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Which category grades students based on the amount of background information they sought out and work they did to get ready for the discussion


How does preschool differ from daycare

Preschool focuses mainly on academics rather than play

What is another term for fantasy play

Pretend play

How can prior knowledge help both the student and the teacher succeed in the learning process

Prior knowledge is needed so a teacher can build new foundations

What should you do if there is a problem with safety in your classroom

Process the experience with your class;

Which of the following is an example of a fluency disorder


Before learning about differentiated instruction, a group of students were asked to guess the meaning of the term The teacher received four responses Analyze those responses and indicate which one best aligns with the concept of differentiated instruction

Providing students with different options for demonstrating what they have learned Jaelle is having difficulty learning his multiplication tables; What instructional strategy might Jaelle benefit from the most;Divide the class into cooperative learning groups and assign specific roles of collaboration for each member of the group;

Which of the following is NOT a part of culturally responsive teaching

Putting no expectations on students

Which of the following is an example of a warm-up activity

Question of the day

What community-based learning strategy is similar to volunteering, but also incorporates reflection

Service learning

What should expectations in the classroom look like for all students

Set high expectations but be flexible in the avenues to achieve those goals;

Why is it important to use different strategies when teaching ELL math

Students are at various levels and the teacher must meet all students' needs;

Administrators at Woodrow Wilson Middle School use tracking with their students, Based on this, what would you expect to find when touring their school

Students are segregated into different classrooms based upon their academic ability;

When using technology, what type of interactives are available

Students can engage in games, vocabulary, become an inventor, or other learning tools;

What are interactive activities that do not use technology

Students can participate with interactive notebook, manipulatives, or an other tool that engages critical thinking and problem solving

What is NOT considered community-based learning

Students handing out sales brochures at a mall for school fundraising

Why is a safe classroom environment important

Students learn better when they feel safe;

Which of the following learning situations is teacher driven

Students listen to a lecture about the Civil War

How might cultural differences influence student-teacher communication

Students might bring expectations for communication based on their home culture

Why are relationships important in early childhood curriculum

Students need to learn that they are loved and safe away from home

Dell made a list of the advantages of tracking, Edit his list by indicating which one he wrote in error

Students of advanced ability are held back from learning

Which of the following is a good example of an instructional objective for TEKS

Students will know the short 'e' sound

Sal is retired and in his late seventies. ALL of these are psychological disorders which commonly strike people like Sal

Substance abuse disorder, dementia, and delirium

Saying 'wailwoad' for 'railroad' is an example of


In classroom education, which is an example of a real responsibility

Sweeping the floor

Mr. Jones wants to incorporate an authentic activity to teach his students how to recognize maple trees, Which of the following is his best option

Take the students outside to show them a maple tree and point out the differences between the maple and other trees

How does decentration differ from centration

Taking into consideration multiple aspects of a situation only happens in decentration

The use of a K-W-L (know, want to know, learned) chart

Supports the activation of prior knowledge;

Which of these is NOT a method for independent learning

Teacher lecture

Which of the following is the BEST explanation of a communication channel

The medium by which a message is transmitted;

Grace believes that a person is born with a certain degree of intelligence and that the environment has little to do with it, Which theme in psychology does her belief represent

The nature vs nurture debate

What factor distinguishes developmental disabilities from other types of disabilities

The onset interferes with the achievement of developmental milestones;

Unless the state of residence mandates early childhood education, who can best assess a child's readiness for preschool

The parent(s) or legal guardian(s)

Which of the following statements describes children's language development in Asian cultures

They are more likely to be expressive-style language learners

Why should teachers use intrinsic motivational tools

They create interest, investment, and the desire to learn class material

How is a gifted child considered different from a normal child

They have outstanding abilities and are capable of high performance;

Why are the classics important

They have the potential to solve problems in any era;

Which of the following is TRUE about the importance of a teen's peer group during adolescence

They help the the teen become independent of his/her parents

Which of the following is TRUE for children who show signs of schizophrenia

They may not be diagnosed with early onset schizophrenia even if they show signs Early onset schizophrenia is diagnosed All of these are correct

What was the progressive education reformers' criticism of direct instruction

They viewed direct instruction as an ineffective, 'spoon-feeding' method of teaching;

What will be the eventual result of consistent considerate communication with students

They will reflect that consideration back to you and other students

All of the following are examples of the advantages of tracking in schools, EXCEPT

Tracking has been proven to be the best academic structure for reducing social inequality

Which of the following is NOT a type of human development


Understanding that the world changes is called

Transformative reasoning

Jean-Phillip likes to draw bar graphs of his spending habits, to help him understand his expenses so he can manage his money

What general type of problem-solving strategy is Jean-Phillip using;Graphic representations

A student offers original thoughts and ideas throughout the class discussion, even after she has been called on to speak

What grade in which category should she receive;A 4 in participation

Jimmy learns best when he is able to read a book about a certain topic

What is his preferred modality of learning; Linguistic

Which of the following questions should be considered when planning instruction

What is the educational objective for this unit;

You have assigned 15 multiplication problems as homework

What is this type of practice called;independent practice

Do all students have the ability to learn

Yes, but the classwork, instruction, and assessments may look different for each student;

Which of the following is TRUE about the influence of peers and parents on adolescents

Adolescents are influenced more by their peers than by their parents

Why would we expect grey matter to be very active during childhood

Because children are often discovering new things and need to process them

Why is inquiry important in the scientific method

Because developing a good question can be a great starting point for using the scientific method;

Why do some cultures believe girls should not be educated

Because girls are unable to contribute financially to the family

Why did Lev Vygotsky believe that teacher-student interactions were not the most effective form of social learning

Because he believed that people learn best from people who are just a little bit ahead of them;

Why is the successful completion of the trust versus mistrust stage important

Because if this stage is not successfully completed, the individual will become anxious and insecure;

Why is community-based learning considered authentic learning

Because it is based on real-life experiences

Why is the concrete operational stage an important developmental stage

Because it is when children learn to think about the world in complex ways

Why is intelligence testing not usually applicable to adults

Because it measures scholastic aptitude

Why do poorer students tend to have lower technological fluency than their more affluent peers

Because poorer students are likely to be exposed to technology later in their lives

How could a teacher use the human tendency to avoid negative things as a teaching technique

By taking a minute off of recess each time a student answers a question incorrectly

This is the stage of representation in which an object can be directly manipulated, but without an internal representation of said object

Enactive mode

Bruner's three stages of cognitive representation follow which order, from earliest to latest

Enactive, iconic, symbolic

Which of the following classroom activities promotes gender equity

Engaging in class discussion about stereotypes found in books and instructional material

What does the term ELL stand for

English Language Learner

What might be one way to solve a communication breakdown between a teacher and a student

Enlist help from the family

Which strategy for checking for understanding is used to allow students to write what they learned at the beginning or end of class

Entrance or exit tickets

Reflection encourages students to do what

Evaluate and analyze

What level of Bloom's taxonomy is demonstrated by students discussing the concept and one student saying 'That is so cool!' after class


What happens when people learn to work together for a solution

Everyone gets something

When designing lessons, teachers need to find _____ that engage the students in the material

Exciting hooks

What is a distinguishing characteristic between growth and maturation

Growth is limited, maturation is limitless

Which of the following is NOT a result of adolescents failing to adjust well

Growth spurts

What is a strategy for asking for help that will encourage students to try before giving up

Have students wait for a few minutes and attempt the activity before asking for help

What should a parent of a child who does NOT achieve key developmental milestones by a reasonable age do

Have the child seen by a physician;

What method might you use to teach students to hypothesize about a topic that cannot easily be tested in class

In this case, you should use historical investigation

What kind of problems might students use when hypothesizing via the problem-solving method

In this method, students should work with content or community-relevant problems

Which of the following is NOT a physical change that occurs during early childhood

Increased vocabulary

How should worksheets, workbook pages, and other short activities to check for understanding be completed


What does IEP stand for

Individualized Education Plan

During which of Erikson's stages do children begin to identify their strengths and take pleasure in their accomplishments

Industry vs; inferiority

What subject areas can involve interactive learning

Interactive learning can happen in all subject areas;

