Principles of Computer Programming Vocabulary
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
7 bit code allowing 128 (0-127) characters
Machine Language
basic computer language which consists of zeros and ones
Application Languages
computer language writing application programs which solve specific problems
High-Level Languages
computer languages developed from assembly programming languages
computer program which converts the source code into machine language one line at a time
computer program which translates a series of high-level language codes into a separate series of machine language codes
Webpage Languages
computer programming languages designed specially for creating and maintaining webpages
System Languages
computer programming languages used for managing a computer system
Database Languages
computer programming languages used to build and maintain databases
Computer Programming
process of developing a sequence of instructions to enable a computer to accomplish a particular task
Assembly Languages
type of computer programming languages which are one step up from the machine language
Vector Graphic
Creation of digital image which are comprised of paths instead of dots
formula which gives instructions for the computer to perform a specific task
Bit-Mapped Graphic
graphic displayed as a matrix of pixels
Flow Chat
graphic representation of the step-by-step instructions of how the computer processes data
information processed or stored by a computer
Software Development
process of computer programming, documenting, testing and big fixing through successive phases in an orderly way
Bit Depth
number of bits needed to display the color of each pixel
Linear Algorithm
set of computer instructions following down a list, one item at a time, without jumping among the items
Iterative Algorithm
set of computer instructions which executes steps in iterations
standard code providing a unique number for every character