Perry Notes
Inactive substance given to form a control condition
interpersonal reactivity index (IRI)
a 28-item self-report measure with 4 subscales
a complex measure of interpersonal reactivity, consisting of 4 measures: perspective taking, emphatic concern, personal distress and fantasy abilities.
a social hormone found in humans that heightens the importance of social cues and is linked to positive social behaviors such as helping but can also lead to lack of cooperation with out-groups.
Social Salience hypothesis
alters the perceptual salience and/or the processing of social cues; can have opposite effects depending on the social situation
comfortable interpersonal distance paradigm - a widely used, validated test that allows the participant to choose the preferred interpersonal distance with different people
formal interactions; use louder voices; e.g. with boss);
neither the participant nor the researcher present is aware of how is receiving the "real" treatment or the placebo
person giving a speech
interaction effect
the effect of 2 or more independent variables on at least one dependent variable
Interpersonal distance
the relative distance between people - the area of space in which people prefer others do not enter; differs depending on cultural norms and the situation/relationship.
differential effect
when one or more individuals experience a difference in outcome when exposed to the same stimuli
(most everyday interactions where we can see, touch and hear the other person);
(romantic partners and close family; involves all senses);
social cues
Facial expressions or body language which people use to send messages to one another
social salience
Importance or attention someone gives to cues from other people