Physics test 2

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To be affordable without subsidy or carbon credits, the cost of a billion-watt solar plant must be not much more then

$1 billion

Carbon credits (read all answers)

-could be sold to other countries if the country came in below their allowed value -were allocated to countries based on their projected use -were also known as "cap and trade"

Approximately how much carbon dioxide do nuclear power plants produce (in tons per year)?


About how much unpolarized light will pass through two perpendicular polarizers that are back to back?


Light in a vacuum goes 1 foot every nanosecond (billionth of a second). In water, in one nanosecond it will go about!

0.66 feet

Semiconductors have energy gaps of around

1 eV

If you travel at 50% of the speed of light, your mass is increased by a factor of (useful math: 0.52 =0.25, square root of 0.75 = 0.87)


If GPS didn't correct for relativity, within a day positions could be off by closest to

10 miles

Cooling in the last big ice age, which ended about 12000 BC, was approximately


The first photograph was taken closest to


An octave refers to two frequencies that differ by a factor of


Sea level rise, tracked by satellite, from 1993 to 2014 (~20 years) was closest to!

2 inches

How many types of color cones does the human eye have?


The greenhouse effect currently warms the earth by approximately (careful: this may be a trick question)

35 F

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased over the past 100 years by about (when the book was published: 2010)


A radioactive particle has a half-life of 1 second. If it moves at 3/5 the speed of light, its new half life will be (useful numbers: 32 /52 = 0.36, square root of 0.64 = 0.8)Cor

5/4 second

X-rays are generated by slamming electrons into tungsten or other metals with energies between

50 - 100 keV

The IPCC now (as of 2020) believes that humans are responsible for what percentage of the ~2 F temperature increase since 1951?


The average temperature of the earth (including the poles and equator) is now about (at the time of book publication: 2010)!

57 F

Since the publication of the book (average solar cost per watt of $7.53 in 2010) prices have decreased by how much per watt?


In France, nuclear power produces what percentage of the electricity?


Which of the following has the lowest frequency?

AM radio

A few years ago, a certain kind of spray can was banned. These were the cans that used


Which of the following is not a major greenhouse has?

CFCs (such as freon)

Which of the following exposes a person to the kind of radiation that can cause cancer, even if a very small amount (choose all correct answers)?

Computer-aided tomography (CAT) scans Positron-emission tomography (PET)

The organization that studies climate change is


The greenhouse effect involves atmospheric emission of


Pit vipers and mosquitos can sense

IR radiation

Hurricane Katrina (2005, New Orleans) was used as "proof" of global warming. Why is this an incorrect assertion?

It is impossible to directly relate a single isolated event to a small global change in temperature

A treaty that was signed by the United States but not ratified by the Senate is


Most damage from an earthquake usually comes from the

L wave

The name nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been changed to


To image hydrogen in the body, use


To image hydrogen in the brain, the best technique is


The fastest earthquake wave is

P wave

Which of the following is statements about earthquakes is true?

P waves are the fastest, and L waves cause the most destruction

Which of the following uses antimatter?

PET scan

Computer circuits are based on which material?


The best kind of radiation to purify water is


Sunburn is usually caused by

UV radiation

A transistor is

a device that can amplify or turn AC to DC

The quantum chain reaction (stimulated emission) refers to

a laser

The wavelength of visible light is closest to the diameter of

a red blood cell

SOSUS refers to

a system for detecting submarines

Antimatter engines would be very efficient because

all of the mass is converted to energy

An electron is in orbit around a proton. What is the maximum number of orbits it can be in at the same time?

any number

As electron is in orbit around a proton. What is the maximum number of orbits it can be in at the same time?

any number

Inertial reference frames

are non-accelerating

Electrons orbiting an atom

are restricted to certain energies/frequencies

A successful fisherman will throw the spear

below the fish image

Which color of light would give the highest number of bits per second would in fiber optics?


