Peds worksheets

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The nurse is admitting a child with rheumatic fever. Which therapeutic management should the nurse expect to implement?

Administering penicillin

The nurse has documented that a child's level of consciousness is obtunded. Which describes this level of consciousness?

Arousable with stimulation

A child is playing in the playroom. The nurse needs to do a blood pressure on the child. Which is the appropriate procedure for obtaining the blood pressure?

Ask the child to return to his or her room for the blood pressure, then escort the child back to the playroom.

Which is included in the diet of a child with minimal change nephrotic syndrome?

Salt restriction

A nurse is teaching nursing students the physiology of congenital heart defects. Which defect results in decreased pulmonary blood flow?

Tetralogy of Fallot

The nurse is using the NCHS growth chart for an African-American child. Which statement should the nurse consider?

The NCHS charts are accurate for U.S. African-American children

The nurse is caring for an adolescent who has just started dialysis. The child seems always angry, hostile, or depressed. The nurse should recognize that this is most likely related to:

adolescents often resenting the control and enforced dependence imposed by dialysis.

When the nurse interviews an adolescent, which is especially important?

allow an opportunity to express feelings

Katie, 4 years old, is admitted to outpatient surgery for removal of a cyst on her foot. Her mother puts the hospital gown on her, but Katie is crying because she wants to leave on her underpants. The most appropriate nursing action is to:

allow her to wear her underpants

Constipation has recently become a problem for a school-age girl. She is healthy except for seasonal allergies that are being treated with antihistamines. The nurse should suspect that the constipation is most likely caused by:


A school-age child is admitted to the hospital with acute glomerulonephritis and oliguria. Which dietary menu items should be allowed for this child?

apples, carrot sticks, strawberries

The nurse is preparing to perform a physical assessment on a 10-year-old girl. The nurse gives her the option of her mother either staying in the room or leaving. This action should be considered:

appropriate because of child's age

One of the supervisors for a home health agency asks the nurse to give the family a survey evaluating the nurses and other service providers. The nurse should recognize this as:

appropriate to improve quality of care

The nurse is taking a sexual history on an adolescent girl. Which is the best way to determine whether she is sexually active?

ask her, "are you having sex with anyone?"

Frequent urine testing for specific gravity and glucose are required on a 6-month-old infant. Which is the most appropriate way to collect small amounts of urine for these tests?

aspirate urine from cotton balls inside diaper w/ syringe

A nurse is caring for a school-age child with left unilateral pneumonia and pleural effusion. A chest tube has been inserted to promote continuous closed chest drainage. Which interventions should the nurse implement when caring for this child?

assessing the chest tube and drainage device for correct settings, administering prescribed doses of analgesia, monitoring for need of supplemental o2

An infant's parents ask the nurse about preventing OM. Which should be recommended?

avoid tobacco smoke

Which would be best for the nurse to use when determining the temperature of a preterm infant under a radiant heater?

axillary sensor

Which is now referred to as the "new morbidity"?

behavioral, social, and educational problems that alter health

Parents have a concern that their child is depressed. The nurse relates that which characteristic best describes children with depression?

change in appetite, resulting in weight loss or gain

The nurse is caring for a 6-year-old girl who had surgery 12 hours ago. The child tells the nurse that she does not have pain, but a few minutes later she tells her parents that she does. Which should the nurse consider when interpreting this?

children may be experiencing pain even though they deny it to the nurse

Matthew, age 18 months, has just been admitted with croup. His parent is tearful and tells the nurse, "This is all my fault. I should have taken him to the doctor sooner so he wouldn't have to be here." Which is appropriate in the care plan for this parent who is experiencing guilt?

clarify misconceptions about the illness

Which is instituted for the therapeutic management of minimal change nephrotic syndrome?


