PEC Chapter 2 (2.15 and 2.20)

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1500 VA

A load of not less than ______ shall be included for each 2-wire laundry branch circuit installed as covered by small appliance branch circuit for laundry.

125 percent

Feeder ampacity (600 volts above) for feeders supplying transformers and utilization equipment. Ampacity of feeders supplying a combination of transformers and utilization equipment shall be greater than the sum of the nameplate ratings of the transformers and _____ of the designed potential load of the utilization equipment.


Grounded conductor that are not connected to an overcurrent device shall be permitted to be sized at ____ percent of the continuous and noncontinuous load.


If feeder supplies branch circuits with equipment grounding conductor, then it shall have an equipment grounding conductor too

shall be within

If in a metal raceway, conductors of all feeders using a common neutral conductor ______ the same raceway or other enclosure.


If it is unlikely that two or more noncoincident loads will be in use simultaneously, it shall be permissible to use only the largest load(s) that will be used at one time for calculating the total load of a feeder or service.


If required by _____, a diagram showing feeder details shall be provided before installation.


If the assembly including the overcurrent devices protecting the feeders is listed for operation at _____ percent of its rating, the allowable ampacity of the feeder conductors shall be permitted to be not less than the sum of continuous load plus noncontinuous load


If the building is designed to comply with an energy code adopted by the local authority and specifying an overall lighting density of less than 13.5 volt-amperes per square meters , the unit lighting loads in the table for office and bank areas within the building shall be permitted to be reduced by _____ VA per square meter.


If the building is designed to comply with an energy code adopted by the local authority and specifying an overall lighting density of less than _____ volt-amperes per square meters , the unit lighting loads in the table for office and bank areas within the building shall be permitted to be reduced by 11 VA per square meter.


It shall be permissible to calculate the load for commercial electric cooking equipment, dishwasher booster heaters, water heaters, and other kitchen equipment in accordance with the separate table.


Laundry circuit load shall be permitted to be included with the general lighting load and subjected to the demand factors.


Minimum feeder size shall be _____ than the maximum load to be served after application of any adjustment or correction factors

180 VA

Other outlets shall have rating of _____ per outlet. But if specific appliance, comply with ampere rating of appliance.


Outlet for luminaires shall be based on the maximum VA rating of the equipment and lamps for which the luminaire(s) is rated

600 VA

Outlets for heavy-duty lampholders shall have a minimum rating of _____.


Overcurrent device for feeders rating shall be noncontinuous load + 125 percent of the continuous load.

75 percent

Permissible to apply a demand factor of __________ to the nameplate rating load of four or more appliances fastened in place, other than electric ranges, clothes dryers, space-heating equipment, or air-conditioning equipment, that are served by the same feeder or service in a one-family, two-family, or multifamily dwelling.


Small-appliance branch circuit loads shall be permitted to be included with the general lighting load and subjected to the demand factors in that.

True, feeder sizing here is determined by qualified persons under engineering supervision, also true for branch circuit

Supervised installations are defined as those portions of a facility where all of the following conditions are met: 1. Conditions of design and installation are provided under engineering supervision 2. Qualified persons with documented training and experience in over 600-volt systems provide maintenance, monitoring, and servicing of the system


The calculated load of a feeder or service shall not be less than the sum of the loads on the branch circuits supplied, after any applicable demand factors have been applied.


The demand factors in table for lighting load demand factors shall apply to that portion of the total branch-circuit load calculated for general illumination. They shall not be applied in determining the number of branch circuits for general illumination.


The diagram presented to OBO/EE for feeder details shall show the area in square meter of the building or other structure supplied by each feeder, the total calculated load before applying demand factors, the demand factors used, the calculated load after applying demand factors, and the size of conductors used.


The feeder conductor ampacity shall be greater than that of the service conductors where the feeder conductors carry the total load supplied by service conductors with an ampacity of _____ amperes or less.

maximum unbalance, 140 percent

The feeder or service neutral load shall be the ______ of the load determined by this article. The maximum unbalanced load shall be the calculated load between neutral and any ungrounded, for 3 wire / 5 wire 2 phase, multiply by _____.


The floor area in General Lighting Loads by Occupancy shall be calculated from the _____ dimensions.

1 3/4

The load for household electric ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cooking units, and other household cooking appliances individually rated in excess of _____ kW shall be permitted to be calculated in accordance with its own table.


The loads for electric dryer in household, shall be either _____ or the nameplate rating, whichever is higher.


There is no need for reduction of ampacity for neutral conductors from any portion of a 3 wire consisting of 2 ungrounded conductors and the neutral of a 4 wire 3 phase wye-connected system and if load is consisting of nonlinear loads.


