Patho Exam 3 Evolve Questions

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In the distal tubule, which cells reabsorb sodium and water, as well as secrete potassium? a. Distal b. Proximal c. Principal d. Intercalated


The Arthus reaction is an example of which type of sensitivity reaction? a. I b. II c. III d. IV


Which antigen is too small to initiate an immune response? a. Carrier b. Allergen c. Hapten d. Self-antigen


Which bacteria is the most common cause of urinary tract infections? a. Klebsiella b. Proteus c. Escherichia coli d. Staphylococcus


Which cardiac chamber has the thickest wall? a. Left atrium b. Right atrium c. Left ventricle d. Right ventricle


Which condition is a complication of hypertension? a. Cardiovascular muscle atrophy b. Hypoglycemia c. Congestive heart failure d. Neuropathy


Which factors determine cardiac output? a. Parasympathetic and sympathetic activity b. Preload and afterload c. Heart rate and stroke volume d. Right and left atrial pressure


Which marker is used to evaluate a tumor of the adrenal gland? a. Prostate specific antigen - PSA b. Alpha fetoprotein - AFP c. Catecholamines d. Adrenocorticotropic hormones - ACTH


Which medical term is used to describe the abnormal differentiation of renal tissues? a. Renal aplasia b. Renal hypoplasia c. Renal dysplasia d. Renal agenesis


Which muscle lies between the two openings of the ureter and urethra? a. Micturition b. Detrusor c. Trigone d. Urethra


Which statement best describes the cells and their functions in the humoral arm of the immune system? a. Cells undergo differentiation and develop into subpopulations. b. Cells attack cancerous cells. c. Antibodies are primarily responsible for protection. d. Cells in the humoral arm are also called cellular immunity.


Which statement concerning a multifactorial cause is true? a. Exposure to a chemical that causes leukemia should result in all children exposed to the chemical to develop cancer. b. The causes of cancer in children are well established. c. The interaction of many factors most likely produces cancer. d. Prenatal exposure to ionizing radiation has been linked to childhood cancers.


Which statement is not true regarding the body's defense mechanisms against cell damage? a. Phase 1 activation is represented by cytochrome P-450 b. Enzymes that protect against damage are predominantly in liver c. The two systems are xenobiotic and antioxidant d. Most xenobiotics are transported in the blood by lipoproteins


Which statement is true regarding aging and the immune system function? a. Older adults have decreased circulating antibodies. b. T-cell function is increased. c. Antibody production to specific antigens is inferior. d. Response to infection is rapid.


Which statement is true regarding atopic individuals? a. If one parent has allergies, then a 4% chance exists that the offspring will have similar allergies. b. If two parents have allergies, then a 50% chance exists that their offspring will have similar allergies. c. Atopic individuals tend to produce higher quantities of IgE. d. No genes are associated with an atopic state.


Which statement is true regarding bacteremia? a. It occurs with a normal defense system of the body. b. Gram-positive bacteria typically cause bacteremia. c. Endotoxins often cause symptoms such as vasodilation. d. Symptoms include increased blood pressure.


Which statement is true regarding cellular injury of the myocardium? a. Cardiac cells can withstand ischemic conditions for approximately 60 minutes. b. Electrocardiographic (ECG) changes are visible after approximately 120 seconds. c. Myocardial cells remain viable if blood flow returns within 20 minutes. d. After 20 seconds of decreased blood flow, myocardial cells become cooler.


Which statement is true regarding childhood cancer? a. Embryonic tumors form after birth. b. Childhood cancer most commonly affects the brain. c. Childhood cancers originate from the mesodermal layer. d. The most common form of childhood cancer is lung cancer.


Which statement is true regarding immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies? a. IgA-2 is predominantly found in blood. b. IgA-1 is predominantly found in the body's secretions. c. The J chain anchors together the IgA molecules. d. The gamma heavy chain is predominant.