A school-age child, admitted for intravenous antibiotic therapy for osteomyelitis, reports difficulty in going to sleep at night. Which intervention should the nurse implement to assist the child in going to sleep at bedtime?

create a schedule similar to the one the child follows at home

The home health nurse asks a child's mother many questions as part of the assessment. The mother answers many questions, then stops and says, "I don't know why you ask me all this. Who gets to know this information?" The nurse should take which action?

explain who will have access to the information

Currently, the fastest-growing segment of the homeless population in the United States consists of:


Which leading cause of death topic should the nurse emphasize to a group of African-American boys ranging in ages 15 to 19 years?

firearm homicide

Kelly, an 8-year-old girl, will soon be able to return to school after an injury that resulted in several severe, chronic disabilities. Which is the most appropriate action by the school nurse?

prepare the child's classmates and teachers for changes they can expect

Surgical closure of the ductus arteriosus would:

prevent the return of oxygenated blood to the lungs.

Which is most descriptive of clinical reasoning?

purposeful and goal-directed

which action by the nurse demonstrates use of EBP?

questioning the use of daily central line dressing changes

A nurse on a pediatric unit is practicing family-centered care. Which is most descriptive of the care the nurse is delivering?

recognizing that the family is the constant in a child's life

A 6-year-old child is hospitalized for intravenous (IV) antibiotic therapy. He eats little on his "regular diet" trays. He tells the nurse that all he wants to eat is pizza, tacos, and ice cream. Which is the best nursing action?

request favorite foods for him

A nurse must do a venipuncture on a 6-year-old child. Which is an important consideration in providing atraumatic care?

restrain child only as needed to perform venipuncture safely

A nurse is assigned to four children of different ages. In which age group should the nurse understand that body integrity is a concern?

school-age child

A nurse is caring for four patients; three are toddlers and one is a preschooler. Which represents the major stressor of hospitalization for these four patients?

separation anxiety

Which is most suggestive that a nurse has a nontherapeutic relationship with a patient and family?

staff is concerned about the nurse's actions with the patient and family

Tepid water or sponge baths are indicated for hyperthermia in children. The nurse's action is to:

stop the bath if the child begins to chill

A child is being admitted to the hospital to be tested for cystic fibrosis (CF). Which tests should the nurse expect?

sweat chloride test, stool for fate, chest radiograph films

Lindsey, age 5 years, will be starting kindergarten next month. She has cerebral palsy, and it has been determined that she needs to be in a special education classroom. Her parents are tearful when telling the nurse about this and state that they did not realize her disability was so severe. The best interpretation of this situation is that:

this is a normal anticipated time of parental stress

Which is a frequent health problem of migrant children and adolescents in the United States?


A child has just been unexpectedly admitted to the intensive care unit after abdominal surgery. The nursing staff has completed the admission process, and the child's condition is beginning to stabilize. When speaking with the parents, the nurses should expect which stressors to be evident?

unfamiliar environment, strange smells, inadequate knowledge of condition and routines

A mother asks the nurse what would be the first indication that acute glomerulonephritis is improving. The nurse's best response should be that the:

urinary output will increase.

A nurse is planning care for a Spanish-speaking child and family. The nurse speaks limited Spanish. Which interventions should the nurse plan when caring for this child and family

use of language-line telephone interpreter if a hospital interpreter is not avail; use written cards w/ common phrases in Spanish language, when using a hospital interpreter, speak to the family not the interpreter

Which is most likely to encourage parents to talk about their feelings related to their child's illness?

use open-ended questions

What is an important consideration for the nurse who is communicating with a very young child?

use transition objects, such as a doll


vigorous stimulation produces no motor or verbal response

Which should the nurse teach about prevention of sickle cell crises to parents of a preschool child with sickle cell disease?

Notify the health care provider if a fever of 101.3F or greater occurs, give penicillin as prescribed, notify the health care provider if you child begins to develop symptoms of a cold

An infant with hydrocephalus is hospitalized for surgical placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Which interventions should be included in the child's postoperative care?

