PSY 110

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A 5-year-old girl observes a stranger in a store pretending to discipline a stuffed dog. When the stranger moves to the next aisle, the girl picks up another stuffed animal and does the same thing. Her behavior reflects the findings in studies conducted by:


Alone in the woods, a man hears a noise. He thinks he sees a bear coming toward him. His heart starts pounding, and at the same time, he realizes he is afraid. This sequence of events is BEST explained by the _____ theory of emotion.


An airplane is descending into its destination airport. Currently it is about 500 feet above the ground. The amplitude of its noise is about _____ decibels.

prototype; concept

Christmas is to holiday as _____ is to _____.


Compared with the face, the body is a(n) _____ predictor of attractiveness ratings.

learning assciations

Conditioning is the process of:

unconditioned stimulus (US); neutral stimulus (NS)

Conditioning seldom occurs when a(n) _____ repeatedly comes before a(n) _____.


Feeling what others feel is called:


Kim finds that by the end of each work day, she is several hours behind with respect to the to-do list she creates each morning. Kim's optimistic assessment of what she's likely to achieve each day BEST reflects the cognitive process or bias called:


Laurie has a persistent itch on her arm. This is MOST likely caused by the action of _____ receptors.

social facilitation

Norman Triplett observed that adolescents wound a fishing reel faster in the presence of someone working simultaneously on the same task. This BEST illustrates:

short-term memory is limited in duration and capacity

Oliver is trying to make an online purchase, but he doesn't have his credit card. He calls his wife, who reads the 16-digit credit card number to him. Unfortunately, Oliver cannot remember the number long enough to type it into the computer. This is because:


Pigeons can reliably discriminate pictures of cars from pictures of chairs. This BEST illustrates their capacity to develop:

beliefs, emotions, and predispositions to action

Prejudice involves a three-part mixture of:


Prompt and clear feedback regarding one's performance on a psychology practice test is MOST likely to inhibit:

use syntax

Research suggests that nonhuman animals are LEAST able to:

observational learning

Sadie watches her mother apply lipstick and eye makeup. The next day Sadie sits at her mother's vanity and attempts to apply her mother's makeup to her own face. This is a clear example of:


Some motivated behaviors, such as curiosity, actually _____ arousal.

guilty knowledge

The assistant chief of police has decided to use a variation of a polygraph test on a suspect and will assess the suspect's physiological responses to a series of very specific crime-scene details known only to the police and the perpetrator of the crime. This is known as the _____ test.

the just-world phenomenon

The belief that an individual "must have done something" to be arrested by law enforcement officers BEST illustrates:


The phenomenon of social loafing means that at least in some instances, the group is _______ than the sum of its individual members.

fail to interpret the incident as an emergency

The presence of many bystanders at the scene of an emergency increases the likelihood that any individual bystander will:

observational learning

Using his toy hammer, Johnny is "hammering" the nail as his father is hammering the deck boards. His behavior is a clear example of:


When one's blood glucose level drops, one's _____ increases.

Have them gaze into each other's eyes for two minutes

You think two of your friends are highly compatible, so you are trying to get them together. Which approach might help to get them interested in each other?

at any stage of memory.

forgetting can occur:

fail to notice the older woman's problem

As Arlette walks through a shopping mall, she happens to pass an older woman who is sitting on a bench, clutching her arm and moaning in pain. The presence of many other shoppers in the mall will MOST likely increase the probability that Arlette will:

social-responsibility norm

Melissa regularly donates blood to an international blood bank simply because she believes she ought to help anyone with a medical need for a blood transfusion. Melissa's altruism BEST illustrates the impact of the:

social scripts

Ted enjoys watching violent action movies and television shows most evenings as well as listening to music with violent lyrics. When faced with real-life conflict, he tends to respond with aggressive behavior because he believes that he needs to "act like a man." According to social psychologists, he has learned _____, which is/are mental tapes for how to act due to this exposure to media violence.

you feel fear

Alone in your house, you hear a noise in the middle of the night. Your heart starts to pound, and you jump out of bed trembling. If an emotional response is made up of physiological arousal, expressive behavior, and conscious experience, which critical component is missing from your description of the event?