Which statement is true regarding the staging of cancer? a. Localized cancer is considered a high stage b. Benign tumors are stage 4 c. Cancers that have spread regionally are stage 3 d. Stage 1 has the poorest prognosis


Which statement is true regarding unmatched packed red blood cell (RBC) transfusions? a. Only three different RBC antigens have been identified. b. Approximately 80 major carbohydrate antigens exist. c. People with O type blood have neither A or B antigens. d. A person with type A blood contains anti-O antibodies.


Which statement regarding viruses is true? a. Viruses are less common than bacterial infections. b. Viruses actively produce exotoxins. c. Viruses bypass many defense mechanisms by developing intracellularly. d. Viruses contain all their genetic information in ribonucleic acid (RNA).


Which of the following are symptoms of cachexia? *select all* a. Increased appetite b. Weight gain c. Early satiety d. Altered metabolism e. Considered sign of cancer

C, D, E

A man has worked with asbestos in his career for longer than 40 years. Which cancer will he most likely develop? a. Bladder b. Leukemia c. Stomach d. Lung


Which is a foreign or nonself substance? a. Immunoglobulins b. Lymphocytes c. Antibodies d. Antigens


Which of the following is a characteristic of a malignant tumor? a. It is encapsulated b. It does not invade local tissues c. It is well differentiated d. It is able to spread far from the tissue of origin


Which statement is true concerning the association of adiposity with cancer? a. No difference has been found in breast cancer mortality between obese and nonobese women b. Hyperinsulinemia can be protective for breast cancer c. The relationship of obesity and cancer progression is clearly understood d. An association between BMI and breast cancer mortality exists


Which statement is true regarding a type IV allergic reaction? a. Is immediate in its action. b. Is infiltrated with B cells. c. Has a red, soft center. d. Can be transferred by cells.


Which statement is true regarding basal cell carcinoma (BCC)? a. BCC is most commonly found in trunk of body b. BCC commonly found on those with dark complexion c. Individuals with these tumors usually have history of tanning, not burning d. BCC is most commonly found on sun exposed areas of body


Which statement is true regarding childhood cancer? a. Childhood cancer commonly occurs. b. It is the leading cause of death in children. c. It has a long latency period. d. Leukemia is the most common malignancy in children.


Which statement is true regarding the immune response in humans? a. Before birth, lymphocytes are not produced. b. B lymphocytes come from the thymus. c. The thymus releases mature lymphocytes. d. Generation of clonal diversity occurs in primary lymphoid organs.


Which term is used to identify elevated systolic pressure accompanied by normal diastolic pressure (less than 90 mm Hg)? a. Primary hypertension b. Secondary hypertension c. Stage 2 hypertension d. Isolated systolic hypertension


____________ cortical nephrons constitute approximately 85% of all nephrons.


Antigens that can induce an allergic response are called _________.


________ describes the inactivation or blocking of the binding of the antigen to a receptor


A high concentration of urinary _________ is a factor that leads to the formation of renal calculus.


Antibody-related damage to cells through phagocytosis is an example of a mechanism of type ______ hypersensitivity.


With regards to epidemiologic studies, the malignancy rate among adolescents and young adults (15 to 39 years of age) is ______ times higher than the rate of malignancy in children younger than 15 years of age.


In 2009, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements reported Americans were exposed to more than ________ times as much IR from medical procedures, compared with the 1980s.


Cyanosis, followed by rubor and paraesthesias in the digits, are associated with which condition? a. Raynaud phenomenon or disease b. Thromboangiitis obliterans c. Atherosclerosis d. Varicose veins


What antibody binds to a mast cell? a. Cytotropic b. Allergen c. Antigen d. Fc


What is the correct term for cancers originating in the connective tissue? a. Sarcoma b. Leukemia c. Lymphoma d. Carcinoma


Which definition is true? a. Allergy means the deleterious effects of hypersensitivity. b. Immunity means an altered immunologic response. c. Hypersensitivity means the protective response to an antigen. d. Autoimmunity means the normal response to foreign antigens.


