PE 100 Exam 2-questions

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What does intended outcome of the program have to do with intensity (load)?

Depends upon desired outcome Generally this refers to load or percent of 1RM that will be used for the workout Strength: 85-90% Power: 70% Endurance: 60%

Typically this method (isokinetic weight training) is used for what purpose?

Isokinetic exercises help for building strength and endurance. Rehabilitation setting

How does isotonic and isokinetic training differ from the method where there is no length change?

The muscle contracts with movement. Isotonic= dynamic exercise. They both increase muscle strength throughout the joint's full range of motion.

What is replacing this (absolute strength)?

Relative strength

How much rest is needed between workouts for the muscle to recover and repair itself for the next workout?

Rest period is usually 1-3 minutes between sets. If you are lifting heavier loads, 3-5 minutes.

Why are there several answers to this question (With regard to frequency, how often should one lift weights (per week))?

Some people use split routines (life different muscle groups on different days). To exercise all the major muscle groups you have to do 8-10 different exercises, and some people split these up over a number of days.

What 3 outcomes can one get from a weight training program?

Strength, power, and endurance.

What are assessment techniques for each method (of the 3 outcomes one can get from a weight training program)?

Strength- 1 RM test (the max you can lift one time..lifting weights as heavy as 80% of your maximum capacity) Power- Number of reps per unit time (number of sit ups in one minute) Endurance- Number of reps until exhaustion (number of push ups until you're tired)

What type of test is necessary to assess power?

Testing the number of times a certain exercise can be performed in a specific time period.

What is the Valsalva Manuever an when does it occur?

The Valsalva maneuver is performed by attempting to forcibly exhale while keeping the mouth and nose closed. It is used as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the condition of the heart and is sometimes done as a treatment to correct abnormal heart rhythms or relieve chest pain.

In general, from lifting for size to lifting for tone, what happens to load, reps, and sets? Why?

The load goes down in percentage, reps go up (15-25 reps), and sets are 2-3 sets. This is because toning occurs with less weight and more frequency.

How does this differ (endurance assessments) from a test of how many sit ups can be performed in 1 minute?

The number of sit ups that can be performed in 1 minute is a test of power. Power is the speed or work rate in relation to a specified time period. In endurance, your resistance percentage is a little lower and you do more reps.

Can you describe the basic movements needed to completely challenge the core?

Upper body moves and lower is still, lower body moves and upper body stays still, body turns/rotates, and one that focuses on back.

What is isokinetic weight training?

When someone exerts a force at a constant speed against an equal force exerted by a special strength training machine. It provides variable resistance at different points in the joint's range of motion, matching the effort applied by the individual while keeping the speed of the movement constant.

Can yo give an example of an assessment technique for each of the various types of muscle fitness?

`Strength- the max weight you can lift once for a bench press Power- the number of sit ups you can do in 1 minute Endurance- the number of push ups you can do until exhaustion

How frequently can these muscles be trained? Why does this answer depend on how you train?

daily? Depends on the FIT principles and how many exercises per muscle group you're doing daily

How does this impact method training?

slowly, several repetitions or for prolonged time

What phase of lifting is generally compromised when cheating?

1. Eccentric Phase - Also know as the "negative" portion of the lift. This is where the weight is being lowered, and there is tension on the muscle while it is being stretched. Hypertrophy training programs typically emphasize a slow and controlled eccentric movement. This phase is very taxing on the muscle fibers, and is what causes the majority oBicep curl with correct weight lifting tempof muscle fiber breakdown-a good thing when it comes to muscle growth! 2. Bottom of movement - This is the end of the eccentric range of motion. Typically you will either hold this position for a second, or immediately lift the weight and begin the next phase. Whether you hold this position or go immediately in to the next phase will depend on whether there is tension on the muscle at this point for the specific muscle group you are targeting. 3. Concentric phase - This phase is also referred to as the "positive" portion of the lift. During this phase, the muscle is contracting while under load. This movement is normally faster than the lowering phase. This phase will take the weight back to the starting position of the exercise. 4. Top or starting point of movement - Once you have returned to the starting position of the lift, you would typically pause for a short period of time, or immediately continue on to your next repetitions. As with the "bottom of movement" phase, whether you pause or immediately continue at this point will depend on whether there is tension on the muscles. *Most of the time people do not pause during phase #2 (the bottom) and phase #4 (the top). Depending on the exercise however, it may be beneficial to pause for two to three seconds at either phase. Of course this will depend on at which point there is tension on the muscle.

If doing a total body workout (all major muscle groups exercised in the same workout), and lifting is a primary method of exercise for you, how many days/week would lifting occur?

