Phys Lab #1 Quiz

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Provide a definition for the following terms:

- lamellae: Concentric layers or rings found in the osteon that surrounds the lamellae. - canaliculi: Found between the lacunae of ossified bone, it is a small canal/duct. - lacuna: A small space with an osteocyte in the bone. - Haversian canal: The main unit of compact bone, it contains the bone's blood vessel as well as nerve fibers.

Describe the physical characteristics of bone tissue.

-Bone tissue has a hard, calcified matrix containing many collagen fibers. The osteocytes are in the lacunae and it is highly vascularized.

What functions does bone tissue perform?

-Bone tissue provides rigid support, protection, aid in movement, blood cell formation (red marrow), and storage for chemicals.

Describe the physical characteristics of cardiac muscle tissue.

-Cardiac muscle tissue has a striated appearance with uninucleate cells that interlock at specialized junctions (intercalated discs).

Where is dense irregular connective tissue located in the human body?

-Dense irregular connective tissue is found in the dermis of the skin, submucosa of the digestive tract, and the fibrous capsules of organs and joints.

Where is elastic cartilage located in the human body?

-Elastic cartilage can be found in the external ear (pinna) and it also forms the epiglottis.

What functions does elastic cartilage perform?

-Elastic cartilage maintains the shape of a structure while allowing flexibility.

Name the cells that synthesize elastic fibers?

-Elastin synthesizes elastic fibers.

What is the difference between the terms "regular" and "irregular" when applied to connective tissue?

-For connective tissue, the term "regular" means the fibers are in one direction (parallel) while the term "irregular" means the fibers are in many different directions.

Describe the physical characteristics of hyaline cartilage and identify the cells that synthesize the matrix.

-Hyaline cartilage doesn't have a defined shape but it has a firm matrix. The collagen fibers form the imperceptible matrix. Chondroblasts synthesize the matrix.

Where is hyaline cartilage located in the adult human body?

-Hyaline cartilage in the adult human body is found in the ends of long bones in joint cavities. It also forms the costal cartilages of the ribs, cartilages of the nose, trachea, and larynx.

Where is hyaline cartilage located in the human embryo?

-Hyaline cartilage in the human embryo is found in the skeleton.

What functions does hyaline cartilage perform?

-Hyaline cartilage supports and reinforces, has resilient cushioning properties, and resists compressive stress.

Describe the 2 functions of the intercalated discs that couple myocardial cells?

-It has gap junctions that allows transmission of currents to travel from cell to cell. -It has desmosomes which holds the muscle cells together and stabilizes them during contraction.

What functions do nervous tissues perform?

-Nervous tissues transmit electrical signal from sensory receptors and to effectors which control their activity.

Where is pseudostratified columnar epithelium located in the human body (ciliated and non-ciliated)?

-Non-ciliated: In ducts of large glands and part of male urethra. -Ciliated: Lines the trachea and most of upper respiratory tract.

Name the proteins that create the striated appearance and force generation in cardiac muscle cells.

-Similar to skeletal muscle, actin and myosin are the proteins responsible for the striated appearance due to the light and dark band appearance they show. They also force the generation in cardiac muscle cells when they create cross bridges.

What functions does skeletal muscle tissue perform?

-Skeletal muscle is responsible for voluntary movement and locomotion, manipulation of environment, and facial expressions.

What functions does smooth muscle tissue serve?

-Smooth muscle tissue propels substances or objects along internal passageways. It also regulates vascular resistance.

Describe how the appearance of transitional epithelium changes in a urinary bladder that is either empty or full of urine?

-The appearance of transitional epithelium in an empty urinary bladder appears to be closer together and more compact and tall. On the other hand, when the urinary bladder is full, the transitional epithelium appears to be more stretched out, shorter, and longer.

ndicate the number of layers of cells in simple cuboidal epithelium.

-There is a single layer of cells in simple cuboidal epithelium.

What functions does simple cuboidal epithelium perform?

-This epithelium is responsible for secretion and absorption.

What functions does stratified squamous epithelium perform?

-This type of epithelium protects underlying tissues in areas subjected to abrasion and friction

What functions does dense irregular connective tissue perform?

-This type of tissue's function is the ability to withstand tension in many different directions which provides structural strength.

Describe the structure and function of the following parts of a motor neuron:

-soma (cell body): It looks like a ball, and it contains the nucleus inside. It receives the electrical impulse from the dendrite and it controls the function of the motor neuron. - dendrite: The receptive region of the neuron, appears branch-like and it extends from the cell body. Sends signal to the cell body. - axon: The long part of the neuron that is located between the synapse and cell body. It typically has a myelin covering and it conducts the impulse to other cells. - nucleus: It is located in the cell body of the neuron. It is oval shaped and it regulates the cell function.

What proteins are responsible for the striated appearance and force generation in skeletal muscle cells?

Actin and myosin are the proteins responsible for the striated appearance due to the light and dark band appearance they give out. They also force the generation in skeletal muscle cells when they create cross bridges.

Describe the physical characteristics of dense irregular connective tissue.

Dense irregular connective tissue appears to have collagen fibers arranged in a random array with elastin fibers. The major cell type is the fibroblast.

Describe the physical characteristics of dense regular connective tissue.

Dense regular connective tissue contains parallel collagen fibers with a few elastin fibers. Major cell type is the fibroblast.