learned response

Bullying younger children earns Diego the attention and respect of many classmates. As a result, his bullying behavior increases. This MOST clearly suggests that his aggression is a(n):


Cathy went through gastric bypass surgery for her severe obesity. The surgery reduced the size of her stomach. This helped reduce her appetite because her remaining stomach produced less:

involuntary responses to stimuli

Classical and operant conditioning are similar in many ways. Which process does NOT apply to both types of learning?

normative; informational

Conformity based on a desire for approval is called _____ social influence. Conformity based on the desire to be accurate is called _____ social influence.


Dr. Castillo is conducting a multisite trial for a large pharmaceutical company and has to select a scale that will provide objective weekly data on participants' depression. Dr. Castillo is most concerned that the scale's measurements are consistent. Based on this information, Dr. Castillo will MOST likely pay special attention to the _____ of the scales he considers.

conditioned stimulus

Dr. Jones is known for his difficult pop quizzes. Immediately before he springs a pop quiz on his students, he typically goes to the classroom door and closes it, and his students begin to feel anxious and tense. Students soon learn to anticipate a pop quiz and feel anxious whenever Dr. Jones closes the classroom door. Closing the door has become a(n) _____ stimulus.

bungee jumping

Dr. LaGrange is skeptical of drive theories of motivation. He argues that drive-reduction theory can't explain:


Dr. Perez is conducting research about how people form impressions of others and how they interpret one another's behavior in a variety of situations. Dr. Perez is probably a(n) _____ psychologist.


Dr. Schmidt studies the factors that energize and direct human behavior. Dr. Schmidt studies:


Dr. Scholz is reading an article describing research in which investigators examined how the presence of other people influenced participants' performance on a variety of tasks. Dr. Scholz is MOST likely reading the Journal of Research in _____ Psychology.


According to the _____ theory of motivation, when a physiological need, such as hunger, creates an aroused tension state, it drives the organism to reduce the need.

facial expressions can stimulate the emotional experience

According to the facial feedback effect:

basilar membrane

After an evening at the opera, as Enrique walks into the fresh air, he notices his ears are ringing. This ringing indicates possible damage to the hair cells of his:

misinformation effect

After being verbally threatened by a person in a passing car, Teresa was asked if she recognized the man who was driving the car. Several hours later Teresa mistakenly recalled that the driver was male rather than female. Teresa's experience BEST illustrates:


After she suffered a stroke, Mrs. Estrada had so much difficulty speaking that she had to communicate by writing. This suggests that her brain damage occurred in _____ area in the left hemisphere.

the scapegoat theory

After the events of 9/11, some Americans began boycotting Arab-American stores and lashing out at any Middle Eastern person they saw. This behavior is BEST explained in terms of:

more likely to treat women in a punitive manner

After watching violent pornographic movies on late-night cable TV, Myron will probably be:

limbic system; central executive

Aggression is related to increased activity in the _____ and decreased activity in the _____.


Alone in the woods, a man hears a noise. He thinks he sees a bear coming toward him. His heart starts pounding, and then, a moment later, he realizes how frightened he is. This sequence of events is BEST explained by the _____ theory of emotion.


Alone in the woods, a woman hears a noise. She thinks she sees a bear coming toward her. Her heart starts pounding, and at the same time, she realizes she is afraid. This sequence of events is BEST explained by the _____ theory of emotion.

observational learning

Jill is learning how to play tennis. For her first lesson, her instructor models serving and backhand returns while Jill patiently watches. Jill then tries to imitate the sequence of swings and motions made by her instructor. Which concept BEST describes how Jill is learning to play tennis?


Joel suffered a head injury after crashing his motorcycle. When he awoke from a two-day coma, he found that he could formulate his thoughts linguistically, but he lost the ability to speak. Joel suffered damage to


John remembers very clearly the day his best friend died in a bicycle accident at the hands of a drunk driver. This BEST illustrates _____ memory.

mere exposure

Josh and Donna are discussing the latest release by their favorite band. "I didn't like it at first, but now that I've played it a few times, I love it!" Donna states. Donna's remark exemplifies the _____ effect.


