POLS inquisitive questions

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Match each amendment to its specific goal. Fifteenth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth - abolished slavery - guaranteed equal protection of the laws - guaranteed voting rights for Black men

- abolished slavery - 13th - guaranteed equal protection of the laws - 14th - guaranteed voting rights for Black men - 15th

How did the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Nixon (1974) affect the office of the president? - It had no real effect because the circumstances surrounding Watergate, and Nixon's role in it, were so unique. - It established that the president has the right to choose which attorney would conduct investigations of presidential misconduct. - It affirmed the power of executive privilege, but with limits. - It set historical precedent because it was the first time a president had invoked executive privilege.

- It affirmed the power of executive privilege, but with limits

What effect did the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 have? - It imposed quotas on the number of individuals with disabilities in a company. - It called for employers to make reasonable accommodations for workers with disabilities. - It outlawed discrimination against individuals on the basis of disabilities. - It called for making all public businesses accessible to those with disabilities.

- It called for employers to make reasonable accommodations for workers with disabilities. - It called for making all public businesses accessible to those with disabilities.

Which of the following statements about the nature of party unity in voting are accurate? - Party unity has been higher in the twenty-first century than it was in the 1970s and 1980s. - Party unity is generally based on members sharing ideological preferences. - Party unity reached an all-time high in the 1960s. - The capacity for party unity is generally higher in the Senate than in the House.

- Party unity has been higher in the twenty-first century than it was in the 1970s and 1980s. - Party unity is generally based on members sharing ideological preferences.

Match each type of agency or bureau to its correct example. (independent regulatory commission, independent agency, cabinet department, government corporation) - U.S. Postal Service (USPS) - Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

- U.S. Postal Service (USPS) - government corp - Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - independent regulatory commission - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - independent agency - Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - cabinet department

Sandy, who has little interest in politics, is completing a survey questionnaire about the Republican tax cuts. Which factors would likely influence her opinion on the policy? - a good friend's Facebook post supporting the tax cut - partisanship - economic self-interest - Congressional Budget Office's analysis

- a good friend's Facebook post supporting the tax cut - partisanship

During the Trump administration, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos came into the position with strong support for which of the following? - increased funding for public education - strengthening teachers unions - vouchers - charter schools

- charter schools - vouchers

Drew is voting in a congressional election for the first time. He has decided to support Clyde, a former youth minister, over Cheryl who was recently implicated in a savings and loan scandal because he views Clyde as being more trustworthy. What factor that can influence voter decisions does is Drew considering? - partisan loyalty - candidate characteristics - religiosity - policy preferences

candidate characteristics

true or false: Presidential authority for executive orders derives solely from the Constitution.


The following terms are often confused. ________ are concerned with influencing the policies of government. _________ are interested in influencing elections, though they do not run their own candidates. Finally, ______ are interested in the personnel of government, often directly running individuals for political office. options: political parties, political action committees, or interest groups

interest groups, political action committees, political parties

On which of these issues is public opinion less likely to affect policymaking? abortion taxation gun control


What factors influence the Supreme Court's decision-making practices? - concern over protecting the Court's reputation - political ideology - deference to lower court rulings - law and precedent on relevant cases

political ideology law and precedent on relevant cases concern over protecting the Court's reputation

In which of the following areas has the Russian military been involved? - Crimea - the U.S. - Yemen - China

- Crimea - the U.S.

Which case formally established the right to privacy? - Roe v. Wade - Griswold v. Connecticut - Gideon v. Wainwright - Mapp v. Ohio

- Griswold v. Connecticut

Which statement about Americans' ideology is correct? - More Americans today identify themselves as either liberals or conservatives compared to moderates. - More Americans today identify themselves as conservatives than liberals. - More Americans today identify themselves as liberals than conservatives.

- More Americans today identify themselves as conservatives than liberals.

Place the events in chronological order: Constitution adopted; Articles of Confederation adopted; Declaration of Independence; Boston Tea Party; Stamp Act

Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation adopted, Constitution Adopted

Rank each court based on the number of cases it hears, from the court that hears the most cases to the court that hears the fewest. (U.S. district courts, U.S. courts of appeals, U.S. Supreme Court)

U.S. district courts U.S. courts of appeals U.S. Supreme Court

In the history of American foreign policy in the twentieth century, which came first: American isolationism or American engagement?


In recent elections, which of the following four factors is the single most important factor in predicting whether an individual will vote? employment age education race


Which branch of government has been most active in the area of civil rights for transgender individuals? - judicial - legislative executive


Place in chronological order the events that led up to the end of the Articles of Confederation. (Constitutional Convention, Annapolis Convention, Shays's Rebellion)

Annapolis Convention Shays's Rebellion Constitutional Convention

The Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution primarily addresses which core American value?


The American political culture emphasizes the values of:

liberty, equality, and democracy

The media have been _____ aggressive in investigating the government in recent years than it used to be. options: more, equally, less


Which of the following organizations or agreements are primarily related to free trade? - World Trade Organization - United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement - World Health Organization - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement World Trade Organization

Match the source of media power to its influence on public opinion. (priming, framing, agenda setting) - what opinions Americans hold on issues - what issues Americans use to evaluate political officials - what issues Americans think about

- what opinions Americans hold on issues - framing - what issues Americans use to evaluate political officials - priming - what issues Americans think about - agenda setting

which amendment to the constitution is most frequently cited to bolster arguments in favor of states' rights?


Place in order, from first to last, the process by which the Supreme Court accepts and reviews a case. Note that this list represents only a few of the overall sequence of steps in this process. (The Court grants a writ of certiorari., Oral arguments commence., The justices convene a conference., A petition for a writ of certiorari is filed.)

A petition for a writ of certiorari is filed. The Court grants a writ of certiorari. Oral arguments commence. The justices convene a conference

Who is eligible to vote under these systems? (only party members or all registered voters) - open primary - general election - closed primary - midterm election

- open primary - all registered voters - general election - all registered voters - closed primary - only party members - midterm election - all registered voters

How many senators are needed to carry out the each of the following actions? (51, 67, 60, 50) - pass a bill - overturn presidential veto - invoke cloture

- pass a bill - 51 - overturn presidential veto - 67 - invoke cloture - 60

Which are the main characteristics of the American national electoral system? - proportional representation - multi-member district - single-member district - plurality system

- single-member district - plurality system

What are two most common ways third parties can influence politics? - the major parties absorbing their programs and their popular ideas - winning gubernatorial elections - winning a majority in Congress - splitting the vote of a party's candidate in a close election.

- splitting the vote of a party's candidate in a close election. - the major parties absorbing their programs and their popular ideas

What resources do the most successful groups have? - staff - money - corporate sponsors - members

- staff - money - members

What is the purpose of the War Powers Resolution? - to grant presidents additional authority to use the military - to make it easier for the president to declare war - to restore Congress's role in military policy

- to restore Congress's role in military policy

Match each committee type to the appropriate description(s). (joint committee, conference committee, standing committee, select committee) - typically match the issue focus of an executive branch agency - contains four permanent committees that cannot report legislation - source of the most important congressional policy making - members appointed by the Speaker of the House and the presiding officer of the Senate

- typically match the issue focus of an executive branch agency - joint - contains four permanent committees that cannot report legislation - standing - source of the most important congressional policy making - standing - members appointed by the Speaker of the House and the presiding officer of the Senate - conference

Both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Republican National Committee (RNC) do which of the following? - minimize disputes within the party - set rules for elections and caucuses - work to enhance how the party is portrayed in the media - give money to candidates they want to see win a primary

all of the above

Which of the following are considered agents of socialization? friends schools family

all of the above

true or false: American foreign ambassadors have become increasingly powerful in providing information and advice to presidents.


true or false: The inclusion of expressed powers in the U.S. Constitution resolves any ambiguity in the powers of the three branches of government.


The 1976 National Emergencies Act, restricting presidential national emergency declarations, attempts to restrict which type of presidential power? expressed delegated implied inherent


_____ votes provide a record of individual members' support or opposition to a proposal. If at least 50 percent of one party takes a position and at least 50 percent of the other party takes the opposite position, then it is considered a ________. options: party unity, roll-call, voice, bipartisan vote.

roll-call; party unity

Match the following services to the level of government that provides them. (local, state, federal) - running water - standardized time - copyright protection - speed limits on major highways

running water - local standardized time - federal copyright protection - federal speed limits on major highways - state

true or false: Most leaked confidential information comes from senior government officials, who have long-term relationships with journalists.


Freedom of the press is found in the ______ Amendment


Which amendment specifies the right to bear arms?


When regulatory agencies act in the interest of the industries they are supposed to be regulating rather than in the _______, this is known as ______. options: president's interest, public interest, pluralism, regulatory capture

public interest; regulatory capture

The process of apportionment occurs every _____ years and may grant additional seats to those states with ______.The process of ______ occurs as part of redistricting and may intentionally give power to a specific political or demographic group. options: ten, gerrymandering, five, filibustering, population growth, eight, growth in per-capita income

ten; population growth; gerrymandering

true or false: Rules made by the bureaucracy of one administration can easily be reversed by the next administration.


true or false: The Constitution provides a basis for a right to privacy


Which of the following statements about political action committees (PACs) are accurate? - PACs are allowed to make larger contributions than an individual can make to a campaign. - PACs are mostly set up by labor groups and neighborhood associations. - PACs are mostly unregulated and do not have contribution limits. - PACs are private groups that raise and distribute funds for use in election campaigns.

- PACs are allowed to make larger contributions than an individual can make to a campaign. - PACs are private groups that raise and distribute funds for use in election campaigns.

Which of the following statements are correct regarding the effect of party polarization on public opinion? - People tend to ignore the parties more now than they used to, because they are so extreme. - Party elites are better able to shape the opinions of individuals within their own party. - The political parties are now sending inconsistent policy cues more than they used to. - Party polarization decreases the impact of other information on public opinion.

- Party elites are better able to shape the opinions of individuals within their own party. - Party polarization decreases the impact of other information on public opinion.

Which statements about the colonist response to the Boston Massacre are accurate? - Support for the British among some Bostonians increased. - Bostonians abandoned their radical efforts to oppose British authority. - Prominent Bostonians defended the soldiers who participated. - Bostonians immediately raided tea-carrying ships in Boston Harbor.

- Support for the British among some Bostonians increased. - Prominent Bostonians defended the soldiers who participated.