What is interactive learning

Interactive learning is a hands-on approach to help students understand the subject matter;

According to Vygotsky, what is the process of constructing an internal representation of external physical objects or actions


Which of the following phrases best describes intelligence

It is related to thinking and problem-solving skills

Why is encoding relevant for communication

It is the process of transforming a thought into a message that can be sent;

The model of reflection that can be applied to imagined or real situations is known as which model

John's Model

Manipulating the world in your mind to solve a problem is called

Mental operations

The ability to do mental problem solving is called

Mental operations

During middle childhood, a child's _____ body grows especially fast


What areas are important for the learning environment

physical, psychological and instructional

A headache is an example of _____ noise


Mr. Fukami often confuses his students when he gives them exams, because his questions are unclear, The students complain that they don't understand what type of answer he wants, and therefore they do badly on the tests, Psychologists might argue that Mr. Fukami's difficulty is that his questions are _____


The assignments and hands-on activities that are designed to enhance students' learning are called _____


The tests or student presentations that show what students have learned are called _____


Giving an open-ended, complex, real-world question to a group of students to solve is called _____ learning


Why was B.F. Skinner so focused on observing people's behaviors

He believed this was the best strategy for understanding how they learn

What is a daily review

A short recall session of previously learned material with students

A cornerstone of Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development is that society and culture play a key role in promoting development, What type of perspective is this considered to be

A sociocultural perspective

The idea of the Language Acquisition Device, developed by Noam Chomsky, could be described as

A specific area of the brain responsible for understanding the rules of language

Which of the following is NOT an example of hands-on instruction

A student records a live lecture on marketing strategies

The period of life between childhood and adulthood is called


What is differentiated instruction

It refers to teaching with individual student needs in mind; The most effective instructional materials _____;support a variety of learning styles

Why is early intervention for developmental abnormalities important

It will likely lead to increased self-confidence, academic success, and improved social interactions; How does the study of human development help us understand developmental abnormalities in children;It helps us understand what most children should be capable of doing at differnt stages of their life;

How is puberty different from the other changes experienced during adolescence

It's physical

This refers to a system by which schools categorize students

It's the same system by which societies categorize members;Stratification

Which of the following is an example of a developmental abnormality in children

Jake's learning abilities as well as social interactions are impaired and less developed than those of other children of his same age;

Which country has one of the world's highest rates of high school graduation


Miss Saylor is about to teach her second grade class about firefighters, Before she begins, she asks her students to write down what they already know and what they want to know about firefighters,Then, she asks them to write down what they've learned throughout the lesson, This is an example of a(n) _____

KWL chart

What is one strategy for ensuring physical safety

Keep your classroom neat and tidy

How is kinesthetic learning different from auditory learning

Kinesthetic learning is learning by doing while auditory learning is learning by hearing; Which would be considered an example of visual learning;A National Geographic video Your students are unruly and disruptive toward others; Which best relates to how you as a teacher would deal with this issue;Classroom management

What trend is seen in cultural diversity in the USA

Cultural diversity in the USA is increasing

What is curriculum

Curriculum is everything students learn, implicitly and explicitly

Which of the following statements is MOST associated with experiential learning

Learning through practice

An example of an idiom is

Let's break the ice

Which of the following statements BEST describes self-directed learning

Letting students choose what they learn;

What are the two main components to practicing understanding

Listening and stating how you feel

As a teacher, I can differentiate my instruction by changing the following aspects within my classroom:1 Content,2 Process,3 Product4 Size


Which of the following is NOT a strategy older adults can use to delay a slowdown in their cognitive development

Sleeping more

Why do adolescents go through puberty

So that they will be able to reproduce

Why is it important to teach students to create and test hypotheses

Students who can create and test hypotheses can think actively and critically about problems

Developmental milestones are events that assess whether a child is _____ in their development

advanced, normal, or delayed

Which is a guideline for incorporating multiple intelligences in your teaching:All of the answers are correct,Vary your lessons,Present information in a variety of ways,Allow students to complete work in different ways

all of the answers are correct

Which is an example of nonverbal communication:smiling,waving,winking,all of these

all of these

The Greek prefix dys refers to _____

an impairment of

The study of how people's thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and relationships change as they grow is referred to as _____

developmental psychology

What should teachers consider when designing the physical learning environment

different choices for groupings

Which type of language does a child first learn


Brandon is a toddler whose vocabulary consists of labels, such as 'doggie' for all four-legged animals and 'ball' for anything round His neighbor Cara, who is a few months older, says 'thank you' when given something, and 'good doggie' when she sees the family pet respond to a command. Brandon exhibits the _____ language style, while Cara is developing _____ language

referential, expressive

Paraphrasing is to _____

restate what has been said

What is the term for slowly removing any kind of assistance or help until students are able to work independently


Perennialism is the belief that

schools should focus on what's everlasting;

According to the information processing theory, information moves from _____, to working memory, to long-term memory

sensory storage

The period of development between ages _____ and _____ is known as the concrete operational stage


As per the 'Texas English Language Proficiency Standards' (ELPS), an English advanced student can generate writing that contains all of the following, exceptshared writing participation with some support,grade-appropriate language,structures comparable to the ones of a native speaker,Few errors

shared writing participation with some support

When information is stored in this type of memory, it is usually there for a few hours or maybe a day

short-term memory

What are guided learning groups

small, specific groups of students

Learning through interactions with others is called _____ learning


Some sociologists believe that _____ is a function of school that perpetuates inequality

social placement

Albert Bandura is famous for his contributions to the _____ perspective of educational psychology


Josh has difficulty following the classroom rules about getting along amicably with others, Josh could be _____

socially delayed

Curriculum planning and development is the process of looking at the _____ in each subject area and developing a strategy to break down these standards so they can be taught to students


An advance organizer provides structure for _____

student thinking

What are results of a positive learning environment

students who aren't afraid to make mistakes and feel comfortable with their teacher

New immigrants to the United States need to learn how to blend into the American way of life,A person making the above statement would most likely be a proponent of

the melting pot

The learning environment does NOT include _____

the number of books on the shelves

What is a learning environment

the physical, psychological and instructional atmosphere in a classroom

What is the learning environment

the space and framework where children learn

Visuals and manipulatives benefit diverse student populations because _____

they support multiple learning styles

How can a teacher positively impact the instructional environment

use lots of different types of instruction How can teachers create a positive learning environment with classroom space;create bright, clean and organized spaces

What is motivation

The inner drive to act

The period of time between age two and age seven is called

Early childhood

The time between ages two and seven is called

Early childhood

The inability to think about how others think or perceive the world is called


The inability to view things from others' point of view is called


When Sarah gets a pimple, she feels like everyone's looking at it, This is a symptom of


Erikson characterizes development as a series of _____

psychosocial stages

_____ leads to better _____

Attention, memory

What components does the ABCD method use

Audience, behavior, conditions, and degree of mastery

The process of making something automatic through lots of practice is called


Why is preparing to teach in a diverse classroom getting so much attention in the field of education

Because there is a cultural/racial achievement gap, and diversity is increasing

Which would be the least relevant lesson for a student

Singing one's favorite patriotic song for his or her history s

Many children in kindergarten enjoy playing 'house

' How does the value of play benefit young children, according to Vygotsky;Play should be encouraged because it promotes new cognitive skills;

''The study of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism will help students as they evaluate tourism's contribution to the economy


Active listening comes from the person-centered therapy of _____

Carl Rogers

Understanding that things can be reversed is called


What is communication

ways to let others know thoughts and feelings

What three ways can teachers support learners during guided practice

whole group, small group, individually

The syllable level is where individual sounds are paired with a vowel. This level eases the transition from the isolation level to the _____ level


Things that just happened a few seconds ago are stored in _____, which is very limited

working memory

According to Renzulli, at the _____ of above-average ability, task commitment, and creativity

you will find gifted behavior;

Changing one's behavior to reach harmony with the environment is called


The time between childhood and adulthood is called


The time of life between childhood and adulthood is called


According to Bruner, a child between the age of one and six exists in the

Iconic stage

The benefits of preschool include

Socialization and learning from peers

What is reinforcement

Something that you or others do that make a desirable behavior likely to occur again

