Project Management
A common negative aspect of implementing PM is... a. Declining profits b. Increased conflict within the organization c. Greater organizational complexity d. Problems with industry partners
As compared to the functional manager, the project manager should more often use what approach to solving problems? a. An analytical approach b. His or her positional power c. A systems approach d. A department approach
Senior managers must be informed of potential problems and the PM must: a. Never allow senior management to be surprised b. Hold daily team meetings c. Consult with upper management regarding daily operations d. Present a positive report on project progress
What is a "Quasi-Project"? a. Project with variable outcomes matrix b. A situation in which all of the three primary project objectives are ill-defined c. Quick, uncomplicated, active service initiatives d. Recently added activity-reporting matrix
When a project requires input from several functional areas and uses a sophisticated technology, the recommended organizational structure is: a. Functional b. Matrix c. Consensus d. Ad hoc
The project manager needs ____ credibility. a. Technical and personal b. Administrative and personal c. Technical and administrative d. Technical and financial
Universal characteristic of all projects is that projects are: a. Over budget b. Short on time c. Unique d. Difficult
Because the PM typically has no direct authority over project team members, she/he should motivate good performance how? a. Using cash awards of various types b. Posting progress charts with goals and target for each week c. Recognition, achievement, challenging assignments, responsibility, chance to team new skills, and the work itself
Common methods to select project forms are: a. Taught in business schools b. Confusing in general c. Generally intuitive d. Decided by Upper Management
Composite Organization designs exist when: a. Both functional and projectized divisions coexists in one firm b. The primary product of the Project is producing Composites c. Several organizations form a partnership project d. Projects in one organization are composed of specific, fixed departments
Firms usually have two or more projects, and this collection of projects is referred to as ____. a. A portfolio b. Initiation c. A program d. A stochastic model
If the primary goal of a project is to produce 10 new widget designs, what might be an important ancillary goal? a. Determine skill and creativity level of the design department b. Demonstrate management commitment c. Make a profit d. Get a promotion
Most of the credit for developing project management techniques belongs to: a. The military b. Project managers worldwide c. Large multinational organizations in the U.S. d. The project management institute
Project selection models should include which of the following? A. Alignment w/ organizations goals, ease of implementation, reasonable cost of implementation B. Human Resource department approval C. Finance department approval D. Upper management support
The Project Launce Meeting occurs when? a. Prior to beginning the project to show management commitment b. When the project is fully designed and ready to begin implementation c. When the project is completed and ready to send to the client d. When the client has accepted the project, and is ready to finalize payment
The Project Manager's job includes which of the following? a. Reducing conflict and stress between different types of Project Team members by promoting understanding and appreciation b. Leaning about foreign people and their national customs c. Keeping employees from different cultures and backgrounds off important project teams to reduce friction and internal team conflict d. Taking team members to cultural events to increase appreciation of each other
The weighted factor scoring model has the advantage of: A. Simplicity B. Increased attention to relative importance of each selection criterion C. Greater worldwide acceptance D. Ease of calculation
Under normal business conditions, when the functional manager takes over control of important details of the Project, this is ....? a. Beneficial for project success b. Micromanagement and usually not beneficial c. Ensuring good results d. Guaranteeing the plans
Effective, longtime Project Managers expect which of the following regarding their Project Teams (PT's)? a. From the start the PT will be in harmony and work together to finish on time b. Initial PT conflict, then cohesiveness and teamwork, finally disbanding when project is complete c. Consistent good attributes and hard work toward project goals with successful on-time finish d. Teamwork, following orders from PM, working overtime to complete tasks per schedule, strong support from Functional Managers