Kaleb decided to go to his 25-year high school reunion. He looked in his yearbook to see whose picture he might recognize. According to research, he should expect to recognize _____ percent of his classmates' pictures.

it is easier to relearn; that is, to learn the material for a second time.

Katrina studied the Russian language in high school. Although not fluent, she did accumulate a large vocabulary. Years later she decided to go to Russia, so she wanted to brush up on her vocabulary. She picked up the vocabulary much quicker because:


Latoya accidentally grazes her finger with a hot iron. The burn stimulates _____, specialized receptors that can detect hurtful temperatures, pressure, or chemicals.


Laxmi is a mother. The responsibilities and expectations associated with this position constitute a social:

conditioned response

Linda had leukemia as a child and had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy always made her nauseous. As she underwent a year of treatment, the waiting room started to make her nauseous. The nausea from the waiting room is the:

conformity; obedience

Line length is to _____ as shock is to _____.

use syntax in communicating

Many psychologists are skeptical of claims that chimpanzees can acquire language because the chimpanzees have NOT shown the ability to:


Psychologists became aware of the importance of biological constraints on learning during the ______ century.

lower, frequency

Randy is playing the piano. His left hand plays notes that are _____ in _____ than does his right hand.

The capacity of long-term memory is essentially limitless.

Regarding long-term memory, which statement is MOST accurate?


Research discussed in the textbook suggests that it takes just over _____ days for a behavior to become a habit.


Research discussed in the textbook suggests that it takes just over _____ days for a behavior to become a habit.


Richard learned at an early age how to sell numerous items ranging from chocolate to small electronics. Many say his most significant education came from the streets on which he grew up. This BEST illustrates ______ intelligence.


Savion is 10 years old. His performance on a series of cognitive tasks is the same as that of the average 11-year-old child. Savion's intelligence quotient is:

demonstrate delinquent behavior in the future

Seven-year-old Evan's parents use a great deal of harsh physical punishment and verbal intimidation to control his behavior. Studies have shown that if his parents continue this type of discipline Evan is more likely to:

mental age of 9.

Seven-year-old Jarrod is in the second grade. He is quite bright and can do the work of a 9-year-old child in the fourth grade. If Jarrod were to take Binet's original intelligence test, he would likely have a(n):


_____ can be defined as any physical or verbal behavior that is intended to hurt or destroy.


_____ is an unjustifiable, usually negative attitude toward a group and its members.

the smell of cooked shellfish

Several years ago Kishara became violently ill after eating scallops in a restaurant. Ever since then the mere smell of cooked shellfish makes Kishara nauseous. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is:


Shelia says things like "me go," "mama bye," and "dada go." She is in the _____ stage.


Some of our memories of an emotionally significant moment or event are vividly clear. These are known as _____ memories.

classical conditioning

Sophie is frightened by the pain of a needle. Sophie associates the sight or even the thought of a needle with pain because the sight of the needle always precedes pain. Now when she sees a needle, Sophie often gets squeamish in anticipation of potential pain. This is an example of:


Taste preferences reflect body cues, memory, emotional states, and cultural norms. Taste preferences are therefore BEST understood through a _____ perspective.

ghrelin levels are low

Terrell is not feeling hungry at the moment. This is likely because his:


The authors of the textbook ask if the 2018 slaughter of 11 Jewish worshippers at Pittsburgh's Tree of Life synagogue should be ascribed to the shooter's hateful disposition or to America's gun culture. Whichever explanation one favors, it reflects the process of:

fixed interval

The city bus is scheduled to arrive at the stop outside Ken's house at 8:23 a.m. As that time nears, Ken peers toward the corner to see if the bus is approaching. Ken's looking behavior is reinforced on a _____ schedule.


The easier it is for an individual to remember a circumstance in which a car battery failed to function, the more he expects such an event to recur. This BEST illustrates the impact of the _____ heuristic.


