Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

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How much net ATP does glycolysis produce?


Whats the chemical equation for photosynthesis

6CO2 + 6H2O---- C6 H12 O6 + 6O2

What are the outputs if the calvin cylce

ADP, NADP+ glucose or G3P

what molecules go into the Citric Acid Cycle

ADP, pyruvate, NAD+ and FAD

Which molecule holds more energy - ATP or ADP?


what molecule is used as the source for immediate, usable energy for a cells metabolic activities.


What is the name of the enzyme that produces ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate?

ATP Synthase

what molecules are produced by the electron transport chain of aerobic respiration

ATP, NAD+, FAD, and H2O

What are the inputs of the calvin cycle


Whats the chemical equation for cellular respiration

C6 H12 O6 + 6O2---- 6CO2 + 6H2O + Chemical energy

Which part of photosynthesis occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast?

Calvin Cycle

Which gas is given off by cellular respiration?

Carbon Dioxide

what molecules are produced by the Citric Acid cycle

Carbon dioxide, NADH, FADH2, and ATP

During photosynthesis, light energy is converted to ____ energy.


In which organelle does photosynthesis take place?


The conversion of light energy into chemical energy occurs in which cell organelle?


Of all of the stages of cellular respiration, which stage yields the most ATP?

Electron Transport Chain and Chemiosmosis

True/False: Both photosynthesis and cellular respiration require the input of light.


True/False: During cellular respiration, glucose is broken down into organic molecules.


Name the products of photosynthesis.

Glucose and oxygen

Name the two types of fermentation.

Lactic Acid Fermentation & Alcoholic Fermentation

In which stage of photosynthesis does photolysis occur?

Light reactions

In which organelle does cellular respiration take place?


Lactic acid fermentation produces lactic acid and what other molecule?


what molecules go into the electron transport chain of aerobic respiration


During cellular respiration, electrons from the electron transport chain are finally given to which molecule?


Which cellular process is represented by the following chemical formula?


Which type of cell has no organelles?

Prokaryotic cells

Fill in the blanks: Photosynthesis _____ energy while cellular respiration _____ energy.

Stores; releases

True/False: Cellular respiration occurs in plant cells.


True/False: During cellular respiration, hydrogen ions cross a membrane.


When electrons from the electron transport chain of cellular respiration combine with oxygen and hydrogen ions, what molecule is formed?


What is the first step of the Calvin Cycle called?

carbon fixation

list the three stages of the calvin cycle

carbon fixation, reduction and regeneration

During cellular respiration, the chemical energy of glucose is converted into the ____ energy of ATP.


Which gas do humans exhale and plants take in?


During cellular respiration, this reactant is broken down to provide energy for the cell.


what molecules go into glycolysis

glucose and 2 ATP

what are the 3 stages to aerobic respiration

glycolysis, krebs cycle, electron transport chain

During which stage of photosynthesis is oxygen given off?

light reactions

Name the two raw materials that go into cellular respiration.

oxygen and glucose

which product of photosynthesis becomes a reactant for cellular respiration

oxygen and glucose

what important molecules are produced by glycolysis

pyruvate, 2ATP and 2NADPH

Fixation, reduction, and regeneration are all stages of ____.

the calvin cycle

In an ATP molecule, which part of the molecule is broken off to release energy?

the last phosphate group

how do the chemical equations for cellular respiration and photosynthesis compare

they equations are opposite

What happens to the electrons at the end of the electron transport chain in aerobic cellular respiration

they go to oxygen to make water

Photosynthesis consists of light energy reactions and the calvin cylce, Specifically where in the chloroplast do these reactions take place

thylakoid membrane, stroma

True/False: Carbon dioxide is a product of cellular respiration.


Does fermentation occur with or without oxygen?


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