psy 217 abnormal psych final

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A friend says to you, "I know someone who is a combat veteran who was just diagnosed with PTSD. Do you think therapy will help this person?" Which is the BEST answer you can give based on your current research?

"Probably - about 2/3 of those receiving therapy for PTSD eventually show improvement."

According to a random poll of 2,627 American adults, _____% of women and _____% of men had experienced some form of childhood sexual abuse.


the percentage of the elderly population living in nursing homes at any given time is about


Why are people who go to strip clubs not generally considered to be voyeurs?

The performers are consenting to being seen by the audience

Which person is MOST at risk for an eating disorder?

a gymnast

Available data suggest that

a majority of exhibitionists do not engage in more serious offenses and a substantial minority engage in more serious offenses

A therapist treating a patient for depression first finds out what activities the client once found pleasurable. These activities are then reintroduced into the patient's daily schedule. Which type of therapy is the therapist using?

behavioral therapy

Barry drank quite a lot at the biggest party of the year. Later, he had trouble falling asleep, so he took a barbiturate. If he dies from respiratory failure during the night, it is probably because the alcohol and barbiturate had:

a synergistic effect

A landmark California court case, Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California, dramatically affected the right to confidentiality between client and therapist. This case led to the conclusion that:

a therapist must break the obligation of confidentiality if there is a clear danger to a specific identifiable person

Which is NOT a characteristic of anorexia nervosa?

a view that one is currently unattractively thin

Which person is MOST likely to be acquitted by reason of insanity?

a white American with schizophrenia

Studies of those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder show that:

about 75% attempt suicide at least once in their lives, and about 10% succeed

If you are the child of a schizophrenic, but have been raised by an adoptive family your chances of becoming schizophrenic are

about the same as if you were raised by your natural parents, a little over 10%

A pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that begins shortly after a horrible event and persists for less than a month is called:

acute stress disorder

Which theoretical orientation is MOST helpful in understanding the origin of gender identity disorder?


An individual with a diagnosed personality disorder is emotionally unstable, impulsive, and reckless. Likely diagnosis?

borderline personality disorder

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is MORE common in _____ than in _____

boys; girls

The combination of lithium and psychotherapy is better than lithium treatment alone. This therapeutic addition is called:

adjunctive psychotherapy

The phobia MOST often associated with panic disorder is:


Today, electroconvulsive therapy:

also involves the use of muscle relaxants

A society that honors those who kill themselves to defend their families or country, or because of a value they hold dear, would have a higher rate of what Durkheim calls _____ suicide


A man is having trouble coping with his financial problems and is getting depressed about them. He seeks out someone at his company who helps by counseling employees on such issues and tries to address problems before they get worse. He is seeking help from:

an employee assistance program

Dave is confused and usually thinks he is an ancient king. If his psychiatrist ordered medication, it would MOST likely be a(n) ______ drug.


The MOST common mental disorders in the United States are:

anxiety disorders

The dean of academic affairs visits a professor's class as part of a tenure review. At the conclusion of the lecture, the dean exits hurriedly, without saying a word to the professor. The professor, who is prone to depression, concludes, "The dean hated my class so much he was too embarrassed to speak to me." This is an example of a(n):

arbitrary inference

Cruelty to animals and people, destruction of property, and truancy before the age of 15:

are characteristic of those later diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder

One reason that the personality disorders are difficult to treat is that the afflicted individuals

are frequently unaware that they have a problem

Like those with paranoid personality disorder, those with avoidant personality disorder usually:

are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships

Since 1974 physicians are legally required to report

evidence of possible child abuse

The use of exorcism in early societies suggests a belief that abnormal behavior was caused by

evil spirits

A man appeared at the emergency room complaining of bloody diarrhea. The doctor who examined him found that the man was intentionally creating the diarrhea through use of laxatives and anticoagulant medication, and liked being a patient. The man is MOST likely:

experiencing a factitious disorder

The campus "bra bandit" steals women's underwear from the campus laundry and then masturbates into the underwear. The MOST accurate diagnosis would be:


Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder may include all of the following EXCEPT:

finding sexual activity repulsive

If a person with a mental illness committed murder, but was convicted of committed manslaughter, that person probably lived in a state that had a:

guilty with diminished capacity option

body dysmorphic disorder

has a delusional component

In the United States, the number of diagnosed cases per year of dissociative identity disorder:

has increased

A man derives sexual arousal exclusively from dressing in women's clothing. MOST likely, that person would be diagnosed as:

having transvestic disorder

The MMPI was empirically developed using the criterion-keyed method. This means that

if you score high on the depression scale, your responses to written statements resemble the responses of people diagnosed with depression

Stephanie is chronically anxious about her health and is convinced that she is developing cancer. However, there are no somatic symptoms. Which of the following disorders is she likely to be diagnosed with?

illness anxiety disorder

If a man walked in on his wife in bed with his best friend and killed both of them in a "fit of passion," that man may be eligible for an insanity defense under the:

irresistible impulse test

If during the first visit, a therapist asks questions, which touch on all the major categories of the DSM, this therapist

is probably using a structured interview

One who is experiencing gender dysphoria:

is unhappy with his or her biological gender

John is a successful accountant who likes to occasionally wear his wife's clothing and makeup. He says that he simply finds it to be very relaxing. His wife finds it a bit off but isn't too disturbed by it since their marriage is fine. According to the DSM-5, Joh

is unusual, but has no disorder since he is neither distressed nor dangerous

Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman argues that

it is a mistake to make drug illegals

If a person were taking an antidepressant that increases levels of serotonin and improves brain function for symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, that person could expect that:

it would lead to short-term relief, but relapse would occur is the person stopped the medication

Which is NOT a disadvantage of taking benzodiazepines?

lack of sleep, increased anxiety, and passivity

In poor inner-city neighborhoods, children sometimes eat paint that is flaking off walls. This can sometimes lead to intellectual developmental disorder due of:

lead poisoning

The definition of "insanity" used in legal cases is written by:


Among the elderly, schizophrenia is

less common than among younger individuals

Compared to those diagnosed with schizophrenia who live in developing countries, those diagnosed with schizophrenia who live in developed countries are:

less likely to recover fully and more likely to be hospitalized

Psychosis means

loss of contact with reality

Biological researchers have found a link between suicide and:

low activity levels of serotonin

Depression has been linked to which neurotransmitter abnormality?

low activity of serotonin

A response inventory that asks individuals to provide detailed information about their typical thoughts and assumptions is a(n):

cognitive inventory

Rather than seeking to eliminate hallucinations and delusions, which form of therapy helps people learn to reinterpret their hallucinations and change their reactions to the hallucinations?


Recent work has revealed that the MOST effective treatment for autism spectrum disorder has been the use of:

cognitive-behavioral therapy

defendants who are actively hallucinating and experiencing delusions during the time of their trials are most likely to be

committed for treatment until they improve enough to participate in their own legal defense.

A Secret Service agent steps in front of the president of the United States, prepared to be killed or injured if the president's safety is threatened. Psychologically speaking, the Secret Service agent's behavior is

dangerous but not psychologically abnormal

A person who was receiving the best and most current treatment for an eating disorder would receive treatment designed for:

deal first with changing the eating habits and then with what caused them

With Alzheimer's disease, physical health usually

declines less rapidly than mental health

If an individual has damage to the prefrontal cortex, which symptom would MOST likely be observed?

deficits in planning, self-control, and decision-making

The symptom of schizophrenia most likely to be relieved by antipsychotic drugs is:


Antonio believes that the anchor on the evening television news is speaking directly and personally to him. He even goes to the television studio to talk to the anchor. Antonio is suffering from:

delusions of reference

During a recent ambulance call, EMTs gave nalaxone to a person who has injected an overdose of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid. This treatment is usually:

effective in treating opioid overdose, although it may make withdrawal symptoms more severe