The garage where Quinn works has specific step-by-step procedures, or _____, for fixing car engines.

need help

The social-responsibility norm refers to the expectation that people should help those who:


The specific topic of prejudice is an example of social psychology's broad focus on social:

other-race effect

The tendency to recall faces of one's own race more accurately than faces of other races is called:

there is a general intelligence, a g factor.

The theory of multiple types of academic intelligence is LEAST similar to the idea that:


The theory that suggests you would NOT experience anger unless you first noticed your racing heart (or other symptoms of physiological arousal) is the _____ theory.


The tragic decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger resulted in part from the minimal expression of dissenting views among NASA personnel and advisers. This BEST illustrates the dangers of _____.


Theo suffers from depression and is currently in treatment. His physician is using electroconvulsive therapy, which will affect his _____ memory.

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

To "brainwash" captured American soldiers during the Korean War, the enemy made effective use of the:


To solve a problem, sometimes we resort to trial and error. If we want a guaranteed solution, we may follow a(n) _____, which is a step-by-step procedure.

serve food on small plates

Tom would like to lose weight. Which change to his eating habits is MOST likely to help him eat less food?

observational learning

Trey and his brother act out a scene between a police officer and an arrestee they viewed on television earlier in the day. This is MOST clearly an example of:

fluid intelligence

Twenty-eight-year-old Melissa is a research psychologist. She is known for her creative research problem solving and the ability to interpret research data abstractly. Melissa is demonstrating:


_____ memory is a newer understanding of short-term memory that involves conscious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information as well as information retrieved from long-term memory.

Functional fixedness

_____ refers to an inability to view a problem from a new perspective.


_____ reinforcement involves any stimulus that when presented after a response, strengthens the response.

Ivan Pavlov

_____ was the scientist whose experiment with dogs led to the discovery of classical conditioning.


__________is an organism's response to a stimulus that includes a mixture of bodily arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience.


Two-year-old Jackson's older brother popped a balloon in Jackson's face. This caused Jackson to become afraid the next time he saw his brother with a balloon. This classically conditioned fear of the balloon is an example of a(n) _____ memory.

intrinsic motivation

Ty's mother is frustrated that he is not spending the time on his schoolwork that he is practicing and playing baseball. Ty spends hours practicing in the hot sun every summer day without a coach telling him to do so. Ty's dedication to baseball can be explained by:

the scapegoat theory

Undocumented immigrants often take jobs that most American citizens refuse. Conversely, immigrants with specialized work visas often hold positions for which few citizens are qualified. Nevertheless, immigrants are often blamed for the economic anxiety many Americans experience. This example BEST illustrates:


We often hear that successful long-term relationships are 50/50 or 100/100, highlighting the role of ______ in companionate love.


According to the _____ law, performance is optimal when arousal is moderate.

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon

A meme suggests that fascism does not begin with gas ovens; rather, it begins when ordinary citizens are persuaded to commit smaller acts of aggression or hatred toward others. The meme MOST specifically calls attention to:


A multiple-choice test is a good example of a(n) ______ test of explicit memory.


A social scientist creates a measure in which higher scores indicate greater income inequality. The correlation between scores on this measure and crime rates is MOST likely to be:

fundamental attribution error

A student fails to speak or raise his hand in class all semester. The teacher assumes that the student is exceptionally shy. The teacher is illustrating the:

the fundamental attribution error

A teacher explains a student's antisocial and destructive behavior by suggesting that the student has a rebellious nature rather than by suggesting that the student is experiencing peer pressure to perform antisocial acts. The teacher's explanation BEST reflects:

social loafing

A team of colleagues establishes a new channel on a collaboration app to complete a project. Some team members contribute little to the discussion on the app. This example BEST illustrates:


A test designed to assess whether newly graduated medical students should be granted the legal right to practice medicine would MOST likely be considered a(n) _____ test.

Rats appear to experience latent learning while exploring mazes.

Although Skinner and other behaviorists did not think it was necessary to refer to thoughts or expectations when explaining human learning, findings from experiments with rats suggest otherwise. Which finding suggests that cognitive processes are involved in operant learning?


