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According to Freud, at which age does the child renounce the sexual attraction he or she feels toward the parent of the opposite sex because of anxious feelings?

5 or 6 years

Who is most likely to develop an X-linked disease?


After a long evening of natural childbirth, and seeing her son for the first time, Dalia is relieved to be in ____, the shortest of the three birth stages.


Naveen is entering the third stage of childbirth, also known as the _____ stage.


Knowing about risk factors

allows parents to make informed choices regarding conception, prenatal care, and birth options

Jerrold and his wife are considering medication options for the birth of their daughter. They decide on a method used to numb a woman's body from the waist down during the birthing process. They have chosen to use:

an epidural block

An individual who has both positive feminine and positive masculine characteristics is called:


While at the playground Troy said, "The sun came out because it likes me!" The belief that the sun could do that is referred to as:


Katie weighs less than 85 percent of what is considered normal for her age and height. Yet, she sees herself as too fat and starves to become thinner. Katie most likely suffers from:

anorexia nervosa

Parents who encourage their children to to be independent and show age-appropriate behaviors but still place limits and controls on their actions are:


____ love is the type of love that occurs when someone desires to have the other person near and has a deep, caring affection for the person


Wren is 4 weeks pregnant. Which of the following stages of prenatal development is Wren currently in?


Feelings that occur when a person is in a state or an interaction that is important to him or her, especially to his or her well-being are known as:


When infants become stressed, they show better biological recovery from the stressors when their caregivers:

engage in sensitive caregiving with them

Peter, now 75 years old, is recounting his last trip on a boat. He is using ____ memory.


Sally, now 64 years old, is telling her granddaughter about what it was like to ride on a train instead of a plane. Sally is recalling ____ memories


When Marcus was born, his mother could hear the nurses mention an APGAR score of 5. She was ____, because that score means ____

worried; Marcus is in distress

Are children better adjusted in intact, never-divorced families than in divorced families?

yes, in almost all areas studied

Which of the following correlations is the strongest?


Regardless of the form of screen time, whether television, computer, or other device, it is recommended that children two to four years old spend no more than _____ watching or playing.

1 hour

During the elementary school years, children grow an average of __________ inches a year.

2 to 3; girl; boy

In human beings, by the end of meiosis, each egg or sperm has ____ chromosomes.

23 unpaired

Damon's teachers frequently complain that he disrupts his kindergarten class by fidgeting and moving about all the time. He does not pay any attention to what is being taught in class and behaves impulsively. Damon's teacher strongly suspects he may be diagnosed with ____


Which theory stresses the importance of the environment in all facets of development?


A ____ is a group of people who are born at a similar point in history and share similar experiences.


Which of the following is the conclusion of the study conducted by Costa and McCrae on approximately 1,000 college-educated men and women aged 20 to 96?

Considerable stability occurs in the five personality factors

____ refers to the attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine wall


Fausto is in a disagreement with his older brother. He says, "I don't get mad; I get even! If you mess up my bike then I'm going to mess up yours!" According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, which stage is Fausto currently in?

Individualism, instrumental purpose, and exchange

If Joe believes that deep down, even the worst criminals are really fine people in bad circumstances, possibly behaving badly because they feel unloved or misunderstood, he believes in which philosophy of human nature?

Innate goodness

Natalie is in the Strange Situation, and she clings anxiously to her caregiver. She does not explore the playroom. She would most likely be classified as _____.

Insecure resistant

Of the following infants, who is most at risk for SIDS?

Mimi, because her mother smokes

In a false-belief task, children are told that Mom puts chocolate in a kitchen drawer and leaves. Dad then moves the chocolate to the refrigerator. When asked where Mom will look for the chocolate when she returns, the child who understands false beliefs will say:

Mom will look in the kitchen drawer

Dr. Andrews describes development as primarily unconscious and heavily colored by emotion. Dr. Andrews' approach is:


Bart and Muriel put their infant to bed for her regular afternoon nap. When they go to check on her several hours later, the baby is unresponsive and never wakes up. What is the term for this?


Sebastian has four children. Among the four, who is most likely to help him with daily living activities when he is older?

Selena, his only daughter and next to youngest

Which period of prenatal development is the time of greatest risk for the influence of most teratogens?

The first 8 weeks of gestation

Which of the following statements about the effect of genetics on intelligence is true?

The influence of genetics is much greater than that of the environment

Dr. Jackson's research has found that the correlation between IQ and head circumference is +.10. From this information, we can conclude that:

There is a weak relationship between head size and IQ.

Which of the following is a criticism of standardized tests?

