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A vertical block-spring system on earth has a period of 6.0 s. What is the period of this same system on the moon where the acceleration due to gravity is roughly 1/6 that of earth?

6 s

A string with a length of 3.0 m has two adjacent resonances at frequencies 112 Hz and 140 Hz.What is the wavelength of the first harmonic?


A 66-N · m torque acts on a wheel with a moment of inertia 175 kg · m2. If the wheel starts from rest, how long will it take the wheel to make one revolution?

5.8 s

the original ferris wheel had a radius of 38 m and completed a full revolution every two minutes when operating at its maximum speed. if the wheel were uniformly slowed from its maximum speed to a stop in 35 seconds, what would be the magnitude of the tangential acceleration at the outer rim of the wheel during its deceleration?

.057 m/s2

A dime is placed in front of a concave mirror that has a radius of curvature R= 0.30 m. The image of the dime is inverted and three times the size of the dime. Determine the distance between the dime and the mirror.

.2 m

a horizontal, 10 m plank weighs 100N. it rests on two supports that are placed 1m from each end as shown in the figure. How close to one end can an 800N person stand without causing the plank to tip?

.5 m

Three resistors and two batteries are connected as shown in the circuit diagram. What is the magnitude of the current through the 12-V battery?

.52 A

a wrench is used to tighten a nut as shown in the figure. A 12 N force is applied 7 cm from the axis of rotation. what is the magnitude of the torque due to the applied force?

.84 Nm

a 2 kg solid disk rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface so that its center proceeds to the right with speed 5 m/s. what is the instantaneous speed of the point of the disk that makes contact with the surface?

0 m/s

In the produce section of a supermarket, five pears are placed on a spring scale. The placement of the pears stretches the spring and causes the dial to move from zero to a reading of 2.0 kg. If the spring constant is 450 N/m, what is the displacement of the spring due to the weight of the pears?

0.044 m

A camera with a focal length of 0.0500 m (a 50-mm lens) is focused for an object at infinity. To focus the camera on a subject which is 4.00 m away, how should the lens be moved?

0.06 cm farther from the film

A 4.5-V battery is connected to two resistors connected in series as shown in the drawing. Determine the total power dissipated in the resistors.

0.15 W

A 0.2-kg block is held in place by a force that results in a 0.10-m compression of a spring beneath the block. The spring constant is 1.0 ✕ 102 N/m. Assuming the mass of the spring is negligible compared to that of the block, to what maximum height would the block rise if the force were removed.


A 10-kg box is at rest at the end of an unstretched spring with constant k = 4000 N/m. The mass is struck with a hammer giving it a velocity of 6.0 m/s to the right across a frictionless surface. What is the amplitude of the resulting oscillation of this system?

0.3 m

A ball hung from a vertical spring oscillates in simple harmonic motion with an angular frequency of 2.6 rad/s and an amplitude of 0.075 m. What is the maximum acceleration of the ball?

0.51 m/s2

Two equal spheres, labeled A and B in the figure, are attached to a massless rod with a frictionless pivot at the point P. The system is made to rotate clockwise with angular speed 𝜔 on a horizontal, frictionless tabletop. Sphere A collides with and sticks to another equal sphere that is at rest on the tabletop. Note: the masses of all three spheres are equal. What is the angular speed of the system immediately after the collision?


A uniform disk of radius 1.2 m and mass 0.60 kg is rotating at 25 rad/s around an axis that passes through its center and is perpendicular to the disk. A rod makes contact with the rotating disk with a force of 4.5 N at a point 0.75 m from the axis of rotation as shown. The disk is brought to a stop in 5.0 s. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction for the two materials in contact?


A 75-W and 50-W incandescent light bulbs are designed for use with the same voltage. What is the ratio of the resistance of the 75-W bulb to the resistance of the 50-W bulb?


When a force of 19 N is applied to a spring, it elongates 0.085 m. Determine the period of oscillation of a 4.0-kg object suspended from this spring.

0.8 s

A scuba diver shines a flashlight from beneath the surface of water (n = 1.33) such that the light strikes the water-air boundary with an angle of incidence of 37°. At what angle is the beam refracted?


a grindstone of radius 4 m is initially spinning with an angular speed of 8 rad/s. The angular speed. is then increased to 12 rad/s over the next 4 seconds. assume that the angular acceleration is constatnt. what is the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the grindstone?

1.0 rad/s2

A 2.2-kg object is suspended from a spring with k = 18 N/m. The mass is pulled 0.35 m downward from its equilibrium position and allowed to oscillate. What is the maximum kinetic energy of the object?

1.1 J

a 2 kg solid disk rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface so that its center proceeds to the right with speed 5 m/s. what is the instantaneous speed of point A with respect to the ground?