Numeric project selection models generally focus on: a. Keeping the workface numbers stable b. Profits and profitability c. Management salary stability d. Maintaining stock price and ROI
Project planning typically is: a. Done at the beginning of a project b. An iterative process involving multiple stakeholders c. Done by the sales force d. The responsibility of the company President
In the past decade, a new type of organizational structure has become increasingly popular, it is called the: a. Innovative organization b. Enterprise c. Project organization d. Subsidiary organization
Risk management today is a. Relatively uncommon in project management b. Practiced only by a few very large corporations c. Reported to be practices by over 71% of organizations d. Involves simple steps to minimize uncertainty
Successful Project Management (PM) includes which of the following attributes: a. Addresses problems outside the organization's current mission b. Includes a complex set of methods involving multiple stakeholders c. Strongly relates to the organization's strategy, mission and goals d. Focuses on high goals and endeavors
The PMBOK addresses project managment maturity in 5 levels, and the highest level most organizations achieve is which of the following? A. Ad hoc - disorganized B. Planned - organized w/ few predictable results C. Organized - Standardized processes and some predictable results D. Integrated, managed - controlled w/ results in line w/ plans E. Sustained, adaptive - success is common and performance is improving
What is the RACI Matrix? a. Resource Allocation and Cost Inventory matrix b. Matrix of Responsible and Certified Individuals c. Responsible, Accountable, Consult and Inform matrix d. Recently Added Control Incident reporting matrix
What should a PM do to ensure adequate resources are available for project success? a. Be good friends with upper management b. Make deals with other PM's for exchanging resources c. Be ready to negotiate resource tradeoffs, such as subcontracting, if necessary d. Request an extension of the project due date
Common problems in managing projects include which of the following? a. Making profits b. Following specification c. Satisfying customer d. Staying within budget, with time constraints, and within scope
How can effective, lasting business relationship be built across different cultures? a. Filing lawsuits when people do not perform as expected b. Threatening to cancel contracts if multinationals will not agree to terms c. Selecting business partners only if they have proof for existing strong U.S. ties d. When disagreements occur, meeting together in an atmosphere of trust and negation to resolve problems
Which member of the Project Team is generally in personal control of the project Schedule? a. The Scheduler b. The expert in Microsoft Project software c. The technical design expert d. The Project Manager
Which of the following project selection models focuses strongly on the long-term success of the firm? A. The U.S. military model B. Product Line extension C. Competitive necessity D. Sustainability model
A project plan must be designed so that the _______ meet the criteria used to justify its selection a. Project outcomes b. Project tasks c. Timetable d. Warranties
The PMO is....? a. Personal Management Operational style b. Project Management Office c. Person of Most Objectivity d. Pre-meditated Organization
The largest amount of effort applied to a project is during the _____ phase: a. Conception b. Planning, scheduling, monitoring, and control c. Selection d. Evaluation and termination
Three primary objectives of projects? a. Make money, satisfy the customer, keep employees busy b. Follow specifications, satisfy the boss, beat the competition c. Stay within budget, within time constraints, within scope d. Be profitable, maintain reputation, avoid bad publicity
Where is the location of a project in the "functional structure"? a. In the president's office b. Where it functions best c. Within one of the major divisions of departments of the organization d. Spread throughout the organization
Acquiring and focusing personnel for work on the Project Team (PT) is generally difficult because of: a. The high visibility of the Project b. Lazy workers c. Lack of top management commitment to the Project d. Team members' dual responsibility to the Project and their Functional Departments
Actual experience with PM indicates that _____ organizations using it claim to experience better customer relations and increase in their ROI. a. Very few... b. About 50 percent c. All of the... d. A majority of...