Schools categorize students in order to place students into the groups and programs that will maximize their value to society,This is why schools are sometimes called

Sorting machines

What is arguably the most important category for a class discussion rubric


What does the letter 'S' represent in SMART goals


Which of the following statements about standardized testing is NOT true

Standardized tests are considered the most accurate and equitable measure of student performance

When planning a curriculum, what should a teacher consider first


Believing that the world is always the same is called

Static reasoning

What simple strategy can make Cold Calling more effective

Stating the question first

Which strategy for checking for understanding can help you see how a student is progressing in their learning

Student journal

How might using a vocabulary box help benefit an ELL student

Student taps into background knowledge and finds real world application;

What is a useful starting word for making an open-ended question


A teacher makes sure to take time to encourage each of their students, no matter how poorly the student is doing in the class

Why might this teacher be called a humanist;Because they believe that all of their students should live up to their potential;

Which is an example of intrinsic motivation

A feeling of accomplishment

this student receive according to our example rubric where 4 is the highest score and 1 the lowest


According to emotional development theories, _____

11-year-olds are better at understanding other people's emotions than 3-year-olds

Based on recent research by the CDC, what is the prevalence rate of developmental disabilities in the United States


How many minutes is the average adult's longest attention span

20 minutes

How long does puberty generally last

4 years

The average age range of compulsory education laws across the U.S. is _____


Middle childhood is the period of life from ages _____ to _____

7, 12

Middle childhood is the period of life between ages _____ and _____


June was born 6 years ago and is currently in the first grade, If June is found to be reading at a third grade level (that which is typical of children who are 8 years old), then her mental age is _____, which is _____

8; advanced

Which of the following scenarios would support the nativist perspective

A child puts words together to create sentences he has never heard before

Which is an example of an individually appropriate consideration for a student

A child's personal interests

What is a tool you can use in the beginning of the year to show students that giving their best effort is a core principle of the classroom

A classroom contract

What is a classroom community

A cooperative environment within a classroom, in which students play different roles, holding varying responsibilities, and successfully navigate interactions amongst one another;

Which of the following would BEST support student engagement in the classroom

A discussion on a learning concept depicted on a popular TV show

Which is the most accurate definition of an IEP

A document that tells teachers what academic and behavioral areas a student is working to improve

What is a hypothesis

A hypothesis is a testable theory about a question or problem

Which of the following attributes is not considered visible diversity

A person's education

Dr. Carter teaches psychology and gives a PowerPoint presentation during each of her class sessions

A presentation is an example of _____;expository instruction

A student who has difficulties with inattention would likely benefit from which of the following

A seat in the classroom that offers minimal distractions

Which best defines independent learning

A self-guided process to expand knowledge and skills

What is a self concept

A set of abilities and opinions by which we describe and categorize ourselves;

What is a warm-up activity

A short activity to help students get ready to work and learn

Which of the following is NOT an example of an outward sign of learning

A student who is staring at the floor

Which of the following is an example of mentoring in education

A teacher meets one-on-one with a student to provide guidance and extra help

What is Bloom's Taxonomy

A way of organizing the cognitive skills necessary to complete tasks from lowest to highest

Articulation deficits include all of the following EXCEPT:Distortions,Substitutions,Eliminations,Omissions


What should to do if you find that students aren't understanding the material you are teaching

Adjust your teaching to help students gain a better understanding of the material;

Soheil tries a new study strategy to prepare for an important test, then gets an A on that test

According to Thorndike's Law of Effect, how is Soheil most likely to react;Soheil will probably use that study strategy the next time he prepares for a test;

Bryan has autism, and often seems aloof and standoffish

According to experts, this is because _____;he doesn't adequately understand emotions and empathy

What part of the SMART learning objectives ensures that the learning objective is realistic


What is one thing questions are really good at

Activating prior knowledge

Which of the following BEST defines the cooperative learning method known as reciprocal questioning

After a presentation, students ask and answer each others' questions, with 'stem' questions provided by a teacher

Which of the following activities BEST aligns with the concept of practical learning

After learning about current social issues, students write letters to elected officials urging them to action

What types of experiences should teachers provide to build confidence and independence in their students

Age-appropriate and individually appropriate experiences

_____ designed the first intelligence test

Alfred Binet

What can smartboards be used to display to the whole class:Games that the class can play together,Educational content such as videos,All of these answers are correct,Educational websites

All answers are correct

What is included in invisible diversity

All answers are examples of invisible diversity

Realia might be:All of these are correct,Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in front of the class using English to describe every detail,Running around the room to demonstrate the verb,to run,Pointing to your shoe

All are correct

What is a common issue middle and secondary school students go through:Issues with authority,Rejection,All are correct,Romantic relationship challenges,Problems with peers

All are correct

Besides being affected by one's own life at school, a teen can often become upset about:A divorce or remarriage,Not getting along with parent,Family changes, A death of someone close to them,All are correct

All are correct Darla is a 15 year old who just started at a new school and is having trouble making friends; There's a good chance Darla is feeling;Socially inadequate

What is a benefit to community-based learning

All of the above

The hook used to teach a lesson should:Engage students' curiosity,All of the answers are correct,Draw on the content of the lesson,Be exciting to students

All of the answers are correct

What are some typical responses of students when asked to think reflectively:Some students have difficulty with the process,Some students do well with the process right away,Some students simply balk,All of the answers are correct

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following are elements of cooperative learning, as identified by Johnson and Johnson:Positive interdependence,Individual accountability,Face-to-face interaction,All of the answers are correct

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following is a benefit of a flipped classroom:More instructional time devoted to complex tasks,Students can take as long as they need to understand fundamental concepts,Parents can be more involved in their children's education,All of the answers are correct

All of the answers are correct

Which of these are key factors to quality independent learning activities:Activities need to be organized and well-managed,It should be built on standards-based curricula,All of the answers are correct,Students need to be held accountable

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following is NOT a cause of developmental delay in children

All of the options are causes of developmental delay in children;

What are the components of quality instruction:independent practice,guided practice,all of these,direct instruction

All of these

What is an important aspect of the learning environment:all of these,allowing all students ways to make sense of new ideas,engaging students in,decision-making,promoting problem solving

All of these

Which of the following is a benefit of using warm-ups and daily reviews:All of these,They help students transition from class to class,They provide student with necessary practice,They help scaffold student learning

All of these

According to the SMART learning objective formula, which of the following clearly shows a measurable goal for a student studying astronomy:Students should be able to complete quizzes about the properties of each planet,Students should be able to create a visual presentation about each planet,Students should be able to verbally describe the properties of each planet,All of these answers are correct

All of these answers are correct

For what can a student use a laptop or computer in the classroom:All of these answers are correct,Use education tools,Produce work,Access educational websites

All of these answers are correct

Which is a skill used when note-taking or summarizing:vaulting,analyzing,being metacognitive,All of these answers are correct

All of these answers are correct

Which is an example of autonomy:All of these are correct,Students making choices for themselves,Students letting their preferences be known,Students who are sure of themselves as individuals

All of these are correct

On which of the following situations is an advance organizer being used:All of these are examples of an advance organizer,Asking students to draw a diagram to compare and contrast yesterday's topic with the topic about to be covered,Asking students to write down what they already know and what they want to know about firefighters before learning about firefighters,Using an analogy to relate the social interactions of bees in a hive to that of humans in a community

All of these are examples

Which of the following examples represents a function of a school,Transmitting knowledge and academic skills,Teaching students how to interact with others,Transmitting cultural norms and values,All of these are true

All of these are true

Carol, a teacher in Texas, has a beginning English language learner in her class this year

All of these expectations are appropriate in regards to the student except;Student will reach an advanced-high level if s/he works hard;

Which is a characteristic of a learner-centered classroom:teachers get to know students well,teachers and students set short- term goals,flexible groupings are used,all of these are correct

All of theses are correct

What is communication:Communication is nonverbal cues,Communication is written language,Communication is talking,All other answers

All other answers

What should you do if a student seems very uncertain when you question them

Allow them to turn to a friend or classmate for support;

