Phil. Final

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Which of the following statements is incorrect:

Feminist philosophers believe such as Frye and Bartky believe that that the traditional analyses of freedom are adequate enough to describe the situation of women's freedom.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Moral skepticism argues that moral truths exist.

What does Sartre's principle that "existence precedes essence" mean?

We create our own meaning.

The term ethics comes from the notion of _____________

a way of life

For Kierkegaard, the moral goal in life is to achieve a state of __________

awareness of one's place in the world.

Virtue ethics says that doing the right thing is ultimately a matter of ______________


Aristotle defines the good as ________________

that at which all things aim.

Utilitarianism says that the ultimate moral good is _______________.

whatever brings about the most happiness for the most people.

Hedonism says that ____________

whatever brings pleasure is the ultimate good

Which of the following statements is true?

Egoism contends that an act is good because its consequences benefits the I or the self

Marilyn Frye Jean-paul sarte Jean Grimshaw W.T. Stance

-American feminist who introduces the concept of double blind, wherein she gives an example of Western women facing societal contradictions: that if unmarried and has sex, a woman is often identified as promiscuous; and if she avoids having sex, she is labeled as frigid, bitter or a man-hater. -though that our actions are determined completely by ourselves. -in her work, she analyzes the ways in which the patriarchal repressive social forces (originating from men in male-dominated societies) can erode individual's autonomy - that is, their ability to think independently. -Proponent of compatibilism which contends that freedom is "compatible" with determinism.

Hypothetical imperatives Categorical imperatives Utilitarianism Egoism Speciesism The quality of pleasures

-Are conditional imperatives - ifs and buts - that an act is good IF it benefits "me" or "others." -Are absolute moral statements - no exceptions, no ifs and buts - that we ought to do the right thing because it is our moral duty to do so. -A consequentialist type of moral theory which holds that an act is good because it benefits the majority. -A consequentialist type of theory which holds that an act is good because it benefits me. -Is a prejudice or attitude of bias in favor of the interests of members of one's own species and against those members of other species. -Pleasures that are higher than physical, sensual pleasures; these are the rational, intellectual or spiritual types of pleasures.

The divine-command theory Tha natural law theory Ethical egoism Ethical absolutism Ethical subjectivism Cultural relativism

-Contends that what is morally right and good is defined simply God's will or commandments. -Maintains that we can discover natural moral truths through reason and reflection. -The belief that the highest moral value for all humans is to pursue their own happiness -Contends that at least some moral values apply to every individual and every culture in every time period. -Maintains that all moral values are relative to the individual. -Contends that all moral values are relative to the specific culture.

Ruth benedict Ayn Rand Natural law theory psychological egosim

-Cultural relativism -Ethical egoism -St. Thomas Aquinas -Thomas Hobbes

Which of the folllowing statements are true as far as Kant's deontology is concerned?

-Immanuel Kant's ethics proposes universal, categorical moral truths that are in themselves self-evident: that racism, sexism, war, terrorism, lying, abortion and death penalty are morally wrong. -For Immanuel Kant, in order for an act to be good, both the means and end have to be good. -For Kant, lying is wrong - and such a moral statement is categorical, no exceptions. -For Kant, the end does not justify the means. Hence Kant believes that what Robin Hood did was wrong, and that is stealing, even though his end-goal is good, and that is to make the underprivileged poor people happy.

Which of the following statements that are untrue about the natural law ethics and the divine-command theory?

-Natural law ethics is the same as the divine-command theory. -The divine-command theory maintains that morality can be known by the use of reason whereas the natural law ethics maintains that morality is dependent on the commandments of God. -For the natural law ethicists like St. Thomas Aquinas, morality is solely based on the Bible. -Similar to the arguments of the natural law theory, the divine-command theory maintains that one has to question the commandments of God.

Which of the following statements that truly speak of Ayn Rand's philosophy?

-Pursuing your self-interest means creating a value system that is not destructive yourself nor is it destructive to others. -"Selfishness is not evil; altruism is evil." -The ultimate moral value of pursuing one's self-interest means pursuing one's rational self-interest."

Good faith Bad faith a universe of actualities a universe of possibilities

-To Sartre, it is when people seek to affirm their lives not by escaping from the choices and responsibilities that they are making. -To Sartre, it is when people seek to deny their lives by escaping from the choices and responsibilities that they are making. -To James, it is when no other possibilities exist other than those that occur, that if the events of the universe were a story, there is one way and one way only that this story could ever be told. This is the determinist view. -To James, it is when no matter what events have occurred in the past, there are still multiple possibilities in the future. If the events of the universe were a story, the past has been written, but will not be able to write the future until it occurs, because we need to see which of the multitude of possibilities become actualities. This is the indeterminist view.