Which of the following is the most common solid tumor in children? a. Central nervous system (CNS) tumors b. Ewing sarcoma c. Kidney d. Soft tissue


Which statement characterizes radiation therapy? a. Radiation is used to kill cancer cells while minimizing damage to normal structures b. Effective killing of cancer cells using radiation requires poor local delivery of oxygen c. Radiation blocks the normal growth pathways in cells d. Radiation can cause reversible changes in normal tissues


Which statement is true concerning the prognosis of childhood cancers? a. More than 80% of childhood cancers are cured. b. Survival rates for children of all ages have remained static. c. Combination chemotherapy and multimodal treatments have not been effective in children with cancer. d. Young children are not as likely to develop the long-term sequelae of cancer therapy as adults.


Which statement is true of serum sickness? a. The formation of immune complexes in the blood cause serum sickness. b. It is the deposition of complexes in the blood vessels. c. It occurs through cytotoxic T cells. d. It binds antigen to the cell surface.


Which statement is true regarding hypersensitivity reactions? a. They require sensitization against a particular antigen. b. They occur after the primary immune response. c. Reactions are always delayed. d. The most delayed reaction is anaphylaxis.


Which statement is true regarding renal blood flow? a. The kidneys receive 1000 to 1200 ml of blood per minute. b. The kidneys receive 50% of cardiac output. c. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is not related to renal blood flow. d. No autoregulation is found in renal blood flow.


Which statement is true regarding ultraviolet light (UV)? a. UV light causes basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma b. The degree of damage is not affected by wavelength c. UV light can cause formation of sarcomas d. Principal source of UV radiation is tanning beds


Which substance controls final urine concentration? a. Antidiuretic hormone b. Renin c. Angiotensin I d. Urea


Which term describes the type of immunity that occurs when preformed antibodies are transferred from a donor to a recipient? a. Passive b. Active c. Memory d. Cellular


Which two items are related in the Frank-Starling law of the heart? a. Resting sarcomere length to tension generation b. Resting sarcomere length to end-diastolic volume c. Tension generation and left ventricular pressure d. Tension generation and diastolic filling pressures


Obesity results in a higher risk of death from which cancers? (Select all that apply.) a. Esophageal b. Kidney c. Colorectal d. Brain

A, B, C

Which statements are true regarding caretaker genes? *select all* a. Caretaker genes encode proteins that repair damaged deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) b. Loss of function results in increased mutation rates c. Loss of function can cause increase rates of specific cancers d. Mutations that disrupt caretaker genes are not inherited e. Loss of function causes chromosome instability

A, B, C

Which statements are true regarding melanoma? (Select all that apply.) a. Melanoma may suddenly appear without warning. b. Individuals with fair skin and hair color are at risk for melanoma. c. Individuals with a history of three or more sunburns are at risk for melanoma. d. Even in the early stages, melanoma is not curable.

A, B, C

A person drinks alcohol in excess. Which areas are likely to develop cancer related to alcohol consumption? *select all* a. Oral cavity b. Larynx c. Pharynx d. Spleen e. Liver

A, B, C, E

Which criteria influence the degree of immunogenicity? (Select all that apply.) a. Foreignness to the host b. Appropriate size c. Appropriate quantity d. Chemical simplicity e. Chemical complexity

A, B, C, E

Which factors determine the severity of obstructive uropathy? (Select all that apply.) a. Blockage location b. Duration of the blockage c. Cause of the lesion d. Amount of renal blood flow e. Degree of completeness of blockage

A, B, C, E

Air pollution is associated with cancer. Which statements pertaining to this association are true? (Select all that apply.) a. Ground level ozone is the major component of smog. b. Radon exposure can occur in underground mines and in homes. c. Evidence suggests that air pollution is associated with cancers other than lung and childhood cancers. d. Indoor air pollution is considered worse than outdoor air pollution.

