phil exam 2

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violation of the formula of humanity;

respecting others as free and rational beings includes respecting the most significant of the relationships they enter into as free and rational beings, namely, love relationships

DCT & making sense of morality (Jordan) 5

since god is a person, violating a divine command is committing an offense against a person and remorse is an appropriate response to an offense one commits against a person =transgression against gods creation=remorse

Jordans critique of motivational dependence (2)

some largely secular nations (sweden) have lower rates of violent crime than some largely religious ones

The Belmont report: (1978)

specified guidelines for the ethical treatment of human subjects in research

Kants categorical imperative requires

that any being with reason and will must be treated as an end and never merely as a means.

an argument for the existence of values beyond our ken:

that it is only infirmity or death that halts human progress in moral wisdom gives us good reason to believe that there are values unknown to human beings

what is Plantinga response to the logical version in terms of natural evil?

that such evils might be the work of free, malevolent spirits (demons) thus the free will defense may still apply

applied ethics

the application of normative theories to practical moral problems, such as abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide

Normative Ethics

the attempt to formulate theories and principles that can be used to distinguish between morally correct and morally incorrect behaviors =rules, laws to give guidance, between right or wrong

Tooleys argument to moral modesty:

the best explanation for this lack of progress in ethics over the past two thousand years is that human beings already know all the fundamental values there are to know

Morality (jordan);

the branch of practical rationality that deals with weighty, objectively valid reasons for acting which are logically independent of an agents self-interest and which are such that failure to conform to them merits remorse

what is the problem of evil?

the charge

DCT & making sense of morality (Jordan) 3

the content of divine commands are logically independent of any particular agents interests =God is seeking perfection of creation

An inductive/evidential version of the problem of evil attempts to show that

the evil in the universe renders God's non-existence more likely than Gods existence

the categorical imperative (Kant) 3

the ground of the intrinsic worth of persons and what is deserving of respect is that they are rational and autonomous

what is william Alston's critique?

the inference used to support premise (we have good inductive evidence for believing that there are cases of gratuitous evil) is an inductive inference to a negative existential conclusion

moral modest response proposition b)

the most effective way for human beings to contribute to gods overall plan for the universe is to follow the moral code that god has written into their intellects

what is Mackie's conclusion?

the only plausible candidate for rejection is therefore GOd does not exist

logical versions:

the stronger charge it is logically contradictory to believe in Gods existence and the existence of any evil in the universe


the study of the difference between morally correct and morally incorrect behavior


the study of the foundations of reasoning about morality =objective or subjective

Mackie third fallacious solution:

the universe is better with some evil in it than it could be if there were no evil

the dependency thesis; practical irrationality interpretation (2)

theists can be confident about being rewarded but atheists cannot; thus atheists will never be rewarded for their sacrifice acting against own self interests

Presupposition of the theists response to Alston:

there are values beyond those of which humans beings are aware

According to J.L. Mackie, the following four claims constitute an inconsistent set. Which of the four is, according to J.L. Mackie, the only plausible candidate for rejection?

there exists an omni-natured creator of the universe

What is Mackie's first beliefs constitute a logically inconsistent set?

there exists an omni-natured creator of the universe (reject it)

the first claim of the cerro torre controversy; (equally objective)

there is a fact of the matter about whether Maestri and Eggers stood on the summit of the cerro torre in january 1959 (either they did or didnt)

what is Mackies second belief constitute a logically inconsistent set?

there is evil in the universe (any evil)

jordans critique of practical irrationality interpretation (2)

there is nothing inherently irrational about valuing things other than one's own welfare more than one own welfare

Religious critique of extremism (2)

these gifts give human beings a special place in the created order

What is the general feature of Religious extrmism?

they attempt to diminish significantly the role of reason and free choice in human life, with particular emphasis on diminishing their role in the acquisition of beliefs

extremist religious leaders violate true religion way 1

they fail to respect the reason of their subjects adn thus fail to honor what is a singularly precious gift that the creator has bestowed upon human beings

jordans critique of practical irrationality interpretation (1)

this misconstrues the nature of morality. morality requires that we do what is morally right because it is right and not out of self interest

A version the atheist may believe that no one is rationally justified in believing that the theistic God exists according to William Rowe is:

unfriendly atheism

commodifying a love relationship

using anothers love relationship as a mere tool to advance ones own ends

What is Alstons conclusion?

we are not justified in concluding that an inscrutable evil is actually a gratuitous evil

what is the third problem of gratuitous evil?

we have good inductive evidence for believing that God does not exist (main point of contemplation)

what is the second problem of gratuitous evil?

we have good inductive evidence for believing that there are causes of gratuitous evil

What is an example Jordan gives of a possible conflict between self-interest and moral obligation? (1)

a person who promises to return a textbook to the bookstore but later considers selling it when the employee who loaned it to her leaves the bookstore

What is an example Jordan gives of a possible conflict between self-interest and moral obligation? (3)

a salesperson who made a very foolish and costly mistake; however, a coworker is mistakenly blamed for the mistake and will be fired unless the salesperson speaks up

what is mackie fourth belief constitute a logically inconsistent set?

