Phlebotomy exam ch7

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While collecting a stat blood culture and eletrolytes on a child in the energency room, the phlebotomist phlebotomy was asked by the physician to get an extra tube of blood to check for metal poisioning .which tube do u add

D. royal blue

If a phlebotomists have dermatitis, they should

D. Wear a barrier hand cream or lotion

Which of the following is one reason the ETS is the preferred blood collection system.

A. Exposure of the blood to contaminants is avoided

Which stopper color is the same for two completely different types of additives used by two different departments

D. Yellow

Identify the tubes needed to collect a PT, STAT, Lytes, andBC in the proper order of collection

D. Yellow, light blue, PST

In general, an anticoagulant is unable to

B. Inhibit the metabolism of glucose

This tube stopper color indicates that the tube contains EDTA

B. Lavender

The purpose of a transilumination device is to

B. Locate veins for venipuncture

Tubes designed by the manufacturer to be "short draw" are

B. Made to fill only partially

A serum specimen is requested. Which of the following evacuated tubes can be used to collect it?


The slanted tip of needle is called the:

A. Bevel

A pink-top tube containing EDTA is primarily used for

A. Blood bank tests

Which one of the following tubes is filled firs when multiple tubes are filled from a syringe

A. Blood culture tube

The best choice of equiptment for drawing difficult veins is a

A. Butterfly and ETS holder

It is important to fill oxalate tubes to the stated fill capacity because excess oxalate

A. Causes hemolysis of blood specimens

To what does the "guage" of a needle relate

A. Diameter

A tube with a royal-blue top with lavender color coding on the label contains


Which additive can be found in four separate tubes with different stopper color


Which needle gauge has the largest bore or lumen?

A. 18

The head space in an evacuated tube is

A. A consistent amount of airspace left when a tube is filled properly

Glass particles presents in serum separator tubes

A. Activate clotting

CLSI standards advise against using these on infants and children under 2 years old

A. Adhesive bandages

If a blood pressure cuff is used for venipuncture in place of a tourniquet, the pressure used must be

A. Below the patients diastoloc pressure

Which one of the following substances is an anticoagulant

A. Oxalate

Which one of the following tubes is additive-free

A. Red glass

The cleaning agent in hand sanitizers used in healthcare is:


Which is the best tubes for collecting an ETOH (ethanol) specimen

A.Gray top

During venipuncture the tourniquet should not be left on longer than

B. 1 Minute

A solution used to clean the site before routine venipuncture is

B. 70% isopropyl alcohol

Which of the following is the preperred solution to use to clean up blood spills

B. An EPA-approved bleach product

The part of the syringe that shows measurments in cc or ml is called the

B. Barrel

Which test can be affected by cross-contamination from a light-blue-top tube

B. Calcium

Which type of test is most affected by tissue thromboplastin contamination

B. Coagulation

Why are quaze pads a better choice than cotton balls for covering the site and holding pressure following venipuncture

B. Cotton ball fibers can stick to the site

Needle safety devices must

B. Create a barrier between a user's hand and the needle after use

If hands are heavily contaminated with organic material and a sink is not available, the phlebotomist should clean them with

B. Detergent-containing wipes followed by a sanitizer

Which of the following additives can be found in a royal bkue-topped collection tubes


The purpose of a tourniquet in the venipuncture procedure is to

B. Enlarge veins so they are easier to find and enter

This part of the evacuated tube holder is meant to aid in smooth tube removal

B. Flange

Mixing equiptment froom different manufacturers can result in

B. Improper fit of the needke

A phlebotomy needle that does not have a safety feature:

B. Must be used with a holder that has a safety feature

This gel separator tubes contains EDTA


Which of the following plays no role in deciding what size tubes to use for ETS blood collection?

B. Patient's allergy to antiseptics

In a successful venipuncture, evacuated tubes fill automatically as soon as the tube stopper is pierced because of

B. Premeasured vacuum in each tube

Antiseptics ate

B. Safe for use on human skin

Which of the following items is unnecessary when performing a routine venipuncture?