These demand factors of separate table for ranges shall be applied to all equipment that has either thermostatic control or intermittent use as kitchen equipment.


These demand factors of separate table for ranges shall not apply to space-heating, ventilating, or air-conditioning equipment.

8 kVA 100 percent, 40 percent remainder

To merely compute the existing service or feeder, where additional air-conditioning equipment or electric space-heating equipment is not to be installed, the first ___ kVA shall be ___ percent, while the remainder shall be _____.


Two-wire DC circuits and AC circuits of two or more ungrounded conductors shall be permitted to be tapped from the ungrounded conductors of circuits having a grounded neutral conductor. Switching devices in each tapped circuit shall have a _____ in each ungrounded conductor.


Unit load greater than the General Lighting Loads by Occupancy table shall constitute as the minimum lighting load since it is greater.

three sets, two sets

Up to ______ of 3-wire feeders or ________ of 4-wire or 5-wire feeders shall be permitted to utilize a common neutral.


What is the article number of "feeders" in PEC?


What is the article number of Branch-Circuit, Feeder, and Service Calculations?


When calculating feeder current, it is permitted to round down the value if less than 0.5

divided equally

Where multicircuit track is installed, the load shall be considered to be ______ between the track circuits.

sum of the nameplate ratings

Feeder ampacity (600 volts above) for feeders supplying transformers. Ampacity shall be greater than the ______ of the transformers supplied when only transformers are supplied.


Feeder ampacity shall be not less than noncontinuous load + _____ percent of continuous load, this is applicable if not using the adjustment factors just like in branch circuit.


For a dwelling unit having a floor area more than 150 square meters, the cooking shall be computed in accordance with the demand factors for ranges. Other load shall be permitted to be computed with _____ percent demand factor.


For a dwelling unit having a floor area more than 150 square meters, the feeder and service loads shall be computed with _______ percent demand factor on the airconditioning load and the lighting load.

300 mm, 180 VA

For branch circuit calculation of fixed multioutlet assemblies, where appliances are likely to be used simultaneously, each _____ or fraction thereof shall be considered as an outlet of not less than _____.

power monitoring equipment provides info for total general lighting and if it exceeds the energy code set

If the building is designed to comply with an energy code adopted by the local authority, lighting load shall be permitted to be based on that where what conditions are met?

device used to limit the current

If the track lighting is supplied through a device that limits the current to the track, the load shall be permitted to be calculated based on the rating of the ______.


If two or more single-phase dryers or ranges are supplied by a three phase, four wire feeder or service, the total load shall be calculated on the basis of ______ the maximum number connected between any two phases


If two-dwelling units is supplied by one feeder, the lesser between conventional and optional for multifamily considering three dwelling units is permitted.


If you use the conventional one in calculating a feeder for multifamily dwelling without cooking equipment and compared it with optional calculation with 8 kW cooking range, the lesser between the two shall be permitted to be used.

1500 VA

In each dwelling unit, the load shall be calculated at ______ for each 2-wire small appliance branch circuit as covered before that provide one 20 ampere.

open porches, garages, or unused or unfinished spaces not adaptable for future use

For dwelling units, the calculated floor area shall not include _____.


For kitchen loads in other than dwelling units, in no case shall the feeder or service calculated load be less than the sum of the largest _____ kitchen equipment loads.


Total load shall not exceed branch circuit and the maximum loads specified by lighting units that have ballasts, transformers, autotransformers, LED drivers, calculated load shall be based on the total ampere ratings of such units and not on the total watts of the lamps.

1/8 hp

Total load shall not exceed branch circuit and the maximum loads specified by motor-operated utilization equipment that is fastened in place and has a motor larger than _____ in combination with other loads, the total calculated load shall be based on 125 percent of the largest motor load plus the sum of the other loads.

115, 115/230, 208Y/120, 230, 380, 400Y/230, 460Y/265, 460, 660Y/380, and 660 volts

Enumerate the accepted nominal voltages in PEC.

15 and 20

Feeders supplying _____ and _____ ampere receptacle branch circuits shall be permitted to be protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter installed in a readily accessible location in lieu of the provisions for such interrupters.

180 VA

For branch circuit calculation, except in dwelling occupancies' own provisions, banks, and office buildings, receptacle outlets shall be calculated at not less than _____ for each single or for each multiple receptacle on one yoke.

20-ampere or less including branch-circuit for bathroom, outdoor receptacles, that one we require to be front and back in garage and in porches, ang lighting outlet except the unfinished basement

In one-family, two-family, multifamily, guest suites and guest rooms, hotels, motels, the general-use receptacle outlets are already included in general lighting loads by occupancy, every time that ______________________.