Where is dense regular connective tissue located in the human body?

Dense regular connective tissue is located in tendons, aponeuroses, and in most ligaments.

Describe the physical characteristics of elastic cartilage.

Elastic cartilage is very similar in appearance to hyaline cartilage. It has doesn't have a defined shape but has a firm matrix as well. The main difference is that elastic cartilage has Moree elastic fibers in the matrix, making it more flexible.

Describe the arrangement of bone tissue in the diaphysis (shaft) and compare this to the epiphysis (ends).

In the diaphysis, it is made out of compact (dense) bone tissue while the the epiphysis is made of spongy (cancellous) bone tissue.

Describe the physical characteristics of both keratinized and non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium has surface cells that are dead with large amounts of keratin, they appear looser. -Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium has surface cells that are alive with no keratin. -They both have a thick membrane composed of several cell layers and basal cells are cuboidal, columnar, or metabolically active.

Where is simple columnar epithelium located in the human body?

Non-ciliated: lines most of the digestive tract, gallbladder, and excretory ducts of some glands. -Ciliated: lines small bronchi, uterine tubes, and regions of uterus.

Identify the cells that synthesize the bony matrix and those that degrade the bony matrix?

Osteoblasts synthesize the bony matrix and osteoclasts degrade the bony matrix.

What functions does pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium perform as found trachea?

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium allows the secretion and removal of mucus in the trachea.

When observing the position of nuclei in these epithelial cells, why does pseudostratified columnar epithelium appear to be "stratified" when, in reality, all cells attach to the basement membrane?

Pseudostratified epithelium appears to be stratified because the nuclei are are at differing heights, which gives the appearance of it being stratified when all the cells do attach to the basement membrane.

Describe the physical characteristics of pseudostratified epithelium.

Pseudostratified epithelium has differing heights as well as nuclei at different levels. They may contain goblet cells and bear cilia.

Describe the physical characteristics of simple columnar epithelium.

Simple columnar epithelium has tall cells with an oval shaped nuclei. Some may have a cilia layer for motility of substances or goblet cells.

Describe the physical characteristics of cuboidal cells.

Simple cuboidal cells are cube-shaped with a large and spherical central nuclei.

What functions does simple squamous epithelium perform?

Simple squamous epithelium allows the passage of materials by diffusion and filtration in areas where protection isn't important. They also regulate vascular resistance and secrete lubrication in serosae.

Describe several locations in the human body where simple squamous epithelium be found?

Simple squamous epithelium can be found in the kidney glomeruli, alveoli, lining inside of the heart, blood vessels (endothelium), and lymphatic vessels, and the serosae.

Describe the physical characteristics of skeletal muscle tissue.

Skeletal muscle tissue appears to be long, cylindrical, and striated as well as multinucleate cells.

Which division of the nervous system (voluntary or involuntary) controls smooth muscle tissue?

Smooth muscle is part of the involuntary division of the nervous system.

Describe the physical characteristics of smooth muscle tissue

Smooth muscle tissue does not appear striated, it is smooth. It has spindle-shaped cells with central nuclei with the cells arranged closely to form sheets.

What is a lacuna?

The cavity in bone or cartilage for cells. A lacuna is a small space that contains chondrocytes. It can also have an osteocyte in bones

Identify the two planes of section that kidney tubule simple cuboidal epithelium can be viewed?

The two planes of section that kidney tubule simple cuboidal epithelium can be viewed is the transverse (cross) section and the longitudinal section.

What functions does transitional epithelium perform?

This epithelium stretches readily and allows dissension of the urinary bladder by contained urine.

What functions does simple columnar epithelium perform?

This epithelium's functions include secretion of mucus, enzymes, and other substances. It also performs absorption. The ciliated ones propels mucus or reproductive cells.

Identify some locations in the human body where simple cuboidal epithelium is located

This tissue is located in the kidney tubules, ducts and secretory portions of small glands, and the surface of the ovary

What functions does dense regular connective tissue perform?

This type of tissue is responsible for muscle to muscle, bone to bone, or muscle to bone attachments. They are also capable of handling great tensile stress when force is in one direction.

Where can transitional epithelium be found in the human body?

Transitional epithelium can be found in the lining of the ureters, bladder, and part of urethra.

Describe the physical characteristics of transitional epithelium.

Transitional epithelium resembles both stratified cuboidal and stratified squamous epithelium. Surface cells are dome shaped/squamous like while the basal cells are cuboidal or columnar.

Identify the two (2) organs that comprise the central nervous system (CNS)?

brain and spinal cord

When smooth muscle cells contract, what happens to blood vessel diameter? (dilate or constrict)


Identify the cells in connective tissue that synthesize collagen fibers.


Describe the physical characteristics of simple squamous cells

flattened cells with a disk-shaped central nuclei with sparse cytoplasm.

Which division of the nervous system (voluntary or involuntary) controls cardiac muscle tissue?


Where is stratified squamous epithelium located in the human body (keratinized and non-keratinized)?

keratinized - They form the epidermis of skin (a dry membrane). non-keratinized - They form the moist linings of the esophagus, mouth, and vagina.

What functions does cardiac muscle tissue perform?

propulsion of blood into the circulation through contraction of myocardium

Which division of the nervous system (voluntary or involuntary) controls skeletal muscle tissue?


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