Interest groups are often categorized by the causes or people they represent. Match each example of a specific interest group to the correct interest group category. (Natural Resources Defense Council, Independent Petroleum Association of America, AFL-CIO, American Bar Association) - economic and corporate groups - professional associations - public interest groups - labor groups

- economic and corporate groups - Independent Petroleum Association of America - professional associations - American Bar Association - public interest groups - natural resources defense council - labor groups - AFL-ClO

Which of the following trade policies has President Trump imposed in his time as president? - withdrawal from the United Nations Security Council - withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership - establishing trade sanctions with China - withdrawal from a trade partnership with Mexico and Canada

- establishing trade sanctions with China - withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The trend in campaign finance law over time has been toward which of the following? - movement toward national public financing of campaigns - fewer restrictions on campaign donations - a consistent level of campaign donation restrictions - more restrictions of campaign donations

- fewer restrictions on campaign donations

What were some of the major points of disagreement during ratification of the Constitution? - how to amend the Constitution - how to prevent tyranny - limits on the power of government - how much representation the people should have in government

- how to prevent tyranny - limits on the power of government - how much representation the people should have in government

Which of the following groups are generally considered unrepresented in Washington, D.C.? - the young - the elderly - the poor - the homeless

- the poor - the homeless

Which power is granted to the Senate but not to the House? - the power to judge abuses of power - the power to pass appropriations bills - the power to approve treaties - the power to subpoena witnesses

- the power to approve treaties

Which of the following are examples of material benefits? - meeting new friends who share your interests - the good feelings you get for helping a cause you believe in - travel discounts for being a member of AARP - a mug or tote bag that you receive for donating to National Public Radio (NPR) or the Public Broadcasting System (PBS)

- travel discounts for being a member of AARP - a mug or tote bag that you receive for donating to National Public Radio (NPR) or the Public Broadcasting System (PBS)

When is party identification most likely to influence a person's vote choice? - when that person is unfamiliar with the issues - when that person is voting on presidential candidates - when that person knows little about the candidates - when that person is voting on state legislative candidates

- when that person is unfamiliar with the issues - when that person knows little about the candidates - when that person is voting on state legislative candidates

What is the name of the government program that provides cash benefits to senior citizens? - welfare - Social Security - Medicare

Social Security

_______refers to a set of beliefs or values that forms a general philosophy toward government. For instance, ______ tend to support expanding federal social service and health care programs, whereas _________ tend to prefer more individual freedom and less government involvement in the economy. options: conservatives, liberals, political ideology, public opinion

political ideology, liberals, conservatives

Winners of ________ elections go on to face each other in the _______ election. options: special, primary, plurality, general

primary; general

Which player is most dominant in establishing American foreign policy? - interest groups - the president - the military - Congress

the president

Which of the following are sources of political independence for the Federal Reserve Board? - Fed members serve 14-year terms. - The Fed's power comes from an explicit clause of the Constitution. - Members of the Fed do not need to testify before Congress. - The Fed is an independent agency.

- Fed members serve 14-year terms. - The Fed is an independent agency.

Which of the following statements accurately describe how lobbyists interact with Congress? - Lobbyists give expensive gifts to members of Congress in exchange for favorable legislation. - Lobbyists often help members of Congress with their reelection efforts by directing clients' donations to certain members of Congress and presidential candidates. - Studies have found little correlation between the amount of money a lobbyist provides to a representative and the amount of attention a lobbyist receives in return. - Lobbyists provide information to busy members of Congress.

- Lobbyists often help members of Congress with their reelection efforts by directing clients' donations to certain members of Congress and presidential candidates. - Lobbyists provide information to busy members of Congress.

Match each task or characteristic to whether it is reserved for the Senate, the House of Representatives, or both chambers. - approve presidential appointments - approval required to enact laws - more responsive to the public - ratify treaties - write revenue bills - chosen for six-year terms

- approve presidential appointments - senate - approval required to enact laws - both - more responsive to the public - house - ratify treaties - senate - write revenue bills - house - chosen for six-year terms - senate

Match the type of campaign with the campaign characteristics that describe it. (mass media campaign or grassroots campaign) - money-intensive - statewide campaign - local campaign - organizationally driven

- money-intensive - mass media - statewide campaign - mass media - local campaign - grassroots - organizationally driven - grassroots

The FCC prohibits radio and television stations from airing what types of content between 6 A.M. and 10 P.M.? - political - obscenity - indecency - profanity

- obscenity - indecency - profanity

Which functions do the media serve in a democracy? - provide a forum for politicians to debate policies - monitor the government and politicians for wrongdoing - inform the public about current political issues - rule on whether actions of the federal government are constitutional

- provide a forum for politicians to debate policies - monitor the government and politicians for wrongdoing - inform the public about current political issues

Match the form of media to its level of government regulation. (magazines, radio, online media, television, newspapers) - subject to federal regulation - essentially free from government interference

- subject to federal regulation - TV, radio - essentially free from government interference - online media, newspapers, magazines

In 1883, the _____ was passed in order to create the merit system for staffing the bureaucracy. It required appointees to be qualified based on _____. options: Patriot Act, competitive examinations, Civil Service Act, political criteria, Spoils System Act

Civil Service Act; competitive examinations

Which of the following are limitations on the power of the federal courts? - Courts lack appellate jurisdiction. - Courts can only offer limited forms of relief. - Courts lack enforcement powers. - Judges must wait for cases to come to them.

Courts can only offer limited forms of relief. Courts lack enforcement powers. Judges must wait for cases to come to them.

Although ________ will continue to have control of the U.S. House of Representatives, _______ gained over a dozen seats. Most Republicans ______ their re-election bids in the Senate, and partisan control of the Senate will be determined after the Georgia _______ election in January 2021. options: lost, won, Republicans, runoff, Democrats, primary

Democrats; Republicans; won; runoff

Which federal department is responsible for diplomacy? - Department of Foreign Affairs - Department of Defense - CIA - Department of State

Department of State

Why might Congress prefer to exercise "fire alarm" oversight rather than "police patrol" oversight? - The Constitution calls for "fire alarm" oversight. - "Fire alarm" oversight always resolves the issue, whereas "police patrol" rarely fixes the issue. - They can better anticipate problems when engaged in "fire alarm" oversight. - It is more efficient and less time consuming to engage in "fire alarm" oversight.

It is more efficient and less time consuming to engage in "fire alarm" oversight.

Which of the following specifically gave the Supreme Court the authority to reverse state laws and constitutions? - the establishment clause - United States v. Jones - Marbury v. Madison - the Judiciary Act of 1789

Judiciary Act of 1789

The two most generous and politically popular social policy programs are _____ for health care and _____ for cash benefits, which primarily benefit ______. options: SNAP, the working poor, Social Security, senior citizens, Medicaid, TANF, the middle class, Medicare

Medicare; Social Security; senior citizens

Identify whether each geographic area has gotten more or less populous over time: Midwest, Northeast, South, urban areas, Southwest, rural areas

Midwest - less populous Northeast - less populous South - more populous urban areas - more populous Southwest - more populous rural areas - less populous

Match the system of rule to the correct country. (authoritarian, constitutional democracy, totalitarian) - The United States government has a constitution and other laws that limit what the government can do and how the government goes about it. - North Korea's government lacks legal limits and controls the nation's political, economic, and social life. - China's government has few legal limits but nevertheless is kept in check by other political and social institutions

U.S. - constitutional democracy North Korea - totalitarian China - authoritarian

Properly order the steps a case typically goes through in the federal court system. (U.S. courts of appeals, U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. district courts)

U.S. district courts U.S. courts of appeals U.S. Supreme Court

The _________ Plan pushed for representation based on population, whereas the _______ Plan called for equal representation for all states. The Great Compromise, proposed by ______ split the difference between the two and saved the Constitutional Convention from dissolving.

Virginia; New Jersey; Connecticut

Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the media wrote many stories about President Bush's performance on protecting the nation from terrorism and few stories on the economy. What two means of media influence was this an example of? - agenda setting - framing - whistleblowing - priming

agenda setting, priming

Programs in which people pay now for some potential future benefit are known as _____, whereas programs in which recipients are not expected to pay for the program and instead are awarded based on need are called ______. options: means-tested, non-means-tested, contributory, noncontributory

contributory, noncontributory

Every year, Martha's Social Security payment goes up by a small amount. That amount is based on the rate of inflation in the past year. This kind of adjustment is an example of which of the following? - cost-of-living adjustment - means testing - a noncontributory program

cost-of-living adjustment

The ability of people to choose their leaders in free and fair elections is called ______, whereas _____ refers to freedom from government control.

democracy; liberty

Ballot initiatives and referenda in the United States are examples of what kind of democracy?


Match the type of power to the correct level of government. (implied, expressed, reserved, concurrent) - federal - state - federal and state

federal - implied, expressed state - reserved federal and state - concurrent

Foreign policy, especially such issues as declaring war, is primarily conducted at the _____ level. The only level of government not mentioned in the Constitution is the ____ level

federal; local

People who are politically active tend to have a ________ sense of political efficacy. Political efficacy is the belief that one can _________ the government.

high; influence

To prevent having multiple candidates from the same party confusing voters in a general election, political parties take which of the following actions? - use voter mobilization drives to inform voters - hold primary elections - send out emails and memos to party voters - party leaders pick who they want to represent the party

hold primary elections

The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable ______ by making illegally obtained evidence _______ in court (inadmissible, self-incrimination, admissible, searches and seizures)

searches and seizures; inadmissible

Which amendments, according to Supreme Court arguments, have elements of the right to privacy? options: ninth, sixth, fourth, fifth, third, second

third, fourth, fifth, ninth

Suppose a journalist hears a rumor that a U.S. ambassador spent public money on travel and lavish meals for his visiting family members. The journalist files a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that shows the State Department knew about this infraction but ignored the fact that it was against the rules. A member of Congress learns about the ambassador's conduct and immediately decides to investigate. What kind of oversight best characterizes this investigation? - "fire alarm" oversight - "whistleblower" oversight - "inspector general" oversight - "police patrol" oversight

"fire alarm" oversight

Which of the following taxes are regressive taxes and which are progressive taxes? - Social Security tax - sales tax - wealth tax on assets above $50 million - income tax

- Social Security tax - regressive - sales tax - regressive - wealth tax on assets above $50 million - progressive - income tax - progressive

Which of the following statements about subsidies are accurate? - Subsidies can be spread widely in response to various demands. - Congress stopped using subsidies as of the 1947 Legislative Reorganization Act. - Subsidies are a popular tool among legislators. - Various sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, energy, health, and national defense, receive subsidies.

- Subsidies can be spread widely in response to various demands. - Subsidies are a popular tool among legislators.

