing

role conflict Role conflict refers to conflicting expectations that other people may have of us. Kwame is facing a conflict between the focus on customer satisfaction and the need for effectiveness, measured by the number of customers attended to.

During the ______ phase of the leader-member exchange theory, the employee's own expectations for the dyad get mixed in with those of the leader.

role making

During which phase of the leader-member exchange theory does a manager describe role expectations to an employee, with the employee attempting to fulfill those expectations with his/her job behaviors?


Incusafe is a venture capital firm that helps finance small businesses. New hires at the firm are given a project worth $100,000 to work on with minimum interference from the senior associates. The project has a large scope for innovation and creation. What is management attempting to use as a motivator for the new hires?

self-determination Self-determination reflects a sense of choice in the initiation and continuation of work tasks. Employees with high levels of self-determination can choose what tasks to work on, how to structure those tasks, and how long to pursue those tasks.

In making decision, Ron and Samantha have different preferences. Ron prefers clear and concrete facts and data whereas Samantha prefers hunches and speculations based on theory and imaginations. According to the MBTI, Ron can be described as a(n) _____ type, whereas Samantha can be described as a(n) _____ type. A. sensing; intuition B. perceiving; judging C. short-term; long-term D. feeling; thinking E. extraversion; introversion

sensing; intuition

With _______ interdependence, different tasks are done in a prescribed order, and the group is structured such that the members specialize in these tasks



shared values, beliefs, motives, identities, and interpretations that result from common experiences of members of a society and are transmitted across generations

people tend to be more attracted to others who are perceived as more similar value in diversity problem-solving approach vs. similarity-attraction approach

similarity-attraction approach

The principle of _____ suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues.

situational strength

Loralie feels guilty. She spends much of her day goofing around and never gets caught, but if Lillianne, who works at the next desk, replies to her or says anything, the boss seems to magically show up, and Lillianne gets reprimanded for wasting time. Which of the following would be the most productive way for Loralie to get rid of her guilt?

stop goofing off and remain as focused as Lillianne One possibility is that your ratio of outcomes to inputs is greater than your comparison other's ratio. Equity distress again gets experienced, and the tension likely creates negative emotions such as guilt or anxiety. Balance could be restored by shrinking your outcomes (taking less money, giving something back to the comparison other), but the theory acknowledges that such actions are unlikely in most cases. Instead, the more likely solution is to increase your inputs in some way. You could increase the intensity and persistence of your task effort or decide to engage in more "extra mile" citizenship behaviors.

Magnus?s company holds meetings every Monday morning. Magnus is responsible for sharing an anecdote, an account, or a legend about the company for every first Monday of the month to keep everyone reminded of where they work and what is important. Magnus is responsibility for sharing


In the _____ stage of group development, members remain committed to ideas they bring with them to the team and are unwilling to accommodate others' ideas. This triggers conflict that negatively affects some interpersonal relationships.


First, the copy machine broke down, then the person in the next office started arguing loudly with another coworker, now Hannah can't find a pen that isn't out of ink. Hannah's head hurts, her shoulders are tense, and her back aches. The problems represent _____. The results are _____.

stressors; strains

Accomplishment striving describes a A. dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance. B. strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. C. strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. D. strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality. E. dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation.

strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality

Communion striving reflects a

strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

The degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources refers to


situational strength

suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues

trait activation

suggests that some situations provide cues that trigger the expression of a given trait

diversity regarding observable attributes such as race, ethnicity, sex, and age surface-level diversity vs. deep-level diversity

surface-level diversity

As a result of a strong marketing push during the pre-holiday period, sales of the Talking Tomato novelty toy increase by 150 percent. Troy, the production manager for the company that makes the product, is tasked with making sure the company can meet demand in the coming months. Things seem to be going well at first, but then the assembly line manager tells Troy that they are low on the audio components that provide the Talking Tomato?s vocal sounds. After checking his past purchase orders, Troy realizes he failed to submit a request for additional parts. As a result, the assembly line workers are unable to deliver enough units to keep store shelves stocked for the holidays. Troy would have avoided this mistake if he had employed which of the following teamwork processes?

systems monitoring

All of the following are sample items for veiled tests except: A. planning things carefully ahead of time. B. acting quickly without stopping to think things through. C. never hurting anyone's feelings. D. taking money from where you worked, but did not go through with it. E. having a feeling someone is out to get you.

taking money from where you worked, but did not go through with it

nominal group technique

team members individually write ideas and then take turns sharing them with the group

hybrid outcome interdependence

team members receive rewards based on both their individual performance and that of the team to which they belong

refers to the different types of communication, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goals

team process

Arjit wants to take his idea for a tech firm to a country where he can hire a work force from people who focus on the future, care about others, and want equality among workers and between genders. Where should Arjit build his firm?

the Netherlands The Netherlands meets all of the qualities Arjit is looking for. Nordic cultures promote gender equality and minimize role differences between men and women, and the Netherlands is a long-term oriented culture that values stereotypically female traits, such as caring for others.

taskwork processes

the activities of team members that relate directly to the accomplishment of team tasks

At Hot Topic, employees fulfill the need for meaning in their work because

the company values appeal to issues they care about. The need for meaning refers to the need to perform tasks that one cares about and that appeal to one's ideals and sense of purpose.

Personality refers to

the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior Personality refers to the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. Personality creates people's social reputations—the way they are perceived by friends, family, coworkers, and supervisors.

- task interdependence - goal interdependence - outcome interdependence

three types of team interdependence

Which of the following is the purpose of work teams as compared to other types of teams?

to produce goods or provide services

Ability refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities.


Christina is attending a business meeting at a client's office. Some of the other attendees are formally dressed; others are in shorts and T-shirts. The table is round instead of rectangular, so there is no head to let her know who the most important person at the meeting is. There is no agenda to let her know what the important topics are today. Her personality is most likely to drive her behavior in this situation.


Miriam is known as a person who is talkative. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the extraversion personality dimension best describes Miriam.


Miriam is known as a person who is talkative. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension extraversion best describes Miriam.


T/F: Conscientious employees prioritize accomplishment striving, which reflects a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality.


T/F: Extraversion is the easiest personality trait to judge in situations in which two people have only just met.


The most common kind of restructuring in recent years has been a "flattening" of the organization.


The natural level of a given ability generally limits how much a person can improve an ability.


A culture low on _____ tolerates ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation

uncertainty avoidance

In Hofstede's dimensions, a culture low on _____ tolerates ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors

uncertainty avoidance

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the culture low on _______ tolerates ambigious situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors

uncertainty avoidance

Take-N-Go likes specifics. Every contract is spelled out in detail, with no gaps in logic or room for misunderstanding. The company has many formal rules and procedures. Give them a step-by-step process when you compose plans.

uncertainty avoidance

self serving bias

when one attributes one's own failures to external factors and success to internal factors

Amy, Allyson, and Kelly work in different teams at Oaktown Powersports. Amy's team ensures that all the raw materials, machinery, tools, and other production equipment are available to employees around the clock. Any procurement needs have to be addressed to Amy, who also takes part in high-level decisions regarding the number of units to be produced, exported, and so on. Allyson works as part of a team of eight members who concentrate on the day-to-day production; they also ensure that quality checks are done and inspect each other's work. Kelly is the operations manager, who works for five hours in the production department and spends the rest of her time assisting management as an internal consultant on manufacturing issues. Her input is crucial in improving the production process. Allyson is part of a(n) ________ team.


Shane is the project manager of the organizational development team at Solid Hardwoods. Shane's team has been assigned the task of studying and evaluating Solid Hardwoods' organizational structure. Shane divided the tasks among the team members to collect preliminary information on different elements of Solid Hardwoods' structure. Meg was asked to collect information on the degree to which tasks are divided into separate jobs. Andrea was asked to collect information on formal authority relationships. Francine started looking into how many employees each manager has responsibility for, and Carol was asked to collect evidence on the degree to which rules and procedures are used to standardize behaviors at Solid Hardwoods. Shane decided to personally collect information and evidence on where exactly decisions are formally made at Solid Hardwoods. The team decided to meet with information in two weeks Meg was given the job of collecting information on which of the following elements of the organizational structure?

work specialization

Which of the following statements concerning potency is not true?

Potency has a weak positive impact on team performance.

ch.9- _______ refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior.


_____ are the taken-for-granted beliefs and philosophies that are so ingrained that employees simply act on them rather than questioning the validity of their behavior in a given situation.

Basic underlying assumptions

emotional regulation

Being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences reflects one's

_____ is the visual ability that helps one see things in low light contexts. - Visual color discrimination - Depth perception - Near vision - Far vision - Night vision

- Night vision

The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is - extraversion. - conscientiousness. - agreeableness. - neuroticism. - openness to experience.

- conscientiousness.

Which type of structure reflects the extent to which the leader defines and structures the roles of employees in pursuit of goal attainment? - initiating structure - consideration structure - participative structure - transformational structure - delegative structure

- initiating structure

Motivating and confidence building, conflict management, and affect management are types of _____ processes. - strategic - interpersonal - behavioral - transformational - communication

- interpersonal

Process gain is synonymous with - synergy. - hierarchical sensitivity. - team conflict. - v. - decision infirmity.

- synergy.

A zero acquaintance situation is a situation in which - someone has a personality that makes them avoid others. - two people have just met each other. - two people have no friends in common. - a company forbids romantic relations among employees. - a company routinely shifts personnel among departments.

- two people have just met each other.

A culture high on _____ feels threatened by ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability. - power distance - masculinity - short-term orientation - collectivism - uncertainty avoidance

- uncertainty avoidance

usually distributed unequally within organizations. - masculinity - short-term orientation - power distance - collectivism - uncertainty avoidance

- power distance

Paolo calls in his sales team and says "Okay, everybody, listen up. We're going to increase our sales across the board 30 percent next quarter. Here's how we're going to do it, and here's what I'm going to do to help us get there." Paolo is demonstrating


_____ is the ability to effectively understand others at work and use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives. - Ingratiation - Political skill - Organizational politics - Distributive bargaining - Negotiation

- Political skill

_____ reduce the importance of the leader while simultaneously providing a direct benefit to employee performance. - Transactional styles - Neutralizers - Directive styles - Enhancers - Substitutes

- Substitutes

Together with cognitive ability, _____ is a key driver of creative thought, as people with this trait excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity. - conscientiousness - extraversion - neuroticism - agreeableness - openness to experience

- openness to experience

The phenomenon of a team delivering "less than the sum of its parts" can be explained by the term - communication conflict. - social loafing. - production blocking. - process loss. - decision informity.

- process loss.

When others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person, that person possesses _____ power. - legitimate - coercive - referent - reward - expert

- referent

With _____ interdependence, different tasks are done in a prescribed order, and the group is structured such that the members specialize in these tasks. - pooled - reciprocal - comprehensive - sequential - response

- sequential

Extraverted people prioritize _____ striving. - value - accomplishment - attainment - communion - status

- status

Interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the team's work but do not involve task accomplishment itself refer to - interpersonal communication. - transition processes. - teamwork processes. - groupthink. - network structure.

- teamwork processes.

How aware others are of a leader's power and position is a function of - centrality. - substitutability. - discretion. - visibility. - skill.

- visibility.

Exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion is called _____. A. ethnocentrism B. faking C. neuroticism D. creativity E. negative affectivity

Exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion is called faking.


Exaggerating your responses to a personality tests in a socially desirable fashion

Socialization happens in five relatively distinct stages

False Socialization happens in three relatively distinct stages

Conscientious people prioritize power striving. accomplishment striving. status striving. communion striving. curiosity.

accomplishment striving.

Potency has a strong positive impact on team performance.


Ability refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities

True Ability refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities.


an unwanted outcome follows an unwanted behavior

typical performance

reflecting performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks, more likely to engage in citizenship behaviors

_____ reflects neither a shift in the employees' behaviors nor their attitudes.


clear and veiled purpose tests

ways to quantify your integrity

the most appropriate use of the Myers- Briggs type indicator is:

In a team-building context

Which of the following is true with regard to outcome interdependence?

In an organization with compensation that has high outcome interdependence, a higher percentage of an employee's pay will depend on how well his or her team does.

_____ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities. Ethics Values Beliefs Interests Tests


Tasks for which the team's performance depends on the abilities of the "weakest link" are called _____.

Conjunctive Task

A strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality is known as _____. A. status striving B. accomplishment striving C. value striving D. curiosity E. power striving

Conscientious employees prioritize accomplishment striving, which reflects a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality.

________ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment.

Locus of control

Riley flunked the midterm and tells everyone it's the teacher's fault. He didn't study because he knew it was just a waste of time. After all, he knew the "teacher had it in for him." Riley demonstrates a(n) ______.

External Locus of Control

Twin studies have shown that genetics has the most effect on which of the Big Five personality traits? Conscientiousness Openness to experience Agreeableness Neuroticism Extraversion


Which of the following is not one of Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values? Masculinity-femininity Individualism-collectivism Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Extraversion-introversion


Which of the following is not a Hofstede's dimension of cultural values? A. Power distance B. Masculinity-femininity C. Individualism-collectivism D. Uncertainty avoidance E. Extraversion-introversion

Extraversion-introversion is a dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

Extraverted people tend to be high in: A. neuroticism. B. agreeableness. C. status striving. D. conflict avoidance. E. positive affectivity.

Extraverted employees tend to be high in what's called positive affectivity —a dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation.

Team reward structures with hybrid outcome interdependence reward members based on how well they perform as individuals rather than overall team performance.


Knowledge of Results

Managers at PopLit, a company that produces comic books and graphic novels, believe in providing continuous feedback to employees regarding their work. Newly hired employees are assigned an established employee to shadow for six weeks. The established employee also reviews the shadow's work and provides tips on improving productivity. In this example, the firm is addressing which of the following critical psychological states that make work satisfying for employees?

People are likely to feel more control over a stressor when they appraise it as a hindrance rather than a challenge.


A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called _____. A. zero acquaintance B. status striving C. accomplishment striving D. negative affectivity E. differential reactivity

D. negative affectivity

In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is also called "inquisitiveness" or "intellectualness." A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

D. openness to experience


Defined as recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment

Cultural Values

Defined as shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture *Cultural Values influence development of personality traits, and traits expressed in daily life


Expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities.

Ramona likes to travel to learn about new cultures. Whenever she returns from a trip she brings home a piece of art from that culture to add to her collection. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Ramona likely score high in?


Extraversion changes quite significantly over a person's life span.


In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, openness to experience is positively related to performance across all occupations.


The most appropriate use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is in a team-building context.


The Chinese culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the members of a broader in group and act loyal to it. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, what is the personality dimension that you will use to describe the Chinese culture? A. Collectivism B. Uncertainty avoidance C. Masculinity D. Low power distance E. Short-term orientation



a team state reflecting the degree of confidence among team members that the team can be effective across situations and tasks

Role Overload

________ refers to a work hindrance stressor that occurs when the number of demanding roles a person holds is so high that the person simply cannot perform some or all of the roles very effectively.

If Hot Topic can help employees see themselves as respected and valued by the company, it can raise their

esteem Esteem needs refer to those required to hold a high evaluation of oneself and to feel effective and respected by others.

A propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong" refers to which of these? A. Ethnocentrism B. Neuroticism C. Extraversion D. Zero acquaintance E. Short-term orientation


punctuated equilibrium

a sequence of team development during which not much gets done until the halfway point of a project, after which teams make necessary changes to complete the project on time

refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities


Kind, cooperative, helpful, and warm describes which of these dimensions of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


which of these dimensions in the big five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives: kind, cooperative, sympathetic and warm


moral intent

an authority's degree of commitment to the moral course of action

Moral development at the conventional stage is characterized by

an emphasis on laws, rules, and orders that govern society.

T/F: The principle of situational strength suggests that some situations provide cues that trigger the expression of a given trait


__________ are suspected or inferred causes of behavior.

casual attributions

Which element of the organizational structure signifies formal authority relationships?

chain of command

_____ occurs when the targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence


Solina is very uncomfortable because she received a larger bonus that other members of her work group. She is most likely from ___________ culture


People who are _____ have a built-in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments. A. accomplishment strivers B. communion strivers C. status strivers D. value strivers E. power strivers

People who are accomplishment strivers have a built-in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments.

Which of the following refers to the ability to effectively understand others at work and to use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives?

Political Skill

The type of task interdependence with the lowest degree of required coordination among team members is _______ interdependence.

Pooled interdependence


Prisha is very uncomfortable because she received a larger bonus than other members of her work group. She is most likely from a ________ culture.

the degree to which team members interact with rely on other team members for the information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team a. task interdependence b. goal interdependence c. outcome interdependence

a. task interdependence

behaviors that directly facilitate the accomplishment of team tasks a. team task roles b. team-building roles c. individualistic roles

a. team task roles

Conscientious people prioritize: A. status striving. B. attainment striving. C. accomplishment striving. D. effort striving. E. power striving.

accomplishment striving

_____ people focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead." A. Conscientious B. Agreeable C. Neurotic D. Diligent E. Emotional


______ focus on "getting along", not necessarily "getting ahead"

agreeable people

When a fight broke out between two workers at Fish HVAC, Tobias, a coworker, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Tobias.


_____ focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead." A. Conscientious people B. Agreeable people C. Neurotic people D. Diligent people E. Extraverts


_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. A. Accomplishment striving B. Status striving C. Fellowship striving D. Attainment striving E. Communion striving


Which of the following competencies synchronizes activities among team members?

planning and task coordination

Which of the following refers to the ability to effectively understand others at work and to use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives?

political skill

Hofstede's research found that a culture high on _____ accepts the fact that authority is usually distributed unequally within organizations.

power distance

usually distributed unequally within organizations A. masculinity B. uncertainty avoidance C. power distance D. short-term orientation E. collectivism

power distance

The transactional theory of stress deals with

primary and secondary appraisal of stress The transactional theory of stress explains how stressors are perceived and appraised (primary appraisal), as well as how people respond to the perceptions (secondary appraisal).

______ is broadly defined as the degree to which employees have the ability and the willingness to accomplish their specific tasks.


Dawson is a famous carpenter in Oregon. Through rugged, Dawson is good at carpentry and electrical work. According to the RIASEC model, the ______ type of personality dimension best describes Dawson.


distributive justice

reflects perceived fairness of decision-making outcomes

According to the value-percept theory, for an employee to have high supervision satisfaction, which of the following is not critical?

supervisor's salaray

Julie notices immediately that one of the members assigned to her team in a marketing class is a middle-aged man. This is a(n) __________ characteristic.

surface level


warm, kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, and courteous

Professor Mason was writing a recommendation for Lisa. He described Lisa as a dependable, organized, reliable, and ambitious individual. According to the Big Five taxonomy, traits describing Lisa classifies as which of these? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is A. neuroticism B. openness to experience C. extraversion D. agreeableness E. conscientiousness


Herb's office is impeccably organized. Herb always shows up on time and can be counted to volunteer when someone is needed to go above and beyond usual duties. Herb says he will run the company someday, and he is willing to put in as many hours and as much suffering as it takes to get there. Herb exemplifies the personality trait of


Herb's office is impeccably organized. Herb always shows up on time and can be counted to volunteer when someone is needed to go above and beyond usual duties. Herb says he will run the company someday, and he is willing to put in as many hours and as much suffering as it takes to get there. Herb exemplifies the personality trait of agreeableness. openness to experience. conscientiousness. extraversion. neuroticism.


The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is extraversion. conscientiousness. neuroticism. openness to experience. agreeableness.


Harold Kelley hypothesized that people make causal attributions by observing three dimensions of behavior.

consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency.

Alice has a deep concern for the welfare of her subordinates and she promotes interactive discussions with them. Alice can be described as a manager who scores high on:


In the time-driven model of leadership, which leadership style seems to be overused by managers?


_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. A. Status striving B. Attainment striving C. Accomplishment striving D. Communion striving E. Power striving


which of the following is not a dimension of the big five taxonomy

locus of control

Rajeer is described by his coworkers as calm and relaxed. Rajeer probably score

low in neuroticism

The Big Five dimension _____ is also called by its flip side "emotional stability" or "emotional adjustment." extraversion agreeableness openness to experience conscientiousness neuroticism


The day before Angel begins an important assignment at work, she shows a tendency to get nervous, moody, and insecure. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Angel.

neuroticism Neurotic people are nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, and jealous.

Rebecca is the head of the primary department at La Perouse High School. She believes that children will absorb and retain more information if they are taken on educational tours and field trips. But the school's rules and policies do not encourage such activities and Rebecca feels her endeavor to improve the children's education is being stifled. This low degree of _____ is reducing Rebecca's ability to influence others.


When a job requires repeated and quick bends, stretches, twists, or reaches, the type of flexibility involved is called _____ flexibility.


"Approaching tasks by planning and setting goals" describes the _____ type of Myers-Briggs indicator. A. perceiving B. introversion C. extraversion D. feeling E. judging


In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ stresses on values such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations. A. individualism B. high power distance C. masculinity D. low uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator evaluates individuals on the basis of all of these types of preferences except: A. judging versus perceiving. B. sensing versus intuition. C. extraversion versus introversion. D. thinking versus feeling. E. short-term versus long-term orientation.


Of the Big Five, _____ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations. A. openness to experience B. conscientiousness C. agreeableness D. neuroticism E. extraversion


The Big Five dimension _____ is also called by its flip side: "Emotional Stability" or "Emotional Adjustment." A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


The day before Jackson takes an important test in school, he shows a tendency to get `````nervous, moody and insecure. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jackson. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism


Which of the following is not a Hofstede's dimension of cultural values? A. Power distance B. Masculinity-femininity C. Individualism-collectivism D. Uncertainty avoidance E. Extraversion-introversion


Positive affectivity is a dispositional tendency to

experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation.

_____ refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. A. Personality B. Values C. Beliefs D. Ethnocentrism E. Perception


The principle of _____ suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues. situation specificity situation awareness situational prevention situational strength situational ethics

situational strength

zero acquaintance

situations to which two people have just met

Roger tends to be helpful, inspiring, informative, and empathetic. He enjoys helping, serving, and assisting others. According to the RIASEC model, Roger would be classified as having which of these personality types? A. Enterprising B. Social C. Artistic D. Conventional E. Investigative


When members of a team exert less effort when working on team tasks than they would if they worked alone on those same tasks, the phenomenon is called:

social loafing

moral attentiveness

the degree in which people chronically perceive and consider issues of morality during their experiences

moral identity

the degree to which a person views himself or herself as a moral person

ratio bias effect

the tendency to judge the same probability of an unlikely event as lower when the probability is presented in the form of a ratio of smaller rather than of larger numbers


the tendency to judge things erroneously based on a reference that is near to them


the tendency to make different decisions based on how a question or situation is phrased

The scientific method begins with _____.


If Clark approaches all his decisions with logic and critical analysis, according to MBTI, he is likely going to be described as a(n) _____ type. A. perceiving B. thinking C. extraversion D. feeling E. judging


Values are defined as:

those things that people consciously or subconsciously want to seek or attain

diversity in teams is beneficial because it provides for a larger pool of knowledge and perspectives from which a team can draw as it carries out its work value in diversity problem-solving approach vs. similarity-attraction approach

value in diversity problem-solving approach


when a decision maker chooses the first acceptable alternative considered

Status Striving

which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality.

Locus of Control

which reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment.

External factors include all of the following except:

putting forth effort

There are many factors to consider when leaders choose a decision making style. The most obvious consideration is the:

quality of the resulting decision

Traits are defined as

recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment


recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment.


refer(s) to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior.

conventional stage

references the expectations of one's family and soceity

Bill Gates commands the respect and admiration of people around the world for his achievements in information technology as well as for his philanthropy. Many people who admire him try to emulate his actions. He clearly wields ______ power


Roger Federer is an icon in tennis. Many aspiring tennis players try to emulate him. Federer's iconic status gives him ______ power


Individualistic role behaviors:

reflect behaviors that benefit the individual at the expense of the team Included: aggressor, blocker, recognition seeker, self-confessor, slacker, and dominator.


reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

Sandy works in a factory where employees are expected to complete 14 widgets each hour. The managers are very strict and frequently check to make sure employees are actually completing at least this base number of widgets each hour. The employees are being assessed on their ______.

routine task performance

Noah, a services manager at the Feel Well Health Clinic, consulted an alternative medicine specialist to see if it is feasible to incorporate certain treatments as part of the clinic's services. Noah is performing a(n) _____ activity of the boundary spanning process.



6 different types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional

Positive Affectivity

A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation.

Negative Affectivity

A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance.

Which of the following is a dimension of the Big Five taxonomy?


People tend to view _____, who are more energetic and outgoing, as more "leader like." A. neurotics B. intellectuals C. extraverts D. conscientious individuals E. agreeable individuals


_____, who are more energetic and outgoing, are perceived to be more "leader-like."


The highest level of information richness is achieved when messages are transmitted through _____.

face to face channels

The highest level of information richness is achieved when messages are transmitted through _____.


The more communication flows through fewer members of the team, the higher the:

higher the degree of centralization

Myers Briggs Type Indicator Assessment recognizes __________ different personality types.


What type of jobs benefit from high levels of openness to experience? A. Jobs that are slow-moving, with very few changes required. B. Jobs that require low levels of creativity. C. Jobs that have more beneficial characteristics, such as autonomy and significance. D. Jobs that are very fluid and dynamic, with rapid changes in job demands. E. Jobs that are ordinary and do not make much of an impact.

jobs that are very fluid and dynamic, with rapid changes in job demands

According to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, when a culture stresses values such as persistence, prudence, and thrift, it can be said that the culture is high on: A. collectivism. B. power distance. C. masculinity. D. uncertainty avoidance. E. long-term orientation.

long-term orientation

Cooper, a trainer at D&J Inc., preaches the company's policy of prudence to all his new trainees. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, this cultural value followed at D&J Inc. is an example of

long-term orientation

- team that participates in managerial-level tasks that affect the entire organization - responsible for coordinating the activities of organizational subunits to help the organization achieve its long-term goals

management team

Rosy, Lily, Molly, and Cathy are four friends working at four different organizations. In Molly's firm, employees are both distant and disconnected from one another, whereas in Lily's company, it is quite the opposite—employees are friendly, and they all think alike. Rosy works for an organization where employees think alike but are not friendly to one another. Finally, Cathy is at a firm where employees are friendly, but they think differently and do their own thing. Rosy's firm can be described as having a _____ culture.


Power and influence have a _____ effect on job performance and organizational commitment

moderate positive

If an authority recognizes a moral issue exists but is then unable to determine whether a given course of action is right or wrong; the authority is having trouble with the second step of the four-component model of ethical decision making,

moral judgment

A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called _____. negative affectivity differential reactivity status striving accomplishment striving zero acquaintance

negative affectivity

The fundamental attribution bias says that we tend to overattribute others' behaviors to __________ factors.


_____ refer(s) to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior.


The life cycle theory of leadership argues that the optimal combination of initiating structure and consideration depends on the ______ of the employees in the work unit.


Sara enjoys practical, hands-on, real-world tasks and tends to be frank, determined, and rugged. Sara can be described as which of these personality type, according to the RIASEC model? A. Enterprising B. Realistic C. Artistic D. Conventional E. Investigative


maximum performance

reflecting performance in brief, special circumstances that demand a person's best effort

"Approaching tasks by planning and setting goals" describes the _____ type of Myers-Briggs indicator. A. perceiving B. introversion C. extraversion D. feeling E. judging

"Approaching tasks by planning and setting goals" describes the judging type of Myers-Briggs indicator.

The Big Five Taxonomy

1. Conscientiousness 2. Agreeableness 3. Neuroticism 4. Openness to experience 5. Extraversion

The Big FIVE taxonomy (Five Personality Dimensions).

1.) Conscientiousness, 2.) Agreeableness, 3.) Neuroticism, 4.) openness to experience, 5.) Extraversion.

uncertainty avoidance

A culture high on _____ feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability.

Teams differ from groups because:

A group is just a collection on 2 or more people, where a team is a special type of group, where the members work interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task oriented purpose.

decision making style

A leader's ________ reflects the process that the leader uses to generate and choose from a set of alternatives to solve a problem.

Which of the following statements about outcome interdependence is false?

A low degree exist when team members share in the rewards that the team earns, a high degree exist when individuals receive awards based on their own performance.


A propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong"

Which of the following is true of teams?

A team works interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose.

Which of the following scenarios describes a worker with a neurotic personality?

Amy yells at Jacob to go away when he asks her how she is doing, then brings him coffee with a big smile an hour later.

Sam and Matilda are successful stockbrokers working with the Invest Right Brokerage firm. Before buying a company's stock, Sam reviews the company's reports and past data. Matilda, on the other hand, buys stock based on speculation. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the _____ type best describes Sam and the _____ type best describes Matilda.

sensing; intuition

In team functions in the past at Bonnie's Barn, a retailer that sells country-themed décor, several employees have consistently displayed certain behaviors. Allie has always motivated the teams to do better. Gary has always challenged the status quo. Thor has performed routine tasks to keep things rolling. Erin has constructively challenged the team to consider different points of view. Billy has proposed new ideas. Bonnie, the company owner, is assembling a team for a project where all of the decisions have high stakes. Which of the previously mentioned employees would likely be the most valuable for Bonnie to add to this particular team?


According to the value in diversity problem-solving approach, diversity on attributes such as cultural background, race, and attitudes are associated with communication problems and ultimately poor team effectiveness.


Artistic people tend to enjoy abstract, analytical, theory-oriented tasks.


Felix started his new job about a month ago. When asked, he says he likes most of his coworkers. One of them, though, is mean-spirited, obnoxious, petty, and belligerent. Felix is describing his coworker's social traits.


The principle of _____ suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues. A. situation awareness B. situational strength C. situational prevention D. situational ethics E. situation specificity

situational strength

The tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior is termed as ______

social astuteness

Applied Dynamic Systems, a large international technology provider, has just transferred Darrell to China. His supervisor has informed him that he will be involved in a knowledge transfer, which most likely means that

someone with experience living in China will help him learn how to operate and live in his new environment

Which of these is a type of cognitive ability?

spatial abilities

Which of the following represents the predictable sequence of stages in team development?

Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning (FSNPA) -* Florida State's Nursing Program is Awesome

openness to experience

George is described by his friends as curious and imaginative. He is probably high on the trait of ________.

_____ cultures are those where all employees are friendly to one another, but everyone thinks differently and does his or her own thing.


__________ characteristics are quickly apparent to interactants.

surface level

the degree to which members are different from one another in terms of any attribute that might be used by someone as a basis of categorizing people

team diversity

What is the primary reason for simple structures being perhaps the most common form of organizational design?

There are more small organizations than large ones.

Which of the following is most likely to be categorized as a management team?

Top management team

Diversity on attributes such as cultural background, race, and attitudes are associated with communication problems and ultimately poor team effectiveness. If true, this statement validates the theory of the _____ approach to diversity in teams.

Value in diversity problem-solving

_____ do not reference dishonesty explicitly but instead assess more general personality traits that are associated with dishonest acts. A. Clear purpose tests B. Differential reactivity C. Positive affectivity D. Veiled purpose tests E. Aptitude inventories

Veiled purpose tests do not reference dishonesty explicitly but instead assess more general personality traits that are associated with dishonest acts.

A culture high on _____ feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation

When a culture feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability, it is said to be high on uncertainty avoidance.


When a fight broke out between two workers at Leo Motors, James, a coworker, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes James.

Which of the following statements about team and individualistic roles is true?

Where as task roles and team building roles focus on activities that benefit the team, individualistic roles reflect behaviors that benefit the individual at the expense of the team.

A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called _____. A. zero acquaintance B. status striving C. accomplishment striving D. negative affectivity E. differential reactivity

Whereas extraversion is synonymous with positive affectivity, neuroticism is synonymous with negative affectivity —a dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance.


Which of the following decision-making styles is characterized by the highest level of follower control?

Min-jun took two years to write a novel, from starting the first draft to getting it published.

Which of the following examples of work involves the core job characteristic of identity?


Which of the following is defined as a psychological response to demands for which there is something at stake and coping with those demands taxes or exceeds a person's capacity or resources?


Which of the following is not one of Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values?

A team works interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose.

Which of the following is true of teams?

Value-percept theory suggests that people evaluate job satisfaction according to specific "facets" of the job.

Which of the following is true regarding value-percept theory?

cognitive, emotional, and physical

Which of the following represents the three general categories into which abilities can be grouped?

moral intent

_____ reflects an authority's degree of commitment to the moral course of action.


________ are the negative consequences that occur when demands tax or exceed one's capacity or resources.


_________ tests scores are more strongly related to job performance than conscientiousness scores


____________ locus of control associated with higher levels of job satisfaction and job performance

Extraverted people prioritize _____. A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. value striving E. attainment striving


Neuroticism is associated with _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience. A. status striving B. locus of control C. positive affectivity D. a differential reactivity E. accomplishment striving

a different reactivity

Conscientious people prioritize:

accomplishment striving

- team that performs tasks that are normally limited in duration - tasks are quite complex and take place in contexts that are either highly visible to an audience or of a highly challenging nature

action team

A strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality is known as _____. A. status striving B. accomplishment striving C. value striving D. curiosity E. power striving


A(n) _____ situation is an situation in which two people have only just met. A. differential exposure B. zero acquaintance C. locus of control D. ethnocentric E. uncertainty avoidance


According to longitudinal studies, the two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are: A. conscientiousness and extraversion. B. extraversion and openness. C. agreeableness and openness. D. openness and conscientiousness. E. neuroticism and agreeableness.


stage where members remain committed to ideas they bring with them to the team a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing e. adjourning

b. storming

behaviors that influence the quality of the team's social climate a. team task roles b. team-building roles c. individualistic roles

b. team-building roles

Which of the following is not a "dimension" of the big five taxonomy? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Locus of control D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism


The more communication flows through fewer members of the team, the higher the degree of:


In the context of the contingency factor of visibility, a leader's ability to influence others increases when:

the leader's level of power increases

In a project team at Kaizen International, everyone focuses on his or her specialty and what they do best. Members know exactly where they can go to get information when there are gaps in their knowledge, and this team produces synergistic results. This shows that the project team at Kaizen has an effective:

transactive memory

______________ leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a ---- that provides meaning to their work while serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems as new perspectives.


T/F: Dishonest people fake a little more than other people in an integrity test.


A culture high on _____ feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability. short-term orientation collectivism masculinity power distance uncertainty avoidance

uncertainty avoidance

A culture high on _____ feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability. A. collectivism B. power distance C. masculinity D. uncertainty avoidance E. short-term orientation

uncertainty avoidance

A culture high on ______ feels threatened by uncertain and ambigious situations and relies on formal rules to create stability

uncertainty avoidance

______ reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality

communion striving

Pauline, a department manager at Good Looking Clothes Inc., uses a style of decision-making that focuses on using the skills, experiences ,and ideas of others. The final decision-making power is with Pauline. However, she does not make major decisions without getting inputs from those that will be affected. It can be said that she uses the _____ style of leader decision making

consultative style

With a(n) ______ decision-making style, employees have a say in the decision making process but the ultimate authority still rests with the leader

consultative style

When teams engage in _____, their activities are focused on generating novel and useful ideas and solutions.

creative behavior

Adjectives that describe opposite traits for agreeableness would include A. quiet, shy, and inhibited B. nervous, moody, and emotional C. careless, sloppy, and lazy D. critical, selfish, rude E. calm, steady, and relaxed

critical, selfish, and rude

Some people react to bad rules or policies by constructively trying to change them, instead of passively complaining about them. This positive characteristic refers to:


moral judgement

when an authority can accurately identify the "right" course of action

moral awareness

when an authority recognizes that a moral issue exists in a situation

A(n) ________ situation is an situation in which two people have only just met

zero acquaintance

Situations in which two people have only just met are known as: A. differential exposure situations. B. zero acquaintance situations. C. locus of control situations. D. ethnocentric situations. E. uncertainty avoidance situations.

zero acquaintance situations

Connor, a trainer at T&R Inc., preaches the company's policy of prudence to all his new trainees. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural value followed in T&R Inc. is an example of _____. A. collectivism B. low power distance C. masculinity D. high uncertainty avoidance E. long-term orientation


Being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences reflects one's

emotion regulation


enjoy abstract, analytical, theory-oriented tasks

The function of the role of an orienter in a group is to

establish the direction for the team

Which of the following refers to the propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong"?


which of the following refers to the propensity to view one's own cultural values as right and those of other cultures wrong?


Ted is a quality control manager at Greenwoods Cement Inc. Any time a problem arises and a decision needs to be made, he believes in getting his people involved . He would present the problem to his employees and seek consensus on a solution. He insists in these problem-solving meetings that his opinion or suggestions carry no more weight than anyone else's. Which of the following is the decision-making style that Ted is displaying?

facilitative style

Exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion is called _____.


Hans is one of the most skilled employees at Grand Time, which is a clock manufacturing company that preserves the traditional art of making grandfather clocks by hand. Being an expert, he can often be seen handling screwdrivers and tweezers making intricate designs and fitting in parts. This reflects Hans's ability in the area of

fine manipulative abilities

Surface-level characteristics include __________, age, and race.


Which of the following are the strongest determinants of one's abilities?

genes and environment

ch.9- Personality traits are a function of both your:

genes and environment

A musical group and a surgical team are examples of _____ teams.


temporal immediacy

"How much time will pass between the act and the onset of its consequences?" reflects which of the following facets of moral intensity?

Which of the following asks applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty, the desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty?

A clear purpose test

Which of the following asks applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty, the desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty? A clear purpose test A Big Five Inventory A veiled purpose test Differential reactivity Positive affectivity

A clear purpose test

Gordon Allport and his colleagues' approach to personality led to the development of the five-factor model. Their approach, called the __________________, theorized that all important personality characteristics should be reflected in the language that we use to describe other people A. lexical hypothesis B. Allport Postulate C. common-adjective-use approach D. vocabulary premise

A. lexical hypothesis

The five-factor model is called the __________________, which theorized that all important personality characteristics should be reflected in the language that we use to describe other people. A. lexical hypothesis B. Allport Postulate C. common-adjective-use approach D. vocabulary premise

A. lexical hypothesis

Which of the following occurs when an employee is assaulted or endangered such that physical and psychological injuries may occur?


Meredith and Sally had a major argument while designing the interiors of a restaurant. The conflict was finally settled when Meredith gave in completely to Sally in an unselfish manner. In this situation, Meredith used the ______ style of conflict resolution.


Low assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?

Accommodating (lose-win)

Which of the following work value categories involve(s) helping others and working on moral causes?


Tina's psychology curriculum required her to study an indvidual's personality type using the process of interviewing. She selected Darren, her brother's roommate, as her test subject. The highlighted points of her research were that Darren is a Law graduate, who is a musician in his spare time. He is an independent person who paid his way through Law school; his friends get annoyed with his impulsive behavior. According to the RIASEC model, Tina classified Darren under the ______ type of personality dimension.


_____ focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead." A. Conscientious people B. Agreeable people C. Neurotic people D. Diligent people E. Extraverts

B. Agreeable people

The acronym for the five-factor model is: A. HEXACO B. OCEAN C. CANOE D. TRAITS


_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. A. Accomplishment striving B. Status striving C. Fellowship striving D. Attainment striving E. Communion striving

B. Status striving

The most appropriate use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is: A. in the job satisfaction prediction context. B. in a team-building context. C. to gauge the commitment of employees across jobs. D. to predict the motivation of employees. E. to forecast the performance of employees across jobs.

B. in a team-building context.

Critical, selfish, and rude are opposite traits for which personality dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Callousness E. Neuroticism

C. Agreeableness

Which of these dimensions in the Big Five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

C. Agreeableness

_____, who are more energetic and outgoing, are perceived to be more "leader like." A. Neurotics B. Hysteric individuals C. Extraverts D. Callous people E. Agreeable people

C. Extraverts

When a fight broke out between two workers at Leo Motors, James the manager, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes James. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. conscientiousness

C. agreeableness

The highest level of interaction and coordination among members is required in ________ interdependence


accomplishment striving

Conscientious people prioritize

According to research on the time-driven model of leadership, which leadership style seems to be overused by managers?


Cultural Values

Culture: the shared values, beliefs, motives, identities, and interpretations that result form common experiences of members of a society and are transmitted across generations. -Explaining "what we're like" requires an awareness of "where we're from"


Cung leads the design team at Rapidware, a software firm that deigns custom software to meet its clients' needs. He needs to hire an employee to recognize when new approaches are needed and to learn what clients need and quickly come up with an innovative way to serve them. Which of the following candidates would best meet Cung's requirements?: Rico, a curious person who loves art and buys the latest gadgets

_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. A. Status striving B. Attainment striving C. Accomplishment striving D. Communion striving E. Power striving

D. Communion striving

The night before a midterm exam, Wayne is invited to a party by his friends. He decides not to go to the party because doing well in the course is important to his career goals. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score high in? A. Agreeableness B. Neuroticism C. Openness D. Conscientiousness

D. Conscientiousness

_____ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities. A. Values B. Beliefs C. Tests D. Interests E. Ethics

D. Interests

Which of the following is an example of a team task role rather than an individualistic role?

Devil's advocate

According to the value in diversity problem-solving approach:

Diversity in teams is beneficial because it provides for a larger pool of knowledge and perspectives form which a team can draw as it carries out its work

Veiled Purpose Tests

Do not reference dishonesty explicitly but instead assess more general personality traits that are associated with dishonest acts

Solina is very uncomfortable because she received a larger bonus than other members of her work group. She is most likely from a ______ culture. A. feminine B. short-term oriented C. uncertain D. global E. collectivistic

E. collectivistic

Of the Big Five, _____ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations. A. openness to experience B. conscientiousness C. agreeableness D. neuroticism E. extraversion

E. extraversion

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator evaluates individuals on the basis of all of these types of preferences except: A. judging versus perceiving. B. sensing versus intuition. C. extraversion versus introversion. D. thinking versus feeling. E. short-term versus long-term orientation.

E. short-term versus long-term orientation.

which of the following refers to the propensity to vies ones own cultural values as "right" and those of other cultures as "wrong"


openness to experience

In the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is more likely to be valuable in jobs that involve rapid changes in job demands.

______ is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer


Application: Personality Tests

Integrity Tests= personality tests that focus specifically on a predisposition to engage in theft and other counterproductive behaviors. 1. Clear Purpose Tests= ask applicants about their attitudes toward, beliefs about dishonesty.... 2. Veiled Purpose Tests= do not reference dishonesty explicitly but instead access more general personality traits that are associated with dishonesty.

Which of the following is a specific value related to the work itself?

Intellectual stimulation

According to the RIASEC model, a(n) _______ person enjoys abstract, analytical, and theory-oriented tasks.



Kevin fidgets and taps on things, sighs often, squirms, constantly checks the time, and yells at people when they ask him how a project is going. The people who work with Kevin perceive him as uptight, mean, anxious, and rude. These perceptions are primarily formed by Kevin's

Motivation and ability

Job performance is largely a function of:

"Approaching tasks by planning and setting goals" describes the _______ type of Myers-Briggs indicator.


Which of the following is not a dimension of the Big Five taxonomy?

Locus of Control


Personality is a collection of multiple

openness to experience

Quincy is always wondering about why things happen, how things work, and what would happen if something was different. He thinks of exciting possibilities that are often outside the box. He is described by his friends as classy and eloquent. Quincy is probably high on the trait of

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, a group of employees who are working together for the first time and are eager to begin, but lack the experience and confidence needed to perform their roles are at which level of readiness?

R2- Selling

Mr. Johnson is threatened by his secret interest in pornography, so he begins a public campaign against it. Which of Freud's ego defenses is Mr. Johnson using?

Reaction formation

Dawson lives in Oregon in a log cabin he built. Dawson is good at carpentry and electrical work. According to the RIASEC model, the _________ type of personality dimensions best describes Dawson


Andrew, the Student Body president, is very popular in his college and is admired by both professors and students for his balanced approach to any task or issue. He is very creative and also a good sportsman. He is a role model for all the students in the college and often leads by example. Andrew's popularity gives him ______ power in his college.


Which of the following is accurate with regard to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator method of personality measurement A. Research on this model suggests that managers are more likely to be "thinking-judging" personality types than the general population B. The model arranges the personality types in a hexagonal fashion, with types adjacent to one another being more similar C. The central premise of this model is that employees in occupations that match their personality type will have more career satisfaction, job knowledge, and longevity D. One of the most common applications of this model is interest inventories, which provide people their scores on relevant personality dimensions E. People with a realistic personality prefer to work with things and data more than people and ideas

Research on this model suggests that managers are more likely to be "thinking-judging" personality types than the general population

Leah wants to upgrade her skills and approaches Timothy, the HR manager, to try and convince him to send her for the Advanced Negotiation and Portfolio Management Training program. Timothy has which of the following powers?


Which of the following scenarios demonstrates personality?

Shanda is generally friendly, likable, and calm under pressure Personality refers to the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. It creates people's social reputation—the way they are perceived by friends, family, coworkers, and supervisors.