10 m/s

A 3.5-A current is maintained in a simple circuit with a total resistance of 1500 Ω. What net charge passes through any point in the circuit during a thirty second interval?


Four resistors and a 6-V battery are arranged as shown in the circuit diagram.


A steady horizontal force of magnitude 21 N is applied at the axle of a solid disk as shown. The disk has mass 2.0 kg and diameter 0.10 m. What is the linear speed of the center of the disk after it has moved 12 m?

13 m/s

A certain string, clamped at both ends, vibrates in seven segments at a frequency of 2.40 ✕ 102 Hz. What frequency will cause it to vibrate in four segments?

137 Hz

A solid cylinder of radius 0.35 m is released from rest from a height of 1.8 m and rolls down the incline as shown. What is the angular speed of the cylinder when it reaches the horizontal surface?

14 rad/s

A string is wrapped around a pulley of radius 0.20 m and moment of inertia 0.40 kg · m2. The string is pulled with a force of 28 N. What is the magnitude of the resulting angular acceleration of the pulley?

14 rad/s2

The spring constant for the spring in a special cannon is 1800 N/m. In cocking the cannon, the spring is compressed 0.55 m. What is the initial speed of a 7.0-kg cannonball at rest on the free end of the spring when it is released?

140 m/s

What is the total power dissipated in the two resistors in the circuit shown?

15 W

A simple pendulum on earth has a period of 6.0 s. What is the approximate period of this pendulum on the moon where the acceleration due to gravity is roughly 1/6 that of earth?

15 s

A massless frame in the shape of a square with 2-m sides has a 1-kg ball at each corner. What is the moment of inertia of the four balls about an axis through the corner marked O and perpendicular to the plane of the paper?

16 kgm2

Some light bulbs are connected in parallel to a 120 V source as shown in the figure. Each bulb dissipates an average power of 60 W. The circuit has a fuse F that burns out when the current in the circuit exceeds 9 A. Determine the largest number of bulbs, which can be used in this circuit without burning out the fuse.


A certain merry-go-round is accelerated uniformly from rest and attains an angular speed of 1.2 rad/s in the first 18 seconds. If the net applied torque is 1200 N · m, what is the moment of inertia of the merry-go-round?

18,000 kgm2

a long thin rod of length 2L rotates with a constant angular acceleratoin of 8 rad/s2 about an axis that is perpendicular to the rod and passes through the center. What is the ratio of the angular speed of a point on the end of the rod to that of a point a distance of L/2 from the end of the rod?


A ray of light passes from air into a block of glass with a refractive index of 1.59 as shown in the figure. Note: The drawing is not to scale.

2.19 cm

An object is 1.0 m in front of a mirror. A virtual image is formed 10.0 m behind the mirror. What is the radius of curvature of the mirror?

2.2 m

The figure shows the path of a ray of light as it travels through air and crosses a boundary into water. The index of refraction of water for this light is 1.33.

2.26 x 10^8 m/s

How many electrons flow through a battery that delivers a current of 3.0 A for 12 s?


A 1500-kg satellite orbits a planet in a circular orbit of radius 6.2 ✕ 106 m. What is the angular momentum of the satellite in its orbit around the planet if the satellite completes one orbit every 1.5 ✕ 104 s?

2.4 x 10^13 kgm2/s

What is the frequency of light that has a wavelength in water of 788 nm if the refractive index for this light is 1.33?

2.86 x 10^14 HZ

Three resistors are placed in a circuit as shown. The potential difference between points A and B is 30 V.

20 V

during the spin cycle of a washing machine, the motor slows from 90 rad/s to30 rad/s while the turning drum through an angle of 180 radians. what is the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the motor?

20 radians

A 2.0-kg solid cylinder of radius 0.5 m rotates at a rate of 40 rad/s about its cylindrical axis. What power is required to bring the cylinder to rest in 10 s?

20 w

An 80-kg man balances the boy on a teeter-totter as shown. Note: Ignore the weight of the board.


A diverging lens has a focal length of −15 cm. A 5-cm object is placed 35 cm from the lens.Determine the approximate distance between the object and the image.

24 cm

A block is suspended from the ceiling by a long, thin strip of tungsten metal. The strip behaves as a spring. To produce a 0.25 m horizontal deflection of the block, a force of 6.5 N is required. Calculate the spring constant for the tungsten strip.

26 N/m

one end of the rope is tied to the handle of a horizontally-oriented and unifrom door. a force is applied to the other end of the rope as shown in the drawing. The door has a weight of 145 N and is higned on the right. What is the maximum magnitude of F for which the door will remain at rest.

