PS201 CH8

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Interest groups provide different sorts of benefits to attract members. - benefits are provided in the form of emails, conferences, training events, and other communications from a group. - benefits include meeting like-minded people, developing friendships, and the networking opportunities individuals gain from being a member of an organization.

1. Informational 2. Solidary

The following terms are often confused. -groups are concerned with influencing the policies of government. -are interested in influencing elections, though they do not run their own candidates. Finally, -are interested in the personnel of government, often directly running individuals for political office.

1. Interest groups 2. Political action committees 3. Political parties

For the past two decades, divisions between those who support Democrats and those who support Republicans have been growing. Along with these distinctions in the parties' supporters, partisans have also expressed an emotional dislike for members of the other party; this phenomenon is known as - . This makes it - difficult for the parties to compromise.

1. affective polorizatioon 2. more

Party organizers often have a(n) -time recruiting political candidates,and recruiting high-quality candidates is especially important for - seats.

1. difficult

-and citizen interest groups are the most closely related types of interest group.

1. ideological groups

Washington, D.C., is home to many different interest groups. Place the interest groups in order from those with the most presence in the nation's capital to those with the least.

> corporate groups and trade associations > citizen groups > government groups > professional associations > labor groups

Which of the following statements about the evolution of the two-party system in the United States is true?

Although the US has has a two-party system since the 1780s, the nature of the parties has changed over time with various issues and events producing flactuations in the parties menbers and positions

Label each example of an interest group benefit with the type of benefit it represents.

An interest-group member receives a free T-shirt for joining. Correct label: > material --- An individual joins an environmental protection organization to meet and network with other local environmentalists. Correct label: > solidary --- An individual draws pride from having contributed to an interest group's introduction of a particular piece of legislation. Correct label: > purposive --- An interest-group member receives discounts from local businesses related to the interest group. Correct label: > material

Sort the following into whether they are inside or outside strategies.

Inside Strategies - lobbying a member of Congress - filing a brief in a court case --- Outside Strategies - using electoral politics going public

Sort the following attributes into whether they are more characteristic of interest groups or of political parties.

Interest Groups - more limited in scope - try to influence the policies of government through lobbying Political Parties - more interested in the personnel of government - run candidates in elections

Match the political parties and their key issues during the first party system.

Jeffersonian Republicans Correct label: - promotion of agricultural interests - free trade -------- Federalists Correct label: - creation of national bank - protective tariffs

Out of the four income groups listed here, which income group is most likely to say they are independent?

Less than $20,000 a year

Which of the following statements best characterizes people's attachments to political parties?

Party attachments tend to be stable emotional and rational

In which of the following ways does an issue network differ from an iron triangle?

an issue network includes interested individuals and activists who would not be a part of the string iron angle

Interest groups are often categorized by the causes or people they represent. Match each example of a specific interest group to the correct interest group category.

economic and corporate groups Correct label: Independent Petroleum Association of America --- public interest groups Correct label: Natural Resources Defense Council --- labor groups Correct label: AFL-CIO --- professional associations Correct label: American Bar Association

Lobbying refers to direct contact by an interest group specifically with a member of Congress. XIncorrect choice


Only members of the majority party, the party that holds the most seats in the House, gets to vote for the Speaker of the House, which is the top leadership position in the United States House of Representatives.


The Democrats and Republicans have grown more similar in terms of their policy positions over the last fifty years.


The Tea Party was a faction within the Republican Party that sought to make the party more moderate by challenging ideologically extreme incumbents in their primaries.


The United States uses a proportional representation system.


You've just been assigned a group project. There is one person in your group who does none of the work but is happy to take the "A" you all earn for the final product. This person's behavior is an example of what concept?

free riding

One of the more famous quotes in political science (yes, there are famous quotes among political scientists) is Schattschneider's "[t]he flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent.″ What did he mean by this?

interest group politics tend to be favored by the busniess and cooperate owners

Different political parties rely on different groups for support. Match the each group with the political party that has most often relied on its support.

organized labor >. Democrats non-White racial and ethnic groups > Democrats religious and social conservatives >. Republicans business owners >. Republicans

When casting their ballots for candidates in races that are lesser known to voters, such as state comptroller, which cue do voters tend to rely on the most?