Attributes of successful project managers generally include which of the following? a. Prior successes, no failures, honesty, pride in their work, connections at top levels of organization b. Strong management background, friends in upper management, little technical skills, good neighbor c. Flexible, friendly, good with schedule, friends at top of organization d. Good technical skills, tough manager, good terms with senior management, broad background including mostly success and few failures, works well under pressure/stress, positive attitude and consensus builder
Agile project planning and management methods should be used when? a. Projects have a high degree of uncertainty b. Project managers are well-qualified for many types of projects c. Project team members are cross-trained and therefore are agile d. The project scope and costs are undefined
An "Unweighted 0-1 Factor Model" has the advantage of: a. Simplicity b. Increased understanding and agreement within the organization c. Greater organizational flexibility d. Reducing problems with industry partners
Common benefits of Matrixed Organization include: a. Rapid response to client needs and less anxiety over nest job after project ends b. Higher salaries and better promotion potential c. Greater visibility to upper management and higher wages d. Less political infighting among PM's and workers have at least two bosses
In a "projectized" organization: a. Each Project is divided into many sub-projects b. The organization is run as one big project c. There is legal protection for each project and project manager d. Each project includes a full set of the functions needed for its operation
Project Management has resulted in an overall a. Decline in the use of traditional hierarchical management b. Increase in process improvement programs c. Growth of US industrial output d. Popularity of MBA programs
Typical responsibilities of the PMO include: a. Establishing PM procedures, offering training, mentoring managers, keeping reports of projects activities b. Providing legal services, typical reports, contracting advertising agencies c. Facilitating good customer relationships, speaking to the media d. Settling pricing disputes, hiring sales personal, monitoring ROI
Typically, when PM's are asked how many people report to them, the reply is what? a. None b. Five to ten c. Ten to Fifteen d. Twenty of ore
What is a major advantage of the Functional Organization for a Project? a. It offers maximum flexibility in use of personnel b. It can be used to hide secret projects c. It is very popular in industry d. Experts can be permanently assigned to the project
What is the Sacred Cow model? a. Upper management's favorite model b. Secret of the company c. Most focused-on organization goals d. Expected to be "profitably milked" for a long time
Which of the following choices represent the best mix of skills and attributes for Project Team Members (PTM's)? a. High technical skills, problem-solving ability, political sensitivity, goal orientation, high self-esteem b. High technical skills, willingness to take orders from PM, self-control c. Problem-solving ability, technical skills, modest opinion of self d. Ability to take orders, goods work habits, individual contributor
Which of the following is the most important for success of the project? a. The Project Manager has support of top management b. Sufficient financial resources c. A competent team d. Good working environment
In a "projectized" organization: a. Each Project Manager has full line author so there is unity of command b. A Scope of Work Contract must be written c. All stakeholders must be identified d. Relevant issues must be described in the Project Charter
In a WBS each hierarchical level should have about how many interrelated tasks? a. About 3 to 5 b. 5 to 10 c. 10 to 20 d. 2 to 20
Managing complex projects often involves use of multidisciplinary teams (MT's) including personnel from a. Different college majors b. Different work units with the organizations c. Different organizations including subcontractors d. Various combinations of college majors, work units, subcontractors, and industry partners
Meeting schedule and cost goals without compromising performance is what type of problem? a. Confidential or top secret b. A technical problem c. A human resource management problem d. Both technical and human factors problem
Most firms eventually adopt which organizational form for running their projects? a. Composite b. Functional c. Virtual d. Matrix
Project Management today is: a. A new technique invented to address complex problems b. A complex set of methods involving multiple stakeholders c. Only useful for large organizations d. A flexible method for managing large or small endeavors
Project success depends upon: a. The use of partnerships and charters b. Technical skills of the project team members c. Political and negotiating skill of the PM d. Both the technical skills of the team and the political and negotiating skills of the PM are critical
Project success is judged by what criteria? a. On-time and on budget b. On budget and to scope c. To scope and impact on the organization d. On time, within budget, to scope, and project impact on the organization
Risk management's primary focus is on what type of activities? a. Protecting the firm's money/profitability b. Minimizing workforce injuries c. Keeping the organization's problems from appearing in the local newspaper d. Complex coordination of planning, risk identification, risk analysis, response planning, monitoring and control, and recording of incidents
Successful project Manager (PM) must have which of the following skills? a. Following specifications b. Satisfying customers c. Good negotiation skills d. Staying within budget, within time constraints, and within scope
The most difficult aspect of coordinating a complex project is.... a. Determining appropriate costs and budget allocations for groups b. Determining the needed skill sets of project workers c. Political disputes between managers involved in the project d. Coordinating the various elements of the project to meet overall project goals
The process of managing risk in a project is a. Done at the beginning of the project planning cycle b. Selected by the management team c. Not part of the PMBOK d. A dynamic process throughout the project life cycle
The two primary tasks of the Project Manager are what? a. Staying within budget and scope b. Staying on time within budget c. Achieving access and impact for the organization d. Managing tradeoffs and anticipating and addressing risks to the project