They assume a person's behavior is consistent and stable

Kelly responds to her infant son's needs in a consistent and timely way. When he is tired, she puts him down for a nap and when he is hungry, she feeds him. Erikson would say that Kelly is helping her son to develop a sense of:


Which of the following countries has the most favorable attitude toward corporal punishment and were most likely to remember it being used by their parents?

United States

The most effective way to treat adolescent depression is:

a combination of drug therapy and cognitive therapy (CBT)

On several occasions Roger has smashed in car windows to steal something inside. Although he has never been caught, he is considered to be:

a juvenile deliquent

Two teachers are discussing lesson plans for first-grade students. one teacher asks, "what do you think about a unit on motivation and ambition?" the other replied, "we need to be careful with that because our students are not yet _____."

abstract thinkers

Carla and Patricia are both mother of middle school girls who are well into puberty. Carla said, "I wish there was something I could do to keep her from becoming sexually active before she's really ready." Patricia said, "I just read an article about a study that showed that ____ acted like a protective factor. That's what we need to focus on."

academic achievement

Cohort effects are due to all of the following, except

actual age of the individual

Six year old Douglas is telling one of his mother's friends about his party that occurred several weeks ago. As he describes his friends, the food, an his favorite presents, he is recalling:

autobiographical memories

Dante is a 10-year-old who likes to play soccer during recess. One day a friend teaches him a different set of rules about the game that Dante accepts. He now plays soccer in a new way. Dante is in which stage of moral development?

autonomous morality

In terms of relating to their partners, the most distant of the attachment styles is the ____ style

avoidant attachment

The fiber that carries signals away from the neuron's cell body is called a(n):


Piaget indicated infants should be provided with opportunities to explore the world. To accomplish this task, Piaget would suggest that

because they learn by doing, babies and toddlers especially need the opportunity to explore and probe their environment physically

Which of the following types of bullying is experienced more frequently by boys than girls?

belittled about religion or race

One of the benefits of a good marriage is:

better health

Sophia and Eduardo are likely to experience ____ primarily because they are a married couple

better health

A teratogen is any agent that can cause:

birth defects

For years, debate has focused on whether breast feeding is better for the infant than bottle feeding. The growing consensus is that:

breast feeding is better for the baby's health and has benefits for the mother too

Maria and Thomas are preparing for the birth of their baby, and are trying to decide whether or not to breastfeed their new baby. Which of the following is NOT a reason for them to decide on breastfeeding?

breast milk is tastier than formula

Clark's genotype contains a dominant gene for brown eye color and a recessive gene for blue eye color. According to the dominant-recessive gene principle, which of the following phenotypes is most likely to be observed in Clark?

brown eyes

Which of the following statements about bone and joint functioning is true?

by the end of midlife, bones break more easily and heal more slowly

The research method that involves an in-depth look at a single individual is a(n):

case study

Paige is having a surgical procedure to replace the natural lenses in her eyes with artificial ones. This is a routine procedure, performed to take care of:


In terms of interpreting correlational research, it is important to remember that correlation does not mean the same as


Peggy is shown two rows of buttons. Each row has five buttons in it, but one is spread out much longer. Even though Peggy can count five buttons in each row, she insists the row with the buttons "spread out" has more buttons. No matter how you ask, she insists that the "longer" row "has more." Peggy is demonstrating:


Poor emotion regulation, attachment problems, problems in peer relations, and other psychological problems are all associated with the consequence of:

child maltreatment

Whereas the public and many professionals use the term child abuse to refer to both abuse and neglect, developmentalists increasingly use the term ______.

child maltreatment

When an individual deliberately shifts their attention from one item to another, they are demonstrating

cognitive flexibility

Living together in a sexual relationship without being married is known as:


Miranda and Blake area typical young adult couple building a life together. Their lifestyle, choosing to live like a married couple but without getting married, is known as:


Girls are more likely to engage in "____", in which they talk and act in a more reciprocal manner.

collaborative discourse

Milan's art teacher showed the class how to take little balls of colored paper and glue them to heavy paper to make pictures. Milan is obsessed with this new technique, making pictures for everyone she knows. She is engaging in _____ play.


_____ thinking characterizes the kind of thinking that is required when taking bits of information, such as a random group of letters, and making a word out of them


Angie's mother allows her to schedule her own study and relaxation times, with the expectation that Angie must continue doing well in school and must discuss her activities with her mother ahead of time. Angie's mother checks on Angie's school progress frequently and also talks to her about her social life and problems. This approach is called:


In ____ research, the goal is to describe the strength of the relationship between two or more characteristics.


