positive psych FINAL EXAM

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why is wisdom often considered the "master" virtue?

- Aristotle: wisdom enables discernment of the importance of other virtues and how they should be balanced - strengthening virtues = developing practical wisdom - practical wisdom: allows a person to navigate inevitable conflicts and translate character strength into real life scenarios and action - timing the use of virtues should be sensitive to contextual needs - Flowers (2005) believed wisdom is a virtuous character type

how is systems theory advancing the methods in which we study questions in the field?

- Focus on working on both strengths and weaknesses - Action research - Traditional research - Qualitative research that uses unstructured or semi-structured techniques to gather data - Examining the impact of the historical time period and sociocultural contexts - Healthy individual and group functioning

what are the key criteria for creating meaning in life?

- Greater harmony, coherence, and congruence - Serving others or dedicating oneself to a worthy cause - Creativity - Living life fully and deeply - Suffering - Religious experience

what are the key alternatives to happiness that are now being studied in the field?

the nature of well-being depends on: situation, stage of life, life experiences, and factors that make up an individual lifespan

why is forgiveness associated with improved health and well-being?

- Increases our shared humanity - it is a gift we give ourselves - increases one's sense of compassion - Hostility is linked to poor health outcomes

what do religion and spirituality have in common? how do they differ?

- both spirituality and religion require one to relate to something greater and also to have a degree of self-transcendence - religion is the search for the sacred within a traditional context usually done through a formal religious institution - spirituality is a personal or group search for what is sacred in life - a difference is that spirituality is more inclusive when searching for the sacred while religion is grounded in specific practices of an institutional form

what does research say about the relationship between religiousness and well-being?

- greater religiousness associated with higher well-being, people who are religious are less likely to have criminal activity, addiction, or other social problems - religiousness can increase positive emotional states and self virtues - biggest predictor in relationship and well-being is participation in religious activities like praying or going to church

what are some of the historical perspectives on wisdom and its importance?

- the ancient Greeks saw wisdom as the ultimate goal in life - the ancient Hebrews saw wisdom as leading a highly ethereal life

how is wisdom related to aspects of well-being?

- wisdom is correlated with life satisfaction, sense of mastery, purpose in life, physical well being - reflective wisdom helps buffer adverse life experiences

what are some of the key approaches for defining wisdom?

- wisdom is the knowledge of social, interpersonal, and psychosocial experience and it combines 2 forms of knowledge: LOGOS and MYTHOS - Kramer (2000) found 2 major elements of wisdom are an openness to experience and the ability to reflect and grapple with difficult life issues - webster measures 5 components of wisdom: 1. Openness to experience 2. Emotional regulation 3. Healthy coping 4. Reflection 5. Sense of humor

what are the demographic findings with regard to this relationship (e.g. gender, race/ethnicity, age, etc.)?

- women show higher relationships between well-being and religiousness - african americans show stronger relationships with well-being and religiousness - older adults show stronger relationships with well-being and religiousness

how has the understanding of leadership shifted historically?

-First belief was the "Great man" perspective, leaders are born and not made reference to people Like Abraham Lincoln -1900's Freudian theory-seeing figures as flawed and that their achievements were accidental. No such thing as leadership just possess certain characteristics. -1980's-1990's saw personality traits or competencies were indicators of successful leadership -Then came the transformational leadership theory

why have researchers prioritized studying forgiveness in relation to health and well-being?

-Forgiveness is a way to move past wanting revenge and to grow socially. -Women and older people more likely to forgive others -We study and practice forgiveness because long term rumination and anger doesn't hurt The other person but it hurts us. Forgiveness can help increase compassion and form Deeper connections with other people.

what are some of the key findings linking gratitude and appreciation to health and well-being?

-Gratitude is a human disposition cherished by many religions. -In positive psychology it is regarded as the quintessential trait in regarding the positive aspects of the world -Gratitude promotes increased social support and lowers stress and depression -Greater life satisfaction and optimism.

what does research say about the relationship between religiousness and physical health?

-People who are more religious are less likely to have illnesses, lower rates of cancer and heart attacks and have a greater tolerance for pain. - One study found religious people live an average of seven more years than non religious people. - Physiological factors that account for better health are lower blood pressure, better functioning of the immune system, less stress and worry.

what does research say about the relation between positive emotions in the workplace?

-People who have more positive emotionality are seen to be more enthusiastic, energized, have Greater job satisfaction, and more excited about their job. -Enhances problem solving skills and decision making. -Workers who experience more positive emotions are more sociable leading to better workplace organization

what are the key myths of career satisfaction and success according to Dr. Donald Clifton?

1. Fixing weaknesses is better to do than fixing our strengths 2. People can do anything they set their minds to. Better strategy to know weaknesses and Work with them.

what are the key traits of leaders that been studied in this line of research?

1. Possessing a broad vision- thinking big picture rather than small details. 2. Optimism and excitement about the future 3. Valuing individuals for unique talents and strengths 4. Dedication and hard work 5. Integrity 6. Providing clear directions and specific feedback 7. charisma

what is the 4 phase model of forgiveness?