A, B, D

Damaged myocardial muscle will release which enzymes? (Select all that apply.) a. Creatine phosphokinase-myocardial band (CPK-MB) b. Lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) c. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) d. Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) e. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

A, B, D

Which factors contribute to bacterial virulence within the urinary tract? (Select all that apply.) a. Fimbriae expression b. Sidophore production c. Mucous production d. Biofilm formation

A, B, D

Which factors promote deep venous thrombosis? (Select all that apply.) a. Venous stasis b. Venous endothelial damage c. Polycythemia d. Hypercoagulable states e. Female gender

A, B, D

Which is the function of the pericardium? (Select all that apply.) a. Prevents displacement of the heart during gravitational acceleration or deceleration. b. Physical barrier that protects the heart against infection and inflammation. c. Forms a lining that is continuous with the arteries, veins, and capillaries of the body. d. Contains pain receptors and mechanoreceptors that affect blood pressure. e. Creates a continuous closed circulatory system.

A, B, D

Histamine release leads to which of the following? (Select all that apply.) a. Bronchial smooth muscle contraction b. Bronchoconstriction c. Decreased vascular permeability d. Vasoconstriction e. Edema

A, B, E

Which assessment finding is a sign of atherosclerosis? (Select all that apply.) a. Xanthelasmas b. Arcus senilis c. Cardiac murmurs d. Extra-rapid heart sounds e. Carotid arterial bruits

A, B, E

Which drug and environmental exposures are linked to the risk of developing childhood cancers? (Select all that apply.) a. Ionizing radiation b. Antibiotic use c. Pesticide exposure d. Anabolic adrenergic steroids

A, C, D

Which mechanisms are used by viruses to evade the immune response? (Select all that apply.) a. Rapid division b. Antigenic specificity c. Self-protein coat d. Immune suppression e. Lipopolysaccharide

A, C, D

Which of the following are risk factors for hypertension? (Select all that apply.) a. Positive family history for hypertension b. Asian race c. High dietary sodium intake d. Glucose intolerance e. Female gender

A, C, D

Which statements are true regarding hypertension? (Select all that apply.) a. Approximately two-thirds of Americans older than the 60 years of age have hypertension. b. More than two-thirds of those with hypertension have it controlled. c. Hypertension is defined as a diastolic pressure higher than 90 mm Hg. d. Hypertension is a systolic pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher. e. Approximately 15% of U.S. adults are in the prehypertension category and are at risk for developing hypertension.

A, C, D

The stages of pathologic infection include which of the following? (Select all that apply.) a. Invasion b. Death c. Colonization d. Metastasis e. Multiplication

A, C, E

Physical activity reduces the risk of which type(s) of cancer? (Select all that apply.) a. Breast b. Oral c. Liver d. Colon

A, D

A person reporting abdominal and back pain has been found to have bacteria in the urine. What term is used to identify this type of upper urinary tract involvement? a. Cystitis b. Pyelonephritis c. Urinary tract infection d. Asymptomatic bacteriuria


A woman with chest pain that occurs at rest is diagnosed as having abnormal vasospasm of her coronary arteries. These symptoms support which medical diagnosis? a. Stable angina b. Prinzmetal angina c. Silent ischemia d. Angina pectoris


It is true that embryonic tumors: a. Contain mature cells. b. Are undifferentiated. c. May be diagnosed late in life. d. Are often labeled with the term carcinoma.


It is true that immunoglobulin E (IgE) is: a. Designed to protect the host from large viruses b. The primary cause of common allergies c. The only inflammatory cell that can damage a virus d. Specifically designed to prevent the invasion and attachment of pathogens through mucous membranes.


