Participation and Academic Honesty Verification - GMC
brief list of topics to be covered during the course
Course Content
information about a course from the GMC Course Catalog
Course Description
detailed list of all the topics, objectives, reading preparation, online resources, assignments, etc
Course Schedule
rules and grading rubric for the weekly discussion forums
Discussion Forum Guidelines
overview and definitions of the honor code
lists of obligations for both the faculty and the students
Expectations and Administrative Procedures
Parents and other individuals are more than welcome to contact my professors about my course grades, attendance and assessment
Should you need an accommodation or assistance based on the impact of a disability, you should contact the instructor and alert him that you have special needs and to make allowances. This is all you need to do to qualify for those accommodations
faculty biography and contact information
required textbooks and computing requirements
specific information on how assignments will count toward the final grade
Performance Criteria
In order to earn maximum credit for your discussion forums, you must:
Post over the course of three days in each thread and respond to at least four of your peers.
list of skills the students should have after completing the course
Student Learning Objectives
If I desire to have a third party contact GMC about my grades, attendance or any other sensitive/confidential matter, this will be coordinated by my professor and the appropriate department chair or academic dean. However, parents and third parties are not to contact professors directly as only the student is allowed to do that
If you fail to contact your professor to withdraw from the course via your GMC email or Moodle messaging, and you do not participate in the course, you will be withdrawn from the course with a failing grade (IU). The responsibility to contact the professor to withdraw after drop/add is totally the responsibility of the student
Unless I am a Move on When Ready (High school and dual enrolled), I am responsible for the acquisition of my textbooks and all related material in the course in a timely manner. Not having this in time to complete the assignments is not grounds for extensions or appeals
You must post your response to the main forum topic before Wednesday at 11:55 pm (for the first forum) and before Friday at 11:55 pm (for any course weeks including a second forum). ALL remaining posts for weekly forums are due by 11:55 pm Sundays
If you miss 12 consecutive days in the course, the professor will do what?
Withdraw you with an IU, which is a failing grade
After drop/add is OVER, and you would like to withdraw from this course, which of the following is correct?
You would send an official email to your professor via your official GMC email or Moodle message.
If you would like to withdraw from the course during drop/add, you would need to send an official email to which of the following GMC personnel?
Your advisor
According to the syllabus, which of the following constitutes academic dishonesty? Please select all that apply.
a. cheating on an examination b. collaborating with others on work to be presented, contrary to the stated rules of the course c. plagiarizing in any form whatsoever d. stealing an exam or course materials e. falsifying records f. submitting work previously presented in another course without permission from the instructor g. assisting in or facilitating another student's attempt to be academically dishonest
If I have a grievance with my grade in the course, I would contact the instructor to discuss that grievance. If the grievance is not resolved at that time, my next step is to contact ___________
the Department Chair
Should you have a concern about something in the course (grade, assignment, due dates, etc...) you should first contact __________
the course instructor