party identifications

The two major American political parties emphasize different policy positions. Match each policy position to the party most likely to support it.

providing tax relief for corporations and upper-income voters Correct label:Republicans ----- expanding social services spending Correct label:Democrats ---- maintaining high levels of military spending Correct label:Republicans ---- increasing regulation of business Correct label:Democrats

Which type of interest group is most likely to be involved in protesting the expansion of oil pipelines in the United States?

public interest group

Which of the following is the best definition of a party organization?

the formal structure of a political party, including its leadership, election committees, active members, and paid staff

Which statement about interest groups is accurate?

the presence of a large numbers of interest groups would suggest a more pluralistic society

What is the key feature that makes American political parties different from interest groups?

they try to control the government by winning elections.

Executive branch officials engaged in rule making are most responsive to the side of an issue that participates the most.


In general, groups organized on behalf of businesses and industries have more lobbyists and more financial resources than citizen groups.


Put these major moments in the history of American political parties in order from earliest to latest.

- The Federalists represent New England merchants and argue for protective tariffs. - The Democrats and Whigs become the two major political parties. - The Republican Party comes into existence. - The New Deal realignment leaves the Democratic Party dominant for several decades.

Americans of different racial and ethnic backgrounds support the two parties at different rates. Place each group in order from least to most supportive of the Democratic Party.

- White - Asian - Hispanic - Black

Which of the following is an example of affective polarization?

Correct Answer(s) - Democrats report thinking that members of the other party are unpatriotic and immoral compared to other Americans. - Republicans post on an online dating website that they will not date a Democrat. Incorrect Answer(s) - Democrats are more likely to support greater government funding for public health care programs like Medicaid, while Republicans support cutting the funding for such programs. - Republicans and Democrats in Congress tend to vote together on most major bills.

In the United States, how have political parties historically formed?

Correct Answer(s) - Groups outside of government organize popular support to win control of government. - Societal conflict leads political elites and competing coalitions within government to mobilize popular support. Incorrect Answer(s) - Political parties have always formed at the local government level first and then have gained popularity over time to become national parties.

Which of the following statements are true regarding political independents?

Correct Answer(s) - In 2020, between 15 and 20 percent of Americans split their votes evenly between the two parties. - Most independent voters tend to support one party more than the other. --- Incorrect Answer(s) - Roughly one-half of the electorate identifies as independent. - Pure independents are generally more informed, engaged, and interested in politics than partisans.

Which of the following statements accurately describe how lobbyists interact with Congress?

Correct Answer(s) - Lobbyists often help members of Congress with their reelection efforts by directing clients' donations to certain members of Congress and presidential candidates. - Lobbyists provide information to busy members of Congress. --- Incorrect Answer(s) - Studies have found little correlation between the amount of money a lobbyist provides to a representative and the amount of attention a lobbyist receives in return. - Lobbyists give expensive gifts to members of Congress in exchange for favorable legislation.

Suppose you are advising a Republican candidate on their strategy for an upcoming election. Which groups would you suggest targeting in your voter mobilization efforts?

Correct Answer(s) - Older people (age 65+) - Less educated people (high school diploma or less) - White non-Hispanic people Incorrect Answer(s) - High-income earners ($80,000+)

Which of the following are true statements about party organizations?

Correct Answer(s) - Party organizations include party leadership, election committees, active members, and paid staff. - State law and party rules dictate how such party committees are created. - Party organizations exist at every level of government. Incorrect Answer(s) - Party leaders are elected by Congress.

Which of the following statements regarding political action committees and Super PACs are correct?

Correct Answer(s) - Super PACs can raise and spend unlimited money, but political action committees are restricted in how much they can contribute to candidates and parties. - A Super PAC's activities are not coordinated with the formal party organization, whereas political action committees may work with campaigns directly. --- Incorrect Answer(s) - Super Pacs' activities are designed in tandem with a candidate's strategy; however, political action committees must maintain a "wall of separation" with campaigns. - People who donate to Super PACs must be registered voters, but anyone can contribute to political action committees.

Suppose the American Soybean Association wants to pass a provision that would provide reliable broadband coverage to rural communities throughout the United States since reliable broadband is essential for precision agriculture technology and community connectivity. Which of the following lobbying strategies would likely be the most successful for the American Soybean Association?