Match each Supreme Court document to its definition. (dissenting opinion, opinion, brief, amicus curiae brief) - interest-group-written brief that advises the Court on how to rule on a case - document laying out the legal belief of the Supreme Court justices about the case in question - attorney-written document arguing why the Court should agree with their client - document laying out the legal belief of a minority of the Supreme Court justices about the case in question

- interest-group-written brief that advises the Court on how to rule on a case - amicus curiae brief - document laying out the legal belief of the Supreme Court justices about the case in question - opinion - attorney-written document arguing why the Court should agree with their client - brief - document laying out the legal belief of a minority of the Supreme Court justices about the case in question - dissenting opinion

Sort the following attributes into whether they are more characteristic of interest groups or of political parties. - more interested in the personnel of government - run candidates in elections - try to influence the policies of government through lobbying - more limited in scope

- more interested in the personnel of government - political parties - run candidates in elections - political parties - try to influence the policies of government through lobbying - interest groups - more limited in scope - interest groups

Match each group or organization with its correct category. (terrorist, World Trade Organization, Canada) - nation-state - non-state actor - international organization

- nation-state - Canada - non-state actor - terrorist - international organization - World Trade Organization

Different political parties rely on different groups for support. Match the each group with the political party that has most often relied on its support. Drag each item on the left to its matching item on the right. Note that every item may not have a match, while some items may have more than one match. (Democrats and Republicans) - non-White racial and ethnic groups - business owners - organized labor - religious and social conservatives

- non-White racial and ethnic groups - democrats - business owners - republicans - organized labor - democrats - religious and social conservatives - republicans

When casting their ballots for candidates in races that are lesser known to voters, such as state comptroller, which cue do voters tend to rely on the most? - incumbency - alphabetical order - party identification - interest group endorsement

- party identification

What best describes the implementation role served by bureaucracies? - to translate often-vague laws passed by Congress into action - to provide testimony to Congress about the success or failure of laws - to provide a support staff for the president - to provide guidance to Congress in the formation of law and policy

- to translate often-vague laws passed by Congress into action

Place these events surrounding the creation of the U.S. system of government in chronological order. The Bill of Rights is adopted. The Federalist Papers are published. Delegates gather at the Constitutional Convention. The Constitution is ratified by the states.

1) Delegates gather at the Constitutional Convention. 2) The Federalist Papers are published. 3) The Constitution is ratified by the states. 4) The Bill of Rights is adopted.

Put the items related to the evolution of the right to privacy in order from oldest to most recent. (The Supreme Court expanded the right to privacy with regard to abortions., The Supreme Court ruled that LGBTQ persons have a right to privacy., The Supreme Court ruled in favor of marital privacy in contraceptive use.)

1) The Supreme Court ruled in favor of marital privacy in contraceptive use. 2)The Supreme Court expanded the right to privacy with regard to abortions. 3) The Supreme Court ruled that LGBTQ persons have a right to privacy

During which period of time has the United States had a system of dual federalism? 1650 - 1776 1789 - 1937 1937 - present 1972 - present


Label these examples as either instances of representative or direct democracy. - A major bill that many legislators campaigned on passes Congress. - California's citizens vote to recall their governor. - Congress votes to impeach an unpopular president. - A state constitution is amended following a referendum. - A major bill supported by the majority of citizens passes a state legislature.

A major bill that many legislators campaigned on passes Congress. - rep. demo. California's citizens vote to recall their governor - direct demo. Congress votes to impeach an unpopular president. - rep. demo. A state constitution is amended following a referendum. - direct demo. A major bill supported by the majority of citizens passes a state legislature. - rep demo

A government can be run by groups of various sizes. Match each form of government to the size of the group that runs it. (autocracy, democracy, oligarchy) - A single ruler controls the government. - A small group controls government. - The public plays a large role in government

A single ruler controls the government. - autocracy A small group controls government. - oligarchy The public plays a large role in government - democracy

What goals does the International Monetary Fund serve today? - It promotes the structural readjustment of some economies.P - It finances long-term loans for development in poor countries. - It facilitates international monetary exchange. - It offers cash transfers to assist nations in humanitarian crises.

It promotes the structural readjustment of some economies. It facilitates international monetary exchange.

This type of federalism attempted to give more power to the states through the use of block grants and general revenue sharing. - dual - cooperative - New - regulated


The _______ alone has the right to approve or deny the president's appointments of _______. Approval for these nominees requires _______ options: a simple majority, state judges, unanimous consent, federal judges, House of Representatives, Senate vacancies, a three-fourths majority, Senate

Senate, federal judges, a simple majority

true or false: The president's primary objective in "going public" is to objectively inform the public about what is going on in Washington, D.C.


true or false: The threat of massive retaliation is more useful in combating terrorism than in fighting traditional nation-states.


true or false: The trend in congressional oversight has been toward more "police patrol" oversight, and less "fire alarm" oversight.


The division of power, by a constitution, between a central government and regional governments is known as _______. The division of power among several institutions that must cooperate in decision-making is known as ______.

federalism; separation of powers

One way the news media affect the public is through ______, which is the power of the media to influence how events or issues are interpreted and understood. Through ______, the news media can influence the opinions that people form on a particular issue or policy. Another way the news media can shape politics is through _____, which occurs when an issue or other criteria becomes important in evaluating political candidates as a result of news coverage. options: agenda setting, priming, framing

framing; framing; priming

The House and Senate Armed Services Committees are generally ________ toward the agencies and contractors who provide support to the agencies that the committee oversees. options: critical or friendly


Programs such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are examples of what kind of benefits? - monetary - contributory - non-means-tested - in-kind


How has the power of the federal government developed over time?

it has increased

In general, television news tends to offer _____ depth in its coverage of political events. It tends to offer more political _____ than _______ options: headlines, little, considerable, analysis

little, headlines, analysis

The shift to digital media has most hurt _____, which have shifted to _____ as a major source of revenue. options: advertising, cable news shows, broadcast media, online subscriptions, newspapers and magazines

newspapers and magazines; online subscriptions

Studies have shown that government policy can have an effect on opinion in areas such as health care, welfare reform, and smoking bans. This is known as ______ options: historical institutionalism, policy feedback, policy diffusion, punctuated equilibrium

policy feedback

Conflict over the direction, identity, and resources of an organization is ______. The ability to influence that process is ________

politics; political power

The _______ or caucus votes determine the allocation of ________ at the party's convention. In addition to selecting the party's nominee, delegates also vote on the ______ at the convention. options: congressional leaders, delegates, primary, party platform, electoral college vote, general election, electoral college votes

primary; delegates; party platform

Upon the adoption of the Stamp and Sugar Acts, which sectors of society opposed the taxes and which supported or were indifferent towards the taxes? - shopkeepers, artisans, and town workers - small farmers - royalists - New England merchants - southern planters


What event spurred the national government to enter the field of elementary education? - the Civil Rights Act - the Soviet Union successfully launching a space program - the end of World War II - decreasing state funding for education

the Soviet Union successfully launching a space program

President Trump expressed which of the following concerns when he removed the United States from the Paris Agreement? - the agreement's efficacy - America's reputation among allies - America's inability to determine the size of its greenhouse gas reduction - the agreement's effect on the economy

the agreement's effect on the economy

true or false: The United States has passed laws that make it illegal to say anything that might challenge the government


true or false: Unlike PACs, 527 organizations are not subjected to contribution limits and spending caps


Place these major moments from civil rights history in order from earliest to most recent. Dred Scott v. Sanford is decided. Plessy v. Ferguson is decided by the Supreme Court. Brown v. Board of Education is decided by the Supreme Court. The Fourteenth Amendment is ratified. The Voting Rights Act is passed.

1) Dred Scott v. Sanford is decided. 2) The Fourteenth Amendment is ratified. 3) Plessy v. Ferguson is decided by the Supreme Court. 4) Brown v. Board of Education is decided by the Supreme Court. 5) The Voting Rights Act is passed.

Washington, D.C., is home to many different interest groups. Place the interest groups in order from those with the most presence in the nation's capital to those with the least. (labor groups, government groups, professional associations, citizen groups, corporate groups, and trade associations)

1) corporate groups and trade associations 2) citizen groups 3) government groups 4) professional associations 5) labor groups

order these ideologies from those that call for the least amount of government involvement in the economy and society to those that call for the greatest amount of government involvement. (libertarian, conservative, socialist, liberal)

1) libertarian 2) conservative 3) liberal 4) socialist

Put these groups in the order in which they gained the right to vote from earliest to most recent. (black men, white men with property, women, people aged 18-20)

1) white men with property 2) black men 3) women 4) people aged 18-20

Which of the following activities are performed by congressional staff? - negotiating with lobbyists - developing policy proposals - organizing hearings - drafting legislation

all of the above

Which of the following are checks on the president that the framers wrote into the Constitution? - Senate advice and consent authority - Senate treaty ratification authority - congressional control over spending - congressional impeachment powers - congressional veto override - term limits

all of the above

Which programs are part of the American welfare state? - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - Medicaid - Social Security - Medicare

all of the above

Which of these have been ruled by the Courts as constitutional and which have been ruled by the Courts as unconstitutional? - requiring employers to provide female employees with birth control coverage - the display of religious symbols, like the Ten Commandments, on public grounds - prayer in public schools - moment of silence for prayer at a school event

all unconstitutional

Epic Games filed a lawsuit after Apple removed a version of its battle royale game Fortnite from the App Store. Epic Games is seeking injunctive relief to "allow fair competition" in mobile app distribution. What is the basis of their lawsuit? - antitrust policy - free trade policy - monetary policy - social regulation

antitrust policy

When did affirmative action programs start? 1830s, 1930s, 1960s, 1990s


Which of the following statements are true regarding political independents? - A bit more than one-third of the electorate identifies as independent. - Roughly one-half of the electorate identifies as independent. - Each independent voter is as likely to vote for one party as the other. - Most independent voters tend to support one party more than the other.

- A bit more than one-third of the electorate identifies as independent. - Most independent voters tend to support one party more than the other.

Match each type of governmental system to its correct description(s). (unitary system or federal system) - A central government makes the most important decisions. - This system tends to occur in states with diverse ethnic or language groupings. - Lower levels primarily implement central government decisions. - A central government shares power with lower levels of government.

- A central government makes the most important decisions. - unitary system - This system tends to occur in states with diverse ethnic or language groupings. - federal system - Lower levels primarily implement central government decisions. - unitary system - A central government shares power with lower levels of government. - federal system

Which of the following are reasons why it is important for Americans to trust their government? - A mistrusted government can do little to work with its citizens. - Trust is important to attract talented people to work in the government. - Citizens who trust the government are less likely to be politically involved. - Political dissent is only likely with a lack of trust. - A lack of trust could endanger tax revenue.

- A mistrusted government can do little to work with its citizens. - Trust is important to attract talented people to work in the government. - A lack of trust could endanger tax revenue.

How are cases on affirmative action different from those such as Brown v. Board of Education and Loving v. Virginia? - Affirmative action programs are designed to assist victims of past injustices. - Affirmative action programs are designed to prevent harm to minority groups. - They are motivated by a desire to promote civil rights. - Affirmative action programs disadvantage those in dominant majority groups.

- Affirmative action programs are designed to assist victims of past injustices. - Affirmative action programs disadvantage those in dominant majority groups.

