Pitt PIA 2363 Final Exam

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Before Pearl Harbor the U.S. considered the Japanese people to be? A. Equals B. Super human C. "oriental people" D. a pure race

c. "oriental people"

True or false? After the 1948 war, the most traumatic event for Palestinians was the 1936 Great Revolt which was prompted by the expansion of the Jewish population of Palestine from 17 to 31% in the period 1931 to 1935.


True or false? After the debacle of Fernando Collor de Melo's brief Presidency, the strongest political parties in Brazil were the PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores or Labor Party) led by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and the PSDB (Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira or Brazilian Social Democratic Party) led by Fernando Henrique Cardoso


True or false? After the fall of the Soviet Union, Deng Xiaoping gave an instruction that China should "hide or capacities and bide our time, but also get some things done."


True or false? Although it no longer controls access to news, the Communist Party appears ready to spend whatever it takes not to lose the information battle


True or false? Although this leader's vision was secular, his goal was a homeland for South Asia's Muslims.


True or false? Gelvin argues that the PLO concluded the Oslo Peace Accords because it was faced with a challenge from Islamist groups like Hamas and needed a victory


True or false? Nationalist movements created nations in the modern Middle East; despite efforts to claim ancient forebearers, the ideas of a Turkish, Persian or Arab nation really had "shallow roots."


True or false? Nationalist parties did not emerge in the Levant and Mesopotamia until after the First World War.


True or false? On August 5, Powell was invited to the White House for dinner and argued for getting international and Congressional backing, not only best in case of war, but best way to render unnecessary; he warned that war would not be easy, we would "own" Iraq (as occupier), and it would "take the oxygen out of the room." Haass's sense was the President thought Powell was exaggerating the costs, but thought the price still worth the benefits


True or false? On the general and the particular, Haass warns against the danger of allowing "global designs" blind decision makers to "local realities."


True or false? Somalis gave political allegiance first to their immediate family, then to their immediate lineage, then to the clan of their lineage, then to a clan-family, and ultimately to a confederacy of five clanfamilies—the Darod, the Hawiye, the Isaq, the Dir, and the Digil-Mirifleh.


True or false? Since the end of 1999, Party leaders have been using their control over the media to protect the country's crucially important relationship with the United States from negative public opinion


True or false? Sindhi landowner Bhutto's rise came in the wake of the 1965 Indo-Pakistan War; whereas his military predecessors were pro-business and pro-American, Bhutto espoused third-world socialism, was pro-Chinese, and led Pakistan into the Non-Aligned Movement; "while his socialist populism and mania for nationalization earned him the support of the poor and dispossessed, it dealt the Pakistani economy a blow from which it has never recovered."


True or false? Some Republicans were criticizing President Kennedy for not doing anything about the Soviet military build-up in Cuba, and in late August Senator Keating (R-NY) had charged that the Soviets were building a missile base in Cuba.


True or false? Some of the most violent collective actions have been carried out by ethnic and religious minorities in western China (Xinjiang, Tibet, Mongolia).


True or false? Some political scientists have attributed the Iranian Revolution of 1978-79 to the collapse of oil prices in 1975-77.


True or false? Still over the next two decades the number of voters rose from less than one third of the adult population to over one half as a result of the increase in literacy and urbanization.


True or false? Subsequent discussion of bond purchases (QE) by the European Central Bank to support a rescue fund was initially supported by Bundesbank President Axel Weber


True or false? The implication of the term "war of necessity" is that one has little or no choice about whether to fight. Either one is attacked or one's existence or vital interests are threatened.


True or false? The largest Sunni sect in Pakistan, Barelvis, venerates holy men known as pirs, whose intermediary role resembles the country's "feudal" culture of reciprocal obligations.


True or false? The largest and most influential religious party in Pakistan is the Jamaat-e-Islami, which sees itself as the vanguard of a peaceful Islamic revolution that would establish sharia rule in the country; unusually it is nonsectarian, with membership from all three major Sunni sects, although twothirds of its membership comes from Deobandi backgrounds


True or false? The leader of Turkey's anti-occupation forces, Mustafa Kemal, eliminated all clothing styles that alluded to regional, religious or ethnic identities — including the fez that had been associated with high Ottoman modernity.


True or false? The leading opponents of Kemalism today are Kurds and Islamists


True or false? The mensalâo blew away the PT's sanctimonious claim, based on its municipal administrations and congressional discipline, to command a monopoly of ethical behavior in Brazilian politics.


True or false? The military coup in 1964 that ended the presidency of João Goulart was sparked in part by an economic crisis and a key goal was getting inflation under control.


True or false? While Israel initially pursued a policy of making Palestinians in the occupied territories economically dependent, since 1993 Israel has begun replacing Palestinian workers with workers imported from East and South Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa.


True or false? While Reid is critical of the revival of "national developmentalism" in Brazil because it can undercut democracy (where it has made recent progress) and adaptation to globalization, he also does not think the country can imitate the American ideal of Jeffersonian republic with a minimal role for government and neo-liberal economic policy because the country is "too big" and its regional and social inequalities too great.


True or false? While conceding that there are grounds for nostalgia about the liberalism and freedoms of the mandate period, Gelvin argues that the British and French fostered elites that had no history and that they imposed limitations on freedoms and governments.


True or false? While the CCP Propaganda Department has authority over the contents of print media, television, and radio (which must also be licensed), the State Council Information Office is in charge of Internet news sites. The Ministry of the Information Industry controls the Internet, including blocking and filtering, while the Ministry of State Security (China's CIA) and the Ministry of Public Security (China's FBI) police Internet bulletin boards, blogs and e-mail.


The father of history was: (a) Herodotus, (b) Thucydides, (c) Edward Gibbon, (d) Leopold von Ranke

(a) Herodotus

Which of the following great historians long appeared to have paid the least attention to accuracy: (a) Herodotus, (b) Thucydides, (c) Gibbon, (d) Ranke?

(a) Herodotus - although modern archeology and research has frequently found some corroboration for even some of his most unlikely stories

The train of events that led to the French Revolution began when Louis XVI summoned the Estates General for the first time since 1614. He did so in order to (a) create a constitutional monarchy, (b) address his government's financial crisis, (c) solve a dynastic problem, (d) declare war.

(b) address his government's financial crisis

When locked out of their normal meeting room at Versailles on June 20, 1789, the Third Estate, which had begun calling itself the National Assembly, (a) moved to Paris, (b) stormed the Bastille, (c) swore the Oath of the Tennis Court, (d) signed the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (p. 40).

(c) swore the Oath of the Tennis Court

What does the video say Stalin wanted more than arms and food from the West?

A second front. (Also note unconditional surrender policy following Allied invasion of north Africa in late 1942 and Casablanca conference, Jan. 14- 24, 1943.)

Efforts at deregulation, aimed at increasing agricultural production, were undermined in 1788 by (a) a ruling by the parlament of Paris, (b) the failure of the harvest, (c) competition from America, (d) the Industrial Revolution in Britain.

A. a ruling by the parlament of Paris

The Duke of Brunswick's defeat at Valmy (September 20, 1792) emboldened the new National Convention to (a) declare the end of the French monarchy, (b) establish the Committee on Public Safety, (c) declare war on Great Britain, (d) replace the Catholic Church with the Cult of the Supreme Being.

A. declare the end of the French monarchy

What was the "percentages agreement" of October 9, 1944?

Anglo-Soviet agreement on spheres of influence in Eastern Europe. What about Western Europe? Not covered. Consider in context of what was happening post-war.

How did Franklin Roosevelt describe Stalin in February 1940 (after the invasion of Finland)?

As a dictatorship

Chemical Weapons Convention

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction - signed January 1993, entered into force April 29, 1997 (180 days after ratification by 65 states), 188 states party (as of May 2012); states not party: Angola, Burma, Egypt, Israel, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria

Following the French invasion of the Austrian Netherlands, the Duke of Brunswick (who commanded Austrian forces) at the end of July 1792 issued a manifesto, written by the émigré Prince of Condé and approved by the King and Queen, threatening to burn Paris if the royal family was harmed. True or false? This manifesto succeeded in prolonging the king's life (p. 50)


True or false? According to MacMillan, Allied polices regarding the Ottoman Empire were "confused, inept and risky," but they were effective in dampening Turkish nationalism.


True or false? Britain had the best intelligence concerning Ottoman goals, and its leadership had the deepest understanding of Islam of any power.


True or false? During the First World War, the British Government did not suspend convertibility (the gold standard) as it had during the Napoleonic Wars, although the French and German Governments did.


True or false? Hjalmar Schacht thought Germany could and should pay reparations.


True or false? MacMillan argues that fear of Bolshevism shaped the peace talks


True or false? Stock markets reopened quickly after the beginning of the First World War.


True or false? The British and Americans were united in supporting the distribution of German naval ships among the victorious powers.


True or false? The First World War disproved Normal Angell's argument in the Great Illusion (1910) that countries were so economically interdependent that they could not go to war.


True or false? Émile Moreau argued against those who believed that international finance was an Anglo-American conspiracy to keep France down.


Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare (1925) -

Geneva Protocol (1925)

What two major issues dominated Allied discussions about post-war Europe?

Poland and Germany (how to govern). Note students should consider (1) post-WWI experience and (2) WWII experience with Nazis.

What do video commentators say was the deciding factor?

Troops on the ground (Sir Frank Roberts).

True or false: "August 10" refers to the insurrection by sansculottes and féderés in Paris in 1792 when the city government (aka the Paris Commune) deposed the Legislative Assembly (created by the Constitution of 1791) and arrested the King.


True or false: Diplomatic efforts to end the fighting in Syria aim at a transitional government and free elections but to date have had to finesse the issue of whether Bashar al-Assad can stay or must go because Moscow supports not making that a precondition.


True or false: In this stage of the Revolution, as the foreign threat grew (e.g., following the Prussian capture of Verdun on September 2), one of the responses in Paris was a series of massacres (leaving some 1400 dead, including refractory priests). These massacres are remembered as the "September Massacres."


True or false: Napoléon said, "The Revolution is over. I am the Revolution."


True or false: Originally the word "history" meant "inquiries" or "researches."


True or false: The author of the "Long Telegram" sees Stalin, in contrast to Hitler, as sensitive to the "logic of power," but he believes that it will be possible to prevail without resort to war and that the U.S. can prevail by solving its domestic problems and presenting a more credible picture of the future.


True or false: The traditional focus of much political history has been the "national interest," i.e., the interest of the nation-state.


True or false? Although the Constituent Assembly had renounced war as an instrument of policy (except in the case of self-defense) in May 1790, the threats from Prussia and Austria in the Declaration of Pillnitz in August 1791, coupled with massive slave uprisings in the Caribbean, eventually led to a French declaration of war against the Emperor on April 20, 1792 (pp. 49-50).


True or false? Article 231—the "war guilt" clause — was a compromise put forward in part by John Foster Dulles to help solve the debate over reparations


True or false? Britain's decision at the outset of the war not to annex Egypt but to make it a protectorate set a precedent for the post-war settlement in the region.


True or false? Clemenceau was not against the League of Nations, but since the Franco-Prussian War of 1871 he believed a balance of power was crucial — meaning France needed Allies. His goals in the negotiation were to reduce the German threat and ensure that Britain and America would come to France's aid.


True or false? Demonstrating their commitment to property owners, the National Constituent Assembly in November 1789 declared church lands biens nationaux (national goods) and issued assignats (bonds) backed by them to pay the nation's debts, including those of the monarchy (p. 46).


True or false? Early in the Great Depression, governments raised interest rates to preserve their gold (i.e., to protect the gold standard).


In the late 1920s the most influential banker in the world was: (a) Montagu Norman, (b) Benjamin Strong, (c) Hjalmar Schacht, (d) Émile Moreau

a. Montagu Norman

He consolidated his power as First Consul in the following summer (1800) by (a) a military victory over the Austrians at Marengo, (b) by a naval victory over the British in Egypt, (c) a constitution that made him the "Grand Elector" and Head of State, (d) a popular referendum that made him First Consul for Life.

a. a military victory over the Austrians at Marengo

The first age of "globalization" in the modern sense of the word was (a) before the First World War, (b) during the Great Depression, (c) after the Second World War, (d) at the end of the twentieth century

a. before the First World War

The policy that Montagu Norman pursued as Governor of the Bank of England in returning Britain to the gold standard was: (a) deflation (i.e., letting the pound sterling increase in value) OR (b) devaluation

a. deflation

Keynes proposed financing economic recovery with (a) German reparations, (b) American aid, (c) a world bank, (d) a return to the gold standard

b. American aid

The policy laid out in the Long Telegram was: a. Brinksmanship b. Containment c. Détente d. Liberation

b. Containment

The Canadians suggested, if the League of Nations did not work, (a) a return to the balance of power, (b) an Anglo-Saxon alliance, (c) a division of Germany, (d) a new entente with Russia

b. an Anglo-Saxon alliance

MacMillan summarizes the formative political campaigns of the Big Three as "attacks" —Wilson on banks, Clemenceau on the church, and Lloyd George on (a) trade unions, (b) landowners and the aristocracy, (c) Irish Free Staters, (d) shipping magnates

b. landowners and the aristocracy

In the six months following their victory at Valmy, the French overran the Austrian Netherlands and the left bank of the Rhine. By November, they were already offering (a) an alliance with other republics, (b) peace, (c) to free Marie Antoinette and allow her to return to Austria, (d) "fraternity and help to all peoples wishing to recover their liberties."

d. "fraternity and help to all peoples wishing to recover their liberties."

Factions in the Syrian conflict do not include (a) Alawites (Shi'a), (b) Kurds (Sunni), (c) Greek Orthodox Christians, (d) Hashemites, (e) Muslim Brotherhood

d. Hashemites

The three pashas who dominated the Ottoman government in 1914, wanting to find a European ally, turned to (a) Austria, (b) Britain, (c) Italy, (d) France, (e) Germany

e. Germany

True or false? In seeking a solution to the crisis, Kennedy and his brother opted to respond not to the most recent message from Khrushchev, but the previous one which contained a possible way forward.


True or false? The First Zionist Congress, organized by Austrian journalist Theodor Herzl in Basel in 1897, created the World Zionist Organization and the "Basel Program" which called for the creation of a Jewish homeland through emigration in waves, called aliyot in Hebrew


When Hitler's invasion made Britain and the Soviet Union allies, what was the first point on Stalin's agenda when he met with UK Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden?

Acknowledgement of Soviet occupation of eastern Poland and the Baltic republics. Not how to win the war.

What event followed shortly on the telegram that further indicated a shift in western views?

Churchill's "Sinews of Peace" (Iron Curtain) speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, March 5, 1946.

What was the response in Washington? Truman asked for recommendations on policy?

Clifford-Elsey Report (presented September 24, 1946)

True or false? When Kennedy's national security advisor, McGeorge Bundy, was told of the discovery on October 15, he immediately informed the Presiden


True or false? Prior to the crisis, President Kennedy had never met with the Soviet leader in person


True or false? Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov's offer of aid to Czechoslovakia at a meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations in September 1938 was used by Britain and France in their negotiations with Hitler.


After years of brutal fighting and racial hatred, Japan resisted U.S. democracy? True/False


T/F "Where you stand depends on where you sit" is supported by Allison's Rational Actor Model


True or False, the October Revolution of 1917 that brought Lenin and the Bolsheviks to power was primarily driven by the industrial workers taking to the streets in a show of public will?


True or false? Churchill supported the conclusion of the Anglo-German Naval Agreement in June 1935, because it limited the German navy to roughly one third the size (35%) of the Royal Navy.


True or false? During the quarantine there was not a single military encounter that might have provoked a "shooting war."


True or false? Faced with this revolt and reverses in the Netherlands, the Ghirondins, at the beginning of June 1793, gave into sanscullotte demands and ordered the arrest of the Jacobins of the "Mountain" (the Montagnards), who were arguing loudly against the intimidation of the Convention by the people of Paris.


True or false? He also met with key Congressional leaders, including Senator Richard Russell of Georgia (chair, Senate Armed Services Committee) and Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas (chair, Senate Foreign Relations Committee), whose immediate reaction was positive.


True or false? Hjalmar Schacht succeeded in ending the period of hyperinflation in Germany in the early 1920s by returning to the gold standard; this action and the ensuing boom earned him the reputation of a financial wizard.


True or false? Liaquat Ahamed believes that the Great Depression was the result of inexorable economic forces, not policy mistakes.


(T/F) Hitler's policy on conquering the bloodlands was one that was strictly aimed at absorbing the industrial sectors of their economies so to fund his conquest of the European Theatre

False Hitler's goal in conquering the bloodlands was one which involved absorbing the agrarian economies since Germany was not food self-sufficient and he needed to keep his war machine properly fed.

True or False. The 2013 Bank of Japan initiative focused on qualitative and quantitative monetary easing with yield curve control?

False, The QQM with yield control curve was implemented in September 2016

While Herodotus wrote about the origin of a war, Thucydides was interested in everything (and recorded everything he heard).

False. Both Herodotus and Thucydides wrote about the origin of a war; both wanted their readers to remember and learn from the story they told. Also, Herodotus was the more "universal" in his interests, writing about a great many things, while Thucydides' history focuses more sharply on the vicissitudes of states' relative power.