Which one of the conditions below is NOT considered a developmental disability

Alzheimer's disease

If a student notes a connection between how much they practice kicking a ball and how well they play soccer, then what have they formed

An S-R bond

Which of the following can be used as an advance organizer

An analogy comparing something that is seemingly unrelated to the new topic;

Which of these is a concept attainment strategy

An art teacher wants his students to learn what watercolor paintings are and are not; He holds up pictures of watercolor paintings and says, 'yes,' and pictures of non-watercolor paintings and says, 'no' so that the students can figure out the common concept;

What is personal diversity

An individual's unique blend of visible and invisible diversity traits

School initiatives designed to discourage and end bullying are called what

Anti-bullying campaigns

Standards-based assessments are typically

Any assessment that meets the intent of the standards

Guided practice can be used in

Any class where English Language Learners and other students need support;

The term 'developmental disabilities' describes

Any one of three main conditions that emerge during key developmental periods in adulthood which significantly,Any one of a number of conditions that emerge during key developmental periods in childhood which significantly impact a person's physical,cognitive, or behavioral health

Who developed the philosophy of realism


Linda did not put in enough time to memorize her character's script for the school play rehearsal

As a result, her teacher gave the part to another student; Linda learns not to repeat the action if she wants to have a major role in future plays; Which of the following explains this outcome;The law of effect

How should you view the parents of your students

As partners

How can you use questioning to assess your students' understanding

Ask questions midway through your lesson;

If a teacher is trying to use culturally relevant pedagogy she would most likely use which of the following instructional strategies

Ask students to explain the course material by using their own experience to clarify the information;

Richard Daniels has three older siblings who did well in school

At school, every time he meets a new teacher, he usually receives a big smile and is told something similar to, 'I know you'll do well; All of the Daniels kids are smart;' His teachers often call on him in class and value his input; Richard works hard to live up to this expectation; As a result, he performs well academically; This is an example of _____;The Pygmalion effect

A good time for a reflective, downtime activity would best occur

At the end of class;

Control of _____ improves in middle childhood


What psychosocial crisis results in either a feeling of confidence or inadequacy

Autonomy vs shame and doubt Mary is beginning to see herself primarily as a musician, and is focusing less on activities that don't relate to music; Mary is in which of Erikson's stages;Identity vs; role confusion Traditionally, intelligence has been defined as;Scholastic aptitude

Students' prior knowledge is the same as their

Background knowledge

Maria studied hard and received an A on her history assignment, She felt proud and was reinforced to continue to study hard for every history exam, Which motivational perspective is represented in this scenario

Behaviorist perspective

Which of the following statements is part of Thorndike's Law of Effect

Behaviors followed by reinforcements are more likely to occur again in the future;

If you graphed every IQ score in the world, the graph would resemble that of a _____


U.S. schools serve two main purposes

Besides education, U.S. schools are meant to provide;Socialization

Which of the following descriptions best fits both the controversies of self-fulfilling prophecies and tracking in education

Both deal with how the expectations of others affect student performance After observing her lesson, Ms.Jones' principal encouraged her to use some within-class ability grouping; What might the principal expect to witness in future observations;Students are placed into small groups within a single classroom based upon their performance level;

Scaffolding instruction allows teachers to

Break instruction into smaller components so that students can organize information;

Brian doesn't like being told what to do, He feels bossed around by his parents and doesn't want to listen to his teachers

Brian has a(n);Issue with authority

Which is NOT a component of learning objectives


What is an example of constructive play

Building a city made out of blocks;

Which of the following is NOT true

Bullying is behavior that can be dealt with through planned ignoring

Why are self-directed learning and self-evaluation key elements in building lifelong learners

By combining a knowledge of how to learn with a knowledge of their own weaknesses, they give people the tools they need to learn new things;

How can teachers help students with little access to technology

By giving them extra time to explore technology;

Why is chunking helpful

By grouping pieces of information together, they become easier to remember;

How can teachers develop interpersonal and intrapersonal skills in their students

By having the students work in groups;

How could a teacher use the human tendency to strive for positive things as a teaching technique

By making a wall chart to record each time a student handed in homework on time with a star

How does school often influence a student's cognitive development

By offering more challenging subjects

Which of the following behaviors would NOT be considered characteristic of a child with hyperactivity

Calling out frequently without waiting be called upon

Focusing on one aspect of a situation and ignoring others is called


Which activity provides an alternative way for students to communicate besides speaking

Chalk Talk


Chang's class is starting a six-week unit on plant growth; Which of the following activities would she MOST LIKELY use to incorporate experiential learning;Students each plant seeds in pots then track the growth progress over the course of six weeks

With regard to religious diversity in the classroom, which of the following is something that a teacher would not do

Change policies regarding separation of church and state

Jenny is teaching a unit on decimal numbers, but she's noticing that her students find the lesson too easy, What should she do

Change the lesson to make it more challenging What is prior knowledge;What is already known about a topic Which two things should teachers keep in mind when planning instruction to maximize student learning;Student interest and prior knowledge

Which description best describes modifications

Changes to what the student learns;

Which of the following occurs during the preoperational stage of development

Children become inquisitive and uses mental representations for objects

All of the following statements are true about language development in children EXCEPT

Children who are emotionally reactive develop language quickly

Which statement is correct

Class discussions teach students essential life skills;

At the PTA meeting, several in attendance spoke out against tracking Which argument was counterproductive

Class division always leads students to develop lifelong feelings of self-confidence;

Understanding that one category of things can contain another category of things is called


Which of the following statements about effective classroom management is FALSE

Classroom management should include no less than 10 classroom rules

Growth and change of thinking skills is called

Cognitive development

Growth in thinking skills is called

Cognitive development

Intellectual growth is called

Cognitive development

The process of growth in the area of thinking is called

Cognitive development

When working memory is overtaxed with too much information, it results in

Cognitive load;

Which of these is perhaps the oldest questioning technique

Cold Calling

What is considerate communication

Communication where everyone is respected for the values, beliefs, and ideas

What type of community-based learning strategy solves a community problem

Community-based research

Which tool can help a teacher produce lessons or, through connecting with a projector, show the classroom educational content


This is the theory that describes learning as an active process of constructing new ideas or concepts based on previous knowledge


Reflective thinking is what type of process


Which educational perspective proposes that the responsibility of learning falls on the learner rather than the teacher


What is a class discussion

Conversations that involve every student in the class and require them to use their knowledge of a topic to participate thoughtfully

Which of the following is an example of reversibility

Counting forwards and backwards

Why are crash diets not recommended for children

Crash diets deprive a child of nutrients crucial for health and growth

Carlos needs to develop a website for his computer technology class, What level of Bloom's taxonomy is demonstrated by this assignment

Creating (synthesis)

The process of change that all humans experience is called


The psychologist who developed the theory of egocentrism was

David Elkind

Conservation depends partly upon


All of the following can be expressions of a developmental abnormality in a child, EXCEPT:Difficulty with social interactions,Cognitive dysfunctions,Decreased emotional expressions,Physical delays

Decreased emotional expressions

In the IDEAL Strategy, what does the letter 'D' stand for


How is developmental abnormality defined

Development that is significantly delayed or different from that of peers;

During middle childhood, which of the following is TRUE

Differences in the sizes of children become more marked

Which of the following lists the four stages James Marcia outlined for identity status, in the correct order

Diffusion, Foreclosure, Moratorium, Achievement

Which type of instruction puts the teacher in the role of controller or organizer

Direct instruction

Which of the following is an example of a phonological process disorder

Dot for got

What does Mr, Jefferson's yarn activity help students learn

Each other's names and attributes, as well as teamwork

Which of the following is a modification

Eliminating an answer choice on a test;

Refining your knowledge of a word through multiple exposures is an example of

Extended mapping

Withdrawing a reinforcement that leads to behaviors stopping is called


What is the main difference between extrinsic motivators and self-evaluation

Extrinsic motivators rely on motivation from outside the individual, while self-evaluation relies on motivation from within the individual;

Which of the following BEST describes the early childhood teacher's role during play

Facilitator and observer

What can you do if you want to make sure your goals and objectives are aligned with TEKS