In the ____ stage of group development, members remain committed to ideas they bring with them to the team, and are unwilling to accommodate other's ideas. This triggers conflict that negatively affects some interpersonal relationships.


Richard is the head of the finance department at Sportz Inc., a company specializing in sports goods. He has the sole authority to grant or deny the release of funds for any marketing strategy proposed by the marketing team in the company. Which contingency factor gives Richard the power to influence the members of the marketing team?


Trait Activation

Suggests that some situations provide cues that trigger the expression of a given trait

Which of the following is most likely to be categorized as an action team?

Surgical team, musical group, expedition team, sports team

Rational persuasion is the only tactic that is consistently successful in the case of upward influence.


Imagine that you are planning a research project for a senior thesis. You decide to examine the relationship between personality traits and academic dishonesty. Which trait approach would provide you with the largest amount of directly relevant information to work with?

The HEXACO model

leader effectiveness

The degree to which the leader's actions result in the achievement of the unit's goals; the continued commitment of the unit's employees; and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader-member dyads are all called

All the statements below are true about legitimate power EXCEPT:

The higher up in an organization a person is, the less legitimate power they generally possess


The willingness to be vulnerable to an authority based on positive expectations about the authority's actions and intentions is called:

4. Openness To Experience

These people are curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, and sophisticated

5. Extraversion

These people are talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, and dominant ZERO ACQUAINTANCE Situations- Situations in which two people have only just met *Extraversion people prioritize Status Striving STATUS STRIVING- Reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality Extraversion people have high POSITIVE AFFECTIVITY- which is a dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation

Which of the following statements about companies that adopt a low-cost producer strategy is true?

They rely on selling products at the lowest possible cost


Total Tone Fitness has structured its employee teams so that members interact with a subset of other members to complete the team's work. Total Tone uses ________ interdependence.


Warm, Kind, Cooperative, Sympathetic, Helpful, and Courteous (Communion Striving).


With a(n) ________ decision-making style, employees have a say in the decision-making process, but the ultimate authority still rests with the leader.


________ consist of anecdotes, accounts, legends, and myths that are passed down from cohort to cohort within an organization.

Bri took a test and found out she has an investigative personality type. According to the RIASEC model, Bri will probably enjoy A. practical, hands-on, real-world tasks and tend to be frank, practical, determined, and rugged B. abstract, analytical, theory-oriented tasks and tend to be analytical, intellectual, reserved, and scholarly C. persuading, leading, or outperforming others and tend to be energetic, sociable, ambitious, and risk-taking D. entertaining and fascinating others using imagination and tend to be original, independent, impulsive, and creative E. organizing, counting, or regulating people or things and tend to be careful, conservative, self-controlled, and structured.

abstract, analytical, theory-oriented tasks and tend to be analytical, intellectual, reserved, and scholarly

A strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality is known as ________

accomplishment striving

equity vs. equality vs. need

are rewards allocated according to the proper norm?


are those explanations honest?

clear purpose tests

ask applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty, beliefs about the frequency of dishonesty, endorsements of common rationalizations for dishonesty, desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty

__________ is based on a simple premise. Rightly or wrongly, people infer causes for their own and others' behavior.

attribution theory

Which of the following is not a layer of diversity?


Alexandria, Brittney, Nicole, and Dolce are four managers at Polar Coat Manufacturing. Each in their department uses a different decision-making style and believes that their style is the best. Alexandria always presents the problem to her employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions and then makes the decision herself. Brittney gives her employees the responsibility for making the decision within a set of specified boundary conditions. Nicole makes the decision without asking her employees for their opinions/suggestions. Dolce presents the problem to her employees and seeks consensus with an emphasis that her opinion should only count as important as every other employees in her department. Which of the following is the decision making style that Nicole is displaying?

autocratic style

locus of control

can be internal or external


being energized by people and social interactions


being energized by private time and reflection

In order to bring Steven, the marketing manager, on board with the idea of introducing a line of new products at Gold Coffee, Bree, the operations manager, enlisted the help of Natalie and Noah, the top two salespeople at the company. Bree is using which of the following influence tactics?


Verbal and spatial abilities come under the general category of _____ abilities


refers to capabilities related to the acquisition and application of knowledge in problem solving - relevant in work involving the use of information to make decisions and solve problems

cognitive ability

In equity theory, ____________ is rethinking your inputs to restore balance mentally without altering your behavior in any way.

cognitive distortion When a person experiences equity distress, cognitive distortion is one of the methods to reduce the distress and restore balance mentally.

Agreeable people prioritize ______ striving.


Agreeable people prioritize ______ striving. communion power status attainment accomplishment


Agreeable people prioritize _____.

communion striving

Agreeable people prioritize: A. status striving. B. communion striving. C. accomplishment striving. D. attainment striving. E. power striving.

communion striving

Sharelle has a conflict resolution style that works for her. Whenever she is involved in settling an issue, everybody comes away feeling that for anything they lost, they gained something else in return. Her efforts have helped save friendships and prevent interdepartmental rivalries from taking over, and along the way she has gotten positive evaluations from everyone who has ever worked for her. Sharelle is adept at the conflict resolution style known as


The most common form of conflict resolution is


2. storming

conflict occurs because members remain committed to the ideas they bring with them to the team

Which of the Big Five personality traits has the greatest effect on typical performance? A. conscientiousness B. openness C. extraversion D. neuroticism E. agreeableness


the big five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is ___________



conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience, and extraversion

The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is


The dean of a reputed B-school has decided to pursue a coveted accreditation for the college. To get faculty's buy-in and support, he has created a faculty-driven process whereby members of the faculty participate and carry out the accreditation process under his guidance. This approach has increased the commitment of the faculty, who now have a stake in seeing the process succeed and the goal of accreditation accomplished. Identify the influence tactic used by the dean:


Which of the following influence tactics increases commitment from the target who has a stake in seeing that his or her opinions were right?


If you tend to be careful, conservative, self-controlled, and structured, according to the RIASEC model, you would be classified as having which of these personality types? A. Enterprising B. Social C. Artistic D. Conventional E. Investigative


What synchronizes team members' activities in a way that makes them mesh effectively and seamlessly?


Organizational design is the process of

creating, selecting, or changing the structure of an organization

To encourage innovation at the organization, MicroTrac allows its engineers to spend 20 percent of their working time pursuing projects that they are passionate about. This describes a(n) ______ culture.


Adjectives that describe opposite traits for agreeableness would include

critical, selfish, and rude


dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering

Which of the following is a sensory ability?

depth perception

accomplishment striving

describes a strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality.

One way to potentially prevent problems associated with too much cohesion is to formally institute the role of a(n) ________, a person who is responsible for evaluating and challenging prevailing points of view in a constructive manner and also bringing in fresh perspectives and ideas to the team.

devil's advocate


do authorities explain procedures thoroughly


do authorities refrain from improper remarks?


do authorities treat employees with sincerity?

ability that affects social functioning

emotional ability/emotional intelligence

Abbey has always been a very competitive individual. She enjoys persuading and leading others. She also tends to be a high risk taker and a very energetic and ambitious person. According to the RIASEC model, Abbey would be classified as having which of these personality types? A. Enterprising B. Social C. Artistic D. Conventional E. Investigative


Personality traits are a function of both your

environment and genes

Personality traits are a function of both your:

environment and genes


exaggerating your responses to a personality test in a socially desirable fashion

Providing employees with health care fulfills what need?

existence Existence needs are the needs for the food, shelter, safety, and protection required for human existence. Health care is considered a basic need.

goal interdependence

exists when team members have a shared vision of the team's goal and align their individual goals with that vision as a result

integrity tests

focus specifically on a predisposition to engage in theft and other counterproductive behavior

preconventional stage

focuses on consequences of actions for the individual

Work at Digicorp is accomplished continuously because members of a team who have finished their workday in one country electronically hand off the work to team members in another country who have just arrived at their workplace. This type of workflow is known as _____.

follow the sun

A high degree of _____ interdependence exists when team members share in the rewards that the team earns.


To assure a high level of goal interdependence, a team should:

have a formalized mission statement.

neurotic people tend to

hold an external locus of control

Neurotic people tend to:

hold an external locus of control

Part of the problem with ________ is that it can lead to uncertainty about which types of behaviors are being rewarded and how pay ultimately is determined.

hybrid outcome interdependence

West World employees stay with the company for life and are dedicated to helping each other as if part of a family. Be respectful of the group as a whole and make sure all employees' best interests are considered in plans.


Involving the use of problem solving and mutual respect to achieve an outcome that?s satisfying for both parties, ______ is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario

integrative bargaining

If John views a situation as having low consensus, low distinctiveness, and high consistency, he is likely to make an attribution of

internal causes

A(n) _____ involves a "comparison other" in the same company.

internal comparison Job equity and company equity are examples of internal comparisons. Job equity means comparing with others doing the same job in the same organization. Company equity means comparing with others in the same organization doing substantially different jobs.

At its most basic, a person's behavior can be attributed to either __________ or __________ factor.

internal; external

Which of the following occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request?


informational justice rules

justification and truthfulness

3. norming

members realize they need to work together and begin to cooperate

pooled interdependence

members work independently and then pool the results

In case of _____, the leader avoids getting involved when important issues arise and leader's power goes unutilized.

laissez-faire leadership

Kartik never raises his voice or loses his temper, and he explains things calmly in chaotic situations when others cannot. He is described by his coworkers as cool and relaxed. Kartik probably scores high in openness to experience. high in introversion. low in neuroticism. low on introversion. high in neuroticism.

low in neuroticism

In the FIFA World Cup soccer matches, the Golden Shoe award is given to the top goal scorer, without regard to the performance of the player's team. The award could go to a player whose team doesn't even reach the finals. This award is an example of _____ interdependence.

low outcome

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, participating leader behavior comprises _____ initiating structure and _____ consideration

low, high

project GLOBE

main purpose is to examine the impact of culture on the effectiveness of various leader attributes, behaviors, and practices

Which of the following is one of Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values?


Differential Reactivity

meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience.

The psychological state that reflects the degree to which work tasks are viewed as something that "counts" in the employee's system of philosophies and beliefs is known as:

meaningfulness of work.

As organizations become larger, they tend to become more _____ in nature.


As organizations become larger, they tend to become more ________ in nature


1. forming

members orient themselves to team boundaries

Which personality trait refers to the desire to make significant accomplishments and meet high standards?

need for achievement

Which of the following is a personal characteristic that fosters organizational politics?

need for power or machiavellianism

The day before Angel begins an important assignment at work, she shows a tendency to get nervous, moody, and insecure. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension of _____ best describes Angel. agreeableness extraversion openness to experience conscientiousness neuroticism


Together with cognitive ability, _____ is a key driver of creative thought, as people with this trait excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity

openness to experience

Claire, the manager at Connect, is a favorite with her employees because she has the ability to recognize and understand the emotions of her peers and subordinates. She interacts with all employees in a warm manner and is very approachable when her employees are encountering any problems. Which of the following characteristics does Claire possess?

other awareness

_____ is an example of a behavioral strain resulting from prolonged stress.

overeating Behavioral strains are unhealthy behaviors such as grinding one's teeth at night, being overly critical and bossy, excessive smoking, compulsive gum chewing, overuse of alcohol, and compulsive eating.

While performing the boundary-spanning process, members who engage in ambassador activities typically communicate with

people who are in high positions in the organization.

Alana looks at the clouds and sees flowers. Her brother, Sammy, looks at the same clouds and sees jellyfish. Alana and Sammy have different


Kevin fidgets and taps on things, sighs often, squirms, constantly checks the time, and yells at people when they ask him how a project is going. The people who work with Kevin perceive him as uptight, mean, anxious, and rude. These perceptions are primarily formed by Kevin's


Kevin fidgets and taps on things, sighs often, squirms, constantly checks the time, and yells at people when they ask him how a project is going. The people who work with Kevin perceive him as uptight, mean, anxious, and rude. These perceptions are primarily formed by Kevin's A. abilities B. cultural values C. ethnocentrism D. personality E. perception


A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation refers to _____.

positive affectivity

A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elations refers to ________

positive affectivity

A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elations refers to: A. neuroticism. B. agreeableness. C. positive affectivity. D. conflict avoidance. E. status striving.

positive affectivity

An individual who has the ability to foresee an obstacle in the course of events has a high ability in the area of _____.

problem sensitivity

Whenever Marie has a plan, she runs her idea past James first. James always seems to be able to see potential problems with an idea before they happen. James has a high level of

problem sensitivity

Self-motivation and changing priorities are examples of:

problem-focused cognitive coping strategies.

Which model of withdrawal argues that the various withdrawal behaviors are positively correlated—for example, the tendency to daydream or socialize leads to the tendency to come in late or take long breaks, which leads to the tendency to be absent or quit?


- team that is formed to take on "one-time" tasks that are generally complex and require a lot of input from members with different types of training and expertise - only last as long as it takes to finish a project

project team

RIASEC model

realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, conventional

In _____ interdependence, members interact with a subset of other members to complete the team's work.


Personality traits are defined as:

relatively enduring dispositions in behavior that characterize individuals across varying types of situations

As an alternative to managing stressors, many organizations teach employees to use _____ to counteract the effects of stressors by engaging in activities that slow the heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure.

relaxation techniques

group members tend to have specific parts they play in the group

role differentiation

According the the life cycle theory of leadership, _____ leader behavior comprises high initiating structure and high consideration


According to the life cycle theory of leadership, the optimal combination of leader behavior in R2 stage is _____


These Myers-Briggs dichotomies focuses on how one takes in and presents information.

sensing vs intuition

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator evaluates individuals on the basis of all of these types of preferences except:

short term vs long term orientation

According to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, when a culture stresses values that are more past and present oriented, such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations, it is high on: A. collectivism. B. power distance. C. masculinity. D. uncertainty avoidance. E. short-term orientation.

short-term orientation

A psychology class has been assigned an individual case study project as well as a group project. The members of the group will receive the same grade for the group project but will be graded separately for their individual projects. Drew, Ben, Donna, and Julia are members of one such group. Drew and Donna worked very hard on the group project. Ben and Julia, however, did not contribute much to the group project because they felt that Drew and Donna would manage to get good grades for the group project. They focused their efforts on their individual projects instead. Ben and Julia's behavior is an example of:

social loafing

Which of the following is a process that begins before an employee starts work and does not end until an employee leaves the organization?


Extraverted people prioritize

status striving

Extraverted people prioritize _____. communion striving status striving accomplishment striving attainment striving value striving

status striving

Extraverted people prioritize: A. status striving. B. communion striving. C. accomplishment striving. D. power striving. E. attainment striving.

status striving

_____ reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. A. Power striving B. Status striving C. Attainment striving D. Accomplishment striving E. Effort striving

status striving

_______ reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality

status striving

extraverted people prioritize

status striving

Employees can go to the fitness center to reduce _____ such as high blood pressure, or to calm their minds after a long week of _____.

strains; stress Stress is defined as a psychological response to demands that possess certain stakes for the person and that tax or exceed the person's capacity or resources. The negative consequences that occur when demands tax or exceed a person's capacity or resources are called strains.

Capital One assessed the need for stress management interventions using a

stress audit A stress audit allows a company to study the nature of its jobs to estimate whether high stress levels may be a problem.