What agreements were reached at Yalta in February 1945?

Important for the Cold War were (1) coalition government and (2) free elections for Poland and (3) Declaration on Liberated Europe; FDR also wanted Stalin's commitment to enter the war against Japan and to join the United Nations. Note that Germans surrendered to "the United Nations."

What instance does the video cite to demonstrate that the U.S. and Britain tended to overlook the darker side of Stalin's Soviet Union?

Katyn massacre of almost 22,000 Polish officers after March 5, 1940 - made public by Germans to divide Allies in 1943 (did result in breaking of relations with Soviet Union by Polish government-in-exile in London)

True or false? In the July Days, when the crowd seemed to be offering leadership to Lenin, he held back. Later in the month, when he was branded a German spy, he fled to Finland.


What request from the State Department prompted Kennan's "long telegram" of February 22, 1946?

Request from the Treasury Department for explanation of why Soviets were dragging their feet in joining the World Bank and IMF

What does Soviet secret police chief Beria's son reveal about the Tehran Conference (summit) in late 1943?

Stalin bugged Roosevelt's rooms to learn his intentions. What mistake did Kennan say Roosevelt made in dealing with Stalin? Had met no one of such iniquity and strategic cunning. What did Sir Frank Roberts say about Churchill? Developed affection, called him "Uncle Joe."

What does the video tell you about post-war Europe?

Starvation, appeal of Communism. Note comment that Soviet rule in post-war Germany was easier than in pre-war Russia.

What does the video say the Soviets did when the Poles rose in August 1944 and liberated Warsaw as the Germans withdrew before the advancing Red Army?

Stopped to let the Germans crush the uprising, did not enter until January 1945. This is the point he thought U.S. policy to the Soviet Union should have changed

What point vis-à-vis the Cold War does the video make about Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union?

That it brought the Soviet Union into Central Europe, creating the basis for the Cold War's division of Europe (i.e., Hitler was to blame)

True or false? Fromkin argues that Russia's reiteration of its demand for the Straits during the Dardanelles campaign led Britain and France to conclude that the only option was to aim for the break-up of the Ottoman Empire and the division of its territory.


True or false? Fromkin argues that the outcome of the Anglo-French "settlement" in the Middle East was a replication of the European state system, which created a series of unstable countries with almost no historical rationale or legitimacy


True or false? In 1919, besides peace, Lloyd George's agenda centered on labor unrest, parliamentary revolt, and India.


True or false? In going to war with the Ottoman Empire, Britain was abandoning its long-standing policy of supporting "the Sick Man of Europe."


True or false? In his 1902 pamphlet (What Is To Be Done?), Lenin argues that a Marxist political party should serve as the vanguard of the working class in a revolution


Geneva Declaration

The establishment of a transitional governing body which can establish a neutral environment in which the transition can take place. That means that the transitional governing body would exercise full executive powers. It could include members of the present government and the opposition and other groups and shall be formed on the basis of mutual consent.

The high-mark of inter-war peace was embodied in the 1925 Locarno accords, negotiated between Austin Chamberlain, Aristide Briande, and Gustav Stresemann. True or false? While these agreements provided mutual guarantees of Germany's western borders, there was no "Eastern Locarno," with the implication that, despite French agreements with Poland and Czechoslovakia, Germany's eastern borders were open to revision.


True or False - US policy makers are reluctant to supply arms to rebels in Syria due to the uncertainty that the weapons may end up in the wrong hands


True or False: When drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Eleanor Roosevelt knew that the US Senate would not likely pass a legally-binding Human Rights treaty.


True or false? According to Kissinger, the United States consistently went to war throughout the twentieth century in the name of resisting aggression and reinforcing collective security.


True or false? An indirect goal of the Martial Plan was to provide for American national security.


True or false? At about the same time (June 1938), Hitler told his Supreme Commander Keitel that he was convinced, "as in the case of the demilitarized zone [of the Rhineland] and the entry into Austria, that France will not march, and that therefore England will not intervene."


True or false? At the end of chapter 8, "Sanctions Against Italy," Churchill criticized the Baldwin government for estranging Italy (and upsetting the Stresa Front and the balance of power in Europe) while gaining nothing for Ethiopia.


True or false? Before announcing his decision about how to respond to the American people, Kennedy consulted with key Allied leaders—British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, French President Charles de Gaulle, West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, and Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker


True or false? By March of 2009, when global stock markets had reached the lowest level in a decade (and the S&P500 was off 57% from its 2007 peak), both the Fed and the Bank of England had announced bond purchases of $1.75 trillion and £75 bn respectively


True or false? Chamberlain resigned as Prime Minister when the Germans invaded the Netherlands, Belgium and France on May 10 because he could not form a multi-party national government.


True or false? Europe impoverished itself by borrowing to finance the First World War. The country it borrowed from was the United States. Hence, after the war the United States held most of the world's gold.


True or false? Faced with a popular revolt in February 1917, Tsar Nicholas II at first ordered it suppressed, but when the troops refused to fire, he abdicated.


True or false? Following Hitler's annexation of Austria in March 1938, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who had succeeded Baldwin in May 1937, concluded that there was nothing to be done to save Czechoslovakia.


True or false? Following Louis's execution on January 21, 1793, Austria, Prussia and the German princelings were joined in the War of the First Coalition by Britain, the Dutch Republic, and later Spain and some Italian states.


True or false? Following Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia in October 1935, the Assembly of the League of Nations voted 50-to-1 to take measures against Italy, but British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, declaring that sanctions meant war, resolved (per Churchill) that there must be no war, and therefore decided against sanctions — in a breakdown of collective security.


True or false? For six months in 1919, Paris was the capital of the world, according to Margaret MacMillan, because the world's most important business— peace — was debated there, new nations, organizations formed.


True or false? In the wake of the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, a "great fear" spread across the countryside as brigands pillaged peasant communities and destroyed crops in the run-up to the harvest. In response, on the night of August 4, the National Assembly abolished feudal dues, renounced all sorts of privileges (including the venality of offices), deprived the church of tithes and proclaimed the equality of taxation (p. 44).


True or false? MacMillan describes Allied policy toward Russia throughout the conference as "confused," dabbling in intervention but also dabbling in negotiation, with no clear line drawn at the end.


True or false? More Russians died during the Civil War following the Revolution than died during the First World War.


True or false? Other policy mistakes that were made include letting banks go under and trying to reduce budget deficits by raising taxes.


True or false? Schacht resigned as head of the Reichsbank in March 1930 because he foresaw the effects of the Great Crash.


True or false? Since John Law and the Mississippi bubble, the history of the French monarchy in the 18th century can be described (see p. 27) as "a struggle to avoid bankruptcy."


True or false? The UK's secret agreements with France during the war were primarily intended to protect and strengthen trade routes to India.


True or false? The initial war aim of all powers in the region was to extend their empires, and Fromkin argues that the post-war settlement marked the high-water mark of European conquest.


True or false? The problem with a blockade was that it was a violation of international law, essentially an act of war.


True or false? The spectrum of opinion in both the U.S. and the European Central Bank (ECB) is sometimes described in the same terms applied to Kennedy's advisors during the Cuban Missile Crisis, "hawks" and "doves," with the hawks being those in favor of "hard money," or a currency whose value is not set by governments ("fiat money") but on something fixed, like the gold standard.


True or false? To repay the United States, Britain and France were counting on the reparations imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles


True or false? Volunteers (féderés) from Marseille coming to the capital's aid, sang a march as they entered Paris at the end of July. In 1795, it was declared the French national anthem, La Marseillaise.


True or false? When Hitler occupied the Rhineland in March 1936, in breach of the Treaties of Versailles and Locarno, but made conciliatory proposals, Baldwin refused to support French Foreign Minister Flandin's proposal for a police action, saying he could not accept the risk of war.


True or false? When Lenin returned from Finland in October, he argued that the time was ripe for an armed take-over


True or false? Wilson's approach centered on collective security and international law, while Clemenceau's centered on the balance of power.


True or false? Wilson's main goal at the peace conference was securing a League of Nations


What two major developments occurred at the time of the Potsdam Conference July 16-August 2, 1945?

Truman told Stalin about the bomb (no reaction - espionage) and Attlee replaced Churchill as British Prime Minister.

In April 1939, Mussolini invaded (a) Albania, (b) the Dalmatian coast of Yugoslavia, (c) Corsica, (d) Greece.

a. Albania

The principal architect of the boom from 1968 to 1974 was a young São Paulo economics professor (a) Antônio Delfim Neto, (b) José Piñero, (c) Guido Mantega, (d) Domingo Cavallo, who served as Minister of Finance in the hard-line Costa e Silva government.

a. Antônio Delfim Neto

The army gave up power to civilians after its disastrous defeat in the 1971 war for (a) Bangladesh's, (b) Tibet's, (c) Kashmir's, (d) Nepal's independence.

a. Bangladesh's

Which of the following did not send armies of occupation to western Anatolia at the end of World War I? (a) Britain, (b) France, (c) Italy, (d) Greece.

a. Britain

Besides Keynes, which British Chancellor of the Exchequer had doubts about the return to the gold standard, but let himself be convinced by the Governor of the Bank of England? (a) Churchill, (b) Lloyd George, (c) Chamberlain, (d) Baldwin

a. Churchill

In which was a broad multi-lateral coalition assembled? (a) Gulf War of 1990-91 or (b) Iraq War of 2003?

a. Gulf War of 1990-91

In which was overwhelming force employed? (a) Gulf War of 1990-91 or (b) Iraq War of 2003?

a. Gulf War of 1990-91

In which were the costs overestimated? (a) Gulf War of 1990-91 or (b) Iraq War of 2003?

a. Gulf War of 1990-91

Which began with a prolonged air campaign? (a) Gulf War of 1990-91 or (b) Iraq War of 2003?

a. Gulf War of 1990-91

Which was unpopular at first and then became popular? (a) Gulf War of 1990-91 or (b) Iraq War of 2003?

a. Gulf War of 1990-91

Under the British Raj, Jammu and Kashmir was a princely state with an overwhelmingly Muslim population that was ruled by a Hindu maharaja, (a) Hari Singh, (b) Ayub Khan, (c) Sheik Abdullah, (d) Jaswant Singh II.

a. Hari Singh

In August 2011, Trichet resumes buying bonds, including (a) Italy's, (b) Turkey's, (c) Denmark's, (d) the Czech Republic's.

a. Italy's

Which of the following is a reason Japan followed the path to war with the United States? a. Japanese want for Harmony and Consensus b. Tripartite Treaty c. The War in China d. United States' Aggressive policies

a. Japanese want for Harmony and Consensus

After the Chinese Communists entered the war and counterattacked, Truman dropped what war aim—which MacArthur's landing at Inchon had made seem possible? (a) Liberation and unification, (b) defeating Communism, (c) containment, (d) negotiating a ceasefire with the North Koreans

a. Liberation and unification

The founder of Pakistan—its Quaid-e-Azam (Great Leader)—was (a) Mohammed Ali Jinnah, (b) Mahatma Gandhi, (c) Zia ul-Haq, (d) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

a. Mohammed Ali Jinnah

Which banker, a manic depressive who suffered from nervous breakdowns and dressed like a chief conspirator in an Italian opera, traveled under the pseudonym of Clarence Skinner? (a) Norman, (b) Strong, (c) Schacht, (d) Moreau

a. Norman

Pakistan was formed by the partition primarily of (a) Punjab and Bengal, (b) Pradesh, (c) Gujarat and Maharashtra, (d) Kerala and Tamil Nadu out of the British Raj in South Asia.

a. Punjab and Bengal

What "history lesson" does Susan Shirk point to as a why China's rise may increase the likelihood of war? (a) Rising powers—like Germany and Japan in the 20th century—are likely to provoke wars, (b) economic rivals—like Britain and Germany at the end of the 19th century—are likely to become military rivals, (c) ideological rivals—like the United States and the Soviet Union in the Cold War—run the risk of not being able to defuse a crisis, (d) all of the foregoing

a. Rising powers—like Germany and Japan in the 20th century—are likely to provoke wars

What two countries thought "containment" (and sanctions) would not work? (a) Saudi Arabia & Israel, (b) Jordan & Syria, (c) Pakistan & India, (d) Russia & China.

a. Saudi Arabia & Israel

Vargas's centralization of power prompted resistance, particularly after he convoked a constituent assembly in 1932 to legitimize its rule. State forces in (a) São Paulo, (b) Minas Gerais, (c) Rio Grande do Sul rebelled in the name of constitutionalism. The civil war that followed lasted 3 months, and at least 600 were killed.

a. São Paulo

Pakistan's official languages are English and (a) Urdu, (b) Bengali, (c) Punjabi, (d) Pashto.

a. Urdu

Nigerian dictator General Sani Abacha, a Kanuri from Borno, seized power in a November 1994 coup following an election in June 1993, when northern generals prevented (a) Yoruba tycoon Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola, (b) the Yoruba General Olusegun Obasanjo, (c) the Fulani governor of Katsina Shehu Umaru Musa Yar' Adua, (d) Mosop founder Ken SaroWiwa (an Ogoni) from being declared the winner.

a. Yoruba tycoon Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola

Initially, this group considered a range of options from doing nothing to a fullscale invasion of Cuba, but eventually they narrowed the choice down to two, air strikes or (a) a blockade, (b) a diplomatic initiative through the UN Secretary General U Thant, (c) a warning to Castro, (d) economic sanctions

a. a blockade

The first joint international effort by central banks in the Great Recession came in December 2007 when the Fed, Bank of England, the ECB, and the central banks of Canada and Switzerland (a) announced liquidity swap lines to provide $24bn to European banks facing shortages of dollars, (b) lowered interest rates, (c) announced an increase in the money supply, (d) bailed out Northern Rock.

a. announced liquidity swap lines to provide $24bn to European banks facing shortages of dollars

At the second meeting on August 3, Scowcroft delivered "Churchillian" remarks about the need to reverse aggression. This is a reference to Churchill's attacks in the 1930s on (a) appeasement, (b) brinksmanship, (c) containment, (d) deterrence.

a. appeasement

When Germany invaded Poland, Chamberlain asked Churchill to become part of the War Cabinet as (a) First Lord of the Admiralty, (b) Lord Privy Seal, (c) Chancellor of the Exchequer, (d) Prime Minster.

a. first Lord of the Admiralty

At the end of April 1939, Chamberlain, reversing repeated pledges, (a) introduced conscription, (b) ordered a mobilization of imperial forces, (c) reversed British policy on India, (d) invited Churchill to join the Cabinet as First Lord of the Admiralty.

a. introduced conscription

On the other hand, when private banks or businesses get "too big to fail," its leaders can act irresponsibly, a condition known as (a) moral hazard, (b) egotism run amok, (c) quantitative easing, (d) hyper-risk-taking.

a. moral hazard

Which ideology failed to prevent the war but gained support through the immense loss of life? (a) nationalism, (b) democracy, (c) socialism, (d) woman suffrage

a. nationalism

Which of the following was NOT one of the "three no's" adopted by the Arab summit in Khartoum following the war? (a) no trade with Israel, (b) no negotiations with Israel, (c) no peace with Israel, (d) no recognition of Israel.

a. no trade with Israel

The effort to create an Ottoman nationalism was led by bureaucrats and imperial functionaries wanting to copy European techniques of statebuilding. It was called (a) osmanlilik, (b) Young Turks, (c) Kemalism, (d) Ataturkism.

a. osmanlilik

Which plan was written by Zapata and laid out his vision for agrarian reform? a. Plan de Ayala b. Plan de San Luis Petosi c. None of the above

a. plan de ayala

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Chinese leaders have been fixated on (a) social stability, (b) order and prosperity, (c) threats from foreign democracies, (d) ideological orthodoxy.

a. social stability

Two key policy instruments were indexation (automatic adjustment for inflation), which maintained stable capital markets, and (a) the "crawling peg," a system of small but frequent devaluations, (b) wage and price controls, (c) elimination of all tariffs to keep prices down through cheap imports, (d) privatization of state enterprises.

a. the "crawling peg," a system of small but frequent devaluations

In his memoir of the two Iraq wars, Richard Haass suggests a distinction between wars of necessity and wars of choice. Which of the two Iraq Wars was a war of necessity? (a) The 1990-91 Gulf War or (b) the 2003 Iraq War?

a. the 1990-91 Gulf War

One of the major external problems the BOJ encountered with its QQE monetary policy was/were A. The 2014 government tax hikes B. High interest rates C. Increased consumer prices D. the Fukushima nuclear acci

a. the 2014 government tax hikes

The first jihadist group formed—(a) the Harakat-ul-Mujahideen, (b) the Lashkar-e-Taiba, (c) Jaish-e-Mohammed, (d) the Pakistani Taliban—was also the first group to be deployed into Kashmir

a. the Harakat-ul-Mujahideen

The other major religious party is Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, known almost exclusively as the JUI; its membership is Deobandi in religious orientation and ethnically Pashtun; thus, it is regional, being located primarily in (a) the Northwest Frontier Province and northern Baluchistan, (b) Punjab, (c) Sindh, (d) Kashmir.

