Physical Growth

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Malnutrition( Marasamus/Kwashiorkor)

-27% of the words children suffer form malnutiron before age 5 -10% are affected severely from two dietary diseases -Marasamus: its a wasted condition of the body caused by a diet low in all essential nutrients, appears in the first year of life when a baby mother is malnourished to produce enough break milk. Baby is thin and in danger of dying -Kwashiorkor: an unbalanced diet very low in protein, strikes after weaning between 1-3 years old. belly enlarges, feet swell, hair falls out, skin rash. -they suffer from lasting damage to the brain, heart, liver or other organs, can integer with growth of neural fibers and deficient diet alters production of NT in brain.

Brain growth part 2(Stimulation)

-At first, stimulation results in massive overabundance of synapses, many of which serve identical functions, thereby ensuring that the child will acquire motor, cognitive, and social skills that we need to survive -neurons that are seldom stimulated soon lose their synapse, in a process called synaptic pruning. -half of the brains vulture is made up of glial cells, which are responsible for mylineation cells: -(the coating of neural fibers with an insulating fatty sheath called myelin. This improves the efficiency of message transfer.) -brain is 25% the size of an adult brain, body is less than 5% of adult weight, age 2 the brain is 75% of the adult brain, child is 20% of adult weight.

Main factors that affect physical growth(Emotional Well-Being)- Growth faltering

-Growth faltering is a term applied to infants whose weight, height, and head circumference are substantially below age-related growth norms and who are withdrawn and apathetic -a distributed parent-infant relationship contributes to the failure to grow normally -mother of these infants seem cold and distant(hostile/impatient) when feeding, diaper changing and play. -in response the baby tries protect themselves by keeping track of the adult -an unhappy marriage, such as poor sucking sucking, or vomiiting that disrupts growth and lead parents to feel anxious, which stresses the relationship/baby is irritable

Sexual Maturation in Girls/Boys

-Growth hormones &thryoxine increase around ages 8-9. Estrogen more in girls/adrenal estrogens. -Menarche: female puberty begins with the budding of the breasts & growth spurt. First menstruation occurs around 12 and a half for north american girls, 13 for western europeans. Breast and pubic hair are completed & underarm hair appears. occurs around growth spurt -nature delats sexual maturity until the girls body is large enough for childbearing. period does not release an ovum. -Androgens(more in boys/testerone) -Spermache: boys first ejaculation of sperm -first sign of puberty is enlargement of testes, change in texture and color of srotum, occurs much later in sequence of pubertyal events -height gain is more intense and longer, deepening of voice.

What gender differences (and similarities) exist in relation to physical growth

-In infancy and childhood, girls and boys have similar body proportions. During adolsenece there are difference because of the action of sex hormones on the skelton. -Boys shoulders broaden relative to the hips, whereas hips broaden relative to the shoulders and waist -boys end up being larger than girls, legs are longer.(they have 2 more years of preadolescent growth) -at birth, girls have more body fat than boys, at age 8 girls start to add more fat on their arms, legs, and trunk -arm, and leg fat decreases in boys -muscle increase 150% greater in boys, who develop larger skeletal muscles, hearts, lung capacity- girls are ahead of boys in sketal growth. # of red blood cells(ability to carry O2) increase in boys but not in girls, they have more muscles strength than girls. -social pressure for boys to be stronger than girls.

Understand the basics of brain/neuron growth as well as related terms (ex. Neurons, synapses, Neurotransmitters, programed cell death, synaptic pruning)

-Neurons- nerve cells, that store and transmit information.not tightly packed together Synapses- tiny gaps, where fibers from different neurons come close together but do not touch. -Neurotranmsitters- neurons send messages to one another by releasing chemical NT, which cross synapses -Programmed cell death- it makes space for these connective structures: as synapse form, many surrounding neurons die(20-80%) -Synaptic pruning- neurons that are seldom stimulated lose their synapses, it returns neurons that are not needed to an uncommitted state so they can support future development(40% of synapses are pruned during childhood & adolescene)

Adolescent Sexuality/ contraceptive

-North American attitudes relatively restrictive Media often contradict family messages -Opinions have changed over past 40 years -Most say premarital sex OK for committed partners -Activity matches attitudes. Rates declining since 1990s fewer partners -recent increase in contraceptive use/20% american 15% candian do not use. -dont use bc concern about image, risk-taking, social environment, forced intercourse -US has high prego rates. better relationship with parents more likely to use birth control.