An attorney uses misleading questions to distort a court witness's recall of a previously observed crime. This BEST illustrates the _____ effect.

wide cultural variations in aggressiveness

An explanation of aggression in terms of instinct would have the MOST difficulty explaining:


Approximately _____ percent of the population has an IQ score between 85 and 115.

two months

Arif can't seem to get into the routine of taking a multivitamin at breakfast. Perhaps he just hasn't made a sufficiently consistent effort. Based on research described in the text, Arif should be sure to take the multivitamin every day for just over _____ to ensure that it becomes a habit.


As passionate love matures into a calm and steady companionate love, the bonding of two partners is MOST likely to be facilitated by:


As the amount of time one spends with an individual increases, one's liking for that person:

the capacity to solve problems, adapt to the environment, and learn from experience.

Ashley, a psychology major, remarks that she has become interested in the study of intelligence. Thus, Ashley is interested in:


At 17 months of age, Julie says "wada" whenever she wants a drink of water. Julie is MOST likely in the _____ stage of language development.


At 18 months of age, Fernanda says "wada" whenever she wants a drink of water. Fernanda is MOST likely in the _____ stage of language development.

ecoding failure

Austin can't remember Jack Smith's name because he wasn't paying attention when Jack was formally introduced. Austin's poor memory is BEST explained in terms of:

the other kids ostracizing him

Billy comes home from school crying almost every day. He is depressed and has a hard time sleeping. When his parents ask him what is wrong, he tells them that he is failing algebra, he lost his favorite baseball mitt, his favorite baseball team just lost a big game, and the other kids in school are ostracizing him. Which factor is MOST likely responsible for the majority of Billy's emotional state?


Blanche is extremely interested in politics and believes an upcoming election is very important to the future. Blanche would MOST likely be persuaded by a campaign message relying on _____ route persuasion.

She can make sure the participants know that she has a Ph.D. from a prestigious university

Dr. Yen is designing an experiment on obedience to authority. She will set up a learning laboratory and have participants deliver loud blasts of sound as punishment for incorrect answers (given by a confederate of the researcher). How can Dr. Yen increase the likelihood of the participants' obedience?

can form concepts

Dr. Zane has been studying monkeys' ability to classify photographs of cats and dogs. After the monkeys became competent at this task, Dr. Zane found that specific frontal lobe neurons fired in response to new "catlike" or "doglike" images. This suggests that the monkeys:

anterograde amnesia

During a basketball game, Tyree suffered a concussion. Afterwards he could not remember the game or what happened when he was treated in the hospital. Tyree was experiencing:

informational; normative

During a discussion, Dr. Mansfield argues that Asch's participants conformed to the confederates' responses because they wanted to be correct about the lengths of the lines in the experiment. Dr. Roach counters that the participants conformed because they simply sought the confederates' approval. Dr. Mansfield is suggesting that Asch's conformity is an example of _____ social influence. Dr. Roach is suggesting instead that it reflects _____ social influence.

law of effect

Edward L. Thorndike's research with cats demonstrated that behavior changes because of its consequences. Favorable consequences lead to the behavior being repeated, while unfavorable consequences make the behavior less likely. Thorndike referred to this as:

mimic her friend's facial expressions and body language

Elsie's friend is going through a romantic breakup. Elsie really does not understand the reason for the breakup. According to Vaughn and Lanzetta (1981), what could Elsie do to increase her empathy with her friend's situation?

physiological reactions, behavioral expressions, and conscious feelings

Emotions consist of:

companionate love

Equity and self-disclosure are important to the development of:

the book was never purchased

Events that are forgotten are like books that cannot be found in a library. Which scenario is MOST similar to encoding failure?

conditioned response

Ever since she foolishly drank too much tequila at a rock concert and vomited all over her best friend, Erin becomes nauseous at the smell or taste of tequila. In the terminology of classical conditioning, Erin's nausea at the smell of tequila is now a(n) _____.

conditioned stimulus

Ever since she foolishly drank too much tequila at a rock concert and vomited all over her best friend, Erin becomes nauseous at the smell or taste of tequila. In the terminology of classical conditioning, the smell of tequila is now a(n) _____.