A culture that attempts to help the greater social good is a _______ culture.

sustainability culture

Leslie, a marketing manager at the Sunshine Spa, is consulting with Tess, a dermatologist at the spa, to explore the possibility of incorporating certain treatments as part of the spa's package schemes. Leslie is engaging in a(n) _____ activity of the boundary-spanning process.

task coordinator

consists of two or more people who work interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose


Which of the following roles refers to behaviors that influence the quality of the team's social climate rather than work?

team building roles

the mix of people who make up the team

team composition

the way in which the members of a team are linked to one another

team interdependence

knowledge transfer

the exchange of knowledge between other employees

principled stage

the most advanced, uses a set of defined, established moral principles

At Hot Topic, employees fulfill their need for relatedness because

the office environment is 'like working from home' Relatedness needs refer to those required to create and maintain lasting, positive, interpersonal relationships.

procedural justice

the perceived fairness of decision making processes

Differential Exposure

to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful (and therefore feel like they are exposed to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience).

Capital One teaches employees how to use virtual meeting software when they are working from home, an example of what type of corporate stress management?

training intervention A training intervention increases job-related competencies and skills. Training that increases employee competencies and skills is beneficial when the demands are perceived to be more controllable. Asense of control promotes problem-focused coping strategies.

By 2016, minority groups will make up one-third of the workforce.


Personality is a collection of `multiple: A. abilities. B. traits. C. aptitudes. D. emotions. E. capacities.


Holland's RIASEC model focuses on people's vocational interests.


Which of the following is an informational justice rule?


A zero acquaintance situation is a situation in which

two people have just met each other

Neurotic people are much more likely to be: A. Type Bs. B. Type As. C. Type Xs D. Type Ys E. Type Zs

type As

A culture high on _____ feels threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations and relies on formal rules to create stability.

uncertainty avoidance

Gretchen Rubin provides a different taxonomy of personality, including ________ who are people who embrace both outer expectations and inner expectations.


_____ assess more general personality traits that are associated with dishonest acts. A. Clear purpose tests B. Differential reactivity C. Positive affectivity D. Veiled purpose tests E. Aptitude inventories

veiled purpose tests

Josh is a technological expert whose work with advanced broadband systems has made him one of the most high-profile figures at Takemodo Telecommunications, one of the world's leading technology companies. With his picture on the cover of magazines and his name popping up in blogs all over the Internet, Josh has a high degree of ______, which gives him influence over others.


The degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs refers to:

work specialization

Which of the following is most likely to be categorized as a management team?

A team that oversees the functioning of all the teams in an organization and coordinates activities among teams

Dissatisfaction = (Vwant - Vhave) × (Vimportance)

According to the value-percept theory, the relation between dissatisfaction, value (importance), and value (want) is given by the following:

Extraverted people prioritize _____. A. status striving B. communion striving C. accomplishment striving D. value striving E. attainment striving

A. status striving

The HEXACO model proposes: A. there is a sixth dimension to the Five-Factor model B. the Five-Factor model is invalid in predicting specific behavior C. several facets, or subtraits, that should be distinguished from the Five-Factor model D. trait descriptions in terms of approach-avoidance tendencies

A. there is a sixth dimension to the Five-Factor model

LeBron and Derrick both score high on the Big Five trait, openness to experience. Rather, than being very similar, however, the two have significant differences in their personalities. LeBron often fantasizes about being the best basketball player of all time, while Derrick likes to try new methods of rehabilitating knee injuries. Which idea below best explains this difference between LeBron and Derrick?

Big Five personality traits have facets that show that individuals can express a trait with different kinds of behaviors.

These two Myers-Briggs dichotomies are determined by the value placed on people vs. processes.

feeling vs thinking

uncertainty avoidance

In Hofstede's dimensions, a culture low on _____ tolerates ambiguous situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors.

Arney has been retained by Fluffy Soft Programmers to hire a new worker because he is an expert at personality types and their effect on job performance. Which one of the following interviewees should Arney hire?

Joy, who likes to work hard until a task is completely finished

low in neuroticism

Kartik never raises his voice or loses his temper, and he explains things calmly in chaotic situations when others cannot. He is described by his coworkers as cool and relaxed. Kartik probably scores

Britney, a manager in an advertising firm, was assigned a team and asked to come up with ideas for an advertising campaign. Britney briefed her team and outlined the purpose of the brainstorming clearly after which she asked the members to individually generate ideas and bring their list to the next meeting. In the second meeting, the ideas were compiled, doubts clarified, and ideas built-on after which the members were then asked to individually rank the ideas and submit the list to Britney, who tabulated the scores and created a list of the five best ideas. Britney adopted_____ to generate the ideas.

Nominal Group technique

At Rolce Technologies, the core design team of 10 employees has daily "stand-up" meetings. All the core design team members gather standing up for a rapid-fire update on current projects. These stand-up meetings are representative of which of the following components of the organization's culture?


general cognitive ability

The "g-factor" refers to

negative affectivity

The Big Five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with _____.


____________ people focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead"

Individuals with higher levels of emotional intelligence are more likely to choose a(n) _______ form of conflict management.


When traveling with friends, Tony found himself eating at a restaurant he had never eaten at before. Tony had boundaries when eating at a new restaurant: always eat from the specials menu and avoid seafood—unless it is on the specials menu. Tony's personal rules are a form of


Which of the following characteristics is most closely related to leader effectiveness?

high openness to experience/ high extraversion/ high general cognitive ability/ high energy level/ high stress tolerance/ high self-confidence

The Big Five dimension _____ is also called by its flip side "emotional stability" or "emotional adjustment."


In the leader-member exchange theory, the low-quality exchange dyad forms the leader's:


jealous, nervous, moody, insecure, emotional, unstable

traits of NEUROTICISM?

Organizational power includes:

Legitimate power, reward power, and coercive power

Monitoring progress toward goals is a type of :

action process

Job sharing means splitting one job into two to reduce role overload.


People's beliefs create their social reputations.


Personality tests are valid and reliable assessments that have been subjected to scientific investigation.


dominant, talkative, passionate, assertive, sociable, bold,


Which of the following teams focuses on providing recommendations and resolving issues?

Parallel Team

When a person has control over punishments in an organization, they possess _____ power. - personal - expert - coercive - referent - reward

- coercive

Which of the following represents the three general categories into which abilities can be grouped? - external, internal, and transactional - emotional, social, and cognitive - physical, cognitive, and external - cognitive, emotional, and physical - social, physical, and emotional

- cognitive, emotional, and physical

What synchronizes team members' activities in a way that makes them mesh effectively and seamlessly? - coordination - confidence building - cohesion - affect management - groupthink

- coordination

A leader's _____ reflects the process that the leader uses to generate and choose from a set of alternatives to solve a problem. - decision-making style - operational style - emergence style - operational efficiency - day-to-day behavior

- decision-making style

_____ reflects the extent to which leaders create job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideas, and thoughtfulness regarding employee feelings. - Initiating structure - Consideration - Participation - Transformation - Delegating

- Consideration

_____ reflects whether members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities. - Boundary spanning - Decision informity - Staff validity - Groupthink - Hierarchical sensitivity

- Decision informity

_____ suggest that leaders are born, not made. - Contingent theory of leadership - Leader-member exchange theories - Great person theories of leadership - Ohio State studies of leadership - Transformational theories of leadership

- Great person theories of leadership

Being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences reflects one's - span of control. - locus of control. - emotion regulation. - self-awareness. - other awareness.

- emotion regulation.

Self-awareness is a(n) _____ ability. - cognitive - emotional - intuitive - sensory - physical

- emotional

Self-awareness refers to the ability of people to - be able to recover quickly from emotional experiences. - harness emotions and employ them to improve their chances of being successful in whatever they are seeking to do. - block out any sensation of emotions as they move through life in pursuit of specific goals. - recognize and understand the emotions that other people are feeling. - understand the types of emotions they are experiencing, acknowledge them, and express them naturally.

- understand the types of emotions they are experiencing, acknowledge them, and express them naturally.

While _____ teams focus on the accomplishment of core operational-level production and service tasks, _____ teams focus on integrating the activities of subunits across business functions. - work; management - management; work - project; work - parallel; project - action; work

- work; management

_____ refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. A. Personality B. Apophenia C. Ethnoburb D. Ethnocentrism E. Perception

A. Personality

_____occurs when one party wants to remain neutral or stay away from conflict to let things cool down.


People who are _____ have a built-in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments. A. accomplishment strivers B. communion strivers C. status strivers D. value strivers E. power strivers

A. accomplishment strivers

Melissa was reading her slam book from junior high, in which most of her friends described her as a dependable and reliable individual. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Melissa. A. conscientiousness B. openness to experience C. agreeableness D. introversion E. neuroticism

A. conscientiousness

The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is _____. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

A. conscientiousness

Tina's psychology curriculum required her to study an individual's personality type using the process of interviewing. She selected Darren, her brother's roommate, as her test subject. The highlighted points of her research were that Darren is a Law graduate, who is a musician in his spare time. He is an independent person who paid his way through Law school; his friends get annoyed with his impulsive behavior. According to the RIASEC model, Tina classified Darren under the _____ type of personality dimension. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative

According to the RIASEC model, artistic people enjoy entertaining and fascinating others using imagination. They tend to be original, independent, impulsive, and creative.

The Big Five Taxonomy ("The Big Five")

Acronym: "CANOE" 1. Conscientiousness-Dependable, Organized 2. Agreeableness-Kind, Cooperative, Helpful 3. Neuroticism- Nervous, Moody, Jealous 4. Openness to Experience- Curious, Creative 5. Extraversion- Talkative, Sociable, Bold

Systems monitoring and helping behaviors are examples of :

Action processes

With ______, the leader arranges to monitor mistakes and errors dynamically and takes corrective action when required.

Active management-by-exception

When a fight broke out between two workers at Leo Motors, James the manager, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes James. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. conscientiousness

Agreeable employees are reluctant to react to conflict with criticism, threats, or manipulation. They prioritize communion striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

_____ focus on "getting along," not necessarily "getting ahead."

Agreeable people

Critical, selfish, and rude are opposite traits for which personality dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Callousness E. Neuroticism

Agreeable people are warm, kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, and courteous.

Which of these dimensions in the Big Five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism

Agreeable people are warm, kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, and courteous.


Agreeable people prioritize ______ striving.

Which of these dimensions in the Big Five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm?


Matt, a training coordinator at ARC Technologies, and his team are organizing a workshop for the employees. Matt is meeting the Vice President (Finance) to get support for an increase in the budget to accommodate a session by a well-known motivational speaker. Matt, in this case, is performing a(n) ______ activity of the boundary spanning process


Which of the following activities are boundary-spanning activities?

Ambassador activities, task coordinator activities, and scout activities

Clear Purpose Tests

Ask applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty, beliefs about the frequency of dishonesty, endorsements of common rationalizations for dishonesty, desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty

In the time-driven model of leadership, which style is reserved for decisions that are insignificant or where employee commitment is unimportant or when the leader's expertise is high and the leader is trusted?


Percy has built her company by giving special attention to details. She is highly meticulous and demanding and often imposes her decisions on subordinates. Percy makes use of the ______ style of decision making.


Jack, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Isabelle. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. intuition D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

B. extraversion

The two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are: A. conscientiousness and extraversion. B. extraversion and openness. C. agreeableness and openness. D. openness and conscientiousness. E. neuroticism and agreeableness.

B. extraversion and openness.

Dawson is a famous carpenter in Oregon. Though rugged, Dawson is good at carpentry and electrical work. According to the RIASEC model, the _____ type of personality dimension best describes Dawson. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative

B. realistic

Personality traits are defined as: A. sets of behaviors that are not influenced by being in different situations B. relatively enduring dispositions in behavior that characterize individuals across varying types of situations C. sets of characteristics that influence behavior and are controlled by genetic factors D. valid and reliable descriptions and statements of a person's personality characteristics

B. relatively enduring dispositions in behavior that characterize individuals across varying types of situations

Personality is a collection of multiple _____. A. abilities B. traits C. aptitudes D. emotions E. capacities

B. traits

Which of the following is a feature of economic exchange relationships between organizations and employees?

an explicit repayment schedule

We build stereotypes through a four-step process. Which of the following is not part of the process?


Conscientious people prioritize: A. status striving. B. communion striving. C. accomplishment striving. D. curiosity. E. power striving.

Conscientious employees prioritize accomplishment striving, which reflects a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality.

Melissa was reading her slam book from junior high, in which most of her friends described her as a dependable and reliable individual. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Melissa. A. conscientiousness B. openness to experience C. agreeableness D. introversion E. neuroticism

Conscientious people are dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering.

Which two traits of the Five-Factor Model does Eysenck consider the most important traits? A. Conscientiousness and Agreeableness B. Openness and Extraversion C. Extraversion and Neuroticism D. Agreeableness and Openness

C. Extraversion and Neuroticism

Which of the following is not a dimension of the Big Five taxonomy? Extraversion Openness to experience Locus of control Conscientiousness Neuroticism

Locus of control

In the "person-situation debate" amongst psychologists, what was Walter Mischel's side of the argument? A. People may have context-free traits. Thus, it would be fruitful to study more personality traits than just the Big Five B. Traits are vital predictors of behavior. Thus, personality traits are seen as larger predictors than effects of situations C. Traits are an illusion. People may not be consistent across situations and thus it would be fruitful to study the distinct reactions in specific situations D. There are two types of traits. People have one set of traits that represent their self-concept and there is another set of traits representing how the person is viewed by others

C. Traits are an illusion. People may not be consistent across situations and thus it would be fruitful to study the distinct reactions in specific situations

Tina's psychology curriculum required her to study an individual's personality type using the process of interviewing. She selected Darren, her brother's roommate, as her test subject. The highlighted points of her research were that Darren is a Law graduate, who is a musician in his spare time. He is an independent person who paid his way through Law school; his friends get annoyed with his impulsive behavior. According to the RIASEC model, Tina classified Darren under the _____ type of personality dimension. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative

C. artistic

Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful. A. communion striving factor B. accomplishment striving factor C. differential exposure D. openness to experience E. locus of control

C. differential exposure

Personality traits are a function of both your: A. values and beliefs. B. beliefs and environment. C. environment and genes. D. genes and perceptions. E. culture and beliefs.

C. environment and genes.

Rita can be described as a hardworking and ambitious individual. She joined Atlas Corporation as a junior recruiter and wants to climb the corporate ladder to become a team leader in the future. Having that goal in mind Rita works for long hours and takes up more than one project at a time. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Rita. A. neuroticism B. agreeableness C. extraversion D. callousness E. conflict-orientation

C. extraversion

Neurotic people tend to: A. strive for status. B. be communion strivers. C. hold an external locus of control. D. exhibit enthusiastic and upbeat mood patterns. E. be extroverts.