It is true that tobacco smoking: a. Is responsible for 10% of cancer deaths b. Has been declining among U.S. adults since 1997 c. Is dangerous to lung tissue d. Accounts for 4000-5000 deaths a year worldwide


The movement of fluids and solute from the tubular lumen to the peritubular capillary plasma is called: a. Ultrafiltration b. Tubular reabsorption c. Tubular secretion d. Excretion


What contributes to antibiotic-resistant pathogens? a. Inadequate sanitation b. Genetic mutation c. Loss of multidrug transporters d. Limited use of antibiotics


What is the most common complication of acute myocardium infarction (AMI)? a. Dressler postinfarction syndrome b. Dysrhythmia c. Pericarditis d. Congestive heart failure


What is the precise portion of the antigen that is configured for recognition and binding of an antibody? a. Paratope b. Epitope c. Self-antigen d. Immunogen


What statement regarding tumors is true? a. All neoplasms are cancerous b. Cancer refers to a malignant tumor c. Benign growths are cancerous d. Malignant tumors have slow growth


What type of urinary calculus is made up of magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate? a. Calcium b. Struvite c. Uric acid d. Indinavir


When in its normal state, which gene negatively regulates proliferation? a. Oncogenes b. Tumor suppressor genes c. Proto oncogenes d. Telomeres


Which condition is a risk factor for postobstructive diuresis? a. Unilateral obstruction b. Hypertension c. Dehydration d. Neurogenic diabetes insipidus


Which is an example of an alloimmune disease? a. Tuberculin reaction b. Graves disease c. Contact dermatitis d. Penicillin allergy


Which of the following is associated with defects of the p53 tumor-suppressor gene? a. Retinoblastoma b. Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) c. Down syndrome d. Neurofibromatosis


Which part of the heart is responsible for electrical impulse stimulation? a. Atrioventricular node b. Sinus node c. Bundle of His d. Right bundle branch


Which process is responsible for slowing the heart rate? a. Sympathetic excitation b. Parasympathetic excitation c. Bainbridge reflex d. Baroreceptor reflex


Which statement best describes a type I reaction? a. Most type I reactions are mediated by IgA. b. Most type I reactions are allergic. c. Most occur against medications. d. Seldom does this type contribute to autoimmune diseases.


Which statement is true regarding metastasis? a. Metastasis is a highly efficient process b. Metastasis occurs through the vascular and lymphatic systems c. Metastatic cancer cells suppress proteases d. Most cancer cells are able to metastasize to new areas


Which statement is true regarding the thoracic duct? a. The thoracic duct is the major source of venous return to the heart. b. The thoracic duct receives lymph from most of the body. c. The thoracic duct receives lymph from the right arm, head, and thorax. d. Blood is dumped into the right atrium through the thoracic duct.


Which statement regarding fever is true? a. Fever is a failure of the body to regulate temperature. b. An endogenous pyrogen may produce fever. c. The body's central thermostat is the pituitary gland. d. Fever is a failure of the body's defense system.


Which term correctly identifies a urethral opening on the dorsal surface of the penis? a. Hypospadias b. Epispadias c. Exstrophy d. Ureteropelvic junction


Which term describes an agent's ability to produce disease? a. Virulence b. Pathogenicity c. Infectivity d. Immunogenicity


Which term describes an occlusion in a blood vessel caused by a bolus of circulating matter in the bloodstream? a. Thrombus b. Embolus c. Thrombophlebitis d. Foam cell


Which virus has been linked with the development of cancer? a. Measles b. Epstein-Barr c. Mumps d. Influenza


Which of the following are mechanisms of antigenic variation? (Select all that apply.) a. Siderophoric switching b. Mutation c. Recombination d. Gene switching

B, C, D

Which of the following are molecular classes of immunoglobulins? (Select all that apply.) a. IgC b. IgD c. IgE d. IgM e. IgN

B, C, D

Which statements are true regarding atherosclerosis? (Select all that apply.) a. Atherosclerosis is an acute process of heart muscle degeneration. b. Atherosclerosis is the thickening and hardening of the vessel wall. c. Atherosclerosis is a plaque caused by neutrophils. d. Endothelial cell injury begins the process of atherosclerosis. e. Atherosclerosis is more than one disease.

B, D, E

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