Project Quiz 5

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The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, while the 14th and 15th amendments granted African Americans citizenship, equal protection under the laws, and voting rights.

1. 13th amendment​ abolished slavery 2. 1​4th amendment​ granted african americans citizenship 3. 1​5th amendment​ A.A suffrage dramatically changed American politics; presented opportunity like electing African americans like Hiram Revels to be senator. Also, democratic/ many pro slavery politicians became less frequent, as possible result

Defenders of slavery based their arguments on racial doctrines, the view that slavery was a positive social good, and the belief that slavery and states' rights were protected by the Constitution.

1. Apologist View/ Calhoun​ No longer the view that slavery was a positive good but that it was a necessary evil; view held by pro slavery southerners to support their belief. 2. G​eorge Fitzhugh/Sociology of the South​ A principle Southern book, it was highly proslavery and questioned what equality actually means. 3. P​opular Sovereignty/ Stephen Douglas​ Congress would remain "hands off" while states would decide their slave rights for themselves.

Lincoln and most Union supporters began the Civil War to preserve the Union, but Lincoln's decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamation reframed the purpose of the war and helped prevent the Confederacy from gaining full diplomatic support from European powers. Many African Americans fled southern plantations and enlisted in the Union Army, helping to undermine the Confederacy.

1. Battle of Antietam/Trent affair ​prevented the confederacy from making a headline in the war into the North, and from gaining support from Europe. 2. E​mancipation proclamation​ Even though it did not free slaves, it dramatically changed the purpose of the war giving new meaning to the Union's goals and cause. 3. F​ree Soil to Abolition​ The Northern mindset changed from stopping the expansion of slavery to stopping the whole practice, showing how the war effort changed to help abolition.

Segregation, violence, Supreme Court decisions, and local political tactics progressively stripped away African American rights, but the 14th and 15th amendments eventually became the basis for court decisions upholding civil rights in the 20th century.

1. Black Codes/Jim Crow​ These laws discriminated africans even after abolition causing rebellion in the form of future court cases, violence, and more. 2. K​KK​ used violence to strike fear into African Americans to prevent them from voting, leading to movements for better African American rights. 3. P​lessy vs Ferguson​ decided that separate but equal treatment was fair, but led to much displeasure and the rise of a Civil Rights movement for greater equality.

The desire for access to natural and mineral resources and the hope of many settlers for economic opportunities or religious refuge led to an increased migration to and settlement in the west

1. California Gold Rush​ Opportunity served as a driving force for migration since colonial period: similarly gold opportunity inspired many to travel west, a demonstration of continuity of the idea. 2. H​omestead Act​ allowed 160 acres to a family for only $10; This act similarly enticed many by presenting new (economic) opportunity, ultimately encouraging migration. 3. O​regon Territory/Trail​ large territory of expansion in the west acquired from the British, used by many fur traders as a way to expand their trade: They pushed for economic opportunity.

The courts and national leaders made a variety of attempts to resolve the issue of slavery in the territories, including the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Dred Scott decision, but these ultimately failed to reduce conflict.

1. Compromise of 1850​ compromise over slavery in western lands, but failed as it only created temporary agreements. Conflict like the latter mentioned would prevail. 2. K​ansasNebraska Act/Bleeding Kansas/Lecompton Const ​Allowed two new territories to form from Kansas, and set to decide slavery by Pop. Sovereignty; however this failed due to violence and voting fraud, leading to death and violent conflict. 3. Dred Scott decision​ Dred Scott sued for being enslaved again after being brought to a free state to get a reaction in court, but failed to achieve his freedom.

The women's rights movement was both emboldened and divided over the 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution.

1. Elizabeth Cady Stanton/ Susan B Anthony Argued that women's rights and should be included with these amendments; a growing issue of the time, where the old idea of "Cult of domesticity" was challenged. 2. Frederick Douglas​ Said that this was just the next step for rights overall, and that women should support the amendments as they have higher social standings. 3.

Abraham Lincoln's victory on the Republicans' freesoil platform in the presidential election of 1860 was accomplished without any Southern electoral votes. After a series of contested debates about secession, most slave states voted to secede from the Union, precipitating the Civil War.

1. Free soil​ boosted the free soil platform along with the progression of the Republican party 2.​ Lincoln Douglas debates​ heated debates over slavery and secession in new states/popular sovereignty 3. C​rittenden Proposal​ With tensions rising about Southern secession, this plan was put out that allowed slavery to continue in the South and Congress could regulate the interstate slave trade, but it was vetoed, leading to greater tensions.

Lincoln sought to reunify the country and used speeches such as the Gettysburg Address to portray the struggle against slavery as the fulfillment of America's founding democratic ideals.

1. Gettysburg address​ emphasized the cause of the war and the struggles present with slavery along with the purpose of natural rights to man. 2. A​bolition​ Abolitionist movements erupted mostly in the North due to a high view against slavery; stressed the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: continuations of earlier desires.

