Philosophy 103 (5. Psychological and Ethical Egoism)

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Why Psychological Egoism is taken to be a challenge to commonsense morality?

Commonsense morality requires that human beings have altruistic motives and can act on them. Therefore, if psychological egoism is true, commonsense morality is doomed.

Most Fundamental Criticism of Ethical Egoism?

Ethical egoism seems to clash too harshly with commonsense morality and with our basic moral judgments.

One Criticism of Libertarian Argument?

First, it seems that we have other duties besides keeping contracts and reparations for violating other's rights: Cases of Easy Rescue. These occur when you can help a victim in dire need at little cost to yourself

What is the Self-Reliance Argument for Ethical Egoism?

If everyone were to mind their own business and tend to their own needs, then everyone would be better off. We ought to do what will make everyone better off.

Criticism of Expected Benefit?

It seems false. For example, when people help others, they often sincerely report that while they get deep satisfaction from doing so, their aim was helping, not the pleasure they got from doing it.

Two common strategies psychological egoist use to explain altruistic behavior?

People who act to benefit others often report that they did so because otherwise "they couldn't live with themselves, or that "their conscience wouldn't let them do otherwise". If so, then their reason for acting is to avoid the pain of a guilty conscience. They say that self-sacrifice for the sake of others (e.g., the mother who gives her last bit of food to save her child's life at the expense of her own) is really just a form of pursuing self-interest, For in relationships, one's joys and sorrows get bound up with those of others. Therefore, seemingly altruistic behavior is really just pursuing one's own joys and sorrows.

Second Criticism of Libertarian Argument?

Second, the ethical egoist can't accept the premise anyway. The ethical egoist rejects the duty to keep contracts. The ethical egoist rejects the duty to make reparations if you violate other's rights. Rather, they think your only moral duty is to do whatever maximizes self-interest

What is the Libertarian Argument for Ethical Egoism?

The only duties we have are (a) those we have consented to (contracts) and (b) reparations for violating other's rights. Therefore, if I don't consent to help other people, and I haven't violated their rights, I have no duty to help others.

What is Psychological Egoism?

The view that humans only act out of pure self-interest; we're incapable of acting out of altruistic motives (to benefit others without ulterior motives).

What is Ethical Egoism?

The view that one's sole duty is to promote one's own self-interest.

Two Criticisms of these strategies? (Altruistic Behavior)

This is evidence against psychological egoism, not for it. For those who care only about themselves feel no pangs of conscience at the thought of the suffering of others, while those who care for others do. As before, though, this is evidence against psychological egoism, not for it. For those who only care about themselves lose no sleep at the thought of the suffering of others, while the person whose concern is directed outward does.

Two criticisms of Self Reliance?

Those in need of help would not be better off if others were to leave them alone. Therefore, Premise 1 is false. The ethical egoist can't accept premise 2. It says we're obligated to do what makes everyone better off. But that's just to say that egoism is false!

What's the Argument for Expected Benefit for Psychological Egoism?

Whenever you do something, you expect to be better off as a result. If you expect to be better off as a result of your actions, then you're aiming to promote your self-interest. Therefore, whenever you do something, you're aiming to promote your self-interest.

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