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how does water affect melting points?

it lowers melting points!

transform boundaries

just result in earthquakes (ex. haiti)

Newton's First Law

law of inertia every object is in a state of rest unless compelled to do otherwise by unbalanced forces acting on it - comes from mass

double split experiment

lead to wave-particle duality knowledge --shine a light through 2 slits & you get interference and diffraction (light acts like a wave) --shine a light through 1 slit & you only get diffraction...light acts like wave here as well! --when electrons are OBSERVED, they act like a particle --when electrons are NOT OBSERVED they act like a wave

fluid....bounded & unbounded

liquid or gas...anything that floats -bounded fluid: closed container meaning there is equal pressure throughout unbounded fluid: open container...pressure increases with depth


lower mantle solid and rigid


made mostly of silicates top layer of earth...the part we live on


made of silicates and oxides

Metallic Bondind

malleable good conductors of heat/electricity high melting/boiling points opaque/shiny

tectonic plates move by

floating on top of very hot "plasticy" rock

Newton's Third Law

force pairs -equal and opposite 2 forces have equal and opposite actions and reactions


formed by intense heat and pressure this process creates bands/veins

igneous rocks

formed by other rocks that have melted and then resolidified --intrusive: solidified under the earth (crystals...the bigger the crystal the longer it took for the rock to cool) --extrusive: solidified on the surface of the earth (air bubbles...the larger the air bubbles, the quicker the rock cooled)

sedimentary rocks

formed by small pieces of igneous and metamorphic rocks that all became glued together

Ionization Energy Increases

from bottom up and left to right on periodic table

Volume Increases

from top to bottom and right to left on periodic table


positive in nuclues CANNOT move! (this means when an atom is negatively charged it has gained electrons/when it is positively charged it has lost electrons...never gain/lose protons!)

positive/negative feedback

positive: cause and effect go in the same direction negative: cause and effect go in opposite directions

Electromagnetic Force

interaction between positives and negatives possible from size of entire atoms all the way to continents

Buoyant Force

is equal to the weight of the displaced water...affected by the volume of the object, not the weight of the object!


upper mantle solid, but plastic-like where the plate tectonics are

alluvial fan

water deposited in a valley


water is deposited in the ocean creating new land on the coast

destructive interference

when 1 crest and 1 tough interact making a smaller wave

constructive interference

when either 2 crests or 2 troughs interact making a larger wave


within atoms

for energy to transfer

work must be done


polar molecules where H is bonded to N, F, O

Strong Nuclear Force

smallest force acts on nucleus

where do electrons move

to the lower energy orbital


two of more elements bonded together in a certain ratio with specific bonds

order of energies

Kinetic Energy = most ordered Thermal Energy = most disordered everything else = in between

Gravitational Potential Energy

-energy of objects with a given height -energy increases as mass & height increase - U = mgh

Chemical Potential Energy

-energy stored within chemical bonds -energy from eating food or combusting chemicals

Elastic Potential Energy

-energy that comes from deforming an object (i.e. stretching or compressing an object)

Electric Potential Energy

-for like charges, energy is greater when they are closer together -for opposite charges, energy is greater when they are farther apart

fluids which is liquids or gases (traits)

-molecules are essentially free to move around and by each other

solids (traits)

-molecules are more "fixed" in place... motion in solids is less but still present...more of vibrations around equilibrium positions --THINK JELLO

how do we know they move?

-puzzle pieces of the continents -glaciers -magnetite -fossils

Tranverse Waves

-shear waves -only go through solids -these ones look like the waves we picture...go up and down

weird graph we need to know means:

-the mass decreases as you bring molecules together (fusion)...this releases lots of energy in heat -the mass increases as you break molecules apart (fission)

ALWAYS conserved

-total energy -linear momentum -angular momentum -charge -mass ***remember CAMEL

we measure ancient climates through

-tree rings -oxygen isotopes -coral -lake sediments -stalactites

3 modes of transfer of energy

conduction, convection, radiation

Wave Behaviors

- reflection (off of surfaces) - refraction (when passing through mediums) - diffraction (when dealing with obstacles or slits...wave spreads out!) - interference

think of the picture of changing states of matter:

-- temp increases on the inclines (KE increases) -- temp is constant on the plateaus (Electrical Potential Energy increases)

when a ball is thrown in the air:

-as it travels upward, its velocity is upwards and decreasing, while the acceleration is downwards and constant -at the peak, its velocity is zero and its acceleration is downwards -as it travels downwards, velocity and acceleration are both downwards with velocity increasing

Ionic Bonding

-between metal & nonmetal transparent brittle non-conductive (unless dissolved) high melting/boiling points