Efforts by radical and moderate Republicans to change the balance of power between Congress and the presidency and to reorder race relations in the defeated South yielded some shortterm successes. Reconstruction opened up political opportunities and other leadership roles to former slaves, but it ultimately failed, due both to determined Southern resistance and the North'swaning resolve.

1. Johnson's Impeachment During the civil war, the power the president held was at a high; Lincoln took matters into his own hands (Suspending habeas corpus), whereas Johnson's power was limited, a direct change. 2. 1​3/14/15 amendments​Hiram revels (senator)​ ​Force Acts​ (Amendments helped abolish slavery and give africans voting rights and citizenship, through government force was needed to ensure these rights) 3. Compromise of 1877 Informal agreement that Hayes was put in office, and efforts like the Force Acts were ended, demonstrating the weakening northern efforts, and southern determination.

Advocates of annexing western lands argued that Manifest Destiny and the superiority of American institutions compelled the United States to expand its borders westward to the Pacific Ocean

1. Manifest Destiny​ The use of their religious destiny was a defence used commonly in expansion, but was later "Expanded" into other uses, such as social and political justifications of inequality. 2. "​ Fiftyfour Forty or Fight!"​ 3. S​pot resolution Rejection/Mexican War/"American Blood on American Soil"​. Evident by the refusal to compromise, the Americans "imperialists ideas" began to become more obviously seen; The superiority of americans aspect was used to justify such causes.

U.S. government interaction and conflict with Mexican Americans and American Indians increased in regions newly taken from American Indians and Mexico, altering these groups' economic self sufficiency and cultures.

1. Mexican American Wa​r conflict that arose over the annexation of Texas because the United states' idea of manifest destiny trumped the desires of Mexico. 2. Stephen Austin​ conflict in Texas with the Mexican people. He brought people by the thousands to settle on Mexican lands (Texas), ultimately as an effort to add Texas to the union. 3. B​attle of Little Big Horn

Both the Union and the Confederacy mobilized their economies and societies to wage the war even while facing considerable home front opposition.

1. Monitor vs Merrimack 2. C​onscription/ Draft riots ​People had an effect on war effort: Some supported it, and would defend their cause, while some would revolt, and rebel against their cause. (Not everyone wanted war, like Loyalists in colonial times) 3. ​ Northern War bonds ​Northerners bought about 2 billions dollars in war bonds, leading to lots of pressure and hope to win the war.

The Second Party System ended when the issues of slavery and antiimmigrant nativism weakenedloyalties to the two major parties and fostered the emergence of sectional parties, most notably the RepublicanParty in the North.

1. Republican Party ​Replacing the Whigs the party who did not have a firm position on slavery. The Republicans had a free soil platform which is why they were able to succeed; they could win majority support by using the slavery argument. 2. K​now Nothing Party​ were highly against outside immigration in the U.S.

Southern plantation owners continued to own the majority of the region's land even after Reconstruction. Former slaves sought land ownership but generally fell short of self sufficiency, as an exploitative and soilintensive sharecropping system limited blacks' and poor whites' access to land in the South.

1. Sharecropping​ farmers exploited sharecroppers by making them work laboriously on their farms, in exchange for scheming economic deals, which social and economic being of the worker. This continues in labor in different forms. 2. Freedmen's' Bureau​ This group helped slaves merge into american society, and helped them gain work to support themselves

Change Over Time Statement: Manifest Destiny created disputes on how to deal with previously acquired land, including different opinions over the expansion of slavery and the country's economic systems, leading to increasingly extreme views that war was an acceptable solution for both sides.

1. Texas/Mexican Cession/Gadsden Purchase (New Land) 2. Manifest Destiny 3. Compromise of 1850/ Popular Sovereignty 4. Bleeding Kansas 5.​ John Brown in Harper's Ferry

The Mexican Cession led to heated controversies over whether to allow slavery in the newly acquired territories.

1. Wilmot Proviso​ Amid the dispute of Slavery David Wilmot proposed that Mexican Cession territory should be all free, never passed but should growing tensions. 2. M​exican Cession​ After the Mexican American War this land gained allowed for more settlement opportunities and economic opportunities, while also raising questions about the expansion of slavery. 3. P​opular Sovereignty​ The idea that states should be able to decide whether or not they want slavery, a demonstration of recurring debates over states vs national government powers.

Although the Confederacy showed military initiative and daring early in the war, the Union ultimately succeeded due to improvements in leadership and strategy, key victories, greater resources, and the wartime destruction of the South's infrastructure.

1. Winfield Scott (anaconda plan)/Grant (Vicksburg) War of attrition ​ Despite southern strategy, the north would ultimately be victorious when willing to risk lives, as the population of the north heavily outweighed the souths. 2.​ Industrial technology​ provided many new resources for war with faster and more efficient processes and weapons. This spurred later growth, especially in the north. 3. S​herman's March​ By destroying the Southern infrastructure it broke down the South morally and physically as it lost land and resources leading to their surrender.

Change Over Time Statement: As Reconstruction and Civil Rights efforts continued, the presence of southern resistance to the economic and social change eventually suppressed Northern efforts, ending reconstruction, ensuring white superiority would prevail for a time to follow (Including natives).

