physiology test 3

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As an action potential travels from the retina to the occipital cortex, place the following structures in the correct order: 1. retina 2. occipital cortex 3. optic chiasm 4. thalamus 5. optic tract 6. optic nerve

1 - 6 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 2

Which ion is the most influential towards determining the resting membrane potential?


Which of the following axons would conduct the fastest nerve impulse?

a myelinated axon with a large diameter

Which of the following statements is false? the average resting membrane potential for neurons is -70 mV. potassium has a higher intracellular concentration. sodium has a higher extracellular concentration. a neuron will depolarize if chloride ion diffuses into the cell. the Na+-K+ pump helps maintain the resting membrane potential.

a neuron will depolarize if chloride ion diffuses into the cell

Which of the following hormones requires atoms of iodine for its production?

T3 and T4

Proprioceptors monitor ________.

body movement and position in space

Which of the following hormones is/are classified as a gonadotropin(s)?

both FSH and LH

Which of the following ion channels could be opened to create an inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP)?

both K+ and Cl-

Information coming into the central nervous system is transmitted along _________ neurons.

both afferent and sensory

The neurotransmitter norepinephrine can bind to which of the following types of receptors?

both alpha and beta receptors

Which of the following hormones is/are lipophilic? cortisol. T4. ACTH. ADH. both cortisol and T4 are correct. both ACTH and ADH are correct.

both cortisol and T4 are correct.

Information leaving the central nervous system is transmitted on __________ neurons.

both efferent and motor

Which of the following statements is false? olfactory sensory cells are bipolar cells. olfaction and gustation both use chemoreceptors. olfaction and gustation are complementary senses. both olfaction and gustation sensory pathways must travel through the thalamus. taste receptors are classified and epithelial cells.

both olfaction and gustation sensory pathways must travel through the thalamus.

Which of the following organs produces steroid hormones?

both the adrenal cortex and gonads

The intensity of a stimulus can be determined within the central nervous system by ____.

both the number of receptive fields activated and frequency coding

How does the hypothalamus stimulate the release of oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone from the neurohypophysis?

by nerve stimulation

Which of the following stimulates sour receptors on the tongue?

acids (H+)

what glad secretes cortisol

adrenal gland

Which of the following hormones acts on the adrenal cortex to control the secretion of cortisol?

adrenocorticotrophic hormone

Neurotransmitters can be terminated in a synapse by which of the following mechanisms? enzymatic breakdown presynaptic reuptake diffusion away from the synapse all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following cranial nerves transmits gustatory information form the oral cavity to the brain? CN VII - facial nerve CN IX - glossopharyngeal nerve CN X - vagus nerve all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is characteristic of graded potentials? they usually occur in the dendrites and cell body of a neuron. their magnitude is determined by the strength of the stimulus. they are created by the opening of chemically gated ion channels. they can be depolarizing (excitatory) or hyperpolarizing (inhibitory). all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following structures is/are involved with the production and secretion of peptide hormones? ribosomes. rough endoplasmic reticulum. transport and secretory vesicles. golgi complex. all of the above

all of the above

which of the following is classified as an amine hormone? epinephrine. triiodothyronine. dopamine. T4 all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following hormones is not a catecholamine? epinephrine. norepinephrine. dopamine. triiodothyronine. all of the above are catecholamines.

all of the above are catecholamines

Which of the following ions is/are part of the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation? Na+ Cl- K+ Ca+2 all of the above except Ca+2

all of the above except Ca+2

what glad secretes prolactin

anterior pituitary gland

what gland secretes ACTH

anterior pituitary gland

Which of the following hormones stimulates the kidneys to conserve water?

antidiuretic hormone

Which of the following glial cells form the blood-brain barrier?


Which of the following carries information away from the soma of a neuron?


Thin, multi-branched structures that extend outward from a neuron and receive incoming signals are called _________.