Label the each example of an interest group benefit with the type of benefit it represents. (solidary, material, or purposive) - An individual draws pride from having contributed to an interest group's introduction of a particular piece of legislation. - An interest-group member receives discounts from local businesses related to the interest group. - An interest-group member receives a free T-shirt for joining. - An individual joins an environmental protection organization to meet and network with other local environmentalists.

- An individual draws pride from having contributed to an interest group's introduction of a particular piece of legislation. - purposive - An interest-group member receives discounts from local businesses related to the interest group. - material - An interest-group member receives a free T-shirt for joining. - material - An individual joins an environmental protection organization to meet and network with other local environmentalists. - solidary

Which of the following aspects of bureaucratic rule-making are accurate? Which aspects are inaccurate? - Bureaucratic rule-making can have the same impact on policy as legislation. - The longer rule-making process demonstrates how inefficient the bureaucracy is. - Before being implemented, bureaucratic rules must be approved by Congress. - Congress tends to delegate the responsibilities of lawmaking to the administrative agency.

- Bureaucratic rule-making can have the same impact on policy as legislation. - accurate - The longer rule-making process demonstrates how inefficient the bureaucracy is. - inaccurate - Before being implemented, bureaucratic rules must be approved by Congress. - inaccurate - Congress tends to delegate the responsibilities of lawmaking to the administrative agency. - accurate

What is the difference between the inherent and delegated powers of the presidency? - Delegated powers are given by Congress, whereas inherent powers are inferred from the Constitution as being a necessary part of the office. - Inherent powers were established early in U.S. history, whereas delegated powers were only established in the late nineteenth century. - Delegated powers have no judicial precedent, whereas inherent powers have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. - Inherent powers apply to all presidents, whereas delegated powers are only used by one president in a unique situation.

- Delegated powers are given by Congress, whereas inherent powers are inferred from the Constitution as being a necessary part of the office.

In public-opinion polling, what is a simple random sample? - Each person within the specified population has an equal probability of being selected as a respondent. - Pollsters divide the population into demographic groups and weight the probability of being selected according to their census numbers. - Survey respondents have an equal probability of receiving the treatment or control questions of the survey. - Each question has an equal probability of being asked to a person.

- Each person within the specified population has an equal probability of being selected as a respondent.

An election poll of 1,000 people indicates that 48 percent of voters favor Candidate Smith and 50 percent of voters favor Candidate Jones, with a 3 percent margin of error. What can one conclude from this poll? - Candidate Jones is projected to win the election. - Three percent of the voters in the poll remain undecided between the candidates. - Candidate Smith is projected to win the election assuming the poll used a random sample. - Either Candidate Smith or Candidate Jones could win this election since they are in a statistical tie.

- Either Candidate Smith or Candidate Jones could win this election since they are in a statistical tie.

In which way does the use of signing statements by presidents differ from the use of executive orders? - Executive orders require the consent of Congress, whereas signing statements do not. - Executive orders usually create new policies, whereas signing statements alter a policy already passed by Congress. - Presidents can issue only a limited number of executive orders but can issue unlimited signing statements. - Executive orders rarely result in policy changes, whereas signing statements result in changes to an already implemented law.

- Executive orders usually create new policies, whereas signing statements alter a policy already passed by Congress.

How did the Great Depression influence the power of the federal government? - Congress reacted to a weak economy by limiting the power of the federal government, turning over responsibilities to combat the Great Depression to the states. - Federal grants-in-aid became a powerful tool to redirect state governments' policy. - The federal government took a more active role than before in providing economic security for Americans - President Roosevelt limited the power of the states based on the rationale that they were no longer politically stable.

- Federal grants-in-aid became a powerful tool to redirect state governments' policy. - The federal government took a more active role than before in providing economic security for Americans

What effect(s) did the Telecommunications Act of 1996 have on the Federal Communications Commission? - it prohibited TV stations from airing explicit sexual content. -It allowed radio stations to refuse someone's right of rebuttal. - It loosened restrictions on media ownership. - It relaxed regulations on the equal time rule.

- It loosened restrictions on media ownership.

Which of these factors contribute to the gender gap in elections? - Female voters are generally increasing in their support of Democratic candidates. - Women register to vote at a lower rate and have lower turnout in elections. - White male voters are generally increasing in their support of Republican candidates. - Female voters nearly always support female candidates, and male voters nearly always support male candidates over female candidates. - A majority of White female voters (53 percent) supported Donald Trump in 2016.

- Female voters are generally increasing in their support of Democratic candidates. - White male voters are generally increasing in their support of Republican candidates.

Match each Supreme Court case to its description(s). (McDonald v. Chicago District of Columbia v. Heller) - For the first time, the Court extended Second Amendment rights beyond the national level to the state and local levels. - The Court left room for some restrictions to gun ownership. - For the first time, the Court ruled that the Second Amendment provides a constitutional right to keep a loaded handgun at home for self-defense. - This ruling stated that the Second Amendment right was absolute, overturning all existing gun ownership restrictions.

- For the first time, the Court extended Second Amendment rights beyond the national level to the state and local levels. - McDonald v Chicago - The Court left room for some restrictions to gun ownership. - DOC v Heller - For the first time, the Court ruled that the Second Amendment provides a constitutional right to keep a loaded handgun at home for self-defense. - DOC v Heller - This ruling stated that the Second Amendment right was absolute, overturning all existing gun ownership restrictions. - NONE

Which of the following agencies were created by Congress to give them information independent of the information it gets from the executive branch? - Office of Management and Budget - Congressional Research Service - Federal Reserve - General Accounting Office - Congressional Budget Office

- General Accounting Office - Congressional Budget Office - Congressional Research Service

Match each political value to its definition. (democracy, equality of opportunity, liberty) - Government interference in individuals' lives should be kept to a minimum. - Every citizen should have the opportunity to take part in the government process. - All individuals should be allowed to seek personal and material success.

- Government interference in individuals' lives should be kept to a minimum. - liberty - Every citizen should have the opportunity to take part in the government process. - democracy - All individuals should be allowed to seek personal and material success. - equal of opportunity

Match each entity on the left to the correct establishment on the right. (Amnesty International, National Security Council, Foreign Relations Committee, Committee on Foreign Affairs) - House of Representatives - Senate - Executive Office of the President - interest group

- House of Representatives - Committee of Foreign Affairs - Senate - Foreign Relations Committee - Executive Office of the President - National Security Council - interest group - Amnesty International

What challenges did African Americans face in the years immediately after the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954? - Housing remained racially segregated. - De jure school segregation continued in the North and South. - Many African Americans still could not exercise their right to vote. - Employment discrimination against African Americans persisted.

- Housing remained racially segregated. - Many African Americans still could not exercise their right to vote. - Employment discrimination against African Americans persisted.

Identify whether each example illustrates the enforcement, rule-making, or implementation function of the federal bureaucracy. (enforcing laws, implementing laws, making rules) - In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed legislation that provided cash payments to qualifying Americans. The Internal Revenue Service carried out this law, ensuring those eligible Americans received their stimulus checks. - In 2020, the EPA rescinded standards that specifically regulate methane emissions. - In 2015, the EPA fined Volkswagen billions of dollars for installing devices that helped their cars cheat on emissions test standards that were implemented in the 1970s.

- In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed legislation that provided cash payments to qualifying Americans. The Internal Revenue Service carried out this law, ensuring those eligible Americans received their stimulus checks. - implementing laws - In 2020, the EPA rescinded standards that specifically regulate methane emissions. - making rules - In 2015, the EPA fined Volkswagen billions of dollars for installing devices that helped their cars cheat on emissions test standards that were implemented in the 1970s. - enforcing laws

Which of the following are consequences of the current increase in media monopolies? - Individuals expressing less popular viewpoints may find it difficult to get media exposure. - There are too many diverse viewpoints for viewers and readers to choose from. - With less competition, the existing media is thriving economically. - It is easier for the government to censor the media because there are fewer sources.

- Individuals expressing less popular viewpoints may find it difficult to get media exposure.

One of the more famous quotes in political science (yes, there are famous quotes among political scientists) is Schattschneider's "[t]he flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent.″ What did he mean by this? - Interest groups are free to compete for influence in the government. - Interest-group politics tends to favor business and corporate interests. - Those groups that win on some issues do not always win on other issues. - The wealthy buy votes from members of Congress.

- Interest-group politics tends to favor business and corporate interests.

Identify the correct statement. - It is possible to estimate the country's opinion based on a small sample of 1,000 to 1,200 people. - It is impossible to collect a random sample. - For a public-opinion survey to be accurate, it only needs to have more than 20 respondents. - Public-opinion surveys only tell you what the sample's opinions are, without providing any insight into the general population.

- It is possible to estimate the country's opinion based on a small sample of 1,000 to 1,200 people.

Why might digital media be more effective than television ads? - It may be more effective with viewers because internet users seek out information. - It is cheaper. - The online audience is more susceptible to persuasive messages. - It offers more possibilities for free advertisement.

- It may be more effective with viewers because internet users seek out information. - It is cheaper. - It offers more possibilities for free advertisement.

What was the significance of the Boston Tea Party in the run-up to the American Revolution? - It provoked the British government to take action against the colonists. - It ended the East India Company's monopoly on the tea trade. - It eased tensions with the British. - It reversed the Tea Act.

- It provoked the British government to take action against the colonists.

Which of the following are examples of micro-targeting? - Finn is a supporter of free trade, and he watches a negative advertisement on TV during the local news. - Marceline is strongly pro-life, and she receives a phone call from a pro-life supporter of a local candidate. - Jake is a doctor, and he receives a campaign mailer about a candidate's position on medical malpractice reform. - Simon works as an accountant, and he receives a generic robocall urging him to vote for a certain candidate.

- Jake is a doctor, and he receives a campaign mailer about a candidate's position on medical malpractice reform. - Marceline is strongly pro-life, and she receives a phone call from a pro-life supporter of a local candidate.

How are the various successful constitutional amendments similar? - Successful amendments typically mirror legislative proposals. - Many tend to be concerned with the structure of the government. - There are few similarities among successful amendments. - Successful amendments expanded the power of the national government.

- Many tend to be concerned with the structure of the government.

A congressional race features incumbent Sarah Stewart, a progressive African American female who previously worked as a nurse, and John Tucker, a conservative White male who previously was in the marine corps. Identify whether the examples describe descriptive representation or substantive representation. - Mia feels that government does not really work for her as an African American woman, so she intends to support Sarah Stewart because of their shared experience as women of color. - Theresa, a constituent of Rep. Stewart, is very unhappy with her performance in office, citing her support of Medicare-for-All, and plans to vote against her. - Beth, a constituent of Rep. Stewart, is pleased with her representative's voting record, which is closely aligned to Beth's political views. - Bob, a conservative White male who previously served in the military, is primarily interested in supporting Tucker because he believes that Tucker can identify with his experiences.