Benefit of team Sports

-Regular Physical Activity -Greater social competence, self-esteem; shared activity shared time together, they might have things in common with people -Parents and coaches ideally emphasize -Effort, improvement, teamwork; its good to encourage these sorts of things. -When you focus on the competitive aspects that's where you are going to start to see some of the negative consequences of people involved in team sports. -Not competition; might hear stories of children starting to burn out, they have devoted their careers to things, -There could be such a high amount of pressure, that its no longer fun, so you see parental pressure for performance is linked to children's emotional difficulties

Brain Plasticity(definition, activation in each hemisphere responds more strongly to what?)

-a highly plastic cerebral cortex, in which areas are not yet committed to specific functions, has a high capacity for learning, and if part of the cortex is damaged, other parts can take over the tasks it would have handled. -most newborns favor the right side of the body in their head position and reflexive reactions -greater activation in left hemisphere while listening to speech sounds or displaying a positive state of arousal. -right hemisphere reacts more strongly to non speech sounds to stimuli that evoke neg emotions. -younger you have more plasticity, early experience influence cerebral cortex. can acquire certain capacities even if some areas are damaged.

Reticular formation/ hippo/amygalda.

-a structure in the brain stem that maintains alterness and consciousness, generates synapses and myelinated from early childhood into adolescence/ send out fibers -vital role in memory & in images of space that help us find our way, rapid synapses formation in the second half of the 1st year. -central role in processing emotional information/ sensitive to facial emotional expressions, especially fear/enhances memory for emotionally salient events, ensuring info for survival. emerge in early childhood, damage to it leads to loss of ability to learn about fear.

Nutrion in Childhood and Adolescence

-around 1 year, infants diets should include all the basic food groups. -as children approach age 2, their appetites become unpredictable -this decline in appetite occurs because growth has slowed, further more preschoolers wariness of new foods is adaptive -if they stick to familiar foods, they are less likely to swallow dangerous substances when adults are not around to protect them -children tend to imitate the food choice and eating practices of people they admire, both adults and peers. -repeated, unpressured exposure to new food also increasing acceptance - too much parental control over eating limits children opporutnuies to develop self-control -when you offer bribes like a vegetable for cookies, they like healthy food less and treat more. -restricting those foods doesn't help it increases their desire to eat it.

How is the adolescent brain different than an adult brain?

-connectivity among distinct regions of the cerebral cortex expands and attain rapid communication -bc of that the prefrontal cortex becomes a more effective "executive"-overseeing and hanging the integrated fucntionng of various areas -gain in diverse cognitive skills -neurons become more responsive to excitatory neurotransmitters, react strongly to stressful situations, experience pleasurable stimuli stronger -find it hard to manage these powerful influences: contributes drive for novel experiences(drug taking, reckless driving, unprotected sex) -16 year olds 75% misinterpret a face showing fear , if we don't process the same as adults its no wonder we don't think about consequences

Lateralization/Corpus callosum

-each hemisphere receives sensory information from the side of the body opposite to it and controls only that side. -left: verbal abilities(such as spoken and written language) and positive emotion(joy) -better at processing information in a sequential, analytic(piece by piece) way, good for communicative info(verbal/emotional) -right: spatial abilities(judging distances, reading maps, and recognizing geometric shapes) and negative emotions(distress). Faces here. -specalized for processing info in a holistic, integrative manner, ideal for making sense of spatial info and regulating neg emotions. -left-handed people this pattern may be reversed or its less clearly specialized -Corpus: The large band of neural fibers connecting the two brain hemisphere, Source of communication for the two halves

Body Image

-early maturing white gilrs tend to report a less positive body image- conception of and attitude toward their physical appearance. more likely to have internalized the cultural ideal of female attractiveness, they want to be thinner -early maturing girls are prone to lasting difficulties, depressed girls remain depressed

Psychosocial Dwarfism-Definition, characteristics, can it be removed?

-extreme emotional deprivation can interfere with the production of growth hormone and lead to this - a growth disorder that appears 2 and 15 years of age, typical chacterstics include decreased GH secretion, very short stature, immature sketal age, and serious adjustment problems -when they are removed from the environment their GH levels return to normal and they grow rapidly, if treatment delayed then it can be permeant.