The use of anti-androgen drugs to reduce testosterone by 30% has been shown to be effective in

eliminating paraphilia recidivism

Examples of childhood disorders for which there are no similar adult disorders are

elimination disorders

If a mother seems excessively involved in her child's life such that the two do not seem to be independent people, their relationship is said to be:


a recent national mental health survey of psychotherapists found that more than three-quarters of them reported being in therapy themselves at least once, and that they

seek therapy for the same problems that affect other people

Second-generation antidepressants appear to act by:

selectively blocking the reuptake of serotonin

The MOST commonly used form of treatment for a substance use disorder is:

self-help groups

A child in an extremely abusive family situation often seems to become deaf to the verbal abuse, and insensitive to the physical abuse, as if the child simply wasn't there experiencing the abuse. One explanation of this behavior is:


If you recognize your worth as a person, Carl Rogers would say that you have developed:

unconditional self-regard

if a clinician begins by asking, "would you tell me about yourself?" the clinician is most likely conducting a:

unstructured interview

A person quite suddenly begins to show specific cognitive impairment and difficulty in speaking, yet other cognitive functions appear normal. MOST likely, that person is experiencing:

vascular neurocognitive disorder

Current research suggests that schizophrenia may be related to:

viral infection in utero

The finding that the HIGHEST rates of schizophrenia are found among people who are born during the winter supports which theory of schizophrenia?

viral theory

You have a slightly increased chance of becoming schizophrenic if your mother

was exposed to the flu and/or malnourished while pregnant with you or gave birth in late winter or early spring

One major difference between psychiatrists and clinical psychologists is that psychiatrists:

went to medical school

A statement of breathless euphoria, or frenzied energy, in which individuals have an exaggerated belief in their power describes:


An individual with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek:

medical help

Practiced since ancient times, _____ has been used to help manage pain and to treat high blood pressure, heart problems, asthma, skin disorders, diabetes, insomnia, and even viral infections.


an interviewer who asks a client questions such as "where are you now?" "why do you think you're here?" or even "who are you?" is probably conducting a:

mental status exam

Biological factors are NOT the most important causes of which level of intellectual disability?


A patient who is called a resident who lives in a therapeutic community and actively works with staff members to create a life that is as much like that outside the hospital as possible, is probably receiving _____ therapy.


"Your worries? They're only thoughts. Don't try to stop them, but recognize that they're thoughts, and don't let them upset you so much." This statement MOST likely would come from someone using which form of therapy for generalized anxiety disorder?

mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

What is the risk of tolerance and physical addiction to hallucinogens as compared to that of other addictive drugs?


The most common cause of delirium in the elderly is

misuse of medication and pills

Which mental disorders have been found to contribute to the greatest number of suicides?

mood disorders

A young woman who is very concerned about being attractive to others is more sexually experienced, and has relatively few obsessive qualities is:

more likely to be experiencing bulimia nervosa than anorexia nervosa.

The motivation to form relationships with others is a central theme of:

object relations theory

A clinician having knowledge that a person about to be interviewed has already been diagnosed as having an anxiety disorder could lead to:

observer bias

If your oral surgeon has to have some disorder you would probably prefer it to be

obsessive compulsive personality disorder

A heroin overdose is likely to occur when:

one has been without heroin for a period of time and then takes one's usual dose

You have witnessed a crime and are testifying for the prosecution. What type of question should the defense attorney ask you to invalidate your testimony?

one that uses inaccurate information in the question

Juanita has dissociative identity disorder. Big Tony and Smart Alice are two personalities who are aware of all of the others. None of her other personalities are aware of each other. This would be called a:

one-way amnesic relationship

The only time that Timmy gets attention is when he misbehaves in a bizarre way. This is an example of:

operant conditioning

Which is a depressant?