Observe closely for signs of infection, maintain an accurate record of intake and output, monitor for abdominal distention

s/sx of increased ICP in infants

Observe closely for signs of infection.

Which painful, tender, pea-sized nodules may appear on the pads of the fingers or toes in bacterial endocarditis?

Osler nodes

The nurse is caring for a child with persistent hypoxia secondary to a cardiac defect. The nurse recognizes that a risk exists of cerebrovascular accidents (strokes). Which is an important objective to decrease this risk?

Prevent dehydration.

Seventy-two hours after cardiac surgery, a young child has a temperature of 101° F. Which action should the nurse take?

Report findings to physician.

A child dependent on medical technology is preparing to be discharged from the hospital to home. Which predischarge assessments should the nurse ensure?

emergency care and transport plain, financial arrangements

Which type of croup is always considered a medical emergency?


The nurse is talking to the parent of a 13-month-old child. The mother states, "My child does not make noises like 'da' or 'na' like my sister's baby, who is only 9 months old." Which statement by the nurse would be most appropriate to make?

"I am going to request a referral to a hearing specialist."

A school-age child with diarrhea has been rehydrated. The nurse is discussing the child's diet with the family. Which statement by the parent would indicate a correct understanding of the teaching?

"I should have my child eat a normal diet with easily digested foods for the next 48 hours."

A nurse is teaching an adolescent how to use the peak expiratory flowmeter. The adolescent has understood the teaching if which statement is made?

"I will record these readings as the same time every day"

A mother calls the outpatient clinic requesting information on appropriate dosing for over-the-counter medications for her 13-month-old who has symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection and fever. The box of acetaminophen says to give 120 mg q4h when needed. At his 12-month visit, the nurse practitioner prescribed 150 mg. The nurse's best response is:

"The nurse practitioner ordered the drug based on weight, which is a more accurate way of determining a therapeutic dose."

A 3-year-old child is hospitalized after a submersion injury. The child's mother complains to the nurse, "Being at the hospital seems unnecessary when he is perfectly fine." The nurse's best reply should be:

"The reason for this is that complications could still occur."

The nurse is teaching the parent about the diet of a child experiencing severe edema associated with acute glomerulonephritis. Which information should the nurse include in the teaching?

"You will need to avoid adding salt to your child's food."

A preschool child is scheduled for an echocardiogram. Parents ask the nurse whether they can hold the child during the procedure. The nurse should answer with which response?

"Your child must lie quietly; sometimes a mild sedative is administered before the procedure."

The parents of a child hospitalized with sickle cell anemia tell the nurse that they are concerned about narcotic analgesics causing addiction. Which is appropriate for the nurse to explain about narcotic analgesics?

Rarely cause addiction because they are medically indicated

The nurse is teaching nursing students about childhood fractures. Which describes a compound skull fracture?

Bone is exposed through the skin

The school nurse is informed that a child with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) will be attending school soon. Which is an important nursing intervention?

Carefully follow universal precautions.

Mark, a 9-year-old with Down syndrome, is mainstreamed into a regular third-grade class for part of the school day. His mother asks the school nurse about programs, such as Cub Scouts, that he might join. The nurse's recommendation should be based on which statement?

Children with Down syndrome have the same need for socialization as other children.

Which immunization should not be given to a child receiving chemotherapy for cancer?

Measles, rubella, mumps

The nurse is teaching parents about the importance of iron in a toddler's diet. Which explains why iron deficiency anemia is common during toddlerhood?

Milk is a poor source of iron.

A lumbar puncture is needed on a school-age child. The most appropriate action to provide analgesia during this procedure is to apply _____ before the procedure.

EMLA (eutectic mixture of local anesthetics) 1 hour

Which is the most appropriate vision acuity test for a child who is in preschool?