all evils are contingent (theist even agree)

an argument for the existence of values beyond our ken:

all human beings have their growth in moral wisdom terminated by infirmity or death

Divine command theory (Jordan)

an action is morally wrong if it is forbidden by God, morally obligatory if it is required by God, and morally optional if it is neither forbidden nor required by God

an inscrutable evil is;

an evil which is such that human beings can identify no plausible justification God might have for allowing it

An inscrutable evil is:

an evil which is such that human beings can identify no plausible justification god might have for allowing it

Justified Evil

any evil that God could not have prevented without allowing some equal or greater evil or forfeiting some equal or greater good

Inscrutable evil:

any evil which is such that human beings can identify no plausible justification God might have for allowing it. (no good reason)

Gratuitous evil:

any unjustified evil; that is, an evil that God could have prevented without allowing some equal or greater evil or forfeiting some equal or greater good. (NO reasons)

Alston's evaluation of inductive inferences to negative existential conclusions:

are sometimes justified and other times not junk pile=not justified

What is a characteristic of a moral reasoning according to Matthew Jordan (1)

being logically independent of self-interest

What is a characteristic of a moral reasoning according to Matthew Jordan (2)

being objectively valid

What is a characteristic of a moral reasoning according to Matthew Jordan (3)

being weighty

The dependency thesis; motivational dependence:

belief in god is necessary for humans to be motivated to do what is morally right

objectively valid

binding on all human beings ex; slavery, child abuse

One noteworthy feature of Al-Farabis account is his;

contention that the vicious leader reduces his subjects to "tools" and "possessions"

moral evil:

deliberately brought about by free human action

If J.L. Mackie were to reformulate his logical version of the problem of evil in terms of natural evil, Alvin Plantinga would respond by appealing to the logical possibility of:


DCT & making sense of morality (Jordan) 1

divine commands are objectively valid

DCT & making sense of morality (Jordan) 2

divine commands give us reasons to act

the dependency thesis; practical irrationality interpretation (1)

doing what is morally right sometimes involves sacrificing one's own welfare for the sake of others moral principles=not lying, keep promises

ethical subjectivism (metaethics)

ethical values and principles are merely the product of such human subjective states as beliefs, choices, emotions, and desires =no right or wrong, no moral facts

Ethical Objectivism (metaethics) Jordan *most common

ethical values and principles are not merely the product of such human subjective states as beliefs, choices, emotions and desires =are moral facts, morally correct behavior

Good Inductive Evidence

evidence that renders a conclusion more likely to be true than false (probability above .5)

Mackie fourth fallacious solution:

evil is due to human freewill

Mackie second fallacious solution:

evil is necessary as a means to good

The commodification of religion; "trafficking in religion"

extremist religious leaders are turning what should be a sacred relationship into a mere commodity, a tool that is used to advance their private ends of power, fame and wealth

Religious critique of extremism (1)

freedom and reason are significant gifts of the creator

A version of atheism that holds that some theists are rationally justified in believing that the theistic God exists is what William Rowe calls;

friendly atheism

DCT & making sense of morality (Jordan) 4

given gods sovereignty and infinite perfection, gods commands are particularly significant or weighty =in the service of god

What is the free will defense explaining moral evil by the theistic strategy?

god could only eliminate all moral evil by not creating free creatures (Plantinga)

moral modest response proposition a)

god likely has reasons for allowing evils where these reasons are beyond our ability to know

Aristotle's notion of eudaemonia typically translated as

happiness or fullfillment

an argument for the existence of values beyond our ken:

human beings are able to advance in moral wisdom throughout their lives

redemptive accounts:

human beings are alienated from what should be our greatest source of value in life, that is, having a proper relationship with god

Tooleys argument to moral modesty:

human beings have not built upon the accumulated wisdom of previous generations in such a way that the progress of moral theory has modeled that of scientific theory

argument 2) to show that moral modesty entails moral skepticism:

if any atrocity might be justified by reasons beyond our ken, then we have no more reason to prevent any atrocity than we do to allow it

what is the first problem of gratuitous evil?

if god existed, then there would not be any cases of gratuitous evil

when is an inductive inference to a negative existential conclusion is justified only?

if it is based on at least a moderately thorough search, with a probability of above .5

the second claim of the cerro torre controversy; (equally objective)

if maestri lied about their achievement, what he did was wrong

argument 1) to show that moral modesty entails moral skepticism

if moral modesty is true, then any atrocity might be such that it is justified for reasons beyond our ken

argument 4) to show that moral modesty entails moral skepticism:

if moral modesty is true, then we have no moral knowledge (stuck as moral skeptics)

argument 3) to show that moral modesty entails moral skepticism:

if we are not justified in preventing any atrocity, then we have no moral knowledge

