Patient education and BSE/TSE

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how often should women ages 20-39 have a clinical breast exam

1-3 years

how long should teaching session length be so patient can digest info and precent them from becoming too tired

15- 30 minutes

how often should you receive a mammogram

45-54 yearly 55 and over every 3 years

what is an example of nursing process involving learning

A: pt concerned treatment isn't working, once per week, demonstrate incorrect use of inhaler ND: knowledge deficit R/T incorrect use of inhalerAEB pt using inhaler incorrectly, coming to office because treatment isn't working P: goal- pt will be able to do a return demonstration of inhaler correctly prior to discharge I: demonstrate correct use of inhaler R- providing multiple layer in which knowledge is taught keeps pt engaged E: goal met- pt able to return demonstrate correctly use of inhaler at discharge. pt feels better about treatment plan

who came up with learning styles


why can gynecomastia happen in older men

Pituitary tumors testicular tumors meds with estrogen

what are various learning styles (vark)

Visual Auditory/ aural Reading Kinesthetic

may need to provide more details about treatments- mutual goals and know why they need to know or do something


includes changes in attitudes values and feelings

affective domain

what is an example of documentation of teaching

after 2 demonstrations, the pt is able to correctly and safely perform administration of SQ insulin based on am blood sugar

what is an example of psychomotor domain

after you demonstrate how to walk in crutches- patient knows how to do it

how can nurses address to health literacy

all written material understood at 5th grade reading level ask me 3 teach back method

brief tool to promote understanding and improve communication between patients and caregivers

ask me three

learning through hearing and discuss things and concepts- use of a tape recorder, discussions with students and teachers, lectures, and tutorials

aural learners

what are lymph nodes that drain breasts

axillary (>75% lymph in body drain into) supraclavicular infraclavicular

what happens if lymph nodes can be palpated at supraclavicular node

breast or lung cancer

what is a useful screening tool for breast cancer

breast self exam

what program can help a patient cope

cancer association

how can nurses evaluate themselves as educators

changes and revisions patient feedback

storing and recalling of new knowledge in the brain

cognitive domain

what are the three learning domains

cognitive, psychomotor, affective

family support- family place distance from help treatment at home etc

compliance (assessment)

agreement between two people for common goal

contract agreement

demonstration of techniques procedures and use of special equipment; useful in psychomotor domain of learning- perform a skill


what is the goal of patient education

develop self care abilities to maximize their function and quality of life

what are methods of evaluation

direct questions observations return demonstrations

situation is presented and discover solution or approach; useful when teaching problem solving techniques and independent thinking


what teaching methods can be used in cognitive domain

discussion handouts readings audiovisual

two way exchange of info ideas and feelings between teacher and learner; effective when nurse is comfortable with material or one on one instruction

discussion/ panel discussion

what involving nipples may indicate CA

drainage retraction (recent change)

lymph channels blocked by CA


what are alterations in breasts

edema peau d'orange areolas nipples

prefer learning based on experience- focus on wellness and personal strengths; accommodate needs


lets the nurse and patient know how well the learning objectives were met


what is crucial in documentation of teaching

evaluation statement- must show concrete evidence that demonstrates learning occurred

how can patient education maintain and promote health

exercise programs and healthy eating

what is a main responsibility of nurses for teaching

good health behavior- breast and testicular self examination

enlargement of male breasts due to hormones in puberty/ adolescence, T deficiency, and certain meds


what are atypical of metastasis

hard fixed nodes

the ability to read understand and act on health information

health literacy

how can patient education facilitate coping

helping a patient deal with permanent health alterations (provide environment to vent) adapt to assistive devices

teaching is directed toward parents


what are causes of lymphadenopathy

infection autoimmune disease Malignancy

what are landmarks of breast

inner and outer quadrants

active participation and willing participate

interactive teaching- learning relationship

learning from and by experience uses their senses- field trips, lecture with real life examples, labs, simulations, and trial and error

kinesthetic learners

what are nursing diagnosis of learning

knowledge deficit R/T lack of info related to health status readiness for enhanced knowledge R/T express interest about learning of meds impaired health maintenance R/T inefficient knowledge regarding tobacco use non compliance R/T non participation in therapy

the process by which a person acquires or increases knowledge or changes behavior in a measurable way as a result of the Experience