C. hold an external locus of control.

Wayne likes to travel to learn about new cultures. Whenever he returns from a trip he brings home a piece of art from that culture to add to his collection. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score high in? A. agreeableness B. conscientiousness C. openness D. extraversion

C. openness

A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elations refers to _____. A. neuroticism B. agreeableness C. positive affectivity D. conflict avoidance E. status striving

C. positive affectivity

Rita can be described as a hardworking and ambitious individual. She joined Atlas Corporation as a junior recruiter and wants to climb the corporate ladder to become team leader in the future. Having that goal in mind Rita works for long hours and takes up more than one project at a time. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension ______ best describes Rita


Fern's company is expanding, and she would like a foreign presence to reach broader markets and have some diversification. Fern wants a factory where rules are strictly followed, performance is high, and workers are able to accept the authority of people above them. In which of the following places should she choose to build her factory?

China China meets all of the qualities Fern is searching for. China has a high power distance, which means members of this culture respect authority and accept the fact that power is unevenly distributed in an organization. As part of Confucian Asia, Chinese culture encourages and rewards members for excellence and performance improvements.

Which two network structures fall between the extremes in terms of the level of centralization?

Circle and Y structures

Which of these given below asks applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty; the desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty? A. A clear purpose test B. Differential reactivity C. Positive affectivity D. A veiled purpose test E. A Big Five Inventory

Clear purpose tests ask applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty, beliefs about the frequency of dishonesty, endorsements of common rationalizations for dishonesty, desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty.

Solina is very uncomfortable because she received a larger bonus than other members of her work group. She is most likely from a ______ culture.

Collectivistic. Collectivistic cultures prioritize taking care of and staying loyal to group members. They also prefer equality in pay allocation.

Goal setting

Concepts like difficulty and specificity are key aspects of which of the following theories?

Which conflict resolution style occurs most often when one party has high levels of organizational power and can use legitimate or coercive power to settle the conflict?


_____ reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their attitudes


The scenario below is a review that some of the employees at the Pulse, an HR company, received after a 360 degree feedback. -Jack who was being considered for a promotion, was described as someone who is eager to learn and innovate. Alex was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Isabelle's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances, was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Alex.


Openness to Experience

Curious, Imaginative, Creative, Complex, refined, and sophisticated.

Which of the following decision-making styles is characterized by the highest level of follower control?


Which of the following best describes the function of the role of an orienter in a group?

Determines the direction of the team's discusision

Neuroticism is linked to a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience.

Differential Reactivity Neuroticism is associated with a differential reactivity to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience.

Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _______ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience.

Differential reactivity

In tasks with an objectively verifiable best solution, the member who possesses the highest level of the ability relevant to the task will have the most influence on the effectiveness of the team. These types of tasks are called ______.

Disjunctive tasks

"Approaching tasks by planning and setting goals" describes the _____ type of Myers-Briggs indicator. A. perceiving B. introversion C. extraversion D. feeling E. judging

E. judging

In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creativity. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. conscientiousness E. openness to experience

E. openness to experience

Gregory is a manager in an insurance company and heads a team of 30 agents. In order to meet the company's target, every agent needs to increase his or her target for the month by 15 percent. Gregory promises his agents a bonus if the company's target is met. Which influence tactic is Gregory using?

Exchange tactic

Which of the following is a suggested guideline for using coercive power?

Explain rules and requirements and ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations (or) Respond to infractions promptly & without favoritism (or) Investigate to get facts before following through (or) provide ample warnings (or) use punishments that are legitimate, fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance

_____ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment. Locus of control Zero acquaintance Differential reactivity Differential exposure Ethnocentrism

Locus of control

From the perspective of job performance, neuroticism is the most important of the Big Five.


Guanxi represents relationships between two people that involve obligation but not sentiment.


Holland's RIASEC model includes the personality dimensions of conscientiousness and neuroticism.


Many of the correlations between traits and leadership are strong in magnitude when leader effectiveness serves as the outcome.


Of the Big Five, openness to experience is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations.


The central premise of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is that employees have more career satisfaction and longevity in occupations that match their personality type.


Conflict management is an action process

False Conflict management is an important interpersonal process. It involves activities that the team uses to manage conflicts that arise in the course of its work

Differences in cognitive abilities due to the environment become more apparent as people get older

False Differences in cognitive abilities due to the environment become less apparent as people get older, and this may be especially true for the effect of the family environment

The socialization process ends once the employee stops needing outside help to handle the job

False Socialization is a process that begins before an employee starts work and does not end until an employee leaves the organization

Cognitive ability tends to be equally correlated with citizenship behavior and task performance

False Cognitive ability tends to be more strongly correlated with task performance than with citizenship behavior or counterproductive behavior.

Unicoi Inc., a Brazilian sports manufacturer, is known as a company that focuses on improving its customers' quality of life. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ best describes Unicoi Inc. A. individualism B. uncertainty avoidance C. femininity D. high power distance E. short-term orientation

Femininity values stereotypical female traits such as caring for others and caring about quality of life.

A planning team comprising engineers, architects, designers, and builders, charged with designing a suburban town center is a(n) ______ team.


Connor, a trainer at T & R Inc, preaches the company policy of prudence to all his new trainees. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, this cultural value followed at T and R inc... is an example of

Long Term Orientation

Discuss the two common methods by which an organization can change its culture

In practice, organizations utilize two common methods to change their culture: changes in leadership and mergers and acquisitions. There is perhaps no bigger driver of culture than the leaders and top executives of organizations. Just as the founders and originators of organizations set the tone and develop the culture of a new company, subsequent CEOs and presidents leave their mark on the culture. Many times, leaders are expected simply to sustain the culture that has already been created. At other times, leaders have to be a driving force for change as the environment around the organization shifts. This expectation is one of the biggest reasons organizations change their top leadership. Merging two companies with two distinct cultures is a surefire way to change the culture in an organization. Merging two different cultures has major effects on the attitudes and behaviors of organizational employees. Slightly less troublesome but still a major hurdle to overcome are acquisitions. In most instances, the company doing the acquiring has a dominant culture to which the other is expected to adapt.

Which of the following is not a Hofstede's dimension of cultural values?

Individualism-Collectivism, Power distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity-Femininity, & Short-term v. Long-term orientation ARE ALL DIMENSIONS


Ingrid has brought in a consultant to help her understand the people working on her team. The consultant tells Ingrid that one of the people on her team is neurotic. Which person is it?: Katina, who is always in a hurry, fidgeting, and bossing people around

Which of the following behaviors, according to the studies at Ohio State, is an initiating structure behavior?

Initiation, Organization, and Production

Which of the following is a team task role?

Initiator- Contributer, coordinator, orienter, Devil's Advocate, Energizer, Procedural-Technician.

Which of the following is an example of a team task role rather than an individualistic role?

Initiator- Contributer, coordinator, orienter, Devil's Advocate, Energizer, Procedural-Technician.

Which of these refers to the help people receive that addresses the stressful demand directly?

Instrumental support

_____ involves behaving in ways that challenge followers to be innovative and creative by questioning assumptions and reframing old situations in new ways

Intellectual stimulation

boundary spanning

Interactions among team members and individuals and groups who are not part of the team

______ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities.


According to the RIASEC model, a(n) _____ person enjoys abstract, analytical, and theory-oriented tasks. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative

Investigative people enjoy abstract, analytical, theory-oriented tasks. They tend to be analytical, intellectual, reserved, and scholarly.

The Source, an engineering company, introduced a 360-degree feedback system. Lou, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as eager to learn and innovate. Isaac was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Gloria's warm, kind nature and sympathetic ear to customers who had grievances was well acknowledged in the feedback. Tina's feedback revealed she was often seen visiting other departments, chatting with everyone. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, which employee best displays conscientiousness?


Which of the following scenarios illustrates a case of ethnocentrism?

Liam, a millwright from Kentucky, ignores input from engineers at his tractor company's Japanese subsidiary because he believes Americans build the best tractors.

Which of the following is true about "agreeableness"? A. It is negatively related to alcohol consumption and smoking B. It reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure C. It is the second most important trait from a job performance perspective D. It is responsible for the Type A Behavior Pattern that has been shown to affect employees' health E. It reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

It reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality.

_____ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment.

Locus of Control

Which if the following is an example of instrumental support?

Jenny offers to answer phones to give the receptionist a chance to get caught up on his filing. Instrumental support refers to the help people receive that can be used to address the stressful demand directly. Emotional support refers to the help people receive in addressing the emotional distress that accompanies stressful demands.

The _____ assesses satisfaction with pay, promotion, supervision, and coworkers, as well as satisfaction with the work itself.

Job Descriptive Index

Arney has been retained by Fluffy Soft Programmers to hire a new worker because he is an expert at personality types and their effect on job performance. Which one of the following interviewees should Arney hire?

Joy, who likes to work hard until a task is completely finished Joy has conscientiousness, which is the trait with the most influence on job performance.

Which of the following scenarios represents a zero acquaintance situation?

Larry is at a conference and has just been introduced to Heidi.

Which of the following captures the specific actions that leaders take to influence others at work?

Leader styles and behaviors

_________ is the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement


Connor, a trainer at T & R Inc., preaches the company's policy of prudence to all his new trainees. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural value followed in T & R Inc, is an example of _______

Long-term oriented

Which of the following observations about member conscientiousness is true?

Low Conscientiousness = Negative Effect on the team High Conscientiousness = Positive Effect on the team

Employees are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power are referred to as having ______ tendencies


willingness to manipulate others for one's own purposes


Nominal group technique decreases social loafing and production blocking problems with brainstorming by:

Making people write down ideas on their own

Which of the following performance appraisal systems refers to a philosophy that bases an employee's evaluations on whether the employee achieves specific performance goals?

Management by objectives

When the requestor clearly explains why performing a request will benefit the target personally, this is the influence tactic known as


Dallas, a project manager at Stars Inc., was the man behind the company's shift to a new culture that focused on being assertive with their clients. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ best describes Stars Inc. A. collectivism B. uncertainty avoidance C. masculinity D. low power distance E. short-term orientation

Masculinity values stereotypical male traits such as assertiveness and the acquisition of money and things.

Other Taxonomies of Personality

Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)= evaluates individuals on the basis of four types of preferences 1. Extraversion vs. Introversion 2. Sensing vs. Intuition 3. Thinking vs. Feeling 4. Judging vs. Perceiving Interests= expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities. -Holland's RIASEC Model: suggests interests can be summarized by six different personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

The day before Jackson takes up an important quiz test in school, he shows a tendency to get annoyed easily. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Jackson. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

Neurotic people are nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, and jealous.


Neurotic people are nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, and jealous. -Second most important in terms of job performance -Synonymous with negative affectivity- a dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods. -Associated with differential exposure to stressors, meaning they are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful. -Differential Reactivity: neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with stressors that they experience -Largely responsible for Type A Behavior Pattern -Strongly related to Locus of Control: reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment- neurotic people tend to hold an external locus of control (events cause by luck, fate...)

Neurotic people tend to: A. strive for status. B. be communion strivers. C. hold an external locus of control. D. exhibit enthusiastic and upbeat mood patterns. E. be extroverts.

Neurotic people tend to hold an external locus of control, meaning that they often believe that the events that occur around them are driven by luck, chance, or fate. Less neurotic people tend to hold an internal locus of control, meaning that they believe that their own behavior dictates events. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ is also called "inquisitiveness" or "intellectualness." A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism ` In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension openness to experience is also called "inquisitiveness" or "intellectualness." Open people are curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, and sophisticated.

Felix and Oscar were the main characters of aTV show called The Odd Couple. Felix was uptight and nervous, while Oscar was relaxed and laid-back. From these descriptions, Felix and Oscar differ most clearly on which of the Big Five personality traits?


The Big Five dimension _______ is also called by its flip side: "Emotional Stability" or "Emotional Adjustment"



Nike's "swoosh" is an example of a

Of the Big Five, _____ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations. A. openness to experience B. conscientiousness C. agreeableness D. neuroticism E. extraversion

Of the Big Five, extraversion is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations—situations in which two people have only just met. Extraverted people are talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, and dominant.


Ollie is taking the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), which is an evaluation of the literacy and writing skills required for academic success in college. The SAT is testing Ollie's ________ ability.

Identify the three levels of cross-training and provide an example of each

One approach to training teams is to help individual team members develop general competencies related to teamwork activities. This type of training could involve many different forms of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Taken together, such knowledge, skills, and abilities are referred to as transportable teamwork competences. This label reflects the fact that trainees can transport what they learn about teamwork from one team context and apply it in another. Cross-training is a type of team training that involves training members in the duties and responsibilities of their teammates. The idea behind this type of training is that team members can develop shared mental models of what is involved in each of the roles in the team and how the roles fit together to form a system. At the shallowest level, there is personal clarification. With this type of training, members simply receive information regarding the roles of the other team members. At the next level of cross-training, there is positional modeling, which involves team members observing how other members perform their roles. Finally, the deepest level of cross-training involves positional rotation. This type of training gives members actual experience carrying out the responsibilities of their teammates. An example of personal clarification would be paramedics being given a written description of the job duties of a call dispatcher to help the paramedics understand what a dispatcher's responsibilities are. An example of positional modeling would be a VP of sales spending a day observing the work of customer service representatives to gain first-hand knowledge of their daily tasks and duties and to gain an understanding how they function within the entire sales support framework. An example of positional rotation would be a warehouse manager spending a day doing the job of an order-picker to actually experience the demands of the jobs his subordinates are doing.

Tom, Dan, and Philip work in different teams at Leo Motors. Tom's team ensures that all the raw materials, machinery, tools and other production equipment are available for the employees round the clock. Any procurement needs have to be addressed to Tom, who also takes a call on the strategic decisions regarding the number of units to be produced, exported, etc. Dan works in a team of eight members who concentrate on the day-to-day production. They also ensure the quality checks are done and inspect each other's work. Philip is the operation manager, who works for five hours in the production department and then heads off to assist the management. His feedback is very crucial in improving the production process. Phillip works in the ______ team.


A team was formed to coordinate the impending ISO accreditation process for a company over a period of six months. The team members are drawn from various departments. Which of the following types of teams does this most signify?

Parallel team

Quality circles, which consist of individuals who normally perform core production tasks but also meet regularly to identify production-related problems and opportunities for improvement, are an example of :

Parallel team


Parkdale Windows utilizes a classic assembly line in manufacturing its window components. Which type of interdependence is depicted?

_____, who are more energetic and outgoing, are perceived to be more "leader like." A. Neurotics B. Hysteric individuals C. Extraverts D. Callous people E. Agreeable people

People tend to view extraverts, who are more energetic and outgoing, as more "leaderlike" than introverts.

environment and genes

Personality traits are a function of both your

______ can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others and to resist unwanted influence in return.


You are watching TV and a commercial for a tutoring company reminds you that you are supposed to be working on your Psychology quiz. According to Freud's topographical model, where was the knowledge about the quiz before you were reminded about it?


Which of the following is the use of coercive power through treats and demands?


When Ben performs routine tasks needed to keep progress moving in his team, he is performing the role of a(n):


Jackson High School formed several teams to plan and execute the 150th anniversary celebrations of the school. Over a period of two months, the teams organized events, oversaw logistics and coordinated student activities. The events that were planned were on a large scale and required a lot of input from the teachers and students. This is an example of a(n) _______ team.


______ examines cultural dimensions such as gender egalitarianism, performance orientation, and humane orientation. RIASEC CANOE Myers-Briggs Project HOFSTEDE Project GLOBE

Project GLOBE

Dawson is a famous carpenter in Oregon. Though rugged, Dawson is good at carpentry and electrical work. According to the RIASEC model, the _____ type of personality dimension best describes Dawson. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative

Realistic people enjoy practical, hands-on, real-world tasks. They tend to be frank, practical, determined, and rugged.