When an action potential passes over the surface of a synaptic knob, the contents of the vesicles are released in response to the presence of ___________.

calcium ions

The receptors for both smell and taste are classified as ________.


Any neuron that releases acetylcholine (ACh) is classified as a(n) __________ neuron.


The organ of hearing is found in the ________.


The sharpest point of vision on the retina is composed of all _________ and is called the _________.


Which of the following would be an example of long-loop negative feedback

cortisol blocking the release of CRH from the hypothalamus

Taste from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is carried to the brain by which of the following cranial nerves.

cranial nerve VII - facial

First-order neurons synapse with second-order neurons in ___________.

either the spinal cord or the brainstem

The structure that allows the middle ear pressure to equilibrate with atmospheric pressure is the _______.

eustachian tube

All sensory information reaches a level of conscious perception. true or false


Anterograde axonal transport returns cellular components from the axon terminal to the cell body for recycling. true or false


If a physician directs a light into the right eye during a neurological exam, both pupils should dilate. true or false


Oxytocin and vasopressin (ADH) are both produced by the neurohypophysis. true or false


Peptide hormones bind to intracellular receptors within their target cells. true or false


Which of the following hormones is classified as a gonadotropin?

follicle stimulating hormone

Which of the following statements about hormones is false? immune cells can secrete hormones. hormones are secreted into a duct that leads to a blood vessel. some hormones are not soluble in blood. hormones can exert their effect at very low concentrations. none of the above statements are false.

hormones are secreted into a duct that leads to a blood vessel

Which of the following statements about hormones is false? hormones are transported to distant target cells. hormones can be secreted by endocrine glands or neurons. hormones exert their effect at very low concentrations. hormones initiate biochemical responses when they bind to target cell receptors. hormones are secreted into a duct that leads to a lumen or an open space

hormones are secreted into a duct that leads to a lumen or an open space

what gland secretes somatostatin


what glad secretes thyrotropin-releasing hormone


The hypothalamic-anterior pituitary portal system __________.

is a modified capillary bed that transports hormones directly from the hypothalamus to the pituitary

Which of the following statements regarding the pituitary gland is/are false? it lies in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone. it is connected to the thalamus by the infundibulum. the anterior pituitary gland originates from epithelial tissue. the posterior pituitary gland is also called the neurohypophysis

it is connected to the thalamus by the infundibulum

Which of the following is classified as a somatic sense?


Which of the following increases the contrast between activated receptive fields and their inactive neighbors?

lateral inhibition

Most of the myelin sheath is composed of _________.


The change in shape of a cell can be detected by _________.


Which of the following types of receptors can detect changes in pressure?


Which of the following hormones is/are synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan?


Which of the following glial cells acts as a specialized immune cell that resides permanently in the CNS?


The type of information carried on a sensory neuron is called its _________.


In order to signal a stronger stimulus, action potentials become ___________.

more frequent only

Why is there such a strong link between odors and emotions?

much of the olfaction processing takes place in the limbic system

A neuron with one axon and many dendrites is classified has a(n) ________ neuron.


The condition of being nearsighted is called _________.


Which of the following statements is false? C fibers are classified as slow pain fibers. A-delta fibers carry sharp, localized pain signals. substance P is one of the body's natural painkillers. aspirin and opioids are classified as analgesic drugs. none of the above statements are false.

none of the above statements are false

Which of the following is not a chemical classification for a hormone? nucleotide hormones. peptide/protein hormones. steroid hormones. amine hormones

nucleotide hormones

Which of the following statements is false? steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol. steroid hormones have a longer half-life than peptide hormones. steroid hormones have a genomic effect on target cells. the receptors for steroid hormones are usually found in the cytoplasm or nucleus of a cell. only a bound steroid hormone can diffuse into a target cell

only a bound steroid hormone can diffuse into a target cell

The pituitary hormone that stimulates contractions of the uterus during childbirth, and ejection of milk during breastfeeding is called _________.