1. Uncovering phase- people explore how anger and hate are destructive 2. Decision phase- Making a choice to forgive 3. Work phase- Tries to find an empathetic viewpoint as to why offended did what they did 4. Deepening phase- Person tries to see a deeper meaning

what are the 4 key predictors of wisdom?

1. intelligence: high scores of fluid and crystallized intelligence account for wisdom 2. Personality dispositions: openness to experience and life experiences 3. cognitive styles: 15% of wisdom, also creativity and thinking 4. Life experience

what are the key qualities of a positive work environment?

1. opportunity for personal control (people like having some freedom) 2. opportunity to use skills 3. reasonable external goals 4. variety (interesting work and chance to learn new skill) 5. environmental clarity (how well people communicate) 6. availability of money 7. physical security 8. supportive management/supervision 9. opportunity for interpersonal contact (supportive environment at work) 10. work is valued by society

how can the ways we define and understand a life well-lived be further expanded?

A life well lived can be defined as "worthy of admiration and respect," happiness should not be a pursuit in life but rather an outcome of a total involvement in life

what are the components of making life meaningful?

A model of meaning making (Park, 2011): - Feeling connected to something outside or larger than oneself - Searching for greater depth and significance in one's experience - Adapting to life events that challenge one's current sense of meaning

Desmond concepts (chapter 9-12)

Becoming Fearless attachment: acknowledge humanity, presence with suffering, rigidity non-attachment with compassion: thoughts as models, thoughts as traps, thoughts as friends Community as a refuge, community as a weapon: - The public health challenges of social isolation and loneliness - Community as a resource to help maintain the practice Your ten thousand hours: - mindfulness and compassion as committed action/values for self-care and social action - outlines multiple suggestions for ways of maintaining these practices individually and in community with others

what is cosmic or global meaning?

Cosmic/Global meaning is wondering whether life in general fits into a coherent pattern - it is searching for the design of the universe.

what is employee engagement? what components does it include and how is it different from the components of burnout?

Employee engagement is the positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind where people are vigorous, dedicated, and absorbed in their work. Engagement is characterized by energy, Involvement, and efficiency- opposite of the components of engaging exhausting, cynicism, and inefficiency.

how is wisdom understood within Erikson's developmental stage model?

Erickson sees wisdom as a virtue resulting from successfully aging - Wisdom as a stage of life and the virtue results from successfully resolving the integrity versus despair psychological stage (regret vs. meaning, acceptance of death)

what are the main elements of the job characteristics model (JCM)?

Five core elements of worker's behavior and attitude: 1. Skill variety- what types of activities and skills are needed 2. Task identity- how does the job require you to finish tasks 3. Task significance- how does the job positively affect others 4. Autonomy- How does the worker have independence in scheduling or work process 5. Feedback- how much information is given about performance

how has self-actualization been studied within the work environment?

Hoffman helped to develop a scale of employee self-actualization based on the framework of Maslow's motivation theory. Found that Maslow's hierarchy of needs applied worldwide to Self-actualization in the workplace.

what is the happy planet index? why was it developed?

How well nations are doing at achieving long, happy, sustainable lives - all cultures have a concept for the emotion of happiness. It assesses positive and negative emotions by examining basic human values. 19 values confined to 4 factors Nick Marks TedTalk: Costa Rica is the happiest country on the planet

what are some of the challenges associated with research in the regarding integrating other areas of psychology and values within the science of positive psychology?

It does not use a systems approach Relies too much on quantitative data Does not take a developmental perspective that pays attention to the developmental paths people take as they journey through life

how is wisdom understood from the perspective of post-format cognitive development?

It goes beyond Piaget's last stage of cognitive development which is formal cognitive development. Views wisdom as a highly complex problem-solving style. Emergent Wisdom (Basset): wisdom as post-formal cognitive development. Involves 4 major components: 1. Discerning 2. Respect 3. Engaging 4. Transforming

what is a main criticism of the positive organizational behavior (PO) line of research?

It overemphasizes individual traits and excludes situational forces + social contexts; has too many theories with unproven models and methods

what are some of the key suggestions for cultivating wisdom?

Reznitskaya and Sternberg (2004): - practice dialectical and reflective thinking skills - read the writing of important thinkers - interact with great works of literature and art - interact with other forms of media that consider life's complexities - read and reflect upon the biographies of individuals one considers wise - volunteer and find role models

what is the Balance Theory of Wisdom?

Robert Stenberg, tacit knowledge (found in personal experience) and personal values are used to find solutions to help with the greater good of society - the common good is achieved through balancing personal, interpersonal, and social interests to find the right solutions

why is self-forgiveness important?

Self forgiveness is letting go of the transgressions of oneself. Its letting go of self-criticism and Guilt - when we can make amends it helps us and others move forward in life

what are some of the key reasons why religion is related to well-being?

Social support: fosters a sense of community where there is a symbiosis between support Given and received Golden rule: do unto others as you would wish to be treated. (Better to give than to receive, Express gratitude, Forgiveness, Acceptance) - Healthy lifestyles: religious people do less risky behaviors - personality: focuses on the significant things in life

how is systems theory advancing the methods in which we study questions in field?