Correct Answer(s) - The American Soybean Association works with members of Congress whose districts have soybean farms. - The American Soybean Association targets members of the committees in which legislation is being considered and shares legislative language and information that would help further its goals. - The American Soybean Association works with allies in Congress (i.e., those who already are likely to support their issue) to provide them with information that will support their position on the provision. ------------------- Incorrect Answer(s) - The American Soybean Association focuses on lobbying new members of Congress (i.e., freshmen) since they likely do not have a position on the issue. - The American Soybean Association focuses on lobbying opponents of their provision to get them to switch their votes and support the rural broadband provision.

Why do party activists tend to devote their time to politics?

Correct Answer(s) - They feel they have a stake in election outcomes. Incorrect Answer(s) - Party workers are well paid. - They don't have anything else to do. - They are required to do so to be a legal member of the party.

What are the three parts of an iron triangle?

Correct Answer(s) - a congressional committee - a supportive interest group - an administrative agency Incorrect Answer(s) - a favorable judge the president

The "New Deal" Coalition that developed in the 1930s system was eventually undone by conflicts over which of the following issues?

Correct Answer(s) - civil rights - the Vietnam War Incorrect Answer(s) - slavery - economic protectionism - the size of the national government

What resources do the most successful groups have?

Correct Answer(s) - money - staff - members Incorrect Answer(s) - corporate sponsors

Which are the main characteristics of the American national electoral system? Correct Answer(s)

Correct Answer(s) - single-member district - plurality system Incorrect Answer(s) - multi-member district - proportional representation

Lobbying Congress involves engaging in which two main activities?

Correct Answer(s) - testifying at legislative hearings - meeting with legislators and staffs Incorrect Answer(s) - convincing members of Congress to support a bill that the member is strongly opposed to - offering money to members of Congress to support their bill

What are two most common ways third parties can influence politics?

Correct Answer(s) - the major parties absorbing their programs and their popular ideas - splitting the vote of a party's candidate in a close election. Incorrect Answer(s) - winning gubernatorial elections - winning a majority in Congress

Which of the following groups are generally considered unrepresented in Washington, D.C.?

Correct Answer(s) - the poor - the homeless Incorrect Answer(s) - the elderly - the young

Why do voters often support third-party candidates?

Correct Answer(s) - to support the candidates' positions - to show disapproval of the major parties Incorrect Answer(s) - to get their preferred candidate elected

Which of the following are examples of material benefits?

Correct Answer(s) - travel discounts for being a member of AARP - a mug or tote bag that you receive for donating to National Public Radio (NPR) or the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) ----- Incorrect Answer(s) - meeting new friends who share your interests - the good feelings you get for helping a cause you believe in

Both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Republican National Committee (RNC) do which of the following?

Correct Answer(s) > set rules for elections and caucuses > give money to candidates they want to see win a primary > minimize disputes within the party > work to enhance how the party is portrayed in the media

Which of the following represent actual restrictions or conditions imposed by the government on lobbying practices?

Correct Answer(s) >. Businesses may no longer deduct lobbying expenses. >. The size of gifts that members of Congress can accept from interest groups is limited. > Trade associations must disclose the proportion of their dues that go toward lobbying. Incorrect Answer(s) >. Lobbying members of Congress is no longer permitted when the House and Senate are in session.

What is the most important factor in determining how many major political parties a country has?

Electoral rules

Why are free riders a problem for interest groups trying to secure collective goods?

Free rider can enjoy collective goods even without helping, so they do not provide support for interest groups

What kind of benefit is derived from the experience of working with like-minded people?


Sort the following groups of Americans as to whether group members tend to support either the Republican or the Democratic Party.

Tend to Support Democratic Party - coastal Americans - religiously unaffiliated Americans - Jewish Americans - African Americans - young Americans Tend to Support Republican Party - southern Americans - upper-income Americans - evangelical Americans

In each example, identify which political institution the interest group is lobbying.

The ACLU submits an amicus curiae brief on a case. Correct label: judiciary --- The American Medical Association provides a comment on a rule the Department of Health and Human Services is considering. Correct label: bureaucracy --- The American Federation of Teachers testifies at a hearing about school reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic. Correct label: Congress

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