- Mia feels that government does not really work for her as an African American woman, so she intends to support Sarah Stewart because of their shared experience as women of color. - descriptive - Theresa, a constituent of Rep. Stewart, is very unhappy with her performance in office, citing her support of Medicare-for-All, and plans to vote against her. - substantive - Beth, a constituent of Rep. Stewart, is pleased with her representative's voting record, which is closely aligned to Beth's political views. - substantive - Bob, a conservative White male who previously served in the military, is primarily interested in supporting Tucker because he believes that Tucker can identify with his experiences. - descriptive

Unless subsequently heard by the Supreme Court, the decisions made by federal appeals courts are final. How does the system attempt to mitigate the danger of such a provision? - Appeals court decisions must be validated by a circuit court judge who did not actively serve on the case. - Each circuit has a Supreme Court justice assigned to it to handle special requests for action by the Supreme Court. - Multiple judges serve on every appeals case. - Each circuit must have a percentage of its decisions reviewed by another circuit annually.

- Multiple judges serve on every appeals case. - Each circuit has a Supreme Court justice assigned to it to handle special requests for action by the Supreme Court.

Which statements regarding multiple referral are true? - Multiple referral gives each individual legislator a veto over legislation and therefore produces more bipartisan legislation. - Multiple referral increases the power of the leadership. - Complex bills that concern many different issues may be assigned to different standing committees. - Multiple referral is more common in the U.S. House than the U.S. Senate. - Multiple referral reduces the leaders' power and increases committee power.

- Multiple referral increases the power of the leadership. - Multiple referral is more common in the U.S. House than the U.S. Senate. - Complex bills that concern many different issues may be assigned to different standing committees.

Which of the following statements about the civil rights of Native Americans are correct? - Native Americans have the right to form their own state. - Native Americans can be taught in their own languages. - The federal government has recognized Native American sovereignty but still does not consider Native Americans to be full citizens. - Native American reservations are not subject to state laws prohibiting gambling.

- Native Americans can be taught in their own languages. - Native American reservations are not subject to state laws prohibiting gambling.

Which statements correctly reflect the characteristics of traditional and online media? - Online media cannot frame stories about political candidates in the way that traditional media can. - Online media have a higher potential for misinformation than traditional media. - Traditional media tend to have more diverse opinions than online media. - Traditional media are often forced to account for online media reports in their own stories.

- Online media have a higher potential for misinformation than traditional media. - Traditional media are often forced to account for online media reports in their own stories

Which of the following statements about the role of partisanship in elections are true? - Partisan affiliation plays a much stronger role in presidential elections compared to state legislative races. - Party loyalties are fairly stable but can change over time. - Partisan loyalty has a large impact on voters' evaluations of candidates and their vote choice. - Party affiliation is only weakly related to voters' candidate choice in presidential elections.

- Party loyalties are fairly stable but can change over time. - Partisan loyalty has a large impact on voters' evaluations of candidates and their vote choice.

What congressional action did the Supreme Court use as their foundation for opposing sexual harassment? - Title IX of the 1972 Education Act - the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution - the Lily Ledbetter Act - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which of the following statements regarding digital participation are correct? - Digital participation is less common than most forms of traditional participation. - Political participation digitally is likely to increase offline participation. - Young voters are more likely to use social media for political participation. - Digital participation has made political participation easier.

- Political participation digitally is likely to increase offline participation. - Digital participation has made political participation easier. - Young voters are more likely to use social media for political participation.

How is power distributed in the U.S. federal system? - State governments have a greater degree of power than the national government. - The vast majority of power is concentrated within the national government. - Power is divided between the national and state governments.

- Power is divided between the national and state governments.

Match each type of power to the relevant example. (judicial power, presidential emergency power, executive privilege) - President Eisenhower sends federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas, against the wishes of the governor. - President Obama denies a congressional request for records concerning Operation Fast and Furious. - President Ford pardons former president Nixon for his Watergate-related crimes.

- President Eisenhower sends federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas, against the wishes of the governor. - presidential emergency power - President Obama denies a congressional request for records concerning Operation Fast and Furious. - executive privilege - President Ford pardons former president Nixon for his Watergate-related crimes. - judicial power

Match the description of the presidential action to its example. (signing statement, executive order, regulatory review) - President Reagan announces his interpretation of a law as he is approving it. - President Obama orders agencies to delete rules that he believes to be obsolete. - President Trump issues a decree stopping immigration from several countries.

- President Reagan announces his interpretation of a law as he is approving it. - signing statement - President Obama orders agencies to delete rules that he believes to be obsolete. - regulatory review - President Trump issues a decree stopping immigration from several countries. - executive order

Identify the correct statements. - Only about 1,000 of the nearly 4,000 political appointees to bureaucracies require Senate confirmation. - The Pendleton Act outlawed political appointments for bureaucratic agencies. - Presidents can use political appointments to send messages about their management style or expectations of government.

- Presidents can use political appointments to send messages about their management style or expectations of government. - Only about 1,000 of the nearly 4,000 political appointees to bureaucracies require Senate confirmation.

Identify the standards and practices that traditional journalists believe are important. - As long as a source has interesting information, accuracy is not important. - Rely on original sources whenever possible. - Most journalists believe investigative journalism has little value. - Verify sources to provide the most accurate reporting. - Treat both sides of an issue objectively.

- Rely on original sources whenever possible. - Verify sources to provide the most accurate reporting. - Treat both sides of an issue objectively.

Rep. Stevens has sponsored a bill for universal background checks for the purchase of all firearms. Stevens is a party leader and views gun control as a top priority for the majority party. What type of rule—open or closed—would the following members of Congress prefer as they take up the bill? - Rep. Stevens is testifying before the Rules Committee after his legislation was reported out of the Judiciary Committee. - The National Rifle Association has gotten Rep. Davis to present an amendment that exempts gun shows from the requirement. - Rep. Jones is testifying before the Rules Committee because she would like to offer an amendment that exempts individuals who participate in the TSA pre-check clearance program from background checks.

- Rep. Stevens is testifying before the Rules Committee after his legislation was reported out of the Judiciary Committee. - closed - The National Rifle Association has gotten Rep. Davis to present an amendment that exempts gun shows from the requirement. - open - Rep. Jones is testifying before the Rules Committee because she would like to offer an amendment that exempts individuals who participate in the TSA pre-check clearance program from background checks. - open

Which of the following falls under the exclusionary rule? - Each party to a lawsuit is allowed to veto the inclusion of a certain number of jury members. - Suspect confessions given without proper reading of the Miranda rights cannot be used at trial. - Illegally or unconstitutionally acquired evidence cannot be used in a trial. - The government cannot pass laws that unfairly exclude certain groups from political participation.

- Suspect confessions given without proper reading of the Miranda rights cannot be used at trial. - Illegally or unconstitutionally acquired evidence cannot be used in a trial.

Which of the following statements about the president's Cabinet are correct? - The Cabinet makes no formal group decisions - The Cabinet consists of the secretaries of the major departments of the federal government. - The Constitution calls for a Cabinet but does not make specific requirements for its procedure. - Each Cabinet member appointed by the president must be approved by the Senate. - The Cabinet is partially responsible to the Senate.

- The Cabinet makes no formal group decisions. - Each Cabinet member appointed by the president must be approved by the Senate. - The Cabinet consists of the secretaries of the major departments of the federal government.

Which of these statements about elections are true? - Turnout in midterm elections is lower than in presidential elections. - Elections are administered by state and local governments. - State election laws have attempted to make voting much easier and more convenient. - Primary elections have the same rules across the states because the parties implement their own primaries.

- Turnout in midterm elections is lower than in presidential elections. - Elections are administered by state and local governments.

How have the following Supreme Court decisions influenced how affirmative action policies are evaluated? (Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978); Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)) - The Court ruled that quotas for minority students were unconstitutional. - the Court ruled that diversity in education is a compelling state interest, and thus admissions committees may use race as a factor so long as it is not "mechanical" in application.

- The Court ruled that quotas for minority students were unconstitutional. - Regents v Bakke - the Court ruled that diversity in education is a compelling state interest, and thus admissions committees may use race as a factor so long as it is not "mechanical" in application. - Grutter v Bollinger

Which statement about campaign fundraising in 2016 is most accurate? - The Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, raised substantially more money than the Republican candidate, Donald Trump. - The Republican candidate, Donald Trump, raised substantially more money than the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. - Both major party presidential candidates raised about the same amount of money.

- The Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, raised substantially more money than the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

Match each foreign policy tool with the correct example of its use. (economic aid, collective security, military force, arbitration) - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization specifies that an attack against one country is an attack against all member nations. - Nigeria asks the International Court of Justice to resolve a long-standing dispute it has with a neighboring country. - Australia gives Indonesia money to help the Indonesian government provide basic services to its citizens after a typhoon. - The United States sends a carrier battle group to conduct flight operations during a crisis with Iran over access to the Strait of Hormuz.

- The North Atlantic Treaty Organization specifies that an attack against one country is an attack against all member nations. - collective security - Nigeria asks the International Court of Justice to resolve a long-standing dispute it has with a neighboring country. - arbitration - Australia gives Indonesia money to help the Indonesian government provide basic services to its citizens after a typhoon. - economic aid - The United States sends a carrier battle group to conduct flight operations during a crisis with Iran over access to the Strait of Hormuz. - military force

Identify the correct statements. - The Pendleton Act replaced the spoils system with a merit-based system. - Not all political appointees require Senate confirmation. - Bureaucrats have little power due to congressional oversight. - Bureaucrats serve at the pleasure of the president and can be fired without cause.

- The Pendleton Act replaced the spoils system with a merit-based system. - Not all political appointees require Senate confirmation.

Under the law, Section 527 committees, or Super PACs, can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money, as long as which of the following provisions are met? - People who donate to the Section 527s are registered voters. - The Section 527's activities are designed in tandem with the candidate's strategy. - The Section 527's activities are not coordinated with the formal party organization.

- The Section 527's activities are not coordinated with the formal party organization.

Which statements about the death penalty are correct? - Procedural changes in the 1970s remedied the uneven application of the death penalty. - The Supreme Court has never banned the death penalty. - Death penalty usage and sentences have decreased over time. - The Supreme Court has restricted the cases in which the death penalty can be applied.

- The Supreme Court has never banned the death penalty. - Death penalty usage and sentences have decreased over time. - The Supreme Court has restricted the cases in which the death penalty can be applied.

Which of the following statements on the balance between state and federal power today are accurate? - The Supreme Court often must intervene to resolve balance-of-power issues between the states and the federal government. - Fearing preemption, state and local governments tend to wait for the federal government to act before addressing an issue. - Conservatives are willing to increase federal power, just as liberals are willing to expand state autonomy. - The federal government requires states to carry out actions to enact federal policy, but it always provides states the money to do so.