who are you teaching cultural and language barriers

learning ability (assessment)

what is an example of cognitive domain

learns about new medication- learn how and when to take it

formal presentation and can be time consuming; used for presenting to large group of patients


what groups lack health literacy skills

lower economic status minorities

enlarged lymph nodes; may be seen with cancer


what are terms R/T breasts

lymphadenopathy gynecomastia

what are the goals of patient education

maintaining and promoting health preventing illness restoring health facilitating coping

what should you not use when teaching patient

medical jargon

why is self breast exam important

most breast cancer discovered by slef most breast lumps are benign (80%) 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer excellent chance for cure with early treatment

leads to better compliance- able and motivated to process new info and skills

motivation (assessment)

what should nurses attitude be during learning

nonthreatening interesting and enjoyable- respect simple interactive- cheerleader

what is the implementation step of nursing process in learning

nurse attitude/ effective communication environment timing teaching session length patient comfort level

what is an example of affective domain

nurse is teaching and encourages patient to discuss feelings pt wonders what kind of scar they will have after surgery

identify specific attainable measurable short term goals for patient leaning - which domain of learning is involved -prioritize -content and appropriate teaching strategies - relate the teaching content to the patients learning style - formulate a verbal or written contract with pt

outcome identification and planning

what physical state should patient NOT be in to learn

pain or discomfort

what should be included in health history of breast exam

pain, tenderness- period Hx of lumps or skin changes discharge from nipples-unless breastfeeding rashes swelling trauma family hx of breast disease surgery- if lymph nodes removed can be result in buildup self care axillary changes

what should you avoid involving timing when teaching

patient eating or expecting visitors

process of influencing the patients behavior to effect changes in knowledge skills and attitudes needed to maintain and improve health

patient education

what are qualities of a teaching- learning relationship

patient focused holistic interactive

orange peel appearance caused by metastatic disease blocking lymph nodes

peau d'orange

who is NOT at average risk for breast cancer

personal history family history genetic mutation for breast cancer chest radiation therapy before age of 30

what teaching methods can be used in psychomotor domain

physical manipulation Demonstration

how can patient education restore health

post op teaching (deep breathing after surgery)

always person to perform skill over and over again until its mastered


pamphlet and brochure at no cost- assess ability to read

printed material

used independently of teacher but discuss before and after and allow time to ask questions; useful because patient can go at own pace

programmed instruction

learning a physical skill involving integration of mental and muscular activity

psychomotor domain

what should the environment be during learning

quiet slow speaking

how should students learn

read listen to instructor teach watch demonstration practice

learning through anything in print- manuals lists textbooks, take notes verbatim, and like to write as well


what is indicative of pageants disease

red and crusty areolar

tumor attacks duct behind nipple pulling it in


patient watch nurse closely to copy activity ex: nurse who smoked in the past quit can be role models

role modeling

what are teaching strategies

role modeling lecture discussion/ panel discussion demonstration discovery role playing printed material programmed instruction web- based instruction

used with children; useful when reducing anxiety because child is used to these things ex: parent being patient and child doctor

role playing

what teaching methods can be used in affective domain

role playing values clarification

when should a self breast exam be done

same time every month about one week after period after menopause, check first day of every month

answer questions honestly- assess ready to learn

school age children

what steps can you take to apply client / patient centered care

start with something the learner is concerned with -discover what the learner knows -teaching simple to complex -schedule time for review of content

what four things are involved in learning

study instruction reflection practice

how can you document teaching

summary of learning need the plan Implementation of the plan evaluation result

allows patient to repeat back key concepts from teaching session to confirm understanding

teach back method

allow them in decision making


incorporate role playing; teach to children but direct towards parents

toddlers and preschoolers

what is the site of most breast tumors

upper outer quadrant

how can patient education prevent illness

vaccines and teaching high risk individuals how to avoid illness

learning with pictures maps and graphs to explain things

visual learners

Appropriate for patient seeking info about disease process wellness interest or health promotion; useful because it can be accessed 24/7 and discuss with other patients but be sure they are reputable

web based instruction

what three questions make up ask me three tool

what is my main problem what do I need to do why is it important for me to do this

what is the step of assessment in patient education

what needs taught and how physical condition learning ability motivation compliance

how can you control patient comfort level

without pain nausea or SOB

how often should clinical breast exams happen age 40 and older


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