Prevention to Sports Injury Ch. 7-12

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Sports movements that characteristically hyperextend the spine are likely to cause which of the following?


Most ankle injuries are:


Which of the following is the most important and most commonly injured bursa of the shoulder joint?

Subacromial bursa

When palpating the abdomen, how should the patient be positioned?

Supine with the arms by the side with the knees flexed

Which of the following rotator cuff muscles abducts the shoulder?


What is the preferred treatment by most physicians for an athlete with a hernia?

Surgical repair

After suffering an eversion ankle sprain, which bone is most likely to be fractured?


Which of the bone sites listed below is not a place of growth for a child?

The body of the bone

A bunion is usually associated with a bone growth on what part of the foot?

The first toe

An athlete can return to participation following a concussion except when which of the following occur?

They have a slight headache

What muscle passes behind the medial malleolus?

Tibialis posterior

Which of the following should NOT be done when managing a bleeding nose?

Tilt the head back to decrease bleeding

What is the medical term for Athlete's foot?

Tinea pedis

What should be a child's motivation for competition?

To enjoy the activity

Which of the following muscles is located on the posterior surface of the arm?


Most narcotics used in medicine are derived from opium or are synthetically similar.


Which nerve can become irritated secondary to cubitus valgus at the elbow?


In a sternoclavicular sprain, the clavicle is generally displaced in what direction?

Upward and anteriorly

Which of the following is NOT a risk associated with blood related doping?

Vein collapse

Which of the following is NOT a reversible effect of anabolic steroids on females?

Voice deepening

Which of the following is not a sign of anterior compartment syndrome?

Weakness in the gastrocnemius

Which of the following is not a cause of blisters?

Wearing socks with no folds

What season are sport teams highly recommended to have their athletes get an influenza vaccine?


Inguinal hernias are more associated with which of the following?


A Colles' fracture is a fracture of the proximal end of the radius.


A warm-up or cool-down is not needed for a child.


Acute conjunctivitis is due to allergens and is not highly infectious.


An injury to the ulnar nerve usually results in parasthesia in the second and third digits.


Anabolic steroids have anti-inflammatory capabilities.


Collision and contact sports have higher rates of injury and tend to be more severe than injuries in individual sports


Eversion sprains are more common than Inversion sprains of the ankle.


Meniscal tears heal well without intervention due to their vascularity.


Protective equipment allows for the young athlete to be safely protected when participating in adult-style games.


Sciatica is a general term that describes all lower back pain no matter what the exact cause.


Smokeless tobacco is less addictive because the nicotine in smokeless tobacco is absorbed through the mucous membranes. This results in lower nicotine levels in the blood.


Vigorous stretching of a quad strain should begin immediately after the injury.


The rotator cuff muscle most commonly injured is the infraspinatus.


Characterized by pain over the medial heel which hurts worse after taking the first steps in the morning.

plantar fascitis

"Raccoon eyes" is a common sign for a skull fracture.


A bunion on the first metatarsal is often associated with a depressed or flattened transverse arch and a pronated foot.


A hyphema is a collection of blood within the anterior chamber of the eye.


As the spinal segments progress downward they grow increasingly larger to accommodate the upright posture of the body.


Diuretics are used by some athletes to reduce body weight quickly or to decrease a drugs concentration in the urine.


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, that is uncontrolled for a long period of time can lead to coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure and stroke.


If not properly evaluated, compartment syndrome can lead to permanent disability due to the pressure on nerves and blood vessels.


If training is properly performed, bones, muscles, joints, and ligaments can be strengthened to reduce the chance of injury.


Inversion sprains are more common than Eversion sprains of the ankle.


MRSA is a viral infection and therefore does not respond well to antibiotics.


Marijuana contains cannabinoids that can have cumulative effect and are stored in the body for weeks.


Non-contact sports can be just as likely to create injury through recurrent microtraumas.


Simple rib fractures will take 3-4 weeks to heal.


Skull fractures require immediate medical attention.


The femur is the longest bone of the body and is designed to permit maximum mobility and support during locomotion.