A version the atheist may hold no belief concerning whether any theist is or isn't rationally justified in believing that the theistic God exists according to William Rowe is;

indifferent atheism

according to William Alston, an inductive inference to a negative existential conclusion;

is only justified if it is based on at least a moderately thorough search

religious extremism characteristic (1)

it advocates the use of coercive measures to induce others to accept the religions distinctive beliefs and practices

religious extremism characteristic (2)

it advocates the use of coercive measures to silence criticism of or rational inquiry into the religions distinctive beliefs and practices

religious extremism characteristic (3)

it discourages the use of reason as an avenue for achieving knowledge or guiding conduct and substitutes in reasons place a reliance upon revelation for the acquisition of belief

Religious critique of extremism (3)

it is irregular to denigrate these gifts

What is not one of the characteristics of religious extremism identified?

it promotes works of charity

which of the following is an example of a moral evil?

knowingly slandering a business competitor in order to increase one's profit

what are the two versions of the problem of evil?

logical and evidential/inductive

evidential/inductive versions:

maintain that the evil in the universe renders God's non-existence more probable than God's existence.

Jordans critique of motivational dependence; (1)

many atheists are morally splendid individuals

the branch of ethics that studies the foundations of moral reasoning is known as;


the branches of ethics;

metaethics, normative ethics, applied ethics

natural evil

misfortunes that happen as a result of natural forces

what are the two kinds of evil?

moral and natural

soul-making accounts:

moral and spiritual maturity; the natural evils one encounters in the world provide the opportunity for us to develop moral and spiritual maturity

What is the interpretation of the dependency thesis that morality depends on God does Matthew Jordan accept?

moral facts do no exist unless God also exists

the dependency thesis; metaphysical interpretation;

moral facts do not exist unless God also exits (jordan)

The Dependency thesis:

morality depends upon god

The formula of humanity (Kant)

never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end

what is the inference from inscrutable to gratuitous evil?

our inability to think of any reasons that would justify god in allowing cases of inscrutable evil shows that there are no reasons that would justify god in allowing such cases of evil


overwhelm, overrides

Humanity (Kant)

person or being who has reason and free will

Practical Rationality

reasoning about what to do; morality is a subset

what is the theistic strategy for handling natural evil?

redemptive and soul-making accounts

What is the first of the belmont reports basic ethical principle;

respect for persons

Who was the virtuous religious leader strives to bring his subjects to true happiness along with Aristotle?


who wrote that the real goal of extremist religious leaders was "to safeguard their false positions which they have earned without merit, simply for the sake of high office and trafficking with religion"?


Who claims that the real goal of such leaders is "to safeguard their false positions which they have earned without merit, simply for the sake of high office and trafficking with religion"?

Al-Kindi (muslim)

Is the Inference from Inscrutable Evil to Gratuitous Evil Justified?

Alston it is not; finitude and imperfection of our intellects-infinite understanding

Who was the Roman catholic who refused to serve in the German army and was convicted and executed?

Franz Jagerstatter

Moral Modesty

Given the finitude and imperfection of our intellects, our moral intuitions and judgments about what is good and bad are based on a limited understanding of all there is to know about value. An omniscient God would likely be aware of goods - things and states of affairs of value - that are beyond our ken (our ability to know).

Mackie first fallacious solution:

Good cannot exist without evil or evil is necessary as a counterpart to good

What is the best explanation according to Michael Tooley for the fact that human beings have not built upon the accumulated wisdom of previous generations in such a way that the progress of moral theory has modeled that of scientific theory?

Human beings already know all the fundamental values there are to know

Who wrote the best known instance of a logical version?

J.L. Mackie

Who opposed the religious extremism of the Taliban by blogging in favor of the right of girls to be educated?

Malala Yousafzai

What philosopher is a graduate of OU and what is the title of his paper?

Matthew Jordan; God and Morality

negative existential conclusion:

a conclusion that something doesn't exist

inductive inference

a logical inference that is probably (but not necessarily) true (inductive=not seeing)

Cerro Torre is:

a mountain in Patagonia

what is mackies third belief constitute a logically inconsistent set?

a perfectly good being would prevent any evil it could prevent (moral truth)

What is the Plantinga response (the most famous) focus on the third of Mackies?

a perfectly good being would prevent any evil it could prevent provided it could do so without forfeiting some equal or greater good. *by eliminating human freedom

the categorical imperative (Kant) 1

a person ought to be respected as having intrinsic worth and not mere market value

the categorical imperative (kant) 2

a person should not be used as a mere tool for achieving ones ends

What is not one of the examples Jordan gives of a possible conflict between self-interest and moral obligation?

a person who can get away with cheating on a final exam in a class needed for their college degree, and the degree is necessary for them to start a lucrative job

What is an example Jordan gives of a possible conflict between self-interest and moral obligation? (2)

a person who may join a powerful secret society that will help advance their career; however, a condition of admission is that the person cause someone to fall in love with them and then break their heart

extremist religious leaders violate true religion way 2

when they use the religious faith of their subjects to advance their own private ambitions, they are degrading what they should regard as the highest expression of human freedom and reason, a love relationship with the creator, by treating it as a mere instrument to their own private ends

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