A recent study revealed that marital satisfaction in older adults was linked to whether an individual was ____ or not.


According to research, grandparents who are raising their grandchildren are at increased risk of developing:


Jessica, 84 years old, was hesitant about learning to use the Internet at her age. Her daughter finally convinced her by showing her data from a recent longitudinal study that found that Internet use by older adults was associated with a decrease of one-third in the likelihood of developing:


Women's friendships are characterized by all of the following

depth and breadth of topics extended talking and listening self-disclosure and mutual support

As Clarence has gotten older he is much slower going down stairs. While his adult children think it is due to his balance, he is actually experiencing the effects of age on his:

depth perception

From about the ages of 28 to 33, a man (and maybe a woman) goes through a transition period in which he must face the more serious question of:

determining his goals

Educators who are focused on knowledge of the typical progress of children within an age span, as well as the uniqueness of the child are employing ____

developmentally appropriate practice

Which of the following was found to be the most common parental response when siblings between the ages of two and five are in a conflictual situation

do nothing to address the situation

Unfortunately Lincoln, now in those "terrible twos," spends most of his waking hours with a babysitter who scolds him continually. Every time he tries to feed himself or play, the babysitter takes things away, tells him he is making a mess, and calls him a bad boy. According to Erikson, if Lincoln remains in this situation for a long time he will develop:


The National Sleep Foundation survey of adolescents found that inadequate sleep on school nights was related to all of the following except:

eating more

One study explored links between health behavior and life satisfaction in more than 17,000 individuals 17 to 30 years of age in 21 countries. Which of the following was found to delay the effects of secondary aging?

exercising regularly

Lucy wants her son, Kyle, to have the best environment to help him reach his full potential. According to those who study early experiences and the brain, Lucy should:

expose him to a variety of stimuli

Sidra is distressed because her baby was born at 27 weeks. Her baby is considered to be a(n):

extremely preterm infant

Which symptoms are associated with menopause?

fatigue nausea hot flashes

Petra is at the fourth month of her pregnancy. Her unborn child is now referred to as a(n):


Steven's employer is downsizing and cutting jobs. He is worried about his future with the company. On his way home he purchases enough beer so that he'll be drunk by bedtime. He is responding in a typically male:

fight-or-flight manner

Rajim is trying to put together a puzzle. His first attempts were not very successful, so he adopted another strategy instead. Rajim is demonstrating which dimension of executive function


Angelo's grandmother is making cookies. Since it is just the two of them, she is mentally cutting the recipe in half as she goes through the process. She is using her ____ intelligence.


When four and five year olds scramble over jungle gyms and race their friends, they are demonstrating their:

gross motor skills

When Elijah was born, his mother could hear the nurses mention an APGAR score of 9. She was ____, because that score means ____.

happy; Elijah is in good condition after birth

Bill wants to know how he can prevent drug abuse by his adolescent son. You would suggest that Bill:

have family dinners most nights of the week

Amber is given a Stanford-Binet intelligence test. Her mental age is determined to be 12.8 and her chronological age is 11.0. Which of the following can be said about Amber?

her IQ score is above the majority of the population

Conrad is in a hurry to get home, driving well over the speed limit on a section of road where he seldom sees any law enforcement vehicles. After turning on a busier road where law enforcement patrol often sits, Conrad slows down because he is worried about getting a ticket. According to Kohlberg, Conrad is operating in the _____ stage.

heteronmous morality

Randall's doctor said he would like to start measuring his lung capacity. Now that Randall is 55 years old, it is likely that:

his lungs will become less efficient at getting oxygen to his brain

A baby's first linguistic communication usually comes in the form of one-word utterances that stand for a whole phrase, whose meaning depends on the particular context in which they are used. What are these words called?


Cala is proud of her Arabic heritage. She enjoys the art, food, and culture, and plans to pass it along to her children some day. As Cala realizes this is important to her, Erikson would say that she is building her sense of:


Noah is a happy guy who makes jokes about everything. While his friends are researching colleges and careers, Noah prefers to spend time on his motorcycle. Everyone keeps telling him that he should be concerned about the future, but he really never thinks much beyond the next few weeks. Noah is displaying:

identity diffusion

Mia needs to make a plan for her life after high school. She enjoys volunteering with older adults at an assisted living facility, but her friend's mother runs a bakery and that seems exciting too. She also hates to give up on her dream of studying whales. She's getting frustrated wit herself and wants to make a decision, but just can't settle on anything. Mia is displaying:

identity moratorium

_____ memory is memory without conscious recollection


One of the benefits of a good marriage is:

increased longevity

Matthew has kept his childhood tradition of recording his height and weight across his college years. His data are consistent with a recent study that found that weight usually ____ from the freshman year in college to the senior year.