a. the Northwest Frontier Province and northern Baluchistan

Pakistan's two major political parties are Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and (a) the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) of Nawaz Sharif, (b) the PML-Q of Chaudhry Shujaat, (c) Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F), (d) Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf of Imran Khan

a. the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) of Nawaz Sharif

During the period of conditional Egyptian independence that existed for most of the inter-war period power was shared by the Egyptian king (a descendant of Mehmet Ali), the British Ambassador, and (a) the Wafd party, (b) the Communist Party, (c) the Muslim Brotherhood, (d) the Arab League.

a. the Wafd party

The 1948 war, which Israelis call their war for independence, the Palestinians call the nakba — (a) the catastrophe, (b) the armistice, (c) the settlement, (d) the holocaust.

a. the catastrophe

The original model for the exploitation of oil in the Middle East was (a) the concession, (b) participation, (c) joint partnership, (d) nationalization

a. the concession

In November 1935, the Conservatives led by Stanley Baldwin won the last British General Election until 1945, with what as the keystone of its foreign policy? (a) The League of Nations, (b) splendid isolation, (c) renewed focus on empire, (d) rearmament

a. the league of nations

What new strategy did the Kennedy Administration develop to cope with the kind of war it faced and the threat of more wars of national liberation? (a) neo-colonialism, (b) nation-building, (c) green berets, (d) reform

b. nation-building

The author attributes the British Army's successful implementation of counterinsurgency policy in Malaya to which of the following qualities: (a)The importance of a centralized command structure (b) An organization that emphasizes learning and bottom-up input (c) Using conventional forces to annihilate the enemy (d) Strict adherence to doctrine

b. An organization that emphasizes learning and bottom-up input

The third army chief who became the country's first military dictator, ruling as President from 1958 to 1969, was (a) Liaquat Ali Khan, (b) Ayub Khan, (c) Iskander Mirza, (d) Yahya Khan

b. Ayub Khan

The traditional guidance for central banks as "lender of last resort" goes back to the failure of a wholesale discount bank (Overend, Gurney) in London in 1866 - "lend liberally but at high interest rates and on sound banking securities" - remembered as (a) the Lombard Street Lesson, (b) Bagehot's Dictum, (c) Disraeli's Direction, (d) the Threadneedle Precept.

b. Bagehot's Dictu

During the crisis, Kennedy and other members of this group expressed concern that a blockade of Cuba, or any move against the missiles in Cuba, might result in similar Soviet moves against (a) Israel, (b) Berlin, (c) NATO, or (d) Turkey

b. Berlin

To try to gauge how the Soviet leadership might act, Kennedy turned to former U.S. Ambassadors to the Soviet Union, particularly (a) George Kennan, (b) Chip Bohlen and Llewellyn "Tommy" Thompson, (c) Averell Harriman, (d) William Bullitt and Joseph Davies

b. Chip Bohlen and Llewellyn "Tommy" Thompson

Which of the following did NOT voluntarily relinquish power? (a) Senegal's Léopold Senghor, (b) Côte d'Ivoire's Félix Houphouët-Boigny, (c) Cameron's Ahmadu Ahidjo, (d) Tanzania's Julius Nyerere.

b. Côte d'Ivoire's Félix Houphouët-Boigny

A high-profile instance of anti-Semitism in Europe from the 1890s was the Dreyfus case, resulting from the accusation of a Jewish officer (Dreyfus) of spying. Dreyfus was an officer in which country? (a) Britain, (b) France, (c) Germany, (d) Russia

b. France

The author of the Long Telegram (and this policy) was: a. George Marshall b. George Kennan c. John Foster Dulles d. Averell Harriman

b. George Kennan

The Islamic movement in Lebanon is (a) Hamas, (b) Hizbullah, (c) Hadatha, (d) Druze

b. Hizbullah

The army's officer corps is an exclusive meritocracy whose members come primarily from the urban middle class; its enlisted ranks come predominantly from rural backgrounds, particularly the "army triangle" of Attock, Rawalpindi, and Jhelum in northern Punjab; senior officers harbor a singleminded mistrust of (a) the United States, (b) India, (c) Iran, (d) Russia

b. India

In which war did the President go first to the Congress and then to the UN? (a) Gulf War of 1990-91 or (b) Iraq War of 2003?

b. Iraq War of 2003

Haass draws a series of contrasts between the two Iraq wars; first, he notes that one was fought for limited, traditional goals to restore the status quo, while the other was fought for ambitious, even radical aims of ousting a regime and establishing a new basis for order in the Middle East. Which was the second? (a) Gulf War of 1990-91 or (b) Iraq War of 2003?

b. Iraq War of 2003?

The "Supreme Council" of the Paris peace conference began as a Council of Ten but ended as a Council of Four. Besides foreign ministers, who was dropped? (a) Germans, (b) Japanese, (c) Italians, (d) Russians

b. Japanese

The struggle with India for (a) Punjab, (b) Kashmir, (c) Gujarat, (d) Bengal convinced Pakistan's early rulers that they needed to maintain a large army.

b. Kashmir

Besides the Second World War, which of the following other U.S. wars, would Haass categorize as a war of necessity? The (a) Spanish-American War, (b) Korean War, (c) Vietnam War, (d) Kosovo War

b. Korean War

The Cuban Missile Crisis came as a result of the Soviets' deployment of (a) surface-to-air missiles, (b) MRBMs, (c) ICBMs, (d) ground-launched cruise missiles

b. MRBMs

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was (a) Matthew Ridgway, (b) Maxwell Taylor, (c) Curtis LeMay, (d) John McCone.

b. Maxwell Taylor

The first leader of the UN operation in Somalia (Unosom) strategy was (a) Boutros Boutros-Ghali, (b) Mohamed Sahnoun, (c) Robert Oakley, (d) Ismat Kittani

b. Mohamed Sahnoun

Which of the following problems are not affecting Nigeria? A. Rampant corruption of officials; B. Oppression of the freedom of media; C. Ethnic and religious violence; D. Failed democratic elections;

b. Oppression of the freedom of media

The two key Central Committee Departments are the (a) Organization and Security, (b) Organization and Propaganda, (c) Propaganda and Security, (d) Planning and Development Departments

b. Organization and Propaganda

While Eisenhower wisely avoided involvement in Vietnam in 1954, his Secretary of State John Foster Dulles constructed a collective security framework to defend strategic interests in the region. This framework was called (a) United Action, (b) SEATO, (c) brinksmanship, (d) NATO


The leader of the Awami League that triumphed in the 1970 election, precipitating the 1971 war that led to East Pakistan's independence (as Bangladesh) was (a) Yahya Khan, (b) Sheik Mujib, (c) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, (d) Hari Singh.

b. Sheik Mujib

Ever since the 1990s campaign to bolster the CCP's legitimacy, the Propaganda Department has been single-minded promoting (a) ideological orthodoxy, (b) nationalism, (c) the leadership, (d) economic development.

b. nationalism

Which of the following was not one of the central bankers that Neil Irwin wrote about in his book about their efforts to manage the current financial crisis (a) Ben Bernanke, (b) Timothy Geithner, (c) Jean-Claude Trichet, (d) Mervyn King.

b. Timothy Geithner

Although Mosul became part of the British Mandate after the first World War, which country believes they have the right to participate in the offensive against ISIS due to previous control and current interest in the city? A. Syria B. Turkey C. Russia D. Iran

b. Turkey

The public "deal" that was struck involved Soviet agreement to remove the offensive missiles in exchange for an end to the quarantine and (a) U.S. withdrawal of the Jupiter missiles in Italy and Turkey or (b) U.S. commitment not to invade Cuba.

b. U.S. commitment not to invade Cuba

The "single most important political event in the history of the modern Middle East," according to Gelvin, is (a) Zionism, (b) World War I, (c) nationalism, (d) World War II.

b. World War I

According to Kissinger, in a general war, the goal is total victory (and unconditional surrender of the enemy), but, he notes, the difficulty with a limited war is the definition of its political objective. In the case of the Korean Conflict, Kissinger says he would have favored: (a) return to the status quo ante—pushing the North Koreans back beyond the 38th parallel, (b) a penalty for aggression, (c) carrying the war to the Chinese mainland but stopping short of a war with the Soviet Union, (d) a stalemate.

b. a penalty for aggression

Kissinger says that when Nixon was elected President in 1968, he considered three policy options for extricating the United States from Vietnam. Which did Kissinger favor? (a) an immediate, unconditional, and unilateral American withdrawal, (b) a showdown with Hanoi through a combination of military and political pressures, (c) a gradual shifting of responsibility for the war to the Saigon government, permitting the U.S. to withdraw gradually, (d) an attack on the North Vietnamese logistics system (the Ho Chi Minh Trail) in Laos and Cambodia.

b. a showdown with Hanoi through a combination of military and political pressures

The Marshall Plan was officially meant to accomplish all of the following except (a) economic and political stability (b) anti-communism, (c) European economic integration, (d) European initiative for recovery, (e) rebuilding transportation infrastructure

b. anti-communism

Gelvin argues that the mandates system established for Syria, Jordan and Iraq (among other places) after the First World War stacked the deck against economic development because the mandatory powers (a) were free to apply tariffs, (b) could not apply any measure that would restrict trade, (c) could not maintain the usual colonial-style system of trade of buying raw materials and dumping finished goods on unprotected markets, (d) the system broke down under the threat of German U-boats during the Second World War

b. could not apply any measure that would restrict trade

Which of the following is not one of Allison's three decision-making models? a. Rational Actor Model b. Cybernetic Model c. Governmental Politics Model d. Organizational Behavior Model

b. cybernetic model

A major casualty of this focus on immediate benefit is long-term financial solvency and (a) economic development, or (b) education.

b. education

If China sold off large amounts of bonds, the value of its remaining holdings would (a) rise or (b) fall

b. fall

19. The watershed that led to Chamberlain's change of heart was (a) the meeting with Mussolini in January 1939, (b) the dissolution and subjugation of the Czechoslovak state in March 1939, (c) Hitler's demands of Poland, (d) the Nazi-Soviet Pact of August 1939.

b. he dissolution and subjugation of the Czechoslovak state in March 1939 In April 1939

Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, known as ISI, rose to prominence running the insurgency in Afghanistan during the anti-Soviet jihad (1979-89). Which of the following is accurate, according to Schmidt? (a) It is a rogue element in the Pakistani government, or (b) it has close personal and professional ties to Pakistan's army.

b. it has close personal and professional ties to Pakistan's army.

The Zionists of the second and third aliyot in 1904-14 and 1918-23 adopted slogans calling for the "conquest of land" and the "conquest of (a) language, (b) labor, (c) love, (d) light."

b. labor

The U.S. central bank is somewhat unique in that it has what is often called "a dual mandate." In addition to price stability, it is tasked with maintaining (a) low interest rates, (b) maximum employment, (c) an adequate money supply, (d) the dollar's parity with gold.

b. maximum employment

Who were the three Paşas? a. Politicians b. Military officers c. Members of the sultanate d. Academics

b. military officers

Reid describes the Brazilian military in the mid-twentieth century as arrogating to itself the (a) guiding, (b) moderating, (c) arbitrating, (d) veto power exercised by Dom Pedro II during the 19th century.

b. moderating

After blindsiding the Labour Government's Chancellor of the Exchequer with criticism of the country's banking regulations in his Mansion House speech in June 2009, Bank of England Governor Mervyn King was (a) endorsed by the Conservative Party for a second term, (b) outvoted on the issue of larger QE expansion by the BOE's monetary policy committee, (c) supported by the BOE's monetary policy committee on the issue of expanding QE, (d) criticized by ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet for supporting QE expansion.

b. outvoted on the issue of larger QE expansion by the BOE's monetary policy committee

After Germany announced the creation of an air force and universal conscription to serve in its army in March 1935, the Council of the League of Nations met at Stresa in April and (a) did nothing, (b) protested, (c) threatened the use of force, (d) authorized France to occupy the Ruhr.

b. protested

What aspect of Hitler's policy did Churchill first warn about? His (a) fascism, (b) rearmament, (c) anti-communism, (d) hatred of Britain?

b. rearmanment

The Administration, concluding sanctions would not compel withdrawal, eventually sought a further UN Security Council resolution at the end of November (a) authorizing the immediate use of force, (b) setting a deadline for compliance, (c) requiring complete disarmament, (d) requiring the abandonment of all weapons of mass destruction (WMD), a step that was not taken after Saddam's use of chemical weapons in the Iran-Iraq War, and setting up an inspection regime to ensure compliance.

b. setting a deadline for compliance

When Bundy briefed the President, Kennedy called a meeting of a group consisting of members of the National Security Council (NSC) and other key advisors that came to be called (a) his "kitchen cabinet," (b) the EXCOMM (for Executive Committee of the NSC), (c) the missile defense group, (d) the Cuban working group

b. the EXCOMM (for Executive Committee of the NSC)

The first nationalist movement in the Middle East was (a) the Syrian, (b) the Egyptian, (c) the Lebanese, (d) the Arab.

b. the Egyptian

The state-directed economic model that Kemal adopted for Turkey was closer to (a) the New Deal or (b) the Fascist model of Italy

b. the Fascist model of Italy

Which leftist political party found itself in power after the 1917 February Revolution? A. The Bolsheviks B. The Mensheviks C. The Socialist-Revolutionaries D. The Cheka

b. the Mensheviks

During the Gulf War, Haass was (a) the U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, (b) the NSC senior staff director for the Middle East, (c) the Policy Planning Director at the State Department, (d) President of the Council on Foreign Relations.

b. the NSC senior staff director for the Middle East

Churchill wrote the following — "History, which, we are told, is mainly the record of the crimes, follies, and miseries of mankind, may be scoured and ransacked to find a parallel to this sudden and complete reversal of five or six years' policy of easygoing placatory appeasement, and its transformation almost overnight into a readiness to accept an obviously imminent war on far worse conditions and on the greatest scale" — about (a) the Munich Accords, (b) the Polish Guarantee, (c) the NaziSoviet Pact, (d) the German invasion of the Soviet Union.

b. the Polish Guarantee

The most radical phase of the Revolution (September 1793-July 1794), when the government of France was effectively the Committee on Public Safety dominated by Maximilien Robespierre, is known as (a) the Great Fear, (b) the Reign of Terror, (c) the Thermidorean Reaction, (d) the Directorate. During this period as many as 40,000 may have been guillotined or otherwise put to death by order of the Revolutionary Tribunal, particularly after enactment of the Law of 22 Prairial (June 1794).

b. the Reign of Terror

Which of the following groups did not put pressure on the UN to mention and define human rights in its charter? A. Nongovernmental Organizations B. The Allies C. Small nations D. Latin America

b. the allies

The first crisis of Kennedy's presidency was over (a) Berlin, (b) the Bay of Pigs, (c) Vietnam, (d) Laos.

b. the bay of pigs

What did Churchill call "the one solid security for peace" (p. 10)? (a) The League of Nations, (b) the disarmament of Germany, (c) the Anglo-Japanese alliance, (d) reparations

b. the disarmament of Germany

The second great schism of the revolution over the monarchy was opened by (a) the king's failure to accept the reforms of the Constituent Assembly, (b) the flight to Varennes, (c) the king's veto of ecclesiastical legislation that was opposed by the Pope, (d) the Declaration of Pillnitz by the Prussian King and the Holy Roman Emperor supporting Louis XVI (pp. 47-49).

b. the flight to Varennes

The major jihadist and sectarian groups in Pakistan have come from (a) the Shiite minority, (b) the two largest minority sects of Sunni Islam in Pakistan, which are fundamentalist, (c) extremist fringe elements, (d) the tiny Salafi minority

b. the two largest minority sects of Sunni Islam in Pakistan, which are fundamentalist

When FDR asked Churchill what the Second World War should be called, he replied (a) the war to end all wars, (b) the unnecessary war, (c) the war to make the world safe for democracy, (d) the great patriotic war.

b. the unnecessary war

Chinese leaders declared the two decades from 2000 to 2020 of "strategic importance" and aimed to quadruple the size of the economy in that period and create a "well-off society" (xiaokang shehui) because (a) they feared the rise of India, (b) they see the country as racing the demographic clock, (c) they were running out of coal, (d) they are worried about global warming.

b. they see the country as racing the demographic clock

The Iranian Revolution is considered significant because (a) it established a new model for government based on the Qu'ran, (b) unlike previous revolutions it rejected modernist utopias for ancient ones, (c) it established a successful third way to economic development that was Islamist, (d) undercut Arab nationalism as the leading force in the Islamic world.