Which of the following is polarized!

blue sky light

Jane and Tom synchronize their watches on earth. Jane remains on the earth while Tom takes a round-trip to Pluto at near light speed. When they get back together, whose clock is correct?

both clocks are correct

Water waves are

both transverse and longitudinal

The country that produces the most carbon dioxide each year is


Microwave ovens use radiation with a wavelength

close to radar

Which fossil fuel produces the most CO2 , per pound, when burned?


Which fossil fuel produces the most CO2, per pound, when burned?


Sound tends to bend toward the side with

colder air

The energy of a photon depends on


The energy of photon depends on


Sound waves are

compressional (longitudinal)

Solar-thermal power plants use

concentrated sunlight to boil water

We can deduce the thickness of a thin oil layer on water by the color it appears to be. This is because of

constructive interference

Since the book was written the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere has


Two soap bubbles from the same soap appear to be different colors. They probably have...

different thickness

Lorentz contraction has been observed in

distant galaxies

At very high speed, all of these change except

electric charge

If you sleep under a tree instead of open sky, you won't get wet from morning dew. That's because the tree

emits infrared radiation

The advertising slogan "whiter then white" means the material

emits visible light

Transistors use semiconductors with different

energy gaps

A rise in the average sea level of only 3 feet would have very little effect on humanity.


Energy conservation is violated in quantum physics.


Tachyons would violate relativity by going faster than the speed of light. (careful, this may be a trick question)


The speed of light in space changes if you are already moving.


We can measure the exact position and velocity of a particle simultaneously


What technology uses the same principle as the "sound channel" from chapter 7 to guide light?!

fiber optics

As you move to higher altitude, the temperature of the air

first gets cooler then warmer

To make clothes appear extra clean, manufacturers apply

fluorescent dyes

Which of the following has the highest frequency

gamma rays

General relativity is a theory of


Sunlight is brightest in which color?


The human eye has cones that detect

green, blue, red

A magnitude 9 earthquake, compared to a magnitude 8 earthquake

has 10 to 30 times the energy

Why do you see mirages (blueish blobs) on hot, sunny days in the distance on asphalt roads?

hot air above the road bends the sky's light

MRI maps the distribution of which element to produce an image?


A piece of glass is shaped like a pyramid. The side of the pyramid is tilted at 45 degrees with respect to the horizontal (i.e. facing upwards at 45 degrees). A beam of light is inside the glass, moving horizontally. When it emerges from the tilted side of the glass, it will be moving

in a direction that is tilted downward (so it will eventually hit the ground)

Thanks to humans, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has

increased by about 36%

As the wavelength of light decreases, the frequency


When a radioactive rock travels near the speed of light, its mass

increases and there are fewer decays

The speed of sound in air

increases as air temperature increases

If you double the absolute temperature, the total radiation power

increases by 16

When a particle is approaching the speed of light, its mass approaches


Because of their warmth, humans emit primarily

infrared radiation

Heat radiation is also called

infrared radiation

In total darkness, you can see people if you have a camera that is sensitive to

infrared radiation

The Lorentz contraction says that a football thrown past your face

is shorter by Einsten Factor

The speed of a massless particles (careful: this may be a trick question)

is the same to all observers

The ocean sound channel

is very quiet

Why is laser light particularly dangerous

it is very collimated and focused by a lens

We don't notice time dilation in every day life because

it is very small for the speeds we encounter

The ocean dissolves much of the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Why is this not necessarily a good thing?

it makes the ocean more acidic which effects marine life

The L wave is often the most damaging because

it stays on the surface, so it doesn't spread out very much

Stimulated emission is important for


Supermarket scanners use both

lasers and holograms

Diamonds sparkle in many colors because

light velocity depends on color

Which of the following quantities do not depend on velocity?


Ice in Antartica is

melting, contradicting global warming predictions

Being nearsighted can result from

misshaped cornea

How does a TV screen create "white" light?

mixes blue, red, and green light

Laser light is (choose all correct answers)

monochormatic (single frequency) collimated (single direction)

The Lorentz contraction refers to the fact that

moving objects get shorter

Which of the following is not a zero-mass particle?


