Philo Qz

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According to Rawls, all social values (opportunity, liberty, income, wealth, etc.) are to be distributed equally unless an unequal distribution is ___

to everyone's advantage

The doctrine that every event is determined or necessitated by preceding events and the laws of nature is known as...


Descartes believes that the very fact that he is thinking shows that __

he exists

The view that mental states are identical to physical brain states

identity theory

Locke rejected the notion of __

innate ideas

The issue of what mental phenomena are and how they relate to the physical world

mind-body problem

Searle believes that understanding Chinese (or any other language) is

not merely a matter of symbol manipulation

Incompatibilists believe that compatibilist freedom is...

not real freedom

___ is the view that God and the universe are one and the same thing, a divine whole


Libertarians contend that real freedom is not just the power to act if we will to act, but ____

power over will itself

The difficulty of justifying the assumption that the future will be like the past is known as ____

problem of induction

According to Marx, the ________ are many but own nothing, serving only as workers in the capitalist system


The view that mental properties are nonphysical properties arising from, but not reducible to, physical properties

property dualism

According to Rawls, behind the veil of ignorance, the principles of justice are _____

result of a fair agreement or bargain

Under _____, people are rewarded according to their needs, not by how well or how hard they work


Communism usually implies...

socialism within a totalitarian system

An a priori statement is a statement...

that can be known independently of or prior to experience

What was Immanuel Kant's "Copernican Revolution?

that objects conform to the mind

__ is arguing either that (1) a claim is true because it hasn't been proven false or (2) a claim is false because it hasn't been proven true

the appeal to ignorance

Which of the following was not recommended (in our text) by Marx as a means to enable socialism where capitalism already exists?

Free healthcare for every citizen

The renowned philosopher who lived and worked in the Greek city of Alexandria in the fifth century was


(T/F) Paley says that if we found a watch and examined it closely, we would naturally infer that it had a maker - even if we had never seen a watch made


(T/F) Taylor rejects soft determinism


(T/F) The concept of "the meaning of life" is, in common usage, vague and slippery


(T/F) Van Inwagen rejects compatibilism


Who said:"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentimentsthat differentiate me from a doormat."

Rebecca West

Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is________


A statement that is not analytic is __

synthetic statement

The guiding principle of the socialist view is...


Barkeley insists that heat and cold are ______

only sensations existing in mind

The following is an example of an analytic statement

all bodies extended

What does Marx call the group of people who own the means of production in a society?


According to Smart, the report of an "after-image" or "ache" is a report of

brain process

(T/F) Taylor thinks that soft determinism is true to our moral intuitions


Nagel believes that knowledge of what it is like to be a bat can be acquired through scientific investigation (T/F)


who said: "Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. It is, therefore, just as necessary to make our concepts sensible, that is, to add to the object to them in intuition, as to make our intuitions intelligible, that is, to bring them under concepts. These two power s or capacities cannot exchange their functions. The understanding can intuit nothing, the senses can think nothing. Only through their union can knowledge arise."


Paley says that every indication of contrivance that exists in the watch exists in ____

the works of nature

According to Kant, noumena is...

the world, in itself, outside our experience

Berkeley believes that sensible things cannot exist except in __

a mind

The view that a free action is caused by an agent (person) is called...

agent causation

For Plato, beauty is ____

an Idea or Form

The fallacy of arguing that a claim must be true simply because many people believe it is known as

appeal to popularity

__ hold that determinism is necessary for free will; an undetermined choice, they say, would be random and uncontrolled by the agent


Chalmers's zombie twin is identical to him...

functionally and psychologically

According to Descartes he is

immaterial, thinking thing

According to Aquinas, an infinite regress of causes is _


According to Locke, a man in the state of nature will relinquish his absolute freedom to the state because...

in the state of nature the enjoyment of his freedom is very uncertain and vulnerable

The Consequence Argument is supposed to establish _


According to Hobbes, the definition of injustice is

***disobedience to a sovereign *** *(failure abide by contract)*

Who said:" idea can be like nothing but an idea; a colour or ficure can be like nothing but another colour or figure. If we look but ever so little into our thoughts, we shall find it impossible for us to conceive a likeness except only between our ideas."


who said: "...I was persuaded that there was nothing in all the world, that there was no heaven, no earth, that there were no minds, nor any bodies: was I not then likewise persuaded that I did not exist? Not at all..."


who said: "...when our senses do actually convey into our understandings any idea, we cannot but be satisfied that there doth something at that time really exist without us. which doth affect our senses, and by them give notice of itselfto our apprehensive faculties, and actually produce that idea which we then perceive..."


(T/F) Paley's argument, if cogent, proves the existence of a Christian God


(T/F) Taylor believes that simple determinism allows us to have a plausible form of free will


(T/F) Albert Camus said, "Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy."


(T/F) Chalmers's zombie is not like the zombies found in Hollywood movies


(T/F) Feminists intend to point out, not that the relationships between men and women are inherently political, but that politics has failed to address the nature of these relationships.