b. unlike previous revolutions it rejected modernist utopias for ancient ones

Haass dates U.S. involvement in the Persian Gulf from (a) efforts to block Soviet domination of Iran in 1946, (b) the 1953 coup that overthrew Iranian Prime Minister Mosaddegh, (c) British withdrawal "east of Suez" in 1967, (d) the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979

c. British withdrawal "east of Suez" in 1967

What were NOT one of America's other preoccupations at the time of the Yom Kippur War in 1973? (a) the Vietnam War, (b) the opening with China, (c) Castro's adventures in Africa, (d) détente with the Soviet Union

c. Castro's adventures in Africa

States in the state system in the modern Middle East were created in two ways, "by decree" (i.e., partitioned out of the Ottoman Empire by the victorious great powers Britain and France) or "by revolution and conquest." Which of the following was NOT created by decree? (a) Syria, (b) Palestine/Israel, (c) Egypt, (d) Iraq

c. Egypt

Which state emerged as independent as a result of revolution? (a) Turkey, (b) Iran, (c) Egypt, (d) Saudi Arabia

c. Egypt

Mohammed Siyad Barre, the Somali leader of the Darod clan who came to power following a military coup in 1969, declared a Marxist regime and with initial Soviet support tried to seize the Ogaden region from (a) Kenya, (b) Sudan, (c) Ethiopia, (d) Eritrea

c. Ethiopia

At the peace conference the British were surprised at the assertiveness of "the Dominions." Which of the following was NOT one of them? (a) New Zealand, (b) South Africa, (c) Egypt, (d) India

c. Eygpt

Which of the following was NOT a reason for Argentina's 2001 - 2002 economic and political collapse? a) Argentine government lack of fiscal discipline b) International investors touting Argentine bonds c) Falklands War between Argentina and the United Kingdom d) International Financial regulator's complacency

c. Falklands War between Argentina and the United Kingdom

The European power with the most gold was: (a) Germany, (b) Britain, (c) France, (d) the Soviet Union

c. France

Which of the following presidents would Haass not characterize as a political idealist in his war aims? (a) Woodrow Wilson, (b) Ronald Reagan, (c) George H.W. Bush, (d) George W. Bush.

c. George H.W. Bush

Benjamin Strong was (a) Chairman of the Federal Reserve, (b) Chancellor of the Exchequer, (c) Governor of the New York Fed, (d) Secretary of the U.S. Treasury

c. Governor of the New York Fed

Faced with the power vacuum in the region, President Nixon, when he came into office in January 1969, developed a doctrine that relied on two regional powers—the twin pillars—because of U.S. engagement in Vietnam and in Europe (in the aftermath of the Soviet suppression of the Prague Spring in August 1968—the Brezhnev Doctrine). The "twin pillars" were: (a) Iran and Turkey, (b) Iran and Iraq, (c) Iran and Saudi Arabia, (d) Iraq and Saudi Arabia

c. Iran and Saudi Arabia

Crises involving one or more from the following groups of countries, according to Shirk, are the most likely to evoke strong nationalist feelings in China. (a) Russia, India, Pakistan; (b) Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia; (c) Japan, Taiwan, the United States; (d) Britain, France, Germany

c. Japan, Taiwan, the United States

The 1948 war also had an affect on other Arab states where groups of military officers accused their governments of entering the war half-heartedly and being unwilling to promote the sort of economic development that would have assured success on the battlefield. In which of the following states was there NOT a military coup d'état that could trace its roots to this war? (a) Syria (1949), (b) Egypt (1952), (c) Jordan (1955), (d) Iraq (1958)

c. Jordan (1955)

Early in the Great Recession (2007-8) governments and central banks rescued a number of institutions. Which of the following did they let fail? (a) BNP Paribas, (b) Northern Rock, (c) Lehman Brothers, (d) AIG.

c. Lehman Brothers

At the same time, British foreign policy foreign policy was unsure of how to respond to (a) Hitler's denunciation of the Anglo-German naval agreement of 1935, (b) Hitler's denunciation of the Polish-German non-aggression pact, (c) Litvinov's offer of a united front with Britain, France and Poland, (d) Mussolini's offer to mediate.

c. Litvinov's offer of a united front with Britain, France and Poland

After talking to _________, Gorbachev really started to change his opinions and look at things differently? a) Ronald Reagan b) George Shultz c) Margaret Thatcher d) George H.W. Bush

c. Margaret Thatcher

Which of the following is not part of the US central policy in Somalia? A. Containment B. Counter-terrorism C. Opening free trade D. Nation-building

c. Opening free trade

The third Eurozone country to request a bailout (on April 6, 2011) was (a) Italy, (b) Spain, (c) Portugal, (d) Denmark

c. Portugal

The American president during the Iran-Iraq War was (a) Richard Nixon, (b) Jimmy Carter, (c) Ronald Reagan, (d) George H.W. Bush

c. Ronald Reagan

Stories about all of the following countries sell EXCEPT stories about (a) Japan, (b) Taiwan, (c) Russia, (d) United States.

c. Russia

Which central banker's first names were really "Horace Greeley"? (a) Norman, (b) Strong, (c) Schacht, (d) Moreau

c. Schacht

Pakistan's first two army chiefs were (a) Punjabi, (b) Pashtuns, (c) Sindhi, (d) British.

c. Sindhi

The Islamic State wishes to establish a caliphate spanning where? A) Spain to Iran (reflecting the former Islamic empires) B) The United States (AQ and ISIS' far enemy) C) The World (a global empire) D) Raqqa to Mosul (current expanse of established caliphate)

c. The World (a global empire)

At the weekend strategy meeting at Camp David, General Colin Powell, who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said deterrence would require 100,000 troops and host nation support; what two countries was Defense Secretary Cheney sent to in order to secure HNS? (a) Iran and Qatar, (b) Britain and Germany, (c) Turkey and Saudi Arabia, (d) Syria and Jordan

c. Turkey and Saudi Arabia

Which of the following was not one of the "Big Three"? (a) Georges Clemenceau, (b) David Lloyd George, (c) Vittorio Orlando, (d) Woodrow Wilson

c. Vittorio Orlando

What aspects of Russian/Soviet history does the author of the "Long Telegram" NOT see as shaping Soviet policy? a. Traditional and instinctive Russian sense of insecurity b. Soviet leaders' fear of competition with more advanced West. c. Wartime alliance with capitalist West d. Tradition as a police state

c. Wartime alliance with capitalist West

The Japanese demand for a provision on racial equality was most adamantly blocked by (a) Clemenceau, (b) Orlando, (c) Wilson, (d) Lloyd George

c. Wilson

What was not a factor that led to the second Boer War? a. Economic insecurities b. Jameson raid c. Zulu regional power d. German involvement

c. Zulu regional power

The 2010 UK general election resulted in (a) a Labour landslide, (b) a Conservative landslide, (c) a hung parliament with David Cameron eventually chosen as Prime Minister with support from the Liberal Democrats, (d) Scottish independence.

c. a hung parliament with David Cameron eventually chosen as Prime Minister with support from the Liberal Democrats

Napoléon came to power on the 18th of Brumaire (November 9, 1799), replacing the Directory, through (a) a popular election, (b) a parliamentary coup, (c) a military coup, (d) acclamation

c. a military coup

Chinese leaders' "worst nightmare" (p. 7) is (a) a radical Islamist uprising in Xinjiang province, (b) an economic downturn, (c) a national protest movement of discontented groups, (d) Taiwan's declaration of independence

c. a national protest movement of discontented groups

The League of Nations, according to MacMillan, represented (a) an antiBolshevik league, (b) the balance of power, (c) collective security, (d) a democratic alliance

c. collective security

In January 2010, Ben Bernanke, who had originally been nominated as chairman of the Federal Reserve by George Bush, was (a) confirmed by the Senate for a second term by the largest majority in history, (b) defeated by the Senate for a second term by a large margin, (c) confirmed for a second term by the smallest majority in history, (d) reelected to a second term by the Senate although he had been opposed by President Obama.

c. confirmed for a second term by the smallest majority in history

The crisis took place in the run-up to what domestic political event in the United States? (a) Presidential election, (b) Presidential primary, (c) Congressional election, (d) Presidential debate.

c. congressional election

In the two months that followed, which grouping of U.S. officials worked to develop a strategy? (a) National Security Council, (b) Principals (SecState, SecDef, and National Security Advisor+CJCS and DCI), (c) Deputies (Gates, Kimmitt, Wolfowitz, Jeremiah (JCS), and Dick Kerr (CIA), (d) Office of Secretary of Defense + Joint Staff.

c. deputies (Gates, Kimmitt, Wolfowitz, Jeremiah (JCS), and Dick Kerr (CIA)

There are many explanations for the Iranian Revolution of 1978-79. Which of the following is NOT one of them? (a) Religious or cultural factors stressing the role of Shi'ism, (b) economic explanations stressing the role of the 1975- 77 downturn, (c) growth of anti-Americanism in the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War of 1973, (d) conjunction of a variety of factors including uneven development, easing of repression, formation of a broad opposition, and the right international context

c. growth of anti-Americanism in the aftermath of the Yom Kippur War of 1973

To deal with this challenge, India deployed (a) 100,000, (b) 200,000, (c) half a million, (d) one million troops in Kashmir

c. half a million

How does Haass categorize the post 9/11 War in Afghanistan? (a) War of necessity, (b) war of choice, (c) hybrid (beginning as war of necessity and becoming a war of choice), (d) war of indecision.

c. hybrid (beginning as war of necessity and becoming a war of choice),

The Chinese Government began making large investments in its military (a) under Mao, (b) under Deng, (c) in the 1990s, (d) since Obama's pivot to Asia.

c. in the 1990

The Dodd-Frank bill that was signed into law in July 2010 (a) set up a new bank regulatory agency in the U.S., (b) further reduced bank regulations in the U.S., (c) increased the Fed's powers as bank regulator, (d) decreased the Fed's powers as a bank regulator.

c. increased the Fed's powers as bank regulator

In the Administration of George W. Bush, Haass (a) held the same position he did under Bush's father, but under Condi Rice, who was Bush 41's first National Security Advisor, (b) was president of the Council on Foreign Relations, (c) initially served as Director of Policy Planning under Colin Powell at the State Department, (d) served as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under Donald Rumsfeld

c. initially served as Director of Policy Planning under Colin Powell at the State Department

The three lessons Chinese leaders have drawn from the example cited in the previous question are all of the following EXCEPT: (a) avoid open leadership splits, (b) prevent large-scale social unrest, (c) limit individual freedoms, (d) keep the military on side

c. limit individual freedoms

Kennedy communicated with Khrushchev through all of the following EXCEPT (a) the Soviet Ambassador in Washington Anatoly Dobrynin, (b) formal messages, (c) secure "hot" line or red phone, (d) Soviet intelligence operatives.

c. secure "hot" line or red phone

The unique aspect of Palestinian nationalism was that (a) it embraced both Christians and Muslims, (b) it was defined as distinct from Jordanian nationalism, (c) that it was defined in relation to Zionist settlement, (d) it was anti-Arab

c. that it was defined in relation to Zionist settlement

An early success of the Zionist movement was (a) the creation of a distinct mandate for trans-Jordan in 1921, (b) the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916, (c) the Balfour Declaration of 1917, (d) the Churchill White Paper of 1922.

c. the Balfour Declaration of 1917

To provide a legal basis for the quarantine, the United States sought action by (a) the UN Security Council, (b) NATO, (c) the Organization of the American States under the Rio Pact, (d) the U.S. Congress.

c. the Organization of the American States under the Rio Pact

The largest bloc in the Central Committee comes from (a) Beijing, (b) the rural provinces, (c) the People's Liberation Army, (d) the Central Organization Department

c. the People's Liberation Army

The United States replaced Britain and France as the primary Western power in the region after (a) the Second World War, (b) the Arab-Israeli War of 1948, (c) the Suez Crisis of 1956, (d) the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

c. the Suez Crisis of 1956

In listing the "follies of the victors" [at the end of the First World War], Churchill first mentioned "the economic clauses of the Treaty" [of Versailles]. What was "the second cardinal tragedy"? (a) The League of Nations, (b) the disarmament of Germany, (c) the break-up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, (d) the failure to impose a liberal republic on the German Empire

c. the break-up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

While Pakistan opted to support the United States after 9/11, it tolerated the Taliban seeking refuge in Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province as a hedge against (a) a Russian return, (b) Indian domination of the new Afghanistan government, (c) the inevitable American withdrawal, (d) the expansion of China into Central Asia along the old Silk Road

c. the inevitable American withdrawal

The specific example in recent history that haunts the leadership is (a) the famine of the Great Leap Forward, (b) the Cultural Revolution, (c) the protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989, (d) the collapse of the Soviet Union and its empire in Eastern Europe

c. the protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989

China buys U.S. Treasury bonds (a) to humiliate the United States, (b) to help the U.S., (c) to keep the renminbi stable, (d) to avoid loses in the stock market.

c. to keep the renminbi stable

What course did Eisenhower's Secretary of State John Foster Dulles propose in response to French appeals for help at Dien Bien Phu? (a) a conference at Geneva, (b) massive airstrikes, including possible use of nuclear weapons, (c) United Action, (d) SEATO

c. united action

The civilians who, together with the army, have dominated Pakistan subsequently are (a) ayatollahs, (b) barristers, (c) wealthy landowners known as "feudals," (d) the industrialists who run the country's state-owned businesses.

c. wealthy landowners known as "feudals,"

The 1919 Revolution in Egypt occurred (a) when the British declared Egypt a protectorate, (b) when a delegation of Egyptian politicians tested Wilson's promise of self-determination by petitioning the British high commissioner for permission to go to the Paris peace talks, (c) when the British arrested and deported the leader of this delegation Sa'd Zaghlul, (d) when the Milner Commission's recommendation for conditional independence was rejected.

c. when the British arrested and deported the leader of this delegation Sa'd Zaghlull

Problems left over by the 1948 war did NOT include (a) lack of Arab recognition of Israel, (b) Palestinian refugees, (c) repatriation and restitution, (d) Arab governments' focus on Israel

d. Arab governments' focus on Israel

What is the name given to the following statement made by a U.S. President in a State of the Union message? "An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force." (a) Truman Doctrine, (b) Eisenhower Doctrine, (c) Nixon Doctrine, (d) Carter Doctrine

d. Carter Doctrine

During the crisis, Kennedy particularly sought the advice of one former President, (a) Calvin Coolidge, (b) Herbert Hoover, (c) Harry Truman, (d) Dwight Eisenhower.

d. Dwight Eisenhower

Kissinger says that the Korean Conflict grew out of a double misunderstanding. One was that Communists, based on American statements that the peninsula lay outside the American defense perimeter, had not expected the U.S. to intervene. The other was a flaw in containment based on the assumption that the next war would be an unlimited one, beginning with a Soviet attack on the United States or ___________.* (a) Japan, (b) Southeast Asia, (c) the Middle East, (d) Europe

d. Europe

Most of the international community considers Israeli settlements on occupied territory a violation of the (a) First, (b) Second, (c) Third, (d) Fourth Geneva Convention, which states that an "occupying power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

d. Fourth Geneva Convention, which states that an "occupying power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Which country was he accused of spying for? (a) France, (b) Austria-Hungary, (c) Russia, (d) Germany

d. Germany

The dominant political figure in Brazil in the second quarter of the twentieth century was (a) Dom Pedro II, (b) Washington Luís Pereira de Sousa, (c) Julio Prestes, (d) Getúlio Vargas, who came to power in a coup in 1930, became dictator in 1937, resigned in 1945, was elected president in 1951, and committed suicide in 1954.

d. Getúlio Vargas, who came to power in a coup in 1930, became dictator in 1937, resigned in 1945, was elected president in 1951, and committed suicide in 1954

Which of the following was not a member of "the most exclusive club in the world"? (a) Montagu Norman, (b) Benjamin Strong, (c) Hjalmar Schacht, (d) John Maynard Keynes

d. John Maynard Keynes

During the Kashmiri intifada, which developed in the late 1980s and early 90s, the Pakistani army sought groups to support who would use terrorism to gain Kashmir's unification with Pakistan. Which of the following did it favor? (a) Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), (b) Hizbul Mujahideen, the armed wing of the Kashmir branch of the Jamaat-e-Islami, (c) the Harakat ul-Jihad-eIslami (HUJI), later HUA, and still later HUM, who were Pakistani nationals who had also fought in Afghanistan, (d) Lashkar-e-Taiba ("Army of the Pure"), the Jihadist wing of an Ahle Hadith missionary organization.

d. Lashkar-e-Taiba ("Army of the Pure"), the Jihadist wing of an Ahle Hadith missionary organization.

The only jihadist group in Pakistan that is not Deobandi is (a) Harakat ulJihad-e-Islami, (b) Jamaat-e-Islami, (c) Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, (d) Lashkar-e-Taiba, which derives another fundamentalist sect, Ahle Hadith, which is similar to the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia

d. Lashkar-e-Taiba, which derives another fundamentalist sect, Ahle Hadith, which is similar to the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia

Its leader after the 1989 Presidential election was (a) José Sarney, (b) Fernando Collor de Melo, (c) Fernando Henrique Cardoso, (d) Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

d. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

The Soviet leader at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962) was (a) Joseph Stalin, (b) Andrei Gromyko, (c) Leonid Brezhnev, (d) Nikita Khrushchev

d. Nikita Khruschev

Historical parallels that the President and his advisors referred to in the course of their deliberations did NOT include (a) Pearl Harbor, (b) appeasement, (c) Barbara Tuchman's The Guns of August (1962), (d) Teddy Roosevelt's The Rough Riders (1904).

d. Teddy Roosevelt's The Rough Riders (1904).

