Percentages and Comparison
100% is the same as saying.....
100/100. For example: 100/100 of this circle is shaded so 100% of this circle is shaded.
Increase of 15% results in having...
115% of original stuff. 1+0.15=1.15
A percentage is a part per 100. The symbol is %.
Absolute Change
Actual increase or decrease from a reference value to a new value.
Fall in value
100% of any number is...
Just the number unchanged. For example: 100% of 75 is 75
Rise in value
Relative Change
Size of the absolute change in comparison to the reference value. Can be expressed as a percentage. |end - start|/start
Reference Value
Starting Number or Original Value. Used as base.
Decrease of 90% means you now have...
only 10% left. 1-0.10=0.90 and 1-0.90=0.10
Find relative increase and relative size starting with 2 apples and ending with 3.
|3-2|/2=50% 50% increase in apples. 3/2=150% We now have 150% of our starting apple supply.
What is relative decrease and relative size starting with $5 and ending with $4.
|4-5|/5=20% 20% decrease of money. 4/5=80% We have 80% of our initial cash.
Compare 5 and 4 by % decrease, % increase, % size of each.
|4-5|/5=20%. Decrease 5 by 20% and you have 4. |5-4|/4=25%. Increase 4 by 25% and you get 5. 5/4=120%. 5 is 120% the size of 4. 4/5=75%. 4 is 75% the size of 5.