Philosophy Midterm Study

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The Modern Period of Philosophy roughly covers which of the following time periods?

1500 AD to 1800 AD

Descartes reasons that the very fact that he is thinking shows that _____.

He exists

Locke rejected the notion of _____.

innate ideas

In Appearance and Reality, Bertrand Russell argues that the real shape of an ordinary table that we experience is

is inferred from the shape of the table that we actually see.

Libertarians contend that real freedom is not just the power to act if we will to act, but _____.

power over the will itself

The Natural Law Theory of Ethics claims:

Morality is rooted in nature and can be discovered by reason

Statements only known after or through experience.

Posteriori Statement

In an argument, the statement being supported is the conclusion, and the statements supporting the conclusion are the _____.


The famous statement "An unexamined life is not worth living" is attributed to _____.


What is the setting where the dialogue Apology takes place?

The court in Athens

Which of the following is the definition of a statement:

A sentence that is either true or false

The fallacy of arguing that some controversial conclusion is true because some famous person said it is true is known as _____.

Appeal to Authority

What penalty does Socrates initially assess for his own actions?

Free meals in the Prytaneum

The position in the philosophy of mind which claims that the mind arises out of the functions that the brain performs.


The view that mental properties are non-physical properties arising from, but not reducible to, physical properties.

Property Dualism

To Kant, making a lying promise would be wrong because _____.

you could not consistently will that everyone should make lying promises

The philosophical study of knowledge is known as _____.


There is no truth.


True or False? According to Socrates, we should always consider in doing anything whether we are doing right or wrong.


Locke believes that we have nothing in our minds that did not come from _____.

sensation and reflection

Utilitarianism says that right actions are those that produce the greatest happiness for _____.

All concerned

Choose which of the following is a counterexample to this argument: All believers in Strong Artificial Intelligence are Materialists. Daniel Dennett is a Materialist. It follows that Daniel Dennett is a believer in Strong Artificial Intelligence.

All even numbers are numbers. The number 3 is a number. It follows that the number 3 is an even number.

Statements whose denial results in a contradiction

Analytic Truth

One objection to the Divine Command Theory is that is that the theory implies that God's commands are _____.


According to Kant, happiness is the highest (or supreme) good.


Cartesian dualism says that the mind is identical with the body.


Descartes had been disillusioned by his discovery that many of his beliefs from youth were _____.


For Mill, a beast's pleasures can satisfy a human being's conception of happiness.


Libertarianism in the Free Will debate is the same thing as Libertarianism in Political Philosophy.


Mill believes that the moral worth of an action depends on one's motives.


John Stuart Mill's fundamental moral principle is called

Both The Principle of Utility and The Greatest Happiness Principle

The view in the Philosophy of Mind that we consist of two distinct substances (body and mind) and that these two interact is known as _____.

Cartesian dualism

Logical behaviorism is at odds with our commonsense intuition that mental states _____.

Cause Behavior

According to Mill, we need to consider the __________ an action when calculating its moral worth.

Consequences of

In the dialogue, Apology, Socrates does which of the following?

Defends his way of life to the jury

Moral theories which claim that the moral of an action depends partially or entirely on the intrinsic nature of the action, without regard to the consequences are

Deontological Moral Theories

The doctrine that every event is determined or necessitated by preceding events and the laws of nature is known as _____.


The view that all knowledge arises from or is dependent on experience is called:


The theory that says that mental states arise out of physical states and that physical states can have causal effects on mental states, but that mental states do not have causal effects on the physical world.


Questions such as "What is knowledge?" and "What do we know for certain?" are central to the branch of philosophy known as _____.


_____ is the fallacy of assigning two different meanings to the same significant word in an argument.


The view that greatest good is pleasure and the absence of pain is known as

Ethical Hedonism

Which of the following theories of mind best supports the possibility that a computer could have a mind?


The view that some actions are free because they are ultimately caused, or controlled, by the person is called _____.


The idea that mental states are dispositions to behave in particular ways in certain circumstances is known as _____.

Logical Behaviorism

The word "Philosopher" is derived from the Greek "Philos" and "Sophos" and basically means

Lover of Wisdom

Questions such as "What is the greatest good?" and "How ought we to live?" are central to the branch of philosophy known as _____.


The highest human good, according to Aristotle is


In his An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke asserts that all the components of reason and knowledge come from _____.


Questions such as "What is real?" and "What exists?" are central to the branch of philosophy known as _____.


Incompatibilists believe that compatibilist freedom is_____.

Not real freedom

Statements known independently or prior to experience

Priori Statement

Knowing that something is the case is called _____.

Propositional Knowledge

The view that reason is the primary source of knowledge is called


In an argument, the statement being supported is the conclusion, and the statements supporting the conclusion are the _____.


Evaluate the following argument: All humans are mammals. Joe Biden is a human. Therefore, Joe Biden is a mammal.


Statements whose denial is does not result in a contradiction

Synthetic Truth

According to John Locke, at birth the human mind is:

Tabula rasa (blank slate)

The challenge of reconciling determinism with our intuitions or ideas about personal freedom is known as _____.

the problem of free will

The difficulty of justifying the belief that the future will be like the past, which was first introduced by David Hume, is known as _____.

the problem of induction

Compatibilism claims that _____.

the thesis of determinism is true but that we sometimes act freely

Cultural relativism rejects the claim that

there are some objective moral truths

According to Kant, the function of reason in humans is

to produce a will that is good in itself.

For the compatibilist, to say that you could have done otherwise is to say that you would have done otherwise if _____.

your desires had been different

In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, the prisoners in the cave believe:

The shadows cast on the cave wall by puppeteers are the things which are most real.

Descartes is able to doubt mathematical truths like 2+3=5 because

There could be an evil genius who is deceiving him.

According to Kant, the consequences of an action are completely irrelevant to the moral worth of the action.


Immanuel Kant is known for proposing a compromise between rationalism and empiricism.


Moral philosophy and Ethics are the same thing.


Rene Descartes was a 17th Century Rationalist philosopher.


Some invalid arguments have all true premises and a true conclusion.


The main question that is examined in the dialogue Euthyphro is:

What is Piety

What is the official charge brought against Socrates?

corrupting the youth and not believing in god

David Hume claims that our belief in cause and effect is

merely inferred from the constant conjunction of events,

Who are Socrates "old (first) accusers?

they cannot be named

At one point in the Apology, Socrates makes an analogy, saying that his relationship to the city of Athens is analogous to

A gadfly and a horse

What, according to Kant, is the only thing that is good without qualification?

A good will

Kant says that when trying to decide whether an action is morally permissible, we must ask if we can consistently will that the maxim of our action should become _____.

A universal law

Match the type of Moral Theory with philosopher who advocated it A. Immanuel Kant B. John Stuart Mill C. Aristotle

A. Deontological Ethics B. Consequentialist Ethics C. Virtue Ethics

The view that no one has free will is called _____.

Hard Determinism

If our actions are not free in any important sense, it is difficult to see how we could be _____.

Held morally responsible for what we do

The theory that says mental states are identical to brain states is known as _____.

Identity Theory

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