Feelings, often influenced by our beliefs, that predispose us to respond in particular ways to objects, people, and events are called _____.

cognitive dissonance

Festinger is to Zimbardo as _____ is to role playing.

view a problem from a fresh perspective

Functional fixedness refers to an inability to:

mental; lower

Imagine that on average, 6-year-olds can complete a particular block design puzzle in five minutes. It takes 6-year-old Bailey almost eight minutes to complete the task. In Binet's terms, Bailey's _____ age is _____ than 6.


Imagine that you see an oncoming car headed directly toward you. You experience an emotion. According to the _____ theory, your heart pounds and you experience fear.

savant syndrome

Immortalized in the movie Rain Man, Dustin Hoffman's character performs mind-boggling feats of mathematical calculations yet cannot perform the simplest of tasks such as determining how much change he would receive when buying a candy bar. This is known as:

longitudinal study

In 1932, every child born in Scotland in 1921 was given an intelligence test. At age 80, the survivors were tested again. Finally, at age 90, the remaining survivors were again retested. This investigation exemplifies a _____.

conditioned response

In Pavlov's experiment with dogs, salivating in response to the tone after associating the tone with food is called a(n):


In Watson and Rayner's experiment with Little Albert, the fear of a loud nose was the _____ response.

proactive; retroactive

In _____ interference, information learned earlier disrupts the recall of information learned more recently; in _____ interference, recently learned information disrupts the recall of information learned earlier.


In a song inspired by the classic television show The Twilight Zone, an American vocal group sang the lines "Unpretentious/girl from Memphis/saw the future/through a 'third eye'." These lines underscore a specific ESP ability called:

unconditioned stimulus

In conditioned taste aversion, spoiled or poisoned food is a powerful:


In making wedding preparations, JaMarcus conforms to the expectations of his future bride's family in order to win their favor. His behavior illustrates the importance of _____ social influence.

trial and error

In testing thousands of different materials for use as light bulb filaments, Thomas Edison BEST illustrated a problem-solving approach known as:

2; 4

In the Iranian orphanage, the typical child could not sit up unassisted until at least age _____ or walk until at least age _____.

20; lower

In the United States and Canada, about _____ percent of women "constantly think about their looks." This percentage is _____ than the corresponding percentage in Mexico and Venezuela.

aggressive behavior

In the classic Bobo doll research, Bandura and his colleagues (1961) demonstrated that _____ may be acquired through observational learning.

When spanked, children do not forget the punished behavior. They simply suppress it and are not taught what behavior to exhibit in its place.

Irene is having trouble convincing her husband that spanking isn't necessarily the best way to control their child's behavior. Which argument should she use to support her position?

are always turned on

Janet suffers from arthritis and is in constant pain. It is likely that her nociceptors:


Marcie is invited to a black-tie dinner at the Ritz-Carlton. She has never been served a 10-course meal, so she is unfamiliar with the social etiquette regarding silverware selection. Because Marcie is in a foreign environment, she gets through the night by watching others who appear to know what they are doing. For each course, she follows their selection of silverware. Marcie is displaying _____ social influence.


Mark is driven to excel at everything he does. As a child, he received high grades in all his classes. In Boy Scouts, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Now as an adult, Mark constantly beats everyone at work in reaching the monthly sales quota. Mark seems to be motivated primarily by ____ needs.

classical conditioning

Marshall ate a hamburger he purchased from his favorite fast-food restaurant. An hour later his stomach became upset, and he spent the rest of the evening vomiting. A week later he entered the restaurant and immediately became nauseous when he saw a hamburger. Marshall's nausea when he saw the hamburger is an example of:


Meredith remembers the first several companies she contacted in her job search, but not the next few; this exemplifies the _____ effect.


Money is to extrinsic reward as enjoyment of an activity is to _____ reward.

