Physical Science Chapter 14 test

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(287-212 BCE) Greek mathematician and inventor who made a discovery about buoyancy

Explain why a hot-air balloon descends when the burner is turned off while the balloon is in the air.

. A hot air balloon is able to float because of Charles's law. Charles's law says if the temperature increases, the volume increases when the pressure is constant. A hot air balloon's material is flexible, so the pressure balances on the inside and the outside. When the temperature of the burner increases, the volume also increases, allowing it to float.

The Kinetic theory

1. all matter is composed of tiny particles (atoms, molecules, and ions) 2. these particles are in constant, random motion 3. the particles collide with each other and with the walls of any container in which they are held. 4. the amount of energy that the particles lose from these collisions is negligible.

State the basic assumptions of the kinetic theory.

1. matter is composed of tiny particles 2. these particles are in constant, random motion 3. the particles collide with each other and with the walls of any container 4. the amount of anergy that the particles lose from these collisions is negligible (small)


A liquid's resistance to flowing high viscosity- flows slowly low viscosity- flows fastly ex: refrigerated syrup has a high viscosity, it flows slowly heated syrup has a low viscosity, it flows faster TIP= high- thicker nonflowy low- thinner flowy


A solid that is made up of crystals in which particles are arranged in a regular, repeating pattern example- the geometric arrangement of ice (hydrogen and oxygen atoms have a pattern)

Predict, using Boyle's law, what will happen to a balloon that an ocean driver takes to a pressure of 202 kPa.

As the ballon goes under water, the pressure increases. When the pressure increases, the volume decreases. (Boyle's law) The ballon will eventually pop, under so much pressure.

What does temperature represent?

Average kinetic energy of molecules

Compare and contrast evaporation to boiling.

Boiling is a way a liquid can vaporize. Boiling differs from evaporation because it occurs throughout the liquid at a specific temperature. Boiling depends on the pressure on the surface area. Evaporation differs from boiling because it occurs at the surface of a liquid and can happen at almost any temperature. Particles must be at the liquid's surface and have enough kinetic energy to escape the attractive forces of the liquid to evaporate.

pressure formula

Force (N) / Area (m2) P= F/A F= PA A= F/P

Blaise Pascal

He was a French mathematician who developed the "Pascaline." He discovered that pressure applied to a fluid is transmitted throughout the fluid.

vaporization (evaporation and boiling)

Liquid to gas when particles move fast enough to escape the attractive forces of other particles they enter a gas state and can occur in 2 ways evaporation- occurs at the surface of a liquid and happens at nearly any temperature, particles must be at the surface and have enough kinetic energy to escape the attractive forces boiling- occurs throughout the liquid at a specific temperature, depending on the pressure on the surface of the liquid

What is pressure measured in?

Pascals (Pa)

Describe the movement of the particles in solids, liquids, and gases.

Solid= particles are tightly packed and locked, unable to move Liquid= particles are touching and close together, but are all to slide, move, and flow past each other Gas= particles move fast and are spread apart from each other

thermal energy

The total energy of motion in the particles of a substance including kinetic and potential energy energy from the motions of individual particles and energy from forces that act within or between particles are both forms of thermal energy

Pascal principle

When force is applied to a fluid, it is transmitted equally to all parts throughout the fluid example- squeezing a bottle of mustard squeezing toothpaste pressure in= pressure out example: hydraulic lifts use pascal's principle to lift heavier objects

Scuba divers often wear buoyancy vests to maintain neutral buoyancy, so they neither sink to the bottom or float to the surface. If the dive takes a breath the diver will rise slightly. When the diver exhales, the diver will sink slightly. Explain why this happens.

When scuba divers take a breath and slightly rise, this is because oxygen is less dense than water. When a scuba diver takes a breath out a slightly sink, the oxygen goes out of the lungs, causing the diver to sink. When the diver takes breaths in through the lungs, the air inside wants to rise above the water.

Robert Boyle

a British scientist who is father of modern chemistry, who found Boyle's law

Jaques Charles

a French scientist who Discovered the relationship between the volume and temperature of a gas charles's law

Daniel Bernoulli

a Swiss scientists who studied the properties of moving fluids like water and air

Boyle's law

as the volume is decreased, the pressure increases when the temperature is constant by increasing pressure, you decrease the volume into a smaller area ex: squeezing a balloon to pop it Pressure and volume are inversely related When you add pressure, the space gets smaller and the volume is decreased. Therefore there are more collisions of particles. (gases and air law)

heating curve of water

below 0 -40... solid 0-100- Liquid (melts at 0) 100-140...gas (boils at 100) shows the temperature of water in its three states as heat is added or removed at fixed areas phase change is constant

Bernoulli's principle

fluid velocity/speed increases when the flow of the fluid is restricted as the velocity increases, the pressure exerted by that fluid decreases fast moving air= low pressure slow moving air= high pressure example- placing your thumb on a water hose spout, the water sprays out faster hose end sprayer

How would the heating curve for glass be different from the heating curve of water?