HOTV chart

s/sx of increased ICP in older children

Headache, nausea, loss of consciousness, lethargy, diplopia, seizures

The nurse is discussing sexuality with the parents of an adolescent girl with moderate cognitive impairment. Which should the nurse consider when dealing with this issue?

Individuals with cognitive impairment need a well-defined, concrete code of sexual conduct.

When caring for the child with Kawasaki disease, the nurse should know which information?

Therapeutic management includes administration of gamma globulin and aspirin.

Which is most descriptive of the pathophysiology of leukemia?

Unrestricted proliferation of immature white blood cells (WBCs) occurs.

Which is a major complication in a child with chronic renal failure?

Water and sodium retention


ability to think clearly and rapidly is lost

What factors indicate parents should seek genetic counseling for their child

abnormal newborn screen, family hx of hereditary disease, metabolic disorder

A family wants to begin oral feeding of their 4-year-old son, who is ventilator-dependent and currently tube-fed. They ask the home health nurse to feed him the baby food orally. The nurse recognizes a high risk of aspiration and an already compromised respiratory status. The most appropriate nursing action is to:

acknowledge their request, explain the risks, and explore with the family the available options.


defect encases meninges and CSF without neurological deficit


defecte encases meninges, CSF, and nerves with neurological deficit.

Children are taught the values of their culture through observation and feedback, relative to their own behavior. In teaching a class on cultural competence, the nurse should be aware that which factor(s) may be culturally determined?

degree of competition, determination of status, social roles

a nurse recognizes which physiologic response as a manifestation of pain in neonate?

diaphoresis, decreases SaO2, increased HR

A school-age child has sustained a head injury and multiple fractures after being thrown from a horse. The child's level of consciousness is variable. The parents tell the nurse that they think their child is in pain because of periodic crying and restlessness. The most appropriate nursing action is to:

discuss with practitioner what analgesia can be safely administered.

A child is admitted with acute glomerulonephritis. The nurse should expect the urinalysis during this acute phase to show:

hematuria, proteinuria.

A nurse is planning a teaching session for parents of preschool children. Which statement explains why the nurse should include information about morbidity and mortality?

high-risk age groups for certain disorders or hazards are identified

A nurse is admitting an infant with dehydration caused from water loss in excess of electrolyte loss. Which type of dehydration is this infant experiencing?


The nurse must assess 10-month-old infant. The infant is sitting on the father's lap and appears to be afraid of the nurse and of what might happen next. Which initial action by the nurse would be most appropriate?

initiate a game of peek-a-boo

Autism is a complex developmental disorder. The diagnostic criteria for autism include delayed or abnormal functioning in which areas with onset before age 3 years?

language as used in social communication, symbolic or imaginative play, social interaction

A child is unconscious after a motor vehicle accident. The watery discharge from the nose tests positive for glucose. The nurse should recognize that this suggests:

leaking of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Which symptoms should the nurse expect to observe during the physical assessment of an adolescent girl with severe weight loss and disrupted metabolism associated with anorexia nervosa?

lowered body temperature and brittle nails

Which is descriptive of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

manifestations affect every aspect of the child's life but are mostly obvious in the classroom

Meperidine (Demerol) is not recommended for children in sickle cell crisis because it:

may induce seizures.

Nonpharmacologic strategies for pain management

may reduce pain perception

An appropriate nursing intervention when caring for an unconscious child should be to:

monitor fluid intake and output carefully to avoid fluid overload and cerebral edema.

Which is the leading cause of death from unintentional injuries for females ranging in age from 1 to 14?

motor-vehicle-related fatalities

A Hispanic toddler has pneumonia. The nurse notices that the parent consistently feeds the child only the broth that comes on the clear liquid tray. Food items, such as Jell-O, Popsicle, and juices are left. Which statement would best explain this?

parent is trying to restore normal balance through appropriate hot remedies


person awakens easily but exhibits limited responsiveness


person is unable to recognize place or persn


person requires considerable stimulation to arouse


person sleeps unless aroused, limited interaction

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