Familiarize yourself deeply with the standards for your grade

Learning a new word after only one or two exposures to the word is an example of

Fast mapping

When a toddler repeats a curse word, it is an example of

Fast mapping

_____ mapping involves learning a word quickly, but _____ mapping can refine the definition and increase accuracy of vocabulary

Fast; extended

Which of the following steps occur the least in the communication process


Which of the following is NOT a type of graphic organizer


________ allow students to organize information ____, linearly, or in a cyclical fashion

Flow charts; chronologically

A child with Asperger syndrome would likely experience difficulty in all the following situations EXCEPT which one

Following clearly written instructions to assemble a remote-control helicopter

Which of these involves having students move around the classroom

Four Corners

Which of the following statement about growth is FALSE

Growth impacts the mind

Why are games with rules helpful to children

Games with rules help children learn how to follow life's rules;

The model of reflection that takes students through a 5-step process of asking key questions is known as what

Gibbs' Model

Which of the following scenarios is the BEST example of the typical presentation of early onset bipolar disorder

Gina is depressed most of the time and has only had very brief periods that may have been mania

How do boys and girls compare with regards to physical development

Girls develop before boys do

You notice several students in your class are struggling with a concept that will be built on in further lessons

Given what you've learned about scaffolding, you should _____;provide extra support for those students to help them master the concept; All of these are possible ways to scaffold a unit about the Revolutionary War EXCEPT for _____;Teach one class period lesson that covers all aspects of the War in a lecture format What is the main purpose of scaffolding instruction;Breaking up information into smaller chunks to provide support for student learning Scaffolding instruction can help you better identify which students; Students that are having trouble and need extra support

Analyze the statements below and indicate which one BEST distinguishes between positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement

Giving a student something that he or she does want is called;Positive reinforcement means giving a student something he wants while negative reinforcement means taking away something the student does not want;

Which of the following typical classroom experiences might be based on the principles in Thorndike's Law of Effect

Giving students gold stars for good behavior, to increase how often they show these behaviors;

Which answer choice represents an example of effective academic instruction for students with ADHD.Using learning assessments to gain an understanding of the most effective ways for students to learnAll of the following are examples of a classroom accommodation EXCEPT _____

Giving students with ADHD additional time to submit assignments that involve writing

Differentiated instruction maximizes all students' potential by

Giving them multiple opportunities to grow in ways that work for each student

What is one important criterion for an instructional goal

Goals should be realistically attainable

How does puberty begin

Gonadotropins are released, activating the sex glands;

What can technology never replace

Good teaching methods

Which of the following is NOT a developmental skill used for measuring a child's development

Gross anatomy

Which of the following is NOT a step in PBL

Group development of solutions

Which of the following statements is NOT true

Having a developmental delay is not the same thing as having a developmental disability, though it is possible for a developmental delay to develop into a developmental disability if left untreated,Child abuse or neglect can lead to developmental delay,Symptoms of developmental delay are the same no matter the type of developmental delay;

What is peer teaching

Having students develop a lesson to give to other students

Which is the best example of an engagement strategy

Having students perform a mock trial

Edgar teaches literature at a public high school

He focuses his curriculum on books by writers like Locke, Homer, and Marlowe; What are these works called;Classics What key idea surrounding the classics does Shakespeare's writing his famous play Macbeth exemplify;Great Conversation

Sam's younger brother stops crying when he hears a specific nursery rhyme As a child, Sam plays the song often for his little brother; As an adult, Sam tries to play the same song for his own child; Sam's behavior is an example of learning because

He has changed his behavior based on his environment

Johny is a second-year freshman

He is having some difficulties in understanding his professor because he did not have enough sleep; Why is this an example of noise;His fatigue is preventing him from decoding the message;

Slang learned outside of the class may have to be defined for ELLs, an example of this is

He scarfed his food down

Hector showed his students how to create a box out of notebook paper

He then asked them to take out a few pieces of paper and try it for themselves; This is an example of _____;direct instruction

James is struggling in school

He was born twelve years ago, but he is having difficulty answering the types of questions in class that can be typically answered correctly by other twelve-year-olds; His IQ seems more in line with that of an eight-year-old; What is James's chronological age;12

What is one strategy for ensuring emotional safety

Help students learn language for talking about their emotions;

What does Mr, Jefferson do to help his students be more independent when communicating with each other

Helps them practice good communication and problem-solving skills

General 'mental short-cuts' or quick decision-making rules, such as, 'you get what you pay for' or 'shorter lines move more quickly' could be considered what type of problem-solving strategy


A school's _____ unintentionally teaches students the social attitudes and habits that will allow them to fit into society

Hidden curriculum

What did Robert Rosenthal show in his 1964 classroom experiment

High expectations lead to greater success, low expectations lead to lesser success

Which of the following does NOT affect growth spurts

High grades

How does motivation affect learning

High levels of motivation will increase persistence, enhance cognitive processes, and lead to improved performance;

Ahmed is a student from Lebanon

His knowledge of the English language is limited; This limited knowledge probably means that his reading level is;Intermediate

All of the following are examples of environmental influences on gender differences, EXCEPT


What do student jobs in the classroom help students emulate

How people are responsible for jobs in a large-scale community or society

Laura is enjoying her debate class and the views her other classmates are bringing up

How would you describe the stage of development she has reached;She is now in the formal operational stage of development;

Who first proposed the idea of multiple intelligences

Howard Gardner

This refers to the knowledge and skills necessary to make a person more productive in, and valuable to, society

Human capital

After doing well in a several AP Biology classes and performing a lot of research, Juan has decided he wants to become a doctor Juan is mostly likely in what stage of development

Identity Achievement

Which is a good example of the outcome step of the WOOP process if a student's goal is to get an 80% or higher on their history test

If I get an 80% or higher on the history test, I will no longer have a failing grade in history class; My parents will allow me to spend more time with my friends if I am not failing;

The belief that everyone is paying attention to you is called

Imaginary audience

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of dysgraphia

Impairment in reading

Teachers often have students with different skill levels in their classrooms at the same time

In order to meet the needs of all students, teachers must do what; Differentiate instruction

How can educators use indices of motivation

In the classroom, educators should use the indices of motivation to reinforce activities and interests that students already show an existing partiality for;

Why do progressivists emphasize the scientific method

It allows students to study aspects of the world in a way that interests them

Why do schools utilize blended learning

It allows teachers to personalize student instruction The _____ is a special type of _____ model where students participate in online activities prior to each class session;flipped classroom, rotation What of the following phrases best describes blended learning;It combines elements of face-to-face and online instruction; Which of the following is NOT one of the benefits associated with using student blogs as a learning tool;They can introduce students to a topic; Which of the blended learning strategies can be helpful for students who are shy or may need time to process class information;Discussion boards Which of the following is NOT a benefit of student-centered instruction;Increased dependence Traditional lecture in a classroom is an example of _____;teacher-centered instruction

All of the following statements are true about adolescent sexual development, EXCEPT

It begins at the same age for everybody

How does play benefit children

It can help increase their social and thinking skills;

How does egocentrism evolve through the stages of development

It first appears in the preoperational stage, subsides in the concrete operational stage, and re-appears in the formal operational stage

Why is critical thinking important for learning

It gives students the ability to reach a deeper understanding of the material and create solutions; How does student-centered learning benefit learners;It helps students retain more information and have a high rate of learning and motivation; The origins of student-centered instruction lie in which of the following psychological movements;Humanistic Which of the following BEST defines cooperative learning;Learning groups of mixed abilities, where the success of the group is rewarded instead of the individual

Why is fighting with parents during adolescence actually a positive thing

It helps teens explore boundaries and build autonomy;

Why should teachers use questioning techniques

It helps them provide the best instruction by gauging the students' learning before, during, and after the lesson; Rachel is working with her students to teach them long division; She walks through the principles on the SMART Board and directs the students to try the math problem using their iPads; Rachel monitors the class and gives assistance while adjusting the instruction as needed; Why does Rachel use this instructional strategy in her classroom;To factor each student's level and learning style to ensure optimum learning;

Why is timing important to a learning objective

It helps to determine if a learning objective can be achieved within a certain timeframe;