(T/F) In a socialist system wealth is controlled by the state, which allocates it for the good of the people generally


(T/F) Internalists say that anyone can have a meaningful life without relying on the concepts of God or transcendent realms


(T/F) Many believe that unless a divine entity or transcendent reality has provided the world with ultimate purpose or value, life is meaningless


Traditionally art has been defined as ___


According to Paley, we must conclude that a watch had an intelligent designer if the watch __

shows purposefullness

According to Rawls, each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with _____

similar liberty for others

The famous statement "An unexamined life is not worth living" is attributed to


A question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover the truth is known as

socratic method

The view that the aesthetic properties of an art object are solely in the eye of the beholder is known as...


Feminist postmodernists refuse to accept which basic tenet of feminist standpoint theory?

that there can be a single privileged perspective from which to aquire knowledge

Internalists believe they can have meaningful lives without relying on....

the concepts of God and transcendant realms

According to Taylor, hard determinism conflicts with...

the fact of deliberation and our sense that some actions are up to us

According to Locke, every man, by consenting with others to make one body politic under one government, puts himself under an obligation to everyone of that society to submit to the determination of __

the majority

Locke's purpose is to enquire into __________

the origin and extent of human knowledge

According to the text, what are the two principal answers to whether life has any meaning for us?

the pessimist's view and the optimist's view

According to Locke, the chief end of men's uniting into a commonwealth is ______

the preservation of their property

According to Stace, free acts must be...

those whose immediate causes are psychological states in the agent

Feminist standpoint theory says that different social groups have distinctive kinds of knowledge acquired through...

unique experiences

For Socrates the good of the soul is attained only through an uncompromising search for

what's true and real

What is 'the causal closure of the physical

The principle that the world is a closed system of physical processes and effects

According to Hobbes, whenever and wherever men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, there is ...


what branch: dogs more beautiful than cats

aesthetics (question)

what branch: Which objects or persons are the most important?

axiology (question)

In _________, wealth goes to anyone who can acquire it in the marketplace


The view that mind and body are completely independant of one another and interact causally

cartesian dualism

The purging of the emotions of pity and fear by experiencing them vicariously in a theatrical context is known as...


Searle argues that the Chinese room thought experiment shows that

claims strong AI not possible

An important formal characteristic of art is____


The view that although determinism is true, our actions can still be free


Chalmers argues that his zombie is


a belief in one God who created the world but left it unattended to run on its own


Kant wants us to believe that logical and mathematical concepts________

depend on the innate structure of our minds

Descartes says that, for all he knows, he may be _


Who said: "Most of us would say without hesitation that a person's life had meaning if we knew that he devoted himself to a cause"?


The notion that mental properties do not cause anything, but merely accompany physical processes


Questions like "What is knowledge?" and "What is truth?" are mainstays in the branch of philosophy known as


The philosophical study of knowledge is known as _


what branch: how do we know what we know?

epistemology (question)

According to Hobbes, in the condition of man in which there is a state of war of everyone against everyone, every man has a right to ...


Anselm argues that a being which exists in reality is greater than a being that _____

exists only in the understanding

Hume had maintained that knowledge of the world comes entirely from __


Locke asserts that all the components of reason and knowledge come from _


Leo Tolstoy says that art is ____


Baggini says that almost all deniers of meaning in life really seem to be rejecting only the idea that life has ____

external meaning

Pessimists regarding life's meaning believe that life can have no meaning if ...

external meaning is nonexistant

Descartes had been disillusioned by his discovery that many of the alleged truths he had learned as a youth were _


The view that art is defined by its form is known as _______


The view that the mind is the functions that the brain performs


Block's Chinese brain argument is meant to show that

functionalism is false

Aquinas says that the first efficient cause of everything is _


What is Aristotle's view of the possibility of immortality?

he rejects it

According to Fodor, in the functionalist view the psychology of a system depends not on the stuff it is made of but on...

how stuff put together

The view that not every event is determined by preceding events and the laws of nature


For Socrates, the soul is harmed by lack of


The four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and


According to Eve Browning Cole, feminist empiricism maintains that philosophers and scientists need to be told to __

look again

According to Sartre, there is at least one being in whom existence precedes essence, and that being is __


The doctrine that every object and event in the world is physical


In The Republic, Plato argues that the only kind of society that can ensure people get their due is a _____


The study of reality in the broadest sense, an inquiry into the elemental nature of the universe and the things in it, is known as


what branch: what is real?

metaphysics (question)

According to d'Holbach, people always act according to ___

necessary natural laws

Hume says that beauty is ____

no quality in things themselves

Plato's view is that true beauty is ___

not of this world

Incompatibilists believe that compatibilist freedom is ___

not real freedom

___ is the view that although God and the world are distinct, the world is part of God


The Challenge of reconciling determinism with our intuitions or ideas about personal freedom is known as...

problem free will

According to d'Holbach, all the mental and moral attributes that people think are evidence for an immaterial soul are in fact...

purely physical and natural

The branch of science that provides a counterexample to the notion that every even has a cause is known as...

quantum physics

According to Nagel, an organism has conscious mental states if and only if

there is something that it is like to be that organism

According to a recent poll, what percentage of secular, nonreligious, or atheistic people thought their lives had an important meaning or purpose?


Who said: "When we look about us towards external objects, and consider the operation of causes, we are never able, in a single instance, to discover any power or necessary connectio; and quality, which binds the effect to the cause, and reders the one an infallibe consequesnce of the other."


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