The medial meniscus is prone to disruption by valgus and torsional forces.


Tibia fractures require a longer immobilization time compared to fibular fractures because the tibia is a weight bearing bone.


Tinea cruris is commonly called "jock rash."


Women athletes who are amenorrheal may prematurely lose bone mass, a loss that may increase risks of fractures.


Children and young adults have a higher rate of elbow fracture than adults.


At what age is a child able to understand the competitive process?


How many arches are found in the foot?


In the lower leg there are how many separate compartments containing muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves?


_______% of U.S. households with school-age children have at least one child who plays organized sports


Which of the following is the mechanism for an acromioclavicular sprain?

A fall on an outstretched arm

A dislocated shoulder outwardly displays which of the following?

A flattened deltoid

What mechanism is most likely to injure the medial meniscus?

A valgus force with rotation

Which of the following is a cause of chondromalacia?

Abnormal patellar tracking

An athlete has sustained a Grade 1 concussion. If this injury is the athlete's first concussion, when should this athlete be allowed to return to practice?

After being asymptomatic for 1 week

Which of the following is the number one abused legal drug in the United States?


A quadriceps contusion must be identified and treated early to prevent what condition(s)?

All of the above

Which of the following muscles extend the knee?

All of the above

Which of the following is a sign of insulin shock?

All of the above are signs of insulin shock

If a straight leg raise causes pain, which of the following could be the problem?

All of the above could be a problem

When an elbow is dislocated it is important to consider the possibility of what secondary injury?

All of the above must be considered

The ligament that stabilizes and encircles the head of the radius is the:

Annular ligament

The Lachman's Test is used to evaluate stability of which of the following?

Anterior cruciate ligament

What is a common site for an avulsion fracture of the pelvis?

Anterior superior iliac spine

What is the most commonly sprained ligament in the ankle?

Anterior talofibular

What direction does the shoulder most commonly dislocate?


Abdominal rigidity, nausea, running a fever and pain at McBurney's point may indicate what condition?


Which of the following is a complication of a hip dislocation?

Avascular necrosis

Most serious cervical injuries in football result from which of the following mechanisms of injury?

Axial loading as a result of spearing

Neuromuscular control of the ankle specifically uses which type of exercise to assist in preventing ankle injuries?


What type of drugs keep your hand steady, decrease your heart rate, and keep nervousness to a minimum?

Beta blockers

Which of the following drugs is NOT considered a stimulant?

Beta blockers

Any athlete who receives a severe blow to the abdomen or back region should be instructed to check for what sign(s)?

Blood in the urine

If an athlete is unable to use the arm and complains of unilateral burning, numbness, and radiating pain after trauma; however, after a short while the signs disappear. Which of the following conditions is plausible?

Brachial plexus injury

__________ injuries are the leading cause of sport-related death to children


Severs disease is an apophysitis of which of the following bones?


Which of the following parts of the spine is considered the most mobile and vulnerable to a wide range of sports injuries?


Which of the following portions of the spine have an anterior convex curve?

Cervical, lumbar

The most common types of sport-related injuries in children are all the following, EXCEPT:

Cold related injuries

Smokeless tobacco can cause all of the following except for which side effect?

Decreased reaction time

Which of the following is the bursa that commonly becomes inflamed from overuse of the patellar tendon?

Deep infrapatellar bursa

Lateral ligaments include all of the following EXCEPT:


Which of the following eye injuries is painless and results in the athlete seeing floating specks, flashes of light, and blurred vision?

Detached retina

Prevention of shoulder injuries can be accomplished by all of the following except for which statement?

Development of extreme flexibility

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a bronchial asthma attack?


The anterior cruciate ligament is most often injured during what phase?

During deceleration with the knee in valgus and the tibia internally rotated

The female athletic triad includes all of the following except for which condition?


Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding Human Growth Hormone?

Easily detected in urine

Which of the following is the major muscle of back extension?

Erector spinae

Which of the following symptoms are NOT indicative of a serious eye injury?