How would you describe secondary sex characteristic changes

It includes the growth of body hair and changes in body shape, voice, and body odor Developmentally normal boys experience puberty at what age range Between the ages of 9 and 17

Why is it important for adolescents to have supportive friends

It influences their identity by giving them a sense of self-esteem and belonging

Why is adolescence such an important time in one's life

It is a period of self-discovery;

Why is adolescence an important time in life

It is a time when people experience many physical, social, emotional, and intellectual changes

How would you describe the milestone of decentration in the concrete operational stage of development

It is a way of considering matters from multiple perspectives, rather than just one;

Why is the development of fine motor coordination in early childhood so important

It is involved in countless activities that adults may take for granted, such as playing sports and drawing;

How does an adolescent's self concept differ from a child's

It is more descriptive, more complex, and more realistic;

When would a student require articulation therapy

It is needed when the student has difficulty producing one or more sounds

All of the following are elements of direct instruction EXCEPT

It is project based

Why is physical development important for babies and toddlers

It leads to improved motor skills, which allows them to explore the environment

Why is an increase in balance so important to a child's physical development in early childhood

It makes additional exploration of his environment possible, which leads to learning

How does the normal development of young girls differ from that of young boys

It occurs earlier in most cases

The psychologist who said that early childhood is the preoperational stage of development was

Jean Piaget

Who was the father of the concept attainment model

Jerome Bruner

Which of the following represents two of the cooperative learning methods used by teachers employing cooperative learning theory

Jigsaw & reciprocal questioning

Which of the following educators was a major contributor to progressivism

John Dewey

Who introduced cooperative learning structures to American classrooms

John Dewey

What is prerequisite knowledge

Knowledge you expect students to already have before you start something new

Which of the following statements is a critique of the nativist theory of language development

Language develops at a slower pace than the theory suggests

Which of the following statements is NOT a nativist perspective on language development

Language is developed through imitation;

What is the most important thing to do to incorporate multiple intelligences into your teaching

Learn about students preferred learning styles through questioning and observation

Why is meta-cognition critical to learning

Learning depends on knowing what you know and how you learn

Thorndike's conception of connectionism asserts that

Learning is about forming questions

What can a 10 year old do that a 5 year old cannot

Make predictions

Which of the following tips should a teacher remember when conducting experiments with her class

Make sure students are testing a clear question or problem

Which of the following is NOT a good way to build a classroom community

Making students tell on each other when someone is not being responsible

What is a common fallacy when thinking about ELL students and math

Math is just numbers; it is the same around the world;

Which skills are traditionally associated with intelligence

Mathematical-logical and linguistic

As a young adult, Cara begins a career, learns new skills in the workplace and forms a healthy relationship She is showing signs of


Mauricio is a student from Guatemala, When it comes to speaking, he can participate in conversations although, at times, he needs to pause to find a word/expression that conveys what he wants to say, Mauricio has an accent but he is not difficult to understand, He uses appropriate tenses although he makes a few mistakes here and there

Mauricio's level in speaking, according to the 'Texas English Language Proficiency Standards' (ELPS), is;Advanced

According to Vygotsky, which of the following is true about the acquisition of meaning and understanding

Meaning is acquired as people interact According to Vygotsky, a child's use of the word 'da' for daddy is indicative of which stage of speech development;Autonomous speech Taking away something that a student does want is called;Negative punishment

Mr. Parker always begins each physics class by asking 'What do you think will happen if...' He believes that acknowledging students' previous beliefs about physical laws will increase their motivation to understand new and accurate concepts

Mr; Parker is utilizing the _____ perspective;cognitive

Which of the following is the best example of the obstacle step of the WOOP process if a student's goal is to get an 80% or higher on their history test:I often fail tests in history because I don't pay attention in class

My history class is before lunchtime and I'm often hungry and distracted,If I stay up the night before a test, I am usually too tired to focus on the test; When I don't sleep well, I get C's, D's or F's on my tests; If I don't get sleep before this test, I don't think I can get an 80% or better,I have basketball practice during this time of year and don't always have a lot of time to study; I think about studying but it doesn't happen,All answers are correct; All answers are correct

_____ refers to traits that are biological or inherited


Once children see that they have this power, they learn to resolve conflicts peacefully


_____ refers to the brain's ability to grow and change and is at highest point during _____

Neuroplasticity, early childhood

Cold Calling works best when combined with which of these

No Opt Out

What is it called when students must attempt to answer a question or participate in a class discussion when called on

No opt-out

The main reason teachers should use a variety of strategies for each standard is because

Not every student has the same learning style

Which of these is not a way to motivate students

Not giving verbal feedback

How can establishing routines help students with developmental delays

Predictability and structure give students a sense of stability that boosts their confidence in being able to follow routines

_____ refers to the way the environment acts upon a person


Saying 'geen ake' for 'green snake' is an example of


How do Bruner and Piaget's views differ

Only Bruner believed that development is a continuous process, not a series of stages;

What is the purpose of the talking ball

Only the person holding the ball can talk; When done, they pass it to the next speaker;

Every time young Haley says the word 'teddy,' she is given her favorite stuffed bear, which reinforces her understanding and continued use of the word for getting the toy According to behaviorist theory, this is an example of

Operant conditioning

Which statement best describes learning goals

Overall general targets for learning

What do people like to do that makes using the concept attainment model or strategy in teaching work so well

People like to categorize similar characteristics together into groups to make sense of their diverse and complex worlds

The belief that you are special and the normal rules don't apply to you is a

Personal fable

Which of the following is true of physical development

Physical development is part of the early childhood curriculum

What is the last step of the WOOP process

Plan action steps that address how to overcome obstacles on the way to a goal;

Intentionally ignoring negative or disruptive behaviors is called

Planned ignoring

Which of the following refers to the way environment or behavior can affect a person's brain


Which of the following is true about play

Play is how young children do the most learning

Giving a student something that he or she does not want is called

Positive punishment

One of the most valuable strategies in which positive behavior is met with praise in the hopes that it will continue is called what

Positive reinforcement

Symbolic thought can lead to the ability to

Read and write

Using the WOOP method, a student's goal should be

Realistic yet challenging;

The idea that two things can be changed to balance each other out is called


If a school counselor feels unable to help a student, he or she will

Refer the student to an outside counselor

What is interdependence

Reliance on one another

What level of Bloom's taxonomy is demonstrated by a student reciting information

Remembering (knowledge)

Which of the following is not an example of teacher-student communication

Report cards sent home about students' progress

A graphic organizer helps students

Retain information, organize ideas, and to represent complex ideas in a visual manner;

Which of the following is NOT a principle of Jeffersonianism

Rote learning

Which method asks students to write a topic sentence

Rule-Based method

What is it called when you build on previously learned information to relate and connect it to new concepts


What is the process of setting and testing hypotheses called

Scientific method

Kate noticed that all of the desks in her math and science classrooms are blue

She concludes that all of the desks in all of the classrooms must also be blue; This is an example of _____;inductive reasoning

Julie made a list for herself of the four aspects of the classroom that she, as a teacher, can focus on to differentiate instruction

She made an error; Review Julie's list and indicate which answer Julie got wrong; Julie's List

Trisha wrote an unfamiliar math problem on the board

She then asked her students to brainstorm and discuss with each other possible solutions to the problem while she observed; This is an example of _____;discovery instruction

Hanna isn't sure what topic to pick for her public speaking class, so she decides to draw out possible solutions in a visual way, to help her explore the options

She writes down different ideas, circles them, then draws lines connecting different related ideas; Which problem-solving strategy is Hanna using;Graphic representations

All of the following are examples of activities that children may become better at during middle childhood with the improvement of their motor skills EXCEPT


How are social development and emotional development different

Social development is about learning to interact with others, while emotional development is about understanding emotions;

Which educational psychology perspective proposes that learning occurs through observation


The bell rings for second period and all of the students stand up, look towards the American flag and begin saying the Pledge of Allegiance, This is an example of


Why has the concept of thematic units shifted

Teachers want students to be more metacognitive;

It's important for teachers to identify the the key terms or critical content from the state standards they teach because

