pre lab

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1) simple sugars (monosaccharides) 2) starches (complex carbohydrates)

The two major forms of carbohydrates are

spot plate. 3 test tubes

Use either a ______ or ________. Label each well or test tube 1, 2 and 3, using a wax pencil.


Use the _______ 5 UNKNOWNS that you used for the Benedict's unknown test. Record each unknown on Data Table 4, keeping them the same number as before.


Using separate droppers for each solution, add __ drops of the following to each numbered test tube. (Be sure to keep straight what's in each test tube!) Test tube #1 - Add 10 drops of soluble starch solution. Test tube #2 - Add 10 drops of glucose solution. Test tube #3 - Add 10 drops of water.


_________ are the body's most important and readily available source of energy. Even though they've gotten a bad reputation recently and have often been blamed for the obesity epidemic in America, carbs are a necessary part of a healthy diet.


are Iodine and Benedict's solution poisonous


can stain clothes?


discard solid through


A color change from yellow-orange to _______ occurs if starch (a polysaccharide) is present.


Add _ drops of Iodine to each of the three wells or test tubes.


Add _ drops of Iodine to each of the wells or test tubes. (unknown)


Benedict's solution must be ________ to represent a change

simple sugars, monosaccharides and disaccharides, not polysaccharides

Benedict's solution tests for the presence of __________ (_________ and some __________, but NOT ___________)


Discard liquid through


Heat the water bath to _________ on the hot plate. If the water isn't boiling, the bath isn't hot enough. (If you don't see it bubbling, it's not _________.)


If the unknown is _______, add a small (e.g. banana, apple, potato chips), crush a small amount and add enough water to cover the bottom of the test tube. (Some unknowns may already be crushed into tiny pieces.)


If the unknown is ________, add enough to just cover the bottom of the glass in the test tube.

starch (a polysaccharide)

Iodine tests for the presence of ________ (a _________)


Place all ____ test tubes in the boiling water bath for 5 minutes.


Place all five test tubes in the boiling water bath for _ minutes.

blood glucose

The glycogen stored in the liver can be used to maintain ___________ availability in times when the diet does not supply enough carbohydrates. Regular intake of carbohydrates is important, because liver glycogen stores are depleted in about 18 hours if no carbohydrates are consumed. After that point, the body is forced to produce carbohydrates, much of which comes from breakdown of proteins in the body. This eventually leads to health problems.


force test tube brush?

test tube clamps

things to remove test tube

fructose, glucose, and lactose,

3 monosaccharides examples

monosaccharide and some disaccharides

what is considered a simple sugar


The glycogen stored in the liver can be used to maintain blood glucose availability in times when the diet does not supply enough carbohydrates. Regular intake of carbohydrates is important, because liver glycogen stores are depleted in about 18 hours if no carbohydrates are consumed. After that point, the body is forced to produce carbohydrates, much of which comes from breakdown of _______ in the body. This eventually leads to health problems.


The ________ stored in the liver can be used to maintain blood glucose availability in times when the diet does not supply enough carbohydrates. Regular intake of carbohydrates is important, because liver glycogen stores are depleted in about 18 hours if no carbohydrates are consumed. After that point, the body is forced to produce carbohydrates, much of which comes from breakdown of proteins in the body. This eventually leads to health problems.

soluble starch solution.

Using separate droppers for each solution, add 10 drops of the following to each numbered test tube. (Be sure to keep straight what's in each test tube!) Test tube #1 - Add 10 drops of ________ Test tube #2 - Add 10 drops of glucose solution. Test tube #3 - Add 10 drops of water.


Using separate droppers for each solution, add _ drops of the following to each numbered well or test tube. (Be sure to keep straight what's in each well or test tube!)


simple sugars are found in

starchy vegetables, grains, rice, and breads and cereals

starches found in

tie back

what long hair

away from you

which way test tubes point


Carbohydrates are a main fuel source for some ________, especially those in the brain, nervous system, and red blood cells. Muscles also rely on a dependable supply of carbohydrates to fuel intense physical activity. Yielding an average 4 kcal per gram, carbohydrates are a readily available fuel for all cells, both in the form of blood glucose and that stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.