Excessive watering of the eye

What is a bunion formation also known as?


The quadriceps muscles primary job is to do which of the following?

Extend the knee

What can be caused from activity on hard surfaces or prolonged stress on the balls of the feet?

Fallen longitudinal arch

What is a rare site for a stress fracture in the femur?

Femoral shaft

The lateral malleolus is part of what bone?


What are the primary motions of the elbow joint?

Flexion and extension

What motion(s) occur at the radioulnar joint?

Flexion and extension

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of a diabetic coma?

Fruity-smelling breath

Running, cutting, and figure-8's, are examples of what type of testing?


Which of the following is known as the true shoulder joint?

Glenohumeral joint

An athlete has been hit in the head with no loss of consciousness. They are experiencing dizziness, and have some disorientation that resolves within 10 minutes. Based on the signs and symptoms, what grade is the concussion?

Grade 1

Which of the following is NOT a fungal infection?


A positive Thomas Test indicates tightness in which muscle group?

Hip flexors

Which of the following muscles extend the knee?

Hip pointer

Which of the following is a complication of a ruptured appendix?

Inability to urinate

Sciatica is a term used to describe which of the following?

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve

What motions occur at the subtalar joint?

Inversion and eversion

A fracture located at the base of the 5th metatarsal is known as what?

Jones fracture

The presence of hematuria in an athlete participating in a contact or collision sport could be a sign or symptom of what condition?

Kidney contusion

Which lumbar vertebra is most likely to slip as a result of spondylolisthesis?


An avascular necrosis of the femoral head seen in children 3 to 12 years of age is called what?

Legg-Perthes disease

Which of the following structures is the main source of stability in the knee?


Which of the following organs has a lower risk of injury in sports activities?


When evaluating an unconscious athlete which of the following would you do first?

Look for the possibility of impaired breathing

Which of the following symptoms would be a negative response when performing a Straight Leg Raise Test?

Lower back problems

A deformity caused by a rupture of the extensor tendon over the distal phalanx is called what condition?

Mallet finger

Referred pain that radiates to the left shoulder and 1/3 of the way down the left arm could be indicative of what?

McBurney's sign for kidney infection

Which of the following ligaments protect the knee from valgus stress and external tibial rotational forces?

Medial collateral

An athlete who presents with symptoms of a high fever, stiff neck, photophobia, intense headache, and sensitivity to sound may be suffering from what condition?


Feelings of locking are associated with injury to which structure?


Which of the following foods is NOT recommended for an individual with diarrhea?

Milk shakes

Which of the following conditions predisposes an athlete to injuries of the spleen?


A bunion on the first metatarsal is often associated with a depressed or flattened transverse arch and a pronated foot.

Morton's neuroma

Which of the following associations do NOT have a specific policy on drug testing?


A wrist ganglion is often seen in sports and will most frequently appear on what aspect of the wrist?

On the dorsal surface of the wrist

Which of the following injuries would NOT cause a joint effusion?

Patellar tendinitis

Another name for an abnormally high arch is:

Pes cavus

A condition in which the pleural cavity becomes filled with air that has entered through an opening in the chest is called what?


With most elbow dislocations resulting from falling on an outstretched hand, which way will the humerus dislocate on the ulnar and radius?


What is the danger associated with a ruptured spleen

Profuse hemorrhaging that could result in death

The prevention of lower back injuries should include which of the following?

Putting your feet flat on the floor when sitting

Which of the following muscles extend the knee?

Rectus femoris

Which of the following is the reason that impingement injuries occur?

Reduction of the space through which the supraspinatus muscle can pass

Lateral epicondylitis results from which of the following mechanisms

Repetitive extension of the wrist

Management of an avulsed tooth includes all the following except which of the following?

Scrubbing the tooth with a sterile gauze pad to get the dirt off

What direction is an athlete's arm in when an anterior glenohumeral dislocation occurs?

Slight abduction and external rotation

Which of the following is proper treatment for an ingrown toenail?

Soaking the toe and trimming the nail

The acromion process is part of which bone?


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