POLS Chapter 1: American Government & Civic Engagement - Openstax

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the strong support of their party and its policy stands

political power

influence over a government's institutions, leadership, or policies

When a person is asked a question about a political issue that he or she has little interest in and has not thought much about, that person's answer will likely reflect ________.

latent preferences


a form of government where one ruler, usually a hereditary one, holds political power

toll good

a good that is available to many people but is used only by those who can pay the price to do so

social capital

connections with others and the willingness to interact and aid them

direct democracy

A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives

-Political system in which people govern themselves, whether directly or indirectly. -There are 2 types


system in which citizens participate directly in making governmental decisions

Direct Democracy

Elitism vs Pluralism

Elitism is where political power rests in the hands of a small, elite group of ppl. Pluralism is where political power rests in the hands of groups of ppl.

What does the government do for people?

Help to accomplish collective goals and provide benefits that society as a whole needs.

What is the difference in between representative and direct democracy?

In a representative democracy, people elect representatives to make political decisions and pass laws for them. In a direct democracy, people make all political decisions and pass laws themselves.

Pathways to Engagement

Individuals can educate themselves on important issues and events, write to their senator or representative, file a complaint at city hall, attend a political rally, or vote. People can also work in groups to campaign or raise funds for a candidate, volunteer in the community, or protest a social injustice or an unpopular government policy.

Factors of Engagement

Many Americans engage in political activity on a regular basis. A survey conducted in 2008 revealed that approximately two-thirds of American adults had participated in some type of political action in the past year. These activities included largely non-personal activities that did not require a great deal of interaction with others, such as signing petitions, contacting elected representatives, or contributing money to campaigns.

-System of govt in which one individual (ruler), usually a hereditary ruler, holds political power and makes governmental decisions. -This political power is usually held until death.


-A form of govt in which only members of a certain political party or ruling elite can participate in govt. -The ruling elite can include landowners, military officers, and wealthy merchants.


What political activities can people engage in other than running for office?

People can pay attention to the news in order to be aware of the most important issues of the day. They can contribute money to a campaign or attend a rally in support of a political candidate whose views they favor. They can write letters to members of Congress and to state and local politicians. They can vote.

system in which citizens do not govern themselves. Rather, citizens elect representatives to make governmental decisions for them.

Representative Democracy

Which of the following is a good example of a tradeoff?

The government pleases environmental activists by preserving public lands but also pleases ranchers by allowing them to rent public lands for grazing purposes

Why get involved?

To increase the power of ordinary people to influence govt actions. Civic and political engagement also allows politicians to know how the people feel. It even improves people's lives and helps them to build connections with others.

-System of govt in which, usually one-person rules (a dictator), and controls all aspects of citizens' lives. -The rights of citizens are limited. -There is a prohibition on political opposition and criticism.


What kinds of people are most likely to become active in politics or community service?

Wealthier, older, more highly educated citizens, especially if they have intense preferences about an issue.


a form of government where a handful of elite society members hold political power


a form of government where government is all-powerful and citizens have no rights


a form of government where political power rests in the hands of the people

representative democracy

a form of government where voters elect representatives to make decisions and pass laws on behalf of all the people instead of allowing people to vote directly on laws

majority rule

a fundamental principle of democracy; the majority should have the power to make decisions binding upon the whole

In an oligarchy, _______________________ hold political power

a small group of elite people

Tradeoffs perspective

attempts at balancing the demands of competing interests

intense preferences

beliefs and preferences based on strong feelings regarding an issue that someone adheres to over time

latent preferences

beliefs and preferences people are not deeply committed to and that change over time

elite theory

claims political power rests in the hands of a small, elite group of people

pluralistic theory

claims political power rests in the hands of groups of people

public goods

goods provided by government that anyone can use and that are available to all without charge

private goods

goods provided by private businesses that can be used only by those who pay for them

common good

goods that all people may use, but that are of limited supply

According to the pluralist theory of government, ________.

government policy is formed as a result of the competition between groups with different goals and interests

Supporting the actions of the Democratic Party simply because one identifies oneself as a member of that party is an example of ________.


minority rights

protections for those who are not part of the majority

What goods are available to all without direct payment?


What are the two types of democracy?

representative and direct


the beliefs and ideals that help to shape political opinion and eventually policy


the means by which a society organizes itself and allocates authority in order to accomplish collective goals and provide benefits that society as a whole needs


the process by which we decide how resources will be allocated and which policies government will pursue

The elite theory of government maintains that ________.

wealthy, politically powerful people control government, and government has no interest in meeting the needs of ordinary people

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