parts of a flower

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The combination of Petal (corolla) and Sepal (calyx)


The enlarged lower part of the PISTIL (carpel) in angiospermous plants, enclosing the ovules or young seeds.


The enlarged upper end of a flower stalk that bears the flower or group of flowers. The fleshy edible part of an apple is actually a modified receptacle

Pistil (carpel)

female reproductive part of a flower, consisting of an OVARY, STYLE, and STIGMA.


the pollen-bearing part of a STAMEN.


Any of a group of seed-bearing plants whose ovules are not enclosed in an ovary, but are exposed on the surface of sporophylls or similar structures. Each ovule may contain several eggs, all of which may be fertilized and start to develop in a process known as polyembryony. In most seeds, however, only a single embryo survives. The reproductive structures of many gymnosperms are arranged in cones. The gymnosperms do not form a distinct monophyletic grouping, but simply include all the seed-bearing plants that are not angiosperms. there are four very diverse living gymnosperm phyla: the conifers, the cycads, the ginkgo (surviving in a single species), and the gnetophytes.


Compare gymnosperm any seed-bearing plant of the phylum Angiospermophyta (division Angiospermae in traditional systems), in which the ovules are enclosed in an ovary, which develops into the fruit after fertilization; any flowering plant


The female reproductive structure that develops into a seed in a seed-bearing plant. Found in the OVARY of angiosperms and on scales in the female cones conifers and cycads. An ovule consists of: MEGASPORANGIUM (surrounded by one or two layers of tissue called INTEGUMENTS) produces spores that develop into MEGAGAMETOPHYTES (remain within the tissues of the ovule and produce one or more egg cells). Sperm from pollen grains enter the ovule through an opening called a MICROPHYLE and fertilize the egg cells. The resulting EMBRYO then begins to develop within the ovule, which becomes a seed.


The male reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of a FILAMENT and a pollen-bearing ANTHER at its tip. Plural : stamens, stamina (stā'mə-nə, stām'ə-)

Sepal (calyx)

The outermost circle of flower parts that encloses a bud before it opens and protects the flower while it is developing.


The part of a STAMEN that supports the ANTHER of a flower; the stalk of a stamen.

Petal (corolla)

The part of the flower that produces sweet smelling nectar and is brightly colored to attract pollinators.


The slender part (shaft) of a flower PISTIL (carpel), extending from the ovary to the stigma. The pollen tube grows through the style delivering the pollen nuclei to the ovary.


The sticky tip of a flower PISTIL (carpel), on which pollen is deposited at the beginning of pollination.

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