1.15th amendment/ Hiram revels 2. Share Cropping "Forty Acres and a Mule" 3. Battle of Little Big Horn 4. ​Compromise of 1877 5. Force acts (Military can enforce reconstruction)

The North's expanding manufacturing economy relied on free labor in contrast to the Southern economy's dependence on slave labor. Some Northerners did not object to slavery on principle but claimed that slavery would undermine the free labor market. As a result, a free soil movement arose that portrayed the expansion of slavery as incompatible with free labor.

1.Free Soilers​ Opposed the expansion of slavery into the new territories. 2​. Hinton R. Helper/Impending Crisis of the South ​Book that helped explain the negative affects of slavery on the Southern economy, and helped provide distinct reasons for the deterring of slavery. 3. R​ailroads/Federal Land Grants/Industrial Technology ​The growing industry helped discourage slavery as financially unecessary to northerners.

Substantial numbers of international migrants continued to arrive in the United States from Europe and Asia, mainly from Ireland and Germany, often settling in ethnic communities where they could preserve elements of their languages and customs.

1.New England Immigrant Aid Company​ transported immigrants to the Kansas territory to shift balance of powers among freestaters. 2. Irish Potato Famine a large scale famine in ireland led many irish people to immigrate to America in search for better opportunities, creating a diverse culture, with many ethnic customs being brought over.

U.S. interest in expanding trade led to economic, diplomatic, and cultural initiatives to create more ties with Asia.

1.​ Matthew C. Perry Pressed the japanese into signing the Treaty of Kanagawa, Opening trade with Japan. Attempts to improve trade demonstrated the growth of the US as a nation; more stuff, more trade. 2. F​oreign Commerce growth in market revolution to create a strong national economy led the way for America to create ties with Asia.

Change Over Time Statement: Following Confederate secession, ​a Civil War of attrition broke out and was ​eventually won by the North, marking the start of the reconstruction era where the progress of civil rights for African Americans​ was challenged by Southern resistance;​ meanwhile, new transportation networks​ accelerated the development of the western frontier.

1.​SC secession, Start of Civil War, Ft Sumter, Battle of Gettysburg, Shermans March 2.Emancipation Proclamation 3.​ Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad 4.​Freedmen's Bureau/.Reconstruction acts/ 13th Amendment, 14th amendment 5.​Jim Crow Laws/ Black Codes/ KKK

Westward migration was boosted during and after the Civil War by the passage of new legislation promoting Western transportation and economic development.

1​. Homestead Act of 1862 enticed many to migrate west, as it provided many economic opportunities, this allowed for the rise of questions dealing with slavery and expansion. 2. P​acific Railway Act of 1862 Allowed for the building of a transcontinental railroad that boosted efficiency and speed with transportation; this created concerns and problems with slavery as it was undetermined how these new land would be operated

African American and white abolitionists, although a minority in the North, mounted a highly visible campaign against slavery, presenting moral arguments against the institution, assisting slaves' escapes, and sometimes expressing a willingness to use violence to achievetheir goals.

1​. U​ nderground railroad​ Popularized by Harriet Tubman, this system helped transport southern slaves to freedom in the north 2. John Brown/Bleeding Kansas​ believed he was ordained by God to end slavery, led attacks against government officials in Kansas which ultimately led to bleeding Kansas. 3.​ Moral Suasion/The Liberator M​ oral sensationalized propaganda helped to raise awareness for abolition. 4. Nat Turner's rebellion ​ One of the largest slave revolts, it served as example for the growing abolition movement; resulted in the deaths of up to 65 people.

A strongly antiCatholic nativist movement arose that was aimed at limiting new immigrants' political power and cultural influence.

1​.KnowNothings Rising as a political party, the group hated immigrants and helped create strong american nativist nationalism; this grew with the mass immigrations of many european countries.

Give a summary?

A summary of this unit is the issue of slavery is growing and growing and eventually breaks causing the civil war between the north and the south. The north would end up winning causing for the 13th amendment which abolished slavery. Then the 14th and 15th for the rest of the reconstruction era.

The U.S. added large territories in the West through victory in the Mexican-American War and diplomatic negotiations, raising questions about the status of slavery, American Indians, and Mexicans in the newly acquired lands

SFI: 1. Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty/Mexican Cession ​Massive amounts of land were received from Mexico following the war; though the territory was paid for, the beginnings of imperialistic motives were becoming known American Indians, and Mexicans in the newly acquired lands. 2. 3. W​ Wilmot Proviso vs Ostend Manifest ​Debates over what should happen with slavery were present; Whether or not to expand or end the institution became a heated debated that would develop past the point of compromise

Why does period 5 start in 1848?

The unit begins in 1844 as it was the beginnings of the Mexican American War, which played a big role in the start of the Civil War, as it created debates over slavery in the expanded lands.

why does period 5 end in 1877?

The unit ends in 1877 with the Compromise of 1877 in which Post Civil War Reconstruction was agreed to be ended.

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