What is the difference between experience-expectant and experience-dependent brain growth?

-extreme sensory deprivation results in permanent brain damage and loss of functions. Stimulation is vital to growth -EE: young brain rapidly developing organization which depends on ordinary experiences-oppurutnies to interact with people, hear language and other sounds, see, and touch objects and move about and explore the environment. Occurs early and naturally. babies & preschoolers benefit from age-appropriate stimulation/ overstimulation is harmful/it overwhelms neural circuits/reduces sensitivity to everyday experiences. -ED: occurs throughout our lives, consists of additional growth and refinement of established brains structures as a result of specific learning experiences that vary widely across individuals and cultures. (weaving a rug, practicing the violin). wouldn't happen unless you were in an environment that encouraged it.

Dominant cerebral hemisphere/ Cerebellum

-handedness reflects the greater capacity of one side of the brain. the individuals dominat cerebral hemisphere- to carry out skilled motor action. -langauge is housed in the left hemisphere with hand control, for left handed 10% language is on the right. -dont have any developmental problems, have certain advantages, advance in speed and flexibility of thinking. -Cerebellum: structure aids in balance and control of body movement

Brain growth story

-in the prenatal period, neurons are produced in the embryos primitive neural tube, from there they migrate to form the major parts of the brain. Produced far more neurons than the brain will ever need. -once neurons are in place, they differentiate, establishing their unique functions by extending their fibers to form synaptic connections w/neighboring cells. -as neurons form connections, stimulation becomes vital to their surivial. Neurons that are stimulated by input from surrounding environment continue to establish synapses, forming elaborate systems of communication. -during infancy and childhood, neural fiber increase at an astounding pace

Main factors that affect physical growth(Nutrition)

-its especially crucial during the first two years because the brain and body are growing rapidly. Energy needs are twice of an adult. -25% of babies total caloric intake is devoted to growth and infants need extra calories to keep there organs functioning properly. -in early infancy breast milk is suited to their needs.easier transition to solid food -breastfed babies in poverty stricken are less likely to be malnourished and 6 to 14 times more likely to survive the first year of life. -brestfeed until age 2, helps protect the baby against respiratory and intestinal infections.Less likely to get sick, better vision -brestfeeding has become more common, 75% of mothers breastfeed. They become hungry every 1 to 2 hours -easier for mother to bond with baby, better growth, fat-protein balance -helps increase spacing between siblings.


-people have said there is a link between vaccines and autism, yet there is no correlation between the two. -thimesoal was removed from all MMR incidence rates have not decreased since removal. -there is no known cause so there is no treatment. -Psychodymaic therapies: a lot of ppl rely on this -biomedical therapies: have some success, but a lot of side effects -APA: most empirical evidence in the treatment of autism, operant conditioning. positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior. Discrete separate trails, learn best with repetition. ask for red, they give red, the trail ends, a new one begins. -Shaping:when complicated steps are broken down into parts, reinforced in smaller steps. -Sav:10% of the autistic population have these extreme abilities, rare occurrence temple:notable individual with autism, gifted animal scientist ppl with autism can do great things, she wouldn't get rid of it if she could. designs humanely livestock facilities.

Distance curve/velocity

-plots the average size of a sample of children at each age, indicating the typical yearly progress toward maturity -infancy and childhood the 2 sexes are similar, girl is a little shorter, girl gets taller during puberty bc hers is 2 years earlier. then at age 14 the boy surpasses -velcoity: plots the average amount of growth at each yearly interval revealing the exact timing of growth spurts, decelarting growth in infancy, a slower, constant rate during early and middle childhood and a sharp increase in early adolescence

Nutrition during puberty

-rapid body growth leads to a dramatic rise in food intake, adolescents are more likely to skip breakfast, eat on the run, and consume empty calories rather than nurtirent-rich fruits and veggies. -family meals is a powerful predictor of healthy eating

Cerebral Cortex/Prefrontal cortex

-surrounds the rest of the brain,largest brain structure- accounting for 85% of the brains weight & counting the greatest number of neurons and synapses. -last brain structure to stop growing, its sensitive to environmental influences for a much longer period -the order in which cortical regions develop corresponds to the order in which various capacities emerge in the infant and growing child. -Pre:controls body movement, responsible for thought(consciousness, attention, inhibition of impulses, integration of information/ use of memory, reasoning, planning, and problem-solving strategies. age 2 months and on, it functions more effectively, rapid mylentination and formation & pruning of synapses during preschool & school years.