A patient receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for BPD experiences an emotion that they realize is inappropriate. Immediately after, the patient acts in a very different, appropriate, way. This DBT procedure is called:

opposite action

Reese is distrustful of others and reacts quickly to perceived threats. Even though he has no evidence, he is sure his wife is unfaithful. He finds it almost impossible to forgive those he thinks have wronged him. Reese displays the characteristics of:

paranoid personality disorder

A person who becomes sexually aroused in the presence of stimuli most people in that person's society would not think appropriate is experiencing:


Imagine that you just had a "close call" while driving, but now you feel your body returning to normal. Which part of your nervous system is controlling this return to normalcy?

parasympathetic nervous system

If a person being treated for schizophrenia goes each day to a center where the focus is on improving social skills and receiving therapy, the person is participating in:

partial hospitalization

a new assessment tool does a good job of differentiating those who later will be depressed and those who will not be depressed, and it produces results similar to those of other tools measuring depression. therefore, the new assessment tool has good:

predictive validity

In the classic type of pedophilic disorder, those MOST at risk to become victims are:

prepubescent girls

The American Psychological Association's code of ethics states that sexual relationships between a psychologist and client are

prohibited under almost all circumstances

A clinician has developed a test that requires test-takers to tell stories about a series of pictures of city skylines. MOST likely, this new test is a:

projective test

An important current distinction between psychologists and psychiatrists that is changing is that:

psychiatrists may prescribe drugs and psychologists may not

Acquiring insight about unconscious psychological processes is a feature of:


Which model is MOST likely to use terms such as "resistance" and "transference"?


An otherwise "normal" person under the influence of hypnotic suggestion is made to bark, sit, and fetch like a dog. The occurrence of these "abnormal" behaviors lends support to which explanation for abnormality?


Which of the following disorders often result in serious physical damage?

psychological factors affecting other medical conditions

Which occupation has a particularly high rate of suicide?


_____ is the study of the connections between stress, the body's immune system, and illness.


A psychiatrist says "I'm a strong believer in a combined approach to therapy. In fact, I frequently participate in combined approaches, although I don't do psychotherapy." Based on this statement, this psychiatrist's specialty is MOST likely


Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder describes children with patterns of severe


Two essential parts of systematic desensitization treatment are:

relaxation training and construction of a fear hierarchy

One of the factors that is believed to account for differences in the suicide rates of different countries is:

religious affirmations and beliefs

Which of the following anxiety disorders is most common among the elderly?

generalized anxiety disorder

"What should I look for in an effective ADHD treatment program?" a friend asks. Your BEST answer is:

"Behavior therapy combined with Ritalin is ideal because a smaller dose of Ritalin can be used."

A person who has body dysmorphic disorder is considering plastic surgery. Based on available research, what is the best possible advice for this person?

"Be careful. Often, people who have plastic surgery for body dysmorphic disorder actually feel worse afterward."

A friend says, "My 70-year-old grandmother is in good physical health but has been diagnosed with depression. Should she even bother getting therapy? She is pretty old, after all." Your BEST research-based answer is:

"Yes, more than half of elderly patients show improvement, though."

If a person had bulimia nervosa and engaged in frequent binges, about how many of his or her binges per week would a friend of this person expect to witness?


What percentage of the world population is estimated to have schizophrenia?


Elimination disorders are diagnosed when which criteria have been met?

A child has reached an age at which they are expected to control bodily functions

Which situation would be MOST likely to lead to a diagnosis of muscle dysmorphobia?

A man who is muscular but does not see himself as being muscular continues to strive for a perfect body

Which statement about recovery from anorexia nervosa is true?

Anorexic behavior recurs in about 1/3 of recovered patients.

___ is a treatment in which tiny holes are drilled into the skull through which electrodes are implanted into the brain.

Deep brain stimulation

_____ typically develops over a short period of time, usually hours or days.


_____ personality is less likely to be noticed in a woman than in a man


Which statement is true about specific phobias?

Each year about 12 percent of people in the United States suffer from a phobia.

_____ has been cured using a type of classical conditioning


This psychomotor test is used to help screen for neurocognitive disorders.

Gesture imitation test

What is the MOST common outcome of gender dysphoria in childhood?

It disappears by adolescence or adulthood

Which test is a personality inventory?