150 VA, 600 mm

In other than dwelling units or guest rooms or guest suites of hotels or motels, an additional load of _____ shall be included for every _____ of lighting track or fraction thereof.


Optional feeder and service load calculations shall be permissible conductors with an ampacity _____ or greater

10 kVA, 40 percent

For optional feeder and service calculation, 100 percent of the first ___ kVA plus ____ percent of the remainder.

70 percent

A service or feeder neutral supplying the following loads shall be permitted to have an additional demand factor of _____ applied to the amount in where supplies household ranges, wall-mounted ovens, dryers where demand factor for them is applied. A feeder or service supplying household ranges, ovens, dryers where maximum unbalanced load has been determined with the table. The portion of the unbalanced load in excess of 200 amperes where the feeder or service is supplied from a 3 wire DC or single-phase AC, 4 wire 3 phase, 3 wire 2 phase or 5 wire 2 phase.

100 percent

Fixed electric space-heating loads shall be calculated at ______ of the total connected load. However, in no case shall a feeder or service load current rating be less than the rating of the largest branch circuit supplied


For a dwelling unit having a floor area more than ______ square meters, the feeder and service loads shall be computed with 100 percent demand factor on the airconditioning load and the lighting load.

1500 mm, 180 VA

For branch circuit calculation of fixed multioutlet assemblies, where appliances are unlikely to be used simultaneously, each _____ mm or fraction thereof of each separate and continuous length shall be considered as one outlet of not less than _____.

90 VA

For branch circuit calculations in receptacle outlets except in banks, dwelling occupancies' own provision, and office buildings, a single piece of equipment consisting of a multiple receptacles shall be calculated at not less than _____ per receptacle.


For branch circuit computation in banks and office buildings, consider which is larger between the one where 180 VA per receptacle outlet and a single piece of equipment is 90 VA and one where we use 11 VA per square meter. In table, it says 28 VA/m2, so weird.

46.5 meter squared

For branch circuit computations, loads added to an existing dwelling units or for a previously unwired portion of an existing dwelling unit, either of which exceeds _____ shall be calculated normally. Even if previously wired or for other than dwelling.

100 percent; 100 percent; 100 percent, 65 percent; 65 percent; 40 percent; 100 percent

For dwelling units optional feeder and service calculation, for air-conditioning and heating load any of the greatest of the following shall be used: __________ of nameplate rating of air conditioning and cooling __________ of the heat pump when the heat pump is used without any supplemental electric heating __________ of the heat pump compressor and ________ of the supplemental electric heating for central electric space-heating systems. If the heat pump compressor is prevented from operating at the same time as the supplementary heat, it does not need to be added to the supplementary heat for the total central space heating load __________ of electric space heating if less than four separately controlled units __________ of electric space heating if four or more separately controlled units __________ of the nameplate ratings of electric thermal storage and other heating systems where the usual load is expected to be continuous at the full nameplate value. Systems qualifying under this selection shall not be calculated under any other selection.

Air-conditioning or electric space heating equipment 100 percent whichever is greater, less than four separately controlled space-heating units 100 percent. 8kVA first 100 percent and 40 percent remaining where the remaining covers the one in general

For optional feeder and service calculation for additional loads for dwelling units if containing air-conditioning or heating equipment, the load shall be calculated as

100 percent for first 8 kVA and 40 percent for the remaining where the loads mentioned here is the one in general

For optional feeder and service calculation for additional loads for dwelling units if not containing air-conditioning or heating equipment, the load shall be calculated as


For optional feeder and service calculation for multifamily dwelling, there is a table where demand factor is used for three or more dwelling units, use that when no dwelling is supplied by more than feeder, each is equipped with electric cooking, air-conditioning or electric space or both. Each house shall be calculated separately then apply demand factor.

24 VA/m2, 1500 VA per small appliance and laundry branch circuit, fixed appliances such as oven, range, dryer, water heater, air conditioning and heating has different provisions for load

For optional feeder or service calculation for dwelling units, where first 10 kVA is 100 and remainder is 40 percent, this applies to loads:


For show window lighting, a load of not less than _____ VA per linear meter shall be included for a show window, measured horizontally along its base.

200 VA per 300 mm

For show windows, in other outlets for branch circuit calculation, the rating shall have minimum of _____ per linear _____.


For sign and outline lighting, the minimum volt ampere for load calculation shall be _____.


For specific appliances or loads in other loads which is not included or mentioned in outlet for general-use receptacles aside from illumination, the VA shall be based on the ampere rating of the appliance or load to be served.


For supervised installations, feeder conductor sizing shall be permitted to be determined by qualified persons under engineering supervision.

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