Jeremy Bentham John Stuart Mill Katastematic Kinematic

-contends that all pleasures are the same, and that they are all quantifiable through the hedonistic calculus. -maintains that not all pleasures are the same: the quality of pleasures (intellectual or rational) are higher than the physical or material pleasures. -rational types of pleasure and are long lasting such as the company of good friends, a simple diet or having education. -The irrational types of pleasure, a re more intense but short-lasting. Examples are sexual pleasures, partying, cheating, etc

Which of the following statements are true about existentialism?

A philosophical movement which contends that humans create themselves through free choices and are responsible for who they are. A philosophical movement that was defined by Sartre as "existence precedes essence." A philosophical and literary movement that focuses on the uniqueness of each human individual as distinguished from abstract universal human qualities.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Determinism is the same as existentialism.

Determinism is the thesis that ________________.

Every event is determined by events that cause it.

Which statements are true in Sartre's existentialist philosophy?

Existence is freedom, and freedom is existence. Freedom is responsibility not only to one's self but to everyone. The feeling of abandonment - that God does not exist, and that we as human existing beings, have to face all the consequences of our actions. Free-will is an illusion. The feeling of despair - the results from recognizing that there are many elements in life that are completely outside of our control; such should spur us to positive choices and actions.

Which of the following philosophical statements are correct?

Indeterminists leave open the possibility that undetermined actions are simply random. Answers:A. Libertarians are convinced that people are able to make genuinely free choices by exercising their free wills

Which of the following is a moral question?

Is the death penalty a just punishment?

The American moral philosopher James Rachels laid out his arguments against psychological egoism. What are these?

It is false to assume that a concern for one's own welfare is incompatible with any genuine concern for the welfare of others. It is false to say that every action is done either from self-interest or from other-regarding motives. It is false to believe that "selfishness" means the same thing as "self-interest."

Who are the proponents of utilitarianism?

John Stuart Mill D. Jeremy Bentham

The following statements are true about natural law ethics EXCEPT:

Natural truths are relative to or dependent on each society or cultural beliefs, or they vary from person to person.

which of the following statements is true?

Sartre basically contends that determinists are in bad faith.

Utilitarians agree:

That education is an important tool for overcoming ignorance, one of the main causes of unhappiness. -that only superstition and tradition prevented people from behaving rationally, and that they were serious impediments to the smooth, rational operation of the society

The following statements are true about William James' philosophy EXCEPT:

The world is full of impossibilities; hence there is no point of making a choice for it is in itself futile.

The British contemporary philosopher who contends that external constraints may limt freedom.

W.T. Stance

Kant thought that moral values _____________

could be discovered by our rational faculties

Existentialism is the belief that the ultimate good is _______

defining oneself as an individual.

Ethical subjectivism is the view that __________________.

each person determines what is morally right.

Divine Command Theory says that ethics or morals are based on the natural law, that is on reason and reflection.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believes in cultural relativism, that moral laws are dependent on cultural beliefs and practices. Hence he believes that slavery and racism are morally okay since they were culturally believed to be true and practiced in the US.


For Jeremy Bentham, rational or intellectual pleasures are higher than physical or material types of pleasures.


Hard determinists believe that we are absolutely free.


James Rachels is the main proponent of egoism.


The main task of normative ethics is to _________________

find out what people ought to do.

Kant thought that the fundamental moral value is ____


For Jean-Paul Sartre, "Existentialism is a ___________" - one of his famous works.


A value is anything with _________

intrinsic worth

Utilitarians do not necessarily have to believe that ________

physical pleasure is the greatest good.

Ethical absolutism states that _________________

there are facts about right and wrong that apply to everyone

Soft determinism says that ________________.

there is free will even though determinism is true

Aristotle thinks of virtuous actions as being moderate because __________

they are learned by cultivating good habits.

One of the main reasons people are drawn to ethical subjectivism is that _____________

they observe that there is great variety of moral opinions.

Because Epicurus' goal is ataraxia (freedom from inner disturbance), katastematic pleasures are seen as far superior that kinematic pleasures. Hence for Epicurus, the life of a simple diet, a few possessions and the company of good friends consistently produces enduring pleasures than any life of intense, but brief pleasures, which can often be followed by pain instead of pleasure.


Compatibilism primarily contends two basic premises: that all events and human actions are brought about by previous events in accordance with universal causal laws; and that human actions are free if they are the result of internal motivations, not the product of external influences or constraints


Existentialists believe that we by nature is free, that we create the meaning of our lives through our free choices, and that we have to be responsible for them


For William James, the testimony of our direct lived experience provides the most compelling grounds for free-will, providing there are no sufficiently persuasive intellectual arguments to convince us otherwise. Hence to James, we live in a world of possibilities.


Jean Grimshaw, Marilyn Frye, Sandra Bartky and Kate Millet are feminist existentialists.


Natural law ethics contends that moral values can be discovered in nature by using the faculty of reason.


The American philosopher William James believes that the testimony of our direct, lived experience provides the most compelling grounds for free will.


Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialist theory.


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