In ______ interdependence, members interact with a subset of other members to complete the team's work.


Cung leads the design team at Rapidware, a software firm that deigns custom software to meet its clients' needs. He needs to hire an employee to recognize when new approaches are needed and to learn what clients need and quickly come up with an innovative way to serve them. Which of the following candidates would best meet Cung's requirements?

Rico, a curious person who loves art and buys the latest gadgets

Cung leads the design team at Rapidware, a software firm that deigns custom software to meet its clients' needs. He needs to hire an employee to recognize when new approaches are needed and to learn what clients need and quickly come up with an innovative way to serve them. Which of the following candidates would best meet Cung's requirements?

Rico, a curious person who loves art and buys the latest gadgets Open people are curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, and sophisticated. Of all the Big Five, openness to experience has the most alternative labels. Generally speaking, open people excel in jobs that are very fluid and dynamic, with rapid changes in job demands. Rico has an open personality.

Which of the following is most likely to be categorized as a work team?

Self-managed work team, Production team, Maintenance team, Sales team, Car Manufacturing team

Sam and Matilda are successful stock brokers working with Invest Right Broking. Before striking a deal with a company, Sam reviews the company's reports and past data. Matilda on the other hand buys stock based on speculation. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the _______ type best describes Sam and the ______ type best describes Matilda.

Sensing & Intuition (in that order)

Leo Motors utilizes the classic assembly line in manufacturing its automobile products. Which type of interdependence is depicted?


Member 1 → Member 2 → Member 3 → Member 4 → Output Which type of interdependence is represented by this diagram?


Which of the following scenarios demonstrates personality? A. Shanda is generally friendly, likable, and calm under pressure. B. Lulu scores extremely well on an intelligence test C. Monte lacks coordination and performs poorly in all sports. D. Dalton can perform any mechanical task well. E. Phoebe volunteers in the crisis shelter like everyone in her church.

Shanda is generally friendly, likable, and calm under pressure.

Which of the following scenarios demonstrates personality?

Shanda is generally friendly, likeable, and calm under pressure

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension ______ stresses on values such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations.

Short-term oriented

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator evaluates individuals on the basis of all of these types of preferences except: A. judging versus perceiving. B. sensing versus intuition. C. extraversion versus introversion. D. thinking versus feeling. E. short-term versus long-term orientation.

Short-term versus long-term is a dimension related to Hofstede's dimensions.


Solina is very uncomfortable because she received a larger bonus than other members of her work group. She is most likely from a ______ culture.

Which of the following scenarios shows the strongest predictor of job task performance?

Song received a perfect score on a cognitive ability test

Which of the following is true about goal setting?

Specific, difficult goals are best. A vast amount of research has demonstrated that specific, difficult goals result in the highest levels of motivation.

Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful. A. communion striving factor B. accomplishment striving factor C. differential exposure D. openness to experience E. locus of control

Specifically, neuroticism is associated with a differential exposure to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful. Neuroticism also influences the way that people deal with stressful situations. Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience. A. status striving factor B. locus of control C. positive affectivity D. differential reactivity E. accomplishment striving factor ` Neuroticism is associated with a differential reactivity to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience.

The marketing team of A.T. International was asked to develop the marketing strategy for the European market. Members of the team were provided with all the information required to make good recommendations to the leader, but failed to deliver due to their lack of insight and poor judgement. This indicates that the marketing team had low:

Staff validity

Differentiate among the three types of strength. Explain what types of jobs may require these strengths.

Static strength refers to the ability to lift, push, or pull very heavy objects using the hands, arms, shoulders or back. A job that may require this type of strength would be require lifting objects like boxes, equipment, machine parts, and heavy tools. Explosive strength refers to exerting short bursts of energy to move the body or an object. Employees who are required to run, jump, or throw things at work depend on their explosive strength to be effective. Dynamic strength refers to the ability to exert force for a prolonged period of time without becoming overly fatigued and giving out. This strength is involved in jobs in which employees have to climb ropes or ladders or pull themselves up onto platforms.

Situational Strength

Suggests that strong situations have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, weak situation lack these cues

______ involves keeping track of things that the team needs to accomplish its work

Systems monitoring

Which of the following occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing a request will benefit the target personally?


The degree to which team members interact with and rely on other team members for the information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team is known as :

Task interdependence

______ is a term that reflects the different types of communication, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goals.

Team Process


approaching decisions with an emphasis on others' needs and feelings

Ben, Tom, Ron, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is not able but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. Which of the following leadership behaviors should John adopt to deal with Harry's readiness?


The Big Five dimension _____ is also called by its flip side: "Emotional Stability" or "Emotional Adjustment." A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

The Big Five dimension neuroticism is also called by its flip side: "Emotional Stability" or "Emotional Adjustment." Neurotic people are nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, and jealous.

The Big Five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with _____. A. extraversion B. openness to experience C. conscientiousness D. collectivism E. negative affectivity

The Big Five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with negative affectivity—a dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance.

The Big Five personality dimension _____ is a key driver of what's referred to as typical performance, which reflects performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks. A. neuroticism B. conscientiousness C. extraversion D. openness to experience E. agreeableness

The Big Five personality dimension conscientiousness is a key driver of what's referred to as typical performance, which reflects performance in the routine conditions that surround daily job tasks.


The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is


The Source, an engineering company, introduced a 360-degree feedback system. Lou, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as eager to learn and innovate. Isaac was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Gloria's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Isaac.

openness to experience

The Source, an engineering company, introduced a 360-degree feedback system. Lou, who was being considered for a promotion, was described as eager to learn and innovate. Isaac was appreciated for his meticulous and organized work and was the one the team could depend on during crunch time. Gloria's ability to be cooperative, accommodating, and sociable to customers who had grievances was well acknowledged in the feedback. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Lou.

Together with cognitive ability, _____ is a key driver of creative thought, as smart and open people excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity. A. conscientiousness B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. neuroticism

Together with cognitive ability, openness to experience is a key driver of creative thought, as smart and open people excel at the style of thinking demanded by creativity. Openness to experience is also more likely to be valuable in jobs that require high levels of creative performance, where job holders need to be able to generate novel and useful ideas and solutions.

Forced ranking systems can force managers to give bad evaluations to good performers.



The belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance of some task is known as:

Which of the following is not a "dimension" of the big five taxonomy? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Locus of control D. Openness to experience E. Neuroticism

The big five personality dimensions include conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience, and extraversion.


approaching decisions with logic and critical analysis


The day before Angel begins an important assignment at work, she shows a tendency to get nervous, moody, and insecure. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Angel.

Holland's RIASEC model focuses on people's vocational interests


Holland's RIASEC model focuses on people's vocational interests.


Low-power distance cultures prefer that power be distributed uniformly where possible, in an egalitarian fashion.


Neurotic people tend to have an external locus of control.


One reason that understanding task interdependence's effect on team performance is important is because task interdependence is one of the most important characteristics that distinguish true teams from mere groups of individuals.


One type of strain-reducing practice involves training in relaxation techniques.


People with higher IQ tend to be healthier and economically better off and tend to feel happier and more satisfied with their lives



approaching tasks by planning and setting goals

Which of the following statements about leader-staff teams is false?

The members are bound to follow their duties and have no scope for improving their performance.

The most appropriate use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is: A. in the job satisfaction prediction context. B. in a team-building context. C. to gauge the commitment of employees across jobs. D. to predict the motivation of employees. E. to forecast the performance of employees across jobs.

The most appropriate use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is in a team-building context, to help different members understand their varying approaches to accomplishing tasks.

observable artifacts

The physical layout of workspaces, dress codes, and the level of technology used are all examples of ________ that are represented by the organization's culture.

situational strength

The principle of _____ suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues.

The principle of _____ suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues. A. situation awareness B. situational strength C. situational prevention D. situational ethics E. situation specificity

The principle of situational strength suggests that "strong situations" have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important, whereas "weak situations" lack those cues. Personality variables tend to be more significant drivers of behavior in weak situations than in strong situations.

Cultural Values

The shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture. -What cultures are like -Can influence the development of people's personality traits

observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions.

The three major components to any organizational culture are

The two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are: A. conscientiousness and extraversion. B. extraversion and openness. C. agreeableness and openness. D. openness and conscientiousness. E. neuroticism and agreeableness.

The two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are extraversion and openness. Conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, however, change quite significantly over a person's life span.

1. Conscientious

These people are dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering. Conscientious employees prioritize Accomplishment Striving. ACCOMPLISHMENT STRIVING- Reflects a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality **Most Important of the Big Five**

3. Neuroticism

These people are nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, and jealous. NEGATIVE AFFECTIVITY- A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance DIFFERENTIAL EXPOSURE- Neurotic people are more likely to appraise day to day situations as stressful DIFFERENTIAL REACTIVITY- Neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience LOCUS OF CONTROL- Reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment *Neurotic people tend to hold an external locus of control, meaning they often believe events that occur are driven by luck

2. Agreeableness

These people are warm, kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, and courteous Agreeable people prioritize Communion Striving COMMUNION STRIVING- Reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality *Agreeable people focus on getting along, not getting ahead

In what way are management teams similar to work teams?

They are designed to be relatively permanent

Which of the following statements is true with regard to transition processes?

They are team work activities that focus on preparation for future work.

Martin started in the mail room at his company and worked his way up to a management position within a few years. For the first six months as manager of the sales department, he reflexively adopted a fairly autocratic style of leadership. The department did well enough, with good sales numbers and a middling level of employee commitment. During his paid vacation, Martin participated in a three-week transformational leadership retreat offered by the corporate headquarters. Tara and Kentaro are two of Martin's employees. They are having lunch two months after Martin's retreat and are discussing his leadership. What do you think they most likely observe about the effect of Martin's new leadership style on the atmosphere in the office?

They discuss how everyone in the office seems a lot more motivated and how much it has affected their sales numbers, which are the highest the department has reported in years.

(Other Taxonomy) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

This was originally created to test a theory of psychological types. It evaluates individuals based on 4 types of preferences 1. Extraversion vs. Introversion 2. Sensing vs. Intuition 3. Thinking vs. Feeling 4. Judging vs. Perceiving

Discuss three specific factors that account for a team's ability to make effective decisions. How can these factors be used to improve team decision making?

Three factors account for a team's ability to make effective decisions: Decision informity reflects whether the team members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities. Staff validity refers to the degree to which members make good recommendations to the leader. Hierarchical sensitivity reflects the degree to which the leader effectively weighs the recommendations of the members. Experienced teams tend to make better decisions because they develop an understanding of the information that is needed and how to use it, and leaders develop an understanding of which members provide the best recommendations. Team decision making may be improved by giving members feedback about these three variables involved. For example, a team can improve its decision making if the members are told that they have to share and consider additional pieces of information before making recommendations to the leader

Which of the following provides an example of a situation with high goal interdependence?

Three members of Charlene?s team have created different versions of a financial report.

Over lunch, Daniel and Haley are discussing their managers. Daniel describes his boss as extremely motivating. Daniel feels much more psychologically empowered and more self-confident because of how his manager leads their team. Work goals are more demanding than ever, but even though the rewards of the hard work may not come soon, Daniel trusts his manager's emphasis on the future good that will come from their work. Daniel feels that working with his new manager has led to a much stronger emotional bond with the organization, much more engagement with the work, and an overall increase in his job satisfaction. Daniel's boss can be described as a(n) ______ leader.


______ leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives.

Transformational leadership

______ processes are primarily important before and between periods of taskwork, whereas ______ processes are primarily important as the taskwork is being accomplished

Transition, and Action

Conscientious people are dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, and persevering. (T/F)


Conscientiousness has a moderate positive effect on performance.


Noise increases the effort that communicators need to exert to make the communication process work

True If one of the two parties to the communication isn't willing to put in the extra effort to send and receive messages when there is noise, the conversation likely will not last very long

Task interdependence is one of the most important characteristics that distinguish true teams from mere groups of individuals

True Task interdependence is one of the most important characteristics that distinguish true teams from mere groups of individuals.


Twin studies have shown that genetics has the most effect on which of the Big Five personality traits?

produce goods or provide services.

Unlike other types of teams, the purpose of work teams is to

Cultural Values

are defined as shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given cultural.


Which of the following scenarios demonstrates personality: Shanda is generally friendly, likable, and calm under pressure.

Amy yells at Jacob to go away when he asks her how she is doing, then brings him coffee with a big smile an hour later.

Which of the following scenarios describes a worker with a neurotic personality?


Which of the following scenarios describes a worker with a neurotic personality?: amy yells at jacob


Which of the following scenarios represents a zero acquaintance situation?: Larry is at a conference and has just been introduced to Heidi.

Twin studies have shown that genetics has the most effect on which of the Big Fiver personality traits? A. Extraversion B. Conscientiousness C. Neroticism D. Openness to experience E. Agreeableness


Tom, Dan, and Philip work in different teams at Leo Motors. Tom's team ensures that all the raw materials, machinery, tools and other production equipment are available for the employees round the clock. Any procurement needs have to be addressed to Tom, who also takes a call on the strategic decisions regarding the number of units to be produced, exported, etc. Dan works in a team of eight members who concentrate on the day-to-day production. They also ensure the quality checks are done and inspect each other's work. Philip is the operation manager, who works for five hours in the production department and then heads off to assist the management. His feedback is very crucial in improving the production process. Dan's contribution is toward the ______.

Work team

Which of the following asks applicants about their attitudes toward dishonesty, the desire to punish dishonesty, and confessions of past dishonesty?

a clear purpose test

escalation of commitment

a common decision making error in which the decision maker continues to follow a failing course of action

Challenge stressors

________ are stressful demands that are perceived as opportunities for learning, growth, and achievement.


________ exist(s) when the overall organizational culture is supplemented by another culture governing a more specific set of employees.