Obesity(Stastics/ characertstics/ causes

32% of US children are overweight, more than half of them are extremely so. -a greater than 20% increase over healthy weight, based on body mass index -China overweight was nonexistent now 20% of children are overweight with 7% obese(boys more affected than girls) -21% in preschoolers to 35% among school-aged children. -high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, respiratory, and insulin resistance. -tend to have overweight parents, heredity accounts for only a tendency to gain weight. -lack of knowledge about healthy diet, tendency to buy high fat, low-cost foods, neighborhoods the lack healthy grocery stores. -mom who smoked=underweight , in developing world obesity is great for people in ecomoincially well off households because of access to greater food) -the more TV you watch the more body fat they added.

Sexual orientation

4% of US, 15-44 years old identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual. -heredity is an important contribution: identical twins of both sexes are more likely to share a homosexual orientation. -male homosexuality is more common on the maternal than the paternal side of families, -certian genes affect prenatal sex hormones, both genetic and environmental alter prenatal homornes -girls predisposed to high levels of androgens or estrogens are more likely to be lesbian or bi. -gay men are later in birth order and have a higher than average number of older brothers. Coming out(6-12) you feel different, Confusion from 11-15, Self acceptance: time varies.

Know the main differences between anorexia- and bulimia-nervosa.

Anorexia: is a tragic eating disorder in which young people starve themselves because of a compulsive fear of getting fat. Appears between 14 and 16 years old. increased because of cultural thinness. equally common in all social-class groups.african americans are more ok with size and shape. less than 50% recover. affects 1% of girls. culture, family influences Bulimia: young people(often girls but gay and bisexual boys as well) engage in strict dieting and excessive excursive accompaimed by binge eating, followed by vomiting or purging with laxatives.- appears in late adolescence/ more common. affects 2-4% girls. they are aware of it which makes it easier for treatment. -both heredity

Cause of obesity

Heredity accounts for a tendency to gain weight, but environmental factors play a key role. -In industrialized nations, a consistent relationship exists between low education and income and overweight and obesity, especially among certain ethnic minorities. -Children who get less nightly sleep appear to be at greater risk for overweight, perhaps because lack of sleep disrupts the brain's regulation of hunger and metabolism. -Overweight parents often offer their children diets high in calories and in sugary and fatty foods; parents may also play a negative role by overfeeding, pressuring children to eat, or being overly controlling so that children do not learn to regulate their own food intake. ** Compared to their normal-weight agemates, obese children are less responsive to internal hunger cues.** (5) Because of these experiences, obese children develop maladaptive eating habits. (6) Overweight children are less physically active than their normal-weight peers, and the same is true of their parents.

Know the difference between primary and secondary sexual characteristics

Primary: involve the reproductive organs directly(ovaries, uterus and vagina in females; penis, scortum and testes in males Secondary: are visible on the outside of the body and serve as additional signs of sexual maturity( breast development in females, and appearance of underarms and public hair in both sexes. -develop in a fairly standard sequence/ ages it occurs at varies. pubertal takes four years, some it finishes in 2 years.

Main factors that affect physical growth(Heredity)- catch up growth/ how do genes influence growth?

When diet and health are adequate, height and rate are determined by heredity. -As long as negative environmental influences, such as poor nutrition or illness, are not sereve, children & adolescents typically show catch-up growth-(a return to genetically influenced growth path once conditions improve) -genes influence growth by controlling the body's production of and sensitivity to hormones, -mutations can disrupt this process, leading to deviations in size -it also affects body weight, environment(nutrition & eating habits) is an important role.

Gial cells/ end process

multiply rapidlyfrom the fourth month of pregnancy through second year of life, slower during middle of the life) -gains in neural fibers and myelination are responsible for the extraordinary increase in overall size of brain-from nearly 30% of its adult weight at birth to 70% at age 2 and 90% at age 6. -first neurons and synapses are overproduced, then cell death and synaptic pruning cult away excess building material to form the mature brain -the resulting sculpture is a set of interconnected regions, each with specific functions, much like countries on a globe that communicate with one another.

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