Which of the following is NOT usually cited as an explanation of Kemal's "success" versus Reza Shah's failure? (a) defensive developmentalism in the Ottoman Empire had greater impact because the state had played a leading role for a longer period of time, (b) Kemal created an interdependent state and government at the same time while Reza Shah created a government in a state that already had a long history of independence, (c) Kemal established his changes following a popular war of national liberation, while Reza Shah came to power through a coup d'état, (d) Turkey was a Sunni country while Iran was Shi'a

d. Turkey was a Sunni country while Iran was Shi'a

The presence of these missiles in Cuba was discovered as a result of (a) humint = human intelligence, e.g., a human source in Cuba, (b) sigint = signals intelligence, e.g., message intercept and/or code-breaking, (c) satellite photographs, (d) U-2 overflights.

d. U-2 overflights

The Estado Novo was not (a) anti-Communist, (b) anti-liberal, (c) anti-democratic, (d) especially repressive by Latin American standards.

d. especially repressive by Latin American standards.

Brazil was one of (a) two, (b) three, (d) five, (d) seven Latin American countries in which there was a coup with in two years of the Great Crash of October 1929.

d. five

This language was drafted by (a) Dean Acheson, (b) John Foster Dulles, (c) Henry Kissinger, (d) Zbigniew Brzezinski

d. Zbigniew Brzezinski

In June 2011, Mervyn King and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced (a) reduction of budget deficits, (b) greater BOE control of the banking system, (c) a new round of quantitative easing, (d) a and b.

d. a and b.

Winston Churchill was (a) never a member of the Liberal Party, (b) a member of the Labour Party, (c) always a member of the Conservative Party, though he served in coalition governments, (d) a famous turncoat.

d. a famous turncoat

Which technological development in weaponry in the First World War caused the most loss of life? (a) poison gas, (b) submarines, (c) machine guns, (d) aerial bombing

d. aerial bombing

At Deauville in mid-October 2010, French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel (a) supported further quantitative easing by the ECB, (b) opposed further quantitative easing, (c) agreed with ECB President Trichet that private creditors should not share bailout losses, (d) agreed private creditors must share future bailout losses.

d. agreed private creditors must share future bailout losses

Why Attlee and the Cabinet turned down Operation Ebb-Tide? A. Their priority is to remake India as a Commonwealth partner. B. British existence in northern and eastern India tempt Russia invasion. C. Retreat from India undermines British's political and strategic position in Middle and Far East. D. All of the above

d. all of the above

Kissinger says that in the end the Truman administration opted for a stalemate in Korea because it (a) feared World War III, (b) overestimated Communist strength, (c) thought doing so would encourage negotiations, (d) all of the foregoing.

d. all of the foregoing

What tool(s) does the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee have to maintain price stability in the UK? (a) Setting the Bank of England Base Rate (BOEBR), or the rate it lends to banks, (b) an Asset Purchase Facility to buy government bonds (gilts) or "high-quality" private company debt, (c) forward guidance, i.e., giving an indication of how it will act in future (d) all of the foregoing

d. all of the foregoing

Growth stemmed from (a) rapidly expanding population—2.8% per year, reaching 119 in 1980; (b) income growth (from $1050 in 1929 to $6000 in 1980, measured in 2003 dollars); (c) industrialization—replaced coffee as motor of growth, though not of foreign exchange earnings, (d) all of the foregoing.

d. all of the foregoing.

American strategies for containment in the region have NOT included (a) a NATO-style Baghdad Pact, (b) strong-point containment resting on key countries like Iran, (c) the Nixon Doctrine, and (d) an Alliance for Progress.

d. an Alliance for Progress.

Until Spring 2004, the official American position was that the settlements were (a) a bargaining chip, (b) a violation of international law, (c) something to be ignored, (d) an obstacle to peace.

d. an obstacle to peace

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's efforts in September 1938 to ensure "peace in our time" are generally remembered as a policy of (a) pacifism, (b) anticommunism, (c) rearmament, (d) appeasement.

d. appeasement

According to Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, the President had two goals—(1) getting rid of the missiles and (2) (a) getting U.S. missiles out of Turkey and Italy, (b) humiliating the Soviet leader, (c) removing Castro, (d) avoiding war.

d. avoiding war

Haass does think that "wars of choice" can sometimes be justified. He says it can be justified (a) if victory is possible, (b) if the benefits outweigh the projected the costs, (c) if the ratio of benefits to costs is greater than the projected outcome of other options, (d) b+c

d. b+c

The German boom in the 1920s was financed by (a) the Rentenmark, (b) deflation, (c) a return to the gold standard, (d) borrowing at low interest rates from the United States

d. borrowing at low interest rates from the United States

Other issues on the Administration's agenda—"the broader agenda"—in this period included all of the following EXCEPT (a) certifying that Pakistan was not pursuing nuclear weapons, (b) getting a UN resolution criticizing Israel for its handing of zealots' trying to build a "Succoth" on the Temple Mount and Palestinians' subsequent stoning of Jews at the Wailing Wall, (c) dealing with the budget in keeping with Bush's "no new taxes" pledge, (d) dealing with a last minute crisis on German unification.

d. dealing with a last minute crisis on German unification.

The options they considered were all of the following EXCEPT: (a) sticking with sanctions, (b) an ultimatum (ideally UN-backed), (c) wait for Saddam to provide a new cause, (d) demonstration of force (e.g., bombing Iraqi military headquarters).

d. demonstration of force (e.g., bombing Iraqi military headquarters).

What is the theory that was cited as an explanation of why the U.S. saw its vital interests at stake in Vietnam? (a) American exceptionalism, (b) Realpolitik, (c) balance of power, (d) domino

d. domino

In October, concerned about Eurozone ripple effects, the BOE policy committee (a) rejected, (b) approved, (c) postponed, (d) doubled £75 bn QE

d. doubled £75 bn QE

Of all its policy objectives, the one the United States has not been able to attain, according to former NSC staffer William Quandt, is (a) containment, (b) oil, (c) Israel, (d) ending regional conflicts.

d. ending regional conflicts.

The lines of authority between the leadership (the Politiburo's Standing Committee) and the Central Committee (a) flow from bottom up, (b) flow from top down, (c) flow both ways, (d) flow both ways, although top-down predominates.

d. flow both ways, although top-down predominates

In a memo Haass sent to National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft he outlined all of the following possible options to explain Saddam's build-up EXCEPT: (a) routine exercise, (b) bluffing, (c) seize part of Kuwait for bargaining, (d) full-scale invasion - which Haass ratcheted back following Glaspie's cable for the July 28 message from President to Saddam supporting Saudi hosted talks, which proved inconclusive

d. full-scale invasion - which Haass ratcheted back following Glaspie's cable for the July 28 message from President to Saddam supporting Saudi hosted talks, which proved inconclusive

Pressure for a rapid conclusion did not come from (a) disease, (b) hunger, (c) demobilization, (d) inflation, (e) revolutionary insurrections

d. inflation

To understand how China's leaders will act, Susan Shirk believes one must look first at (a) its geopolitical situation, (b) its economic situation, (c) its history—specifically the "century of humiliation," (d) its domestic situation.

d. its domestic situation

When Clinton briefed Bush 43 on the top security challenges facing the U.S. in January 2001, he listed them (his "broader agenda") in the following order: Osama bin Laden and al Qaida, the absence of a Middle East peace, the nuclear standoff between India and Pakistan, Pakistan's ties to both the Taliban and al Qaida, and North Korea. (p. 167). Where did Iraq figure in this list? (a) first, (b) second, (c) third, (d) last

d. last

Which of the following was NOT a source of economic policy for the leaders of Middle Eastern states in the 1950s and 60s? (a) Communism, (b) modernization theory, (c) Third Worldism, (d) neo-liberalism

d. neo-liberalism

After announcing and expanding swap lines and reducing interest rates to near zero, and still not stemming the crisis, central banks have turned to another monetary device known as (a) bubble busting, (b) austerity, (c) supply-side economics, (d) quantitative easing.

d. quantitative easing

At Jackson Hole in late August, Bernanke (a) criticized Dodd-Frank for not giving the Fed more regulatory powers, (b) signaled a rise in interest rates creating a new slowdoen, (c) discounted the possibility of a new QE round, (d) raises the possibility of a new QE round to address the slowdown

d. raises the possibility of a new QE round to address the slowdown

In June 1938, French Premier Daladier (a) abandoned, (b) equivocated about, (c) said nothing about, (d) reaffirmed French commitments to Czechoslovakia dating from 1924

d. reaffirmed French commitments to Czechoslovakia dating from 1924

Monetary policy in the United States is made by (a) the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, (b) the Monetary Policy Committee, (c) the ECB's Governing Board, (d) the Federal Open Market Committee.

d. the Federal Open Market Committee

The first Pakistani jihadist and sectarian groups came into being during (a) the 1947 war for independence, (b) the 1965 Indo-Pakistani war, (c) the 1971 civil war, (d) the Soviet invasion of neighboring Afghanistan 1979ff.

d. the Soviet invasion of neighboring Afghanistan 1979ff.

In response, the Convention called for a levée en masse (a conscription of 300,000), which in turn intensified a revolt by a self-styled Catholic and Royal Army to restore the heirs of the martyred king in (a) Alsace, (b) Provence, (c) the Ardennes, (d) the Vendée.

d. the Vendée

The most professional organization in Pakistan, according to Schmidt, is (a) its bar association, (b) the feudal political establishment, (c) its religious hierarchy, (d) the army.

d. the army

Opposition to the Shah's repression did NOT center on which of the following: (a) armed groups modeled on Algerian and Palestinian resistance, (b) agitation against the White Revolution centered on the Shi'a ulama, (c) oil field workers, (d) traditional elites

d. traditional elites

Particularly worrisome with regard to political stability are (a) the laid-off workers, (b) migrants to the cities, (c) the urban unemployed, (d) unemployed university graduates

d. unemployed university graduates

True or false? Like most African states, Somalia embarked on independence without a strong sense of national identity.


Which of the following presidents would Haass not characterize as a political realist? (a) Franklin Roosevelt, (b) Harry Truman, (c) Dwight Eisenhower, (d) Richard Nixon, (e) Jimmy Carter

e. Jimmy Carter

What were the reasons that Haass cited to explain why he thought one of the Iraq Wars was a war of necessity? (a) Prevent hostile power's domination of lion's share of world oil, (b) enforcing UN Security Council Resolutions banning Iraq from having weapons of mass destruction, (c) setting a constructive precedent for the new post-Cold War international order - after both diplomacy & sanctions had failed, (d) punishing collusion with the Al Qaeda terrorist organization, (e) a+c, (f) a+b, (g) b+d

e. a+c

The top issues during the first years of George H.W. Bush's presidency—his "broader agenda"—were (a) German unification, (b) political repression in China postTienanmen, (c) Panama, (d) the risk of war in South Asia (India-Pakistan), (e) a+b+d, (f) a+b+c+d

f. a+b+c+d

According to Haass, "war of choice" is one (a) where a country's existence or vital interests are not threatened, (b) where other policy options (e.g., diplomacy or sanctions) are available, (c) where a country is fighting for principles, (d) where a country is supporting an ally or friend, (e) a+b, (f) all of the foregoing

f. all of the foregoing

The economic policy challenge faced by Fernando Henrique Cardoso following Collor de Melo's resignation in 1992 included (a) reducing inflation; (b) getting government spending / deficits under control, (c) balance of trade in face of tariff reductions, (d) bank failures from reduced profits from loans as a result of the fall of inflation, (e) checking growth of government bureaucracy at all levels, (f) all of the foregoing.

f. all of the foregoing

When the Great Depression began, Winston Churchill was (a) Chancellor of the Exchequer, (b) First Lord of the Admiralty, (c) President of the Board of Trade, (d) Home Secretary, (e) Prime Minister, (f) not in office.

f. not in office

(True or False) AQ and the Islamic State both wanted to build popular Muslim support for a caliphate before actually declaring the caliphate.


Iraqi security forces have been trying to encourage civilians inside Mosul to flee from ISIL-controlled area and to seek humanitarian aid nearby. (True/ False)


True or False: Al-Shabaab is the sole focus of counterinsurgency operations in Somalia. ISIS has now spread to the region.


True or False: The Ottoman Empire entered World War I immediately on the side of the Germans.


True or False? Japanese leadership believed that they could win a war with the United States


True or false? According to China's police, the number of "mass" protests (involving over 100 people) has declined in the wake of Tiananmen from 74,000 in 1993 to 8,700 in 2004, and the number of people participating has declined from 3.76 million to 730,000.


True or false? After putting down the revolt with a brutal counterinsurgency, the British first issued a White Paper in 1937 putting restrictions on (but not ending) Jewish immigration, calling for closer supervision of (but not ending) land sales, and setting a target for independence in ten years; when both communities rejected these proposals the British in 1939 proposed partition into a Palestinian state and a Zionist state.


True or false? After the 1967 war the focus shifted from the return of territories to the existence of Israel.


True or false? Andropov and Reagan met two times before Andropov died


True or false? Britain, France and Israel invaded Egypt in 1956 because Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, supported Algerian insurgents, concluded an arms deal with Czechoslovakia, and discovered oil in the Sinai.


True or false? China's rulers, like most autocrats, do not see rural unrest as a major threat, but democratization would transfer power to the countryside, which has 60% of China's population


True or false? Communist leaders view labor unrest as the least threatening form of protes


True or false? During the Clinton years, Iraq complied completely with the UN inspection regime.


True or false? Economic developments in the 19th century, such as the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, encouraged the economic integration of Greater Syria with Mesopotamia (the area that would become Iraq)


True or false? Efforts by the Young Turks in the early 20th century to "turkify" the Ottoman Empire — e.g., by making Turkish the official language — did not contribute to the rise of Arab nationalism


True or false? Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's strategy of repression largely succeeded in crushing violent Islamist opposition and prevented the proliferation of Islamic institutions such as alternative schools, clincs and social welfare, and kept Islamic dress, values and codes of conduct from entering mainstream Egyptian society


True or false? Gelvin is not sanguine about nationalism's ability to weather the Islamist storm


True or false? Haass also sees a correlation between political realism and wars of choice.


True or false? In "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," Meredith paints a mixed picture of South Africa after its first fifteen years as a democracy: political stability, orderly elections, new constitutional protections of individual rights, an independent judiciary, an assertive press, and a vigorous civil society, an economic growth rate of 3% per annum, more spending on education than debt, increases in the provision of housing, sanitation, electricity, medical care, and pension benefits, but unemployment at over 40% (and as high as 95% in some rural areas), 3 million living in squatter camps, 18 million without sanitation, 5 million without safe water (all out of a population of 50 million), and the highest crime rate in the world. The ruling ANC, however, has remained free from corruption and incompetence.


True or false? In the conclusion to The Fate of Africa, Martin Meredith notes that Africa's real per capita income is higher than it was in the 1970s and one third higher than South Asia


True or false? Islamic movements are dedicated to expanding the reach of Islamic law, imposing Islamic norms on society, influencing government, but not working for social justice


True or false? Islamic movements, because of their emphasis on Islam's universalism, are opposed to nationalism, and never betray other Islamic movements


True or false? Islamist movements have not found success a the polls.


True or false? Meredith argues that while the continent has suffered at the hands of its "Big Men" and ruling elites, the main obstacle to Africa's development has been the lack of aid from the West, a situation that has been remedied in recent years by China, India, and Brazil.


True or false? One relationship that facilitated the end of apartheid in South Africa in the 1990s were the good relations between Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi's Inkatha party (a Zulu nationalist movement) and Nelson Mandela's African National Congress


True or false? Palestinians were not originally attracted to Arab nationalism and Syrian nationalism


True or false? The "revolutionary" regimes set up by military coups expanded the rights of workers but diminished the rights of women


True or false? The Fed's September 2011 Maturity Extension program aims to replace $400bn long-term bonds with a comparable amount of short-term bonds. (It's the other way 'round—replacing short-term with long-term—Operation Twist.)


True or false? The Global Times is a tabloid published by the official Party newspaper, the People's Daily, but although it has access to the Daily's correspondents around the world, it has not been successful.


True or false? The Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously recommended bombing followed by an invasion.


True or false? The Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, strongly agreed with and endorsed their recommendation.


True or false? The Shah of Iran attempted to emulate these reforms with his White Revolution in 1963, and he succeeded in building a strong base among the peasantry


True or false? The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Permanent Representative on its Security Council, Adlai Stevenson, was opposed to any action at the UN.


True or false? The election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reinforced the idea of an "Iranian Thermidor."


True or false? The largest and most effective Islamist party for over a half century was the Muslim Brotherhood of Syria


True or false? The resolution calls for Israel to withdraw from all occupied territory and for all Arab states to sign peace treaties with Israel.


True or false? There is also a sizable Shiite minority that historically has not been well integrated.


True or false? These states were able to finance their policies, including their social programs, through the nationalization of foreign properties and of properties belonging to "enemies of the state," through foreign aid, through oil, and through the ensuing economic growth.