Covalent Bonding

-between non metal & non metal --forms MOLECULES (only one that does) low melting/boiling points

Longitudinal Waves

-compression waves -can go through fluids & solids -picture a slinky...compressed and spread out

convergent boundaries

-continental-continental: mountains -continental-oceanic: volcanoes, mountains, trenches -oceanic-oceanic: volcanoes, trenches, island arcs, tsunamis

divergent boundaries

-continental-continental: volcanoes, rift valleys -continental-oceanic: DOES NOT HAPPEN -oceanic-oceanic: volcanoes, mid-ocean ridges

Kinetic Energy

-energy of moving objects -energy increases as mass or velocity increases -K=1/2 mass times velocity squared

Models of Matter (understand order, scientist, and what each one is)

1) Continuous Model - Brownian Motion 2) Molecular Model - Gas Discharge Tube 3) Plum Pudding Model - Gold Foil Experiment 4) Solar System Model - Discrete Spectra 5) Modified Solar System - Double Slit 6) Quantum Model

4 ways of learning

1) authority 2) intuition 3) reason 4) sensory data

6 basic assumptions of science

1. existence 2. causality 3. position symmetry 4. time symmetry 5. noncontradiction 6. occams razor

5 principles of relative dating

1. original horizontality 2. super position 3. cross-cuts (younger) 4. inclusions (older) 5. faunal succession

2 Postulates of Special Relativity

1. the laws of nature are the same for all observers in uniform motion 2. the speed of light is the same regardless of individual's frame of reference or the motion of the light source


2 or more elements bonded together

standing waves

2 waves interacting with eachother creating nodes (periods of no movement) & antinodes (periods of movement)

increase in temperature

= increase in kinetic energy

Newton's Second Law

F=m(a) -force is mass times acceleration

radioactive decays

alpha: losing 2 protons and 2 neutrons beta: losing 1 electron gamma: rearranges nucleons

wave properties

amplitude: trough to middle/crest to middle wavelength: crest to crest horizontally crests: peaks troughs: dips frequency: number of waves passing a point in a given time

polyunsaturated fats

bent multiple times, 2+ double bonds, and lowest melting/boiling points

unsaturated fats

bent once, 1 double bond, and low melting/boiling points


between atoms/molecules dispersion/dipole-dipole/hydrogen bonds ^^ those listed in increasing order of strength

dispersion force

between nonpolar molecules

dipole dipole force

between polar molecules

p waves

can go through any medium...however they refract heavily when they travel through the liquid core and so they still create shadow waves!

Heisenerg Uncertainty Principle

cannot know exact speed and location of an object at the same time

glacier erosion

cause u shaped canyons

river erosion

causes v shaped canyons


change in either speed or direction -caused by an unbalanced force


crust and part of upper mantle solid/brittle

frequency of particles

determines energy (ie color of light)

amplitude of waves

determines energy (ie how big a wave is / how bright a light is)


direct contact (ie stove)

General Theory of Relativity

due to gravity

Special Theory of Relativity

due to speed

Diatomic Elements

elements that DO NOT like to be alone they are: H N F O I Cl Br

Thermal Energy

energy in the form of heat --basically all energy is lost to thermal energy


energy travels through space (ie campfire / sun)

hot spots

ex. Hawaii volcano is formed by a hotspot of magma under the lithosphere, then islands are formed one by one by a single volcano as the plate moves over the hotspot


moving hot molecules (ie convect oven)


negative can move


never decreases --law of increasing disorder

Weak Nuclear Force

not important


one atom from the periodic table

shear waves

only go through solids...therefore they create shadow zones when they reach the liquid part of the crust, because they cannot go through it


outer core: made of liquid metal inner core: made of solid metal

Electromagnetic Spectrum

radio: long wavelength, low energy&frequency microwave infrared visible ultra violet Xray gamma: short wavelength, high energy & frequency

when moving fast, objects become:

short, fat, and slow


similar properties to metallic bonds but only semi-conductors because of their band gap --better conductors when HOT


speed & direction


straight, one double bond, and highest melting/boiling points

saturated fats

straight, zero double bonds, and high melting/boiling points


strongest force -force that causes acceleration (F=ma) -force relies on mass and distance of objects involved -acceleration due to gravity=unchanging -F=G(m1xm2/d2)...therefore, increasing the distance by 2 would be decreasing the force by 1/4...

radiation hits strongest at

the earth's equator...which is mostly ocean which causes the water to evaporate and form clouds and also transfers the heat around the planet through convection

the faster the water moves

the more kinetic energy it has

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