Philip, who is reflective and quiet

Olivia, a 21-year-old university student, is quiet, relaxed, reflective, and politically liberal. Research suggests that she would MOST likely become a good friend of:

proactive; retroactive

Owen has trouble remembering a friend's new phone number; he keeps recalling the old number instead. Completing a rental application, Pippa finds she can't recall one of her previous addresses, as she's had several addresses since. Owen is experiencing _____ interference. Pippa is experiencing _____ interference.


People develop _____ when they generate an explanation for their own or others' behavior.

more; less

People heavily exposed to pornography are _____ likely to have lenient views of rape and are _____ likely to recommend long prison sentences for convicted rapists.


Peyton uses crack cocaine. Her dealer drives a black Buick. Peyton's heart normally starts pounding and she feels "keyed up" when she sees a black Buick pull alongside the curb in front of her house. Today Peyton feels similarly excited when she sees a dark gray Buick approach the house. Peyton's reaction today BEST exemplifies:

essay; recall

When Lisa earns a perfect score on a(n) _____ test in history, she passes a _____ test of memory.


When people are given subtle misleading information about a past event, they often misremember the true details surrounding the event. This is known as the _____ effect.


When someone mentions hamburgers, Trisha immediately thinks of a Big Mac. In this instance, a Big Mac is a(n):


When two friends talk over lunch, the amplitude of their conversation is about _____ decibels.


When we adjust our own behavior or thinking so that it coincides with a group standard, we are exhibiting

social facilitation

When we perform better on simple or well-learned tasks in the presence of others, this is called:


Which Greek philosopher referred to human beings as "the social animal"?


Which ability is NOT a measure of retention?

Selma, a 9-year-old who solves complicated mathematical problems in record time

Which person BEST illustrates Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence?

Visual sensory memory holds information longer than auditory sensory memory.

Which statement about sensory memory is false?

minimizing retrieval cues

Which technique is NOT a way to improve memory?

the chameleon effect

While on a date with his girlfriend, Lenny discovered that she was depressed about a low exam grade. He found that he began to feel dejected and they both talked very little and ended the date early. Lenny's change in mood BEST illustrates:

the misinformation effect.

While sitting in the park one day, Yancy witnessed a robbery. When asked by the police to describe the "young criminal," Yancy recalled erroneously that the criminal was a teenager rather than an adult. Yancy's experience BEST illustrates:

effortful processing

While you probably wish that your study time was automatic, successful studying for introductory psychology requires attention and conscious effort known as:

Howard Gardner

Who argued for a classification of eight independent intelligences that include musical, spatial, and kinesthetic aptitudes?


You are looking for a new roommate. You invite a person who you hope will agree to be your new roommate to meet you in your apartment. Your mother, who is a real estate agent, tells you to bake cookies and make hot tea just before your prospective roommate arrives. She explains that the hot drink and smell of the cookies will affect this person's judgment of you. This is an example of a(n) _____ cognition.

embodied cognition

You are looking for a new roommate. You invite a person you hope will agree to be your new roommate to meet you in your apartment. Your mother, who is a real estate agent, tells you to bake cookies and make hot tea just before your prospective roommate arrives. She explains that the hot drink and smell of the cookies will affect this person's judgment of you. This is an example of:

high-frequency, low-frequency

You are waiting for your friend to give you a ride on his new motorcycle. As your friend pulls up the driveway, the brakes squeal loudly. You get on, and then your friend steps on the engine. As the motorcycle accelerates, the engine roars loudly. The high-pitched squeal of the brakes was caused by _____ sound waves, and the equally loud but low-pitched roar of the engine was caused by _____ sound waves.

Intelligence is whatever intelligence tests measure

Your instructor has just asked the class, "What is intelligence?" Which statement embodies the spirit of psychology's simplest answer?

Nina is correct

Zac and Nina are studying for a psychology test. Zac states that heritability refers to the extent to which genes are responsible for an individual's level of a particular characteristic is genetic. Nina disagrees, stating that heritability refers to the extent to which genes are responsible for variation among individuals in a particular characteristic. Which student is correct?


_____ amnesia involves an inability to form new memories.

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