A color change from ______ to green, yellow, orange, red, or brown occurs if a monosaccharide or some disaccharides are present.


A color change from ____________ to blackish occurs if starch (a polysaccharide) is present.

green, yellow, orange, red, or brown (drastically different colors)

A color change from blue to ___________ occurs if a monosaccharide or some disaccharides are present.


Add __ drops of Benedict's Solution to each test tube. (unknown)


Add __ drops of Benedict's solution to each of these three test tubes.

monosaccharides, polysaccharides, or both.

By comparing results of the Benedicts and Iodine tests in the table you just completed, you should be able to classify unknown substances as containing ______, _______, or ______

brain, nervous system, and red blood cells

Carbohydrates are a main fuel source for some cells, especially those in the _______, _________, and ____________. Muscles also rely on a dependable supply of carbohydrates to fuel intense physical activity. Yielding an average 4 kcal per gram, carbohydrates are a readily available fuel for all cells, both in the form of blood glucose and that stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.

physical activity

Carbohydrates are a main fuel source for some cells, especially those in the brain, nervous system, and red blood cells. Muscles also rely on a dependable supply of carbohydrates to fuel intense ______. Yielding an average 4 kcal per gram, carbohydrates are a readily available fuel for all cells, both in the form of blood glucose and that stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.

blood glucose and that stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.

Carbohydrates are a main fuel source for some cells, especially those in the brain, nervous system, and red blood cells. Muscles also rely on a dependable supply of carbohydrates to fuel intense physical activity. Yielding an average 4 kcal per gram, carbohydrates are a readily available fuel for all cells, both in the form of ___________ and ___________.

4 kcal per gram

Carbohydrates are a main fuel source for some cells, especially those in the brain, nervous system, and red blood cells. Muscles also rely on a dependable supply of carbohydrates to fuel intense physical activity. Yielding an average ______________, carbohydrates are a readily available fuel for all cells, both in the form of blood glucose and that stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen.

1) bread 2) soft drinks 3) cookies and cakes (including doughnuts) 4) sugars/syrups/jams 5) potatoes

Carbohydrates come from various food sources. Currently, the top five carbohydrate sources for U.S. adults are _______. Clearly many Americans should take a closer look at their main carbohydrate sources and strive to improve them from a nutritional standpoint by eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

test-tube brush and soapy water

Discard the contents of the test tubes down the sink. Gently use a __________ and __________ to thoroughly clean the three test tubes and rinse with clean water. (NOTE: Make sure to only use a test tube brush that will easily fit down inside the test tube. DO NOT try to force the brush into a test tube that is too small for it!)

wax pencil

Label three test tubes 1, 2 and 3, using a ______ ______

3-5, one

Place all three test tubes in the boiling water bath for ___ minutes (or just until you see at least ____ tube change color).

lab goggles and apron

Put on _____ and an ______ BEFORE you do anything in the lab. Goggles must be down over your eyes and aprons must be tied behind your back for the entire time you're in the lab!

18 hours

The glycogen stored in the liver can be used to maintain blood glucose availability in times when the diet does not supply enough carbohydrates. Regular intake of carbohydrates is important, because liver glycogen stores are depleted in about _________ if no carbohydrates are consumed. After that point, the body is forced to produce carbohydrates, much of which comes from breakdown of proteins in the body. This eventually leads to health problems.


Using ________ droppers for each solution, add 10 drops of the following to each numbered test tube. (Be sure to keep straight what's in each test tube!) Test tube #1 - Add 10 drops of soluble starch solution. Test tube #2 - Add 10 drops of glucose solution. Test tube #3 - Add 10 drops of water.

glucose solution.

Using separate droppers for each solution, add __ drops of the following to each numbered test tube. (Be sure to keep straight what's in each test tube!) Test tube #1 - Add 10 drops of soluble starch solution. Test tube #2 - Add 10 drops of __________ Test tube #3 - Add 10 drops of water.


Using separate droppers for each solution, add __ drops of the following to each numbered test tube. (Be sure to keep straight what's in each test tube!) Test tube #1 - Add 10 drops of soluble starch solution. Test tube #2 - Add 10 drops of glucose solution. Test tube #3 - Add 10 drops of ______

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