True or false? When the Bolsheviks took Russia out of the First World War, Britain was able to impose the Anglo-Persian Treaty of 1919 on Persia.


True or false? Zionism is not a nationalist movement that redefined a religious community (the Jews) as a nationalist community but a response to European anti-Semitism.


True/False. General Abrams significantly shifted American counter-insurgency policy after 1968, resulting in significant increases in local public support for the South Vietnamese Government.


True or false? Reza Khan, who had himself proclaimed Shah in 1926, promoted a single nationalist ideology that went back to Persia's pre-Islamic, Aryan roots and successfully eliminated Turkish and Arabic words from the Persian language.

false [was NOT successful at eliminating Turkish & Arabic words]

Cardoso's plan, called the Plano Real, (a) ruled out shock treatment of wage-price freeze, (b) drew up a balanced budget for 1994 (which Congress passed), (c) created a twostage transition to a new currency—first stage (March 1994) = creation of URV (unit of real value) - second = introduction of real on July 1 1994, (d) adopted mildly overvalued exchange rate to fight inflation with cheap imports, (e) imposed high real interest rates to prevent runaway consumer boom of cruzado, (f) managed the privatization of state enterprises, (g) all of the foregoing

g. all of the foregoing

Today's leaders, according to Shirk, have learned from history that nationalism is a double-edged force; it can be key to managing social unrest (and surviving politically), but if they appear too weak to stand up to foreigners, critics may turn on them and use nationalism to mobilize popular support for overthrowing them. CCP survival strategies developed from these insights include which of the following? (a) identify with protestors, (b) co-opt potential opposition leaders, (c) expand individual freedom, (d) strengthen coercion, (e) promise populism, (f) sustain growth and appeal to nationalism, (g) all of the foregoing, (h) all except c, (i) a+b+c+e.

g. all of the foregoing

Following Trichet's farewell in mid-October 2011, (a) a Eurozone summit negotiated further bondholder losses, (b) agreed a new aid package, (c) Papandreou called for a referendum, raising the possibility of Grexit, (d) the ECB cut interest rates reversing Trichet's hikes from the spring, (e) Merkel, Sarkozy and others pressured Papandreou and Berlusconi to fulfill their obligations or resign, (f) a and b, (g) c and e, (h) a and d, (i) all of the foregoing

h. a and d

Which of the following was not one of the reforms promulgated by Napoléon while First Consul? (a) creation of a strong central government, run by a competent bureaucracy, (b) codification of a new civil code of laws, (c) establishment of a uniform system of secondary education - the lycée, (d) founding of a central bank - the Banque de France, (e) Concordat with the Papacy, (f) sale of Louisiana to the United States (g) creation of the Legion of Honor to recognize achievement based on equality, or careers open to all on the basis of talent, (h) abolition of the secret police, (i) negotiation of peace with Austria and Britain.

h. abolition of the secret police

Roughly a decade after the Gulf War, the U.S. position vis-à-vis Iraq was in disarray for the following reason(s): (a) Saddam was firmly in control inside Iraq despite the two no-fly zones (in the north and south), (b) opposition to his rule within the country was weak and disorganized, (c) sanctions were a constraint but not a threat to Saddam, (d) international inspections efforts had effectively ended, despite the creation of UNMOVIC as a successor to UNSCOM in December 1999, (e) support for containment within the Administration was fading and support for regime change outside the Administration was growing, (f) a+b+c, (g) a+c+d, (h) all of the foregoing.

h. all of the foregoing.

An informal system of power alternation, known as zoning, was agreed among elites to alternate the presidency between candidates from the Christian South and Muslim North, in order to guarantee equal access to oil revenue. (True/False)


Both Iraq wars involved intelligence failures. True or false? In the Gulf War the intelligence community failed to predict Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.


Due to its convertibility system, Argentina had to run a rigid fiscal policy, true or false?


Following Finance Minister Antonio Palocci's departure in March 2006, the PT fell under the sway of neo-developmentalists (harking back to Kubitschek and Geisel). Palocci's plans for the reform of public finance, and talk of reforms to Vargas's labor code or the tax system was shelved. Dilma Rousseff, Lula's new chief of staff, led a Growth Acceleration Program of 500 bn reais to urbanize favelas; there were also other programs aimed at irrigating the sertão using water from the São Francisco river, providing low-cost housing (Minha Casa Minha Vida), and expanding rural electrification (Luz para Todos).


Reid argues that the large-scale practice of slavery is the single most important explanation for Brazil's social inequalities, although the country never practiced racial segregation as in the United States and South Africa


T/F Britain took possession of the Dutch Cape Colony during the Napoleonic Wars, true or false?


T/F Regional inequalities widened under the dictatorship: variation in income per head among Brazil's states was 8.6 to 1 in 1980 — compared to 6.3 to 1 in Mexico and 2 to 1 in the United States


T/F The primary goal of political office is to gain access to state resources, so that they can distributed as patronage to members.


T/F While the military regime clung to its strategy for a controlled return to civilian rule, the opposition pushed for a direct presidential election in 1985 with a campaign for Diretas Já ('Direct Elections Now!'), launched by the newly elected PMDB governor of São Paulo Franco Montoro, that mobilized millions.


True or false? "Formal decision-making processes," according to Haass, "can be time-consuming, can increase the chance of leaks, can stifle innovation, and are no guarantee against groupthink and error. But it is also true that rigorous and inclusive policy development mechanisms can improve the quality of policy, protect leaders from themselves and the shortcomings of those around them, and increase the odds that implementation faithfully reflect what is sought."


True or false? A key period for the history of modern Iran, according to Gelvin, was the premiership of Muhammad Mossadegh (1951-53), which featured a drive to modernization like that of Arab military coup leaders (with a drive for an "oilless" economy) and a policy of non-alignment called "negative equilibrium" (to distinguish it from the 19th-century Qajars' efforts to play Britain and Russia off each other). It was key because its failure meant greater dependence on oil and the United States.


True or false? A third factor was the orientation of the National Security Council staff toward the Office of the Vice President (OVP) and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), rather than serving as a neutral honest broker


True or false? According the Haass, George W. Bush "paid the price for the informality of national security decision making during much of his administration."


True or false? According to Haass, Iraq did come up, but it did not dominate the foreign policy of the Bush 43 Administration in the early days.


True or false? According to Shirk, it looks to many people in China as though fortunes are not made through hard work and ingenuity, but through official corruption, and although China only ranks in the midrange, inside the country the perception that corruption is endemic even among the ranks of top leaders reinforces political cynicism and erodes popular support for Communist Party rule.


True or false? According to historian Susan Shirk, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for China in the late 1990s, China's leaders today face a troubling paradox; the more developed and prosperous the country becomes, the more insecure its leaders feel.


True or false? After 9/11, Pakistan helped the United States go after Al Qaeda, even arresting key AQ leaders who sought refuge in their cities and turning them over to the United States; however, they never went after AQ leaders hiding in rural areas along the border, where the Pashtun populace supported the Taliban


True or false? After Lal Masjid, the Army sent its Frontier Corps into the tribal areas along the border to take control from the Pakistani Taliban, but it did not go after the Afghan Taliban and every agreement it struck with the Pakistani Taliban has either been subsequently ignored or implemented on the Taliban's terms.


True or false? After Saddam Hussein's occupation of Kuwait in August 1, 1990, the Bush Administration went to the UN Security Council to get first a resolution on August 2, calling on Saddam to withdraw (UNSCR 660), and then, after a U.S. strategy was worked out over the weekend, a resolution imposing sanctions (UNSCR 661) on August 6.


True or false? After Tiananmen, the CCP launched a "patriotic education" campaign in the schools and mass media.


True or false? American policy objectives — including the containment of the Soviet Union, access to oil, peaceful resolution of conflicts preserving a regional balance of power, the preservation of the State of Israel, and the protection of sea lanes — have remained fairly constant over the ensuing 40 years, but in the region its policy has been perceived as inconsistent.


True or false? An NIE (national intelligence estimate) judged Iraq (like Iran) as "too drained" from the Iran-Iraq War to cause trouble.


True or false? Analyzing the influential October 2002 NIE—which judged that Iraq was "reconstituting its nuclear weapons program"; "probably has stocked at least 100 MT and possibly as much as 500 MT of CW agents"; and "has some lethal and incapacitating BW agents ... And is capable of quickly producing and weaponizing..."—Haass concludes there were a series of factors explaining why the Intel Community got it so wrong: no inspectors since 1998—less "ground truth"; years of judgments made it hard to question assumptions; overcompensation for past underestimation of Iraq's WMD


True or false? Another concern is growing inequality (the widening gap between rich and poor)


True or false? Another thing he did do was commission an in-depth examination of the lessons-learned from U.S. experience with nation-building undertaken by Haass's Policy Planning Staff concluded that you get what you pay for and that the larger the gap between ambitions and situation inherited, the larger the necessary commitment of time and resources


True or false? Another worrying factor was the effective silencing of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.


True or false? Anxieties of Chinese Communist Party leaders about domestic challenges motivate them to use power in two very different ways: First, China generally behaves like a cautious, responsible power preoccupied with its own domestic problems and intent on avoiding conflict that would disrupt economic growth and social stability; but in a crisis, Chinese leaders believe that to maintain popular support they must act more aggressively, demonstrating not their Communist ideology but their nationalism


True or false? Arab nationalism had to compete with regional nationalisms, and it fell victim to the mandate system and that system's successor, the regional state system.


True or false? As a result of their experience with the world financial crisis, Brazilian policymakers drew the conclusion that liberal capitalism (e.g., in the United States) had failed and that the future lay with state capitalism (on the Chinese model).


True or false? As of 2005, there were 2000 newspapers and 9000 magazines; this commercialized media and the Internet have radically transformed—and complicated—the domestic context for making foreign policy in China.


True or false? As the years of military dictatorship came to an end, the strongest political force initially, capitalizing on the initial success of the cruzado (a currency reform), was the opposition political party established during the dictatorship, the PMBD (Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro, or Democratic Movement Party of Brazil), which drew on the strength of populism.


True or false? At an Arab League meeting in late May, Saddam Hussein had attacked Kuwait for "over production" and asked for debt-forgiveness.


True or false? At the same time, land under cultivation expanded from 19.1 million hectares in 1950 to 49.2 million in 1980, and the country ceased to be dependent on coffee as the main source of foreign exchange earnings as a host of nontraditional exports (cars, aircraft, arms, and soybeans) came into being


True or false? Because Pakistan's first rulers had no political constituency in the lands that became Pakistan, they had little interest in putting their leadership to a vote; thus, Pakistan in its first quarter century was starved for democracy.


True or false? Because it became so powerful, the army was able to sweep aside Pakistan's first rulers within a decade of the country's independence


True or false? Because of intense public interest, the Chinese government cannot ignore any perceived slight by Taiwan, Japan or the United States


True or false? Ben Bernancke has conceded that this might have been a mistake, since it caused uncertainty about the stability of the banking system, where the central bank has responsibility as the "lender of last resort" to keep the system afloat.


True or false? Ben Bernanke was a student of the Great Depression and was guided by the "lessons" he learned from the failures of central bankers at that time.


True or false? Brazil was the first Latin American country to declare war on the Axis in the Second World War and the only one to commit troops—an expeditionary force of 25,000 sent to Italy.


True or false? Brazil's Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), or Workers' or Labor Party, is Latin America's biggest and most successful left-wing party. Organized in a São Paulo suburb in 1980, it brought together unions (fresh from the 1978-79 strikes in car factories), Christian base groups active with urban squatters and landless rural workers, remnants of the guerilla movements of the 1960s and '70s, and leftist intellectuals. Its Marxism was not aligned with Moscow, Beijing, or Havana, but egalitarian democracy. It was Brazil's only major party organized "from below."


True or false? Brazil's dirigiste tradition reflected a debt to French intellectual influence and was justified by UN Economic Commission for Latin America's "inward-looking development." It was called "national developmentalism" in Brazil. Its three main elements were: (1) creation of national capitalism; (2) importsubstitution industrialization; and (3) an active state role in promoting economic development


True or false? Bush agreed to double the U.S. force in Saudi Arabia at the end of October, but he did not announce his decision until after the mid-term election on November 6.


True or false? By 1980 Brazilian dirigisme had succeeded in creating the largest and most sophisticated industrial base in the developing world — with Petrobras and offshore oil, a petrochemical industry, Embraer (the aircraft manufacturer), huge hydroelectric dams, and ethanol


True or false? By late spring / summer 2002, Iraq was increasingly dominating interagency deliberations; the first public indication was President Bush's June West Point address arguing that deterrence could not be relied upon in an age of rogue states and terrorist groups; this argument was advanced for a preventive war.


True or false? By the end of the 1980s, not a single African head of state in three decades had allowed himself to be voted out of office. Of some 150 heads of state who had trodden the African stage, only six had voluntarily relinquished powe


True or false? By the mid-1960s, the Egyptian government controlled banks, insurance companies, textile mills, sugar-refining and food processing facilities, air and sea transport, public utilities, urban mass transit, cinemas, department stores, agricultural credit institutions, fertilizer production and construction companies.


True or false? CCTV is competing with commercial television for breaking news.


True or false? Cardoso's success in the Presidential election of November 1994 turned on the Plano Real, his economic strategy for dealing with inflation


True or false? Censorship of market-oriented media relies primarily on old-fashioned Communist methods: administrative oversight, personnel appointments, and self-censorship by career-minded journalists.


True or false? China Central Television's nightly news at 7:00 p.m. is regarded as the most authoritative (and is old-fashioned propaganda), but the discussion program Focus that follows breaks new ground with investigative reporting (e.g., of corruption by local officials) and is regarded as the most influential media voice in China.


True or false? China operates the most extensive and technologically sophisticated system of Internet filtering in the world


True or false? China's "best and brightest" diplomats can be found in the Foreign Ministry's largest & most important section, its Asia Department.


True or false? China's history textbooks teach that dynasties fall when they are overwhelmed by the twin threats of foreign aggression and domestic unrest


True or false? China's northeastern "rust belt," particularly Liaoning Province where unemployment approaches 40% in some cities, is one region troubled by large-scale labor unrest.


True or false? China's shaky banking system is often singled out as the country's biggest economic risk because the balance sheets of Chinese banks are often weighed down by massive "non-performing loans."


True or false? Despite the Rwandan government's impressive record of economic management post independence (GDP increased 5% per annum from 1965 to 1989), a key element of the Hutu revolution's ideology remained the Hamitic hypothesis that the deposed Tutsi elite had come from a distant land in the Horn of Africa


True or false? During a crisis, the Propaganda Department may put out a line on its own without coordinating with decision-makers, thus limiting options and flexibility later.


True or false? During the Clinton "interregnum" (1993-2001), the Administration's initial approach was described as "dual containment," per a speech delivered by Haass' successor, Martin Indyk, but containment of Iraq was, according to Haass, "aggressive" (involving regular applications of military force), while containment of Iran was "active" (involving sanctions)


True or false? Economic interdependence has had a moderating effect on China's difficult relations with both Taiwan and Japan.


True or false? Following the 1929 crash, coffee prices fell to one third of what they had been in the 1920s; Brazil's exports fell by three quarters, its imports by three fifths; it ran out of foreign exchange and suspended payment of its debts (for the third time since 1889). In response, the Vargas government became interventionist: It devalued the mil-reis by 60%, introduced foreign exchange controls. Between 1931 and 1944, it bought up and destroyed 78 million bags of coffee (the equivalent of three years' world coffee consumption). Devaluation was an incentive for import substitution; deficit financing led to its economic recovery, so that by 1933 its GDP was 7.7% above its 1929 peak.


True or false? Following the failure of the 4th largest U.S. investment bank (Lehman Brothers) on September 15, 2008 and the $85bn rescue of another large financial institution (AIG) by the Fed on September 16, 2008, the same central banks plus the Bank of Japan, in the first globally coordinated monetary action, announced coordinated cuts in interest rates in October 2008.


True or false? Frequent criticisms include going to war with a small number of troops, demobilizing the Iraqi army, and de-Ba'athification beyond the senior levels, but Haass also wonders, given the nature of Iraqi society, whether with far more troops and wiser decisions about managing reconstruction, a successful outcome could have been achieved.


True or false? From 1930 to 1980, Brazil's economy grew strongly, expanding at an annual rate of 6.5% (with 2 slowdowns, late 1930s and early-to-mid 1960s, and 2 spurts, 7.5% from 1942 to 1962 and 10.7% from 1968 to 1974).


True or false? From early on, PLO leaders believed they would have to rely upon themselves, and not other Arab nations, for their liberation and that Palestine included trans-Jordan


True or false? Gelvin argues that by limiting its focus to independence and by representing only the interests of some social groups the main nationalist movement in Egypt left the door open for other political movements, but the leading modern Islamist organization made its peace with the idea of the nation-state (and was not pan-Arab).


True or false? Gelvin argues that the piecemeal abandonment of subsidies for basic economies and employment guarantees under pressure from the United States and the World Bank/IMF in line with neo-liberal thinking created an opening for Islamist movements that trumpeted the same commitment to social justice and welfare that governments had espoused prior to 1970.


True or false? Gelvin attributes American's intervention in Iraq in 2003 to the neoconservative agenda.


