PHARM exam 2 ex questions

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When a client is taking varenicline for smoking cessastion, which symptom reported by the client is most important for the nurse to communicate to the health care provider?

Changes in behavior or thought processes. -

The nurse teaches a client's family about the administration of donepezil for treatment of dementia of Alzeheimer type. Which side effect identified by the caregiver indicates to the nurse that further teaching is needed?

Constipation -Donepezil, is a cholinesterase inhibitor

Which intravenous medication would the nurse anticipate the health care provider will prescribe for a client who has a tonic-clonic seizure?

Diazepam -benzodiazepine that has muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effects that help limit massive muscular spasms.

Which clinical finding would the nurse expect when assessing a client newly diagnosed with myasthenia gravis?

Diplopia -Inadequate contraction of the ocular muscles results in double vision

Which action would the nurse perform when beginning pyridostigmine bromide therapy for a client with myasthenia gravis?

Evaluate the client's muscle strength every hour after the medication is given. -pyridostigmine is 30-45 mins after administration and the effects last up to 6 hours.

Which concern will the nurse keep in mind when a client has been taking a benzodiazepine?

Rebound insomia may occur if the medication is discontinued abruptly

Which instruction would the nurse include when planning care with a client newly diagnosed with myasthenia gravis who is experiencing diplopia, ptosis, and mild dysphagia?

Take prescribed anticholinergic medications on schedule -myasthenia gravis

Why would the nurse instruct a client with myasthenia gravis to take pyridostigmine about 1 hour before meals?

Taking it before meals improves the ability to chew. -Peak action of the medication will occur during meals to promote chewing and swallowing and prevent aspiration.

Which statement about benzodiazepines requires correction?

These medications increase the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid

Which type of urinary condition would cholinergic agonists be prescribed for?

Urine retetion -Cholineregics intensify and prolong the action of acetylcholine, which increases the tone in the genitourinary tract, preventing urinary retention.

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