glass= heating curve becomes soft and susceptible as the temperature increases, lacks the repeating crystalline structure of solids like ice or water Water= can have a high boiling point because of the strong hydrogen bonds DURING THE PHASE CHANGE, THE TEMPERATURE REMAINS CONSTANT

heat of vaporation

how much energy it takes to change phases from a liquid to a gas

heat of fusion

how much energy it takes to change phases from a solid to a liquid

Boyle's law equation

initial pressure * initial volume= final pressure * final volume P1V1=P2V2

charles's law equation

initial volume=final volume/initial temperature= final temperature V1 V2 ____ = ____ T2(K) T2(K) temperature must be measured in kelvins


liquid to gas the reverse of vaporization water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it

liquid crystals

liquids which keep some ordered structure a most substances do, acts like a solid two classes of materials that do not react as you would expect when they are changing states ex: liquid crystal displays for phones, calculators, and net books, (dad's computer displayer) LIQUID


mass/unit volume

Kilopascal (kPa)

most pascals are given in kilopascals because 1 Pa is a very small amount of pressure

What is the air around a person composed of?

nitrogen, water, oxygen, and other gases

Describe how the particles of a substance behave at its boiling point.

particles behave by not being able to escape, due to the external pressure pushing down on the liquid

Describe how the particles of a substance behave at its melting point.

particles slip out of order arrangement of a solid because of the energy required to melt (heat of fusion)

Heating curves

shows how temperature changes over time as thermal energy is continuously added 1. energy is put in to overcome the attractive forces between the particles 2. once overcame the particles move freely and temperatures increase

Using the graph in Figure 7 describe the energy changes that are occurring when water goes from -15C to 120C.

shows when he thermal energy is continuously added, the temperature increases

If you blow up a balloon, tie it off, and release it, it will fall to the floor. Why does it fall instead of float? Explain what would happen if the balloon contained helium instead of air.

the ballon filled up with air weighs more than the air and therefore does not float. helium is lighter than air, and the balloon floats when filled with helium, helium is less dense and greater has a buoyancy

Archimedes' Principle

the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object ex: a block of wood placed in water sinks as water continues to push out only until it equals the block's weight when the weight of the water displaced is equal to the block's weight, it floats if the weight of the water displaced is less than the weight of the block, it sinks

Explain plasma

the fourth familiar state of matter, a state of matter beyond the gas state the atoms that make up plasma collide with such force that the electrons are completely stripped off the atoms most universe objects are in the plasma state

Describe what would happen to the volume of a gas if the pressure on it were decreased and then the gas's temperature were increased.

the gas would expand

Describe how fluids exert forces on objects?

the molecules in the fluid that collide with the surfaces of the object in the fluid bounce on in all directions of the object buoyancy

Explain why squeezing a plastic mustard bottle forces mustard out the top.

the mustard comes out because of the force applied to it, making mustard to flow out

amorphous solids

the particles are not arranged in a regular pattern two classes of materials that do not react as you would expect when they are changing states ex: butter gradually turns into a liquid over a range of temperatures SOLIDS

Explain why a steel boat floats on water but a steel block does not

the steel block has a greater surface area and has less density now then the water, making it float the steel block has more density than the water and sinks

Charles's law

the volume of a gas increases with increasing temperature when the pressure is constant when a gas is heated, its particles move faster and its temperature increases and begin to strike the walls of they container with more force ex: heated water in a can, steam comes out, and immediately put it in cold water, the can begins to contract/ cripple because of the rapid phase change temperature and volume are directly proportional WHEN HEATED, TEMPERATURE RISES, THE SPACE EXPANDS, THUS THE VOLUME EXPANDS AND THE PARTICLES MOVE FASTER, HITTING AGAINST THE WALLS OF THE CONTAINER. WHEN COOLED, VOLUME DECREASES AND THE TEMPERATURE DECREASES, PARTICLES MOVE SLOWER.

Describe the particles in a solid

they are closely packed together, and are in little motion. has little kinetic energy that the particles are unable to overcome their attractions to each other has a definite shape and volume

Describe the particles in a liquid

they are constantly moving and slide past each other because the particles have less kinetic energy, they are less able to overcome their attractions with each other and cling together liquid has a definite volume

Describe the particles in a gas

they are in constant, random motion quickly and collide with each other and the walls of their container gases don't have a fixed volume or shape they are spread out has the most kinetic energy, since its particles are always moving fastly in constant motion

Explain water and thermal expansion

water expands as the temperature decreases because of the negative and positive charges in the water molecules line up so only positive and negative areas are near each other, leaving gaps the water starts to expand at 4C to 0C and becomes less than liquid water this is why ice floats on liquid water

Describe, using Bernoulli's principle, how roofs are lifted off buildings in tornados.

when the wind has a high velocity and rate of speed, a low pressure area is above the roof, causing the roof to fly off, the house pushes the roof, the pressure underneath lifts it up

Explain thermal expansion

when thermal energy is transferred to a concrete sidewalk, it expands, with no seams it would crack in hot weather it expands in hot weather because particles move faster and faster apart as temperature rises an results in an expansion objects contract when they cool concrete sidewalk with seams example: seams in concrete thermometers (as the temperature rises, the thermometer liquid rises) hot air balloons Opposites= water, water expands as temperature decreases

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