Prieto WH: Chapter 14

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What was the Moluccas?

An island chain in present day Indonesia; Europeans called it the Spice Islands

Lead by Albuquerque, they were successful in destroying:

Arab cities and ships.

Who was originally involved in the slave trade?

Arabs, Middle East, and Muslims

Who controlled most trade between Asia & Europe in the 1400s?

Arabs, Muslims, and Italians

With their mission accomplished, Magellans crew wanted to return to Spain but what did Magellan insist? What did this lead to?

Magellan wanted to push on across the Pacific to the East Indies; but it took nearly four months. This led to his death when they reached the Philippines in March 1521

In 1511, they took the port of _______, and killed all of the city's Muslims


What was the southern tip of Africa known as and why was it called this?

Cape of Good Hope; because it opened the way for a sea route to Asia 1488.

The chief source of spices was the ___________ .


The Portuguese continued doing trade, but they started attacking East African Coastal Cities like _______ & _______ which were hubs of international trade

Mombasa, Malinda

What was the line of Demarcation?

Line that divided the new non European world (America) into two zones. This was set by Pope Alexander VI.

What did the news of Portugals success encourage other people to do?

Look for a sea route to Asia

Did affonso I's appeal work?

No, it failed. The Slave Trade continued

________ traders quickly joined the profitable slave trade, followed by other European traders.


Who were the first to challenge the Portuguese?

The Dutch; 1600s

On August 3, 1492, Columbus sailed west with three small ships which were called what?

The Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María

T or F: The Portuguese felt that with their knowledge and new technologies that they could get to Asia.


True or false: Europeans traded with Asians long before the Renaissance. What disrupted this trading?

True; The Black Death & the breakup of the Mongul empire

Alfonso de Albuquerque

Strategically focused on southern regions of India because they were not very United and controlled by patchwork or local princes instead of the Mughal Empire like most of India was

With what strategy did Asante defeat Denkyera?

That his right to rule came from heaven & that his people were linked by spiritual bonds

In 1497, Portuguese navigator _________ ___ ________ followed in Dias's footsteps, leading four ships around the cape of good hope. He alps had plans to go further.

Vasco Da Gama

An Italian sea captain named _____________ wrote a journal describing his voyage to Brazil.

Amerigo Vespucci

What did the Portuguese do to end Muslim control in India?

1) They burned down coastal towns 2) crushed Arab fleets at sea 3) captured malacca in 1511 & killed many Muslims

What was improved in ships?

1) caravel 2) more weaponry 3) improved canons carried on board

What was improved in navigational tools?

1) cartographers created more accurate maps & sea charts 2) astrolabe: determined latitude at sea

Why did Prince Henry see much promise in Africa?

1) the Africans could be converted to Christianity 2) he believed that in Africa he would find the sources of riches that the Muslims controlled

What were the reasons for European exploration in the 1400s?

1) wealth 2) acquire land/prestige 3) desire to spread Christianity, convert others, continue the crusade against Muslims 4) Renaissance spirit of inquiry, or to explore lands beyond Europe

Henry died in ________, but the Portuguese continued their quest.


In _______ Ferdinand and Isabella appealed to Pope _________ to support their claim to the lands of the new world. (That Columbus found)

1493; Alexander VI

When was the Treaty of Tordesillas signed by Spain & Portugal?


Who was the first person to draw a map of the unknown regions and call it America?

A German cartographer named Martin Waldseemüller

The British established the ______________ or an organization that sponsored explorers to Africa.

African Association

Who was Almany of Futa Toro?

African ruler who was against the slave trade; forbade anyone to transport slaves through Futa Toro.

Europeans rarely took part in slave raids and mostly relied on _____ ____ to seize captives.

African rulers

the _______ kingdom emerged in the area occupied by present day Ghana.

Asante Kingdom

Prince Henry hoped to find a much easier way to reach ________, which meant going around Africa.


The Portuguese explored, looking for a sea route to _____ that bypassed the ________.

Asia; Mediterranean

Why were the Filipinos easily conquered?

Because they were not united.

What were settlers in Cape Town called?


Because Portuguese power declined, who took over their forts?

British, dutch, and French traders

After a ten month voyage, da Gama reached the great spice port of __________ on the west coast of India.


What was the first permanent European settlement in Africa to supply sailing ships to or from the East Indies?

Cape Town

An Italian navigator from Genoa named __________ ___________ wanted to reach the East Indies by sailing west across the Atlantic.

Christopher Columbus

What are some examples of Asian spices that were highly valued?

Cinnamon, pepper, and nutmeg

The Oyo Empire attacked _____, a neighboring kingdom.


Who built Cape Town?

Dutch Immigrants

true or false: As Europeans claimed vast new territories, they also found a direct route to Asia.

False: they had not yet found a direct route to Asia

On September 20, 1519 a Portuguese nobleman named _________ _______ set out fro, Spain with five ships to find a way to reach the pacific.

Ferdinand Magellan

Portugal refused to sponsor Columbus's voyage, but Columbus persuaded ___________ & __________ of Spain to finance his voyage.

