Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Rule
A pronoun must agree with its antecedent in person, number, and gender.
Subject-Verb Agreement Rule
A subject must agree with its verb in person and number.
A word that takes the place of a noun or another pronoun
Interrogative Pronouns
Appear in the place of unnamed people, places, or objects and are used in asking questions. They are used as nouns or adjectives and their number and gender are determined by the antecedent. All are 3rd person.
Pronoun's Case
Nominative, Objective, Possessive
Parsing a Pronoun
Part of Speech, Kind, Person, Gender, Number, Use, and Case
Kinds of Pronouns
Personal, Demonstrative, Interrogative, Indefinite, Intensive, Reflexive, and Relative
Pronoun's Person
Refers to the relationship between the speaker and what is being said. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Pronoun's Use
Subject, Predicate Nominative, Pronoun of Direct Address, Object of Preposition, Direct Object, Indirect Object, Pronoun in Apposition, and Adjective
Personal Pronouns
Take the place of known people, places objects, or ideas.
Indefinite Pronouns
Take the place of unknown people, places, objects, or ideas and might not have a known antecedent. Its antecedent may be implied or understood and may follow the pronoun. They are all 3rd person and their gender is determined by the antecedent.
The noun to which a pronoun refers. A pronoun must agree with it in person, number, and gender
Case-Use Agreement
The use of a pronoun must agree with its case
Intensive Pronouns
Used as Pronouns in Apposition and intensify the noun or pronoun that immediately precedes it. If they rename the subject, they may appear at the end of the sentence.
Reflexive Pronouns
Used as objects and always refer to the subject. They may also be used as Predicate Nouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Used to designate or point out some definite person, place , or object and may be used to avoid repetition of a noun. This and That are singular and These and Those are plural. Its Gender is determined by its antecedent. All are 3rd person