The following data was collected from a thyroid profile for patient seeking help with a thyroid condition: thyroid hormones (T3, T4) levels - low TSH levels - low TRH levels - high What would be the correct diagnosis?

secondary hypothyroidism

Which of the following structures helps maintain equilibrium by detecting rotational acceleration?

semicircular canals

Hearing loss that results from damage to the structures of the inner ear is called _________.

sensorineural hearing loss

Which of the following statements regarding action potentials is true? they grow weaker as they move away from the stimulus. they are created by the opening of voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels. they are created in the soma and dendrites of a neuron. a subthreshold stimulus can trigger an action potential. their amplitude is directly proportional to stimulus strength.

they are created by the opening of voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels

All of the following are characteristic of graded potentials except ____________. they grow weaker as they move away from the stimulus. they can make an action potential less likely. they are created in the axon of a nerve fiber. they can make action potentials more likely. their amplitude is directly proportional to stimulus strength.

they are created in the axon of a nerve fiber.

How do releasing or inhibiting hormones secreted by the hypothalamus reach the adenohypophysis?

they are delivered by a portal system

Which of the following statements regarding steroid hormones is false? they are all derived from cholesterol. when they bind to their receptors they can affect gene expression. they are soluble in blood plasma and do not need to be bound to a transport protein. steroid hormones have a longer half-life than peptide hormones.

they are soluble in blood plasma and do not need to be bound to a transport protein

what glad secretes thyroxine

thyroid gland

what gland secretes tetraiodothyronine

thyroid gland

Which of the following is a trophic hormone from the hypothalamus that stimulates the release of TSH from the adenohypophysis?

thyrotropin-releasing hormone

Which of the following best describes the relative refractory period?

time in which it is possible to trigger a new action potential, but only with an unusually strong stimulus

Which of the following best describes the absolute refractory period?

time in which no stimulus of any strength will trigger a new action potential

Most action potentials originate in the ___________.

trigger zone

_________ hormones affect the release of other hormones in the body.


ACTH blocking the release of CRH is an example of short-loop negative feedback. true or false


Neurons code for a strong stimulus by increasing the frequency of action potentials. true or false


Retrograde axonal transport returns cellular components from the axon terminal to the cell body for recycling. true or false


The bones within the middle ear connect the __________.

tympanic membrane to the oval window

Catecholamines and thyroid hormones are derived from which of the following amino acids?


Which of the following hormones stimulates the kidneys to conserve water?


Place the following events of a chemical synapse in the correct order: 1. Neurotransmitters bind to chemically gated ion channels on the postsynaptic cell. 2. Calcium ions enter the axon terminal. 3. An action potential depolarizes the axon terminal on the presynaptic cell. 4. Neurotransmitters are released by storage vesicles in the presynaptic cell by exocytosis. 5. Neurotransmitters diffuse across the synapse.

3 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 1

Place the following events of an action potential in the correct order: 1. Na+ channels are inactivated and K+ channels open. 2. The cell temporarily hyperpolarizes. 3. The cell depolarizes as Na+ diffuses into the cell. 4. A graded potential brings the trigger zone to the threshold voltage. 5. The cell returns to resting ion permeability and resting membrane potential. 6. The cell repolarizes as K+ diffuse out of the cell. 7. Na+ channels open. 8. The K+ channels close.

4 - 7 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 2 - 8 - 5

Which of the following equations determines the membrane potential that results from the contribution of all ions that cross the cell membrane?


Which of the following types of taste would be triggered by metal ions such as Na+?