Ferdinand, Isabella

The Portuguese seized the island of ____ in 1510.

Goa; A small island off of the coast of India.

Who was Prince Henry?

He led the way in sponsoring exploration for Portugal.

Who was Bartholomeu Dias?

He rounded the southern tip of Africa

What did Vasco da Gama do in 1497-99?

Helped seize key ports in Indian Ocean

Despite the hard journey, what did the Venture prove to be? List an example.

Highly profitable; da Gama had acquired a cargo of spices that he sold at a huge profit.

Who was Affonso I?

Ruler of Kogo; wished to end the slave trade but still maintain contact with Europe.

Dutch used its power to do what?

Set up colonies and trading posts around the world; capture Malacca; open trade with China

What 2 zones did the line of demarcation divide the unknown land into?

Spain had trading and exploration rights in any lands west of the line, and Portugal had the same rights east of the line.

The most valued items for trade were _________ used to preserve foods, add flavor to meats, and were used to make medicine & perfume.


As Magellan was searching the southern tip of South America hoping to find a way to the Pacific, he eventually found a passage that later became known as ___ _______ __ ________.

The Strait of Magellan

Over the next two centuries, the Portuguese no longer explored the interior of Africa because?

They didn't have knowledge or accurate maps on the interior. Plus, the Africans resisted this exploration

Why was Portugal so successful?

They kept their ships small and few; had strong weapons; kept control of rich Indian Ocean spice trade through the 1500s

Why did Europeans explore the sea?

They wanted direct access to Asia for its trade goods so they were finding a route to Asia.

Why were the Portuguese hated and feared?

They were afraid of their massacres & did not tolerate Christian missionaries

By the 1400s, Europe's population was growing, and so was its demand for _________ _________.

Trade goods

The terms of the Line of Demarcation were agreed to in the __________________.

Treaty of Tordesillas

When did Spain take over the Philippines?

While the Portuguese and Dutch set up bases on the fringes of Asia.

Da Gamas voyages confirmed Portugals status as a _________ __________.

World Power

The Asante faced a great challenge in the Denkyera:

a powerful enemy

Where did the Oyo Empire come from?

a settlement by the Yoruba people in present day Nigeria

By the 1500s, European participation had encouraged a much ______ Atlantic Slave Trade.


The Portuguese started exploring West Africa. What did they do?

built forts, collect sources to repair their ships, establish trading posts

Over the next 300 years, the slave trade grew into a huge & profitable business to fill the need for what?

cheap labor

the survivors of the Magellan voyage had been the first people to ____________, or sail around the world.


With these southern footholds, what did The Portuguese and Albuquerque hope to do?

end muslim power and gain control over the Indian Ocean (turn it into a "Portuguese lake")

true or false: When the Portuguese Empire declined, they left a very strong legacy.

false: they didn't leave the strongest legacy

Asante trade with Europeans exchanging gold and slaves for what?


what are plantations?

large estates run by an owner or an owners overseer

The southern regions of India were controlled by a patchwork of _____ _______.

local princes

Goa became their:

major military and commercial stronghold

what is a pro of the slave trade?

many countries arose rapidly with power and wealth

Who was Osei Tutu?

military leader who won control of the trading city of Kumasi. From there, he conquered neighboring people and unified the Asante Kingdom.

What did the Portuguese trade in the trading ports they established?

muskets, tools, cloth for gold, ivory, hides, and slaves

Europeans bought large numbers of slaves to perform labor on their _______ in the Americas.


How did the Portuguese win these princes to their side?

promises of aid against other Europeans.

slaves were considered to be ________.


The Slave Trade had _____ and _____ to west Africa.

pros, cons

The Oyo Empire was first a small forest kingdom; they used wealth from the ______ _____ to build a very impressive army.

slave trade

In the 1500s & 1600s, ________ were viewed as the most important item of African trade


When captives were taken to coastal trading pots, they were exchanged for what?

textiles, rum, tobacco, weapons, and gunpowder

When Columbus finally reached land, he thought he had found ___________ when he had really found ______________.

the coast of east Asia; unknown continents

where does the word slave come from?

the large number of slavs taken from Russia to work as unpaid laborers in Roman times.

what is a con of the slave trade?

there was an abundant number of people and small states gone; some countries vanished

What did the inland slave traders have to do because of Almany of Futas rule?

they had to find another route around it without getting into its borders.

What did boers believe?

they held a Calvinist belief that they were chosen from God. They looked down upon African Americans and didn't respect them or their land claims.

The Portuguese expelled (killed) the Arabs who controlled the East African Trade Network and ______ _____ this thriving commerce.

took over

The Portuguese were trying to find a way to buy goods directly from their source, rather than _______ through Arab middlemen.


How did the Oyo Empire continue to gain wealth?

trading with European merchants at the port city, Porto Novo.

true or false: Portugal was the first European power to gain a foothold in Asia


true or false: each conquest added to the Portuguese's growing trade empire


true or false: there were some African leaders that tried to stop the slave trade, but the plans never went through.


Several European powers made forts along where?

western coast of africa

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