We know that part of the interior of the earth is liquid because

no S waves move across it

Quantum computers are

not yet very good at anything

Stealth bombers are undetected by radar, in part because

of the absence of corner reflectors

An astronaut Alice makes a round-trip at 3/5 the speed if light. Her twin Bob stays on earth. When Alice returns, Bob is

older than Alice

The clouds in thunderstorms rise until they reach

ozone layer

Xerox machines make use of

photoelectric effect

A laser operates on the principle of

photon avalanche

Stress in plastic can be detected by looking at

polarized light (crossed polaroids)

The photoelectric effect is important for all of the following except

polarized sunglasses

Present-day 3-D movies make use of which technology?


Nuclear fission requires

quantum tunneling

The name for a bit in a quantum computer is a


The original name of the microwave oven was

radar range

According to the text, wind power is...

rapidly growing, with wind turbines delivering twice the power they did four years ago

A key disadvantage of current quantum computers over ordinary computers is that they

require extremely low temperatures

Laser eye surgery uses the beam to

reshape the cornea

A moving object is

shorter and younger

The first integrated circuits were made of


A stop sign is bright when you shine the headlamps of your car on it. It most likely is covered with

small glass spheres

The very center of the earth (inner core, not outer core) is

solid iron

Beats demonstrate that

sound is a wave

The ozone layer is created by


You are more likely to hear distant sounds when

the air near the ground is cool and the air above it is warm

Shannon infamous for having invented or discovered (among other things):

the bit

Around 1016 to 1017 grams of CO2 is processed by the natural carbon cycle every year (as it has for many thousands of years). Humanity's yearly carbon output is only about 1015 grams (so about 1-10% of the natural cycle). Why should this make any difference?

the carbon cycle is relatively slow, so it cannot compensate for it as fast as it changes

Quanta are not observed from water waves because

the energy of the quanta are too small

Multispectral refers to

the many colors in visible light

Solar cells utilize

the photoelectric effect

A pianist plays two keys: middle C, and the C above middle C (i.e. an octave higher). The speed of sound for the higher frequency, compared to that for the lower frequency, is (careful, this may be a trick question)

the same

SOFAR took advantage of

the sound channel in the ocean

You can measure the distance to the epicenter of an earthquake by

the time between P and S Waves

Superconducting materials allow electrons to move without loss of energy because

there is an energy gap

The fastest sound wave is:

they all travel at the same speed

Polaroids are used for 3D movies because

they give a different image to each eye

Landfill is dangerous because

they slow down and focus earthquake energy

The fourth dimension refers to


Light waves are


Tachyons are particles that

travel faster than c

Very long wavelength water waves

travel faster than short ones

All matter has both wave and particle properties, even if we can't see it (according to quantum mechanics).


Earth's orbit is quantized


If a particle decays, it cannot have zero mass. (hint: do zero mass particles age?)


It is fundamentally impossible to determine whether two events are simultaneous, because it depends on which reference frame you use.


Massless particles do not age.


Your eye has...

two lenses-the lens and the cornea

Bats navigate in caves using


The atmospheric sound channel would not exist, if not for

ultraviolet light

Cancer is most likely to be caused by

ultraviolet radiation

The ozone layer is created by and absorbs

ultraviolet radiation

Beta, i.e. your "light speed" is written as (v=velocity, c= speed of light, m = mass)


Based on how much fossil fuel humans have burned in our history, we have released about 1,000,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere (approaching half in the last 20 years). Based on the density of CO2 gas (~1,000,000 tons/cubic mile), this would cover an area, from the ground to the top of the atmosphere, about the size of


Light is polarized when it bounces off (choose all correct answers):

water glass

A computer screen does not have spots that are colored


Waves tend to bend in to the side

with slower wave velocity

Which is the best for seeing calcium in bones


Which of the following are electromagnetic waves? (choose all correct answers)

x-rays radar UV visible light

Light can travel at the speed of light because it has

zero rest mass

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"Tom Hanks | Biography, Movies, & Facts." Encyclopedia Britannica. N. p., 2018. Web. 13 Mar. 2018.

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