parts and functions of the heart

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Write the two different numbers for healthy blood pressure one over top of the other. Name the two types of pressure and explain what causes the two type of blood pressure

120 - systolic blood pressure ( the peak pressure produced by the contracted ventricles) ---- 80 - diastolic blood pressure ( the pressure in your arteries when the ventricles are relaxed)

How many loops make up our circulatory system?


How much does the human heart weigh?

250 to 350 grams

How many chambers do we find in our heart?


How much blood does the average adult contain in their body

5 and 1/2

On average how many times per minute does the heart beat?


What is congestive heart failure and how can it happen?

A chronic condition in which the heart doesn't pump blood as well as it should. Can occur if the left ventricle can't pump blood out and it backs up

Give 8 different factors that high blood pressure can combine with to create serious health risk issues

Age Heredity ( including race) Overweight or obesity Gender (male) Diabetes Physical inactivity Smoking High cholesterol

Where does gas exchange occur in the lungs is what


What is the name of the artery that is about the size of a garden hose and connected to the left ventricle?


How do we determine the difference between an artery and a vein?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart Veins carry it back toward the heart

Name the top two chambers

Atria or atrio

Why are the atria thin walled compared to the very thick walled ventricles?

Because the blood flows back into the heart under low pressure and all those atria have to do is push it down into the relaxed ventricles. Ventricles are the pumps of the heart and they need big strong walls to shoot blood back out of the heart with every contraction

Why do we hold our hand on the left side of our chest when saying the "pledge of allegiance"? If your heart is located in the center of your chest?

Because the heart has the mediastinum cavity between the lungs it sits at an angle with one end pointing inferiorly toward the left hip and the other toward the right shoulder so most of its mass rests just a little bit left of the midsternal line

What issues can prolonged high blood pressure cause?

Can damage arterial walls mess with your circulation and ultimately endanger your heart , your lungs, brain, kidneys, and nearly every part of you

What are the tiny little hairs found lining our respiratory tract called what


What is the name of the artery that supplies the heart with need oxygen?


What is the name of the chamber where the double loop began?


What are the three parts of solid blood

Erythrocytes or red (transport carbon dioxide) Leukocytes or white ( defense for bacteria) Thrombocytes or blood clots ( protein fiber, platelets)

List the three structures that make up the circulatory system

Heart Blood Blood vessels

What part of the red blood cell does oxygen stick for?


The blood leaving the right ventricle enters what arteries?

Left and right Pulmonary artery

Where is the area of lowest pressure in the heart that the blood returns to from the lungs?

Left atrium

Where does the answer above begin?

Left ventricle


Lower chambers of the heart

Where and how does oxygen enter the blood stream? What type of blood vessels?

Lungs where it picks up oxygen it then finds its way into very small thin walled capillaries which allow materials to move in and out of the blood stream

What is the one concern for your heart?

Maintaining pressure

What are the units used by the doctor for measuring your blood pressure?

Millimeters of mercury or mmhg

When the left atrium contracts what valve opens allowing blood to move forward?

Mitral valve ( bicuspid valve)

When the left atrium contracts the blood flows through what valve and enters what chamber of the heart?

Mitral valve and left ventricle

What type of tissue makes up the heart?

Muscle ( cardiac)

At any time is your blood blue?

No it's always red it's just a brighter red when there's oxygen in it

What are six different things your heart transports through your body?

Nutrients Oxygen Heat Hormones Immune cells Waste

What is the thin protective layer that covers the heart?


What is the liquid part of the blood called?


What is the only artery in your body that deoxygenated blood travels through?

Pulmonary artery

What is the name of the loop that allows blood to travel from the heart to the lungs back to the heart called?

Pulmonary circulation loop

When the right ventricle contracts what valves does it push the blood through?

Pulmonary semilunar

When the atria above contracts what valve opens and allows the blood to move forward in the heart?

Pulmonary semilunar and aortic semilunar valve

What are the purposes of the valves in each chamber of the heart?

Pulmonary semilunar, mitral, tricuspid, aortic semilunar, when a valve opens blood flows in one direction into the next chamber and it closes that's it no blood can just flow back into the chamber it just left

What vessel returns blood back to the heart?

Pulmonary veins

What other system is closely related to the circulatory system


Name the two chambers are they high or low pressure?

Right atria and left atria both are low pressure

The blood now enters what chamber of the heart?

Right atrium

Name the two lower chambers are they high pressure or low pressure

Right ventricle and left ventricle and they both are high pressure

What prevents the heart from creating friction while beating?


Where does the blood go once it is in the aorta?

Superior and inferior vena cava and into the right atrium

Name the two different loops of the circulatory system

Systemic Pulmonary

What is the name of the loop that transports all of the oxygen received by the lungs to all parts of the body?

Systemic loop

What creates the "lub dub" sound of the heart when the doctor places the stethoscope on your chest for a quick listen?

The "lub" is generated by the atrioventricular valves closing the "dub" occurs after the ventricle have pumped the blood out of the heart into the big blood vessels

What is the purpose of the heart in regards to pressure?

To maintain that same kind of pressure gradient by generating high hydrostatic pressure to pump blood out of the heart while creating low pressure to bring back in

What is the function of the blood

Transport gases or nutrients

Give two functions of the circulatory system

Transport gases through the body Defense from foreign invaders

Another name for the windpipe is what


Specify the names of the valves found between the chambers?

Tricuspid valve (atrioventricular) Atrioventricular valve Biscuspid valve (mitral valve)

What 2 blood vessels return blood to the heart?

Tricuspid valve and right ventricle

Name the bottom two chambers


Can the color of blood tell you if blood is coming from a artery or a vein?

Yes because the arteries are red and the veins are blue

moderator band

a muscular band of tissue that cross the chamber connecting the wall of right ventricle to the wall of the septum

interventricular groove

a slight or faint groove

inferior vena cava

brings blood from the lower body to the heart

superior vena cava

brings blood from the upper body to the heart


carries blood from the left ventricle to the arteries of the body

pulmonary artery

carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs

arterial ligament

is a vestige of the fetal blood vessel that carries blood from the pulmonary artery to the aorta in the fetus to bypass the lungs

coronary groove

it continues around the heart forming a separation of the ventricles from the atria

right auricle

it provides extra storage volume for the right atrium

right atrium

it receives blood from the great veins and pumps the blood to the right ventricle

left auricle

provides extra storage volume for the left atrium

papillary muscles

pulls on the chordae tendinae to tighten these cords

left atrium

receives blood from the lungs and pumps the blood to the left ventricle

left coronary artery

the descending branch is found in the interventricular groove, this vessel supplies fresh blood with oxygen and nutrients to the left side of the heart


the end of the hearth

chordae tendinae

the tendinous cords that support the edge of each valve leaflet and extend into the right ventricle

pulmonary veins

these four veins two from each lung bring blood from the lungs to the heart

cardiac veins

they return the blood from the heart muscle to the main blood flow

innominate artery

this branch of the aortic arch supplies blood for the upper body

tricuspid valve

this valve is between the right atrium and right ventricle

right coronary artery

this vessel supplies fresh blood with oxygen and nutrients to the right side of the heart

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