265 N

A solid sphere rolls without slipping along a horizontal surface. What percentage of its total kinetic energy is rotational kinetic energy?


Consider four point masses located as shown in the sketch. The acceleration due to gravity is the same everywhere. What is the x coordinate of the center of gravity for this system?

3 m

a wheel turning through an angle of 188 radians in 8s; and its angular spped at the end of the period is 44 rad/s. If the angular acceleration is constant, what was the angular speed of the wheel at the beginning of the 8 s interval?

3 rad/s

A concave mirror has a radius of curvature of 60.0 cm. How close to the mirror should an object be placed so that the rays travel parallel to each other after reflection?

30 cm

A rider on a motorcycle that has a mass of 195 kg is traveling with a speed of 24 m/s. Each of the two wheels of the motorcycle has a radius of 0.29 m and a moment of inertia of 0.46 kg · m2. What is the approximate total rotational kinetic energy of the wheels?

3200 J

When a light bulb is connected to a 4.5 V battery, a current of 0.12 A passes through the bulb filament. What is the resistance of the filament?


In the drawing shown, the large wheel has a radius of 7.1 m. A rope is wrapped around the edge of the wheel and a 7.6 kg-box hangs from the rope. A smaller disk of radius 1.38 m is attached to the wheel. A rope is wrapped around the edge of the disk as shown. An axis of rotation passes through the center of the wheel-disk system. What is the value of the mass M that will prevent the wheel from rotating?

39 kg

a 3 kg ball and a 1 kg ball are placed at oppostie ends of a masless beam so that the system is in equillibrium as shown. What is the value of the ratio of the lengths b/a


What is the period of a pendulum consisting of a 6-kg object oscillating on a 4-m string?

4 s

a grindstone of radius 4 m is initially spinning with an angular speed of 8 rad/s. The angular speed. is then increased to 12 rad/s over the next 4 seconds. assume that the angular acceleration is constatnt. Through how many revolutoins does the grindstone turn during the 4 second interval?


A ping-pong ball weighs 0.025 N. The ball is placed inside a cup that sits on top of a vertical spring. If the spring is compressed 0.055 m and released, the maximum height above the compressed position that the ball reaches is 2.84 m. Neglect air resistance and determine the spring constant.

47 n/m

a unifrom 13 kg trap door is oriented horizontally and hinged as shown. what is the magnitude of the torque on the door at theinstant that the release is activated and the door can freely rotate?

48 nm

Which one of the following quantities can be converted to kilowatt · hours (kWh)?

5.8 J

a 2 kg solid disk rolls without slipping on a horizontal surface so that its center proceeds to the right with speed 5 m/s. what is the instantaneous speed of point B with respect to the ground?

7.1 m/s

on an amusement park ride, passengers are seated in a horizontal circle of radius 7.5m. The seats begin from rest and are unifomrly accelerated for 21 seconds to a maxiumum speed of 1.4 rad/s. What is the instantaneous tangential speed of the passengers 15s after the acceleratoin begins?

7.5 m/s

Three children are pulling on a rotatable platform on a playground. The platform has a radius of 3.80 m. In the picture, two children are pulling with equal forces of 40.0 N in an attempt to make the platform rotate clockwise. The third child applies a force of 60 N as shown. What is the net torque on the platform? Note: "ccw" is counterclockwise and "cw" is clockwise.

76nm, cw

Determine the length of a copper wire that has a resistance of 0.172 Ω and cross-sectional area of 7.85 ✕ 10−5 m2. The resistivity of copper is 1.72 ✕ 10−8 Ω · m.

785 m

The drawing shows the top view of a door that is 1.68 m wide. Two forces are applied to the door as indicated. What is the magnitude of the net torque on the door with respect to the hinge?


A stationary railroad whistle is sounded. An echo is heard 5.0 seconds later by the train's engineer. If the speed of sound is 343 m/s, how far away is the reflecting surface?


A concave mirror is found to focus parallel rays at a distance of 18 cm. Where is the image formed when an object is placed 6.0 cm in front of the mirror?

9 cm behind mirror

Two resistors are arranged in a circuit that carries a total current of 15 A as shown in the figure. Which one of the following entries is correct?

current through 2-Ω resistor = 10 A, voltage across 4-Ω resistor = 20 V

Complete the following statement: The unit kilowatt · hour measures


The answers below list object and image distances for five objects placed in front of mirrors. For which one of the following cases is the image formed by a convex spherical mirror?

object distance = 20.0 cm, image distance = −5.71 cm

A battery has a terminal voltage of 12 V when no current flows and an internal resistance of 2 Ω. The battery is placed in series with a 1-Ω resistor. Which one of the following entries is correct?

terminal voltage = 4 V, current through the 1-Ω resistor = 4 A

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