Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Signs and Symptoms

-Primary characteristic is re-experiencing the event and the feelings attached to it -Feeling detached -Less interest in previously enjoyed activities -Disturbed sleep -Exaggerated startle reflex -Poor concentration -Irritable/ Aggressive behaviors Comorbidities: Insomnia Depression Substance abuse

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Course and prognosis

Develops over time —depends on personality type and type of trauma and access to support. For a substantial group of individuals the condition is chronic. Good prognosis is predicted by: -Healthy premorbid function. -Less severe and briefer trauma -Good social support Women are more likely to have a better outcome than men. Individuals develop comorbid substance abuse in an attempt to self medicate Acute form more responsive to treatment than chronic. Children sometimes show later signs of personality disorder.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder impact on daily occupational performance

If trauma occurred in place that is difficult to avoid can be quite debilitating. Re-experiencing the trauma can be frequent and the accompanying fear, severe which leads to significant disability. Many individuals find it difficult to work. Social function can be greatly affected as a result of anxiety, irritability, and anger being directed towards others. Children affected have difficulties functioning in school Severe trauma may persist for years.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder diagnosis

In order to be diagnosed an individual's recollections of the event and symptoms must persist for at least one month and cause distress or dysfunction. The emergence of symptoms will follow a major life stressor. The individual may experience repeated and extreme exposure to details of a traumatic event leading to decreased interest or participation.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Precautions and Contraindications

Medication Management and side effects Be aware of client's triggers ex. Lots of noise, crowded settings, unsafe situations Consider how comorbidities can influence the recovery process

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Major treatments

Prolonged exposure: type of CBT; highly effective. Groups and other psychodynamic therapies. Medication- anti anxiety/antidepressants Mindfulness training Tai chi/yoga The sooner treatment is started the better the outcomes Remediation of the situation that caused the disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Cause/ Etiology

The cause is unknown. Differences in physiological resilience a genetic predisposition to condition, and an impairment in the hippocampus are thought to be linked to the disorder. A traumatic event, such as being the victim of a crime, must precede the onset

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Condition

a complex of symptoms in which an individual experiences unwanted and recurring recollections of some traumatic event

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Demographics of occurrence

can be diagnosed at any age. The NCS-R estimated the lifetime prevalence among adult Americans to be 6.8% The lifetime prevalence among men was 3.6% The lifetime prevalence among women was 9.7% The estimated lifetime prevalence among Veterans was 30.9% for men and 26.9% for women. Can be culturally based.

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