PR Chapter 20 Global Public Relations

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Why do some U.S. firms choose to work for other governments, perhaps even those that are unpopular?

-in helping friendly foreign clients we also advance our national interests. -representing an unpopular country can have pitfalls like having protestors at your back door

What objectives do foreign nations seek to accomplish by hiring U.S. public relations firms to represent them in America?

1. To hold off protectionist moves that threaten their companies or industries 2. To defeat legislation affecting the sale of their products 3. To provide ongoing information on political, legal, and commercial developments in the United States that could affect their business interests 4. To support expansion of their markets in the United States 5. To deal with a crisis situation that threatens the financial health or reputation of their organization

What is China doing to enhance its international reputation and promote itself as a leading nation in the global economy?

"reputation management" It hired the Patton Boggs firm(American) to lobby on a wide range of issues before Congress, including trade tariffs, intellectual property, currency exchange rates, and Taiwan. -the Chinese government has embarked on a massive global effort to enhance its image and reputation. The Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai Expo, for example, did much to generate positive media coverage around the world and alter popular misconceptions of China. -China is also expanding its influence worldwide by creating TV networks, starting English-language newspapers, leasing radio stations on all continents, and broadcast-ing TV news to a worldwide audience in six languages. -expanded its outreach to educational institutions around the world. -350 Confucius Institutes around the world ("enhancing the world's under-standing of Chinese language and culture, deepening the friendship between China and the rest of the world, and promoting global cultural diversity."

Dave Drobis of Ketchum identifies three key audiences to whom public relations personnel need to promote the benefits of globalization. What are they?

(1) company management; (2) nongovernmental organizations, known as NGOs; (3) international institutions such as the United Nations.

What kinds of "public diplomacy" efforts does the United States undertake to promote its way of life and foreign policy objectives?

(1) the stationing of public affairs officers (PAOs) at every American embassy to work with local media, (2) publication of American books and magazines, (3) distribution of American films and TV programs, (4) sponsorship of tours by American dance and musical groups, (5) art shows (6) student and faculty exchange programs such as the Fulbright Program, and (7) sponsorship of lecture tours by American authors and intellectuals. The public affairs section of the U.S Department of State is the official voice of the United States government and often has to react almost instantly to issues that seriously affect U.S. standing abroad.

Geert Hofstede five basic cultural dimensions

1. power distance 2. Individualism, contrasted with collectivism 3. Masculinity/femininity contrasts competitiveness (traditionally masculine) with compassion and nurturing (traditionally feminine). 4. Uncertainty avoidance measures how well a society tolerates ambiguity. 5. Long-term versus short-term orientation measures a society's willingness to consider the traditions of the past and carry them into the future.

Gyroscope, a consultancy, estimates that there are about ____ public relations firms in China


What recent event put china on the world stage?

2008 Beijing olympics

What percentage of Coca-cola's sales account for the companies revenue?

70% major growth in developing nations

What is an NGO? Why have NGOs gained influence in terms of influencing corporations and even governments regarding such issues as global warming?

An NGO is a non governmental organization. -They have gained influence because they are at the top of public trust, and they are extremely influential as watchdogs on corporate behavior throughout the world. -NGOs act as certification bodies, verifying and, in many cases, permitting the use of their logos, showing that products and services are being produced in socially responsible and environmentally friendly ways.

Foreign governments often influence coverage of their nations through lobbying and public relations efforts. Name some examples from the text.

CNN report on Kazakhstan focused on the country's booming energy industry, opportunities for foreign investors, and the modern capital city that were sponsored by several state-owned agencies... so BIAS and framing issues

What country has had an explosive growth of PR industry?

China, 2nd largest economy in the world now

"pay for play" culture

Chinese publications and broadcast outlets to require payment for printing a news release or interviewing an executive on a talk show.

How does public relations contribute to the global operations of large companies?