Myelin in the peripheral nervous system is produced by _________.

schwann cells

what gland secretes parathyroid hormone

parathyroid gland

Each of the following statements concerning peptide hormones is true except one. Identify the exception: peptide hormones are the most abundant type of hormone in the body. they change the activity of a cell by generating a second messenger inside of a target cell. peptide hormones remain in circulation for relatively short periods of time. peptide hormones in the bloodstream are always bound to carrier proteins. peptide hormones interact with receptors on the surface of their target cells.

peptide hormones in the bloodstream are always bound to carrier proteins

If a hormone cannot fully exert its effects unless a second hormone is present, this interaction is called ________.


what glad secretes oxytocin

posterior pituitary gland

what gland secretes ADH

posterior pituitary gland

A type of far-sightedness due to a loss of lens elasticity is called __________.


Which of the following hormones stimulates milk production in the female breast?


Which of the following is not a special sense? equilibrium. proprioception. gustation olfaction vision


Which of the following is not a chemical class for a hormone? peptides. proteins. prostaglandins. amines. steroids.


Phasic receptors are___________.

quick to adapt to a particular stimulus intensity

Target cells are defined as having a(n) __________ for a given hormone


Visceral pain that is perceived in an area of the body other than its origin is called ________ pain.


Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs ) ___________.

result in local hyperpolarizations

Which of the following types of receptors are photoreceptors used for night vision?


Which of the following organelles converts a preprohormone into a prohormone?

rough endoplasmic reticulum

The conduction of a nerve impulse on a myelinated axon is called _________ conduction.


Tonic receptors _______.

slowly decrease the frequency of action potentials generated to a constant stimulus

Which of the following organelles produces steroid hormones?

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

Skeletal muscles are controlled by the ___________.

somatic motor division

The postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe is where we perceive ___________.

somatic senses

Which of the following is a trophic hormone from the hypothalamus that blocks the release of growth hormone?


When several graded potentials from different neurons arrive at the trigger zone nearly simultaneously to initiate an action potential, this is an example ___________.

spatial summation

Which of the following neurotransmitters is secreted by primary nociceptive fibers?

substance P

When the combined effect of two hormones working together is greater than the sum of the effects of the two hormones working individually, this is an example of ______.


__________ summation occurs when two subthreshold graded potentials from the same presynaptic neuron can be summed together as they arrive at the trigger zone.


The following data was collected from a thyroid profile for patient seeking help with a thyroid condition: thyroid hormones (T3, T4) levels - high TSH levels - high TRH levels - high What would be the correct diagnosis?

tertiary hyperthyroidism

Second-order sensory neurons synapse with third-order sensory neurons in the _________.


Which of the following statements is false? the Nernst potential for the potassium ion is -70 mV. the cell membrane is more permeable to potassium than sodium. the sodium potassium pump is a primary active transport pump. potassium ion is the most important ion for determining the resting membrane potential. none of the above statements are false

the Nernst potential for the potassium ion is -70 mV

Which of the following is true about one of the two gates in Na+ channels in axons? the closing of the activation gate stops the depolarization during an action potential. the opening of the activation gate stops the depolarization during an action potential. the closing of the inactivation gate stops the depolarization during an action potential. the opening of the inactivation gate stops the depolarization during an action potential. none of the above are true

the closing of the inactivation gate stops the depolarization during an action potential

Which of the following statements is false when the eye accommodates? near vision is possible. the lens is flat. the lens is more rounded. the ciliary muscle contracts the tension in the suspensory ligaments loosens.

the lens is flat

The organ of Corti sends electrical information about sound to the brain. The perceived pitch of a sound is determined by ________.

the location of the activated hair cells on the basilar membrane

When looking at an object 20 feet away, which of the following statements is true? the shape of the lens is flat. the ciliary muscle contracts. the tension in the suspensory ligaments (zonules) loosens. the eye accommodates. none of the above statements are true.

the shape of the lens is flat.

Which of the following statements regarding action potentials is false? action potentials occur in the axon of a neuron. their magnitude is determined by the strength of the stimulus. they are created by the opening of voltage gated sodium and potassium channels. they do not grow weaker as they move away from the soma.

their magnitude is determined by the strength of the stimulus

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