Job satisfaction

________ is a positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences.


________ is(are) the jargon, slang, and slogans used within the walls of an organization.


_________________ has the biggest impact on job performance

Melissa was reading her slam book from junior high, in which most of her friends described her as a dependable and reliable individual. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Melissa. A. conscientiousness B. openness to experience C. agreeableness D. introversion E. neuroticism


People who are _____ have a built-in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments. A. accomplishment strivers B. communion strivers C. status strivers D. value strivers E. power strivers


Rikey flunked the midterm and tells everyone it's the teacher's fault. He didn't study because he knew it was just a waste of time. After all, he knew the "teacher had it in for him." Rikey demonstrates a(an) ______. A. external locus of control B. internal locus of control C. high level of conscientiousness D. high level of extraversion E. low level of neuroticism


Conscientiousness has _____ effect on performance and commitment. A. a moderate negative B. a strong positive C. a weak negative D. a moderate positive E. a weak positive

a moderate positive


a team state that occurs when members of the team develop strong emotional bonds to other members of the team and to the team itself

Conscientious people prioritize :

accomplishment striving

Alfred, Mario, and Lydia have worked together on the same team for three years. The company has just hired a new personnel director at their facility. The new director recommends a total restructuring of all jobs, including teams. Alfred is experiencing anxiety, Lydia is angry, and Mario is relieved as they all realize they must soon disengage and ultimately separate from the team. Alfred, Mario, and Lydia are in the _____ stage of team development


The creative team of a fashion house is racing against a deadline to come up with the spring collection, and the pressure is leading a frayed tempers, which is hampering the team's progress. This is an example of poor ______.

affect management

__________ is an artificial intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, injustice, mistake, or outright discrimination that occurred in the past.

affirmative action

In a conflict situation, Maya tends to react by walking away or adopting a "wait-and see" attitude. Maya can be described as which of these individual, according to the Big Five? A. Thinking B. Extraverted C. Agreeable D. Sensing E. Conscientious


Company strategy refers to

an organization's objectives and goals and how it tries to capitalize on its assets to make money

negative reinforcement

an unwanted outcome is removed following a desired behavior

Esmerelda, who is currently employed at Hotel Management Partners, is looking for a new job. In the process of doing so, she comes across the website of Lucrative Property Rentals and finds that the values and culture of this other company match with her own personal values. She also learns about the various activities that take place at Lucrative Property Rentals on a yearly basis and the company?s various achievements. From this example, it is clear that Esmerelda is in the _____ stage of the socialization process with regard to Lucrative Property Rentals


Tim is a new hire at The Journal, a weekly publication. He does not like his job and is not committed to the organization. He hardly exerts even the effort that is required to keep his job. Tim is staying with The Journal because he does not want to be unemployed. Tim is a(n) ______.


Having just learned about the RIASEC model, you have been analyzing your roommate. You find that your roommate tends to be original, independent, impulsive, creative, and enjoys entertaining and fascinating others using imagination. According to the RIASEC model, you would classify him as having which of these personality types? A. Enterprising B. Realistic C. Artistic D. Conventional E. Investigative


veiled purpose tests

assess more general personality traits that are associated with dishonest acts

_______ involves a face-face meeting of team members in which each offers as many ideas as possible about some focal problem or issue.


Five students from KLM School have been selected to form the team that would represent the school in the National Science contest. These students have been meeting face-to-face after school to come up with a prize winning scientific model. This activity that the students are engaged in is referred to as :


Which of these dimensions in the Big Five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


_____, who are more energetic and outgoing, are perceived to be more "leader like." A. Neurotics B. Hysteric individuals C. Extraverts D. Callous people E. Agreeable people


Conscientious people prioritize: A. status striving. B. communion striving. C. accomplishment striving. D. curiosity. E. power striving.


Critical, selfish, and rude are opposite traits for which personality dimension of the Big Five? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Callousness E. Neuroticism


Dallas, a project manager at Stars Inc., was the man behind the company's shift to a new culture that focused on being assertive with their clients. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ best describes Stars Inc. A. collectivism B. uncertainty avoidance C. masculinity D. low power distance E. short-term orientation


Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _____ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful. A. communion striving factor B. accomplishment striving factor C. differential exposure D. openness to experience E. locus of control


Personality traits are a function of both your: A. values and beliefs. B. beliefs and environment. C. environment and genes. D. genes and perceptions. E. culture and beliefs.


Rita can be described as an ambitious individual. She joined Atlas Corporation as a junior recruiter and wants to climb the corporate ladder to become a team leader in the future. She strives for power and influence at work. Having that goal in mind Rita storks hard to build up her reputation, makes time to interact with not only her manager but other managers as well, and lets everyone know how passionate she is about working at Atlas. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes Rita. A. neuroticism B. agreeableness C. extraversion D. conscientiousness E. openness to experience


Tina's psychology curriculum required her to study an individual's personality type using the process of interviewing. She selected Darren, her brother's roommate, as her test subject. The highlighted points of her research were that Darren is a Law graduate, who is a musician in his spare time. He is an independent person who paid his way through Law school; his friends get annoyed with his impulsive behavior. According to the RIASEC model, Tina classified Darren under the _____ type of personality dimension. A. enterprising B. realistic C. artistic D. conventional E. investigative


Unicoi Inc., a Brazilian sports manufacturer, is known as a company that focuses on improving its customers' quality of life. In the context of the Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ best describes Unicoi Inc. A. individualism B. uncertainty avoidance C. femininity D. high power distance E. short-term orientation


When a fight broke out between two workers at Leo Motors, James the manager, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes James. A. neuroticism B. extraversion C. agreeableness D. openness to experience E. conscientiousness


stage where members realize they need to work together to accomplish team goals and begin to cooperate with one another a. forming b. storming c. norming d. performing e. adjourning

c. norming

the extent to which team members are linked by the feedback and outcomes they receive from accomplishing their goals. a. task interdependence b. goal interdependence c. outcome interdependence

c. outcome interdependence

At Buddy's Bird Barn, every employee has to consult Buddy before completing any sale, and only Buddy can make decisions about purchasing and advertising. These rules represent ____________ at Buddy's Bird Barn.


The style of conflict resolution that is considered a win-win approach is


Evander has been asked to lead a team of educators. He is afraid his employees will not take him seriously because he is a nice guy, and he is nervous that his supervisors will see him as weak and ineffective. He is also excited by some great ideas he has for how to improve educational delivery methods that he knows will work. Evander's efficacy is moderated by his fears and anxieties, as well as his pride and enthusiasm, which are all examples of

emotional cues An emotional cue is one of the factors that can explain the differences in the levels of self-efficacy among the employees for a given task.

Being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences reflects one's _____.

emotional regulation

Raj has always been quiet, shy, and reserved. If he wants to improve these qualities, which of the following Big Five dimension would you recommend he should work on? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Agreeableness D. Openness E. Neuroticism


Twin studies have shown that genetics has the most effect on which of the Big Five personality traits?


In highly cohesive teams, when members try to maintain harmony by striving toward consensus on issues without ever offering, seeking, or seriously considering alternative viewpoints and perspectives, this is


Chinese culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the members of a broader in-group and act loyal to it. Given this criterion, the Chinese culture, according to Hofstede's dimensions, can be described as which of these? A. High on collectivism B. High on uncertainty avoidance C. High on masculinity D. Low on power distance E. High on short-term orientation

high on collectivism

According to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values, citizens of the United States tend to be all of these except: A. high on individualism. B. high on uncertainty avoidance. C. high on masculinity. D. low on power distance. E. high on short-term orientation.

high on uncertainty avoidance

Blaze feels his workers need to know they are doing something that makes a difference to the company. Blaze walks around among his employees and uses phrases such as "moving forward," "being on track," and "getting there" to convey a sense of

impact Impact reflects the sense that a person's actions "make a difference"—that progress is being made toward fulfilling some important purpose. Phrases such as "moving forward," "being on track," and "getting there" convey a sense of impact.

The most appropriate use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is :

in a team building context, to help different members understand their varying approaches to accomplishing tasks.

The most appropriate use of the MBTI is: A. in predicting job satisfaction. B. in a team-building context. C. as a hiring and selection tool. D. in predicting the motivation of employees. E. in forecasting the performance of employees across jobs.

in a team-building context

The most appropriate use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is

in a team-building context

Deep-level characteristics of diversity

include attitudes, opinions, and values.

______ involves behaving in ways that help followers achieve their potential through coaching development, and mentoring

individualized consideration

in-group collectivism

individuals express pride and loyalty to specific in-groups

To influence others using ______, leaders must have insight into the kinds of things are important to the target

inspirational appeals

Akono is an associate with Wealth Management Partners in Texas. Among various other work commitments, Akono has to compile the annual financial statement for Broadband Express, an important client. It is a job with heavy workload and a short turnaround deadline. Anaya, Akono's colleague, observed this stressful situation and volunteered to assist Akono in meeting the deadline. The support received by Akono can be best described as ______ support.

instrumental One type of social support is called instrumental support, which refers to the help people receive that can be used to address the stressful demand directly. For example, if a person is overloaded with work, a coworker could provide instrumental support by taking over some of the work or offering suggestions about how to do the work more efficiently.

______ involves behaving in ways that challenge followers to be innovative and creative by questioning assumptions and reframing old situations in new ways.

intellectual stimulation

"Approaching tasks by planning and setting goals" describes the _____ type of Myers-Briggs indicator.


Approaching tasks by planning and setting goals describes a(n) _____ type, according to the MBTI. A. perceiving B. introversion C. extraversion D. feeling E. judging


Which of the following styles represents avoidance of leadership altogether?

laissez-faire leadership

Which of the following is not a broad "factor" or "dimension" of the big five taxonomy? A. Conscientiousness B. Extraversion C. Locus of control D. Openness E. Neuroticism

locus of control

Which of these reflect whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment? A. Differential exposure B. Zero acquaintance C. Ethnocentrism D. Locus of control E. Differential reactivity

locus of control

______ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment

locus of control

Delux Services was celebrating the 20th anniversary of its operations in more than 17 countries. Linda, a junior assistant in the Human Resources department, was not interested in attending this celebratory event. The senior HR managers overheard Linda asking her friends the reason for this party. Back at the office, after a review, it was found that Linda never attended any of the meetings with the local business heads. Her lack of interest and knowledge about the company would make her someone who displays _____.

low civic virtue

Some employees are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power. Which of the following tendencies do such employees have?


During her stay at the Renaissance Hotel, Ginny noticed that all the staff wore the same color and style of clothes. Which of the following layers of organizational culture would such a dress code represent?

observable artifacts

Which of the following supply the primary means of transmitting an organization's culture to its workforce?

observable artifacts

The three major components to any organizational culture are

observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions

transfer of training

occurs when employees retain and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors required for their job after training ends

George is described by his friends as curious and imaginative. He is probably high on the trait of ________.

openness to experience

In one recommendation letter, Cynthia's manager seemed to imply that although Cynthia was generally effective in her job, she could often rub her coworkers the wrong way. Whether or not it was intended, she occasionally came across as cold or callous to her peers.

openness to experience

To assess personality, most of the companies are relying on which of these? A. Telephone interviews B. Background checks C. Paper-and-pencil personality tests D. Personal interviews E. Personal references

paper-and-pencil personality tests

Quality circles, which consist of individuals who normally perform core production tasks but also meet regularly to identify production-related problems and opportunities for improvement, are an example of ________ teams.


- team that is composed of members from various jobs who provide recommendations to managers about important issues that run "parallel" to the organization's production processes

parallel team

Quality circles, which consist of individuals who normally perform core production tasks but also meet regularly to identify production-related problems and opportunities for improvement, are an example of:

parallel teams

John believes he has quite a unique style of leadership. He waits around for mistakes and errors from his employees and then takes corrective action as necessary. Which of the following is John's style of leadership?

passive management-by-exception

Tyrell is widely known and liked throughout the company. His magnetic personality is obvious to anyone who meets him, and strangers can recognize his influence in an instant just by observing how many people gravitate to him wherever he goes. Tyrell possesses ______ power



refers to synchronizing team members' activities in a way that makes them mesh effectively and seamlessly.

task interdependence

refers to the degree to which team members interact with and rely on other members for the information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team

strategy formulation

refers to the development of courses of action and contingency plans, and then adapting those plans in light of changes that occur in the team's environment.


refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior


refers to the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior (good personality).

Compton and Lula are successful stockbrokers working with the Market Beat Brokerage firm. Before buying a company's stock, Compton reviews the company's reports and past data. Lula, on the other hand, buys stock based on speculation. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the _____ type best describes Compton, and the _____ type best describes Lula.

sensing; intuition In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, sensing prefers clear and concrete facts and data, and intuition prefers hunches and speculations based on theory and imagination.

Burt, Ryan, and Heather are members of the marketing team at Model Industries, Inc. (MII), responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Burt has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Heather has the best record of making good recommendations to Jeremy, vice president of marketing. Ryan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Jeremy pays careful attention to what Heather has to say,but generally does not pay much attention to what Ryan proposes. In addition to Jeremy, Heather has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. According to research, the best way for Burt, Ryan, and Heather to improve their team hierarchical sensitivity would be to implement ________

separating the process of sharing information from the process of making recommendations and decisions

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ stresses values such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations.

short-term orientation

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension _____ stresses values such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations. short-term orientation low uncertainty avoidance individualism high power distance masculinity

short-term orientation

MBTI evaluates individuals on the basis of all of these types of preferences except: A. judging versus perceiving. B. sensing versus intuition. C. extraversion versus introversion. D. thinking versus feeling. E. short-term versus long-term orientation.

short-term versus long-term orientation

Myers-Briggs type indicator evaluates individuals on the basis of all these types of preferences expect

short-term versus long-term orientation

If Node Inc. promises to deliver something, they will. Obligations are taken very seriously, even if contracted by past employees. Be sure to adhere strictly to the company's tradition and respect the company's history.

short-term vs. long-term orientation

A ________ structure is a flat organization with one person as the central decision-making figure


Interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the team's work but do not directly involve task accomplishment itself refers to:

teamwork process

According the life cycle theory of leadership, ______ leader behavior comprises high initiating structure and low consideration.


short term orientation

the degree to which a culture stresses values that are past and present oriented

moral intensity

the degree to which an issue has ethical urgency


the degree to which communication in a network flows through some members rather than others

situational strength

the degree to which situations have clear behavioral expectations, incentives, or instructions that make differences between individuals less important

mental models

the degree to which team members have a shared understanding of important aspects of the team and its task

staff validity

the degree to which team members make good recommendations to the team leader

decision informity

the degree to which team members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities

outcome interdependence

the degree to which team members share equally in the feedback and rewards that result from the team achieving its goals

transactive memory

the degree to which team members' specialized knowledge is integrated into an effective system of memory for the team

hierarchical sensitivity

the degree to which the team leader effectively weighs the recommendations of the members

- self-awareness - other awareness - emotion regulation - use of emotions

the four types of emotional ability

Personality refers to A. recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment B. shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture C. a dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance D. a dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elation E. the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior.

the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior

fundamental attribution error

the tendency for people to judge others' behaviors as being due to internal factors such as ability, motivation, or attitudes


the tendency to assess the likelihood of an event by comparing it to a similar event and assuming it will be similar

Personality is a collection of multiple _____.


Which of the following refers to recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment? A. Perceptions B. Values C. Short-term orientations D. Traits E. Beliefs


ch.9- Personality is a collection of multiple ______


ch.9- ______ are defined as recurring regularities of trends in people's responses to their environment.


personality is a collection of multiple _____________


courteous, helpful, warm, cooperative, kind, sympathetic


persevering, dependable, organized, ambitious, hardworking, reliable


Personality refers to the structures and propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior.


The best way to understand correlation between two variables is to look at a scatterplot.


reciprocal interdependence

members perform specialized tasks and then interact with other members to complete work

sequential interdependence

members work on specialized tasks in a prescribed order

Which form of conflict resolution is the most common?


Of the Big Five ______ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations.


Process gain is synonymous with :


Which of the following is a disadvantage of a strong culture?

It attracts and retains similar kinds of employees.

conscientious people prioritize:

accomplishment striving

_____ represent the deepest and least observable part of a culture.

basic underlying assumptions


captures what people are like


enjoy entertaining and fascinating others using imagination

Stages of Team Development

forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

interpersonal justice rules

respect and propriety


simple and efficient rules of thumb that allow one to make decisions more easily

Personality is a collection of multiple


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