B. Safety Needle

What criterion is used to decide which needle guage to use for venipuncture

B. Size and condition of the vein

After a blood spill, a disinfectant is applied and must have at least minutes of contact time for cleanup to be effected

C. 10 minutes

How many tubes with different-colored stoppers can sometimes go to the chemistry department

C. 12

Multisample needles are typically available in these gauges:

C. 20-22

Plastic red-top tubes used to collect blood specimens usually contain

C. Clot activators

Which of the following tests could be affected by carryover from an EDTA tube

C. Creatine Kinase

Which of the following STAT tests is typically collected in a lithium hepatin tube

C. Electrolyte panel

A tube with this stopper color could contain either of two different forms of an anticoagulants salt

C. Green

Decontamination of the hands after glove removal is essential because

C. Hand contamination might not be visible to the naked eye

Lavender-stopper tubes are most commonly used to collect

C. Hematology tests

What anticoagulant is contained in a plasma seperator tube (PST)

C. Heparin

Which of the following additives is least likely to affect and alkaline phosphatase tests

C. Heparin

Which of the following additives is most commonly used for chemistry tests

C. Heparin

Which of the following is a disinfectant

C. Household Bleach

What is the purpose of an antiglycolytic agent

C. It preserves glucose

Which of the following stopper colors identifies a tube used for coagulation testing?

C. Light blue

Identify the Tubes needed to collected a CBC, PTT, and STAT potassium by color and in the proper order of collection for a multitube draw

C. Light-bluetop, green top, and lavender top

Lithium heparin is a suitable anticoagulant for which if the following tests

C. Lytes

Which blood specimen additive can inhibit the metabolism of glucose by the cells?

C. NaF

Carryover of this additive is unlikely to affect a partial thromboplastin time

C. Naf

Which of the following tests would be most affected by carryover of K2EDTA

C. Potassium

The purpose of the rubber sleeve that covers the tube end of a multiple-sample needle is to:

C. Prevent leakage of blood during tube changes

This test is collected in a tube with a light-blue top

C. Prothrombin time

Which statement is incorrect? A properly applied tourniquet should

C. Restrict venous and arterial blood flow

A trace element specimen tube should be collected

C. Separately or by syringe

What is the fewest number of tubes needed to collect a CBC and protime when using a butterfly on a patient who is a difficult draw

C. Three

It is best if tourniquets are

C. Used once and then discarded

An ETS holder and a syringe transfer device look very similar. What is the diifference between the two?

C. there is a permanently attached needle with a sleeve inside the transfer device

Which of the following are all anticoagulants that remove calcium from the specimen by forming insoluble calcium salts and therefore prevent coagulation?

D. Sodium citrate, EDTA, oxalate

Which of the following substances is contained in a serum separator tube

D. Thixotropic gel

OSHA regulations require that after use

D. Tube holders with needles attached be disposed of as a unit

Mixing additive tubes properly involves:

D. Turning the wrist 180 degrees and back

This needle guage is used primarily for infant or child veins, and diffucult or hard veins of adults

D. 23

You are most likely to increase the chance of hemolyzing a specimen if you use a

D. 25-guage butterfly needle to collect a specimen from a small child

Improper handling or storage of evacuated tubes can affect

D. All of the above

Needle safety features work by

D. All of the above

Types of ETS tubes additives include

D. All of the above

Which disinfectant is preferred by the HICPAC for use on surfaces and instruments

D. EPA-registered sodium hypochlorite product

Heparin prevents blood from clotting by

D. Inhibiting thrombin

The blood-to-additive ratio is most critical for a specimen collected in this tube

D. Light-blue top

Which department would most likely perform the test on a specimen collected in an SPS tube

D. Microbiology

Wearing gloves during phlebotomy procedures is mandated by the following agency


The purpose of sodium citrate in specimen collection is to

D. Protect coagulation factors

This antiseptic has been traditionally used to obtain the high degree of skin antisepsis required when blood cultures are being collected

D. Providone-iodine

Which of the following should be deleted from a list of required characteristic of a sharps container

D. Red in color

Which of the following tubes will yield a serum sample?

D. Red top

Which of following tube stopper colors indicates something other than the presence( or absence) and type of additive in the tube?

D. Royal Blue

Measurement of copper, a trace element, requires blood collection in a tube with a

D. Royal-blue top

Which additives contains a substance that inhibits pahgocytosis of bacteria by white blood cells

c. Sodium polyanethol sulfonate

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