Half Normal
Breaks the normal at input only - send becomes a mult. Unaffected signal at fader. Breaks normal at return (or at input)
Console vs Control Surface
Console has audio going through it and physically controls voltage of signal. Control surface just gives you control of DAW and has no audio going through it.
Patching from PT - Compr - back to PT
Go from PT out, then go to 1176 compressor item "in", then plug in "out". From there, open up another session so to not create a feedback loop
One copy of signal goes Ground, Hot, and Cold and 3 copies of the signal are sent out to other sources
How is a patchbay useful?
Puts outputs/inputs into one location, simplifying and essentially organizing your gear and their placement in the signal flow
Normal path
Signal flows without plugging anything into the patchbay. (Flow usually goes from top to bottom)
Open Normal
Simple patch. Like the piece of gear is sitting and waiting for another piece of gear to patch it.
What cable type does a patchbay use?
TT, or (Tiny Telephone cable) which are a little bigger than 1/8"
Full Normal 2nd explanation
The normal is broken on the send or output when plugged in. No signal at channel fader
Normal Path
The signal goes through patchbay and you don't need to patch anything
a panel that contains accessible jacks for various inputs and outputs. [extension cable for a studio]
Full Normal
top break jack is connected to break jack on bottom jack; jack plugged into top or bottom break internal connection (think of an insert)