True or false? Gelvin interprets OPEC's decrease in production in 1973 not so much as a response to the Arab-Israeli War of that year (the Yom Kippur War) as a reaction to the end of Bretton Woods


True or false? Gelvin is also not sanguine about globalization's ability to democratize the Middle East.


True or false? Gelvin traces the origins of the developmentalism of the military coups to its appeal to elites, such as merchants, and to the policies of the Great Powers, such as France, which introduced policies modeled on the Popular Front (1936-38).


True or false? German central bankers (from the Bundesbank) and their reps on the ECB's Governing Board tend to favor hard money policies because of Germany's experiences back to the days before Hjalmar Schacht, when his predecessor Reichsbank president Rudolf Havenstein presided over the period of hyperinflation in the early 1920s (and the monetization of debt—aka printing money).


True or false? Government departments and the provinces compete for policies that will grow their economies; partly leaders play to them as a way of building support


True or false? Haass also felt that senior State Department officials—almost all senior career diplomats—and Powell himself were ill-suited for the rough-andtumble of the interagency process in the Bush 43 Administration.


True or false? Haass argues that "sanctions turn out to be an extraordinarily complex foreign policy instrument. As a rule of thumb, their effectiveness increase to the degree they enjoy considerable international backing, are buttressed by military force, and allow for humanitarian exceptions to lessen their impact on innocents." They can influence behavior, but they cannot produce fundamental changes.


True or false? Haass argues that a national security process that allowed the VP to make such claims without through vetting was flawed.


True or false? Haass argues that both policy makers and intelligence analysts need to be aware of assumptions. (p. 272) He argues for both a culture and procedures where assumptions are challenged, for a robust process, competitive analysis, and multiple layers of oversight.


True or false? Haass argues that fighting unconventional wars requires not only larger forces, not so much to win on the battlefield, but to secure the environment afterwards and civilian forces to assist with basic nation-building.


True or false? Haass argues that preventative strikes should not be ruled out as a matter of principle, but they should not be depended upon because, beyond questions of feasibility and retaliation, they run the risk of making the world less stable by encouraging proliferation and weaken the long-standing norm against the use of force in cases other than self-defense.


True or false? Haass argues that the Gulf War, the first Iraq War, was "consistent with the precepts of the just war": "it was fought for a worthy cause, it was likely to succeed, it was undertaken with legitimate authority, and it was waged only as a last resort."


True or false? Haass argues that the you-are-either-with-us-or-against-us line of the President's November 6, 2001 speech fueled anti-Americanism.


True or false? Haass argues that there was an option between a limited use of force for punitive purposes and a (costly) full-scale invasion, what he calls "coercive force"—such as the U.S. and its NATO allies practiced in Kosovo in 1999.


True or false? Haass argues that this did not mean that a formal decision to go to war had been made, but rather that it was seen as both necessary and desirable to oust Saddam, and the President was prepared to do what was necessary. A formal decision had not been made, but the President and his inner circle had crossed "the political and psychological Rubicon."


True or false? Haass blames the way the U.S. went about war planning on assumptions—mainly arguments by academics and exiles that were uncritically accepted the U.S. would be greeted as liberators


True or false? Haass characterizes American policy toward the Iran-Iraq war as "classic balance-of-power" diplomacy


True or false? Haass characterizes the Israeli attack on Iraq's nuclear plant at Osirak in 1983 as a classic preventive (NOTpreemptive) attack


True or false? Haass cited the new, revised National Security Strategy document (released September 2002), which took its cue from the President's West Point speech and which was drafted by Phil Zelikow, as a signal of where policy was headed; he argued it would be seen as little more than a justification for a preventive war (which the document incorrectly called "preemptive"). The operative word, per Haass, is "imminent" - how imminent is the attack


True or false? Haass dates the "war over whether to go to war" to August 2002, observing that all wars are fought three times: First, the political war over whether to go to war; second, the actual war itself; and third, the subsequent struggle over the "lessons learned" (or interpretation)


True or false? Haass describes UNSCR 1441 (November 8) as an extraordinary document that declared Iraq as in "material breach" of its obligations under previous resolutions and giving it one last chance to cooperate with inspectors or "face serious consequences" (an ultimatum). What was unclear was what would follow if it did not cooperate. Inspectors were readmitted, a trove of documents were released, but it was also clear that his was still inadequate


True or false? Haass describes participants in the debate as divided into three camps: First, the VP (and staff), the civilians in DOD, the NSA and her staff who believed action was urgent, success would be easy, all sorts of good things would flow from it in the region (and they wanted to involve the Congress, UN and allies as little as possible); second, the skeptics, including Scowcroft, Rep. Dick Armey (RTX), and most Europeans, who saw no urgency, thought it would be difficult, and predicted it would trigger all sorts of bad things—instability, terrorism, costly oil; and third, those in the middle more focused on the "how," Jim Baker, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell.


True or false? Haass feels that U.S. policy really only found its way in early 2007, when the NSC resumed control, the approach changed to classic counterinsurgency, and 30,000 additional troops—the "surge"—were sent in.


True or false? Haass notes that although a small interagency group chaired by Deputy National Security Advisor Steve Hadley (and usually attended by Under Secretary Marc Grossman) was considering (not the advisability of a war with Iraq but) how to prepare for one, neither Secretary Powell nor his deputy Rich Armitage took it seriously as indication that a decision for war had been made.


True or false? Haass notes that most never appreciated a key distinction about the goal of the UN inspection effort: It was intended to confirm Iraqi compliance, not uncover non-compliance. But the bottom line was that Iraqi actions did not constitute a casus belli for France or Russia or China


True or false? Haass notes that the Congressional vote for the Iraq War (October 10 in the House, 296-133, and October 11 in the Senate, 77-23) was much stronger than for the Gulf War, when he thought the case was stronger legally, strategically, and diplomatically. True or false? His explanation is a "triumph of politics" - in the wake of 9/11 war—expected to cost little and accomplish a lot—was more popular


True or false? Haass says he knew of no attempt to falsify intelligence by anyone in the U.S. government.


True or false? Haass says much has been written about the Vice President's tendency to the "one percent solution," but argues that while the worst possible case is worth considering, so is the alternative (what if we are wrong). Raising such questions is one thing, allowing them to dictate policy is something else. The dominant thrust should be to invest in "most likely" outcomes.


True or false? Haass says the British insisted on a second UNSCR because Blair faced a revolt in the Labour Party, but Saddam Hussein had not done anything as egregious as his invasion of Kuwait


True or false? Haass says the Iraq War was the first preventive war in American history, begun not just to disarm a regime but to oust it


True or false? Haass says the price of getting General Powell's support was agreeing to his call for "overwhelming force" - 200,000 troops to defend Saudi Arabia and another 200,000 troops if it was decided to liberate Kuwait. (Haass calls Powell a "reluctant warrior.")


True or false? Haass says there were two contending U.S. approaches to the aftermath—a traditional occupation and building up the Iraqis. What happened was a combination, but with regard to the first, we did not have enough troops /suitably trained troops to deal with the immediate looting and with regard to the second an effort like the one in Afghanistan failed because the gulf between Saddam's supporters and opponents was too great


True or false? Haass stresses the "issue of process"—saying that both policy development and implementation require rigorous attention.


True or false? Haass thought sanctions could have been made more effective, but there was little enthusiasm for such efforts; the problem with the alternative— regime change—was that the cheap version—a coup—was unlikely to come to U.S. attention before Saddam knew about it—while the sure version—ousting the regime ourselves and installing a replacement—would involve expensive nation-building.


True or false? Haass, describing himself as between two and three, was outside of the policy process; he did draft another memo assessing the pro's and con's of each side in the policy debate, but he did not include the argument that the stated rationale of the war—Saddam's possession of WMD—might not exist.


True or false? He also discusses policy makers' "cherry-picking" to fit preconceptions and improperly vetted sources.


True or false? He criticized the decision to exclude companies from countries who had opposed the war—notably the French and the Russians—saying we would need all the help we could get


True or false? He notes that some assessments were accurate—e.g., no operational link between Al Qaida and Saddam Hussein.


True or false? In 1924, seven months after the Hashemite sharif of Mecca Husayn (the father of Faysal of Iraq and 'Abdullah of Jordan) had himself proclaimed the caliph of all Muslims, ibn Sa'ud drove him out of western Arabia.


True or false? In April 1995, the Administration secured the passage of UNSCR 986 "oil-for-food," which enabled Iraq to sell $1bn every 90 days, with half available for food, medicines and basic human needs while the other half went toward funding the inspections.


True or false? In April 2002, in a speech to the Foreign Policy Association, Haass argued for moving "from a balance of power to a pooling of power"—a doctrine of integration, but despite William Safire's column saying there were two competing schools of thought within the Administration, Haass was speaking only for himself


True or false? In Iraq, he argues "widely held notions of the potential for democratic transformation ran up against the hard reality of Iraq's history and political culture, Saddam's legacy, and the country's religious, ethnic, tribal, and geographic divisions."


True or false? In January 2008, Brazil became a net foreign creditor.


True or false? In October 1998, Congress passed the Iraq Liberation Act, which Clinton signed (but with little enthusiasm); it said, "It should be [U.S. policy] to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein ... and to promote the emergence of a democratic government...," and authorized $97 million in military support.


True or false? In a 1938 speech in São Paulo explaining corporatism, Vargas said "the Estado Novo doesn't recognize individual rights against the community. Individuals don't have rights, they have duties. Rights belong to the community! The State, placing itself above the struggle of [vested] interests, guarantees the rights of the community, and ensures that duties to it are carried out."


True or false? In arguing for Brazil's aspiration to become a global power, Michael Reid notes that it is the world's 4th most populous democracy (with 200 million people), 5th-largest country by area (half of Latin America), 6th biggest manufacturing power in 2010, 7th largest economy (GDP of US$2.4 billion in 2012), 3rd largest food exporter (should replace the U.S. as number one in 2025), self-sufficient in oil (plus largest oil strike in 21st century in South Atlantic), world leader in plant-based fuels (half its cars run on ethanol from sugar cane), and richer in fresh water per head than any other country, and a key player in lowering carbon emissions with 70% of Amazon rain forest.


True or false? In conclusion, Haass says it is important not to overlearn lessons. He argues against ruling out all wars of choice, but observes that the standards for wars of choice must be high if the human, military, and economic costs are to be justified.


True or false? In conjunction with his discussion of the conduct of the war, Haass notes that "implementation is not a second-order concern. Execution is every bit as important as policy design."


True or false? In discussing the preparation of Secretary Powell's intervention in the UN Security Council making the case for Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction, Haass recalls that the NSC had not provided a draft, OVP had but it was often selective and unsubstantiated, so his team went back to the NIE, and felt good about the product—primarily in the sense of how much it had been improved.


True or false? In early July Haass met with Condi Rice and argued that Iraq would come to dominate foreign policy, prove harder to do, and yield less in the way of dividends; Rice responded that the President's mind was made up


True or false? In early November, when the Fed announced purchase of $600 bn Treasuries (QE2), the action was criticized by Germany, China, and Brazil.


True or false? In early September, Kennedy held internal meetings on the Soviet build-up, met with the Congressional leadership and sought special authority to call up reservists during the forthcoming recess, and issued a statement that "there is no evidence of ... the presence of offensive ground-to-ground missiles" - thus accepting "defensive" systems (which could shoot down U.S. planes but not the mainland) - but adding the warning, vis-à-vis offensive systems, "Were it to be otherwise, the gravest issues would arise."


True or false? In his book, The Unraveling, John Schmidt argues that Pakistan has become "the most dangerous place on earth" for a combination of reasons. Two key reasons are (a) its self-absorbed feudal class that is disposed to kick problems down the road and (b) its powerful army that is in love with its image, bewitched by its obsession with India, and thinks it can use radical Islamic groups to achieve its goals in Afghanistan and Kashmir.


True or false? In his critique of the January 26, 1998 "Project for a New American Century" letter signed by 18 prominent foreign policy figures (mostly neoconservatives), which called for regime change, Haass argues there was a contradiction between calling for compliance but seeking regime change (which reduced the incentive of the regime to comply).


True or false? In his final chapter on "Takeaways," Haass says "that few if any would have predicted that U.S. foreign policy in the initial decades following the end of the Cold War would be defined to a considerable degree by two armed conflicts with Iraq." But, according to Haass, "it was."


True or false? In late 2007, Petrobras announced the discovery of huge new oil fields below the pré-sal in the South Atlantic.


True or false? In late April 2010, Greek PM Papandreou asked for a €45 bn bailout from the EU and IMF, and on May 2 Eurozone leaders agreed on a €110bn package which markets initially thought was excessive.


True or false? In parallel, the CIA issued its "warning of war."


True or false? In the Eurocrisis, the German government has pressed the Greek government to take austerity measures as the price for lending to cover debts.


True or false? In the Great War of Africa (1998-2003), a civil war in eastern Congo that also involved troops from Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Angola, and Zimbabwe, more than 3 million people died, mostly from starvation and disease but still the "largest toll" of any conflict in African history


True or false? In the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein's WMD programs were overestimated.


True or false? In the October 2006 election, Lula lost votes from the middle class in the South and Southeast, but his increase of the minimum wage, the Bolsa Familía program, and the decline in poverty all won him votes among the poor in the northeast (belying the saying that "the poor don't vote for their own").


True or false? In the aftermath of 9/11, Haass felt the Bush 43 Administration's focus—as illustrated by the "axis of evil" line in the January 2002 State of the Union address—was too narrow. Besides the Middle East (where it took a major effort to get a Presidential address, and where Haass commented, be careful what you hope for as the drafting proceeded), other examples were protection for domestic steel (despite being for "free trade"), handling of the coup in Venezuela, policy to Afghanistan (no enthusiasm for a large U.S. presence), abrogation of the ABM treaty, unwillingness to negotiate with Iran or North Korea, and growing militancy on Iraq.


True or false? In the follow-on period when Iraq was administered by the Coalition Provisional Authority under L. Paul "Jerry" Bremer (from May 2003 to June 2004, when Iraq regained its sovereignty) two key mistakes that were made were draconian de-Baathification and disbanding the Iraqi Army; one symptom of the lack of direction from Washington was the lack of clarity about whether Bremer worked for the Pentagon or the White House.


True or false? In the pre-reform era, China had no journalism as we understand it, only propaganda; the media were the "throat and tongue" of the Communist Party.


True or false? In the run-up to the UK general election on May 6, 2010, BOE Governor Mervyn King signaled his support for the Conservatives austerity plans by indicating his support for quantitative easing to cushion the effects.


True or false? In trying to answer the question about why the United States went to war against Iraq in 2003 (ch. 8, "War of Choice," p. 234ff.), Haass argues that while the issue was "on the table" from the beginning of the Administration, it was really 9/1l that provided the opening and the rationale, although he speculates that the President may have seen it as an opportunity to do something bold—noting Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz's "strategic opportunity" comment


True or false? Income inequality, already extreme, rose under the dictatorship: between 1960 and 1980 the share of national income of the poorest 20% fell from 3.9% to 2.8%, while that of the richest 20% rose from 39.6% to 50.9%


True or false? Investigations into the mensalâo (big-monthly stipend) scandal that exploded in mid-2005 (eventually causing Lula's chief of staff José Dirceu to resign) showed that while the PT shunned donations from the private sector, it raised off-the-books cash for campaign expenses (the so-called caixa dois, or second till) in cynical calculations to keep the party in power (putting party interest ahead of the state's).


True or false? Islamist political groups have an advantage in their struggle with official nationalisms in that they have in Islam their own form of cultural "authenticity."


True or false? John Quincy Adams said the United States is the "well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all," but advised against going "abroad in search of monsters to destroy."


True or false? Kissinger argues that in a limited war whichever side convinces the other that it is willing to run the greater risk will have an advantage.


True or false? Kissinger notes that America's initial concern about Communism in Indochina after the Second World War ran up against a moral issue—the traditional American commitment to anti-colonialism. However, the U.S. had no troops of its own to send, so it had to accept French rule. It wanted to reconcile the matter for itself by pushing the French to commit to independence, which the French resisted because of the implications for its North African possessions—Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco


True or false? Kissinger notes that although Truman had powerful geopolitical arguments in favor of intervention in Korea, instead he appealed to the American people on the basis of their core values, and described intervention as a defense of universal principle rather than of the American national interest.


True or false? Kissinger says "the nightmare of Vietnam was not the way in which America entered the war, but why it did so without a more careful assessment of the likely costs and potential outcomes" - specifically whether it would be possible to establish democracy and achieve military victory simultaneously. He notes that both Bundy's White House staff and McNamara's Pentagon were "gluttons for analysis" and that both men were extraordinarily intelligent—but they lacked criteria to assess the challenge they faced, which was so at variance with the American experience and ideology.


True or false? Kissinger says that once the issue of war has been raised as being beyond power politics, it became difficult to define practical war aims


True or false? Later that month, Ireland, under post-Deauville pressure from bond markets, requested a bailout.