Based on the MOST current research, we can conclude that

MMR vaccinations are not related to the development of ASD

A patient in an alcohol rehabilitation center tells you a detailed story about growing up in the mountains of Tennessee. Later, you find out that the person in fact never even visited Tennessee. A day later you visit the patient again, and the patient does not recognize you. Most likely, the patient is suffering from:

Korsakoff's syndrome

Media coverage that included the "Don't do it" message, phone numbers for suicide prevention centers, and interviews with suicide experts, occurred after the suicide of:

Kurt Cobain

Among the following, the test with the highest validity in identifying psychological disturbances is the:

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test

Does research support the thinking that there is a "schizophrenia gene"?

No; schizophrenia is probably a polygenic disorder, and researchers have not pinpointed the exact gene yet

Which of the following symptoms is always present in schizophrenia? (delusions, disorganized speech, hallucinations, flat effect)

None of the above

All of these statements are reasons that the estimate of the total number of suicides that occur in the United States is likely underrepresented EXCEPT:

Parasuicides are often included in the number of suicides

Fountain house is an organization devoted to the recovery of people with severe mental illness. It was mentioned in class because its approach is similar to

Pinel's Moral Treatment

According to studies regarding psychological disorders and prisoners, which is an accurate statement?

Psychological disorders are more common in prison populations than in the general population

___ follows clear-cut stressful events where ___ seems to be a response to internal factors

Reactive depression; endogenous depression

Which BEST supports the idea that teenagers who attempt suicide are more uncertain about killing themselves than elderly people are?

Teenagers succeed at suicide only in about 1 in 200 attempts.

Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are legal in all of the following states (Oregon, Montana, New Mexico, Texas) EXCEPT:


Assume that you are alone in a room with a child suffering from a disorder of childhood. If you didn't know the child's diagnosis, what behavior of the child's might start to convince you that the disorder is autism spectrum disorder?

The child is not responsive to other people

Which results are MOST likely from an epidemiological study?

The rate of suicide is higher in Ireland than in the United States

Which is an example of the way patients' rights might interfere with patients' recovery (that is, an example of a time when patients' rights are not good for the patients)?

The right to refuse medication may limit a patient's recovery

The "weight set point" is:

The weight a person is predisposed to maintain

Which statement about couple therapy is MOST accurate?

There is no one theoretical approach used in couple therapy.

Which statement BEST describes the difference between dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue?

Those with dissociative fugue change where they live.

a person who had a serious mental illness and was in need of treatment could, nevertheless, not be civilly committed unless that person was also

a danger to either themself or others

John sees the one-way arrow of the street sign and believes it is there to show him the direction he is supposed to walk. John is demonstrating

a delusion of reference

"Let's try to figure out where clients fall on several key personality traits, rather than using a dichotomous classification system." Someone saying this would most likely favor which approach to classifying personality disorders?

a dimensional approach

If a chronically ill child was removed from home and placed in foster care, and then became quite healthy, one might suspect that the parent (usually the mother) was experiencing:

a factitious disorder

Among the "oldest old" those who are older than 95 years old, the MOST common concern is?

a fear of losing mental abilities

A child has ASD and does not like much variation in her life. She puts her toys on a shelf in a particular order and throws a tantrum if her mother moves any of them. Any one of several trivial changes in her daily routine can set her off. This is an example of:

a perseveration of sameness

The MOST common type of hallucination in schizophrenia is:


Echolalia is a characteristic of


In the DSM-5, Asperger's syndrome would now be classified under which new category?

autism spectrum disorder

If a pregnant woman wishes to avoid having a child with fetal alcohol syndrome, what should she do?

avoid drinking alcohol, since no safe level of drinking while pregnant has been established

Object relations theorists and traditional psychoanalysts have extremely different views of

basic human motives

A person who believes that it is awful and catastrophic when when things are not the way he would like them to be is displaying a:

basic irrational assumption

Parents who feed their children when they are anxious and comfort them when they are tired rather than giving them a nap, run the risk of producing children who:

can't assess their own needs

Which has the lowest risks for drug dependency and long-term behavioral change?