Teachers will have a better understanding of the scope of the content they're responsible for

Which of the following is NOT one of the intelligences identified by Gardner


If a school district provides teachers with textbooks and curriculum, why should teachers still develop annual and unit plans

Textbooks may not address all required standards, and teachers might have to supplement the curriculum;

The observation that high expectations lead to greater achievement is called what

The Pygmalion effect

What is the one skill that modern corporations are looking for in the people they hire

The ability to get along with others

A flat rectangle of snow covering a driveway is shoveled into a big, tall pile If a child has a sense of conservation, then what conclusion will they draw about the snow

The amount of snow that covered the driveway and the amount of snow in the pile are the same

Which of the following is not true of concept attainment

The concept is given to students at the beginning of this strategy;

All of the following statements correctly describe the conversation level EXCEPT

The conversation must be error free

What are multiple intelligences in education

The different modes of learning, or learning styles, that students learn best through

Which of the following factors support the nativist theory of language development

The idea of universal grammar

What is egocentrism

The inability to see things from others' point of view;

Which statement is TRUE of the seven levels of articulation therapy

The levels must be followed in order

How does the prefrontal lobe affect a child's development

The prefrontal lobe is the part of the brain responsible for planning and problem solving, so these capacities improve

Differentiated instruction is

The process of giving students multiple ways of accessing content

What does it mean to check for understanding

The process through which a teacher determines if students are learning and understanding the things being taught to them;

What is the classroom environment

The relationships and interactions between everyone involved in education

Which of these is NOT true about independent learning

The student must be alone

What is reversibility

The understanding that objects can go back to their original state

Differentiating instruction means

The use of various instructional strategies in order to support all students;

While at preschool, a child might become potty trained by watching his/her peers go to the bathroom, What is this an example of

The zone of proximal development

Besides motivational tools for students, what else is needed from the teacher

Their own motivation What is an example of a motivational tool:Varied learning exercises,Rewards,All of these answers are correct,Praise; All of these answers are correct

How does interactive learning take place in the classroom

There are many different forms of interactive learning, with or without technology;

Which of the following is the BEST definition of realism

There is a true reality that exists whether or not people perceive it;

Why do teens tend to argue more with their parents during adolesence

These arguments are a result of their ability to think critically as they gain argumentative skills;

Which of the following is NOT true about graphic organizers

They are always subject specific;

Alex and Betty are the exact same age, but Alex has a learning disability Should we expect their respective levels of cognitive development to be the same or different? Why?

They'll be different, because Alex has a disability

How does transitivity work

Things are ordered by comparing them to a benchmark item

What does it mean to analyze teacher-student communication

Think deeply about how teachers and students are connecting with each other;

Which activity involves everyone in the classroom at once

Think, Pair, Share

Miss Rogers' business students will be participating in mock interviews next week

This assignment is an example of __;an authentic activity

A child is labeled as having a 'behavioral problem' because he had some behavioral difficulties in his class the previous year

This child ends up frequently acting out and disrupting class the following year with a new teacher; This could be considered an example of _____;A self-fulfilling prophecy

Individuals commonly find mates while attended a college or university

This is an example of _____;a latent function of school

You coach a basketball team, and one of your players asks you if he's shooting the ball correctly, You model the correct form and explain the technique to him

This is an example of _____;interactive instruction

Colleges help prepare students for their future careers

This is an example of a _____ function of the school;manifest

To review the module lesson, Martina directs her students to pair up and quiz each other on what they've learned

This is an example of;Active learning

Alexis is able to arrange six wooden blocks from smallest to largest

This is an example of;Seriation

Donnie has received a score of 120 based on an intelligence test he has taken

This is known as his _____, which is above average;intelligence quotient

Jeffersonianism is the philosophy of education based on the principles of _____

Thomas JeffersonWhich of the following is NOT an objective of citizen education;Students should be able to recite the Preamble to the Constitution from memory Mark uses a wheelchair and attends a middle school where there are no sports and recreational activities that accommodate physically-disabled students; Which of the following principles of education would address this issue;Inclusive education

Which of the following accurately describes a difference between Asperger syndrome and autism

Those with Asperger's have normal or above average intelligence and language skills

Why might an adolescent begin bullying or hurting himself or herself

To deal with the stress brought on by changes in their life

Which of the following describes a reason why teachers should plan cross-curricular units or lessons

To help students synthesize their learning

Why was the first intelligence test designed

To identify students that needed extra help;

How should tablets be used in the classroom

To supplement instruction through games and apps that reinforce concepts;

Between-class ability grouping is also known as


Which of these involves talking to the person next to the student

Turn and Talk

Examples of prefixes or suffixes are

Un, non, ing, ism

What level of Bloom's Taxonomy is demonstrated by a student explaining the main idea of a short story

Understanding (comprehension)

Which of the following might be prerequisite knowledge for learning to comprehend a fable

Understanding what a moral is

How can teachers determine a student's prior knowledge

Use a pre-assessment All of the following are ways a teacher can get to know their students' interests, EXCEPT:Use an interest inventory,Have conversations with students,Read studies about the interests of students,Invite families to school; Read studies about the interests of students Which of the following best explains the routine Ask 3 Before Me;Ask 3 peers any question about a lesson or activity before asking the teacher;Mr. Moore teaches high school math; He consistently struggles to get his class settled and ready for the daily lesson; Which of the following would be the best advice for Mr; Moore;As students enter the classroom, he should have a short exercise, or bell ringer, on the board for students to complete In Mrs. Jones' classroom, when students need to use the restroom, they raise their hand while making a sign language 'r' with their raised hand; This is an example of which of the following classroom management techniques;the use of a routine

Which of the following statements is an example of a learning objective

Use knowledge of onset times to decode three-letter words

One strategy that may help English learners is

Use realia to explain vocabulary words

Scaffolding instruction is used in much the same way as what process

Using supports to build a building

You are a teacher who never seems to finish all your plans in one class period

Usually, the bell rings and students scramble to pack up their things while you shout out the homework over the noise; Which of the following solutions would be best for you to try;Set a timer to indicate a two-minute warning for the end of class What is the general term for the tactics a teacher uses to keep students focused, on task, and productive;classroom management When creating classroom rules, teachers should;Involve students in the creation of rules and consequences

A type of compare/contrast organizer is

Venn diagram

Which of the following is NOT frequently seen in children on the autism spectrum

Violent or destructive behavior Which of the following is typical of a child with Asperger's syndrome;Physical clumsiness

_____ is a part of language acquisition and is learned very quickly in children


What should you do after asking a question to a student

Wait a while so that they can think;

Which of the following is the best example of a specific learning objective

We will examine the seventeen species of penguins and discuss their similarities and differences

A student in your classroom just related something you are teaching to a topic they discussed in another class

What kind of chart can you use to recognize and reinforce this effort;Making connections

Marcos just learned how to calculate averages in his math class and now he is using this knowledge to compute his GPA

What level of Bloom's taxonomy is demonstrated in this example;Applying

A student repeatedly interrupts other speakers and is very rude when addressing his classmates

What score in 'behavior' should

A teacher tells students to close their eyes and imagine that they are taking a test, She tells them the test will be easy for them if they believe they will do well, The students think about this by visualizing and rehearsing the feeling in their mind, The teacher asks the students to open their eyes

What would you say about this particular approach to mental rehearsal:A student may not identify obstacles they may encounter or make a plan to address them in order to get a good grade on the test,Students may not recognize areas where they need to work hard to get to the point where they will do well on the test,This method has the potential to to do more harm than good,All answers are correct; All answers are correct

What is developmental delay

When a child does not achieve developmental milestones within the normal age range;

Connectionists emphasize the importance of readiness to learn because

When a person is ready to learn, they form stronger S-R bonds

Jean-Claude is a United States student from France

When his teacher and peers talk, he does not understand most of what they say; At times, he can't get specific words or phrases; Gestures and visual aids don't provide a lot of assistance for him but he is too shy/doesn't know how to express his struggle; According to the 'Texas English Language Proficiency Standards' (ELPS), Jean-Claude is a beginning student in this skill;listening

Which of these is a great tip for teachers to use when using the concept attainment model and strategy in their classroom