Systems theory is the integrated systems of mind. How all parts work together is more important than just one element. Body and emotions - describe complex causal relationships among a variety of different factors. Reciprocal Determinism: causality is no longer unidirectional but bidirectional and possibly transactional. A holistic perspective on psychological well-being Kennon Sheldon and Systems Theory: discusses biological processes, influence of society, and culture on behavior. Different levels of cultural influences

what are important cross-cultural and post-modern considerations for the field to continue to address the future?

The research findings of positive psych may only apply to North American / Western culture in this specific historical period rather than across cultures through time; different cultures vary in how they value individual competence. It also emphasizes individualism to a large degree, not compliant with postmodernism and other cultural views.

are employee engagement and job satisfaction the same thing? why or why not?

They have some similarities and differences. A worker may be content with their job but have Little involvement, absorption, or focus to do it - however both of these have a positive focus.

what are the key aspects of a transformational leader?

Transformational leaders increase qualities like self-confidence, intrinsic motivation, and self Expectations - they also unleash the power and talent of a group to help that group reach Success.

why does the field of positive psychology need to consider both positive and negative emotions?

We need to integrate negative emotions into positive psychology because they are a part of our lives too. We need to expand the idea that happiness is the sole criteria for well-being

how is wisdom understood as a form of excellence?

Wisdom as a specific type of excellence in the performance of one's life Baltes and Staudinger: wisdom as excellence in performance, wisdom is multifaceted, it involves interdependence between person and environment. It is easy to recognize but hard to achieve - too complex to quantify through existing approaches

what are the definitions and research related to compassion, empathy, self-compassion, and humility?

compassion: grounded in an ability to connect deeply with others, especially in regards to their suffering. Being able to be empathetic towards others and understand their experience is a crucial part of compassion empathy: the quality of feeling and understanding another person's situation in the present moment—their perspectives, emotions, actions (reactions) self-compassion: an open-hearted way of relating to negative aspects of oneself and one's experience that enables greater emotional resilience and psychological well-being. - harder to do than compassion towards others -Adults who are self-compassionate are less anxious and depressed -Women who are self-compassionate keep up with their diets better -People who are more accepting of failure more motivated for self-improvement humility: strength to forget self and learn to appreciate the world and connect with others -Humility is a buffer against stress -People who are more humble have better physical and mental health -Better self-esteem, gratitude, and forgiveness

what are the ways that are recommended for focusing on one's strengths, recognizing one's strengths, and developing one's strength within the work environment?

focusing on strengths: Examine what we do well and actively work to do more of this. Our weaknesses should be managed. Also focus on one strength and then more strengths Will fall into place. recognizing strengths (5 characteristics): 1. Yearnings- strong pulls we feel towards certain directions 2. Intrinsic satisfaction and feeling good 3. Learning comes easier 4. Activation of a strength leads to strong performance 5. When we activate a strength it usually takes less effort to do something developing strengths: -Strengths develop the best when they have a relation to other strengths- Interpersonal support, understanding, and empathy help foster the growth of strengths. -Strengths develop when we give ourselves positive expectations. -Finding a mission- like a commitment to the future or a passion.

how is forgiveness defined? what is forgiveness NOT?

forgiveness is a willingness to abandon one's right to resentment, negative judgment, and indifferent behavior toward one who unjustly injured us, while fostering the undeserved qualities of compassion, generosity, and even love. Forgiveness is not tolerating and forgetting an injustice, using denial or suppression, or condoning what was done

what is the difference between viewing work as a job, a career or a calling? what components does a calling include? is there a downside to viewing your career as a calling?

job: focusing on financial aspects of work and earning money to make a living career: facilitates achievements, motivation, and satisfaction calling: source of fulfillment and meaning components of a calling: 1. action orientation- doing rather than being 2. clarity or purpose 3. prosocial intention- desire to make the world a better place downsides of viewing job as calling: viewing your job as a calling can make it feel consuming and they may need help balancing their job with other aspects of their life (family and social)

how is prayer related to well-being and to physical health? what are the different types of prayer and forms of praying? how are these different approaches to prayer linked to different aspects of well-being?

prayer and health: Higher frequency of prayer is good for cardiac patients, greater mental health, Aids in the immune system and healing the six types of prayer: 1. Adoration- worship of God 2. Thanksgiving- thanking God 3. Petitionary- Divine intervention 4. Confession-Admitting sins to God 5. Obligatory- Ritualistic, fixed times 6. Reception- Openness to guidance linked to aspects of well-being: -Formalistic prayer is helpful for those with a strong need for order in their life -Colloquial prayers of thanksgiving can help those with a preference for emotional expression . -Three of the prayers; adoration, thanksgiving, and reception help people be more Optimistic, higher self esteem, and meaning in life. -Confessional prayer linked to negative well being.

character strength presentations and where they are housed under

teamwork - UNCC football team (housed under JUSTICE) persistence - Joe Bidden (housed under COURAGE) leadership - TSM Wardell (housed under JUSTICE) love of learning - Bill Nye (housed under WISDOM) social intelligence - Steve Harvey (housed under HUMANITY) kindness - Mother Teresa (housed under HUMANITY)

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