Noreen has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is totally unresponsive to her environment. She does not move for hours on end and never responds to contact from others. This is an example of:

catatonic stupor

According to DSM-5, all of the excitement disorders have in common the diagnostic requirement that the

causes significant distress or impairment.

Old home movies taken of schizophrenics when they were children reveal

certain subtle oddities of movement in the children

When he was 5 years old, Samir was almost struck by lightning while walking through a forest during a rainstorm. Today, he is extremely afraid of trees. A behaviorist would say that he has acquired this fear by:

classical conditioning

the form of therapy that helps clients recognize errors in logic, and try out new interpretations of events is:


Someone who fasts or exercises strenuously following a binge is engaging in:

compensatory behaviors

Which is NOT a proposed cause of Alzheimer's?

concussion or other brain injury

The childhood disorder that has been related to later antisocial personality disorder is

conduct disorder

Abnormal levels of _____ have been related to anxiety as well as mood disorders.


Passive aggression refers to

creating harm by what you fail to do

At various times behavior disorders have been believed to be caused by

demons, unconscious conflict, diseases of the brain, and masturbation

Patients are more likely to recover from schizophrenia if they:

demonstrated good premorbid functioning

Which statement is MOST accurate about depersonalization disorder?

depersonalization disorder usually comes on suddenly and may be triggered by extreme fatigue, intense stress, or pain

The drug treatment that is MOST effective in treating panic disorders is like that used to treat:


When a person feels that the external world is removed, mechanical, distorted, or even dead, he or she is experiencing:


Alzheimer's is a brain _____ while stroke is a brain ______

disease; injury

"It's all right to have sex with children as long as they agree." This is an example of the _____ often experienced by pedophiles

distorted thinking

A recent book describes "pit bulls" and "cobras." These are two types of

domestic abusers

Cheri is 25, has an IQ of 60, and never did well at schoolwork. However, she now lives on her own, has a job, and is able to perform the routine chores of life. She would not be considered to have intellectual disability because:

her daily functioning is adequate

A person taking a polygraph test is suspected of lying when measures of physiological variables such as heart rate and perspiration are:

higher for test than control questions

People with severe mental illnesses are LESS likely to be ______ than they were 50 years ago.

hospitalized in mental institutions

The "moral treatment" movement rapidly declined in the late nineteenth century because

hospitals became underfunded and overcrowded

The model of abnormality that focuses on the role of values and choices in behavior is the:

humanistic-existential model

There is a rare case of a baby boy who lost his penis and was surgically transformed to be a female and was raised as a girl. This case strongly suggests that one's sense of gender identity is


Evidence that supports the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapies has come from:

individual case studies

According to Edwin Schneidman, people who commit suicide with clarity and commitment, yet who believe that they are simply facilitating a process that is already under way, are called death:


At least one expert has suggested that projective tests continue to be used because

most people find them interesting and fun

Steven tends to fall asleep at the drop of a hat: while watching television, eating, and even driving. He would most likely be diagnosed with:


Alzheimer's disease is conclusively diagnosed on the basis of

neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques evident at autopsy

Advantages of atypical antipsychotic drugs over conventional medications include:

newer medications produce fewer extrapyramidal effects

Research suggests that people continue to use tobacco despite its health risks because:

nicotine is so addictive

A person's levels of cortisol and norepinephrine are in the normal range. MOST likely, that person is experiencing:

no stress disorder

If stress continues for an extended period of time, _____ and _____ give an inhibitory message to lymphocytes.

norepinephrine; corticosteroids

The finding that syphilis causes general paresis is important because it supports the idea that

organic factors can cause mental illness

Potential medical problems associated with anorexia include

osteoporosis, kidney failure, and irregular heart beat

"That kid is pleasant enough, but will lie about practically anything, even things that don't seem to matter much." This behavior MOST closely fits which pattern of conduct disorder?


According to the cognitive-behavioral point of view, _____ involved a catastrophic misinterpretation of normal bodily sensations

panic disorder

Prominent delusions are always present in _____ schizophrenia.


