Physics Nobel Prizes

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1948, United Kingdom, for his development of the Wilson cloud chamber method and research into cosmic radiation

Patrick Blackett

1907, United States, for his optical precision instruments and the spectroscopic and meteorological investigations carried out with their aid

Albert A. Michelson

1921, Germany, explanation of the photoelectric effect

Albert Einstein

1927, United States and United Kingdom(respectively), a pair, founded Compton effect and found method for making paths of electricity charged particles visible by condensation of vapor

Arthur Holly Compton and Charles Thomson Rees Wilson

1930, India, discovered that when light transverses a transparent material some of the deflected light changes wavelength

C. V. Raman

1950, United Kingdom, for his development of the photographic method of studying nuclear processes

Cecil Powell

1917, United Kingdom, discovery of the characteristic Rontgen radiation of the elements

Charles Barkla

1920, Switzerland, discovery of anomalies in nickle-steel alloys

Charles Edouard Guillaume

1937, United States and United Kingdom, experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals

Clinton Davisson and George Thomson

1960, United State, for his invention of the bubble chamber

Donald Glaser

1947, United Kingdom, investigations into physics of the upper atmosphere

Edward Appleton

1938, Italy, explanation of nuetron irradiation and for discovery of nuclear reactions brought by slow neutons

Enrico Fermi

1939, United States, for the invention and development of the cyclotron

Ernest Lawrence

1933, Austria and United Kingdom, a pair, discovery of new form of atomic theory using electron shells

Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac

1953, Netherlands, for his invention of the phase contrast microscope

Frits Zernike

1908, France, for his method of reproducing color photograph based on the phenomenon of interference

Gabriel Lippmann

1909, Italy and German(respectively), pair, contributions to the development of wireless telegrahy

Guglielmo Marconi and Karl Ferdinand Braun

1912, Sweden, invention of automatic regulators for use in conjunction with gas accumulators for lighthouses

Gustaf Dalen

1913, Netherlands, for his investigations of the properties of matter low temperatures which lead to the production of liquid helium

Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes

1902, Netherlands, 2 people, discovery and explanation of the Zeeman effect

Hendrick Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman

1903, France, 3 people, discovery of spontaneous radioactivity

Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie, Maria Curie

1949, Japan, for his prediction of the existence of mesons

Hideki Yukawa

1944, United States, for his resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei

Isidor Isaac Rabi

1906, United Kingdom, for the discovery of the electron and his work on the conduction of electricity in gases

J.J. Thompson

1935, United Kingdom, discovered the neutron

James Chadwick

1925, Germany, pair, research into inelastic electron collisions in gases and the effects

James Franck and Gustav Hertz

1926, France, for his work on discontinuous structure of matter and sedimentation equilibrium

Jean Baptiste Perrin

1910, Netherlands, for his work on the equation of state for gases and liquids and forces named after him

Johannes Diderik van der Waals

1919, Germany, for his discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields

Johannes Stark

1904, United Kingdom, discovered argon and investigations of the densities of gases

Lord Rayleigh

1929, France, helped to explain wave-particle duality and discovered the wave nature of the electron

Louis de Broglie

1924, Sweden, for his more accurate x-ray fields and measurement with such instruments

Manne Siegbahn

1918, Germany, discovery of energy quanta

Max Planck

1914, Germany, for his discovery of the diffraction X-rays by crystals, an important step in the development of X-ray spectroscopy

Max von Laue

1922, Denmark, for his model of the atom and the radiation emanating from them

Niels Bohr

1943, United States, for the discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton

Otto Stern

1959, United States, pair, for their discovery of the antiproton

Owen Chamberlain and Emilio Segre

1928, United Kingdom, for his work on thermionic emission and the law named after him

Owen Willans Richardson

1946, United States, for the invention of devices useful for high pressure physics

Percy Williams Bridgman

1905, Austria-Hungary, for his work with cathode rays

Philipp Lenard

1965, United States and Japan, a trio, for their fundamental work in quantum electrodynamic

Richard Feynman, Julian Schwinger, and Sin-Itrio Tomonaga

1923, United States, developed elementary charge of electron, oil drop experiment

Robert Millikan

1936, Austria and United States, discovery of cosmic radiation and the discovery of the positron(respectively)

Victor Hess and Carl Anderson

1911, Germany, for his work with heat radiation and his displacement law

Welhelm Wien

1932, Germany, for the creation of quantum mechanics, discovery of allotropic forms of hydrogen

Werner Heisenberg

1901, German, produced and detected X-rays

Wilhelm Rontgen

1915, United Kingdom, pair, for their analysis of crystal structure by means X-rays, and important step in the development of X-ray crystallography

William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg

1945, Austria, for his Exclusion Principle

Wolfgang Pauli

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