- The Supreme Court often must intervene to resolve balance-of-power issues between the states and the federal government. - Conservatives are willing to increase federal power, just as liberals are willing to expand state autonomy.

How does the White House staff differ from the Executive Office of the President? - The White House staff performs work and gives advice that is generally broader and more political in nature. - The White House staff is more formal and structured in nature. - The White House staff stays consistent in size, but presidents frequently grow or reduce the EOP based on personal preference. - The White House staff gives more technical advice on complex issues such as the budget and macroeconomics.

- The White House staff performs work and gives advice that is generally broader and more political in nature.

What was most responsible for the development of professionalized journalists and the norm of "objectivity" in newspapers? - Citizen literacy was on the rise, and people wanted to read the news. - The best way to appeal to a large audience is to produce a standardized, neutral news product. - The decline of political party machines made party-driven news economically infeasible. - Voters grew distrustful of politicians and sought new sources of information.

- The best way to appeal to a large audience is to produce a standardized, neutral news product.

Which statements accurately describe the Constitutional Convention of 1787? - The delegates were only interested in personal financial gain. - The convention was primarily organized by merchants and large planters. - The delegates were not interested in fundamentally changing the structure of government. - Many of the delegates were concerned with the protection of property.

- The convention was primarily organized by merchants and large planters. - Many of the delegates were concerned with the protection of property.

Which of the following statements about the size and growth of the federal bureaucracy are accurate? - The federal civilian workforce has decreased over the last 60 years. - The federal workforce has nearly doubled because of programs like health care and education reform. - Several recent presidents have made a point of campaigning against the size of the federal workforce. - Although the federal workforce has stayed relatively the same in numbers, it has grown as a percentage of the population.

- The federal civilian workforce has decreased over the last 60 years. - Several recent presidents have made a point of campaigning against the size of the federal workforce.

Match each economic philosophy with the statement that best represents it. (laissez-faire capitalism, supply-side economics, Keynesianism) - The government can control the business cycle by strategically spending or changing the tax rate. - The best thing the government can do for the economy is stay out of it as much as possible. - Lower taxes lead people to work harder, which increases overall revenue for the government.

- The government can control the business cycle by strategically spending or changing the tax rate. - Keynesianism - The best thing the government can do for the economy is stay out of it as much as possible. - laissez-faire capitalism - Lower taxes lead people to work harder, which increases overall revenue for the government. - supply-side economics

Match the correct document to its features. Constitution or Articles of Confederation - The national government is granted the authority to maintain an army and navy. - Amendments require unanimous support of the states. - It created an executive branch of government. - State laws and the state constitution are supreme.

- The national government is granted the authority to maintain an army and navy. - constitution - Amendments require unanimous support of the states. - AOC - It created an executive branch of government. - Constitution - State laws and the state constitution are supreme. - AOC

Which examples meet the definition of a government? - The population of an island gather once per year to settle grievances and find solutions to common problems. - A military commander seizes a country by force, replacing the existing government. - A nonprofit organization manages extracurricular and recreational activities throughout a country. - A group of tribal elders meets to discuss issues and make decisions for the tribe.

- The population of an island gather once per year to settle grievances and find solutions to common problems. - A military commander seizes a country by force, replacing the existing government. - A group of tribal elders meets to discuss issues and make decisions for the tribe.

Which of the following statements about poverty rates are true? - The poverty rate for American people aged 18 to 64 is lower than for those over 65. - The poverty rate for American households headed by a female is higher than for households headed by a male. - The poverty rate for minorities is higher than for White Americans. - The poverty rate for children is higher than for the overall American population.

- The poverty rate for minorities is higher than for White Americans. - The poverty rate for children is higher than for the overall American population. - The poverty rate for American households headed by a female is higher than for households headed by a male.

Which statement about interest groups is accurate? - Interest groups must be licensed by the government in order to operate. - A PAC is a kind of interest group that tries to influence court rulings. - The presence of a large number of interest groups would suggest a more pluralistic society. - Interest groups are concerned with the personnel of government, whereas political parties are concerned with the policies of government.

- The presence of a large number of interest groups would suggest a more pluralistic society.

Which statements describe limits to presidential power? - The public pays attention to the president. - Congress has the power of the purse. - The Senate must confirm many of the most important presidential appointments. - The president does not control foreign leaders' actions. - The president might face Congress being controlled by the opposition party.

- The president does not control foreign leaders' actions. - Congress has the power of the purse. - The Senate must confirm many of the most important presidential appointments. - The president might face Congress being controlled by the opposition party.-

The president wants to launch a new policy initiation. You are his communications adviser. Which of the following scenarios offers the best chance for the public appeal on the policy to be successful? - The president has a 40 percent approval rating, and the issue will narrowly contribute to some Americans' well-being. - The president has a 60 percent approval rating, and the issue will broadly contribute to most Americans' well-being. - The president has a 40 percent approval rating, and the issue will broadly contribute to most Americans' well-being. - The president has a 60 percent approval rating, and the issue will narrowly contribute to some Americans' well-being.

- The president has a 60 percent approval rating, and the issue will broadly contribute to most Americans' well-being.

Why does the president rarely get challenged by the Court? - The president nominates justices who agree with his approach to executive authority. - The president has control over the way "standing" in a case is determined. - The Court needs the president's support to enforce its decisions. - The president can shrink the Court if it challenges him.

- The president nominates justices who agree with his approach to executive authority. - The Court needs the president's support to enforce its decisions.

Which of the following represent actual restrictions or conditions imposed by the government on lobbying practices? - The size of gifts that members of Congress can accept from interest groups is limited. - Lobbying members of Congress is no longer permitted when the House and Senate are in session. - Trade associations must disclose the proportion of their dues that go toward lobbying. - Businesses may no longer deduct lobbying expenses.

- The size of gifts that members of Congress can accept from interest groups is limited.. - Trade associations must disclose the proportion of their dues that go toward lobbying. - Businesses may no longer deduct lobbying expenses.

Sort the following groups of Americans as to whether group members tend to support either the Republican or the Democratic Party - religiously unaffiliated Americans - evangelical Americans - African Americans - upper-income Americans - young Americans - southern Americans - coastal Americans - Jewish Americans

- religiously unaffiliated Americans - democratic - evangelical Americans - republican - African Americans - democratic - upper-income Americans - republican - young Americans - democratic - southern Americans - republican - coastal Americans - democratic - Jewish Americans - democratic

In the 1960s, state governments began to lose power relative to the federal government. What was the primary cause of this change? - The federal government began putting increasingly extractive tax burdens on the states to overcome budgetary shortfalls. - The states saw their power decline as the federal government worked to counteract state policies of racial segregation. - The federal government limited the power of state governments because state governments lacked the resources to carry out the War on Poverty. - State legislatures voted to give more power to the federal government by eliminating many of the reserved powers of the states.

- The states saw their power decline as the federal government worked to counteract state policies of racial segregation.

If a public-opinion survey suffers from selection bias, which of the following has occurred? - The survey organization did not contact enough respondents. - The survey has too many bandwagon respondents to be accurate. - The survey organization did not get a random sample. - The questions were not worded in a neutral manner.

- The survey organization did not get a random sample.

Imagine that you have been arrested for a speech criticizing the government. In which years and at which levels of government would this be an unconstitutional violation of your civil liberties? - The year is 1986, and you were arrested by the state government. - The year is 1986, and you were arrested by the federal government - The year is 1886, and you were arrested by the state government. - The year is 1886, and you were arrested by the federal government.

- The year is 1986, and you were arrested by the state government - unconstitutional - The year is 1986, and you were arrested by the federal government - unconstitutional - The year is 1886, and you were arrested by the state government - constitutional - The year is 1886, and you were arrested by the federal government. - unconstitutional

Which of the following is a primary limitation on digital political participation? - People do not find out about political news online. - There are clear economic and racial inequalities in access to digital information. - Digital participation has made campaigns even more expensive. - Digital participation does not foster real community development.

- There are clear economic and racial inequalities in access to digital information.

Identify the correct statements about the 2020 presidential election. - Suburban voters supported Donald Trump over Joe Biden, similar to the 2016 election. - Ideological moderates and independents supported Joe Biden over Donald Trump. - Trump carried non-college-educated voters by 10 percentage points. - There was a sizable gender gap among voters.

- There was a sizable gender gap among voters. - Ideological moderates and independents supported Joe Biden over Donald Trump.

How did the Articles of Confederation limit the powers of the national government? - The national army was given very limited funding. - The president had a veto over all decisions made by the Congress. - There was no president. - All 13 states had to agree to amend the Articles after it was ratified. - Laws passed by the Congress were required to be carried out by the states.

- There was no president. - All 13 states had to agree to amend the Articles after it was ratified. - Laws passed by the Congress were required to be carried out by the states.

Identify the correct statements about the 2020 Democratic Party. - Joe Biden showed a strong advantage from the very beginning of the Democratic primaries, preventing other candidates from gaining their footing to win delegates. - The Democrats had a brokered convention that nearly led to Pete Buttigieg winning the nomination. - The Democratic primary featured the most diverse field of candidates to date. - There were more than 20 candidates vying for the Democratic nomination.

- There were more than 20 candidates vying for the Democratic nomination. - The Democratic primary featured the most diverse field of candidates to date.

How do 527s and 501(c)(4)s differ from more traditional campaign finance groups such as political action committees? - These groups are not subject to the spending limits of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act - These groups have been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. - These groups cannot coordinate directly with campaigns. - These groups do not have to disclose where they get their money.

- These groups are not subject to the spending limits of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act. - These groups cannot coordinate directly with campaigns.

In which ways can bureaucracies pose a challenge to democratic governance? - They are not elected by the people. - They can become entrenched organizations that serve their own interests. - They hold expertise that is valuable in making good policy. - They can interpret laws and create rules in ways that a majority might oppose.

- They are not elected by the people. - They can become entrenched organizations that serve their own interests. - They can interpret laws and create rules in ways that a majority might oppose.

How are each congressional party's leaders chosen? - They are based on fundraising totals. - They are chosen based on seniority in the chamber. - They are selected by the party's members. - They are appointed by the national committees.

- They are selected by the party's members.

Why do party activists tend to devote their time to politics? - They don't have anything else to do. - They are required to do so to be a legal member of the party. - They feel they have a stake in election outcomes. - Party workers are well paid.

- They feel they have a stake in election outcomes.

The first spouse's role in the government has changed over time. Which of the following statements accurately describe the role they play today? - They often serve the head-of-government function of the presidency. - First spouses typically manage the day-to-day affairs of the White House staff. - They often serve the head-of-state function of the presidency. - Most first spouses adopt a policy area to focus on.