According to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial stage that characterizes early childhood between ages 3 and about 6 is:

initiative versus guilt

Diego is worried and afraid every time his daughter leaves in a car with one of her friends. He knows among car accidents, the most prevalent is:

intoxication while driving

Prenatal Care

is important for the baby's sake, reducing the likelihood of preventable risks is often inadequate, especially among younger or low-income women is important for the mother's sake, lowering risks of post-partum health problems

Sexual orientation

is probably produced by the interaction of nature and nurture

Which of the following is a benefit of everyday conflicts that characterize parent-adolescent relationships?

it helps adolescents become more autonomous

Which concept helps the infant to understand that other people have intentions?

joint attention

Darrin is studying words for a spelling quiz. The worst strategy he could us is:

keep repeating the letters for time efficiency

Katelyn is a recent 43 year old divorcee. She is likely to report feeling more____ than her ex-husband, who is 45.


Dr. Hansen plans to survey her research participants every two years for as many years as she can, charting how their parenting styles change with age. She is using a ____ technique.


All of the following are part of the life review process

looking back at one's life experiences interpreting life experiences evaluating life experiences

The theory of ____ refers to awareness of presence and distinction between one's own mental processes and the mental processes of others


Older adults remember ____ when compared to that of younger adults

more positive information

____ are more likely to be the ones who organize the family environment and monitor a child's behavior


According to research by Rossi, which of the following were found to have the closest relationships during their adult years?

mothers and daughters

The Strange Situation is an observational measure of infant attachment developed by Mary Ainsworth. It requires the infant to:

move through a series of introductions, separations, and reunions with his or her caregiver and an adult stranger

Ebony has been showing symptoms of depression, such as a lack of interest in anything and a sense of hopelessness. While her daughter is worried about her mother, she believes the depression is just a side effect of the menopausal process. Research has shown:

no clear evidence of a connection

Amabel's story is that her best years were in midlife, with moderate decline beginning in her early sixties. She developed cancer in her seventies, causing her health to decline rapidly. Her story reflects:

normal aging

Danny's mother is even tempered, fair, and tactful. Seeing this, Danny too, is growing up to be a polite, good-natured boy. This imitation or modeling of behavior mirrors the concept of ____ in Bandura's social cognitive theory.

observational learning

What is the main difference between the way younger people and older people respond to stress?

older people keep stress hormones in their system for longer periods

Dr. Nasrin believes that associating behavior with consequence can shape the probability of a behavior occurring. He is arguing that ____ conditioning is important for behavioral modification.


Josette believes that most people will cheat or lie to get ahead. Her view on human nature sounds like

original sin

Vivian feels overwhelmed by her schedule. Aside from demands at work, she is responsible for getting her children to various events, taking care of her mother's shopping, and managing her household. According to the Almeida and Horn study, she is experiencing:

overload stressors

Which one of the following is an advantage of waiting until your thirties to start a family?

parents have more income for child-rearing expenses

Anneliese, age 14, has just broken up with her first boyfriend. She is distraught, feeling as though she will never find love again. She wonders if she will ever trust anyone again. Anneliese tried to explain this to her mother, but realized that her mother just doesn't get it. Anneliese's feelings reflect the ____ aspect of an adolescent's egocentrism.

personal fable

The ____ is the characteristic of adolescent egocentrism involving a sense of uniqueness and invincibility

personal fable

Vanessa wants to tell her mother about something funny her teacher said, but she can see that her mother is really focused on driving in heavy traffic. Vanessa is showing her ability for _____ by choosing to not interrupt her mother's concentration.

perspective taking

Louise is teaching her son to read by telling him the sound that each alphabet stands for. What approach is she using?


Which of the following brain linkages would be the last to reach maturity?


Denise is among the ____ children. She is always in a good mood, supports her friends when they are struggling, and is a good listener


Mariah has given birth to a baby girl. Even one month after delivery, she is experiencing very strong feelings of sadness and anxiety. She is so morose that she is having trouble coping with daily tasks. Mariah is most likely suffering from:

postpartum depression

Although Casey scores only about average on standardized intelligence tests, he has street smarts, excellent social skills, and good common sense. According to Sternberg, he has _____ intelligence.


The part of the brain that allows people to think, evaluate, and make complex judgments in a uniquely human way and that goes through considerable development during the adolescent years is called the

prefrontal cortex

Patricia, age six, loves to decorate books by drawing pictures and putting in words to describe them. She has started to analyze and try to understand things. However, she is egocentric and holds what her parents describe as "magical beliefs." Patricia is in Piaget's ____ stage of development.


