Pelvic girdle, thighs, legs, feet
Bones forming the instep of the foot
Patella, tibia, and femur
Bones forming the knee joint
Bones of the ankle
False: Phalanges
Bones present both the hand and the foot are CARPALS.
False: Hip bones
Bones that provide the most protection to the abdominal viscera are the RIBS.
Heel bone
Ilium, ischium, and pubis
Bones to form the coxal bone (hip bone)
Deep socket in the hip bone that receives the head of the thigh bones
Medial malleolus
Distal process on medial tibial surface
Medial bone of the leg
Lateral bone of the leg
Longest bone in the body; articulates with the coxal bone
Obturator foramen
Opening in the coxal bone formed by the ou is and ischial rami
Sacroiliac joint
Point where the axial Skelton attaches to the pelvic girdle
Pubic symphysis
Point where the coxal bones join anteriorly
Tibial tuberosity
Point where the patellar ligament attaches
Lateral malleolus
Process forming the outer ankle
Ischias tuberosity
Receives the weight of the body when sitting
Greater and lesser trochanters
Sites of the muscle attachment on the proximal end of the femur
Tarsal bone that articulates with the tibia.
False: pelvic
The PECTORAL girdle is formed bu the articulation of the hip bones and the sacrum
False: Sciatic
The large nerve that must be avoided when giving injections into the buttock muscle is the FEMORAL nerve.
The largest foramen in skull is the FORAMEN MAGNUM.
The long bones of fetus are constructed of HYALINE cartilage.
False: Acetabulum
The point of fusion of the three bones forming the coxal bone is the GLENOID CAVITY.
The tough, fibrous connective tissue covering of a bone is their PERIOSTEUM
Iliac crest
Upper margin of the iliac bones