- They often serve the head-of-state function of the presidency. - Most first spouses adopt a policy area to focus on.

What are the consequences of people's lack of political knowledge? - Those with less knowledge can be more easily manipulated by elites. - It produces less polarization because these individuals are less likely to receive elites' messages. - It produces greater representation. - The lack of knowledge makes it more difficult for voters to act consistent with their interests.

- Those with less knowledge can be more easily manipulated by elites. - The lack of knowledge makes it more difficult for voters to act consistent with their interests.

Identify the examples of majority rule, minority rights, and/or direct democracy. Note, some instances can encompass more than one concept. - U.S. House passed the CARES Act as a response to COVID-19. - Several lawmakers want to protect the Senate filibuster because it allows a single member to hold up legislation unless a supermajority votes for cloture - Ten states have legalized marijuana for adult recreational

- U.S. House passed the CARES Act as a response to COVID-19. - majority rule - Several lawmakers want to protect the Senate filibuster because it allows a single member to hold up legislation unless a supermajority votes for cloture - minority rights - Ten states have legalized marijuana for adult recreational - majority rule; direct demo

What is true regarding socialization, the attitudes about political issues, and underlying political values? - Specific attitudes tend to shape underlying values. - Underlying values are formed through political socialization. - Underlying values tend to shape specific attitudes. - Specific issues are formed through political socialization.

- Underlying values are formed through political socialization. - Underlying values tend to shape specific attitudes.

Which reasons help to explain why military force is often the last resort for America? - American use of military force is potentially costly in terms of human life. - American use of military force is financially costly. - America's military is insufficient for most conflicts. - American use of military force becomes politically unpopular very quickly. - Use of military force is risky.

- Use of military force is risky. - American use of military force is financially costly. - American use of military force is potentially costly in terms of human life. - American use of military force becomes politically unpopular very quickly.

How has the government protected the right to privacy? - The framers explicitly included privacy among the civil liberties listed in the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution. - The government has never recognized the right to privacy. - Various Supreme Court cases have recognized the right to privacy. - The Supreme Court has generally limited the right to privacy.

- Various Supreme Court cases have recognized the right to privacy.

Which of the following elements do pollsters have to consider before conducting a poll that will forecast the election? - a large sample - ability to randomly select respondents - ensuring that respondents make socially desirable answers - wording of survey questions

- a large sample - ability to randomly select respondents - wording of survey questions

When is the "general election" period? - another name for the nomination period - after the party nominations have concluded - during the primary elections - before the nomination period

- after the party nominations have concluded

Match the groups with their positions during the Constitutional Convention and ratification. (both Antifederalists and Federalists, Federalists only, Antifederalists only) - argued that representatives must be "a true picture of the people" - wanted a limited government - attacked the elastic (or necessary and proper) clause - believed the Bill of Rights was unnecessary

- argued that representatives must be "a true picture of the people" - antifederalists only - wanted a limited government - both - attacked the elastic (or necessary and proper) clause - antifederalists only - believed the Bill of Rights was unnecessary - federalists only

In the context of understanding public opinion, which of the following is the best definition of values? - basic principles that shape a person's opinions about issues and events - a person's political party - a person's general philosophy about the role of government - a specific preference on a particular issue

- basic principles that shape a person's opinions about issues and events

Contrast the differences between block grants and categorical grants by matching each characteristic to its correct term. (offer more power to the federal government, offer more power to states, federal funds to states for a general policy purpose, federal funds to states for a specific purpose, offer more flexibility) - block grants - categorical grants

- block grants - federal funds to states for a general policy purpose; offer more flexibility; offer more power to states - categorical grants - offer more power to the federal government; federal funds to states for a specific purpose

Match each type of media source to its relevant characteristics. (digital media, broadcast media, newspapers) - broadest reach of all news sources - features the most interaction between audience and the press - oldest form of media - the most open to new participants such as citizen journalists

- broadest reach of all news sources - broadcast - features the most interaction between audience and the press - digital - oldest form of media - newspapers - the most open to new participants such as citizen journalists - digital

Match each feature to the committee it describes: 527 committees (Super PACs), 501(c)(4) committees, or both. (501(c)(4), 527 committee/Super PAC, both) - cannot spend more than half its revenue for political purposes - can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money - are required to disclose donors - cannot coordinate with a campaign or candidate

- cannot spend more than half its revenue for political purposes - 501(c)(4) - can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money - both - are required to disclose donors - 527 committee /super PAC - cannot coordinate with a campaign or candidate - both

Match the frequency of the election cycle to the corresponding election type. Drag each item on the left to its matching item on the right. Note that every item may not have a match, while some items may have more than one match. (four years, eight years, or two years) - congressional elections - midterm elections - presidential elections

- congressional elections - 2 years - midterm elections - 2 years - presidential elections - 4 years

Which of the following are advantages to online news? - currency - depth - diversity - cost - fake news - convenience

- currency - depth - diversity - cost - convenience

Sort the following into descriptions of de facto segregation or de jure segregation. - schools where students are predominantly of one race because of who lives in the neighborhood - segregation resulting from housing patterns - laws mandating separate dining facilities for minorities - policies restricting who can sit where on a public bus

- schools where students are predominantly of one race because of who lives in the neighborhood - de facto - segregation resulting from housing patterns - de facto - laws mandating separate dining facilities for minorities - de jure - policies restricting who can sit where on a public bus - de jure

In contemporary politics, which of the following political positions are more likely to be supported by liberals, and which are likely to be supported by conservatives? - extensive government intervention in the economy - cutting taxes and reducing government spending - stricter criminal justice laws - protection of rights for LGBTQ persons - expansion of federal social servicess - state-sanctioned expressions of religion

- extensive government intervention in the economy - liberals - cutting taxes and reducing government spending - conservatives - stricter criminal justice laws - conservatives - protection of rights for LGBTQ persons - liberals - expansion of federal social servicess - liberals - state-sanctioned expressions of religion - conservatives

Did the following Supreme Court cases grant power to the states or to the federal government? Match the case to the outcome. (United States v. Lopez Gibbons v. Ogden McCulloch v. Maryland) - gave power to the states - gave power to the federal government

- gave power to the states - US v Lopez - gave power to the federal government - Gibbons v Ogden, McCulloch v Maryland

Match the U.S. Supreme Court case to the effect it had on campaign spending. (Citizens United v. FEC(2010) or Buckley v. Valeo (1974)) - gave rise to SuperPACs - government could not restrict independent expenditures by corporations or unions - introduced idea that campaign contributions count as speech

- gave rise to SuperPACs - citizens united v FEC - government could not restrict independent expenditures by corporations or unions - citizens united v FEC - introduced idea that campaign contributions count as speech - Buckley v valeo

In which scenarios would evidence be subject to the exclusionary rule? - if police search a car for alcohol after noticing an intoxicated driver - if police entered your house without a warrant or probable cause - if police obtain a warrant before searching a house for weapons - if police used drug dogs on the front porches of houses

- if police entered your house without a warrant or probable cause - if police used drug dogs on the front porches of houses

Contrast the roles that the House and Senate play in the impeachment and conviction process by matching each chamber to its correct roles. - initiates the impeachment process - convicts or acquits the individual charged - charges an individual with "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" - involves a vote requiring a simple majority - involves a vote requiring a two-thirds majority

- initiates the impeachment process - house - convicts or acquits the individual charged - senate - charges an individual with "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors" - house - involves a vote requiring a simple majority - house - involves a vote requiring a two-thirds majority - senate

Which of the following are examples of a member of Congress performing "police patrol" oversight? - initiating a bureaucratic audit - responding to calls from lobbyists and concerned citizens - responding to reports by journalists about bureaucratic actions - interviewing senior bureaucratic personnel

- initiating a bureaucratic audit - interviewing senior bureaucratic personnel

Match each feature to either the Articles of Confederation or the Declaration of Independence. - limited the powers of the national government - emphasized importance of unalienable rights - allowed states to retain sovereignty - sought to develop a unified national identity

- limited the powers of the national government - AOC - emphasized importance of unalienable rights - DOI - allowed states to retain sovereignty - AOC - sought to develop a unified national identity - DOI

What are the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? (not a part of it or a part of it) - low-cost, government-run hospitals - individual mandate - a public option - state-based insurance exchanges - expansion of Medicaid

- low-cost, government-run hospitals - not a part of it - individual mandate - part of it - a public option - not a part of it - state-based insurance exchanges - part of it - expansion of Medicaid - part of it

Lobbying Congress involves engaging in which two main activities? - meeting with legislators and staffs - offering money to members of Congress to support their bill - convincing members of Congress to support a bill that the member is strongly opposed to - testifying at legislative hearings

- meeting with legislators and staffs - testifying at legislative hearings

What protections are guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment? - protection from self-incrimination - the right to a grand jury - the protection from unreasonable search and seizure - the right to a trial by jury in civil cases - protection from double jeopardy

- protection from self-incrimination - the right to a grand jury - protection from double jeopardy

Match each First Amendment concept to its definition. (public forum doctrine, speech plus, prior restraint) - protection of public spaces traditionally used for assembly - government efforts to block the publication of material - speech accompanied by actions such as protesting

- protection of public spaces traditionally used for assembly - public forum doctrine - government efforts to block the publication of material - prior restraint - speech accompanied by actions such as protesting - speech plus

In which of the following ways can a vice president help a president? - provide electoral support in regions of the country where a presidential candidate is weak - strengthen a presidential candidate in an area where they lack experience - provide gender, ideological, or ethnic balance to a ticket - vote for presidential legislation as it moves to the floor of the House of Representatives

- provide gender, ideological, or ethnic balance to a ticket - strengthen a presidential candidate in an area where they lack experience - provide electoral support in regions of the country where a presidential candidate is weak

Which type of interest group is most likely to be involved in protesting the expansion of oil pipelines in the United States? - government group - labor group - public interest group - economic group

- public interest group

Which amendment provides the most substantial grounding for modern civil rights legislation?


Which of the following were tensions at the Constitutional Convention of 1787? - amending the Articles of Confederation versus replacing them completely - slave states versus nonslave states - city power versus state power - national power versus state power - large states versus small states

- slave states versus nonslave states - national power versus state power - large states versus small states

Match each ideological group to the statement(s) they would be most likely tosupport. (liberals, socialists, libertarians, conservatives) - supportive of political and social reform - government that is as small and limited as possible - extensive government intervention to reduce economic and social inequality - most likely to oppose expansion of government activity and more supportive of traditional family arrangements.