The authors of DSM-5 have designed their own dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders for possible inclusion in future revisions of the DSM. The idea is that individuals whose traits significantly impair their functioning should receive a diagnosis of:

personality disorder - trait specified

Having frequent headaches, disturbances in sleep, and loss of appetite are ______ symptoms of depression.


Long term and chronic use of the muscles to suppress emotional expression may lead to

physical ailments

One cause of the increase in homeless individuals in recent decades has been the:

policy of deinstitutionalization

The combination of an inability to recall aspects of a situation and intrusive, distressful, unchosen recall of aspects of the same situation are characteristic of

post-traumatic stress disorder

Toward the end of the nineteenth century, Breuer, an early colleague of Freud, developed the idea of the "cathartic method" or "talking cure." This approach seems most relevant to the contemporary treatment of

post-traumatic stress disorder

A woman experiences recurrent thoughts of suicide, great sadness, and sleep disturbance. These symptoms began a week after she gave birth and have lasted more than six months. The woman is experiencing

postpartum depression

Some researchers note that the majority of those diagnosed with BPD are female and that many of these women experienced emotional trauma, victimization, violence, and various forms of abuse as children. As a result, these researchers view the disorder as a special form of

posttraumatic stress disorder

Wes has always been a loner. He has never much cared for being with other people and does not form relationships easily. He appears to be without emotion. Wes may be exhibiting:

schizoid personality disorder

A similarity among children with separation anxiety and those with school refusal is that they both fear going to school and often stay home. The difference in the symptoms of these diagnoses is that:

school refusal often involves fear of others at school, academic fears, and fears of objects at school

Arnold cannot enjoy sexual intercourse unless he is tied up by his partner and beaten. His behavior is typical of:

sexual masochism

Exposure and response prevention as a treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder:

shows improvement that often continues indefinitely

A New Jersey State Senate Panel began an investigation into conditions at Graystone Psychiatric hospital in Parsippany, NJ. After

six female patients claimed they were sexually molested while attendants slept

The _____ assigns numerical values to the stress that most people experience at some time in their lives.

social readjustment rating scale

A patient with a heart condition complains of adhesions from his postoperative scar, leg cramps, and joint stiffness. He seems to be hurting all over, but no medical reason can be found to explain the symptoms. The BEST diagnosis for this disorder is

somatic symptom disorder (predominant pain pattern)

In this pattern of somatic symptom disorder, the individual experiences a large and varied number of bodily symptoms.

somatization pattern

A woman's dyspareunia is MOST likely caused by:

some physical condition

Symptoms such as sadness, loss of appetite, and low energy cluster together to form a:


The study of post traumatic stress disorder was stimulated largely by affects produced by

the Vietnam war

Which situation is MOST likely to lead to hospitalization for an Alzheimer's patient?

the home caretaker being overwhelmed

The idea that phobias may be genetically based is consistent with the fact that

the most common phobias are exaggerations of adaptive behavior

Which brain areas have been implicated in the obsessive-compulsive symptoms?

the orbitofrontal cortex and the caudate nuclei

Two concepts that can create serious conflict for a psychologist are

the principle of confidentiality and the duty to protect

In the 1940s, a group of volunteers was put on a semistarvation diet for 6 months. During the latter part of the study:

the volunteers became preoccupied with food.

What are the two most influential cognitive explanations for unipolar depression?

theory of negative thinking and the theory of learned helplessness

Police are cautious in intervening in cases of domestic violence because

these are dangerous situations for the police officer

The goal is family therapy is:

to help the family better support the patient with schizophrenia

A frequent drug user finds that larger doses of a drug are necessary to produce the same "high" that much lower doses once produced. That drug user is developing:


In many areas in the 1500s, asylums such as Bethlehem Hospital in London became

tourist attractions

For people who suffer from panic disorder, hyperventilation, or breathing in carbon dioxide will

trigger an anxiety attack

A typical caller to an urban suicide prevention center is:

young, female, African American

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