2-3 days per week

If doing a total body workout, how many exercises/muscle groups would need to be performed to consider it a complete workout? Why?

8-10 exercises because this can target all the major muscle groups.

Why is there less and less emphasis on determining how much someone can lift one time?

? Because that only builds strength, not power or endurance. Also, injury is avoided easier if lighter weights are used to perform more repetitions. Also, it is tedious and time consuming to continually reassess your maximum capacity for each exercise.

What is the strength curve?

? There are points in a joint's range of motion where the muscle controlling the movement is stronger and points where it is weaker. At the end of the range of motion, a person has better leverage and can exert more force.

What is this method called (emphasis of determining how much someone can lift one time)?

Absolute strength

How man different exercises are needed to completely address the core?

At least 4 movement pattern to work muscles effectively

With regard to frequency, how often should one lift weights (per week)?

At least twice a week (nonconsecutive days).

Why vary the resistance?

Because varying resistance doesn't limit the lift based on your weakest point in your range of motion. Varying resistance allows more stress to be placed on the muscles at the end of the range of motion, where a person has better leverage an can exert more force.

What are some classic cheating techniques used in lifting?

Cheating involves compromised form implementing unintended momentum, altered alignment, or angle of pull in effort at specific points of the exercise in effort to complete repetitions. forcing the muscles to lift a heavier load than they could with strict from; it is thought that the increased load is the stimulus necessary to spur muscle development.

What is the problem with cheating from an injury perspective?

Cheating may increase the risk of injury since it exposes the bodily structures to forces to which they are not accustomed. When you cheat while performing an exercise you are going to put stresses onto structures that are not normally used when performing an exercise with correct technique.

What types of safety equipment should be used and when should a spotter be requested?

Collars- told hold weights on. Spotters should be requested when exercise has a potential for danger. Use spotters when free weight exercises in which the bar crosses the face or head is placed on the back or is racked in front of the chest. For squats with heavy resistance too.

What are concentric and eccentric contractions?

Concentric contractions are movements where the muscle shortens as it contracts because the muscle applies enough force to overcome resistance. Eccentric contractions is where the resistance is greater than the force applied by the muscle and the muscle lengthens as it contracts.

What are variable and constant resistant exercises?

Constant resistance exercise is when the load is constant throughout the joint's full range of motion. The amount of weight a person can life is limited by the weakest point in the range. Variable resistance exercise is when the load changes and places more stress on muscles at the end of the range of motion.

What are other safety aspects?

Don't bounce weights, do most of your lifting with your legs, don't jerk weights, pick up a weight from the ground and keep your back straight and head level, don't exercise if you're ill or injured, don't use defective equipment, observe proper lifting techniques, protect your back, ask a qualified trainer.

What type of assessment is being performed when repetitions to exhaustion are being counted?


What breathing technique is suggested?

Exhale during the concentric phase and inhale during the eccentric phase.

How can this be avoided?

Exhale during the concentric phase and inhale during the eccentric phase. Breathe while you exercise.

What fiber type is predominant in this part of the body (abs/core)?

Fast twitch is used in resistance training. Muscles consist of individual muscle cells, or muscle fibbers, bundled together (fascicles). A single muscle fiber is made up of smaller protein structures called myofibrils, which are made up of myofilaments.

What equipment is needed for variable and constant resistant exercises?

For constant resistant exercise, free weights can be used. For variable, certain machines are used. Also, hydraulic strength training machines use air pressure for resistance.

How would I convert knowledge of absolute strength to relative strength?

Instead of doing 80% of your maximum capacity with minimal repetitions, do 40%-60% max capacity with more reps. Also, use the training volume equation (repetitions x weight x sets) to calculate the same training volume with less weight.

In what phase of a lift are concentric and eccentric contractions used?

Isotonic-dynamic exercises. They are used for exercise that increases muscle strength and develops strength that can be transferred to other forms of physical activity.

What is suggested exercise order for lifting weights? Why?

Large muscle groups to small because the small muscle groups are needed to assist in the large muscle group exercises (if the small muscle groups were done first, they would be too tired to do the max capacity for the large muscle group exercises).

What are negatives and plyometrics?

Negatives (eccentric pliometric loading) is loading the muscle while it is lengthening. (ex. lowering the weight to your chest during a bench press) Plyometrics is rapid stretching of a muscle group that is undergoing eccentric stress (the muscle is exerting force while it lengthens), followed by a rapid concentric contraction. (ex. jumping from a bench to the ground and then back to the bench)

Why would one use these types of training (negatives and plyometrics)?

Negatives are practiced during resistance training. Plyometrics is used to develop explosive strength, and also helps build and maintain bone density.

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