True or false? Lula survived the crisis because the opposition lacked the votes in Congress, and Lula could have portrayed a move as directed by traditional elites, plus the opposition PSDB (Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira or Brazilian Social Democratic Party) led by Fernando Henrique Cardoso, thought it could win the next election. But Lula brought the PMDB into the coalition and government, and the economy improved following Finance Minister Antonio Palocci's reforms and a commodity boom.


True or false? Major changes in the Brazilian political landscape during the years of military dictatorship included the fragmentation of political parties and the growth of the size (and youth) of the electorate.


True or false? Mass-based Islamic movements — many of which drew inspiration from Iran — have transformed the political landscape in the Middle East in recent years.


True or false? Meredith argues that while may dictatorships fell in the early 1990s, many who were adept at staging a façade of democracy survived (in order to get foreign aid), so that in the place of "Big Men" rule came "Big Man democracy.


True or false? Military coup leaders (Nasser in Egypt, the Ba'thists in Syria and Iraq) typically deposed a monarch, confiscated his properties, dissolved his court, dismissed parliaments, disbanded political parties and destroyed the economic power of old elites through land reform that gave peasants land and set up cooperatives.


True or false? Most Chinese get their news from television


True or false? Najibullah, the pro-Soviet ruler of Afghanistan after Soviet troops departed, only fell from power after the break-up of the Soviet Union and Russia's decision to stop paying his troops, provided by the Uzbek General Dostam, who then switched sides, joining the Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, whom Pakistan had supported, and the Tajik leader, Ahmed Shah Masood


True or false? Nationalism came to the Ottoman Empire with the spread of the modern economic and state system and with the spread of modern institutions of governance and market relations.


True or false? On the issue of democracy promotion, Haass argues that it is important to give Muslim countries a choice beyond authoritarian regimes and "the mosque," but using military force to oust regimes and build democracies is "simply too costly and to uncertain in results to constitute a sustainable approach to U.S. foreign policy. " (p. 276) Elections have role, but improving education, promoting the rule of law, and protecting civil society are also vital to democracy.


True or false? On the morning of August 1, CIA warning officer Charlie Allen persuaded Haass that attack was imminent, while the agency changed its "warning of war" to the more imminent "warning of attack." An interagency meeting at State endorsed asking the President to call Saddam, and Haass was putting the recommendation to Scowcroft when news of the attack was passed by State's Under Secretary Bob Kimmitt, who had learned of it from Embassy Kuwait.


True or false? One of the reasons for Chinese leaders' insecurity is their self-image: By comparison with the country's great leaders in the twentieth century—Mao and Deng— China's leaders since Deng feel like midgets, struggling to say on top of a society roiled by economic change.


True or false? One response to Pakistan's support for the U.S. was the growth of opposition to the government by domestic Deobandi groups often inspired by AQ; these Pakistani Taliban mounted waves of terror attacks against Shiite groups and even government officials, including President Musharraf.


True or false? One thing that made Haass uneasy was that the State Department was isolated and outnumbered on interagency discussions of many issues—such as the ABM treaty, the International Criminal Court, climate change, Iran, and North Korea.


True or false? Over the course of the mandate period Arab and Syrian nationalist options became less viable because the mandates divided the Arab world into separate states and separated Palestinian elites from Syrian


True or false? Pakistan's first rulers were politicians from the All India Muslim League, who hailed from the major urban centers of New Dehli, Bombay, and Calcutta and who were called "mohajirs," from the Arabic word for "immigrant."


True or false? Pakistan's political parties are coalitions of patronage networks whose pursuit of power is aimed at gaining access to state resources.


True or false? Party leaders are not absolute dictators; they have to answer to the two hundred members of the Central Committee.


True or false? Per Schmidt, the dominant form of Islam throughout South Asia is a "colorful brand of Sunni Islam that is among the most tolerant and non-threatening in the entire Muslim world."


True or false? Per capita growth rates above 6% per annum are very rare, but recent examples include Japan between 1955 and 1973, Korea, Taiwan and Thailand from 1982 until the Asian financial crisis in 1997, and China from 1978 to 2001.


True or false? Preemptive strikes—against imminent attacks—are also logical (as self-defense), but the problem is being sure about the intelligence.


True or false? President Bush did decide to take the case to the UN, thanks to the advocacy of Colin Powell and British PM Tony Blair; both his September 12 speech to the UN (a last-minute draft that inadvertently spoke of "resolutions") and other statements expressed certainty about WMD—what CIA Director George Tenet called a "slam dunk


True or false? Quantitative easing (QE) refers to the purchase by central banks of financial assets (e.g., bonds) from commercial banks and other financial institutions, thus raising their price and lowering their yield (while simultaneously increasing the money supply). This differs from the more usual practice of buying short-term government bonds to keep interbank interest rates at a specific target.


True or false? Reflecting on the use of military force, Haass notes that there can be no serious debate about the right to use military force in self-defense (the rationale for the first Iraq War and for the war in Afghanistan after 9/11).


True or false? Reid gives as reasons for state dirgisme the facts that Brazilian entrepreneurs lacked resources and ambition to create capital-intensive industries such as steel, car and petrochemical plants and the lack of domestic savings making it hard to tap foreign sources of financing (until 1970s)


True or false? Reza Shah introduced the French civil law code and the Italian penal code and refused to give exit visas for pilgrims wishing to go to Mecca and Medina or to the Shi'a holy cities of Karbala and Najaf in Iraq.


True or false? Schmidt argues that Pakistan has supported the Afghan Taliban primarily as a hedge against Indian domination of Pakistan's northern neighbor.


True or false? Schmidt argues that although the Pakistanis were pleased that their use of jihadists groups contributed to the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan and tied down so many Indian troops in Kashmir, they did not realize they were creating a potential danger at home.


True or false? Schmidt describes Pakistani "feudal" society as a network of reciprocal expectations and obligations, with power relationships being a key element of the fabric.


True or false? Schmidt says political allegiance in Pakistan tends not to be ideological but focused on self-interest.


True or false? Scowcroft had thought through the sequencing: He did not inform Bush 41 in advance; he did fax Condi Rice a copy, but staffers had not shown it to her


True or false? Shirk notes that the two previous "dynasties" - the Qing Dynasty in 1911 and the Republic of China in 1949—fell to nationalist revolutionary mass movements that accused the dynasties of failing to defend the country against foreign aggression; Chinese leaders in the 1990s feared the same could happen to them.


True or false? Shirk sees the greatest risk to the Chinese economy as political—not economic


True or false? Ten months after Iranian students overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, a mob led by the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami, responding to reports that the U.S. was behind the seizure of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, burned the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad to the ground


True or false? The "Downing Street Memo" of July 23, 2002, written by Sir Richard Dearlove ("C" or head of MI6) for David Manning, following a visit to DC, reported "a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD."


True or false? The "ultimatum" issued by the Security Council on 29 Nov 1990 (UNSCR 678), authorized Member States co-operating with the Government of Kuwait to use all necessary means to uphold and implement UNSCR 660 and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the region, unless Iraq did so on or before 15 Jan 1991.


True or false? The 1965 war was the first time Pakistanis used the term mujahideen (warriors seeking to spread Islam through jihad) to refer to irregular forces fighting for the Pakistani cause, although the irregulars seem to have been motivated more by reuniting their divided homeland than by religious ideology.


True or false? The Administration's response was the August 26 speech by Vice President Cheney to the VFW in Nashville, in which he stated that Saddam Hussein was amassing WMD to use "against our friends, against our allies, and against us."


True or false? The Arab-Israeli conflict has come full circle: It began as a dispute between Zionists and Palestinians, then turned into an issue of landfor-peace after the Six-Day War in 1967, but the Oslo Accords in 1993 turned it back into a dispute between Israelis and Palestinians.


True or false? The Army grew from 38,000 in 1927 to 95,000 in 1940, double the headcount of the state police forces; the military's share of the budget rose from 20% in 1930 to 36.5% in 1942.


True or false? The Brazilian state's dirigisme became self-reinforcing and helped generate distortions that became unmanageable, namely (1) inflation, which stemmed from persistent disregard for the macroeconomic balance and a political allergy to fiscal austerity, made possible by printing money, which was an insidious way for the government to finance itself, (2) currency and Brazil's persistent balance of payments deficit (whereas industrializing Asian countries have tried to maintain an undervalued currency, Brazil has persistently overvalued the cruzeiro (from late 1940s to early 1980s), a practice that had its origins in the coffee growers' preference (their dominant market share allowed them to set the world price, which led to persistent trade deficits and dollar shortages; to try to control this situation the gov't tried controls on foreign exchange, rationing foreign exchange, and subsidizing the import of wheat and oil + high and protective tariffs > which boosted industrialization but coddled ineffectiveness; (3) the set of distortions that came from state interventions in economy— imposing price, wage, and exchange rate controls, handing out huge subsidies.


True or false? The CCP employs a large network of Internet "nannies," including citizen vigilantes, who are responsible for policing content, but because of this "human element" the system is not airtight.


True or false? The Chinese public spends more time reading news from the Internet than engaging in other online activities; most Internet news comes from three big commercial Internet news sites


True or false? The Estado Novo had two essential features (1) the personal dictatorship of a civilian politician (Vargas) maintained by the military and (2) corporatism.


True or false? The Estado Novo's propaganda ministry created a cult of personality around Vargas, who made weekly radio broadcasts promoting (1) work (and a bond with the urban masses) and (2) nationalism, with racial mixing as part of Brazil's identity


True or false? The National Security Council's first meeting after the invasions (held August 2) was indecisive about further steps beyond the first UNSCR


True or false? The Propaganda Department, which is responsible for the political content of the media, textbooks, books and movies, is part of Party's "control cartel," along with the Organization Department (which distributes patronage) and the People's Liberation Army.


True or false? The Shi'as of Baghdad in many cases used to be Communists


True or false? The State Council Information Office was created in 1990 to improve China's image overseas; in the late 1990s, realizing that inflamed rhetoric of China's domestic media was aggravating relations with the United States, Taiwan, and Japan, the SCIO began briefing major domestic media on international issues; however, the Propaganda Department "slapped" the SCIO "down" for usurping its role.


True or false? The actual policy of the Clinton Administration toward Iraq, according to Haass, "focused mostly on containing Saddam and shoring up the inspections and sanctions regimes."


True or false? The basis for all subsequent negotiations became the formula first laid out in UN Security Council Resolution 242: "land for peace."


True or false? The cost of unconventional wars also validates the continuing need for economic and military assistance to develop the capacities of threatened states.


True or false? The effect of the violence in Iraq was that it fueled a political war in the U.S. that was not helped by the November 2005 NSC-authored "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq" but calmed by the March 2006 bipartisan Iraq Study Group.


True or false? The financial crisis in the Eurozone is usually dated to PASOK's election in Greece in 2009, and the discovery of the Greek government's massive deficits.


True or false? The financial crisis of 2008 in the U.S. is usually attributed to the sub-prime mortgage crisis


True or false? The opening salvo in the political war as former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft's Sunday, August 11, appearance on CBS's Face the Nation and Thursday, August 15, op-ed in the Wall Street Journal arguing that a war against Iraq would be a costly distraction that would result in "a serious degradation in international cooperation with us against terrorism...." Haass described the article as throwing oneself "in front of the train."


True or false? The politics-first approach of the occupation was misguided, Haass argues, because sectarian violence came to dominate the country, and the strategy of placating the powerful Shi'a clergy was deeply flawed because it served to reinforce sectarian identities


True or false? The primary mandate of most central banks (and thus the goal of their monetary policy) is "price stability," which in the case of the Bank of England is defined as 2% of the CPI (consumer price index) and in the case of the Eurozone is defined as "below but close to 2%."


True or false? The second largest sect, the Deobandis, arose as a back-tobasics reaction to the Barelvis' practice of Hindu rituals


True or false? The three great empires that came to dominate most of the Islamic world in the early modern era (Ottoman, Safavid, and Mogul) and that dominated it until the rise of the modern state system are called "gunpowder empires" because the technological advantage of gunpowder brought to an end the instability inherent in the military patronage system.


True or false? The uneven distribution of oil has led to a migration of labor in the Middle East, but the effects of these population movements are disputed.


True or false? The vast majority of terrorist attacks in Pakistan in the two decades prior to the storming of Lal Masjid (the Red Mosque) in 2007 had been sectarian in nature, perpetrated by groups such as Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the Sipah-e Mohammed; after Lal Masjid these continued but were overshadowed by attacks on Pakistani military and police as well as civilian targets using IEDs, car bombs, and suicide vests.


True or false? The war in Vietnam for both the French and later the Americans was different from the war in Korea in that it was a guerilla war. However, both the French and the Americans prosecuted the war as a conventional war, but Kissinger observes that in a guerilla war, the guerilla army wins as long as it can keep from losing


True or false? The world economic crisis served to show Brazil's new-found economic strength. Its central bank sold $220bn from its ample dollar reserves and loosened banks' reserve requirements, pumping 200bn reais into the economy. After a brief and mild recession, the Brazilian economy roared back to life in 2009, as the government injected a large fiscal stimulus.


True or false? There has been a cyber war between Chinese censor and U.S. human rights activists.


True or false? Two days later, seeing a risk of inflation as the Eurozone fell into depression, the ECB raised interest rates, the first of two quarter-point increases.


True or false? Unemployment grew when the government stopped propping up state factories that could not withstand market competition in the mid-1990s.


True or false? Vargas decreed a labor code (still largely in force), established a minimum wage, made unions a branch of the state, outlawed strikes, set up courts to settle disputes, and created an incipient social security system for all with a work card.


True or false? Vargas, his successor Juselino Kubitschek and the Brazilian military were all keen to attract foreign investment (as only means of obtaining technology); but once these foreign firms became established in Brazil they became just as protectionist as other Brazilian firms.


True or false? Vietnam was one example, where fear of Communism blinded U.S. policymakers to the appeal of nationalism


True or false? When Eurozone Finance Ministers create a €750 bn European Financial Stability Facility on May 9, 2010, the ECB agrees to buy bonds, despite Weber's vote against doing so, and the Fed reopens swap lines with the ECB and other central banks


True or false? When Haass started work as the Senior Director for the Middle East on Bush 41's NSC staff, Iraq was not on his short list of top issues, a list that included Pakistan's nuclear program, Afghanistan after Soviet withdrawal, Libya, Persian Gulf, arms sales, Lebanon, hostages, Arab-Israeli issues


True or false? When Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao came into office in 2002, they introduced a new term, China's "peaceful rise."


True or false? When Lula was elected President in 2002, after defeats in 1989, 1994, and 1998, he made his peace with the Plano Real and Cardoso's reforms and portrayed himself as a consensual leader and the embodiment of the Brazilian dream of upward mobility (and not as a strike leader).


True or false? When U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie was summoned for her first meeting with Saddam Hussein on July 25, 1990, the message she heard was that Saddam intended to resolve his differences with Kuwait peacefully—which was consistent with what Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was telling us. (This is the now famous meeting that has been scrutinized with regard to whether, even without instructions, she should have warned Saddam about attacking or whether she gave him a "green light.")


True or false? When Vargas resigned in October 1945, at the insistence of the military, the new constitution kept the suffrage provision of the 1934 constitution which denied illiterates the right to vote


True or false? When the Bush Administration pushed for a further UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR 665), British PM Margaret Thatcher expressed her concern about getting tied up—"Don't go wobbly."


True or false? Wherever one comes out on the advisability of the second Iraq War, Haass notes, "it is hard to dispute criticisms over the conduct of the war and the aftermath."


True or false? While the ISI had supported Hekmatyar against Masood, Benazir Bhutto was convinced by her JUI political ally to support Mullah Omar's Taliban, peopled with graduates of JUI madrasses in NWFP, whose Deobandi fundamentalism was filtered through the ancient tribal code of Pashtunwali.


True or false? While the provinces have a role in economic policy making, they have almost no influence in foreign policy making.


True or false? With a sense of irony, Haass notes that an Administration that began belittling nation-building, ended up doing "just that and then some." It started in the camp of the realists and ended up outdoing Woodrow Wilson in promoting democracy.


True or false? With the 1938 election, in which Vargas could not run, approaching, the war minister, Gen Eurico Gaspar Dutra, sent the police to shut down the Congress, and the government issued a decree setting aside the 1934 constitution and proclaiming a "New State" (Estado Novo).


True or false? With the growing emphasis on Iraq in 2002, Haass, fearing the President's increasingly bellicose statements were putting himself and the government "in a box," shifted from arguing for containment and against going to war in December 2001, to arguing in late April 2002 for reintroduction of international weapons inspectors, prosecuting Saddam for war crimes, building up the Iraqi opposition, and consulting with regional states (to reassure them of our support for Iraq's integrity) and by doing more to deal with the plight of Palestinians


True​/False: Nikita Khrushchev's increased pressure to stop the flow of refugees from East to West Berlin and follow a hard line on Berlin was largely due to increased political pressure from his party and East German leader Walter Ulbricht.


n trying to explain Saddam Hussein's behavior, Haass admits he (Haass) never considered that Saddam Hussein might not have had WMD, but calculated it would be better to absorb what he expected as a limited American attack than to show a sign of weakness (by admitting he had only been hiding the fact that he did not have WMD)


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