Gerry, a four year old, says, "I'm a fireman putting out the fire!" as he holds his grandpa's cane like a fire hose. Gerry is engaging in ____ play


Anna, age three, walks by her grandmother's collection of glass animals and says, "Those are a 'no-no'; don't touch." It would appear that Anna is using _____ to regulate her own behavior.

private speech

Park suggested that religion may influence health in all of the following ways except:

providing answers to existential questions

Which of the following cannot pass through the placenta?

red blood cells

Joseph Allen and his colleagues found that adolescents who were securely attached to their parents at 14 years of age were more likely at 21 years of age to report:

relationship competence and fewer problematic behaviors

Adults with a(n) ____ style have positive views of relationships, find it easy to get close to others, and are not overly concerned with or stressed out about their romantic relationships

secure attachment

Diego is in the Strange Situation with his caregiver; he explores the room and examines the toys that have been placed in it. He uses the caregiver as a secure base from which to explore the room. He would be classified as:

securely attached

Temperament is directly related to all of the following except:


Children who have reached the concrete operational stage are capable of ____, which is the ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension, such as size or length


Learning to manage sexual feelings, developing new forms of intimacy, and learning the skills to regulate sexual behavior is part of developing one's:

sexual identity


should be monitored by parents as early sexual relationships can have lasting consequences

Oscar is a single, never-married adult who is looking for a potential marriage partner. Consistent with a current research study, Oscar's most important criterion is that the woman has:

similar ideas about raising children as he does

When watching preschool children on the playground, Petra notices that most of the girls are ________ the boys.

slightly smaller than

Which of the following statements regarding smell and taste in the elderly is true?

smell and taste decline less in healthy older adults than in their less healthy counterparts.

Enzo used to play mostly by himself. It was a transition for him when he started preschool, but now he is good at taking turns and interacting in conversations. His ____ is increasing dramatically, as expected

social play

In the second year of life, infants tend to "check" with their mother before they act; they look at her to see if she is happy, angry, or fearful. This is an example of:

social referencing

Three-month-old Zoey looks up at her mother and smiles. Researchers call this type of smiling:

social smiling

Johnny says he likes his best friend, Andy, because Andy is fun and talks about interesting things. Johnny also says Andy encourages him to do his best and comforts him when he fails. Which of the following functions of children's friendships is Johnny describing?

stimulation and ego support

Flevy is conduting an extensive market study and has hired a big group of college students to hand out a standard set of questions to shoppers at malls and supermarkets and to seek their responses. Which of the following methods of data collection of Flevy using?


____ are tiny gaps between neuron fibers


Which of the following is an advantage of starting a family in your twenties?

the mother is likely to have more physical energy.

When working with at risk children with low self esteem, it is important to remember that children feel the best about themselves when:

they perform well in areas that are important to them

Which of the following is the least likely reason African American, Latino, and Native American children are underrepresented in gifted programs?

they tend to be gifted in creative or athletic areas and not academic areas

Joanna has all the signs of middle age, including:

thinner hair

Adult daughters are _____ times more likely than are adult sons to give parents assistance with daily living activities.


Approximately 50% of adults remarry within ____ years after their divorce.


The cephalocaudal pattern is the sequence in which the earliest growth always occurs at the

top (the head) with physical growth and differentiation of features gradually working their way down from top to bottom

Byron can take sticks of different lengths and put them all in order from shortest to longest. He can also discern that if stick A is longer than B and B is longer than C, then A is longer than C. This ability to logically combine relations to understand certain conclusions is:


Erik Erikson viewed the first year of life as characterized by the ____ stage of development

trust versus mistrust

Erikson's approach to personality development suggests that an infant's early experiences (nuturing, feeding, cuddling, etc.) are responsible for shaping whether or not they become ____ individuals later in life.


Which of the following is an example of implicit memory?

typing on the computer while talking to a friend

The structure that contains two arteries and one vein, and connects the developing embryo to the mother's body, is called the:

umbilical cord

Olivia was very upset when she found out her dog had been hit by a car while she was at school. Over the next few days she tried hard to think of something else whenever she remembered her dog, with the goal of not crying. By learning to soothe herself, Olivia is showing emotional growth in the:

use of self-initiated strategies for redirecting feelings


usually occurs early in gestation and most often without an identifiable cause.

Mary Carskadon and her colleagues' research on adolescent sleep patterns found that:

when given the opportunity, adolescents will sleep an average of 9 hours and 25 minutes a night

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