Pelvis and hip anatomy

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How do you find the neck of the femur

-It is 2 1/2 inches below an invisible line drawn between the ASIS and the superior border of the symphysis pubis

How much of each part of the pelvis makes up the acetabulum

-It is 2/5 ilium, 2/5 ischium/ and 1/5 pubis

Is the intertrochanteric line on the anterior or posterior femur

-It is anterior

What type of joints are the sacroiliac (SI) joints classified as

-It is classified as a synovial irregular gliding joint, a slightly moveable (a.k.a. Amphiarthrodial)

What are the SI joints classified as

-Synovial, amphiarthrodial

What forms the prominence of the hip

-The ala

What are the important structures of the ilium

-The anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS), the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS), the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS), the posterior inferior iliac spine (PIIS), the iliac crest, and the greater sciatic notch

What is the hip joint

-The articulation between the acetabulum and the head of the femur

What is the pubic symphysis

-The articulation between the superior rami of the left and right pubic bones

What are the sacroiliac (SI) joints

-The articulation of the left and right ilia with the sacrum posteriorly

What is the longest, strongest, and heaviest bone in the body

-The femur

What is the most superior aspect of the pelvis

-The iliac crest

What three parts make up the hip bone

-The ilium, the ischium, and the pubis

What is the most inferior structure on the pelvis

-The ischial tuberosity

What are important structures of the ischium

-The ischial tuberosity, the obturator foramen, the ischial spine, aand the lesser sciatic notch

What forms the obturator foramen

-The ischium and the pubis (it is the largest foramen) in the body)

Which gender is characterized by a heavy pelvis

-The male pelvis

What is the structure of the male vs. female pelvis

-The male pelvis is narrow and deep and the female pelvis is wide and shallow

Is the intertrochanteric crest on the medial or lateral aspect of the proximal femur

-The medial side

What is the difference between the pelvis and the pelvic girdle

-The pelvis consists of all 4 bones and the pelvic girdle consists of only the 2 hip bones (the sacrum and coccyx are part of the vertebral canal)

What forms the hip joint

-The proximal femur and pelvis join to form the hip joint (articulates at the acetabulum)

What is included in the proximal femur

-the femoral head, neck, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter, and the body

What does the ischium consist of

-A body and an ischial ramus

What 2 parts make up the ilium

-A body and the ala

What does the pubis consist of

-A body, superior ramus, and inferior ramus

What type of joint is the pubic symphysis classified as

-A cartilaginous symphysis joint, a slightly movable (a.k.a. Amphiarthrodial)

What is the fovea capitis

-A small, concave, depression within the head of the femur that serves as an attachment point for the ligamentum teres

What type of joint is the hip joint classified as

-A synovial ball and socket joint, freely moving in all directions (a.k.a. Diarthrodial)

Where is the false or greater pelvis

-Above the pelvic brim

Where is the true or lesser pelvis

-Below the pelvic brim

What is the shape of the superior aperture (also called the inlet) of the male vs. female pelvis

-Female is oval, male is round

What is the shape of the inferior aperture (also called the outlet) of the male vs. female pelvis

-Female is wide, male is narrow

Where is the pubis in relation to the acetabulum

-Inferior and anterior to it

Where is it located in relation to the acetabulum

-Inferior and posterior to it

Where is the pelvic brim

-It extends from the upper anterior margin of the sacrum to the upper margin of the pubic symphysis

How do you find the head of the femur

-It is 1 1/2 inches below an invisible line drawn between the ASIS and the superior border of the symphysis pubis

What does the pelvis consist of

2 hip bones (Os Coxae or Innominate), 1 sacrum and 1 coccyx

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