When students are trying to figure out the concept, ask them to brainstorm aloud together;

When should a modification be used

When the student is not capable of meeting the learning objectives;

April spends most of her spare time either playing her cello or dancing

Which intelligences does April display;Musical and bodily-kinesthetic

Brandon discovers that the more he practices welding pipes in shop class, the better skilled he becomes at it

Which law explains this outcome;The law of exercise

Studies show that white, middle and higher income students routinely do better than minority and lower income students

Which of the following is NOT a cited reason why;Genetic differences

Students are required to write a five paragraph essay

Which of the following is the best example of a modification of this assignment;Write three paragraphs instead of five;

James is looking for ways to reduce the amount of direct instruction in his lessons

Which of the following learning activities could he use with his third-grade students;Learning about plant growth

Even though Joel graduated from college years ago, he continues to spend hours each week reading and studying

Which of the following terms BEST captures what kind of learner Joel is;lifelong

How are white matter and grey matter different

White matter is the communication part of the brain, while grey matter is the information processing part of the brain

A general definition for giftedness is _____

a child who is gifted was born with that ability

If parents are religious, but their kids are not, it is considered

a non-shared value

When everyone in a family agrees that exploring nature is important, it is _____

a shared value

How did Renzulli theorize that giftedness arises,Through the interaction of three human traits

above average abilities, task commitment and creativity;

When Thorndike started his experiments, he believed that if _____ behavior got rewarded, the subjects of study were more likely to repeat that behavior


Paraphrasing, summarizing, and questioning/clarifying are all examples of _____

active listening techniques

If you walk away and feel both heard and understood, that is an example that the other person was _____

actively listening to you

The time between childhood and adulthood is referred to as _____


Dr. Carlson is a college professor who teaches Anatomy and Physiology, He has just compared the human eye to a camera so that his students better understand the function of each part. This is an example of a(n) _____


What does the Reciprocal Teaching method ask students to do

ask questions

Lessons that entail practical learning focus on _____ applications


intersection Laura had an IQ of 100, which is considered _____


B.F. Skinner is best known for his contributions to the _____ perspective of educational psychology


Critical Theory is a philosophy that advocates for

being skeptical of the traditional beliefs of society

Some studies have shown that the changes in grey and white matter in _____ happen faster than they do in _____

boys, girls

Classroom talk can be gendered, with _____ being called on more than _____

boys; girls

In pre-industrial societies, children are often educated _____

by observing family members performing daily tasks

The part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres is called the _____

corpus callosum

After choosing a theme, what should teachers do next

choose a central concept

How long a person has been alive is his or her _____ age


What do teachers and students determine together in learner-centered classrooms that govern expectations

classroom policies

Learning how to do multiplication is an example of _____

cognitive development

What is unique about Where Do You Stand

compared to most class discussion activities;It gets students up and moving;

What are themes in curriculum development

concepts or big ideas learning is centered around

The idea that people learn through their experiences and interactions with the world is called _____


The material that students are supposed to learn is referred to as _____


Thinking 'outside the box' and developing new ways to solve problems is referred to as _____

creative thinking Which relates to a teacher's ability to control the behavior of students in class;Classroom management

Which is an theme that is important to humanity


How do students analyze when summarizing

deciding what to delete and keep

The _____ educational psychology perspective proposes that learning occurs through stage-like processes


Katya gives a short lecture on chemical reactions and then directs her students to perform an experiment to test a reaction This scenario is an example of _____ followed by _____

direct instruction; constructivist instruction

What is an important component of the One-Sentence method

discussing student choices

Mario is having trouble recognizing sequences and is unable to recall math facts, Based on these symptoms, what type of learning disability might Mario be experiencing


Teaching students how to perceive and understand reality through logical processes is called _____ realism


The old adage ''A penny saved is a penny earned'' is an example of a(n) _____ idea


Which one of the following is not a ELL math strategy

exempting the assigment

Two key components of health in middle childhood are _____ and _____

exercise; nutrition

Some studies have shown that the perceived _____ of teachers can impact how a student approaches school


Which characteristic is especially helpful for teachers striving to teach diverse learners


What type of assessment is used to help determine future teaching goals in a learner-centered classroom


Self-constructed beliefs regarding specific traits and behaviors of males and females are referred to as _____

gender schemas

When Dr. Jones gives a lecture on inherited traits encoded into a person's DNA, she is teaching about _____


Development is the process of _____ and _____ that humans go through over their lifetime


Which part of learning uses the 'we do' model

guided practice

You just taught a lesson on balancing chemical equations, and you are having students tell you how to balance an equation you have written on the board, What is this called

guided practice

Family engagement might include

having regular opportunities for families to visit the classroom

Children tend to have _____ interdependence, but _____ autonomy

high, low

Today's teachers commonly experience _____

higher expectations from stakeholders

Rates of depression tend to be _____ in adolescent girls than boys, which might be because self-esteem is _____ in adolescent girls

higher, lower

What is diversity

human difference of all sorts

Teachers may facilitate multicultural awareness in instruction by _____

incorporating international and/or global concepts into instruction

What is a learner-centered classroom

one that focuses on individual student needs and co-creating learning experiences

Many children begin to develop _____ during middle childhood

insecurities about their body

Scholastic aptitude is another name for _____


Noah believes that a person's genes and environment influence each other, His belief is an example of the _____

interaction of nature and nurture

Donna received her marked essay draft from her classmate, He had circled each incorrect verb and explained the grammar rules to her, This student to student feedback is an example of _____

interactive instruction

Common behaviors that most children with learning disabilities exhibit fall into the categories of _____ and _____

internalizing; externalizing behaviors

At the _____ level, the student is evaluated on whether he/she can correctly vocalize an individual sound


What does it mean if a theme is universal

it can be understood by many cultures and eras

Active listening is not only used in the therapeutic setting

it is an essential component of _____:engaging with others,effective communication,All answers are correct,good relationships; All answers are correct

Dyslexia is a learning disability that impairs a person's _____ ability


Progressivism supports the idea that students _____

learn by doing

What aspects of psychosocial setting should be considered

learner profiles

One great way to better understand students' learning styles in math is to _____

let them use their own way to solve a problem

Pragmatism maintains that education should be about _____ and _____

life; growth

In which type of memory is information stored that is permanently with a person

long-term memory

Behaviors that do not allow a person to reach harmony with the environment are _____ behaviors


How well a person does on an intelligence test is related to his or her _____ age


When we manipulate the world in our mind in order to solve problems, we are performing a _____

mental operation

The time between ages seven and twelve is called _____

middle childhood

Incorporating _____ writers, mathematicians, historical figures, and scientists into the curriculum can help some students believe that they can reach similar levels of achievement


What can teachers do during direct instruction to make sure students understand new concepts


According to Skinner, learning entails the student _____

modifying his or her behavior

Hormones that impact a child's behavior are considered _____ factors, while influences such as peers and parents are considered _____ factors


When baby Terrell says 'wa-wa-wa' and points to a cup, his mother responds with 'you want water,' and reinforces his learning by giving him a drink of water This is an example of the _____ perspective of language development

operant conditioning

Which is a type of learning environment


Which is not used to promote expressive language

reading quietly to self

Adolescents gain _____ skills as the prefrontal cortex of their brain develops

reasoning and problem-solving

Disorders that start in childhood are generally _____

studied by psychologists who study human development

The two processes that allow children's brains to learn more in less time and become overall more functional during early childhood are _____ and _____

synaptic growth, synaptic pruning

Which is true of the teacher-student relationship in learner-centered classrooms

teachers and students work as a team

What is differentiated instruction

teaching individual students at their individual levels

Compulsory education in the U.S.was enacted following _____

the Industrial Revolution

The concept of focusing on _____ emphasizes teaching students to be good citizens as well as good learners

the whole child

Why are serve and return interactions important

they build trust

A child is determined to have cognitive delay if their intellectual performance is _____

two grade levels below their peers

Early childhood is a very important time of change and growth that occurs between the ages of _____ and _____

two, seven

Thorndike is best known for the experiments where he _____

used cats in puzzle boxes to study the effect of reinforcement and punishment on behavior

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