EX: the Korean airplane crash in San Francisco was slow to respond to people in US about apologies and what happened, only really responded in Korea. - public relations practitioners need to recognize cultural differences, adapt to local customs, and understand the finer points of verbal and nonverbal communication in individual nations.

low-context communication societies

Great emphasis is placed on exact words, and you are expected to derive meaning primarily from the written or verbal statements, not from nonverbal be-havior cues. Legal documents produced in the West are the ultimate in explicit wording.

Best way to reach muslim audiences considering they are so globally distributed?

Halel products

Why should companies consider public relations and marketing outreach to the Muslim population of the world?

It is the second largest religion and it is distributed all throughout the world

The successful practice of international public relations requires knowledge of a nation's history and political sensitivities. It also requires knowledge of proper man-ners and cultural sensitivity. What advice is given for business executives who travel abroad?

Read a map, dress up, talk small (no talk about wealth or power), no slang, slow down, listen as much as you talk, speak lower and slower, exercise religious and political restraint, and learn some words of their culture

Part of a company's reputation depends on main-taining an ethical supply chain for its products. What should U.S. retailers do about the safety hazards of plants in Bangladesh?

Tell their governments they won't do business without any restrictions and help to maintain proper building codes which will badly hurt economy

The total amount expended on public relations and lobbying abroad is not known because

U.S. companies don't have to report such expenditures to the U.S. government.

there is no Facebook or Twitter access in China, there is the micro-blogging site _____ that has 320 million users.


Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) of 1938, what must be must registered with the Department of Justice?

all legal, political, fund-raising, public relations, and lobbying consultants hired by foreign governments to work in the United States. -required to file reports with the attorney general listing all activities on behalf of a foreign principal, compensation received, and expenses incurred.

How are social media now being used by nations in times of conflict and war?

allows users to post and share raw, uncensored photos and video foot-age of violent conflict, including the terrible consequences for civilians. This development has opened up a whole new arena in the battle to shape public opinion, leading to tit-for-tat social media exchanges be-tween combatants. EX: Israeli Palestine conflict EX: Syrian leader's Instagram of being all glamorous

What is global public relations? What are some of the reasons for its growth in recent decades?

also called international public relations, is the planned and organized efforts of a company, an institution, or a government to establish and build relationships with the publics of other nations. This is primarily the result of worldwide technological, social, economic, and political changes and the growing understanding that public relations is an essential component of branding, marketing, and public diplomacy.

a significant reason why governments employ pr efforts is

because of wars and conflicts

Why has the Economist called the communication of globalization a failure?

because the public and private sectors have done such a poor job of communicating globalization's benefits, being transparent about their activities, and building important alliances.

The field of public relations develops best in a nation that has some special characteristics. What are some of those characteristics?

develop more rapidly in nations that have (1) multiparty political systems, (2) a relatively free press, (3) considerable private ownership of business and industry, (4) large-scale urbanization, and (5) relatively high per capita income levels, which also impact literacy and educational opportunities.

What year did the US and European nations start sending PR expertise to the People's Republic of China

mid 1980's

Blue Focus

one of the largest Chinese-owned firms in the country.

How much of all U.S. corporate profits are generated through international business?


Challenges of working in China

press is state-owned or highly controlled -Chinese journalists are poorly trained and under paid

What event affirmed China's economy and how so?

the Shanghai Expo of 2010 which is a six-month Expo that attracted an estimated 70 million visitors, and 193 countries erected pavilions and other exhibits.

Fueling the new age of global public relations and marketing is ________ but the downside is

the internet downside is that any problem or crisis in one plant or country is instantly known throughout the world.

'high context' communication societies

the meaning of the spoken word is often implicit and based on environmental context and personal relationships rather than on explicit, categorical statements.

Countries engage in persuasive communication campaigns for a number of reasons.

■ Advance political objectives ■ Assess probable U.S. reaction to a projected action by the country ■ Advance the country's commercial interests—for example, sales in the United States, increased U.S. private investment, and tourism ■ Assist in communications in English ■ Help win understanding of and support for specific issues that undermine the country's standing in the United States and the world community ■ Modify laws and regulations inhibiting the country's activities in the United States

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