- supportive of political and social reform - liberals - government that is as small and limited as possible - libertarian - extensive government intervention to reduce economic and social inequality - socialists - most likely to oppose expansion of government activity and more supportive of traditional family arrangements. - conservatives

Which of the following has caused an increase in the executive branch's delegated powers? - a series of Supreme Court decisions that have reinterpreted Article II of the Constitution - recent constitutional amendments broadening the president's powers - the shift toward a more bipartisan political environment in Congress - the expansion of the federal government's responsibilities - an inability for Congress to administer the programs it creates

- the expansion of the federal government's responsibilities - an inability for Congress to administer the programs it creates

Which of the following is the best definition of a party organization? - identification with or support of a particular party or cause - the formal structure of a political party, including its leadership, election committees, active members, and paid staff - individuals who organize to influence the government's programs and policies - organized groups that attempt to influence the government by electing their members to important government offices

- the formal structure of a political party, including its leadership, election committees, active members, and paid staff

What does it mean for a member of Congress to represent her constituents as a trustee? - the representative votes based on what she thinks is best for her constituency - the representative votes according to the preferences of her constituency - the representative receives substantial campaign contributions from voters outside her district - the representative ignores her constituency

- the representative votes based on what she thinks is best for her constituency

What is the goal of a push poll? - to distinguish between people giving true responses and socially desirable responses - to shape the respondent's perception of the candidate or issue in question - to collect as much public-opinion data as quickly as possible - to correct an error in a simple random sample that did not have enough respondents in it

- to shape the respondent's perception of the candidate or issue in question

Why do voters often support third-party candidates? - to show disapproval of the major parties - to support the candidates' positions - to get their preferred candidate elected

- to show disapproval of the major parties - to support the candidates' positions

Match each example of presidential power to the type of power it demonstrates. (expressed power, delegated power, inherent power) - use U.S. troops to initiate military conflicts - reduce "unreasonable" risks of injury from household products - appoint executive officers and federal judges (with Senate approval) - veto acts of Congress - remove officers of the United States from their position

- use U.S. troops to initiate military conflicts - inherent - reduce "unreasonable" risks of injury from household products - delegated - appoint executive officers and federal judges (with Senate approval) - expressed - veto acts of Congress - expressed - remove officers of the United States from their position - delegated

Which of the following beliefs did the Federalists hold, and which did the Antifederalists hold? Match each faction to its beliefs. - wanted to limit the power of the national government - preferred small republics of existing states - believed that most governments became "aristocratic" - believed that direct democracy was problematic

- wanted to limit the power of the national government - Antifederalists - preferred small republics of existing states - Antifederalists - believed that most governments became "aristocratic" - antifederalists - believed that direct democracy was problematic - federalists

Identify the forms of political participation as traditional or digital. - writing a blog post - participating in a protest - voting in an election - viewing TV campaign ads - attending a campaign event

- writing a blog post - Digital - participating in a protest - traditional - voting in an election - traditional - viewing TV campaign ads - neither - attending a campaign event - traditional

Which of the following is the best example of stare decisis? - An attorney uses a previous state court ruling to argue his client's case. - The government is being sued for unlawful discrimination by someone who claims to have been targeted because of his or her race. - An attorney argues that an employer broke a contract by firing the client without severance pay. - An attorney argues that an unlawful environmental regulation forced her client from her property.

An attorney uses a previous state court ruling to argue his client's case.

The ________ Amendment's ______ is primarily concerned with Congress sponsoring or favoring a specific religion, whereas the ______ has to do with Congress prohibiting or interfering with the practice of religion. (free exercise clause; Fourth; establishment clause; First; strict scrutiny standard)

First; establishment clause; free exercise clause

Place these actions in order from the earliest to the latest in the life of a House bill (assuming all actions occur). (bill goes to the Senate floor, bill goes to the Rules Committee, House bill proposed, bill receives a vote on the floor of the House, president signs into law, bill is referred to committee, bill receives a committee markup)

House bill proposed bill is referred to committee bill receives a committee markup bill goes to the Rules Committee bill receives a vote on the floor of the House bill goes to the Senate floor president signs into law

What is the difference between the implied and inherent powers of the presidency? - Inherent powers apply to all presidents, whereas implied powers are used by only one president in a unique situation. - Implied powers are needed to carry out a president's expressed powers, whereas inherent powers go beyond implied ones. - Inherent powers are those that are expressed in the Constitution, whereas implied powers are found in statutes and laws. - Inherent powers were established early in U.S. history, whereas implied powers were established only in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Implied powers are needed to carry out a president's expressed powers, whereas inherent powers go beyond implied ones.

How did the Supreme Court gain the power of judicial review? - Judicial review was established in Article III of the Constitution. - Judicial review was established by George Washington in Executive Proclamation 93. - Judicial review was established by Congress in the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789. - Judicial review was established in the decision of Marbury v. Madison.

Judicial review was established in the decision of Marbury v. Madison.

Which statement about socioeconomic status in the United States is true? - America has been a predominantly middle-class country since its founding. - More Americans are farmers now than in the past. - The number of poor and near poor Americans remains a small percentage of the population. - Wealth inequality has grown over the past 40 years.

Wealth inequality has grown over the past 40 years

What do policy analysts mean by the "feminization of poverty"? - Poverty is thought of as a female issue by most voters. - Female politicians are more likely to support higher welfare benefits than male benefits. - Women care more about poverty as an issue than men do. - Women in the United States are more likely than men to be poor.

Women in the United States are more likely than men to be poor.

If you were the president of a developing country and you wanted to get a low-interest loan to build some roads as a way of promoting trade, you might go to the ________. A few years later, imagine you are facing a massive budget deficit, and it looks like your nation might be insolvent. Before you get elected out of office, you might go to the ______ for an emergency loan. options: World Trade Organization, World Bank, United Nations, International Monetary Fund

World Bank; International Monetary Fund

What is an amicus curiae brief? - a brief submitted by a third party in hopes of influencing the justices - a petition to have the Court review a congressional statute - a petition for a writ of certiorari - a summary of the previous decisions that have relevance to a case

a brief submitted by a third party in hopes of influencing the justices

Select all of the voter eligibility requirements put into place by states during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries - ability to pay poll taxes - property ownership - gender restrictions - literacy tests - racial restrictions

all of the above

Imagine two government actions. The first is a Supreme Court ruling that the government cannot prevent someone from sending out pamphlets protesting a war. The second is a government agency that reviews complaints about racial and gender discrimination by employers. The first example deals primarily with ________, whereas the second deals with _____. (civil liberties, civil rights, redlining, civil disobedience)

civil liberties; civil rights

For much of the first half of the twentieth century, presidents and journalists had a fairly ____ relationship. This changed with _____ when journalists became more _____ with government officials. options: the Vietnam War, close, FDR's election, adversarial

close, Vietnam War, adversarial

Under President George W. Bush, and in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 and related concerns, America's security policy changed from one of _______ to a policy of ________. options: deterrence, isolationism, appeasement, preventive war

deterrence; preventative war

Imagine that the nation of Bermuda was trying to develop the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons, and the United States did not want them to do so. Order the following possible responses the United States could use, from the one that is likely to be tried first to the one that is likely to be used only as a last resort. (diplomacy, military force, sanctions)

diplomacy, sanctions, military force

Order these eras of federalism by when they first started, from earliest to most recent. (New, cooperative, dual)

dual, cooperative, New

In the United States, individuals accused or suspected of a crime are entitled to ____, which protects them from arbitrary action by ______ (bail, national or state governments, due process of law, the police)

due process of law; national or state governments

After the Civil War, three amendments to the Constitution ______ civil rights for African Americans. Once Reconstruction ended, however, _____ severely restricted the rights of African Americans, with _______ states taking the lead in segregating many public facilities. options: southern, Congress, limited, northern, expanded, Jim Crow laws

expanded; Jim Crow laws; southern

true or false: Civil rights are what the government must not do.


true or false: Lobbying refers to direct contact by an interest group specifically with a member of Congress.


true or false: Over time, the Supreme Court has been more restrictive in its protection of the right to privacy.


true or false: The Supreme Court is an active participant in the legislative process, as seen by how they often rule acts of Congress unconstitutional.


true or false: The gender gap, which was substantial in the 1980s, has decreased over time, and currently men and women voters have indistinguishable preferences


true or false: The original purpose of the Second Amendment was to provide for an individual right to bear arms


An economic "carrot," or incentive, is _______. An economic "stick," or punishment, is ______. options: diplomacy, arbitration, foreign aid, sanctions

foreign aid; sanctions

_______ and citizen interest groups are the most closely related types of interest group. options: professional associations, ideological groups, or trade associations

ideological groups

When have Americans typically been supportive of giving the national government power?

periods of economic downturn; periods of war

Negative campaign ads are more likely to address _______, whereas positive campaign ads tend to focus on _______ options: personal characteristics, endorsements, policy positions

policy positions; personal characteristics

Which of the following groups or organizations can initiate oversight of executive branch bureaucracy? - Congressional Budget Office - individual members of Congress - congressional committees - Supreme Court - private citizens

private citizens Congressional Budget Office congressional committees individual members of Congress

If a state gave its residents preference in obtaining work at the state's utility provider, this would likely violate which of the following constitutional clauses? - supremacy clause - interstate compact clause - full faith and credit clause - privileges and immunities clause

privileges and immunities clause

Suppose that a unit of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for subsidizing pharmaceutical companies to develop new drugs for treating certain difficult cancers. Because of the expense, most drug companies are reluctant to take on this work, and the few that do complain that it is more expensive than they anticipated given all the safety regulations they must follow. In response, the FDA decides to waive certain safety trials so that the remaining companies do not drop out of the initiative. The FDA's decision has the desired effect: most of the companies stay in the program. However, six months after the new drugs are released, they are found to have serious side effects, side effects that typically would have been noticed during some of the safety trials. What term describes the FDA's behavior in this situation? - privatization - oversight - implementation - regulatory capture

regulatory capture

If a TV station allows a state's Republican gubernatorial candidate to appear on a talk show but refuses to allow the Democratic candidate a similar opportunity, what regulation is the TV station guilty of violating? - the fairness doctrine - the right of rebuttal - the equal time provision - the Miller test

the equal time provision

True or False: The U.S. Constitution lays out a system of limited government


true or false: A bill may only be formally proposed by a member of Congress.


true or false: Compared with the network evening news shows (those on ABC, NBC, and CBS), cable news stations such as MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN offer more commentary and detail in their news product.


true or false: One of the major strengths of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was to give the federal government the authority to initiate enforcement of court orders or civil rights legislation, rather than wait for a claim to be brought by affected individuals or groups.


true or false: Redistribution is largely facilitated by a progressive tax system.


In August 2019, a(n) _____ from the U.S. intelligence community filed a complaint about a phone call between President Trump and the president of Ukraine in which the president was "using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election." The ____ protects those reporting mismanagement or corruption from punishment by their colleagues or superiors. options: inspector general, Whistleblower Protection Act, whistleblower, Pendleton Act

whistleblower; Whistleblower Protection Act

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